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chapter 1 the problem and its setting introduction institutions are both the micro and macrocosm of the entire community. its primary focus is to expand the knowledge of the students through the brilliant professors and its learning spaces such as the equipments and facilities. facilities are significant in all institutions especially in the medical institutions, for it portrays a big role in the student’s learning. it is through handling equipments that the students learn more because it is where they apply the theories and principles that they have learned. these equipments also contribute in enhancing their skills and help them to master it. a mastered skill is a very important aspect that nursing students should posses because it avoids malpractices and it boosts competence and confidence. hence, school facilities should be given of much importance. to be able to determine the effectiveness of having adequate facilities to the learning of the students, the researchers conducted a study by focusing on the facilities of emilio aguinaldo college that comprised of the fundamental laboratory learning and the equipments used by the student during return demonstrations. background of the study


nursing educators had set goals to provide the society’s growing needs of competent nurse professionals. a more focused lecture classes, return demonstrations of the previous lecture topic and as well as the onthe-job training (duty schedules) came out to be the three best ways for a more efficient knowledge provision. with these, the community of nursing educators expects a bigger population of competent future nursing graduates that will soon attend to the society’s health needs. primarily, a nurse’s tasks involve both simple and complex procedures in health promotion and maintenance. the nurse also stands as the primary health care provider in the community setting. together, doctors, nurses and the community health workers join the health care team in promoting good and sustainable health for everyone. from now, it will always be a challenge to the country’s nursing schools to produce health care graduates of high quality. among the fore mentioned three best ways of producing reliable nurses, the return demonstrations and the on-the-job training program seem to have greater influences to the students with regards to the acquisition of knowledge. this had put the practicality and actualization of the theoretical concepts worthy of a bigger concern for educators. student’s learning of the recent time becomes more on the application of the theoretical learning. as an example, the catheterization procedure will be more meaningful to a student if he will be able to demonstrate it by himself. facilities such as the foley catheter, syringe and most especially a dummy


would be needed during the actualization of the procedure. the institution is then held responsible to facilitate the learning process of the student. it was given emphasis that the facilities play an important role in better acquisition of the theoretical knowledge in the course of nursing. these equipments provide familiarization of a certain nursing procedure. moreover, it somewhat provide the student a chance to experience the act of doing the procedure without the need for assuming the actual manner of an intervention. in this way the information becomes more significant to a learner. with these, the quality of nursing education should then be uplift into higher levels. without nurses, the society’s health would be in a compromised state. it is how vital nurses are in the society. health concerns of individuals should be prioritized that is why nurses provide health guides. these could no longer be possible if the nursing institutions would fail to produce graduates that are competent enough in attending to the society’s health needs. basically, the nursing schools should thus provide adequate facilities to their students. learning as a process needs to be well supported in order for it to attain efficiency. every nursing institution and educator should realize the value of having adequate facilities in sustaining the students with a more effective learning experience as to provide the society with competent and more reliable future nurse professionals.


conceptual framework generally, learning in the nursing course involves the completeness of a medical institution’s facilities. an insufficiency in this might lead to the deterioration of the student’s learning abilities. hence, school facilities should be prioritized. medical facilities are one of the elements in producing competent nurses. they have been designed to influence the learning process. with this vital function, they have been the primary concern of every medical institution. this study identifies these facilities existing in emilio aguinaldo college in order to assess if the institution has reached the standard that have been set to all medical institutions. the main focus of the study was the quality and quantity of the existing facilities to the population of ahse and nursing students. in line with this, the following categories were analyzed: population of the students, budget of the said medical institution in providing the standard facilities and the institution’s main priorities.


0100090000037800000002001c00000000000400000003010800 050000000b0200000000050000000c029d07e90c040000002e011 8001c000000fb021000070000000000bc02000000000102022253 797374656d0007e90c000098c9110072edc63018fef50b0c020000 e90c0000040000002d01000004000000020101001c000000fb029c ff0000000000009001000000000440001254696d6573204e657720 526f6d616e0000000000000000000000000000000000040000002 d010100050000000902000000020d000000320af8070000010004 0000000000e40c9e0720802d00040000002d01000003000000000 0 figure 1 research paradigm

the figure above illustrates the flow on how the research will be conducted. primarily, the researchers aim to assess emilio aguinaldo college’s nursing facilities through the following factors: 1.) population, 2.) budget, 3.) facilities, and 4.) priorities. along the course of the study, the researchers also seek to assess and examine the quality and quantity of


the institution’s facilities. the quality of the facilities will be assessed according to their condition and their ability to provide quality education to the students. the quantity on the other hand will be assessed in accordance with the availability and the ratio of these equipments per student.

statement of the problem this study will evaluate the effects of eac’s inadequate nursing facilities in the student’s learning skills. specifically, this will seek answers to the following questions. 1. what are the profiles of the students in terms of: 1.1 age 1.2 gender 1.3 year level 2. how is the completeness of the nursing facilities of emilio aguinaldo college assessed in terms of: 2.1 population 2.2 budget

2.3 facilities 2.4 priorities 3. how is emilio aguinaldo college’s nursing facilities assessed in terms of:


1.1 quality 3.1.1 condition 3.1.2 ability to provide quality education 3.2 quantity 3.2.1 availability 3.2.2 ratio of equipment per student 4. what are the effects of nursing facilities to the student’s learning skills in terms of: 3.1 school 3.2 clinical instructor 3.3 hospital settings 3.4 academic performance 5. provision of a much more good quality education through the following: 4.1 school administration 4.2 school facilities 4.3 screening (nursing admission test) 6. the implication of nursing facilities to the following: 5.1 students 5.2 school 5.3 patients 5.4 parents 5.5 affiliated hospitals 5.6 clinical instructors


hypothesis: nursing students receiving adequate facilities and proper exposure from the school will be able to (1) acquire more knowledge from different procedures and (2) will be more competent in providing patient care.

scope and delimitation of the study the researchers plan to have the study to be focused on the effects of emilio aguinaldo college’s nursing facilities on the learning skills of the students that are currently enrolled for this second semester school year 2006-2007. the study would comprise of the different fundamental laboratory tools and equipments of the said medical institution and the students’ satisfaction with these facilities. along the course of the study, the researchers would be utilizing the pacucoa requirements as a baseline to determine the set standards that medical institutions should possess in the maintenance of their nursing facilities. at the same time, it would also aim in assessing the nursing facilities of emilio aguinaldo college. under the sampling technique that would be chosen, the students respondents will be selected from 2nd year and 3rd year students under ahse and bsn who are undergoing rle (related learning experience), and falls within the age bracket from 17 to 25 years old.


significance of the study the study is directed toward assessing the nursing facilities of emilio aguinaldo college and its adequacy towards meeting the student’s satisfaction in attaining high quality of education. this study aims to benefit the students in maximizing their learning abilities and thereby yield to an enhancement of their skills. this study would also be a benefit the instructors in the aspect of their effectiveness in teaching with the use of the institution’s facilities. lastly, the study would also make the institution’s administration aware of certain changes or improvements with regards to the standard of education they are giving.

definition of terms: this section aims to diminish obscurities on certain terms that will be encountered along the research work. below are terms that were utilized in the presentation of the study with their respective definitions for clarity and soundness. facilities – according to villasanta,1 these are rooms, apparatus, supplies, various instructional materials and other school resources that provide experiences. the quality of being easily performed or guided; readiness proceeding from skill or use; dexterity; freedom from difficulty; the means by which the accomplishment of anything is rendered easier; often pl. something built and activated to serve a particular purpose; as, 1 benjamin b. villasanta, facilities for science teaching, science in schools ii, no. 2 july 1962 p. 8


the schools luncheon facilities. equipment –ricahrdson2 stated that these include not only apparatus and supplies but also furniture, machinery and books that are used without being consumed. they are usually fixed and movable furnishings having a normal life of two years. student’s- according to swannel,3 people who are studying at a university or any place of education. problem- pei4 described doubtful or difficult question; thing hard to understand or deal with. a question proposed for solution, decision, or determination;








proposition requiring some operation to be performed. – a. not well adjusted in behavior; as, a problem child; dealing with matters arising out of conflicting social values and relationships; as, a problem drama period. questionnaire- according to polit5 it is a series of questions for obtaining information on special points. a method of gathering self- report information from respondents through self- administration of question in a written format. inadequate- merriam webster6 described it as an insufficient incompetent. not adequate.

2 john s. richardson, school facilities for science instruction washington dc: washington national science teaching association, 1954 p. vii 3 julia swannel, the little oxford dictionary of current english 6th edition, 1986 p. 555 4 mario pei, the lexicon webster dictionary with a historical sketch of the english language professor emeritus of romance philology, columbia university, delair publishing company inc. copyright 1981, p. 759 5 denise f. polit and cheryl tatano beck, nursing research principles and methods, lippincott and wilkins copyright 2004 7th edition p. 72 6 merriam webster dictionary, merriam- webster inc. copyright 2004 p. 376


school- swannel7 stated that school is aninstitution for education and giving instruction. a body of persons of like opinions or beliefs. clinical instructor- according to swannel8 is a mentor or professor of nursing student on clinical education. patient- according to kozier,9 these are people under medical treatment. a person who is waiting for or undergoing medical treatment and care. hospital- martin and guidos10 described it as an institution providing medical, surgical or psychiatric care and treatment for ill and injured person. such care maybe residential (in patient), including the care of patients for a whole day and their return home at night ( day hospital). studies- merriam webster11 defined it as series of past dissertation and research works. literature-merriam webster described it as the writings of a country or period. the production of written works having excellence of form or expression and dealing with ideas of permanent interest. the written works produced in a particular language, country, or age.

7 julia,swannel, the little oxford dictionary of current english, 6th edition, 1986. p. 489 8 ibid 9 barbara kozier rn et.al, fundamentals of nursing: concepts, process and practice, pearson education inc, prentice hall copyright 2004, 7th edition, p. 1959 10 edited by elizabeth martin and barbara guidos, the bantam medical dictionary, bantam books usa, copyright 2000, p. 233 11 merriam webster dictionary, meriam- webster inc. copyright 2004 p. 655


chapter 2 review of related literature and studies the nursing profession requires an equipped analytical thinking and skills. these two factors could only be attained through good quality education that involves proper dissemination of information to students and the completeness of school facilities. school facilities play a major role in molding the skills of the students who are pursuing the nursing course; and a problem in this would lead to deterioration in the learning performance of the students. beneath




of past




dissertations along with the literature that the researchers have researched in order to defend the importance of completeness of school facilities and the possible solution that could alleviate the problem.

local literature according to estella,12 the ched technical committee had been making ways in alleviating the problem. ched had been monitoring the nursing schools for almost a year for their compliance with five requirements: adherence to the nursing curriculum, availability of the facilities, ratio of faculty to the students, affiliation with or existence of an active tertiary hospital to save as base for students, and qualified faculty. tamse13 notes that many schools “are rarely having trouble with the last three requirements.” depending on the year level of the students, a school is supposed to observe a teacher student ratio. in the subject on related learning experience, for example, there should be one teacher for just eight students. chua14 states that the prc board members “worries that the quality of medical education in our country may have deteriorated in recent years. according to him, this was influenced by the unchecked proliferation of (fly-by-night) medical schools and of (their) pirating faculty members from 12 chit estella, nursing schools peddle dreams: philippine center of investigative journalism, the manila times, www.yahoo.com march 22, 2005,

13 solidad tamse, teaching strategies: barriers in learning, rex publishing incorporated philippines, copyright 2000. p. 286 14 . philip s. chua, md, , crisis in medical education in the philippines; an imminent one in health care delivery , http://www.nursing.virginia.edu/development/mcleod-ex. january 21, 2005


established schools. the prc chief explains the decline to be partly a result of the deterioration in the admission and screening of prospective medical students applicants. obviously, a number of these schools are less than discriminating in their admission in order to get the maximum enrollees in for maximum financial profits, since they are apparently, first and foremost, a money-making business venture, with the secondary objective of providing medical education. part of this unfortunate generic scenario is the lack of competent fulltime and truly dedicated teachers, and lack of good hospital affiliation, and the commercial bottom line philosophy of these inferior institutions that results in substandard quality of teaching. according to philip s. chua15 of far eastern university “the low progressing nursing education in the country have been caused by: a)over abundance of medical schools in the country, many of which provide substandard medical education. b) unattractive salary discouraging qualified ones from teaching. c) inadequate facilities and clinical exposure that hinders nursing students from being confident providing care. d) antiquated system of education and examinations. e) indifference and ineffectiveness of medical associations and medical colleges to provide effective leadership. f) harsh financial realities confronting medical schools”. 15 philip s. chua. md, philippine college of physicians grand advocacy and partnership program towardsa healthier philippines: to heal and to lead a nation: people, partnerships, an economic progress of nursing education in the country, http://www.nursing.virginia.edu/development/mcleod-ex, january 21, 2005.


nursing schools nationwide are overflowing with students and the problem could possibly affect the quality of instruction that existing institutions, with their limited facilities, are able to provide, the trade union congress of the philippines ( tucp ) warned. in a report to the cabinet, ched chairman carlito puno cited four major issues facing nursing education- the shortage and deficient quality of most facilities for on the job training, the want for good quality instruction, the need for improved screening of students, and the lack of qualified faculty, clinical instructors and (nursing) school deans.

foreign literature ong16 states that “the rapid changing world of political economic, socio-cultural, sciences and technology affects the society very much. education, as a subsystem, is also afferent.” he identifies education as a process and developing resources in terms of qualification and personality in teacher education. it is expected that all qualified teachers should be good at introducing approximate resources and technology to compliment their teaching. technology plays an important role in an organization. according to american association of college of nursing, nursing schools across the country are struggling to find creative ways to expands student capacity despite many obstacles like the shortage of nursing 16 willie t. ong, md, mph, the health budget: a matter of political will. the internist, april 2006, vol ii, p4.


faculty, funding cuts, inadequate facilities, competition for students, and a lack of clinical placement opportunities that are hampering efforts to attract and retain more students. to overcome these challenges, schools are forming partnerships with clinical agencies to support mutual needs, lobbying for continued state and federal monies, retooling marketing strategies and stepping up efforts to expand diversity and recruit new population into nursing. university of virginia school of nursing17 states that schools faced a shortage of qualified instructors, inadequate clinical training from overworked hospitals staff nurses, and a lack of clinical training space. a low student-to-teacher ratio and costly equipment with nursing programs are expensive for schools to maintain. however, other schools are expanding their programs to meet demand. many have added tracks to produce nurses with advanced degrees who are qualified to teach. others have reached out to a widely population of students, scooping up baccalaureate holders interested in nursing, or foreign health care workers while others gave hospital nurses more time to train students.

foreign studies abdullah al- hussein18 made an analysis of the science curriculum in public secondary schools in saudi arabia based on the perception of 17 the university of virginia school of nursing, http..//www.nursing.virginia.edu/development/mcleod_expansion.asp, copyright 1999- 2005 18 abdullah al hussein, the analysis of the science curriculum in public secondary schools in saudi arabia as perceived by the students in the united states, doctor’s dissertation, university of oregon, 2000 p. 16


students in the united states of america. he stated the strengths and weaknesses of public secondary school by treating some variable, namely, goals, textbooks, methods, methods, evaluation and resources. using the five-point scale, the writer found insignificant difference in the student’s perception on the variables. however, even with new textbooks, better facilities, high teacher standard, there was little perception on the improvement of science instruction. in harrington’s19 research, it was emphasized that nursing facilities are an important component of a health industry that is increasingly complex. the study discussed the quality of nursing care in nursing including a review of how to measure quality. the quality of care in continuous to vary widely with some facilities known to provide wide exceptional care. on the other hand, two decades of studies have identified poor quality problem of care provided by some nursing facilities. quality problems are closely associated with historic low registered nurses (rn) staffing levels in nursing facilities. the study gave a solution wherein the federal and state regulatory efforts initiated to improve quality but still quality continues to be problematic. the merging of sciences and technology in almost all aspects of education has become increasingly evident. extensive use of modern facilities like educational media as a common practice in the classroom nowadays. 19 2006

charlene a harrington., ph.d., nursing facility quality, staffing, and economic issues, copyright


in today’s education in japan according to gatmaitan,20 variety of teaching resources for use in the classroom are available and are rapidly expanding with the developments in electronics, research and training. these









teaching/learning process if such utilization will be fully explored among teachers and universities.

local studies the bureau of public schools conducted a study a philippine secondary schools and revealed the inadequacy of school facilities. two hundred seventy two schools took part in the study. the showed that out of the 272 high schools, 175 or 64.33 per cent were rated satisfactory; 13 or 4.7 per cent fair; 39 or 14.7 per cent inadequate and 45 or 16.7 per cent no equipment at all. this evaluation of equipment was based on a p 2,000.00 worth standard checklist of science equipment. several studies and surveys were conducted in different areas in the country regarding the situation of science teaching and the adequacy of instructional materials. problems on facilities, equipment and other related matters were delved into and the conclusions were more or less unanimous; facilities were inadequate stated by hernandez, dolores.21 according to the study made by sarmiento,22 she stated that 20 wilhelmina d. gatmaitan, audiovisual education in the elementary and secondary schools in japan,university of tsukuba, march 2001, p. 26 21 dolores f. hernandez, proposed high school science courses for general education, unpublishedmaster’s of education special problem, university of the philippines, 1954, p. 21 citing survey of general secondary schools, bureau of public schools, april 10, 1954). 22 rolenda sarmiento, the guidance program of marikina district ii: a revitalization. unpublished


everything done in school has guidance implications that the teacher is in a better position to know the children’s needs, problems and attitudes; that he has much opportunity to render appropriate assistance to his students that a guidance program cannot function effectively and smoothly without the necessary facilities. in 1961, a study on the problems of science teaching in the public secondary school was conducted in 13 high schools in manila. emphasis was focused on the problems encountered by science teachers in connection with books, facilities and equipment used in teaching of science. rivera 23 stated that this study made use of normative survey. data in relation to the problem were gathered from reports of science teachers, interviews with supervisors and heads of department and the experience of the researcher a science teacher. in the study conducted by macacoite,24 he assessed the adequacy of facilities of students taking industrial arts and found out that a) instructional resources were mostly inadequate, poor in condition which teachers acquired for themselves b) furniture, tools and equipments were inadequate, fair in condition and mostly donated and given by the local school board c) supplies and materials were inadequate which meant that the decs requirement was not met. yet available items were in good masteral thesis, national teacher’s college 1961 p. 22 23 maximiano rivera, a study of the problems of science teaching in the public secondary schools in manila,thesis, up manila 2001. p 23 24 sofronic p, macacoite, assessment of physical plant, facilities and resource of industrial arts: an input to program development in san jose del monte city west district , school year 2000- 2001, unpublished masteral thesis, 2001.


condition. items were acquired through the teacher’s donations from organizations and by the local school board. d) the greater problem met by the teachers was the lack of funds for industrial arts program, while greater problems were on the adequacy of tools and equipments supplies and materials and utilization of time and teachers as utility workers.

relevance of the studies and literatures the studies and literatures that were shown earlier supported the researchers’ study and gave emphasis on the role of the school facilities to the learning of the students. these studies and literatures serve as a motivator and a voice to those silent students who let these problems just pass by. here, one would be able to see how this problem could greatly affect a student’s future, much more especially the career of that particular student.


chapter 3 method and procedures

methods of research this chapter presents the method of research instrument and techniques, the data gathering procedure, the sampling technique and the statistical treatment of data that will be employed in this study.


the researchers made use of the descriptive method in presenting the study. descriptive research provides data about the population being studied. but it can only describe the "who, what, when, where and how" of a situation, not what caused it. it seeks to accurately describe current or past phenomena.25 according to polit and beck,26 descriptive research is the second brand class of non-experimental studies. it’s purpose is to observe, describe, and document aspects of situations as it naturally occurs and sometime to serve as a starting point for hypothesis generation or theory development. the researcher will use a common type of descriptive research design—the survey. survey involves the collection of data in a sample of the population under the study through the use of close-ended questionnaire with a combination of open-ended questions. comparing and contrasting answers of the respondent would be much easier with the use of close-ended questions because it allows uniformity. open-ended type of questions will also be utilized to have a complete detail about the topic being studied. in addition, the researchers will also conduct library works in order to attain a compilation of literatures and studies to support the study.

25 www.ryerson.ca/~mjoppe/researchprocess/descriptiveresearch.htm - 2k 26 denise f. polit and cheryl tatano beck, nursing research: principles and method, lippincott williams & wilkins saratoga new york 7th ed (2004) p. 192


subject of the study “the effects of emilio aguinaldo college’s nursing facilities in the student’s learning skills—an assessment”, presents the problem that most of the students are encountering, the researchers’ subjects will be selected from the 2nd year ahse and 3rd year bsn students of the said institution for the school year 2006-2007. they have been selected based on the criteria set by the researchers. this includes their engagement in subjects like health care 1 and 2, and nursing 100 (fundamentals of nursing) during their sophomore and junior years that required the utmost utilization of the institution’s facilities.

sample and sampling techniques the sample that would be surveyed in this study would compose of the 2nd year ahse and 3rd year nursing students of emilio aguinaldo college who are engaged to subjects with related learning experience (rle). these students constituted to a total population of 2,505 for the second semester of the school year 2006 -2007. from the above stated total population of the students, the researchers will be selecting number of 80 respondents. among the 80 students that will be chosen, only 40 will fall under the criteria set by the researchers. since the total number of 40 is controllable, the researchers will be able to accomplish the study at a definite period of time. with the above selection of respondents described, the researchers only manifests that they will make use of purposive sampling.


the following criteria will be utilized in getting the samples: 1must be a 2nd year or 3rd year student of emilio aguinaldo college 2must be a resident of the college for at least 3 semesters 2must have been/be enrolled in the following subjects: health care i, health care ii or nursing 100. 3must be 17-25 years of age

research instrument and technique questionnaire the questionnaire will be the major tool that will be used by the researchers in gathering data. the questionnaire will be constructed by the researchers to obtain information required by the research study. the questions will include the profile of the respondents, assessment of the institution’s nursing facilities in terms of quality and quantity, effects of nursing facilities to the student’s learning skills, and the implications of these nursing facilities to the school, the students, patients, parents, and clinical instructors. the researchers will be using close-ended types of questions with a combination of open-ended questions that will be validated first by the pre-test that will be conducted among the respondents.

validation of questionnaire a pre- test will be conducted among the respondents to validate the


questionnaires constructed by the researchers in order to gain assurance that the research instrument to be used will obtain accurate data. through validation, the researchers will be able to determine certain errors that could serve as potential barriers towards gathering complete and detailed information.

data gathering procedure the second group of the third year students of section 1 will be conducting a survey having 2nd year ahse and 3rd year bsn students as their accessible population. the researchers’ target sample size is 40 students. the strata will be in accordance to the year level of the respondents. the first half would compose of the 2nd year students under associate in health science education and the other half from the 3rd year students under the college of nursing and midwifery. the inclusion criteria will be set according to the researchers’ designed consideration. the researchers will be making use of the non-probability sampling as the sample design or judgmental sampling that will require the use of knowledge in hand picking sample members.27 to be able to get an easy access to the students, a letter of permission will be approved from the dean of the cnm and the officer incharge of ahse. after the approval of the letters, questionnaires will be distributed to the respondents who would be willing to be the study’s 27 denise f. polit, nursing research: principles and method, lippincott williams & wilkins saratoga new york 7th ed (2004) p. 310


participants. moreover, a pilot study will be done so as to validate the instrument to be used. the incidence of responses and non-responses will be noted to calculate the response rate. after so, the finalized questionnaires will be distributed.28

statistical treatment of data all








dissemination of the survey questionnaires will be summarized and presented. with the purpose of providing a clearer viewpoint of the gathered information, the following statistical tools for data quantification and analysis will be used:

1. frequency distribution according to nieswiadomy,29 this is the one of the simplest ways to present data. they are obtained by simply counting the occurrence of values or scores represented in data. all values or scores are listed, and the number of times each one appears is recorded. values may be listed from highest to lowest or from lowest to highest.

2. percentage 28 flosesficles b. fernadez, the palawan state university credit cooperative: proposed improvement scheme,university of san jose- recoletos cebu city, october 2000. 29 rose marie nieswiadomy, phd, rn, foundation of nursing research 4th edition pearson education inc. copyright 2002 p. 245


according to polit and beck,30 it is a descriptive statistical tool used in data analysis to determine the relationship of a part to its whole. the formula used in determining the percentage is: percentage (%)= (f/n)100 where: f= population frequency n= total number of respondents of a particular item

bibliography A. textbooks swannel, julia, the little oxford dictionary of current english 6th edition, 1986 pei, mario, the lexicon webster dictionary with a historical sketch of the english language delair publishing inc. 1981 polit, denise and beck, cheryl, nursing research: principles and method 7thedition lippincott, williams and wilkins, 2004 merriam webster dictionary, merriam- webster inc. 2004 kozier, barbara et. al fundamentals of nursing: concepts, process and practice7th edition pearson education inc. 2004 martin, elizabeth and guidos, barbara the bantham medical dictionary banthambooks usa, 2000 tamse, soledad teaching strategies: barriers in learning rex publishing 30 denise f. polit and cheryl tatano beck, nursing research: principles and methods, lippincott william and wilkins 7th edition, copyright 2004, p. 455-460


inc.2000 nieswiadomy, rose marie foundation of nursing research 4th edition pearson education inc. 2002 B. periodicals/ magazines puno, carlito huge enrolment in nursing schools seen to impact on training quality the manila times, tuesday, nov. 14 2006 ong, willie the health budget: a matter of political will the internist, april 2006, vol ii p.4 fitzpatrick, robert j. aptitude testing and the provincial students fape review, vol 5, no. 4 C. theses and dissertations richardson, john s. school facilities for science instruction washington nat'l science technology association, masteral thesis, 1998 al hussein, abdullah the analysis of the science curriculum in public secondary schoolsin saudi arabia as perceived by the students in the united states doctor’s dissertation, university of oregon, 2000 gatmaitan, wilhelmia audiovisual education in the elementary and secondary schools in japan, unpublished masteral thesis university of tsukuba, march 2001 hernandez, dolores f. proposed high school science courses for general education unpublished master’s of education special problem, university of the philippines, 1954 sarmiento, rolenda the guidance program of marikina district ii: a revitilization unpublished masteral thesis, national teacher’s college 1961 rivera, maximiano a study of the problems of science teaching in the public secondary schools in manila, thesis, up manila 2001. macacoite, sofronic p assessment of physical plant, facilities and resource of industrial arts: an input to program development in san jose del monte city west district , school year 2000- 2001, unpublished masteral thesis, 2001.


fernadez, flosesficles b. the palawan state university credit cooperative:proposed improvement scheme, university of san jose- recoletos cebu city, october 2000. D. internet/ websites estella, chit nursing schools peddle dreams: philippine center of investigative journalism, the manila times, www.yahoo.com march 22, 2005 chua, philip s. md, crisis in medical education in the philippines; an imminent one in health care delivery www.nursing.virginia.edu/development/mcleod-ex. january 21, 2005 chua, philip s. md, philippine college of physicians grand advocacy and partnership program towards a healthier philippines: to heal and to lead a nation: people, partnerships, an economic progress of nursing education in the country, www.nursing.virginia.edu/development/mcleod-ex, january 21, 2005. the university of virginia school of nursing, www.nursing.virginia.edu/development/mcleod_expansion.asp, copyright 1999- 2005 www.ryerson.ca/~mjoppe/researchprocess/descriptiveresearch.htm - 2k -

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