15 September 2009 Irma Listiani

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15 September 2009 Irma Listiani

Last week we have learned that… God has done so many great things for us Important to lead a praise and worship

lifestyle So that we can build close relationship with God in our lives And be able to receive more from Him

During the last Wednesday Mass… Praying regularly in a day (morning,

afternoon, evening and midday prayers) How to do a simple prayer

Today… Since praise is a form of prayer which recognizes God as God(CCC#2639) Let’s look more deeply into Different types of prayer What happen after we pray Does God

answer our prayer?

What is prayer? A way to talk to God, as a friend talks with a


What is prayer? A way to strengthen and

deepen our relationship 

with our Creator

with our fellow human beings by praying for their needs as well as your own

Types of Prayer Personal Prayer Community Prayer

Types of Prayer 1. Personal Prayer HTHT with God (heart-to-heart-talk)



Philippians 4 : 6-7 6 Never worry about anything; but tell God all

your desires of every kind in prayer and petition shot through with gratitude, 7 and the peace of God which is beyond our

understanding will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

Mat 14:23 23

After He had sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone.

 Even Jesus set a personal time to talk

Types of Prayer 2. Community Prayer In Mass e.g. Prayers of the

Faithful In a Prayer Meeting Intercessory, Prayer and Healing Ministry – Ministering IPG

Mat 18:19-20 19Again, (amen,) I say to you, if two of you

agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father. 20For where two or three are gathered

together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Praying in Tongues Practiced in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Using unknown / different language Without using rational powers of memory or

intellect By ‘yielding’ to the action of the Spirit

Acts 2:4 4

They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak different languages as the Spirit gave them power to express themselves

1 Corinthians 14:2 2

Those who speak in a tongue speak to God, but not to other people, because nobody understands them; they are speaking in the Spirit and the meaning is hidden.

Does God really answer our prayer?

The moral of the story… We have our own plans/desires But only God knows what is ahead of us God has a greater plan God will not grant that petition if that is not

what’s best for us / if it may cause us danger

Does God really answer our prayer? Yes!!!  But do take note that His answer can be:

“thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on

earth as it is in heaven.” Only if according to His will, our petition will

be granted have faith 

Some tips Remember that God is

like our ‘24-hour-online friend’

Pray about anything,

anywhere and at anytime you want

Attend Mass and Prayer Meeting

can pray together as a community  Have faith in waiting for His answer Trust that He has a wonderful

plan for us

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