1077028_drama Ingg Copy.docx

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  • Words: 1,564
  • Pages: 5
The Sheep-Skinned Wolf Characters The farmer: Dhiko The Wolf: Hans The Sheep: Yaffa The Dog: Ester The Rabbit: Melisa The Cat: Jena The Cow: Andrew The Apple Tree: Maria The Scarecrow: Samuel Once upon a time, in a farm next to a forest, there lived a group of animals. There’s a sheep, a dog, a rabbit, a cow, and a cat. There are not only animals, there are also a scarecrow and an apple tree whose duty is to protect the farm. Dog: “What a wonderful morning.” Apple tree: “good morning, everyone!” Scarecrow: “aww 5 more minutes!” Rabbit: “it sure is! What should we do today?” Cat: “why don’t we just sleep?” Cow: “don’t be so lazy! It’s a perfect day to explore around the farm.” Sheep: “and we can eat all day!” Cat: “now that’s a great idea.” Rabbit: “all you do is eat. Go exercise!” Cow: “well, it’s up to you guys. I’m going to explore the farm.” Rabbit: “wait for me!” Cat: “I’m going to continue my sleep, goodbye everyone. (yawn)” Dog: “but you just woke- ah she’s gone. Well, I’m going to accompany the farmer to the market.” Farmer: (looking for his dog) Dog: “ah, there he is. Goodbye!” Sheep: “I’m just gonna stay here and enjoy the grass.” Not far from there, inside the forest, there lived a hungry wolf who’s spying on the sheep, trying to hunt it. Wolf: “hmm. That’s one delicious sheep. I’m going to have it for dinner tonight.” The wolf then entered the forest. In the evening, the wolf walked slowly but surely to the sheep who’s sleeping tightly. But unfortunately everything didn’t go as the wolf had planned. Wolf: “(snooping) just a little bit more, then I’ll get to eat the meat of that delicious sheep. Yep, just a little bit more.” Scarecrow: (saw the wolf snooping) “oh no! is that a wolf?! There’s a wolf!” Apple tree: “run! protect yourselves!”

All the creatures that lived in the farm woke up and were surprised after hearing the warning the scarecrow shouted. Sheep: “waa, a wolf! Wake up, there’s a wolf!” Rabbit: “Get into the barn and close the door!” Cat: “ughh why now?” Dog: “woof! I’m gonna go out and scare him away!” Cow: “you can’t go alone! I’m coming with you!” The cow and the dog ran out of the barn to scare the wolf away. Dog: “go away! The farmer will protect us! He will kill you!” Cow: “mooo how dare you enter this farm! Take this! (plowing the wolf)“ Wolf: “I won’t lose! Just see! I’m going to eat you all!” The wolf ran as fast as he can and went back to the forest. But he hasn’t given up yet. The next night, the wolf tried to go to the farm once more. He used a bush so that the scarecrow wouldn’t see or notice him like before. He walked slowly but the sound of the bush hitting the grass woke rabbit, cat, and sheep up. Wolf: “haha, this time I will succeed!!” (whispering) Rabbit: “wow, there’s a moving bush!” Sheep: (saw the wolf’s tail) oh my gosh I don’t think that’s a bush!” Cat: “That’s a wolf!” Rabbit: “Run for your life!” The apple tree who was in deep sleep, awaken after hearing the rabbit’s words, it then threw apples to every all over the place to wake the other animals up. Apple tree: “the wolf is here again! The wolf is here again!” Cat: “he’s there! Run! Meow” Rabbit: “ he’s inside the bush” Wolf: “i.. I’m not a wolf. I’m only a bush… yeah, I’m only sheep: “a bush can’t move, talk, or even dodge words, mbee” Wolf: “I’m actually a magical bush. Really!” Dog: “really?” Scarecrow: “ofcourse not!” Cow: “mooo you talk to much! Feel my horn!” (once again, plowing the wolf.)



The cow ran to the wolf and tried to plow the wolf, the apple tree threw apples to the wolf, and the scarecrow threw a sharp garden fork. The wolf was surprised and immediately threw away his fake bush. Unfortunately, the wolf ran faster than the attack, which results in him getting back to the forest safely. Wolf: “curse those animals! Especially that cow! I’m gonna get them for this!”

Sheep: “oh, no he’s gone. I’m afraid he’s gonna come back..” Rabbit: “don’t worry, he won’t” Cat: “even if he does, we will beat him again and again!” Cow: “moo that’s the spirit!” Dog: “(shouting from afar) guys! The farmer’s back! Go back to your beds!” Farmer: “what happened here? It’s so messy. “ Apple tree: “it would help so much if we can talk to humans..” Scarecrow: “second that.” Although he was almost killed, the wolf does not want to give up. The next day, he stole some sheep wool from inside a sack beside the barn. He was planning to disguise himself as a sheep. Wolf: “ this way nobody will suspect me. I now can safely enter the farm and eat the sheep.” After making his sheep costume, he rolled his tail and put on the costume. Then, he walked casually into the farm. The scarecrow, the dog, and the apple tree looked at him confused. The wolf worried that he’ll get caught. Scarecrow: “hey, you poor sheep, are you lost?” Apple tree: “you’re so dirty! You face is filthy, your legs too. Did you fall into a mud?” Wolf: “yes, correct. I fell into a mud puddle in the forest. A wolf chased me and that made me fall into that dirty mud (with a pitiful face)” Apple tree: “well, get it then. Clean yourself.” Dog: (speaking to the tree) “are you sure about this?” Apple tree: “hmm” The wolf was very happy that nobody realized he’s actually not a sheep. Without hesitating, he went in to the farm. I thought that the scarecrow and the apple tree was very stupid for believing, because his face and his legs did not get into the mud. It’s just that the wool he stole were not enough to cover his face and his legs. That caused his face and legs to be black, because that’s his real fur. When he arrived inside the farm, he saw the sheep eating grass, his saliva almost fell when the cow approached him. Cat: “whoa who are you?” Sheep: “manners, cat.” Rabbit: “is he alright?” Cow: “oh my, your body is so dirty! You should take a bath now. Go into the barn, there’s water to clean your body. Rabbit: “ wow, what happened to you?” Cat: “meow, now you look more like a wolf wearing a sheep’s wool than a real sheep, moreover, the size of your body is bigger that the sheep here.” Wolf: “yep, I fell into a mud.” The wolf entered the barn. While walking to the barn, he planned to eat the sheep tonight. On the other side, the creatures of the farm gathered in the farmyard to talk about something.

Sheep: “I think he’s not a sheep. His nose is too big, his ears are too wide, and it looks like he has fangs.” Scarecrow: “his face and his legs did not get into the mud. That’s his real fur.” Rabbit: “his eyes are so big” Cat: “his body is also too big” Cow: “his way of walking is very weird” Apple tree: “and you guys know what animal matches all those characteristics?” All: “A wolf!” Sheep: “then what are we gonna do? He probably will eat us!” Cow: “I think I might have a plan…” At night, when everyone’s already asleep, the wolf qutely went with his plan. At that time, all the creatures of the farm were only pretending to sleep. While snooping, the wolf was surprised by the sheep. Sheep: “where are you going this late at night, sheep? That’s suspicious.” Wolf: “I’m just hungry. I’m looking for hay. (nervous)” Sheep: “well then, let me show you the way.” This is a very lucky situation for the wolf because he doesn’t have to force the sheep to separate from the other animals to eat it. Then, they went into the barn. Sheep: “there. That’s the hay.” Wolf: “what? No, I don’t eat hay. I’m going to eat you! (get out of the sheep costume)” Sheep: “wha, he really is a wolf!” At the time, the cat and the rabbit poured mud all over the wolf. Cat and rabbit: “get this!” Wolf: “aaah no, I can’t see!” The wolf can’t see. He walked stageredly, then fell into a pile of grass and leaves. The cow came and roll the wolf who’s already surrounded by leaves and grass to a pile of chicken feathers. Because of the loud sound, the farmer went inside the barn and saw the wolf, who now looks more like a monster. farmer: “oh my gosh, what’s that creature?! (surprised) The farmer grabbed his gun. The wolf who now can see clearly, was surprised seeing the farmer holding gun. He ran, then the farmer chased him into the forest. The animals went out of the barn. The whole creatures of the farm felt relieved after seeing all of that. Scarecrow: “get that!” Apple tree: “yes

The sound of a gun shot by the farmer and the wolf’s scream were the last thing they heard, and the wolf never came back. Wolf: “Auuuuu”

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