112909 Open Source Cms

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 351
  • Pages: 19
Implementa)on  of  an  Open  Source   Content  Management  System  at  a   University  Based  Diagnos)c   Radiology  Program   Jason  M.  Johnson   Sarah  (Kerr)  Larson   Kristen  K.  DeS4gter   Robert  D'Agos4no  

Disclosures   •  All  authors   –  Nothing  to  disclose  

Background   •  Rapid  growth  in  digital  educa)onal  content.  

•  Growing  demand  for  access  to  these  materials   within  and  outside  of  the  hospital.    

Background   •  New  systems  are  necessary  to  help   manage  these  resources  and  to  render   them  available  on  mul)ple  plaGorms.  

•  We  chose  an  open-­‐source  web-­‐based   content  management  system  based  on   PHP  and  MySQL  standards.  

Implementa)on   Secure  web  hos)ng  service   Configure  FTP  program   Create  MySQL  database   Download  CMS  files   Upload  CMS  files  using  FTP  to   hosted  space   •  Configure  CMS  site   •  •  •  •  • 

Evalua)on   •  Implementa)on  allowed  for  the   crea)on  of  a  large  quan)ty  of  web-­‐ based  content  and  online  applica)ons.     •  User  roles  were  assignable   corresponding  to  the  users  tasks  and   workflow  roles.     •  CMS  was  able  to  track  a  variety  of   contents  within  mul)ple  user-­‐defined   sec)ons  and  categories.    

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Search Page

Evalua)on   •  >40  authors  created  434  ar)cles     •  Required  ACGME  resident  &  fellow  program   documents  are  now  100%  published  via  the   CMS.     •  >80%  of  the  residents,  fellows  and   a\endings  have  u)lized  the  website  with   greater  than  70%  of  the  residents  using  the   system  on  a  daily  basis.  






Discussion   •  Variety  of  educa)onal  content  was   successfully  transi)oned  to  the  CMS.     •  Benefits  included  1st  year  direct  costs                     <$100.     •  Publica)on  of  ACGME  resident  &  fellow   program  documents  on  the  CMS  saved  > $500  in  direct  cost.  

Discussion   •  Ease  of  crea)ng  content  has  led  to  content   authorizing  by  >50%  of  our  department.   •  Built-­‐in  search  tools  and  metadata  filing  of   content  allows  for  rapid  accessibility  of   content  &  labeling  for  major  search   engines  (e.g.,  Google,  Yahoo).     •  Content  available  24/7/365  via  all  major   web  browsers  connected  to  the  Internet.  

Conclusion   •  The  Joomla  CMS  implementa)on  is  a  cost   effec)ve  scalable  solu)on  to  the  growing   problem  of  digital  content  management  in  our   medium-­‐sized  diagnos)c  radiology  program.  

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