1371 Ckespf? 0gqdkvqef; 14 &uf? We*faegaeh?

  • May 2020
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123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 aejynfawmf Zlvdkif 5 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 2009 ck E p S f Zl v i k d f 5&uf w i G f us a &muf a om Aif e Z D v G J m; bd v k A D m&D , ef o r®wEdik if \ H ESpyf wfvnf vGwv f yfa&;aeYü 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 jynf a xmif p k j ref r mEd k i f i H a wmf Ed k i f i H a wmf at;csrf ; om,ma&;ES i f h zH G U jzd K ;a&;aumif p D O uú | Ad k v f c sKyf r S L ;BuD ; oef ;a&TxHrS 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 Aif e D Z J G v m; bd k v D A m&D , ef o r® w Ed k i f i H or® w rpö w m [l * d k & S m Auf Z f z a&;,yf p f x H o d k Y 0rf ; ajrmuf a Mumif ; o0Pf v Tmay;ydkY 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 onf/ (owif;pOf) (6090) 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212

EkdifiHawmftBuD;tuJ AkdvfcsKyfrSL;BuD;oef;a&T

AifeDZGJvm; bkdvDAm&D,efor®wEkdifiH or®wxH o0PfvTmay;ykdh

1371 ckESpf? 0gqdkvqef; 14 &uf? we*FaEGaeh?


2010 jynfUESpfwGif w&m;rQwonfU a&G;aumufyGJudk usif;yay;oGm;rnf

vdktyfonfh Oya'? enf;Oya' vkyfxkH;vkyfenf;rsm; tcsdefrDNyD;&ef aqmif&Gufae ygwDrsm;zGJUpnf;í a&G;aumufyGJusif;ya&;twGuf Oya'rsm; tcsdefrDxkwfjyefoGm;rnf a&G;aumufyGJjyKvkyfonfUtcg vlwkdif;yg0ifEkdifatmif aqmif&Gufxm; aejynfawmf Zlvdkif 4 EdkifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zGHUNzdK;a&;aumifpDOuú| AdkvfcsKyfrSL;BuD;oef;a&Tonf jrefrmEdkifiHü a&muf&Sdaeaom ukvor*¾twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwm befuDrGef;ESifh tzGJUtm; aejynfawmf&Sd bk&ifhaemif&dyfomwGif ,refaeY rGef;vGJ 2 em&DrS nae 3 em&D rdepf 50 txd wpfBudrfESifh ,aeY eHeuf 9 em&DcGJrS 10 em&Dtxd wpfBudrf pkpkaygif; ESpfBudrf vufcH awGUqkH aqG;aEG;cJhonf/ awGUqkHaqG;aEG; xdkodkY awGUqkHaqG;aEG;&mwGif EdkifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zGHUNzdK;a&;aumifpDOuú| Adv k cf sKyrf LS ;Bu;D oef;a&TEiS t hf wl Edik if aH wmf at;csr;f om,ma&;ESihf zGUH NzKd ;a&;aumifpD 'kw, d Ouú| 'kwd,AdkvfcsKyfrSL;BuD;armifat;? EdkifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zGHUNzdK;a&;aumifpD0if Adv k cf sKyBf u;D ol&a&Tref;? Edik if aH wmf 0efBu;D csKyf Adv k cf sKyBf u;D ode;f pde?f Edik if aH wmf at;csr;f om,ma&; ESihf zGUH NzKd ;a&;aumifpD twGi;f a&;rSL;(1) Adv k cf sKyBf u;D oD[ol&wifatmifjrifOh ;D ? Edik if jH cm;a&;0efBu;D Xme 0efBuD; OD;ÓPf0if;? ukvor*¾qdkif&m jrefrmEdkifiH tjrJwrf;udk,fpm;vS,f oHtrwfBuD; OD;oef;aqG? Edik if aH wmf at;csr;f om,ma&;ESihf zGUH NzKd ;a&;aumifp½D ;Hk nTeMf um;a&;rSL;csKyf Adv k rf LS ;Bu;D ausmfausmf0if;ESifh oHwrefa&;&mOD;pD;Xme nTefMum;a&;rSL;csKyf OD;ausmfausmfwdkU wufa&muf cJhMuonf/ rpöwmbefurD eG ;f ESit hf wl H.E. Mr. B.Lynn Pascoe (Senior Advisor)? H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Gambari (Senior Advisor)? H.E. Mr. Kim Won-soo (Senior Advisor)? H.E. Ms. Catherine pmrsufESm 3 aumfvH 1 okdY ! Bragg(Senior Advisor) ESifh Edik if aH wmfat;csr;f om,m a&;ESifh zGHUNzdK;a&;aumifpD Ouú| AdkvfcsKyfrSL;BuD; oef;a&T ukvor*¾ twGi;f a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwmbefuD rGef;tm; aejynfawmf&Sd bk&ihaf emif&yd o f mü 'kw, d tBudrf vma&mufawGUqHk &mwGif &if;&if;ESD;ESD; EIwfqufpOf/ (owif;pOf) Edik if aH wmfat;csr;f om,m a&;ESifh zGHUNzdK;a&;aumifpD Ouú| Adv k cf sKyrf LS ;Bu;D oef;a&T ukvor*¾ twGi;f a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwm befuD rGef;ESifh tzGJUtm; aejynf awmf&Sd bk&ifhaemif&dyfom ü 'kwd,tBudrf vufcH awGUqkHpOf/ (owif;pOf)


aMu;rHkowif;pm pmrsufESm 3

ukvor*¾taejzifh EkdifiH BuD;?i,f rcGJjcm;bJ rQwpGmaqmif&Gufay;rnf[k arQmfvifh a&G;aumufyGJ atmifjrifpGmusif;yEkdifa&;twGuf vkdtyfonfrsm;ukd tav;xm;íaqmif&Gufae ay:aygufvmrnfh aemiftpkd;&vufxuftwGuf tajccHaumif;rsm;ukd wnfaqmufay;vsuf&Sd usefyk*¾vdu wpfOD;csif;udpö&yfrsm;ukd avmavmq,f tav;xm;aqmif&GufEkdifjcif;r&Sd a&SUzkH;rS ukvor*¾Xmaeud, k pf m;vS,f Mr. Bishow B-Parajuli wdUk wufa&mufcMhJ u onf/ xdo k aYkd qG;aEG;&mwGif Adv k cf sKyrf LS ;Bu;D oef;a&Tu ukvor*¾twGi;f a&;rSL;csKyf taejzifh ,ckuJhodkU jrefrmEdkifiHudk 'kwd,tBudrfvma&mufjcif;ESifh ywfoufí rdrdtaejzifh 0rf;ajrmuf0rf;omBudKqdkygaMumif;? jrefrmEdkifiHonf ukvor*¾ tzGJU0if EdkifiHwpfEdkifiHtaejzifh ukvor*¾ESifh yl;aygif;aqmif&Guf&mwGif taumif;qkH;jzpf&ef yl;aygif;aqmif&Gufvsuf&SdygaMumif; ajymMum;onf/ 0rf;ajrmufaus;Zl;wif rpöwmbefuDrGef;u jyefvnfajymMum;&mwGif rdrdtaejzifh jrefrmEdkifiHodkU 'kwd,tBudrf vma&muf&ojzifh rsm;pGm0rf;ajrmufaus;Zl;wif&SdygaMumif;? rdrd taejzifh jrefrmEdkifiHodkU rvma&mufrD ukvor*¾tzGJU0ifEdkifiHrsm;? vkHjcHKa&; aumifpt D jrw J rf;tzGUJ 0if(5)Edik if ?H *syefEikd if ?H tmqD,EH ikd if rH sm;wdUk ESihf us,u f s,f jyefUjyefU aqG;aEG;cJyh gaMumif;? ,if;Edik if t H m;vk;H u rdrjd refrmEdik if o H Ukd oGm;a&muf jcif;udk axmufcHMuNyD; jrefrmEdkifiH\ 'Drdkua&pD ul;ajymif;a&;vkyfief;pOfESifh csrw S x f m;onfh Edik if aH wmf a&SUqufomG ;rnfh rl0g'vrf;pOf(7)&yfwUkd udk taumif txnfazmf aqmif&Guf&mwGif wdk;wufrI&&SdapvdkMuygaMumif;? ,refESpfu rdrd taejzifh em*pfrkefwdkif;'PfcH&aoma'owGif; jyefvnfxlaxmifa&;twGuf vlom;csif;pmemaxmufxm;rI udpö&yfrsm;ESifhywfoufí vma&mufcJhNyD; vkdtyf onfrsm;aqG;aEG;n§dEIdif;cJhygaMumif;? ,ckwpfacgufjrefrmEkdifiHokdY a&muf&Sdonfh tcg &efukeftjynfjynfqkdif&mavqdyfrS &efukefNrKdUwGif;okdY armfawmf,mOf jzifhoGm;a&mufpOf rkefwkdif;aMumifh ysufpD;cJhaom taqmufttHkrsm; jyefvnf wnfaqmufNyD;pD;onfukd awGUjrif&ojzifh 0rf;ajrmufrdygaMumif;? reufjzefwGif rkew f idk ;f 'Pfc&H aom jrpf0uRe;f ay:a'orsm;okYd oGm;a&mufMunf½h o I nft h cgwGif vnf; jrefrmEkdifiHtaejzifh aqmif&Gufxm;rIrsm;ESifh ukvor*¾ESifh EkdifiHwum tokduft0ef;taejzifh rnfokdYqufvufulnDaqmif&Gufay;&rnfukd od&SdEkdif rnfjzpfygaMumif;? jrefrmEkdifiHokdY vlom;csif;pmemaxmufxm;rI tultnDay; &mwGif okH;yGifhqkdifA[kdtzGJU\ aqmif&GufrIrsm;ukd atmifjrifaom pHerlemwpfck tjzpf todtrSwfjyK0rf;ajrmufygaMumif;? qufvufívnf; vlom;csif;pmem axmufxm;rItultnDrsm; EkdifiHwumrSaqmif&Gufay;&mwGif vkdtyfonfrsm; ukd ulnDaqmif&Gufay;rnfjzpfygaMumif;/ xkdYaemuf EkdifiHa&;udpö&yfrsm;ESifhywfoufí aqG;aEG;vkdygaMumif;? jrefrmEkdifiHtaejzifh aqmif&Gufvsuf&Sdaom EkdifiHawmfa&SUqufoGm;rnfh rl0g' vrf;pOf(7)&yfukd rdrdwkdYuaxmufcHygaMumif;? ,cktcg yOörtqifhukd pwif taumiftxnfazmfaeNyjD zpfonfudk awGU&ygaMumif;? ,refEpS u f Akv d cf sKyrf LS ;Bu;D ESiahf wGUqkpH Of Akv d cf sKyrf LS ;Bu;D u tem*wfrsK;d quftwGuf tarGtESpt f jzpf pnf;vk;H nDnw G í f Nird ;f csr;f om,m0ajymaom 'Dru dk a&pDEidk if H wnfaqmufcsex f m;cJv h dk onf[k ajymMum;cJah Mumif;? ,if;onf taqGawmf\ aumif;rGeaf om arQmrf eS ;f csujf zpfygaMumif;? rdrt d aejzifv h nf; Ekid if aH &;ygwDrsm;? Ekid if aH wmfEiS Nhf ird ;f csr;f a&; &,lxm;onfh vufeufuidk t f zGUJ tpnf;rsm;ESihf awGUqko H nft h cg ¤if;wkt Yd aejzifh EkdifiHwnfaqmufonfhvkyfief;pOfwGif taqGawmf\ acgif;aqmifrIjzifh tjyKoabmaqmifonfh rdwzf ufrsm;tjzpf yg0ifMu&efEiS hf a&G;aumufyw JG iG v f nf; tjyKoabmaqmifyg0ifMu&ef ajymqkdrnfjzpfygaMumif;/ orkdif;0ifjzpf vmrnfhESpfwGif usif;yrnfh a&G;aumufyGJonf orkdif;0ifjzpfNyD; txl; ta&;Bu;D aom udpjö zpfygaMumif;? Ekid if w H umtoku d t f 0ef;wGif ,if;a&G;aumufyJG ukd 'Dru dk a&pDenf;usonfh a&G;aumufyt JG jzpf jrifawGUvkMd uygaMumif;? w&m;rQw í yGifhvif;nifomrI&SdNyD; ,kHMunfav;pm;rIcH&um tm;vkH;yg0ifrI&Sdrnf[k rdrd ,kHMunfygaMumif;? vkdtyfygu ukvor*¾taejzifh a&G;aumufyGJtwGuf tultnDay;vkdygaMumif;? jrefrmEkdifiH\ 'Drkdua&pDtoGiful;ajymif;a&;jzpfpOf wGif yg0ifoifo h nfh Ekid if aH &;orm;rsm;tm;vk;H yg0ifciG &hf &Sad tmif aqmif&u G af y; apvkdygaMumif;? jrefrmEkdifiHtaejzifh pD;yGm;a&;uefYowfydwfqkdYrIrsm;aMumifh epfemaeonfukd od&SdygaMumif;? rdrdtaejzifhvnf; tqkdygudpöESifhywfoufí taemufEkdifiHacgif;aqmifrsm;ESifh awGUqkHonfhtcg aqG;aEG;rnfjzpfygaMumif;?

rdrcd &D;pOftwGi;f a':atmifqef;pkMunfEiS hf awGUqkcH iG hf jyKapvkyd gaMumif;? a':atmifqef;pkMunftaejzifh vuf&SdtrI&ifqkdifae&onfukd em;vnfod&Sdyg aMumif; ajymMum;onf/ yl;aygif;aqmif&Guf AdkvfcsKyfrSL;BuD; oef;a&Tu twGif;a&;rSL;csKyftaejzifh ukvor*¾\ aqmif&u G cf surf sm;ESihf ywfoufí tus,w f 0if&h iS ;f jyonft h wGuf rsm;pGmaus;Zl; wif&SdygaMumif;? ukvor*¾tzGJU0ifEdkifiHjzpfonfh jrefrmEdkifiHtaejzifh ukvor*¾EiS hf taumif;qk;H yl;aygif;aqmif&u G v f su&f ydS gaMumif;? twGi;f a&;rSL;csKyf jrefrmEdik if o H Ykd rvma&mufrD ta&;Bu;D aom tjcm;Edik if aH cgif;aqmifrsm;ESihf awGUqkH cJjh cif;udk jrefrmEdik if u H rsm;pGmtav;xm;ygaMumif;? twGi;f a&;rSL;csKyaf jymcJo h nfh em*pfrek w f ikd ;f 'Pfc&H aom a'orsm;wGif ukvor*¾uyl;aygif;ulnrD rI sm;twGuf rsm;pGmaus;Zl;wif&ydS gaMumif;? em*pfrek w f ikd ;f uJo h Ykd jzpf&yfrsK;d jrefrmEdik if \ H ordik ;f aMumif;wGif rawGUBuKHcJhzl;ygaMumif;? þrQavmuf qkH;½IH;rIrsKd;vnf;r&SdcJhzl;yg aMumif;? odkY&mwGifrdrdwdkYtaejzifh EdkifiHawmftpdk;&? jynfolESifh wyfrawmf tm;vkH;yl;aygif;aqmif&GufcJhMuNyD; EdkifiHwum\ yHhydk;aqmif&GufrIrsm;yg &&Sd aqmif&u G cf MhJ uojzifh xdxad &mufa&mufEiS hf ykrH eS t f aetxm;eD;yg; tjrefq;Hk a&muf&adS tmif aqmif&u G Ef ikd cf yhJ gaMumif;? tqdyk ga'o&Sd t"du pD;yGm;a&;vkyif ef; rsm;jzpfonfh v,f,mvkyif ef;? om;ig;vkyif ef;? qm;xkwv f yk rf v I yk if ef;wdt Yk wGuf rlvykHrSef taetxm;a&mufatmif aqmif&Gufay;NyD;jzpfygaMumif;? tvm;wl jzpfpOfrsdK; jzpfygu tumtuG,f&&Sda&;? tjrefqkH;a&TUajymif;Edkifa&;rsm;twGuf vnf; vrf;opf rdik f 300ausmf azmufvyk v f su&f &dS m ajrom;vrf;tqifh azmuf vkyfNyD;jzpfaMumif;? a&&SnfwGiftrmcHvrf;jzpfatmif azmufvkyfoGm;rnf jzpfaMumif;?a'ocH td;k rJt h rd rf v hJ x l rk sm;twGuf oifw h ifah om tNrw J rf;aetdrrf sm;? cdv k &HI eftwGuf Cylone Shelter rsm;? a&vTr;f rd;k rIrS umuG,&f eftwGuf wmrsm; aqmif&u G v f su&f ydS gaMumif;? taqGawmf reufjzef&moDOwktajctaeay;í oGm;a&mufMunf½h v I Qif awGU&Srd nfjzpfygaMumif;? aqmif&u G rf I tajctaersm;udk vnf; okH;yGifhqdkifA[dktzGJUrS &Sif;vif;jy&ef pDpOfxm;ygaMumif;/ tcsdefrDNyD;pD;&ef aqmif&Guf qufvufí Edik if aH wmfa&SUqufomG ;rnfh vkyif ef;rsm;ESihf ywfoufí &Si;f jy vdyk gaMumif;? rdrw d t Ykd aejzifh 2010 jynfEh pS w f iG f w&m;rQwonfh a&G;aumufyu JG kd usif;yay;oGm;rnfjzpfaMumif;? vdktyfonfh Oya'? enf;Oya'? vkyfxkH;vkyfenf; rsm; a&;qGaJ eaMumif;? tcsed rf ND y;D pD;&ef aqmif&u G af eaMumif;? Ny;D pD;onfEiS hf ygwD rsm;zGJUpnf;í a&G;aumufyGJusif;ya&;twGuf Oya'rsm; tcsdefrDxkwfjyefoGm; rnfjzpfaMumif;? a&G;aumufyjJG yKvyk o f nft h cg vlwikd ;f yg0ifEikd af tmif aqmif&u G f xm;ygaMumif;? Oya'udrk QrQwwjzpfatmif a&;qGv J suf &Syd gaMumif;? ygwDrsm; zGJUpnf;a&;ESifh ygwDrsm;0ifa&muf,SOfNydKifEdkifa&;twGuf vkyfay;oGm;rnfjzpfyg aMumif;? wdik ;f &if;om;pnf;vk;H nDnw G af &;onf ta&;Bu;D onf[k rdrw d Ykd cH,x l m; ygaMumif;? odkYjzpfí vGwfvyfa&;&&SdonfhumvrSpí ay:aygufvmcJhaom aomif;usef;olrsm;udk rdrdwdkYvufxufwGif ,kHMunfrIwnfaqmufpnf;½kH;NyD; Edik if aH wmftpd;k &ESihf vufwaJG qmif&u G o f nft h qifo h aYkd &muf&adS eNyD jzpfaMumif;? vufuseaf omif;use;f oltzGUJ tpnf;tcsKUd &Sad omfvnf; trsm;pkjzpfaom tiftm; Bu;D tzGUJ 17zGUJ ESihf tzGUJ i,frsm;onf rdrw d EYkd iS hf Nird ;f csr;f a&;&,lNy;D a'ozHUG NzKd ;a&;rsm; aqmif&u G v f su&f ydS gaMumif;? a':atmifqef;pkMunfEiS yhf wfoufítwGi;f a&;rSL;csKyf tm; a':atmifqef;pkMunfESifh awGUay;vdkaomfvnf; olronf tar&duef EdkifiHom; Mr. John William Yettaw ESifhtwl w&m;½Hk;wGif trI&ifqdkifae& oljzpfygaMumif;? trI&ifqikd af e&onft h csed jf zpfojzifh awGUqHak y;Edik cf iG rhf &So d nfukfd em;vnfay;apvdkygaMumif; ajymMum;onf/ rpöwmbefurD eG ;f u jyefvnfajymMum;&mwGif rdrad qG;aEG;cJah om udp&ö yfrsm; ESiyhf wfoufí Adv k cf sKyrf LS ;Bu;D rS jyefvnf&iS ;f vif;ajymMum;onft h wGuf rsm;pGm aus;Zl;wif&ydS gaMumif;? reufjzefreufrjyefrD Adv k cf sKyrf LS ;Bu;D tm; aemufwpfBurd f vma&muf EIwfqufvdkygaMumif; ajymMum;NyD; awGUqHkaqG;aEG;yGJudk nae 3em&D rdepf 50wGif ½kyfodrf;vdkufonf/

em*pfrek w f ikd ;f uJo U hkd jzpf&yfrsK;d jrefrmEdik if \ H ordik ;f aMumif;wGif rawGY BuKcH zUJ ;l / od&hk mwGif rdrw d t hkd aejzifU Edik if aH wmftpd;k &? jynfoEl iS Uf wyfrawmf tm;vk;H yl;aygi;f aqmif&u G cf MUJ uNy;D Edik if w H um\ yHyU ;kd aqmif&u G rf rI sm;yg &&Sad qmif&u G cf MUJ uojzifU xdxad &mufa&mufEiS Uf ykHrSeftaetxm;eD;yg; tjrefqkH; a&muf&Sdatmif aqmif&GufEdkifcJU/

Zlvdkif 4&uf eHeuf 9em&DcGJwGif AdkvfcsKyfrSL;BuD;oef;a&Tonf ukvor*¾ twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwmbefuDrGef;rS 'kwd,tBudrf vma&mufawGUqHkjcif;udk vufcHawGUqHkcJhonf/ wufa&muf xdkodkY awGUqHk&mwGif EdkifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zGHUNzdK;a&;aumifpD Ouú| AdkvfcsKyfrSL;BuD;oef;a&TESifhtwl EdkifiHawmfat;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zGHUNzdK;a&; aumifp'D w k , d Ouú| 'kw, d Adv k cf sKyrf LS ;Bu;D armifat;? Edik if aH wmfat;csr;f om,m a&;ESihf zGUH NzKd ;a&;aumifp0D if Adv k cf sKyBf u;D ol&a&Tref;? Edik if aH wmf0efBu;D csKyf Adv k cf sKyf Bu;D ode;f pde?f Edik if aH wmfat;csr;f om,ma&;ESihf zGUH NzKd ;a&;aumifpD twGi;f a&;rSL;(1) Adv k cf sKyBf u;D oD[ol&wifatmifjrifOh ;D ? Edik if jH cm;a&;0efBu;D Xme 0efBu;D OD;ÓPf0if; wdkYwufa&mufMuNyD; ukvor*¾twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwm befuDrGef;ESifh twl Senior Advisor H.E. Mr. B.Lynn Pascoe ESifh Senior Advisor H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Gambari wdkY wufa&mufMuonf/ xdo k Ukd awGUqH&k mwGif rpöwmbefurD eG ;f u ,refaeYu jrefrmEdik if H 0efBu;D csKyf ESifh awGUqHkí jrefrm-ukvor*¾ yl;aygif;aqmif&GufrIrsm;udk aqG;aEG;EdkifcJhyg aMumif;? jrefrmEdik if \ H Edik if aH &;ygwDtzGUJ 10zGUJ ESiv hf nf; awGUqHck yhJ gaMumif;? tpd;k & ESihf Nird ;f csr;f a&;&,lxm;aomtzGUJ ckepfzUJG ESiv hf nf;awGUqHck yhJ gaMumif;? ¤if;wdEYk iS hf awGUqH&k mwGif a&G;aumufyEJG iS hf trsK;d om;jyefvnfaygif;pnf;nDnw G af &;vkyif ef; rsm;wGif tjyKoabmaqmifaom tcef;u@rSyg0ifzdkY wdkufwGef;cJhygaMumif;? ,aeYeeH ufwiG f rdrEd iS hf ygvmaom tMuaH y;yk*K¾d vrf sm;ESiahf wGUqHí k jrefrmEdik if H tay: EdkifiHwumrS w&m;0iftultnDay;aeonfh vkyfief;rsm;ESSifhywfoufí aqG;aEG; cJyh gaMumif;? jrefrmEdik if t H ay: Edik if w H umulnrD rI sm;rSm tjcm;Edik if rH sm; ESifhpmvQif tvGefenf;onfudk awGU&aMumif;? rdrdtaejzifh ulnDvdkygaMumif;? a&G;aumufyEJG iS hf ywfoufívnf; vdt k yfaom Oya'rsm;? aumfr&Sirf sm;udk tcsed f umvowfrSwfa&;rSm ta&;BuD;ygaMumif;? rdrdtm; a':atmifqef;pkMunfESifh awGUqHkaqG;aEG;cGifhjyKay;a&; pOf;pm;ay;apvdkaMumif; ajymMum;onf/ OD;pm;ay;aqmif&Guf Akv d cf sKyrf LS ;Bu;D oef;a&Tu ,ckuo hJ Ydk ukvor*¾twGi;f a&;rSL;csKyu f aqG;aEG; ajymMum;jcif;ESifh ywfoufí aus;Zl;wif&SdygaMumif;? ukvor*¾taejzifh EkdifiH Bu;D ? i,frcGjJ cm;bJ rQwpGmaqmif&u G af y;rnf[k arQmv f ifyh gaMumif;? rdrw d t Ydk aejzifh t"duESpcf suu f dk OD;pm;ay;aqmif&u G af eygaMumif;? yxrtcsurf mS 2010jynfEh pS f wGif jyKvyk rf nfah &G;aumufyJG atmifjrifpmG usi;f yEkid af &;twGuf vkt d yfonfrsm;ukd tav;xm;íaqmif&u G af eygaMumif;? 'kw, d tcsut f aejzifh tqkyd ga&G;aumuf yGrJ S ay:aygufvmrnfh aemiftpk;d &vufxuftwGuf tajccHaumif;rsm;ukd wnfaqmufay;vsuf&SdygaMumif;? rdrdwkdYtaejzifh txufygtcsufESpfcsufESifh ywfoufonfrsm;rS vGí J useyf *k v ¾ u d wpfO;D csi;f udp&ö yfrsm;ukd avmavmq,f tav;xm;aqmif&GufEkdifjcif;r&SdygaMumif;? twGif;a&;rSL;csKyfwifjyonfh a':atmifqef;pkMunfEiS hf awGUqkaH &;ESihf ywfoufí ,refaeYuvnf; &Si;f vif; ajymMum;Ny;D jzpfygaMumif;? twGi;f a&;rSL;csKyt f m; a':atmifqef;pkMunfEiS fh awGUay;vkad omfvnf; olronf tar&duefEidk if o H m; Mr.John William Yettaw ESifhtwl w&m;½kH;wGif trI&ifqkdifae&oljzpfygaMumif;? vGwfvyfrQwpGm aqmif&u G af eaom w&m;pD&ifrw I iG f rdrw d t Ydk aejzifh twGi;f a&;rSL;csKyEf iS hf a':atmifqef;pkMunfwkdY awGUqkHay;EkdifcGifhr&SdygaMumif;? xkdokdY ajymqkd&jcif;ukd vnf; em;vnfay;apvkdaMumif; ajymMum;NyD; aqG;aEG;yGJukd eHeuf 10 em&DwGif ½kyfodrf;cJhonf/ BudKwifnd§EIdif;cJh ukvor*¾twGi;f a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwm befurD eG ;f \ jrefrmEkid if cH &D;pOftwGuf BudKwifnd§EIdif;&ef ukvor*¾ twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf\ txl;tMuHay;yk*¾dKvf rpöwm tDb&m[if*rfbm&Donf jrefrmEkid if o H Ydk ZGef 26&ufwiG f a&muf&cdS NhJ y;D jrefrmEkid if H Ekid if jH cm;a&;0efBu;D Xme 0efBu;D OD;ÓPf0if;ESihf awGUqkí H ukvor*¾twGi;f a&; rSL;csKyf\ c&D;pOfESifhywfoufonfh tao;pdwftpDtpOftm; nd§dEIdif;cJhygonf/ xko d aYdk qG;aEG;&mwGif ESpzf ufnE§d idI ;f í ukvor*¾twGi;f a&;rSL;csKyEf iS hf Ekid if aH wmf at;csr;f om,ma&;ESihf zGUH NzKd ;a&;aumifpD Ouú| Akv d cf sKyrf LS ;Bu;D oef;a&TwYdk awGUqkH Ekdifa&;? EkdifiHawmf0efBuD;csKyfESifh awGUqkHí EkdifiHawmf0efBuD;csKyfrS *kPfjyKnpm pm;yGEJ iS hf {nfch EH idk &f ef? em*pfrek w f idk ;f ESiyhf wfoufí ok;H yGiq hf idk Af [kt d zGUJ ESihf awGUqkí H &Sif;vif;aqG;aEG;yGJukd wufa&mufEkdifa&;? xkdokdYwufa&mufpOf jynfwGif;jynfy NGO tzGUJ tpnf;rsm;? ukvor*¾tzGUJ tpnf;rsm;rS yk*Kd¾ vr f sm;? tvSL&Sirf sm;tm; awGUqkEH idk &f ef? jynfwiG ;f w&m;0ifEidk if aH &;ygwDrsm;ESihf awGUqkaH qG;aEG;Ekid &f ef? Ekid if aH wmftpk;d &ESihf Nird ;f csr;f a&;&,lxm;aom tzGUJ rsm;ESihf awGUqkaH qG;aEG;Ekid &f ef? ukvor*¾tzGJUtpnf;rsm;rS yk*¾dKvfrsm;ESifh jrefrmEkdifiH&Sd oHwrefrsm;tm; awGUqkH aqG;aEG;Ekid &f ef pDpOfaqmif&u G af y;rnfjzpfNy;D twGi;f a&;rSL;csKyEf iS hf tzGUJ 0ifrsm; twGuf vkt d yfaom tkycf sKyrf u I pd rö sm; aqmif&u G af y;rnfjzpfaMumif; ndE§ idI ;f cJNh y;D a':atmifqef;pkMunfEiS hf awGUqkcH iG ahf wmif;cHcsut f ay: a':atmifqef;pkMunf taejzifh w&m;½kH;wGif trI&ifqkdifae&oljzpfojzifh twGif;a&;rSL;csKyfESifh a':atmifqef;pkMunfwt Ydk m; awGUqkaH y;Ekid cf iG hf rjyKEidk yf gaMumif; BuKd wifnE§d idI ;f cJh onf[k owif;&&Sdonf/ (owif;pOf)


aMu;rH k o wif ; pm pmrsuf E S m 20

EdkifiHawmf0efBuD;csKyf AdkvfcsKyfBuD;odef;pdef ukvor*¾twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwm befuDrGef;ESit Uf zGY J tm; npmjzifU wnfcif;{nfcU H




jynfaxmifpk jrefrmEdkifiHawmf - EdkifiHawmf0efBuD;csKyf AdkvfcsKyfBuD;odef;pdefonf ukvor*¾twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwm befuDrGef;ESifhtzGJUtm; ,refaeY nydkif;wGif aejynfawmf [dkw,fZkef&Sd jrwfawmf0if[dkw,fü npmjzifh wnfcif; {nfhcHonf/ wufa&muf tqdkyg npmpm;yGJodkY trsKd;om;pDrHudef;ESifh pD;yGm;a&; zGHUNzdK;wdk;wufrI0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;pdk;om? EdkifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD; Xme 0efBuD; OD;ÓPf0if;? tvkyform;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;atmifMunf? ,Ofaus;rI0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; AdkvfcsKyf cifatmifjrifh? [dkw,fESifh c&D;oGm;vma&;vkyfief;0efBuD;Xme 'kwd,0efBuD; AdkvfrSL;csKyfat;jrifhMuLESifh Xmeqdkif&mtBuD; tuJrsm; wufa&mufMuonf/ (owif;pOf) 123456789012345678901234567890121 123456789012345678901234567890121 123456789012345678901234567890121 123456789012345678901234567890121 123456789012345678901234567890121 123456789012345678901234567890121 123456789012345678901234567890121 123456789012345678901234567890121 123456789012345678901234567890121 123456789012345678901234567890121 123456789012345678901234567890121


EkdifiHawmf0efBuD;csKyf AkdvfcsKyfBuD;odef;pdef ukvor*¾ twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwmbefuDrGef; ESifh tzGJU0ifrsm;tm; aejynfawmf [kdw,fZkef&Sd jrwfawmf0if[kdw,fü npm jzifh wnfcif;{nfhcHpOf/ (owif;pOf)

jrefrmEdkifiHwGif ydkrdkwdk;wufaumif;rGefatmif vkyfaqmifaeonfudk awGY jrif& 2010 jynfh ESpf a&G;aumufyo JG nf Edik if aH wmf\ taumif;qH;k tpDtpOfjzpfonfukd ,HMk unf ukvor*¾ twGi;f a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwm befurD eG ;f w&m;0ifrw S yf w Hk ifxm;onfU Edik if aH &;ygwDrsm;ESiUf Oya'abmiftwGi;f 0ifa&mufcNUJ yD;onfh Nidr;f csrf;a&;tzGaYJ cgif;aqmifrsm;tm; awGq Y aHk qG;aEG; aejynfawmf



aejynfawmfwGif a&muf&Sdaeaom ukvor*¾twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwm befuDrGef;onf w&m;0ifrSwfyHkwifxm;onfh EkdifiHa&;ygwDrsm;jzpfaom trsKd;om;'Drkdua&pDtzGJUcsKyf? wdkif;&if;om; pnf;vHk;nDñGwfa&;ygwD? jynfaxmifpku&iftrsdK;om;rsm;tzGJUcsKyf? &Srf;wkdif;&if;om;rsm; 'Drkdua&pDtzGJUcsKyf? NrdK(ac:)crd trsKd;om;nDñGwfa&;tzGJU? ]0}trsKd;om;zGHUNzdK;wkd;wufa&; ygwD? ukd;uefY 'Drkdua&pDESifh nDñGwfa&;ygwD? &Srf;jynf ukd;uefY'Drkdu&ufwpfygwD? jynfaxmifpk ytdk;0ftrsKd;om;tzGJUcsKyf? vm;[l trsKd;om; zGHUNzdK;wkd;wufa&;ygwDwkdYrS acgif;aqmifrsm;? ukd,fpm;vS,frsm;ESihf ,refaeY nae 5 em&DcefYwGif aejynfawmf[kdw,fZkef&Sd jrwfawmf0if [kdw,fcef;rü awGUqHkaqG;aEG;cJhonf/ xkdokdY awGUqHkaqG;aEG;&mwGif rpöwm befuDrGef;u jrefrmEkdifiHwGif ykdrkdwkd;wufaumif; rGefatmif vkyfaqmifaeonfukd awGUjrif&aMumif;? 2010 jynfhESpfusif;yrnfh a&G;aumufyGJ onf trsm;u vufcH,HkMunfrI&Sdrnfh a&G;aumufyGJjzpfa&;udk AkdvfcsKyfrSL;BuD;oef;a&TESihf awGUqHpk Of awmif;qkcd ahJ Mumif;? Adv k cf sKyrf LS ;Bu;D oef;a&Tuvnf; 2010 jynfEh pS f a&G;aumufyo JG nf w&m;rQwonfh a&G;aumufyjJG zpf&rnf[k uwdu0wfjyKco hJ nf[k ajymqkcd &hJ m ygwDu, dk pf m;vS,f rsm;u ¤if;wkdYygwDrsm;tMum; ykdrkdem;vnf,HkMunfrI&Sdap&efESihf EkdifiHawmfzGHUNzdK;wkd;wufrI&Sd

Ekid if aH &; OD;wnfcsuf (4)&yf Ekid if aH wmf wnfNird af &;? &yf&mG at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh w&m; Oya'pkd;rkd;a&; trsKd;om; jyefvnfpnf;vHk; nDñGwfa&; ckdifrmonfU zGJYpnf;yHk tajccH Oya'opf jzpfay:vma&; jzpfay:vmonfU zGpYJ nf;yHk tajccH Oya'opfESifhtnD acwfrDzGHY NzdK; wkd;wufaom EkdifiHawmfopf wpf&yf wnfaqmufa&;

pD;yGm;a&; OD;wnfcsuf (4)&yf

vlraI &; OD;wnfcsuf (4)&yf

pkdufysKd;a&;ukd tajccHí tjcm; pD;yGm;a&;u@rsm;ukv d nf; buf pHk zGHY NzdK;wkd;wufatmif wnf aqmufa&; aps;uGupf ;D yGm;a&;pepf yDjyifpmG jzpf ay:vma&; jynfwiG ;f jynfyrS twwfynmESiUf t&if;tESD;rsm; zdwfac:í pD;yGm; a&; zGYH NzKd ;wk;d wufatmif wnf aqmufa&;

wpfrsKd;om;vHk;\ pdwf"mwfESifh tusifhpm&dwÅjrifhrm;a&; trsK;d *kP?f Zmwd*P k jf rifrh m;a&; ESifU ,Ofaus;rItarGtESpfrsm;? trsKd;om;a&; vu©Pmrsm; raysmufysuaf tmif xde;f odr;f apmifUa&Smufa&; rsKd;cspfpdwf"mwf &Sifoefxuf jrufa&; wpfrsKd;om;vHk; usef;rmMuHUckdif a&;ESifU ynm&nfjrifhrm;a&;

EkdifiHawmf pD;yGm;a&;wpf&yfvHk;ukd zefw;D EkdifrIpGrf;tm;onf EkdifiHawmf ESifU wkdif;&if;om;jynfolwkdh\ vuf0,fwGif&Sda&;

ap&ef BudK;yrf;aqmif&Gufvsuf&SdaMumif;? a&G;aumufyGJ tqifajypGm aqmif&GufEkdifa&;twGuf aqmif&Gufaeaom tpDtpOfrsm;ukd aESmifhaES;MuefYMumaprnfh rnfonfhvkyfaqmifrIrsm;ukd rqkd uefu Y u G rf nfjzpfaMumif;? 2010 jynfEh pS f a&G;aumufyo JG nf Ekid if aH wmf? Ekid if aH &;ygwDrsm;\ tem*wfjzpfNy;D Ekid if aH wmf\ taumif;qH;k tpDtpOfjzpfonfudk ,HMk unfonf[k cH,al Mumif;jzihf aqG;aEG;cJhaMumif; wufa&mufcJhaom ygwDtzGJUtpnf;rsm;xHrS od&Sd&onf/ pmrsufESm 8 aumfvH 1 odkY

jynf wGif;? jynf y o wif; t nTef; rsm; uifqma&m*g wdkufzsuf&mü c&rf;a&mif uefpGef;O taxmuftuljzpf pmrsufESm 5 urÇmUvlOD;a&aeh ydkpwm? pmpDpmuHk;NydKifyGJ qk&olrsm;pm&if;aMunm

pmrsufESm 11

EdkifiHwum tm;upm;

pmrsufESm 12

aMu;rHkowif;pm pmrsufESm 6


0efBuD; OD;ÚmPf0if; AifeZD vGJ m; bdvk AD m&D,ef Edik if jH cm;a&;0efBu;D xH 0rf;ajrmufaMumif; o0PfvTmay;ydkh aejynfawmf Zlvdkif 5 2009 ckESpf Zlvdkif 5 &ufwGif usa&mufaom AifeDZJGvm; bdkvD Am&D,ef or®wEdik if \ H ESpyf wfvnf vGwfvyfa&;aeYü jynfaxmifpk jrefrmEdkifiHawmf EdkifiHjcm;a&; 0efBu;D Xme 0efBu;D OD;ÓPf0if;xHrS AifeDZJGvm; bdkvDAm&D,ef or®w Edik if H Edik if jH cm;a&;0efBu;D Xme 0efBu;D rpöwm eDudk;vwfpf rm'l½dk rdka&mhpf xHodkY 0rf;ajrmufaMumif; o0Pf vTm ay;ydkYonf/ (owif;pOf)

ukvor*¾twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwmbefuDrGef;ESifhtzGJU &efukefNrdKUrS jyefvnfxGufcGm aejynfawmf Zlvkdif 4 jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEkdifiHawmf - EkdifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zGHUNzdK;a&;aumifpDOuú| AkdvfcsKyfrSL;BuD;oef;a&Ttm; ukvor*¾twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwmbefuDrGef;ESifh tzGJUonf ,aeYeHeuf 9 em&DcGJwGif aejynfawmf&Sd bk&ifhaemif&dyfomü 'kwd,tBudrf vma&mufawGUqHkonf/ xkdYaemuf ukvor*¾twGif;a&;rSL; csKyEf iS hf tzGUJ onf eHeuf 10em&D rdepf 50wGif aejynfawmfrS txl;av,mOf jzifh xGucf mG &m &efuek Nf rKd UokYd eHeuf 11 em&D 45 rdepfcefYwGif a&muf&SdMu onf/ Munhf½Iavhvm ,if;aemuf ukvor*¾twGif;a&; rSL;csKyfESifh tzGJUonf rGef;vGJ 12 em&D 15 rdepfwiG f &efuek Nf rKd UrS {&m0wDwidk ;f a';'&JNrKd Ue,f usK'H g;aus;&GmokYd &[wf ,mOfrsm;jzifh oGm;a&mufNyD; aus;&Gm twGif; vSnfhvnfMunfh½IavhvmMu um rGef;vGJ 2 em&D 15 rdepfwGif &efuek Nf rKd UokYd jyefvnfa&muf&MdS uonf/

qufvufí ukvor*¾twGi;f a&; rSL;csKyfESifh tzGJUonf nae 6 em&DwGif &efuek Nf rKd U urm&GwNf rKd Ue,f [Hom0wD vrf;ESihf uRe;f awmvrf;axmif&h dS rl;,pf aq;0g;yaysmufa&;txdr;f trSwf jywku d f tpnf;ta0;cef;rü jynfaxmifpk jrefrmEkid if aH wmfqidk &f m Ekid if jH cm;oH½;kH rsm;rS oHtrwfBuD;rsm;? oH½Hk;,m,D wm0efcHrsm;? oHwrefrsm;ESifh ukv or*¾vufatmufcH tzGJUtpnf;rsm;? jynfwGif;jynfyrS tpkd;&r[kwfaom tzGJUtpnf;rsm;rS ukd,fpm;vS,frsm;? jrefrmEkid if H Ekid if jH cm;owif;axmufrsm; toif;rS toif;0if owif;axmuf rsm;? jynfwGif;*sme,f? r*¾Zif;rsm;rS pmwnf;tzGJU0ifrsm;ESifh awGUqHkonf/

xkdYaemuf ukvor*¾twGif;a&;rSL; csKyfESifh tzGJUonf nykdif;wGif &efukef NrdKUrS jyefvnfxGufcGmoGm;Muonf/ (owif;pOf)

MunfU½IavUvm uk v or*¾ t wG i f ; a&;rS L ;csKyf rpöwmbefuDrGef;ESifhtzGJU a'; '&JNrdKUe,f usKH'g;aus;&GmtwGif; Munfh½IavhvmMupOf/ (owif;pOf)

2009 ckESpf umuG,fa&;OD;pD;csKyf(av)wHcGefpkduf'kdif; abmvkH;NydKifyGJ zGifhyGJwGif umuG,fa&;OD;pD;csKyf(av)ukd,fpm; ajrjyiftwwfoifavwyf (owif;pOf) pcef; avwyfpcef;rSL;u trSmpum; ajymMum;pOf/

aejynfawmf Zlvdkif 4

vl0ifrIBuD;Muyfa&;ESifh jynfolUtiftm;0efBuD;Xme 2009 ckESpf 'kwd, tBudrf rkd;&moD pkaygif;opfyifpkdufysKd;yGJ usif;ypOf/ (owif;pOf)

umuG,fa&;OD;pD;csKyf(av)wHcGefpdkuf'dkif; abmvHk;NydKifyGJ usif;y aejynfawmf Zlvdkif 4 2009 ckEpS f umuG,af &;OD;pD;csKy(f av)wHceG pf u kd 'f ikd ;f abmvH;k NyKd iyf JG zGiyhf u JG kd ZGef 29 &uf rGef;vGJydkif;wGif rdwD¬vmNrdKUü usif;ycJh&m umuG,fa&;OD;pD;csKyf(av) udk,fpm; ajrjyiftwwfoifavwyfpcef; avwyfpcef;rSL;u tzGifhtrSmpum; ajymMum;NyD; NydKifyGJudk zGifhvSpfay;onf/ zGifhyGJodkU avaMumif;twwfoif zGifhyGJtjzpf r*Fvm'Hkavwyfpcef; avwyfpcef; avwyfpcef;rSL;? av XmecsKyftoif;ESifh awmifilavwyf aMumif;twwfoif avwyfpcef;ESifh pcef;XmecsKyt f oif;wdUk ,SONf yKd iu f pm; ajrjyiftwwfoifavwyfpcef;wdkYrS d a&yGjJ zpfcahJ Mumif; owif; tkyfrSL;? wyfrSL;? XmerSL;? t&m&Sd? Mu&m *d;k r&So t&mcH? ppfonf? rdom;pk0ifrsm; pHn k pD mG &&Sdonf/ (owif;pOf) wufa&muftm;ay;Muonf/

vl0ifrIBuD;Muyfa&;ESifU jynfolt h iftm;0efBuD;Xme 2009 ckESpf 'kwd,tBudrf rdk;&moD pkaygif;opfyifpdkufysKd;yGJ usif;y aejynfawmf Zlvdkif 4 vl0ifrIBuD;Muyfa&;ESifh jynfolUtiftm;0efBuD;Xme 2009 ckESpf 'kwd,tBudrf rdk;&moD pkaygif;opfyifpdkufysdK;yGJudk ,aeU eHeuf 8 em&DcGJwGif aejynfawmf&Sd tqdkyg0efBuD;Xme ESpf&Snfyifpdkufcif;(1)ü usif;y&m ñTefMum;a&;rSL;csKyfrsm;u owfrSwfae&mrsm;wGif pdefwpfvHk; o&ufyifrsm;udk pdkufysdK;ay;Muonf/ xdUk aemuf ñTeMf um;a&;rSL;csKyrf sm;onf owfrw S af e&mrsm;ü 0efxrf;rsm; pkaygif;opfyifpu kd yf sK;d aerIwUkd udk vdu k v f H Munhf½Itm;ay;Muonf/ ,aeU 'kw, d tBurd f pdu k yf sKd ;yGw J iG f pdew f pfv;kH o&ufyif 50? a&Smufyif 50? ydawmufyif 20? ca&yif 30? uHah umfyif 50 pkpkaygif;opfyif ysdK;yif 150 pdkufysdK;cJhMuNyD; ,ck 'kwd,tBudrf tygt0if pkpkaygif;opfyifysdK;yif 4500 ausmf pdkufysKd;NyD;jzpfaMumif; owif;&&Sdonf/ (owif;pOf)

1234567890123456 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 odyHÜESifU enf;ynm 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 0efBuD;Xme 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 rd;k &moD opfyif 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 pdu k yf sK;d yGJ usi;f y 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 1234567890123456

Zl v d k i f 4 &uf u 2009ck E S p f tm;upm;ESifh um,ynmOD;pD;Xme? jrefrmEdkifiH ppfwk&iftzGJUcsKyfESifh roefpGrf;olrsm; tm;upm;tzGJUcsKyf wdkUu BuD;rSL;usif;yonfh roefpGrf; rsufrjrifppfwk&ifNydKifyGJwGif vkH;0 rsufrjrifppfwk&ifNydKifyGJ yxrqk &&Sdaom rsKd;0if; (&efukefrsufrjrif ausmif;)tm; jrefrmEdkifiH ppfwk&if tzGJUcsKyf Ouú| OD;armifarmifvGif qkcsD;jrifhpOf/ (tzGUJ csKy)f

odyHÜESifh enf;ynm0efBuD;Xme\ 2009 ckEpS f rd;k &moD opfyifpu kd yf sKd ;yGu J kd ,refaeY eHeuf 7 em&DwGif aejynf awmf&Sd odyHÜESifh enf;ynm0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD;½Hk; ESpf&Snfyif pdkufysKd;cif;ü usif;y&m a&S;OD;pGm odyHÜESifh enf;ynm 0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;aomif;u uHhaumfysKd;yifudk txdrf;trSwftjzpf pwifpdkufysKd;í 2009 ckESpf rdk;&moD opfyifpdkufysKd;yGJudk zGifhvSpfay;onf/ ,if;aemuf 'kwd,0efBuD; OD;ausmf pdk;ESifh Xmeqdkif&mtBuD;tuJrsm;onf owfrSwfae&mtoD;oD;ü txdrf; trSwf opfyifrsm;udk pdkufysKd;ay;MuNyD; 0efxrf;rsm; pkaygif;í waysmfwyg; opfyifpdkufysKd;aerIwdkYudk Munhf½I tm;ay;Muonf/ ,aeU rdk;&moD opfyifpdkufysKd;yGJwGif uRef;? ra[mf*eD? ysOf;uwdk;? uGrf;oD;? uHhaumf? ca&ESifh puúLyef;yif ponfh &wemwef;0ifyif? t&dyf&avumyif ESifh yef;tvSyifaygif; 5000 ausmf wdu Yk kd 0efxrf;tiftm; 400 jzifh pdu k yf sK;d MuaMumif; od&Sd&onf/ (owif;pOf)

opfawm? opfyif 'dYkcspcf if tpOfpdkufysKd; tvSwdk;

aMu;rHkowif;pm pmrsufESm 8


jynfxJa&;0efBuD;Xme rdk;&moD opfyifpdkufysKd;yJG usif;y aejynfawmf



jynfxJa&;0efBuD;Xme\ 2009 ckESpf rdk;&moDopfyifpdkufysdK;yJGudk ,aeY eHeuf 9 em&DcGJwGif aejynfawmf&Sd jynfxJa&;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD;½Hk;ü usif;yonf/ tqdkyg opfyifpdkufysKd;yGJodkU xdkUaemuf 0efBuD;ESifh tzJGUonf uRef;? ysOf;uwdk;? ydawmuf? ysOf;r? jynfxJa&;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; Xmeqdik &f m0efxrf;rsm; waysmw f yg; ca&? uHhaumf ponfwkdYukd jynfxJ AdkvfcsKyfarmifOD;? 'kwd,0efBuD; opfyifpdkufysdK;aerIudk vSnfhvnf a&;0efBu;D Xme 0efBu;D ½H;k ü ysKd ;yif 326 AdkvfrSL;csKyfbkef;aqGESifh Xmeqdkif&m Munhf½I tm;ay;Muonf/ yif? &JcsKyf½Hk;ü ysdK;yif 850 pkpkaygif; tBuD;tuJrsm;ESifh 0efxrf;rsm; k yf sKd ;MuaMumif; ,aeYusif;yaom opfyifpdkufysdK; ysKd ;yif 1176 yifukd pdu wufa&mufMuonf/ (owif;pOf) yGJwGif t&dyf&yifrsm;jzpfMuonfh owif;&&Sdonf/ a&S;OD;pGm 0efBu;D Adv k cf sKyaf rmifO;D ? 'kw, d 0efBu;D Adv k rf LS ;csKyb f ek ;f aqGEiS hf jrefrmEdkifiHtdkvHypfaumfrwD Ouú|? tm;upm;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; Xmeqdik &f mtBu;D tuJrsm;u owfrw S f AdkvfrSL;csKyff ol&at;jrifh tm;upm;0efBuD;Xme 2009ckESpf rdk;&moD ae&mtoD;oD;ü txdrf;trSwf opfyifpdkufysKd;yGJwGif XmecGJ udk,fpm;vS,frsm;tm; ysKd;yifrsm;udk uRef;yifrsm;udk pdkufysdK;ay;Muonf/ (tm;^um) ay;tyfpOf/ jynfxJa&;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; AdkvfcsKyfarmifOD;ESifh 'kwd,0efBuD; AdkvfrSL;csKyf bkef;aqGwdkY 2009 ckESpf rdk;&moD opfyifpdkufysKd;yGJwGif uRef;yifrsm;udk pdkufysKd;ay;MupOf/ (owif;pOf)

aqmufvkyfa&;0efBuD;Xme rdk;&moDopfyifpdkufysKd;yGJusif;y 0efBuD; AdkvfcsKyfcifarmifjrifU wufa&muftm;ay; aejynfawmf



aqmufvkyfa&;0efBuD;Xme\ 2009 ckESpf rdk;&moDopfyif pdkufysdK;yGJudk ,aeYwGif aejynfawmf aqmufvkyfa&;0efBuD;Xme½Hk; trSwf(11)ESifh ½Hk;trSwf(40)wdkU\ ½Hk;a&SUrsufESmpmESifh ½Hk;y&0PftwGif; usif;y&m aqmufvkyfa&;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; AdkvfcsKyfcifarmifjrifhu uHhaumfESifh ca&yifwdkYudk vnf;aumif;? 'kwd,0efBuD; OD;wifhaqGu wrmyifudkvnf;aumif; pdkufysKd;ay;MuNyD; Xmeqdkif&mtBuD;tuJrsm;ESifh 0efxrf;rdom;pkrsm;\ opfyifpdkufysKd;aerIudk vdkufvHMunhf½I tm;ay;Muonf/ ,if;aemuff ig;rsdK;pdkufxnfhyJG tcrf;tem;udk usif;y&m 0efBuD;ESifh 'kwd,0efBuD;wdkYu aqmufvkyfa&;0efBuD;Xme&Sd vQdKydwfwrH trSwf(1)? (2)? (3)wdkYwGif ig;jrpfcsif;om;aygufaumifa& 10000? ig;cHk;rom;ayguf aumifa& 5000? a&Ta&mif ig;Muif; om;aygufaumifa& 5000 pkpkaygif; taumifa& 20000 udk pdkufxnfhay;Muonf/ tqdyk g 2009 ckEpS f rd;k &moD opfyifpu kd yf sKd ;yGw J iG f uRe;f ? ukuKúd ? refusn;f ? uHhaumf? ydawmuf? wrm? pdefyef;? ysOf;uwdk;?ra[mf*eD? o&uf? ydEJé ponfh t&dy&f yifrsm;ESihf ysKd ;yifaygif; 1250 wdu Yk kd 0efxrf; 700 ausmjf zifh waysmw f yg; pdkufysdK;ay;cJhaMumif; owif;&&Sdonf/ (owif;pOf) ausmzHk;rS xdaYk emuf rpöwmbefurD eG ;f onf trsKd ;om;'Dru dk a&pDtzGUJ csKyrf S uk, d pf m; vS,frsm;tm; ¤if;\ [dkw,ftdyfcef;odkY ac:,lí rdepf 20 Mum oD;jcm; aqG;aEG;cJhaMumif; od&onf/ awGUqkHaqG;aEG; qufvufí nae 5 em&D rdepf 50 wGif tqkdyg[kdw,füyif Oya' abmiftwGif; 0ifa&mufcJhNyD;aomtzGJUrsm;jzpfonfh ucsifjynfe,f txl; a'o(1) NDAK tzGUJ ? &Sr;f jynfe,f(ajrmufyidk ;f ) txl;a'o(5) KDA tzGUJ ? &Srf;jynfe,f(awmifykdif;) txl;a'o(6) PNO tzGJU? u,m;jynfe,f txl; a'o(2) uvvwtzGJU? a[mifoa&mtxl;a'o Nidrf;csrf;a&;tzGJU? bk&m;ukef;txl;a'o Nidrf;csrf;a&;tzGJU? wkd;wufaom Ak'¨bmomu&if trsKd ;om;tpnf;t½H;k DKBA tzGUJ wkrdY S acgif;aqmifrsm;ESifh awGUqHak qG;aEG; cJhMuonf/ vufcHaqmif&Gufrnf xkdokdY aqG;aEG;&mwGif rpöwmbefuDrGef;u wpfcsdefu vufeufukdif aqmifí ½kef;uefvIyf&Sm;cJhNyD; ,ck Nidrf;csrf;a&;cdkifjrJatmif waygif; wpnf;wnf; vkyu f ikd af eMuonfukd awGUjrif&onft h wGuf 0rf;omaMumif;? wkid ;f &if;om;tzGUJ tpnf;tm;vH;k onf tem*wfaumif;&maumif;usKd ;twGuf vkyfaqmifaeonf[k od&Sd&ygaMumif; ajymMum;&m Nidrf;csrf;a&;tzGJUrsm;u ,ck wyfrawmftpk;d &vufxufa&mufro S m e,fajra'o wnfNird af t;csr;f a&;ESifh a'ozGUH NzKd ;wk;d wufa&;wku Yd kd aqmif&u G Ef idk cf ahJ Mumif;? þtajctaeudk qufvufxed ;f odr;f Ekid &f eftwGuf Ekid if aH wmftpk;d &\ tpDtrHjzpfaom rdrw d Ydk tzGJUrsm;tm; e,fjcm;apmifhwyfzGJUa&;? jynfolYppfzGJUpnf;a&;twGuf vufcH aqmif&GufoGm;rnf[k aqG;aEG;ajymMum;cJhaMumif; wufa&mufcJhaom Nidrf;csrf;a&;tzGJUtpnf;rsm;xHrS owif;&&Sdonf/ (owif;pOf)

Avig;wef zGHY NzdK;zkdh pmtkyfpmay avUvmpkdh

jrefrmU½kyfjrifoHMum; tpDtpOf 0efBuD; AdkvfrSL;csKyfol&at;jrifU 5-7-2009 (we*FaEGaeY) «1371 ckESpf? 0gqdkvqef; 14 &uf(tzdwfaeY)» eHeufykdif; 7;00 1/ rif;uGef;q&mawmfBuD; \ y&dwfw&m;awmf 7;25 2/ usef;rmzdkYtwlupm;pdkY 7;30 3/ eHeufcif;owif; 7;40 4/ r[m0HojrwfAk'¨ ('kw, d ydik ;f ) 8;15 5/ oHomcsKdat; r*Fvmaw; 8;30 6/ twD;NyKd iyf JG 8;40 7/ International News 8;45 8/ 0gqdkvbJGUaw;rsm; 9;00 9/ tpDtpOfNyD;\/ aeYv,fydkif; 11;00 1/ ppfonfaw; 11;10 2/ aw;*DwtpDtpOf 11;25 3/ wpfywftwGif; EdkifiHwumowif;pOf 11;40 4/ ppfudkif;wdkif; jrif;rl NrdKU e,f xD;aqmif;aus;&Gm "r®pMum0wftoif;\ "r®pMuma'oemawmf (tar;tajz) 11;50 5/ EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wJG ]][mourÇm}} (tydkif;-8) 12;50 6/ Golf Magazine (TV) 1;10 7/ jrefrmAD'D,dkZmwfvrf; ]][dkbuftdrfu aumifrav;}} (t½dkif;?zdk;jzL?acsm &wem) ('g½dkufwm-ojym;ok) 2;25 8/ International News 2;30 9/ AdkvfvkyJGqD wufvSrf;csDwJh MNL 2;4510/tpDtpOfNyD;\/

nykdif; 3;35 1/ Myanmar National League MNL Cup 2009 abmvHk;NydKifyGJ

wdkuf½dkufxkwfvTifhrI tpDtpOf(&wemyHk F.C ESifh &efukef,lEdkufwuf F.C) (AdkvfvkyGJ) 5;45 2/ aw;*DwtpDtpOf 6;00 3/ naecif;owif; 6;30 4/ rdk;av0otajctae 6;35 5/ umwGef;tpDtpOf ]]Pocket Dragon Adventure}}

6;55 6/ wpfrsufESmwpfuGufpm ]]cspfvufaqmif}} (&efEdkif? ZJGaemif? cdkifyGifh? 0g0gatmif? Edk;Edk;) «'g½dkufwmarwif(MMG))» 7;10 7/ ]]wm;qD;umuG,f vlwkyfauG;tEÅ&m,f}} (iSuaf ysmaMumf? ESi;f £ud)k «'g½dkufwm-OD;rsKd;at;» 7;15 8/ EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wJG ]]ay:jyLvmtcspf}} (tydkif;-8) 8;00 9/ jynfwGif;owif; 10/ EkdifiHwumowif;rsm; 11/ rkd;av0otajctae 12/ umwGef;tpDtpOf ]]'dkifEdkaqmrdom;pk pGefYpm;cef;}}(tydkif;-22) 13/ EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wJG ]]tjzLa&mifatmufu tMuifem ESvHk;om;}} (tydkif;-1) 14/ tpDtpOfjyD;\/

tm;upm;enf;jy enf;pepfrSL;oifwef;zGih f yGJESih f

rdk;&moD opfyifpdkufysKd;yGJ wufa&muf &efukef



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Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 80

14th Waxing of Waso 1371 ME

Sunday, 5 July, 2009

Senior General Than Shwe felicitates Venezuelan President

True patriotism *

NAY PYI TAW, 5 July—Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr. Hugo Chavez Frias, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which falls on 5th July 2009.—MNA


It is very important for everyone of the nation regardless of the place he lives to have strong Union Spirit. Only Union Spirit is the true patriotism all the nationalities will have to safeguard.

Myanmar is making the best cooperation with the United Nations as a UN member Senior General Than Shwe

UN supports Myanmar’s seven-step Road Map Mr Ban Ki-moon

Senior General Than Shwe receives UNSG for two times NAY PYI TAW, 4 Development Council July —Chairman of the Senior General Than Shwe State Peace and received and held

discussions with UN Bayintnaung Yeiktha here July from 9.30 am to 10 am. Secretary-General Mr Ban two times – on 3 July from Also present at Ki-moon and party at 2 pm to 3.50 pm and on 4 the calls were ViceChairman of the State Peace and Development Council Vice-Senior Arrangement made for successful completion of the election due to be held General Maung Aye, in 2010. SPDC member General Laying foundations for the next government to be formed according to the Thura Shwe Mann, Prime Minister General Thein election results. Sein, SPDC Secretary-1

Myanmar’s Concentration

* *

Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe receives UN Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-moon at Bayintnaung Yeiktha in Nay Pyi Taw.—MNA

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General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win, Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador U Than Swe, Director-General Col Kyaw Kyaw Win of SPDC Office and DirectorGeneral U Kyaw Kyaw of the Protocol Department. The UNSG was accompanied by Senior Adviser Mr B Lynn Pascoe, Senior Adviser Mr Ibrahim Gambari, Senior Adviser Mr Kim Wonsoo, Senior Adviser Ms Catherine Bragg and UN Resident Representative Mr Bishow B Parajuli. First, Senior General Than Shwe said he cordially welcomed the second visit of the UN Secretary-General. As a UN member, Myanmar is making the best cooperation with the United Nations, he added. In his discussion, Mr Ban Ki-moon said he was very glad to be in Myanmar for the second time. Before visiting (See page 8)

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 5 July, 2009

The UN supports Myanmar’s… (from page 1) Myanmar, he had extensive discussions with UN member countries, five permanent UN Security Council member countries, Japan and ASEAN nations. All those countries supported his visit to Myanmar and wished to see progress in Myanmar’s democratic transition and seven-step Road Map. Last year, he visited Myanmar and coordinated necessary measures for humanitarian aids for the rehabilitation of cyclone Nargis-affected regions, said Mr Ban Ki-moon. When he was in the country for the second time, he was delighted to see some buildings damaged due to the storm while going to Yangon from Yangon International Airport have been reconstructed. When he visited the storm-affected delta areas the following day, he would know the arrangements made and work done by Myanmar and continued assistance to be provided by the UN and the international community, UNSG added. He recognized the activities of Tripartite Core Group in humanitarian aids as an ideal. Regarding humanitarian aids, the international community will continue to give necessary assistance. Mr Ban Ki-moon said he would like to discuss political affairs. The UN supports Myanmar’s sevenstep Road Map. It is found that the fifth step of the road map is beginning to be implemented. When meeting the Senior General the previous year, he said the State would like to build a consolidated, peaceful democratic nation and leave it to the next generation as a legacy. And this is the nice vision of the Senior General. Mr Ban Ki-moon continued to say that when he met the political parties and armed groups that had made peace with the State, he would urge them to participate in nation-building tasks as partners with a constructive attitude under the leadership of the Head of State and in the election with a constructive attitude. The next year’s election will go down in the annals of Myanmar’s history and is the very important matter. The international community wishes to see that election next year to be one that is held democratically. He said he believes that the election will be open, free and fair and win international recognition and it will ensure allinclusiveness. If necessary, the UN would like to render assistance to the election. It also would like the government to arrange for all politicians who should take part in the process of transition to democracy to be able to participate in it. He added he knows how Myanmar is affected by economic sanctions. He will discuss this matter when meeting the leaders of western nations. Mr Ban Ki-moon said he wished to see Daw Aung San Suu Kyi during his visit. He knows that she is facing a trial at the moment. Senior General Than Shwe thanked the Secretary-General for his explanation at length on functions of the United Nations. The Senior General said that Myanmar is making the best cooperation with the United Nations as a UN member. Myanmar recognizes the meetings between the Secretary-General and the leaders of other important countries before his visit to Myanmar, he added. The Senior General expressed thanks for UN cooperation and assistance in storm-hit regions. Myanmar has never experienced a disaster like the cyclone Nargis in its history. Moreover, such great loss and destruction had never been experienced either. However, the government in cooperation with the people and the Tatmadaw effectively carried out rehabilitation work with the contribution of the international community in order for the condition to return to almost normal in the shortest possible time. The major businesses of the storm-hit region — agriculture, livestock and fisheries and salt industry — have been restored to normalcy. The new roads stretching 300 miles are under construction for protection and evacuation in times of emergency.

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The earth road has been built. The road will be upgraded to the hard road in future. Permanent houses for the homeless in the region, cyclone shelters and embankments for preventing floods are also being built. The Senior General said that the UN Secretary-General would witness the work progress when he goes there weather permitting the following day. Arrangements have been made to explain rehabilitation works by Tripartite Core Group, he added. The Senior General said that he would like to explain the future work programmes of the State. The government will hold fair elections in 2010. Necessary laws, regulations and procedures are being drafted to

peace with the government; that at the meetings, he urged them to participate with positive altitude in the election and tasks for national reconciliation; that this morning, he sat together with his advisors and discussed official international aid to Myanmar; that international assistance to Myanmar is far less than that to other countries; that he wants to give help to Myanmar; that it is important to set timeframe for necessary laws and commissions for the election; and that he would like Myanmar officials to consider to arrange a meeting between him and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. In response, Senior General Than Shwe said that he thanks the UNSG for the discussions; that he

Senior General Than Shwe shakes hands with UN Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki-moon at Bayintnaung Yeiktha in Nay Pyi Taw.—MNA be completed in time. When they have been drafted, parties will be formed and election laws will be issued in time. Plans have been made for everyone to participate in the election. The laws are being drafted to be fair. Arrangements will be made to form parties and to run for the elections. With the concept that national unity is a must for the nation, the present government has built trust and confidence with the insurgent groups that had emerged in the post-independence period and they are now cooperating with the government. Although there are still some insurgent groups, 17 major armed groups and small armed groups have made peace with the government and are carrying out regional development tasks. He added that he would like to arrange a meeting between the UNSG and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, but she is now on trial with US citizen Mr John William Yettaw. So, he would like the UNSG to understand that she is not available in the trial period. Mr Ban Ki-moon said that he thanked the Senior General for his response to the discussions; and that he would like to call on the Senior General before his return home the following day. The meeting ended at 3.50 pm. At 9.30 am today, Senior General Than Shwe met UNSG Mr Ban Ki-moon for the second time. At the call, the Senior General was accompanied by Vice-Senior General Maung Aye, General Thura Shwe Mann, Prime Minister General Thein Sein, Secretary-1 General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo and Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win; and the UNSG, by Senior Advisor Mr B Lynn Pascoe and Senior Advisor Mr Ibrahim Gambari. The UNSG said that previous day, he held discussions with the Myanmar Prime Minister on Myanmar-UN cooperation; that he met the 10 political parties, and then with seven groups that have made

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hopes the UN will cope with the issue fairly and without discrimination against or in favour of particular countries, big or small; that Myanmar is concentrating on the two major points; that the first point is arrangement for successful completion of the election due to be held in 2010, and the second point, laying foundations for the next government to be formed according to the election results; that for the time being, they are in no position to pay attention to any personal cases, except the two points; that he had explained the previous day as to the case the UNSG had asked for a meeting with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi; that he would like to arrange a meeting between the UNSG and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, but she is now on trial with US citizen Mr John William Yettaw; that the case is being heard freely and fairly, so they have no right to arrange a meeting between the UNSG and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. The meeting concluded at 10 am. Mr Ibrahim Gambari arrived in Myanmar on 26 June for making arrangements for the visit of UNSG. He met Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win and made detailed agenda for the UNSG's trip to Myanmar. The meeting coordinated to hold a meeting between the UNSG and Senior General Than Shwe, to meet the Prime Minister and to host a diner by the Prime Minister, to attend the TCG meeting on cyclone "Nargis" and to meet responsible persons from INGOs, NGOs, UN agencies and donors at the meeting, to meet with legal political parties, to meet the groups that have made peace with the government, to meet representatives of UN agencies and foreign diplomats to Myanmar, and to make necessary arrangements for the UNSG and members. According to the coordination, a meeting between the UNSG and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi could not be allowed as she is facing a trial at the court, it is learnt. MNA

14th Waxing of Waso 1371 ME

Four political objectives * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution

Sunday, 5 July, 2009

Four economic objectives * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples

Four social objectives * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation

Prime Minister General Thein Sein hosts dinner to UNSG and party NAY PYI TAW, 4 July— Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar General Thein Sein hosted a dinner to Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr Ban Ki-moon and party at Myat Tawwin Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone yesterday evening. Also present at the dinner were Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win, Minister for Labour U Aung Kyi, Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Khin Aung Myint, Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu and departmental heads. MNA

Prime Minister General Thein Sein hosts a dinner to UN Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-moon and party at Myat Tawwin Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone.—MNA

Oppose any acts that will delay process of elections to be held smoothly Representatives of Parties

Groups accept government’s plan to form frontier forces and people’s militia Peace Groups

UNSG meets leaders of officially registered political parties; peace groups who have returned to legal fold NAY PYI TAW, 4 July—Visiting Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr Ban Ki-moon met leaders and representatives of officially registered political parties namely National League for Democracy, National Unity Party, Union Kayin League, Shan Nationalities League for Democracy, Mro (or) Khami National Solidarity Organization, Wa National Development Party, Kokang Democracy and Unity Party, Shan State Kokang Democratic Party, Union Pa-O National Organization and Lahu National Development Party at about 5 pm yesterday at Myat Tawwin Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone. At the meeting Mr Ban Ki-moon said that he has witnessed efforts being made for more development in Myanmar; that at his call on Senior General

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Than Shwe, he called for the elections to be held in 2010 should be the ones accepted and trusted by majority of the people; and that Senior General Than Shwe also pledged him that the elections to be held in 2010 to be fair. It is learnt from the political parties that representatives of the parties said that they are endeavouring for building more confidence among their political parties and ensuring national development; that they will oppose any acts that will delay the process of the elections to be held smoothly; that they believe and accept the fact that elections to be held in 2010 will be the future of the nation and political parties and it is the best arrangement of the State. (See page 9)

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 5 July, 2009

Oppose any acts that will delay… (from page 16) It is also learnt that after the meeting Mr Ban Ki-moon invited representatives of National League for Democracy to his bedroom at the hotel and separately met them for 20 minutes. Afterwards, the Secretary-General met leaders of Kachin State Special Region (1) NDAK Group, Shan

State (North) Special Region (5) KDA Group, Shan State (South) Special Region (6) PNO Group, Kayah State Special Region (2) Ka La La Ta Group, Haungtharaw Special Region Peace Group, Phayagon Special Region Peace Group and Democratic Kayin Buddhist Association-DKBA at 5.50 pm at the same venue. At the meeting, Mr Ban Ki-moon said that he was pleased to see armed groups struggling in the past are now trying their best in harness for forging peace;


and that he knew all the national race groups have been striving for ensuring the best interest of the nation. It is also learnt from the peace groups who attended the meeting that the peace groups said that tasks for regional peace and stability and development could be carried out only in the time of the Tatmadaw government; and that to be able to maintain this situation, the groups will accept the government’s plan to form their groups as frontier forces and people’s militia.—MNA

UN Secretary-General and party leave Yangon NAY PYI TAW, 4 July— Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr Ban Ki-moon and party called on Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe for the second time at Bayintnaung Yeiktha, here, at 9.30 am today. The UN Secretary-General and party left Nay Pyi Taw by special aircraft at 10.50

am and arrived in Yangon at 11.45 am. They left Yangon at 12.15 pm for Kyondah Village of Dedaye Township in Ayeyawady Division by helicopter and visited the village. At 2.15 pm, they arrived back in Yangon. At 6 pm, they met with ambassadors of foreign embassies to the Union of Myanmar, Charges d’Affaires ai, diplomats and responsible persons of UN agencies, representatives of

non-governmental organizations at home and abroad, member correspondents of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club and editorial staff of local journals and magazines at the meeting hall of Drug Elimination Museum at the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Streets in Kamayut Township. In the evening, the UN Secretary-General and party left Yangon. MNA

Home Affairs Ministry holds tree planting ceremony

Mr Ban Ki-moon and party visit Kyondah Village in Dedaye Township.—MNA

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking observed in Mawlamyine NAY PYI TAW, 4 July—The ceremony to mark the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking of Mon State was held in Mawlamyine on 26 June. Chairman of Mon State Peace and

Development Council Commander of South-East Command Maj-Gen Thet Naing Win delivered an address. The Commander of Mon State Police Force read the message sent by the Chairman of Central Committee for Drug

Abuse Control Minister for Home Affairs. The commander and officials presented prizes to the winners in the computer art and photo contest and visited the narcotic drug educative booth.—MNA

Revising basic manual book for engineering works coordinated Minister Maj-Gen Maung Oo and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Phone Swe grow teak saplings at tree planting ceremony of the ministry.—MNA NAY PYI TAW, 4 July —The raining season tree planting ceremony of the Ministry of Home Affairs was held at the ministry here this morning. It was attended by Minister for Home Affairs Maj-Gen Maung Oo,

Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Phone Swe and departmental heads and staff. First, the minister, the deputy minister and departmental heads planted teak saplings at the designated places. Next, the minister

and party viewed the collective growing of trees by departmental personnel. A total of 1176 saplings – 326 saplings at the minister’s office and 850 at the office of the Chief of Myanmar Police Force – were grown at the ceremony.—MNA

YANGON, 4 July— Deputy Minister for Construction U Tint Swe attended the basic manual

book for engineering work engineer office on revising coordination Shwedagon Pagoda Road meeting at the Yangon here yesterday. Division superintending MNA

Myanmar stands third in women’s 800-m race NAY PYI TAW, 4 July— Athletes from 45 countries are taking part in the 1st Asian Youth Games being held in Singapore from 20 June to 7 July.

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Ma Swe Li Myint of Myanmar stood third in the women’s 800-m race with 2 min 22.14 sec yesterday. The Indian athlete secured the first

prize and the Vietnamese athlete, second. The contestants from Myanmar sports contingent continue the competition in swimming event.—MNA

Deputy Minister U Tint Swe attends coord meeting on revising basic manual book for engineering works. —MNA

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ukvor*¾ twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwmbefuDrGef; w&m;0ifrSwfyHkwifxm;onfU EkdifiHa&;ygwDrsm;ESifU awGqHU k aejynfawmf


ukvor*¾twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwmbefuDrGef;ESifh tzJGU 0ifrsm; aejynfawmf[kdw,fZkef&Sd jrwfawmf0if[kdw,fü w&m;0if rSwfykHwifxm;onfh EkdifiHa&;ygwD (10)ckwkdYrS em,u? Ouú|? 'kwd,Ouú|ESifh A[kdtvkyftrIaqmifrsm;? pnf;½kH;a&;rSL;rsm;tm; awGUqkHpOf/ (owif;pOf)


jrefrmEkdifiHü a&muf&Sdaeaom ukvor*¾ twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwmbefuDrGef;onf tzGJU0ifrsm;ESifhtwl ,aeYnae 4 em&D rdepf 50 wGif aejynfawmf[kdw,fZkef&Sd jrwfawmf0if[kdw,fü w&m;0ifrSwfyHkwifxm;onfh EkdifiHa&;ygwDrsm;ESifh awGUqHkonf/ xkdokdYawGUqHk&mü w&m;0ifrSwfyHkwifxm;onfh EkdifiHa&;ygwD (10) ck jzpfaom trsKd;om;'Drkdua&pD tzGJUcsKyf? wkdif;&if;om;pnf;vHk;nDñGwfa&;ygwD? jynfaxmifpk u&iftrsKd;om;rsm;tzGJUcsKyf? &Srf; trsKd;om;rsm; 'Drkdua&pDtzGJUcsKyf? NrdK(c)crD trsKd;om;nDñGwfa&;tzGJU? ]0} trsKd;om;zGHUNzdK;wkd;wufa&;ygwD? ukd;uefY 'Drkdua&pDESifh nDñGwfa&;ygwD? &Srf;jynf ukd;uefY'Drkdu&ufwpfygwD? vm;[l trsKd;om; zGUH NzKd ;wk;d wufa&;ygwDEiS hf jynfaxmifpk ytk;d 0f trsK;d om;tzGUJ csKyw f rYdk S em,u? Ouú|? 'kw, d Ouú|ESihf A[kt d vkyt f rIaqmifrsm;ESifh pnf;½H;k a&;rSL;rsm; pkpak ygif; 23 OD;wkYd wufa&mufMuonf/ (owif;pOf)

EGm;xd;k Bu;D NrKd e,f U wiG f oH;k oD;pdu k v f ,fajr {uoHk;aomif; wdk;rnf

ukvor*¾ twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwmbefuDrGef;

wkdif;&if;om; tzGJtpnf U ;rsm;ESifU awG qk U H aejynfawmf Zlvkdif 3 jrefrmEkdifiHü a&muf&Sdaeaom ukvor*¾ twGif;a&;rSL;csKyf rpöwmbefuDrGef;onf tzGJU0ifrsm;ESifhtwl ,aeY nae 5 em&D rdepf 50 wGif aejynfawmf [kdw,fZkef&Sd jrwfawmf0if[kdw,fü wkdif;&if;om;tzGJUtpnf;rsm;ESifh awGUqHkonf/ xkdokdY awGUqHk&mü wkdif;&if;om;tzGJUtpnf;rsm;jzpfMuonfh ucsiftxl;a'o(1) NDAK tzGJU? &Srf;^ajrmuf txl;a'o(5) KDA tzGJU? &Srf;^awmif txl;a'o(6) PNO tzGJU? u,m;txl;a'o(2) uvvwtzGJU? a[mifoa&mtxl;a'o Nidrf;csrf;a&;tzGJU? bk&m;ukef;txl;a'o Nidrf;csrf;a&;tzGJUESifh 'DaubDattzGJUwkdYrS Ouú|? 'kwd,Ouú|? tzGJUacgif;aqmifESifh tzGJU0ifrsm; pkpkaygif; 35 OD;wkdY wufa&mufMuonf/ (owif;pOf)

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ukvor*¾ twGif;a&;rSL; csKyf rpöwm befuDrGef;ESifh tzJGU0ifrsm; aejynfawmf [kdw,fZkef&Sd jrwfawmf0if [kdw,fü wkdif;&if;om; tzJGU tpnf;rsm;rS Ouú|? 'kwd, Ouú|? tzJGUacgif;aqmifESifh tzJGU0ifrsm;tm; awGUqkHpOf/ (owif;pOf)

EGm;xdk;BuD; Zlvdkif 3 jrif;NcHc½dkif EGm;xdk;BuD;NrdKUe,f wGif a'o0rf;pm zlvHkapa&; twGuf tpDtrHrsm; xm;&Sd aqmif&u G v f su&f &dS m ZD;awmqnf rS qnfa&udt k oH;k jyKí rd;k aumif; aomuf v,f{u 150 ausmw f iG f wpfESpfoHk;oD; pdkufysKd;Edkif&ef a'ocHawmifolrsm; BudK;yrf; aqmif&Gufvsuf&Sdonf/ ,cktcg EGm;xk;d Bu;D NrKd Ue,fwiG f aEGpyg;NyD;vQif rdk;pyg;? rdk;pyg; NyD;vQif yJrsKd;pHkoD;ESH pdkufysKd;Mu&ef a'ocH awmiforl sm;tm; tod ynmay; aqmif&Gufapvsuf&SdNyD; qnfa&aomuf{&d,m rd;k aumif; aomufv,fajrrsm;odYk qufvuf qnfa& ay;a0oGm;rnfjzpfojzifh EGm;xdk;BuD;NrdKUe,fwGif oHk;oD;pdkuf v,fajr? ,majr{u oHk;aomif; ausmf ydrk w kd ;kd wufvmrnfjzpfaMumif; od&Sd&onf/ (95)

rSwfom;zG,f&m rdk;a&csdefrsm; (3-7-2009) aejynfawmf cEÅD; [kr®vif; usKdufra&m ppfawG bm;tH oHwJG aygif [oFmwESifh oxHk


okn 'or 08 vufr 4 'or 85 vufr 3 'or 26 vufr 2 'or 50 vufr 1 'or 85 vufr 1 'or 70 vufr 1 'or 62 vufr 1 'or 57 vufr 1 'or 18 vufrpD

Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 79

13th Waxing of Waso 1371 ME

Four social objectives

Four economic objectives

Four political objectives * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution

Saturday, 4 July, 2009

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation

Senior General Than Shwe receives UN Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-moon NAY PYI TAW, 3 July—Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe received Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr Ban Kimoon and party at Bayintnaung Yeiktha, here, at 2 pm today. Also present at the call were Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Vice-

Senior General Maung Aye, Member of the State Peace and Development Council General Thura Shwe Mann, Prime Minister General Thein Sein, Secretary1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win, Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador U Than Swe, Director-General Col Kyaw Kyaw Win of the State Peace and Development

Council Office and Director-General U Kyaw Kyaw of the Protocol Department. The UNSG and party were accompanied by Senior Adviser Mr B Lynn Pascoe, Senior Adviser Mr Ibrahim Gambari, Senior Adviser Mr Kim Won-Soo, Senior Adviser Ms Catherine Bragg and Resident Coordinator of the UN Agencies Mr Bishow B Para Juli.—MNA

Senior General Than Shwe receives Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr Ban Ki-moon and party at Bayintnaung Yeiktha in Nay Pyi Taw.—MNA the Sony Reader, which was introduced in Britain last year. The new gadget, made by Elonex for Borders UK, is not particularly flashy. Where the SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 3 July—The Borders Sony Reader and Amazon’s Kindle - which is not “eBook” device could be the first real competition to available in Britain - are sleek and beautiful, the Borders eBook is simple and functional. The differences are minuscule. The first thing you notice is that the Borders device is lighter than the other electronic readers. At 180g, it weighs less than most paperbacks you may currently lug around. The Borders eBook can hold 180-200 novels - a few more than the Sony Reader. But both devices can be upgraded to hold close to 1,000 books. Internet

Review: Borders eBook - finally a rival to the Sony Reader

4-7-09 NL.pmd


7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

The noteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded Nay Pyi Taw Hkamti Homalin Kyeikmayaw Sittway Hpa-an Thandwe Paung Hinthada Thaton

0.08 inch 4.85 inches 3.26 inches 2.50 inches 1.85 inches 1.70 inches 1.62 inches 1.57 inches 1.18 inches 1.18 inches

13th Waxing of Waso 1371 ME

Saturday, 4 July, 2009

UNSG meets political parties NAY PYI TAW, 3 July— Visiting SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations Mr Ban Ki-moon and party met with the officially registered political parties at Myat Tawwin Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone at 4.50 pm today.

It was also attended by patron, the chairman, the vice-chairman and Central Executive Committee members and organizers, totalling 23 persons of 10 political parties namely National League for Democracy, National Unity Party, Union Kayin League, Shan Nationalities

League for Democracy, Mro (or) Khami National Solidarity Organization, Wa National Development Party, Kokang Democracy and Unity Party, Shan State Kokang Democratic Party, Lahu National Development Party and Union Pa-O National Organization.—MNA

UN Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-moon and party meet patron, chairman, vice-chairman , CEC members and organizers of 10 officially-registered political parties at Myat Tawwin Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone.—MNA

UNSG meets national race organizations NAY PYI TAW, 3 July—Visiting Secretary-GenAlso present at the meeting were the chairman, eral of the United Nations Mr Ban Ki-moon and party the vice-chairman, the leader and members totalling met with national race organizations at Myat Tawwin 35 persons from Kachin Special Region (1) NDAK Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone at 5.50 pm today. Group, Shan (North) Special Region (5) KDA Group,

Shan (South) Special Region (6) PNO Group, Kayah Special Region (2) Ka La La Ta Group, Haungtharaw Special Region Peace Group, Phayagon Special Region Peace Group and DKBA.—MNA

UN Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-moon and party meeting chairman, vice-chairman, leader and members of national race organizations at Myat Tawwin Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone.—MNA

Human-like brain disturbances in insects: locusts shed light on migraines, stroke and epilepsy SCIENCE DAILY, 3 July — A similarity in brain disturbance between insects and people suffering from migraines, stroke and epilepsy points the way toward new drug therapies to address these conditions. Queen's University biologists studying the

4-7-09 NL.pmd


locust have found that these human disorders are linked by a brain disturbance during which nerve cells shut down. This also occurs in locusts when they go into a coma after exposure to extreme conditions such as high temperatures or lack of oxygen. The Queen's study shows that the ability of the insects to resist entering the coma, and the speed of their recovery, can be manipulated using drugs that target one of the cellular signaling pathways in the brain. Internet

7/4/2009, 4:33 AM

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