14 3 Performance Checklist- Medical Asepsis

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 599
  • Pages: 2

Basic Health Assessment and Clinical Skills Medical Asepsis and Hygiene PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST

Hand Washing (social handwashing)

Hand Washing (before aseptic technique)

* up to the wrists

* up to the elbows

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Procedure Turn on the tap (Use elbow to control!) Wash the hand thoroughly by holding them under the running water Hold the hands lower than the wrist so that the water flows from the arm to the fingertips Use the elbow to press for the soap Apply the soap to the hands Use firm, rubbing, and circular movements to wash the palm, back and wrist of each hand. Interlacing the fingers and thumbs, and move hands back and forth for 20 seconds follow 6- steps handwashing technique* Rinse the hands thoroughly from the wrist to finger tips.

• Turn off the water tap with elbow • Dry hands thoroughly with paper towels starting at fingertips and moving towards elbows • Discard the paper towel in the appropriate container

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Procedure Turn on the tap (Use elbow to control!) Wash the hand thoroughly by holding them under the running water Hold the hands lower than the elbow so that the water flows from the arm to the fingertips Use the elbow to press for the soap Apply the soap to the hands Use firm, rubbing, and circular movements to wash the palm, back and wrist of each hand. Interlacing the fingers and thumbs, and move hands back and down to the elbows follow 6- steps handwashing technique* Rinse the hands with fingertips pointing upwards. Water should flow down toward elbows. Turn off the water tap with elbow Dry hands thoroughly with paper towels starting at fingertips and moving towards elbows Discard the paper towel in the appropriate container

6- steps handwashing technique 1. 2. 3. 4.

Palm to palm right palm over left dorsum & left palm over right dorsum Backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlocked rotational rubbing, backwards & forwards with clasped fingers of right hand in left palm & vice versa 5. Rotational rubbing of right thumb clasped in left palm & vice versa 6. Rotational rubbing of right wrist & vice versa


Basic Health Assessment and Clinical Skills Medical Asepsis and Hygiene PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST

Donning and Removing Personal Protective Equipment Procedure Yes No Comments • Wash the hands* • Remove surgical mask • Proper hand hygiene • Don the face mask (N95) • Don the cap • Don the eye shield • Don a clean gown • Don clean disposable gloves Removing PPE • Remove the gloves • Remove the first glove – touch only glove to glove • First glove completely off by inverting • Bare hand inside the second glove and remove it by rolling inside out • Dispose properly • Proper hand hygiene* \ • Remove the gown • Folding inside out • Grasp the gown along the inside of the neck and pull down over shoulders • Roll up the gown with the soiled part inside • Discard appropriately If the gown is soiled • Proper hand hygiene (optional) • Remove the eye shields If the eye shields is soiled • Proper hand hygiene (optional) • Remove the cap • Proper hand hygiene* • Remove the mask • Lift the bottom elastic over your head first • Then lift off the top elastic • Avoid touching the mask surface • Avoid moving the mask over your head • Discard • Proper hand hygiene* • Don the new surgical mask

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