1371 Ckep?f 0gacgivjynfausmf 11 &uf? We*faega Eh?

  • May 2020
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1371 ckEpS ?f 0gacgivf jynfaU usmf 11 &uf? we*FaEGa eh?   (6132) EkdifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zGHUNzdK;a&;aumifpD Ouú|? wyfrawmfumuG,fa&;OD;pD;csKyf AkdvfcsKyfrSL;BuD; oef;a&T tar&dueftxufvTwfawmf EkdifiHjcm;a&;&m aumfrwD ta&SUtm&SEiS hf ypdzw d af &;&mqyfaumfrwD Ouú| txufvTwfawmftrwf/T,KO9GDDtm; aejynf awmf&Sd bk&ifhaemif&dyfomü &if;&if;ESD;ESD; EIwfqufpOf/ (owif;pOf)

EkdifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zGHUNzdK;a&;aumifpDOu| u AkdvfcsKyfrSL;BuD;oef;a&T

tar&dueftxufvTwfawmf EkdifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SY tm&SESifU ypdzdwfa&;&m qyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvTwfawmftrwf /T,KO9GDD tm; vufcHawGY qkH

EkdifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zGUH NzdK;a&;aumifpDOuú|? wyfrawmfumuG,fa&; OD;pD;csKyf AkdvfcsKyfrSL;BuD;oef;a&T tar&dueftxufvTwfawmf EkdifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SESifh ypdzdwfa&;&mqyfaumfrwD Ouú| txufvTwfawmftrwf/T,KO9GDDtm; aejynfawmf&Sd bk&ifhaemif&dyfomü vufcHawGUqkHpOf/ (owif;pOf)

1234567890123456 12345678901234561234567890123456 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 Ekid if aH &; OD;wnfcsuf (4)&yf 1234567890123456 pD;yGm;a&; OD;wnfcsuf (4)&yf 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 


Ekid if aH wmf wnfNird af &;? &yf&mG at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh w&m; Oya'pkd;rkd;a&; trsKd;om; jyefvnfpnf;vHk; nDñGwfa&; ckdifrmonfU zGJYpnf;yHk tajccH Oya'opf jzpfay:vma&; jzpfay:vmonfU zGpYJ nf;yHk tajccH Oya'opfESifhtnD acwfrDzGHY NzdK; wkd;wufaom EkdifiHawmfopf wpf&yf wnfaqmufa&;


pkdufysKd;a&;ukd tajccHí tjcm; pD;yGm;a&;u@rsm;ukv d nf; buf pHk zGHY NzdK;wkd;wufatmif wnf aqmufa&; aps;uGupf ;D yGm;a&;pepf yDjyifpmG jzpf ay:vma&; jynfwiG ;f jynfyrS twwfynmESiUf t&if;tESD;rsm; zdwfac:í pD;yGm; a&; zGYH NzKd ;wk;d wufatmif wnf aqmufa&; EkdifiHawmf pD;yGm;a&;wpf&yfvHk;ukd zefw;D Ekid rf pI rG ;f tm;onf Ekid if aH wmfEiS Uf wkdif;&if;om;jynfolwkdY\ vuf0,f wGi&f adS &;

1234567890123456 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 vlraI &; OD;wnfcsuf (4)&yf 1234567890123456  


wpfrsKd;om;vHk;\ pdwf"mwfESifh tusifhpm&dwÅjrifhrm;a&; trsK;d *kP?f Zmwd*P k jf rifrh m;a&; ESifU ,Ofaus;rItarGtESpfrsm;? trsKd;om;a&; vu©Pmrsm; raysmufysuaf tmif xde;f odr;f apmifUa&Smufa&; rsKd;cspfpdwf"mwf &Sifoefxuf jrufa&; wpfrsKd;om;vHk; usef;rmMuHUckdif a&;ESifU ynm&nfjrifhrm;a&;

aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 15 jynfaxmifpjk refrmEkid if aH wmf-Ekid if aH wmf at;csr;f om,ma&;ESihf zGUH NzKd ;a&;aumifpOD uú|? wyfrawmfumuG,fa&;OD;pD;csKyf AkdvfcsKyfrSL;BuD;oef;a&Tonf EkdifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;ÓPf0if;\ zdwfMum;csuft& jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEkdifiHawmfü a&muf&Sdaeonfh tar&duef txufvTwfawmf EkdifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SESifh ypdzdwfa&;&mqyfaumfrwD Ouú| txufvTwfawmftrwf/T,KO9GDDtm; ,aeYeHeuf 11em&D 10rdepfwGif aejynfawmf &Sd bk&ifhaemif&dyfomü vufcHawGUqkHonf/ wufa&muf xkdokdY vufcHawGUqkH&mwGif EkdifiHawmf at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh zGHUNzdK;a&;aumifpDOuú|? wyfrawmfumuG,af &;OD;pD;csKyf Akv d cf sKyrf LS ;Bu;D oef;a&TEiS t hf wl Ekid if aH wmf at;csr;f om,ma&;ESihf pmrsufESm 3 aumfvH 1 okdY + zGHUNzdK;a&;aumifpD 'kwd,Ouú|?

aMu;rHkowif;pm pmrsufESm 20


wnfNidrfat;csrf;rS wkdif;jynf zGHY NzdK;wkd;wufrnf/ K wnfNidrfat;csrf;rS 'Drkdua&pD azmfaqmifatmifjrifEkdifrnf/ K


rif;rJUp½dkufjzifU 'Drdkua&pD r&Edkif/ qlylrIjzifU 'Drdkua&pDr&Edkif/ tajccHOya'jzifUom 'Drdkua&pD&Edkifonf/


 wnfNidrfat;csrf;rIukd vkdvm;onf/  zGHY NzdK;wkd;wufrIukd vkdvm;onf/  qlyltMurf;zufrIukd rvkdvm;/  qlyltMurf;zufrI zefwD;olrsm; 0kdif;0ef;z,f&Sm;/

 81#$$%- &efwkdufay;aeonf/  4(#&8$- aoG;xkd;aeonf/  cavmufqef taumufBuH avvIid ;f oHrsm;/  em;ra,mifaveJh owdxm;/ aqmif;yg;tñTef; jynfolrsm;&JYqE´udk av;pm;MuNyD; EdkifiHawmf&JY pdwf&if;apwemaumif;eJh zGiaUf y;aewJt U cGit Uf vrf;? jynfoal wG cif;ay;wJt U ajccHOya'eJh nDnw G w f UJ 'Drdkua&pDvrf;ay: at;at;csrf;csrf; avQmufvSrf;Muyg/ armifE, G pf pf\(aqmif;yg;) pmrsuEf mS 8? 9

tar&duef txufvTwfawmf EdkifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SESihf ypdzdwfa&;&m qyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvTwfawmftrwf /T,KO9GDD w&m;0ifrSwfyHkwifxm;onfh EdkifiH a&;ygwDrsm;tm; awGUqHkpOf/ (owif;pOf)

tar&dueftxufvTwfawmf EdkifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&St Y m&SEiS Uf ypdzw d af &;&mqyfaumfrwDOuú|

txufvTwfawmftrwf /T,KO9GDD w&m;0ifrw S yf w kH ifxm;onfU Ekid if aH &;ygwDrsm;ESiUf awGq Y kH aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 15 jrefrmEkdifiHü a&muf&Sdaeaom tar&dueftxufvTwfawmf EdkifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SU pmrsufESm 3 aumfvH 1 odkY Ë tm&SESifh ypdzdwfa&;&mqyfaumfrwDOuú|

a&Tusifjrpfa& tajctae aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 15 a&Tusijf rpfa&onf ,aeY rGef;vGJ 12em&DcGJtcsdef wkdif; xGmcsuft& a&TusifNrdKUü 724 pifwDrDwmodkY a&muf&Sd aeNyD; pdk;&drfa&rSwftxuf 24 pifwDrDwm (wpfaycefY) ausmfvGefaeonf/ tqkdyg jrpfa&onf ,aeYrGef;wnfhrS aemuf 48 em&DtwGif; ,if;NrKd U\ pd;k &draf &rSwf pifwD rDwm 700 atmufoYdk usqif; EkdifaMumif; owif;&&Sdonf/ (owif;pOf)

urmhb vlwkyfauG;uyfa&m*gjzpfyGm;onfh vlemwpfOD; xyfrHawGY &Sd a&m*gjzpfyGm;ol pkpkaygif; (21) OD; &SdNyDjzpf aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 15 pifumylEdkifiHrS jyefvmol touf(21)ESpft&G,f trsKd; orD;wpfOD; zsm;ojzifh Mo*kwf 14 &ufwGif NrKdUe,fusef;rma&; pmrsufESm 6 aumfvH 5 odkY H OD;pD;XmerS

owif;ESifU pme,fZif;vkyfief;rS owif;pm ok;H rsK;d ukd a'otoD;oD;&Sd owif;pmuk, d pf m;vS,f rsm;xHokdh wpfapmifvQif usyf 50 EIef;jzifU ta&muf ykdhaqmifay;vsuf&Sdygonf/

16-8-2009  a&SUzkH;rS 'kw, d wyfrawmfumuG,af &;OD;pD;csKy?f umuG,af &;OD;pD;csKy(f Munf;) 'kw, d Akv d cf sKyrf LS ;Bu;D armifat;? Ekid if aH wmf at;csr;f om,ma&;ESihf zGUH NzKd ;a&;aumifp0D if Akv d cf sKyBf u;D ol&a&Tref;? Ekid if aH wmf0efBu;D csKyf Akv d cf sKyBf u;D ode;f pde?f Ekid if aH wmfat;csr;f om,ma&;ESihf zGUH NzKd ;a&;aumifpD twGi;f a&;rSL;(1) Akv d cf sKyBf u;D oD[ol&wifatmifjrifOh ;D ? Ekid if jH cm;a&;0efBu;D Xme 0efBu;D OD;ÓPf0if;? Ekid if aH wmf at;csr;f om,ma&;ESihf zGUH NzKd ;a&;aumifp½D ;Hk nTeMf um;a&; rSL;csKyf AkdvfrSL;BuD;ausmfausmf0if;ESifh EkdifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;Xme oHwrefa&;&mOD;pD;Xme nTefMum;a&;rSL;csKyf OD;ausmfausmfwkdY wufa&mufMuNyD; tar&dueftxufvTwfawmf EkdifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SESifh hf wl jynfaxmifpjk refrmEkid if aH wmf ypdzw d af &;&mqyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvw T af wmftrwf /T,KO9GDDESit qkdif&m tar&duefjynfaxmifpkoH½kH;-oH½kH;,m,Dwm0efcH /T .CTT[ /&KPIGT vnf;wufa&mufonf/ (owif;pOf)

tar&dueftxufvTwfawmf EdkifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SYtm&SESifU ypdzdwfa&;&mqyfaumfrwDOuú|

aMu;rHkowif;pm pmrsufESm 3

EkdifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;Ó Pf0if; tar&dueftxufvw T af wmftrwfEiS Uf tzGt YJ m; aejynfawmfavqdyüf vku d v f yH ahkd qmifEw I q f uf aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 15 EkdifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;ÓPf0if;onf jrefrmEkdifiHü a&muf&Sdaeaom tar&duef txufvTwfawmf Edik if jH cm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SEiS hf ypdzw d af &;&mqyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvw T af wmftrwf /T,KO9GDDESit fh zGUJ tm; ,aeYrGef;vGJ 12em&DcGJwGif aejynfawmfavqdyfü ydkYaqmifEIwfqufonf/ EkdifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;ÓPf0if;ESit fh wl EkdifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;XmerS Xmeqkdif&m tBuD;tuJrsm;ESihf wm0ef&Sdolrsm;vnf; ydkYaqmifEIwfqufMuonf/ (owif;pOf)

EdkifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;Ó Pf0if;

txufvTwfawmftrwf /T,KO9GDD tar&duef txufvTwfawmftrwfESifhtzGJUtm; npmpm;yGJjzifh wnfcif;{nfh cH wkdif;&if;om;tzGJYtpnf;rsm;ESifU awGYqHk aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 15 EdkifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;ÓPf0if;\ zdwfMum;csuft& jrefrmEkdifiHü a&muf&Sdaeaom tar&duef txufvTwfawmf EdkifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SESifh ypdzdwfa&;&mqyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvTwfawmftrwf onf jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEdkifiHawmfqdkif&m tar&duefjynfaxmifpk oH½Hk;-oH½Hk;,m,Dwm0efcH /T,KO9GDDonf ESihftwl ,aeY eHeuf 10em&DwGif aejynfawmf[dkw,fZkef&Sd a&Teef;awmf[dkw,fü wkdif;&if;om; /T.CTT[/&KPIGTES tzGJUtpnf;rsm;ESihf awGUqHkonf/

aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 15 EkdifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;ÓPf0if;onf jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEkdifiHawmfü a&muf&Sdaeaom tar&duef txufvTwfawmf EdkifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SESifh ypdzw d af &;&mqyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvw T af wmftrwf /T fh zGUJ tm; ,refaeYnykid ;f wGif aejynfawmf[w kd ,fZek &f dS a&Teef;awmf[w kd ,fü npmpm;yGjJ zifh wnfcif;{nfch o H nf/ ,KO9GDDESit (owif;pOf) xko d aYkd wGUqH&k mü wkid ;f &if;om;tzGUJ txl;a'o(5) -&#tzGJY? &Srf;^ bk&m;ukef;txl;a'o Nidrf;csrf;a&; tpnf;rsm;jzpfMuonfh ucsif txl; awmif txl;a'o(6)   201tzGJU? tzGJUESihf 'DaubDattzGJUwkdYrS Ouú|? a'o(1) 0&#-tzGJU? &Srf;^ajrmuf u,m;txl;a'o(2) uvvwtzGUJ ? 'kwd,Ouú|? tzGJUacgif;aqmifESihf tzGJU0ifrsm; pkpkaygif; 12 OD;wkdY wufa&muf Muonf/ (owif;pOf)

awGYqkH tar&duef txufvTwfawmf Ekid if jH cm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&S ESihf ypdzw d af &;&mqyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvTwfawmftrwf /T,KO 9GDD wk d i f ; &if ; om;tzG J U tpnf ; rsm;tm; awGUqkHpOf/ (owif;pOf) tar&duef txufvTwfawmf Ekid if jH cm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&S ESihf ypdzw d af &;&mqyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvTwfawmftrwf /T,KO 9GDDESifhZeD;wkdY OD;aqmifaom uk, d pf m;vS,t f zGUJ a':atmifqef; pkMunfESifh awGUqkHpOf/ (owif;pOf)

tar&dueftxufvTwfawmf EdkifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SYtm&SESifU ypdzdwfa&;&mqyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvTwfawmftrwfESifUZeD;wdkh a':atmifqef;pkMunfESifUawGYqHk aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 15 EdkifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;ÓPf0if;\zdwfMum;csuft& jrefrmEdkifiHü a&muf&Sdaeonfh tar&dueftxuf vTwfawmf EdkifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SESifhypdzdwfa&;&m qyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvTwfawmftrwf /T,KO hf eD;wdYk OD;aqmifaom ud, k pf m;vS,t f zJUG onf jynfaxmifpjk refrmEdik if aH wmfqikd &f m tar&duefjynfaxmifpo k ½H ;Hk 9GDDESiZ oH½kH;,m,Dwm0efcH /T.CTT[/&KPIGTESifh ppfoHrSL; %QNQPGN$TG[45NQCPwdkYvkdufygvsuf ,aeY rGef;vJG 1em&D 35 rdepfwGif aejynfawmfrS &efukefNrdKUodkY txl;av,mOfjzifh a&muf&Sdvm&m EdkifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;Xme 'kwd, 0efBuD; OD;armifjrifhESifhwm0ef&Sdolrsm;u &efukeftjynfjynfqdkif&m avqdyfü BudKqdkEIwfqufMuonf/ xdkYaemuf tar&dueftxufvTwfawmf EdkifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwDta&SUtm&SESifh ypdzdwfa&;&m qyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvTwfawmftrwf /T,KO9GDDESifhZeD;wdkY OD;aqmifaom ukd,fpm;vS,ftzJGUonf nae 3em&D 55rdepfwGif &efukefNrdKU&Sd pdrf;vJhuefomEdkifiHawmf{nfh&dyfomü a':atmifqef;pkMunfESifhawGUqHkonf/ (owif;pOf)  tar&duefrS txufvTwfawmftrwf /T,KO9GDDonf jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEdkifiHawmfqdkif&m tar&duefjynfaxmifpk oH½Hk;oH½;kH ,m,Dwm0efcH /T.CTT[/&KPIGTESit fh wl ,aeYeeH uf 8em&D 15rdepfwiG f aejynfawmf[w kd ,fZek &f dS a&Teef;awmf [dkw,fü w&m;0ifrSwfyHkwifxm;onfh EkdifiHa&;ygwDrsm;ESihf awGUqHkonf/ pkpkaygif; 23OD;wufa&muf xkdokdYawGUqHk&mü w&m;0ifrSwfyHkwifxm;onfh EkdifiHa&;ygwD (10)ckjzpfMuaom trsdK;om;'Drkdua&pDtzGJUcsKyf? wkid ;f &if;om;pnf;vH;k nDñw G af &;ygwD? jynfaxmifpu k &iftrsKd ;om;rsm;tzGUJ csKy?f &Sr;f trsKd ;om;rsm; 'Dru dk a&pDtzGUJ csKy?f NrKd (ac:) crd trsKd ;om;nDñw G af &;tzJUG ? ]0}trsKd ;om; zGUH NzKd ;wk;d wufa&;ygwD? uk;d uefY 'Dru dk a&pDEiS fh nDñw G af &;ygwD? &Sr;f jynf uk;d uefY 'Dru dk &ufwpfygwD? vm;[l trdsK;om;zGUH NzKd ;wk;d wufa&;ygwDEiS fh jynfaxmifpkytd;k 0f trsKd ;om;tzGUJ csKyw f rYdk S em,u? Ouú|? 'kw, d Ouú|? A[kt d vkyt f rIaqmifrsm;ESifh pnf;½H;k a&;rSL;rsm; pkpak ygif; 23OD;wkdY wufa&mufMuonf/ (owif;pOf)

pma&;q&mr cifapmwifh \ pdwf\at;Nidrf;&mpmtkyf 'kwd,tBudrf xkwfa0jcif; trSwfw& a&;olzwfolawGYqHkyGJ usif;yrnf &efukef Mo*kwf 15 pma&;q&mrcifapmwifh\ pdwf\at;Nidrf;&mpmtkyf 'kwd,tBudrf xkwfa0jcif;trSwfw&tjzpf a&;olzwfolawGUqHkyGJukd Mo*kwf 18&uf eHeuf 9em&DrS rGe;f wnfh 12em&Dtxd &efuek Nf rKd U ql;avbk&m;vrf;&Sd tif;0pmtkyw f u dk f (yxrxyf)ü usif;yrnfjzpfonf/ pdwf\at;Nidrf;&m pmtkyfwGif reufjzefqkdwm ta0;BuD; aemufb0 qkdwm teD;av;? 2003ckESpf ESpfopful;t"d|mef? pdwf\at;Nidrf;&m? ½kd;om; jzLpif ylaZmfyGJobif? orP'óe (1)? orP'óe (2)? orP'óe (3)? orP'óe(4)? tprf;aoMunfhMuygpkdY? taewwf taojrwfMuapzkdY ponfh aqmif;yg; 25yk'fyg&Sdonf/ ,if;pmtkyfukd rsKd;qufopfpmayrS wpftkyfvQif aiGusyf 1200jzifh jzefYcsdvkdufaMumif; owif;&&Sdonf/ (owif;pOf)

Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 122

11th Waning of Wagaung 1371 ME

Sunday, 16 August, 2009

Four political objectives

Four economic objectives

Four social objectives

* Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation

Senior General Than Shwe receives US Senator and party NAY PYI TAW, 15 Aug—Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe received Senator Mr. Jim Webb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who is currently here at the invitation of Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win, at Bayintnaung Yeiktha, here, at 11.10 am today. Also present at the call were Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commanderin-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye, Member of the State Peace and Development Council General Thura Shwe Mann, Prime Minister General Thein Sein, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win, Director-General Col Kyaw Kyaw Win of the State Peace and Development Council Office and Director-General U Kyaw Kyaw of the Protocol Department under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The visiting US Senator was accompanied by Charge d’Affaires ai of the US Embassy to the Union of Myanmar Mr. Larry M. Dinger.—MNA

Senior General Than Shwe shakes hands with Senator Mr. Jim Webb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. MNA

Senior General Than Shwe receives Senator Mr. Jim Webb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee.—MNA

16-8-09 NL


8/2/18, 1:52 AM

11th Waning of Wagaung 1371 ME

Sunday, 16 August, 2009

★ Only with stability and peace will the nation develop ★ Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful ★ Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy ★ Riots beget riots, not democracy ★ Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire ■ ■ ■ ■

We favour peace and stability We favour development We oppose unrest and violence Wipe out those inciting unrest and violence

■ VOA, BBC - sowing hatred among the people ■ RFA, DVB - generating public outrage ■ Do not allow ourselves to be swayed ■ By broadcasts designed to cause troubles

US Senator meets with officially registered political parties NAY PYI TAW, 15 Aug—Together with Charge d’Affaires ai of the US Embassy to the Union of Myanmar Mr. Larry M. Dinger, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Senator Mr. Jim Webb met with officially registered political parties at (See page 9)

US Senator Mr. Jim Webb meets with officially registered political parties. MNA

INSIDE To fight colonialists is national revolution, but an armed conflict between two groups of national people is “exploiting the people of own race”. MAUNG NWE SIT


16-8-09 NL


One more found infected with A (H1N1) Number of those infected with the virus reaches 21 N AY P YI T AW , 15 Aug—A 21-year old woman who had returned from Singapore was transferred to Waibagi Specialist Hospital through Township Health Department yesterday. National Health Laboratory conducted a test on the woman and she was found to be infected with New Influenza A (H1N1). She arrived back Myanmar by Flight No MI-518 on 13 August and she was the 21st patient infected with the virus. Four family members of the patient are being kept under home quarantine. Authorities concerned are taking surveillance measures against 94 passengers who had arrived on the same flight with the patient and 135 airport staff at their respective places. The number of the patients infected with the virus has reached 21 and 15 out of them were discharged from the hospital as they had fully recovered from their illness. The remaining six patients are being given treatment by specialists. Up to now, National Health Laboratory detected 171 flu-suspected persons and 21 had been found infected with the virus.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009 9

US Senator meets with officially registered… (from page 16) Shwe Nandaw Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone, here, at 8.15 am today. Present at the meeting were the patron, the chairman, the vice-chairman, Central Executive Committee members and organizers, totalling 23 from 10 political parties namely National League for Democracy, National Unity Party,

Union Kayin League, Shan Nationalities League for Democracy, Mro (or) Khami National Solidarity Organization, Wa National Development Party, Kokang Democracy and Unity Party, Shan State Kokang Democratic Party, Lahu National Development Party and Union Pa-O National Organization. MNA

Foreign Affairs Minister sees off US Senator and party NAY PYI TAW, 15 Aug —Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win saw off Senator Mr. Jim Webb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific

Affairs Subcommittee of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and party at Nay Pyi Taw Airport at 12.30 p.m. today.

Together with Minister U Nyan Win, departmental heads and officials of the ministry saw them off at the airport. MNA

US Senator meets national race groups NAY PYI TAW, 15 Aug— Senator Mr. Jim Webb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee of

the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who is currently here at the invitation of Minister for Foreign Affairs U

Nyan Win, accompanied by Charge d’Affaires ai of the US Embassy to the Union of Myanmar Mr. Larry M. Dinger, met with

national race groups at Shwe Nandaw Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone, here, at 10 am today. It was attended by

the chairman, the vicechairman, the group leader and members, totalling 12 from NDKA group from Kachin Spe-

cial Region (1), KDA group from Shan (North) Special Region (5), PNO group from Shan (South) Special Region (6), Ka La La Ta group of Kayah Special Region (2), Phayagon Special Region Peace Group and DKBA Group. MNA

Senator Mr. Jim Webb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific Subcommittee of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee meets national races groups.—MNA

US Senator and wife meet Daw Aung San Suu Kyi N AY P YI T AW , 15 Aug— Accompanied by Charge d’Affaires ai of the US Embassy to the Union of Myanmar Mr. Larry M. Dinger and Military Attaché Colonel Brey R Sloan, the delegation led by Senator Mr. Jim Webb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and wife who are currently

here at the invitation of Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win, arrived at Yangon from Nay Pyi Taw by special aircraft at 1.35 pm today. They were welcomed at Yangon International

Airport by Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Maung Myint and officials. The US Senator, wife and party met with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi at Seinle Kantha State House in Yangon at 3.55 pm.—MNA

The delegation led by Senator Mr. Jim Webb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific Subcommittee of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee and wife meet Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.—MNA

Vice-Chairman of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association U Tin Kha presents prizes to outstanding students.—MNA

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Journalism Course No. 2/2009 concludes YANGON, 15 Aug— The Journalism Course No. 2/2009, organized by Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association, concluded at the Karaweik Palace Hotel, here, yesterday evening, with an address by Vice-Chairman1 of MWJA Leader of the Supervisory Committee for the Course U Tin Kha (Tekkatho Tin Kha). Secretary of MWJA Dr Tin Tun Oo (Dr Tin Tun Oo) explained the purpose of conducting the journalism courses. Chairman U Hla

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Myaing (Ko Hsaung) accepted the membership applications for MWJA from the trainees and presented membership cards to them. Responsible persons awarded the outstanding trainees. Later, the trainees presented gifts to

the instructors. Altogether 52 trainees attended the six-week course from 1 July to 15 August. Veteran journalists gave lectures on news reporting, interview, journalists’ ethics and other necessary topics.—MNA

Flood Warning NAY PYI TAW, 15 Aug—Meteorology and Hydrology Department announced that according to the 12:30 hr M.S.T observation today, the water level of Shwegyin river at Shwegyin is 724 cm and it has exceeded by 24 cm (about 1 ft) above its danger level. It may fall below its danger level 700 cm during the next 48 hours commencing noon today.—MNA

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