11-2009 A New Economy

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A New Economy ??

Trading & Purchasing Nothing Kanook – Nov, 2009 I’ve been bumping around on this Blue Marble going on 65-years and having seen just a bit of what goes on, I find the latest scam to dig into our planets economic pockets a masterpiece. Let me give you my point-of-view! Under the high-flying banner of “this Marble is gonna get warm” the political leaders of our planet have sat down and come up with a scheme that puts the Wall Street gang to shame, where even they had to start with some real property. This piece of work coming from these, “I have never done nothing else, but tell you what to do” crowd is based on selling something you and I can’t touch, see or even measure without a bank of computers, which operate on the basis of some program written by a person or persons who very seldom see the light of day. They tell us, based on reports generated by super-duper scientists who have studied records going back 30-days that if our nation’s industrial base don’t cut back on hiring people to produce goods that are in demand across the globe, the sea-level is going to rise and even Bern, Switzerland is at risk. Their solution, well let’s see, in order to reduce this invisible emission of harmful gas, which by the way is supposed to assist our environment in producing more of the gas we breath, they are creating something called “Carbon Credits”. Their first priority is to determine how the sitting governments around the Blue Marble could extract their due so they could create more rules and develop more scams. Their next move will be to set up distribution committees at multiple levels of their governments to make sure that the 3rd world countries get their cut. Like I mentioned, this is supposed to reduce our Carbon Emissions into the atmosphere and stop the “it’s getting warmer” advocates from pounding on their doors. Well what I see is just the generation of another way to steal from Paul to pay Peter, while acting as the middleman in the transaction. The politicians slap themselves on the back while their aids punch numbers into their laptops and other devices and watch the money pile up in the sacred halls of government, and you and I go back to the horse and buggy and the horse pucky once again accumulates across the land. And the dictatorial leaders of the 3rd world countries scream for their cut to put diesel in their 300 foot yachts and 5000 hp Mercedes and build carwashes every 4th kilometer on their dirt roads. In the meantime, the “it’s getting warmer” crowd led by a former superpowers ex-VP as their primary cheerleader is worried that a meeting that is supposed to take place next month in a European country will see through their BS and put off endorsing a bill that basically says we’re all going to drown in 20-30 years unless we stop emitting CO² This breakdown is not only causing them concerns, but the 3rd world countries are a bit worried that the major industrial countries are hedging on the amount of moola they’re going to commit to this superfund, which really means the Carbon Credit guys who operate out of imaginary bank in the Arctic haven’t figured out how

they are going to get their operating funds. Believe me, their operating funds will exceed Bear Sterns operating funds and bonuses by at least 100x, if you know what I mean – why it takes a whole lot of work to sell something you can’t touch, see or smell. In our history we used to tar and feather traveling medicine men as they made their way across the west peddling their magical elixirs. Not today, we set them on a stage with video crew, and let them peddle their ideas around the world in live TV, and heap praises on them as they utter pure nonsense and trips to the moon if you join their growing crowd. Most inhabitants of this Marble ignore them, well maybe getting up on step when their ramblings interrupt the evening news cutting over the news that really matters, like how much the price of gold has gone up, like that really matters when it comes to the price of a tomato, but they still get a bit upset. Common sense, when it comes to these idiots, must have not been part of their DNA otherwise their surveys and studies would make us sit up and listen, but when they twist and turn the information to fit their agenda and you take out your pencil and paper and work through the numbers, you soon realize their numbers are being generator by a money organization and have very little to do with hard science. Kind of reminds you of an organization run by a politician. Lately a team of Princeton University scientists, the same group that worked hand-in-hand with Al Gore making his blockbuster movie “An Inconvenient Truth” published a new report in the new issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Science that shows a way to distribute the carbon emissions fairly among nations. Now, what do I say, if they come up with a way to reduce our carbon hungry society here in America or China what’s the big deal, but I jumped for joy too soon. It seems they only come up with a method in determining how much the big emitters are going to contribute in the way of moola to the carbon credit scheme. Should have known better! In big letters they submit their scheme under the title of “paying for the Heattrapping gasses” unfortunately they don’t address the halls of government, which we all know is pure gas, but go after the rich (after all who has the bucks, certainly not us working stiffs). They point out that the rich burn through a larger share of the world’s fossil fuels, but as they are not just in one country but scattered across the Marble they should be still responsible for an “outsized” portion of the humanemitted carbon dioxide. They estimate (suppose) that about 10.4% (700 million) of the world’s population is contributing 50% of the heat-trapping gas, like I mentioned they haven’t calculated the amount generated in government. The passed on their figures to worldwide governments leaving it up to them on how to regulate these rich individuals or reduce their production of harmful heattrapping gases, but like you I believe that there is a hook there somewhere that will allow the cash punishment flow through that bank in the Arctic. The Princeton crows says that every human on the planet is associated with the production of 5 tons of CO², but they step back and say that Europeans produce 10 tons per, and American produce 20 tons per – their super-duper computer

generated levels that say we all have to cap our emissions at 11 tons per of this CO² by 2030. If it doesn’t come about, you can buy your way out of the cap with Carbon Credits, whereas a country like India who gets a free pass on the requirement will be able to sell their share to countries like America and China who will need the Credit to operate, naturally the bank in the Arctic will be the middleman - so at the end of the day, this bank run by who knows who, will have vaults of Carbon Credits they’ll be able to “loan” out at a reasonable interest rate, and there you have it, money from nothing making a new set of rich guys producing more carbon dioxide. Go Figure!

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