11-1 Language Of Geometry

  • Uploaded by: Mr. Aulisio
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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 430
  • Pages: 12
Notes: Section 11-1


Th is is a poin t i t is a sp ecific lo catio n in sp ace wit h n o si ze o r sh ape.

Language of Geometry

Notes: Section 11-1

Ho w i s a ra y dif fe re nt from a li ne? Lin e A Ra y


D C A r ay has a st artin g point. Language of Geometry

Notes: Section 11-1

If t wo rays h ave a common e ndpoint it i s calle d a n Ra y . angle B

Ra y

A A A Name : ∠ A , ∠ BAD , DAB Language of Geometry

D ∠

Notes: Section 11-1

Th e ve rtex i s the name fo r where the r ays meet. H

J G Ve rtex o f th is a ngle i s G. Language of Geometry

Notes: Section 11-1

An gles c an be cla ssi fie d in 4 wa ys a ccordin g to their measu re. Acute angle s me asure 40° less than 90°

Language of Geometry

Notes: Section 11-1

An gles c an be cla ssi fie d in 4 wa ys a ccordin g to their measu re. Rig ht 90°

angle s me asure exactly 90°

Language of Geometry

Notes: Section 11-1

An gles c an be cla ssi fie d in 4 wa ys a ccordin g to their measu re. Ob tuse angle s me asure mo re than 120° 90°

Language of Geometry

Notes: Section 11-1

An gles c an be cla ssi fie d in 4 wa ys a ccordin g to their measu re.St raight angle s me asure 180° exactly 180°

Language of Geometry

Notes: Section 11-1

A p la ne i s a n in finit e fla t suLin rface. e B A Lin e D C Tw o lin es a re para lle l if t hey a re o n th e sa me pla ne a nd neve r in te rse ct. Language of Geometry

Notes: Section 11-1

Lin e AB me ets li ne EF at a 90° a ngle. Th ese two l in es a re c alle d perpendicula r. F A



Language of Geometry

Notes: Section 11-1

Tw o lin es are sk ew if they a re n ot in the sa me pla ne a nd they d o n ot in te rse ct.

Language of Geometry

Notes: Section 11-1


Language of Geometry

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