10 Trang Chinh Sua

  • November 2019
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aõ 10 naêm keå töø ngaøy khai tröông ñaïi sieâu thò ñaàu tieân cuûa Big C taïi Bieân Hoøa, Ñoàng Nai. Bieát bao söï kieän ñaõ dieãn ra : phaùt trieån thaønh heä thoáng Big C treân toaøn quoác; nguoàn nhaân löïc khoâng ngöøng lôùn maïnh, tröôûng thaønh vaø chuyeân nghieäp hoùa; toå chöùc kinh doanh naêng ñoäng, hieäu quaû vaø ñi saùt hôn nöõa nhu caàu cuûa Khaùch haøng; ñoåi môùi vaø hieän ñaïi hoùa caùc lónh vöïc hoã trôï nhö thu mua, quaûn lyù thoâng tin, dòch vuï Khaùch haøng, heä thoáng haäu caàn... It has been ten years since Big C’s first hypermarket was opened in Bien Hoa city, Ñong Nai province. So many events have been experienced : expansion of Big C across the country; continuous growth of workforce in professionalism; flexible and effective organization of business operations to fullfill customers needs; innovation and modernization of purchasing, information technology, Customer service, supply chain etc.

Ngaøy nay, vôùi 7 trung taâm thöông maïi vaø ñaïi sieâu thò treân toaøn quoác, muïc tieâu hoaït ñoäng cuûa Big C vaãn khoâng thay ñoåi : Vì söï haøi loøng cuûa khaùch haøng moãi ngaøy. Muïc tieâu ñoù laø kim chæ nan cho suoát 10 naêm toàn taïi vaø phaùt trieån cuûa heä thoáng sieâu thò Big C, laø coát loõi cuûa nhöõng cam keát maø toaøn theå ñoäi nguõ Big C ñaët ra cho coâng vieäc cuûa mình. Today, with 7 shopping malls and hypermarkets nation wide, Big C acts everyday for customer satisfaction. this objective has been the guideline for ten years, the core commitments made by the whole Big C team members.

Tinh thaàn traùch nhieäm, söï chuyeân nghieäp ñaõ giuùp Big C coù ñöôïc nhöõng saûn phaåm toát nhaát veà giaù caû, chaát löôïng cuõng nhö dòch vuï nhaèm thoûa maõn nhu caàu mua saém cuûa Khaùch haøng. Beân caïnh ñoù, Big C cuõng luoân theo saùt thò tröôøng, ñoùn ñaàu caùc xu höôùng tieâu duøng cuûa Xaõ hoäi, töø ñoù khoâng ngöøng caûi thieän hoaït ñoäng phaân phoái baùn leû cuûa mình. Responsibility and professionalism to provide best-price, high quality of goods as well as good services, which satisfy all customers. in addition, Big C is always aware of latest market developments, goes ahead of public consumption trends to increasingly improve distribution and retail operations.

Heä thoáng sieâu thò Big C cuõng chuù troïng haøng ñaàu vaøo vieäc hoäi nhaäp coäng ñoàng vaø phaùt trieån beàn vöõng. Big C also pays special attention to community integration and sustainable development.

Trôû thaønh moät doanh nghieäp coâng daân göông maãu, moät ngöôøi söû duïng lao ñoäng coù traùch nhieäm, goùp phaàn xaây döïng thò tröôøng baùn leû vaø tích cöïc tham gia ñaåy maïnh kinh teá Xaõ hoäi nöôùc nhaø... laø nhöõng muïc tieâu maø Big C trieån khai treân tinh thaàn toân troïng 5 giaù trò cuûa mình : Söï haøi loøng khaùch haøng, Ñoåi môùi,Traùch nhieäm, Minh baïch vaø Töông trôï. To become a typical corporate citizen and a responsible employer, to actively contribute to the retail market and the socio-economic growth of the country. Big C realizes on the basis of 5 corporate values: Customer satisfaction, Innovation, Responsibility, Transparency and Solidarity.

Nhaân dòp 10 naêm Sinh nhaät Big C, tröôùc tieân, toaøn theå ñoäi nguõ caùn boä vaø nhaân vieân Big C xin traân troïng caûm ôn quyù khaùch haøng, nhöõng ngöôøi ñaõ luoân uûng hoä Big C trong suoát quaù trình xaây döïng vaø phaùt trieån thöông hieäu. Big C ñaët quyeát taâm seõ tieáp tuïc noã löïc hôn nöõa ñeå giöõ vöõng nieàm tin ñoù. To celebrate the 10th anniversary, we, the whole team of Big C, firstly would like to thank our valuable customers for their continued confidence and support. it is our determination to make greater efforts to sustain this confidence.

Big C cuõng xin traân troïng caûm ôn tinh thaàn hôïp taùc cuûa caùc ñoái taùc kinh doanh, caùc nhaø cung caáp, caùc coâng ty dòch vuï hoã trôï... laø nhöõng ñôn vò ñaõ ñoàng haønh cuøng Big C trong suoát 10 naêm qua. We also would like to thank our partners, suppliers and service companies... for their close cooperation over the past ten years.

Cuoái cuøng, cuøng caùc ñoái taùc chieán löôïc cuûa mình, Big C xin gôûi lôøi caûm ôn saâu saéc ñeán caùc cô quan chính quyeàn vaø toaøn theå coäng ñoàng ñaõ tin töôûng vaø taïo ñieàu kieän toát nhaát giuùp Big C hoaøn thaønh nhieäm vuï cuûa mình. Last but not least, we and our strategic partners also would like to sincerely thank the authorities and community for their confidence and facilitation that have and will continue to help us accomplish our objective. Traân troïng kính chaøo,

Your sincerely,

Pascal Billaud


Vì söï haøi loøng khaùch haøng

All for customer satisfaction

Big C chuù troïng vaøo vieäc mang laïi cho Khaùch haøng nhöõng saûn phaåm toát nhaát vôùi giaù caû caïnh tranh, chaát löôïng ñaûm baûo vaø thaät söï phuø hôïp vôùi nhu caàu tieâu duøng. Big C focuses on providing Customers best products with competitive price and ensured quality that meet consumption needs.

Anh Nguyeãn Vaên Laâm – 32 tuoåi – Caàu Giaáy, Haø Noäi “Giaù Big C luoân toát hôn ôû beân ngoaøi thò tröôøng, laïi thöôøng xuyeân coù caùc chöông trình khuyeán maïi haáp daãn. Vì vaäy cuoái tuaàn gia ñình toâi hay ñi mua saém taïi ñaây” “Big C always offers better price than that of other supercenters while having interesting promotion programs. Thats why I often take my family here to do shopping”

Vôùi khaåu hieäu “Big C, giaù reû cho moïi nhaø” ra ñôøi vaøo naêm 2007, Big C ñaõ vaø ñang trieån khai nhieàu chính saùch thöông maïi hieäu quaû : With the slogan “Big C, low price for every family” launched in 2007, Big C has been carrying out many effective commercial policies :

Caùc chöông trình giaûm giaù keùo daøi : Discount programs :

Giaûm giaù treân 300 maët haøng thieát yeáu, keå töø thaùng 10 naêm 2007 Discount on over 300 first necessity products since October 2007

Giaûm giaù töø 1% ñeán 10% treân giaù bao bì aùp duïng cho khoaûng 1.400 haøng thoâng duïng

Baùo chí noùi veà giaûm giaù taïi Big C Media coverage of discount at Big C

Discount of 1% to 10% on package price of some 1,400 popular items.

Chöông trình “10 maët haøng thieát yeáu” vôùi giaù baùn leû reû nhaát treân thò tröôøng The program “10 essential daily items” with lowest retail price in the market.

Giaûm giaù treân 300 maët haøng

Discount on over 300 first necessary items

Caùc chöông trình khuyeán maõi haáp daãn (3 tuaàn/ laàn) vôùi giaù giaûm töø 5% ñeán 50% vaø caùc giaûi thöôûng haáp daãn Attractive promotion programs (every 3 weeks) with discount of 5% to 50% plus interesting prizes

Theo saùt dieãn bieán giaù caû treân thò tröôøng nhaèm haïn cheá vieäc ñieàu chænh giaù Keeping updated with market developments to minimize price adjustments. Margin reduction investment to offer best price to customers

“Giaù reû cho moïi nhaø” luoân ñi keøm vôùi vieäc kieåm soaùt chaët cheõ chaát löôïng ñaàu vaøo cuûa gaàn 50.000 maët haøng ñang ñöôïc kinh doanh taïi Big C. “Big C, low price for every family” always goes with close selection of nearly 50,000 products being traded at Big C hypermarkets.

Naêm 2007, coâng taùc quaûn lyù chaát löôïng ñöôïc chuyeân nghieäp hoùa vôùi söï ra ñôøi cuûa Boä phaän Veä sinh & Chaát löôïng Big C vôùi nhieäm vuï:

In 2007, the quality control was professionalized with Big C Hygiene & Quality Department being established to take responsibility of: Thieát laäp vaø trieån khai caùc qui trình laøm vieäc ñaûm baûo Veä sinh Anh toaøn Thöïc phaåm Working out and implementing working process to ensure Food Hygiene & Safety

Ñaøo taïo caùn boä nhaân vieân Big C vôùi nhöõng phöông phaùp laøm vieäc ñaûm baûo veä sinh an toaøn thöïc phaåm Training Big C staffs how to apply working methods to ensure Food Hygiene & Safety

Xaây döïng quy trình kieåm tra chaát löôïng haøng hoùa ôû khaâu giao nhaän cuûa moãi cöûa haøng Working out process of quality control for delivery at each store.

Trieån khai caùc xeùt nghieäm caàn thieát ñeå kieåm tra chaát löôïng moâi tröôøng laøm vieäc cuõng nhö ñoä an toaøn cuûa thöïc phaåm baøy baùn Working on necessary laboratory tests to inspect quality of the working environment and safety of food on sale

Nghieâm tuùc kieåm tra vieäc aùp duïng caùc qui ñònh cuûa phaùp luaät ñoái vôùi haøng hoùa, kieân quyeát choáng kinh doanh caùc loaïi haøng giaû, haøng chaát löôïng keùm Strictly inspecting the complying of legal regulations of products, resolutely opposing the trading of counterfeits or poor quality products


Heä thoáng sieâu thò Big C - 10 naêm phaùt trieån vaø ñoåi môùi

Big C Super centers - 10 years of development and innovation

Xaây döïng nhoùm saûn phaåm ñoäc quyeàn Big C: theâm nhieàu lôïi ích cho Khaùch haøng Developing Big C private label : more benefits for Customers Xuaát phaùt töø nhöõng lôïi ích thieát thöïc maø saûn phaåm ñoäc quyeàn nhaø phaân phoái mang laïi cho Khaùch haøng, veà giaù caû cuõng nhö chaát löôïng, ñöôïc kieåm chöùng taïi caùc thò tröôøng baùn leû hieän ñaïi treân theá giôùi, Big C tieân phong trong vieäc phaùt trieån nhöõng nhoùm saûn phaãm naøy. Based on the effective benefits of the private label products that distributors bring to Customers in terms of price and quality through modern retail markets in the world, Big C pioneers in developing this product range in Viet nam. Thòt nguoäi eBon ñöôïc saûn xuaát taïi Trung taâm Ñaøo taïo vaø saûn xuaát Thòt, Thòt nguoäi cuûa Big C ñoùng taïi Ñoàng Nai, treân moät daây chuyeàn cheá bieán hieän ñaïi, theo coâng ngheä Chaâu AÂu, ñuùng tieâu chuaån an toaøn veä sinh thöïc phaåm, nguoàn goác thòt gia suùc roõ raøng vaø giaù caû luoân luoân caïnh tranh.

Chò Leâ Thò Tuyeát – 34 tuoåi – Quaän 10, TP. Hoà Chí Minh

“Gia ñình toâi thöôøng ñi daõ ngoaïi cuoái tuaàn vaø thòt nguoäi eBon cuûa Big C laø löïa choïn soá moät cuûa chuùng toâi vì tieän mang ñi xa, hôïp veä sinh, giaù laïi reû. “

“My family often goes on a picnic at weekends. Big C’s eBon Ham is our primary option because it is hygienic, affordable and easy to take away.”

eBon Ham is produced at the Training & Ham Producing Center. Big C Ham is packaged in Dong Nai Province on a modern processing line standardized by European technology, complying with Food Hygiene & Safety standards. Cattle meat supplies have evidenced origin and competitive prices.

Saûn phaåm Cao caáp Casino laø haøng ñoäc quyeàn cuûa Taäp ñoaøn Casino, coâng ty meï cuûa Big C taïi Phaùp. Coù maët treân thò tröôøng töø ñaàu theá kyû 20, saûn phaåm Casino ñaõ ñöôïc ñoâng ñaûo ngöôøi tieâu duøng treân theá giôùi öa chuoäng. Nhaèm ña daïng nhoùm saûn phaåm cao caáp cuûa mình, ñoàng thôøi mang ñeán cho ngöôøi tieâu duøng Vieät Nam tính öu vieät cuûa caùc saûn phaåm Casino, töø nhöõng naêm 2004, Big C baét ñaàu nhaäp khaåu tröïc tieáp caùc saûn phaåm treân ñeå phaân phoái treân toaøn heä thoáng Big C vôùi giaù caû raát caïnh tranh so vôùi haøng nhaäp khaåu cuøng chuûng loaïi (reû hôn töø 5% ñeán 20%). Chò Mai Thò Möøng – 35 tuoåi – Ñoáng Ña, Haø Noäi “Haøng thöïc phaåm mang thöông hieäu Casino cuûa Big C raát ngon, hôïp khaåu vò ngöôøi Vieät maø giaù caû laïi khaù deã chòu so vôùi haøng nhaäp khaåu khaùc” “Casino-brand food distributed by Big C is very delicious to the taste of Vietnamese people while its price is real competitive.”


Casino brand is the private label product of Casino Group, Big C’s France-based holding company. Having been launched since the early 20th century, Casino products were widely consumed. In order to diversify our premium products and provide Vietnamese consumers with Casino’s preeminent products, Big C, since 2004, has been directly importing Casino products to distribute at the entire Big C hypermarkets with competitive price in comparison with imported products of this kind (5% to 20% lower).

“WOW! Giaù haáp daãn” laø saûn phaåm ñoäc quyeàn cuûa Anh Nguyeãn Tuaán Anh Big C vôùi chaát löôïng ñaûm – 20 tuoåi – Haûi Chaâu, Ñaø baûo vaø giaù caû caïnh tranh Naüng nhaát trong caùc nhoùm saûn “Toâi nghe treân baùo chí noùi veà phaåm baøy baùn taïi Big C. haøng WOW! Giaù haáp daãn” Neáu nhö bao bì, quy caùch cuûa Big C neân coù duøng thöû vaø caùc ñaëc tröng rieâng moät soá maët haøng. Toâi thaáy cuûa saûn phaåm do Big C chaát löôïng duøng toát maø giaù thì quy ñònh, « WOW! Giaù raát caïnh tranh, phuø hôïp vôùi tuùi haáp daãn » do caùc coâng ty tieàn cuûa ngöôøi daân” haøng ñaàu cuûa Vieät Nam “I’ve heard in the news about saûn xuaát. Ñöôïc tung ra “WOW! Good price” products of thò tröôøng vaøo naêm 2007, Big C then I tried some. I find that ñeán nay haøng « WOW! the quality is good and the price is Giaù haáp daãn » ñaõ trôû neân the lowest of the market.” quen thuoäc vôùi Khaùch haøng Big C nhôø logo mang bieåu töôïng maët cöôøi ba maøu Traéng, Vaøng, Ñoû deã nhaän bieát. “WOW! Good price” is Big C’s First price label with most competitive price and ensured quality out of other product ranges available at Big C. If packaging, specifications and features of the products are regulated by Big C, “WOW! Good price” products are produced by leading Vietnamese companies. Being launched in 2007, “WOW! Good price” products became familiar with Big C Customers thanks to the smiley icon with three visible colors White, Yellow and Red.

Vì söï haøi loøng khaùch haøng

Anh Nguyeãn Troïng Lö – 32 tuoåi - Quyeát Thaéng, Bieân Hoøa “Toâi coù söû duïng dòch vuï mua haøng traû goùp cuûa Big C vaø Ngaân haøng Ñoâng AÙ ñeå mua Ti vi LCD trong ñôït Euro 2008 vöøa qua vaø toâi raát haøi loøng vì thuû tuïc ñôn giaûn vaø nhanh goïn. Toâi nghó mua traû goùp phuø hôïp vôùi nhöõng caùn boä nhö toâi, khoâng coøn phaûi ñôïi tieát kieäm trong moät thôøi gian daøi ñeå coù theå mua ñöôïc nhöõng trang thieát bò ñaét tieàn.”

All for customer satisfaction

Dòch vuï Big C – höôùng ñeán söï thoaûi maùi, tieän ích vaø tieát kieäm cho Khaùch haøng ! Big C service – Toward comfort, convenience and savings for customers ! Ngoaøi caùch dòch vuï truyeàn thoáng nhö baõi ñoã xe, giöõ ñoà, thanh toaùn baèng theû vaø baèng ngoaïi teä, goùi quaø,... Vöøa qua, Big C tieáp tuïc trieån khai nhöõng dòch vuï môùi mang laïi nhieàu lôïi ích hôn nöõa cho Khaùch haøng ñeán mua saém taïi ñaây.

Apart from the regular services like parking, baggage keeping, payment by credit card and foreign currency, gift wrapping..., Big C has recently provided new services to bring more benefits to customers doing shopping at Big C. Mua haøng traû goùp: Dòch vuï giao haøng mieãn phí taïi ñòa chæ vaø Ñaõ trieån khai taïi heïn giôø theo nhu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng Big C Ñoàng Nai vaø soáng caùch Big C moät khoaûng caùch nhaát Big C Thaêng Long ñònh, giuùp hoï coù theå ñi mua saém moät vôùi thuû tuïc nhanh caùch thoûa maùi hôn vaø deã daøng mua caùc goïn, ñôn giaûn, taïo ñieàu kieän cho khaùch haøng deã haøng hoùa naëng, coàng keành, ... daøng thöïc hieän caùc döï ñònh mua saém cuûa baûn thaân Free door-to-door and time-requested delivery vaø gia ñình services applied for customers living not very “I have bought and an LCD TV using Customer credit services of Big C and Dong A Bank during the Euro 2008 football season. I am satisfied with the simple procedures. I think buying something using customer credit is ideal for officers like me who don’t need to save for a long time to be able to buy expensive expensive equipments.”

Customer credit: applied at Big C Dong Nai and Big C Thang Long with simple procedures, helping customers making shopping plans for themselves and their family easily.

Xe buyùt Big C mieãn phí ñöôïc khai tröông vaøo thaùng 11 naêm 2007 taïi Haûi Phoøng vôùi 3 tuyeán xe noái caùc huyeän ngoaïi thaønh vaø Big C. Ñöôïc söï höôûng öùng nhieät lieät cuûa khaùch haøng, thaùng 6 vöøa qua Big C tieáp tuïc trieån khai dòch vuï naøy taïi Ñaø Naüng. Vöôït xa hôn haún hieäu quaû kinh teá cuûa caùc tuyeán Xe buyùt Big C mieãn phí, ñaây thaät söï laø moät giaûi phaùp giao thoâng ñi laïi cho ngöôøi tieâu duøng ôû caùc vuøng xa trung taâm coù ñieàu kieän ñöôïc ñi tham quan vaø mua saém giaù reû taïi caùc cöûa haøng Big C Big C free bus was launched in November 2007 in Hai Phong City with 3 routes connecting suburban districts with Big C. In June 2008, Big C launched this free bus service in Da Nang City thanks to encouraging response from Customers. Beyond the economic benefits of Big C free bus routes, the service is obviously a transportation solution for consumers living far away from the center to go shopping at Big C.

far away from Big C. This makes shopping more comfortable and convenient with bulky commodities, ...

Hoaøn tieàn veù xe buyùt ñoái vôùi Khaùch haøng ñeán mua saém taïi nhöõng cöûa haøng ôû caùc vò trí coù nhieàu tuyeán xe buyùt ñi ngang qua nhö Big C An Laïc, Big C Ñoàng Nai, ... Bus ticket fee will be refunded to Customers shopping at Big C hypermarkets where there are many public bus routes like Big C An Lac, Big C Dong Nai...

Baùc Leâ Thò Taïo – 62 tuoåi – Bình Chaùnh, TP Hoà Chí Minh “Big C An Laïc coù thoâng baùo hoaøn tieàn xe buyùt cho Khaùch haøng ñeán mua saém. Tuy soá tieàn khoâng nhieàu nhöng toâi nghó ñieàu ñoù cuõng theå hieän ñöôïc thieän chí cuûa sieâu thò muoán chia seû chi phí vôùi Khaùch haøng.” “I’ve heard that Big C An Lac announced refundable bus ticket fee for Customers shopping there. Its not a big sum but shows Big C’s willingness to share traveling fee with Customers, I think.”


Heä thoáng sieâu thò Big C - 10 naêm phaùt trieån vaø ñoåi môùi

Big C Super centers - 10 years of development and innovation

Haønh lang thöông maïi Big C: theâm nhieàu cô hoäi giaûi trí, vui chôi vaø mua saém cho Khaùch haøng Big C shopping mall : more opportunities for entertainment and shopping for Customers

Chò Hoaøng Minh Trang – 42 tuoåi – Long Bình Taân, Bieân Hoøa: “Laø Khaùch haøng cuûa sieâu thò gaàn 8 naêm nay toâi thaáy Big C thöôøng xuyeân ñoåi môùi, gaàn ñaây nhaát laø môû roäng trung taâm mua saém ôû beân ngoaøi, roäng raõi vaø hieän ñaïi hôn. Caùc thöông hieäu ôû ñaây khaù noåi tieáng, laïi coù khu vöïc vui chôi treû em vaø coù nhieàu nhaø haøng, cafeù boá trí raát lòch söï vaø ñeïp. Chaéc chaén toâi seõ ñöa gia ñình mình ñeán ñaây vui chôi giaûi trí vaø mua saém vaøo dòp cuoái tuaàn.” “I’ve been Big C’ s Customer for 8 years and I find out much of innovation at Big C today, exemplified by the recent shopping mall expanded outside which looks really spacious and modern. Products here are made by famous brands. There is also an amusement area for children. Many restaurants and coffee shops are beautifully arranged. Surely I will take my family here for entertainment and shopping at weekends.”

Ñeán vôùi Big C ngaøy naøy, ngoaøi vieäc ñi mua saém noäi trôï cho gia ñình taïi khu vöïc ñaïi sieâu thò töï choïn vôùi treân 50.000 maët haøng phong phuù, Khaùch haøng coøn coù theå thaû boä trong khu vöïc haøng lang thöông maïi roäng lôùn, thoaùng maùt vaø hieän ñaïi cuûa Big C, löïa choïn, mua saém töø caùc saûn phaåm may maët, giaøy deùp, myõ phaåm, ñieän töû... cho ñeán caùc duïng cuï theå duïc theå thao, laøm ñeïp... mang teân caùc thöông hieäu lôùn nhö: Bonia, Nino Max, Triumph, Yshion, Blue Exchange, Ha Gattini, Pierre Cardin, PNJ Gold, Katasima, ZA,... Doïc theo caùc loái ñi, Khaùch cuõng coù theå ngaém nhìn hoaëc löïa choïn caùc saûn phaåm thuû coâng myõ ngheä ñöôïc baøy baùn treân caùc xe tröng baøy löu ñoäng, goùp phaàn taïo neân moät hình aûnh nhoän nhòp vaø gaàn guõi cho trung taâm thöông maïi. Ngoaøi ra ñeán Big C cuøng vôùi gia ñình hay baïn beø, ñoàng nghieäp, Khaùch haøng coøn coù theå thö giaõn taïi caùc tieäm cafeù deã thöông nhö Highland Coffee, duøng böõa taïi caùc nhaø haøng lôùn nhö Legend Beer hay duøng caùc moùn aên nhanh cuûa Cafeù de Paris, Lotteria, KFC hoaëc Pizza Hut... Nhöõng Khaùch haøng ñang voäi vaõ cuõng coù theå thöôûng thöùc caùc ñoà uoáng töôi maùt hôïp veä sinh baùn taïi caùc quaày di ñoäng phía ngoaøi Trung taâm thöông maïi!

Coming to Big C today, Customers will have a chance not only to shop with over 50,000 products but also tour around the huge and modern shopping mall here, freely choosing garments, footwear, cosmetic, electronics and sportswear and make-up kits made by famous brands like Bonia, Nino Max, Triumph, Yshion, Blue Exchange, Ha Gattini, Pierre Cardin, PNJ Gold, Katasima, ZA... Along the arcade, customers can contemplate or choose handicraft products displayed on roving carts, which brings customers to a bustling and friendly atmosphere of the super center. Upon coming to Big C with friends, colleagues, customers can also refresh at the charming coffee shops like Highland Coffee, enjoy food at restaurants like Legend Beer or enjoy fast food served by Cafeù de Paris, Lotteria, KFC or Pizza Hut... Customers with little time can enjoy fresh hygienic drinks served at roving counters outside the trade center!

Sau nhieàu döï aùn môû roäng, hieän ñaïi hoùa, moät soá haøng lang thöông maïi Big C ñaõ thöïc söï trôû thaønh nhöõng trung taâm mua saém hieän ñaïi vaøo baät nhaát cuûa caû khu vöïcnhö Big C Thaêng Long, Big C Haûi Phoøng, Big C Ñaø Naüng. Theo ñaø phaùt trieån, Big C Ñoàng Nai ñang chuaån bò khai tröông trung taâm mua saém môùi roäng treân 9000 m2 vôùi nhieàu chuûng loaïi haøng hoùa cuõng nhö hoaït ñoäng ña daïng, ñöa Big C Ñoàng Nai trôû thaønh trung taâm thöông maïi cuûa caû vuøng. After several expansion and modernization projects, some of Big C shopping malls have turned out to be the leading modern shopping malls of the region namely Big C Thang Long, Big C Hai Phong and Big C Da Nang. On track of development, Big C Dong Nai is going to open a new shopping mall built on an area of 9,000m2 where there is a wide variety of commodities and diversified activities. This makes Big C Dong Nai the super center of the region.


Vì söï haøi loøng khaùch haøng

All for customer satisfaction

Hoaït ñoäng cuûa caùc boä phaän hoã trôï - ngaøy caøng chuyeân nghieäp hoùa vaø saùt vôùi nhu caàu cuûa Khaùch haøng Operations of the support departments – Increasingly professional to cover all customer needs Trung taâm Thu mua Big C Big C Purchasing Center

Cuûng coá ñoäi nguõ, taêng cöôøng ñaøo taïo Reinforcing the staffs and training

Phaùt trieån thu mua tröïc tieáp, böôùc ñaàu vôùi vieäc thu mua rau quaû taïi ñoàng baèng soâng Cöûu Long cho pheùp coù nhöõng saûn phaåm töôi ngon, chaát löôïng vaø giaù caïnh tranh Developing direct purchasing, starting with purchasing fruits and vegetables from the Mekong Delta to ensure freshness of products, good quality and competitive price

Chính saùch saûn phaåm môùi naêng ñoäng nhaèm mang laïi cho Khaùch haøng nhieàu choïn löïa hôn Flexible policy of new products to give Customers more options

Hôïp taùc laâu daøi vôùi caùc nhaø cung caáp ñeå coù ñöôïc giaù caû toát, chaát löôïng oån ñònh Long-term partnership with suppliers for good price and stable quality

Phaùt trieån heä thoáng haäu caàn cho pheùp cung öùng moïi cöûa haøng Big C trong ñieàu kieän toát nhaát Developing a supply chain to serve every Big C hypermarket in the best condition,

Söû duïng caùc phöông tieän truyeàn thoâng, tieáp thò hieän ñaïi Implementing modern marketing and communication strategies

Taêng cöôøng vaø phaùt trieån marketing tröïc tieáp, gaàn guõi vôùi phong tuïc vaø taäp quaùn tieâu duøng cuûa ngöôøi daân hôn

Strengthening and developing direct marketing to make it closer to public consumption manner and behaviour

Thoâng tin Khaùch haøng baèng caùc phöông tieän truyeàn thoâng ñaïi chuùng vaø website Big C

Communicating with Customers via mass media and Big C website

Ñoåi môùi vaø hoaøn thieän heä thoáng baûn hieäu, taïo söï thoûa maùi cho Khaùch haøng khi mua saém taïi Big C Renewing and improving instore signalisation to make Customers more comfortable when shopping at Big C

Phaùt trieån phaàn meàm quaûn lyù GOLD, phieân baûn môùi nhaát öùng duïng trong lónh vöïc baùn leû treân theá giôùi, cho pheùp hieåu roõ vaø ñaùp öùng toát hôn nöõa nhu caàu mua saém cuûa khaùch haøng Implementing GOLD solution, the latest software version applied in retail industry in the world. This helps Big C understand and meet Customer shopping needs better

Toå chöùc hoaït ñoäng kinh doanh toái öu nhaát Optimal business operations

Caùc cöûa haøng thöôøng xuyeân ñöôïc ñaàu tö môû roäng, luoân roäng raõi, thoaùng maùt, veä sinh, taïo caûm giaùc thoûa maùi thö giaõn cho khaùch haøng khi ñi mua saém Stores should be always expanded to be spacious, hygienic and comfortable

Toå chöùc saép xeáp caùc quaày haøng theo moâ hình rieâng, tröng baøy haøng hoùa baét maét, trang trí ñeïp, môû theâm caùc ñieåm vui chôi giaûi trí beân ngoaøi sieâu thò

Anh Vaên Möøng – 30 tuoåi – Ngoâ Quyeàn, Haûi Phoøng “ Toâi raát thích ñi mua saém taïi Big C vì khoâng gian ôû ñaây roäng raõi, trang trí ñeïp, hieän ñaïi vaø baét maét, haøng hoùa boá trí hôïp lyù, deã tìm vaø ñaây laø moät yeáu toá raát quan troïng ñoái vôùi nhöõng ngöôøi baän roän nhö toâi” “I like shopping at Big C very much because it has a large space, modern and beautiful decorations and well-arranged, easy-to-reach counters. This is important to busy people like me.”

Arranging the counters in a unique way, eye-catching displays, beautiful decorations, opening more amusement areas outside

Toå chöùc caùc chöông trình hoaït naùo haáp daãn, naêng ñoäng vaø mang tính giaûi trí taïi caùc ñieåm baùn Organizing attractive, dynamic and enjoyable activation programs at points of sale

Chính saùch Quaûn lyù haøng hoùa toát ñaûm baûo ñuû haøng hoùa phuïc vuï Khaùch haøng

Good policy of stocks control to ensure sufficient amount of products to serve Customers Trang ñaàu caùc catalogue khuyen maõi 1st page with promotion catalogues

Trang ñaàu cuûa trang web Big C 1st page of Big C website

7 Tröng baøy quaày caù taïi Big C Fish counter display at Big C

Quaày ñieän maùy Big C Ñoàng Nai Electronics counter at Big C Dong Nai


Heä thoáng sieâu thò Big C - 10 naêm phaùt trieån vaø ñoåi môùi

Big C Super centers - 10 years of development and innovation

Phoøng Xuaát khaåu Big C - Quaûng baù haøng hoùa Vieät treân theá giôùi Big C Export Department - Promoting Vietnamese products all around the world Ñaùnh giaù cao tieàm naêng, chaát löôïng, giaù caû cuûa haøng hoùa Vieät Nam, ngay töø ban ñaàu, Big C ñaët muïc tieâu taäp trung kinh doanh haøng hoùa Vieät Nam taïi thò tröôøng noäi ñòa (hieän caùc sieâu thò Big C kinh doanh treân 50.000 maët haøng trong ñoù 95% ñöôïc saûn xuaát taïi Vieät Nam), ñoàng thôøi toå chöùc quaûng baù saûn phaåm Vieät Nam ñeán ngöôøi tieâu duøng treân theá giôùi vôùi vieäc thaønh laäp Phoøng Xuaát khaåu Big C ñoùng taïi Big C Ñoàng Nai naêm 1997. With appreciation of the potential, quality and price of Vietnamese products, since its inception, Big C sets the objective to trade Vietnamese products in the local market (currently there are over 50,000 references available at Big C hypermarkets, 95% of which is produced in Vietnam). At the same time, Big C promotes Vietnamese products in the world by establishing Big C Export Department based in Dong Nai Province since 1997.

Hoaït ñoäng xuaát khaåu cuûa Big C ngaøy caøng phaùt trieån. Chæ taäp trung khai thaùc haøng Phi thöïc phaåm vaøo thôøi kyø ñaàu, keå töø naêm 2005, Big C xuaát khaåu nhöõng coâng-ten-nô toâm vaø caù ñoâng laïnh ñaàu tieân sang Vindemia (chi nhaùnh cuûa Taäp ñoaøn Casino taïi vuøng AÁn Ñoä Ñöông). Hieän nay, vôùi moät ñoäi nguõ goàm 20 ngöôøi laøm vieäc taïi Ñaø Naüng vaø Haø Noäi, Phoøng xuaát khaåu Big C xuùc tieán xuaát khaåu caùc maët haøng may maëc, noäi thaát, ngoaïi thaát vaø thöïc phaåm do khoaûng 50 coâng ty lôùn cuûa Vieät Nam saûn xuaát. Big C is increasingly developing its export operations. Focusing on trading non-food products at the beginning, since 2005, Big C has been exporting the first containers of frozen shrimp and fish to Vindemia (Casino Group’s branch in Indian Ocean). Presently, with a team of 20 staffs working in Danang and Ha Noi, Big C Export Department promotes the export of garments, indoor and outdoor furniture and food produced by some 50 big Vietnamese companies.

Nhieäm vuï chính cuûa Phoøng Xuaát khaåu Big C Big C Export Department’s main duties Tìm kieám caùc maët haøng Vieät Nam phuø hôïp vôùi thò hieáu ngöôøi tieâu duøng treân theá giôùi Sourcing Vietnamese products suitable for the taste of consumers worldwide

Caàu noái giöõa caùc nhaø saûn xuaát Vieät Nam vaø caùc chuyeân gia thu mua cuûa EMC Distribution Casino taïi caùc nöôùc nôi Taäp ñoaøn Casino coù maët Acting as the link between Vietnamese producers and purchasing experts of EMC Distribution Casino in the countries where Casino Group operates

Laøm vieäc vôùi caùc nhaø saûn xuaát Vieät Nam ñeå ñöa haøng hoùa cuûa hoï phuø hôïp vôùi caùc tieâu chuaån vaø qui ñònh nhaäp khaåu cuûa moät soá nöôùc nhö Phaùp, Argentina, Brazil...

Working with Vietnamese producers to standardize their products in accordance with import regulations of countries like France, Argentina, Brazil...

Quaûng baù caùc saûn phaåm Vieät Nam taïi caùc hoäi chôï taïi Chaâu AÂu, Chaâu AÙ Promoting Vietnamese products at trade fairs in Europe, Asia

Toå chöùc caùc cuoäc trieån laõm thu mua tröïc tieáp taïi Vieät Nam

Organizing direct purchasing exhibitions in Vietnam

Theo doõi ñôn ñaët haøng, ñaûm baûo chaát löôïng, soá löôïng haøng hoùa Vieät Nam xuaát ra nöôùc ngoaøi

Monitoring orders, ensuring quality and amount of Vietnamese products exported abroad

Phoøng Xuaát khaåu Big C coù öu theá laø thaønh vieân cuûa Trung taâm thu mua EMC Distribution, laø cô quan ñaûm traùch vieäc thu mua haøng hoùa cho toaøn boä Taäp ñoaøn Casino (öôùc tính khoaûng 9.800 cöûa haøng theo nhieàu moâ hình khaùc nhau vaø nhieàu thöông hieäu khaùc nhau taïi 11 nöôùc treân theá giôùi). Vì vaäy, caùc khaùch haøng chính cuûa Big C laø caùc chuoãi sieâu thò vaø cöûa haøng lôùn thuoäc Taäp ñoaøn Casino nhö: Casino, Geùant (Phaùp), Monoprix (Phaùp), Vindemia (AÁn Ñoä Döông), Exito (Colombia), CBD (Brazil), Libertad (Argentina), Go Sport (Phaùp)... Naêm 2007, Big C ñaõ xuaát 850 containers haøng Vieät Nam töông ñöông vôùi khoaûng 12 trieäu USD. Big C Export Department has an advantage of being member of EMC Distribution Purchasing Center, which is responsible for sourcing products to Casino Group (with estimated 9,800 stores of different models together with different brands in 11 countries around the world). Thus, key clients of Big C are the supermarkets and hypermarkets of Casino Group like Casino, Geùant (France), Monoprix (France), Vindemia (Indian Ocean), Exito (Colombia), CBD (Brazil), Libertad (Argentina), Go Sport (France)... In 2007, Big C exported USD12 million worth of 850 containers of Vietnamese products. Trieån laõm thu mua Boä söu taäp ñoà goã ngoaøi trôøi Casino 2009 do Phoøng xuaát khaåu Big C toå chöùc vaøo thaùng 3/2008 taïi Bieân Hoøa qui tuï gaàn 15 nhaø xuaát khaåu lôùn cuûa Vieät Nam trong lónh vöïc. Purchasing exhibition of Casino outdoor furniture collection 2009 organized by Big C Export Department in March 2008 in Bien Hoa City, attracting 15 big industry Vietnamese producers.


Vì söï haøi loøng khaùch haøng

All for customer satisfaction

Hoäi nhaäp coäng ñoàng - höôùng tôùi söï phaùt trieån beàn vöõng Community integration – Toward sustainable development

Qua 10 naêm phaùt trieån treân toaøn quoác, Big C ñaõ thaät söï hoøa nhaäp vaøo ñôøi soáng kinh teá xaõ hoäi cuûa ñaát nöôùc. Vôùi muïc tieâu trôû thaønh moät doanh nghieäp coâng daân maãu möïc, Big C ñaõ trieån khai nhieàu chöông trình haønh ñoäng : Over 10 years of development on a national scale, Big C has really integrated into the socio-economic practices of the country. Aiming to become a typical corporate citizen, Big C has carried out action programs :

Phaùt trieån moâ hình hôïp taùc thaønh coâng vôùi caùc doanh nghieäp ñòa phöông : DONATABA (Ñoàng Nai), BCCI (TP. Hoà Chí Minh), GTC (Haø Noäi... Building successful corporation with local companies : DONATABA (Dong Nai), BCCI (HCMC), GTC (Hanoi)...

Hoaøn thaønh caùc nghóa vuï doanh nghieäp taïi töøng ñòa phöông (naêm 2007 Big C ñaõ goùp vaøo ngaân saùch caùc thaønh phoá nôi Big C coù maët toång coäng 41 tæ ñoàng) Fulfilling corporate obligations in each locality ( in 2007 Big C contributed VND41 billion to budget of the cities where Big C operates)

Tham gia tích cöïc vaøo caùc hoaït ñoäng kinh teá nhö Thaùng baùn haøng khuyeán maõi, tham gia bình oån giaù, phaùt ñoäng caùc phong traøo, tham gia hoaït ñoäng xaây döïng heä thoáng baùn leû... Actively participating in market activities like promotion month, price stabilization, public campaivgn support,and retail system building up...

Tích cöïc phaùt ñoäng nhieàu hoaït ñoäng xaõ hoäi, chia xeû vôùi coäng ñoàng Actively launching social and community-oriented activities

Ñöa phaùt trieån beàn vöõng thaønh moät phaàn khoâng taùch rôøi trong chieán löôïc phaùt trieån cuûa Big C taïi Vieät Nam Making sustainable development one essential part of Big C’s development strategy in Vietnam

Vaø nieàm tin cuûa coäng ñoàng...

Thuû töôùng PM Nguyeãn Taán Duõng vaø OÂng Jean- Charles Naouri Chuû tòch Taäp ñoaøn Casino 10/2007- Paris PM Nguyen Tan Dung and Mr. Jean- Charles Naouri - Chairman of Casino Group - 10/2007- Paris

Top 40 Saigon Times 2007 Phaùt trieån beàn vöõng Top 40 Saigon Times 2007 Sustainable development

Phoù Thuû töôùng VPM Hoaøng Trung Haûi, OÂng Jean- Charles Naouri vaø laõnh ñaïo Big C12/2007- Haø Noäi VPM Hoang Trung Hai Mr. Jean-Charles Naouri and Big C Management - 12/2007- Hanoi

Thöông hieäu Vieät yeâu thích nhaát 2007 Most Admired Viet Brand 2007

Thöông maïi Dòch vuï 2007 Trade & Service 2007

Tích cöïc tham gia Thaùng baùn haøng khuyeán maõi taïi Ñaø Naüng Actively participating in promotion month in Da Nang

Vaø nieàm tin cuûa coäng ñoàng...

Dòch vuï Sieâu thò Haøi loøng nhaát 2008 Most Satisfactory Hypermarket 2008


Heä thoáng sieâu thò Big C - 10 naêm phaùt trieån vaø ñoåi môùi

Big C Super centers - 10 years of development and innovation

Nguoàn nhaân löïc Big C – chìa khoùa cho söï haøi loøng cuûa Khaùch haøng : Big C Human Resources - Key to customer satisfaction : Ñoäi nguõ caùn boä vaø nhaân vieân Big C ngaøy caøng lôùn maïnh theo söï phaùt trieån cuûa heä thoáng treân toaøn quoác. Chæ vôùi 478 ngöôøi vaøo naêm 1998, 10 naêm sau, Big C Vieät Nam ñaõ tröôûng thaønh leân ñeán 2600 ngöôøi. Nhöõng ñoåi thay to lôùn taïi Big C trong nhöõng naêm qua chaéc chaén seõ khoâng theå thöïc hieän ñöôïc neáu Big C khoâng xaây döïng, trau doài cho mình moät taäp theå nhieät tình, naêng ñoäng, ñoaøn keát vôùi tinh thaàn traùch nhieäm cao, quyeát taâm hoaøn thaønh muïc tieâu Haøi loøng Khaùch haøng. Big C’s officers and staffs are growing up over time, keeping pace with expansion of the chain nationwide. Having only 478 employees in 1998, ten years later, Big C Vietnam now has 2,600. The significant changes over the past years wouldn’t have definitely been made if Big C hadn’t succeeded in building and nurturing a dynamic, enthusiastic and closeknit team working with great responsibility and resolution to accomplish the customer-satisfaction objective.

Chính saùch nguoàn nhaân löïc cuûa Big C: Employment policy of Big C:

Thöôøng xuyeân tìm kieám nhaân taøi môùi Constantly seeking new talents

Anh Nguyeã n Ñöù c Thaø n h– Giaù m ñoá c Big C Ñoà n g Nai

“Trong quaù trình coâng taùc 11 naêm taïi Big C, toâi ñaõ tham gia nhieàu khoùa ñaøo taïo veà chuyeân moân (thu mua, kyõ thuaät thöông löôïng, ñaøo taïo giaùm ñoác…), veà phaùt trieån tö duy caù nhaân (giao tieáp, quaûn lyù thôøi gian...), veà kyõ naêng ngoaïi ngöõ (Tieáng Phaùp...) vaø vi tính... Hình thöùc ñaøo taïo cuõng raát ña daïng : taïi noäi boä, qua trung taâm ñaøo taïo beân ngoaøi (CFVG), ñi thöïc teá trong nöôùc vaø nöôùc ngoaøi (Phaùp, Thaùi Lan, Malaisia, Trung Quoác... ). Toâi ñaùnh giaù cao nhöõng gì ñaõ hoïc ñöôïc taïi Big C, ñaây thaät söï laø chìa khoùa cho söï thaønh coâng cuûa toâi cuõng nhö nhöõng ñoàng nghieäp khaùc laø nhöõng ngöôøi laàn ñaàu tieân khaùm ngaønh phaân phoái hieän ñaïi” Mr. Nguye Duc Thanh – Store Manager of Bic C Dong Nai “During 11 years of working with Big C, I had a chance to take on many professional training courses... (purchasing, negotiation technique, director training course…), personal improvement (communication, time management…), foreign language skill (French...) and IT skill... The training programs are diversified: internal training, external training with expertise centers (CFVG), inbound and outbound training tours (France, Thailand, Malaysia, China...). I appreciate the knowledge I learned at Big C. It is obviously the key for me and other colleagues, the first ones engaged in modern distribution industry, to succeed in our career”

Chò Nguyeãn Thò Thaûo – Giaùm ñoác Thu mua ngaønh haøng thöïc phaåm khoâ – TP Hoà Chí Minh

“Sau 8 naêm coâng taùc taïi Big C, toâi ñöôïc caáp treân tin töôûng ñeà baït leân vò trí Giaùm ñoác Thu mua Haøng thöïc phaåm khoâ keå töø thaùng 1/2008. Ngoaøi coâng taùc chuyeân moân laø thöông löôïng hôïp taùc vôùi caùc nhaø cung caáp, xaây döïng vaø ñaûm baûo keát quaû cuûa caùc chöông trình kinh doanh, toâi coøn laøm coâng taùc quaûn lyù vaø ñaøo taïo ñoäi nguõ nhaân vieân cuûa mình. Coâng vieäc thaät baän roän nhöng toâi khoâng ngöøng hoïc hoûi. Muïc tieâu cuûa toâi laø trôû thaønh moät Giaùm ñoác thu mua coù taàm nhìn roäng vaø kyõ naêng thöông löôïng toát.» Ms. Nguyen Thi Thao – Director of Dry Food Purchasing – HCMC “After 8 years of working with Big C, I’ve been appointed to Director of Dry Food Purchasing since January 2008. Apart from negotiating for cooperation with suppliers, developing and ensuring the effectiveness of business strategies, I am also engaged in management and training of the staffs. I keep teaching myself though I have a lot of things to do. It is my objective to become a Purchasing Director with a broad vision and a good negotiation skill.”


Chính saùch ñaõi ngoä ngöôøi lao ñoäng toát Good treatment policy

Nhieàu chöông trình ñaøo taïo theo nhu caàu, keát hôïp ñaøo taïo taïi noäi boä vaø beân ngoaøi, lyù thuyeát vaø thöïc haønh, chuù troïng ñeán vieäc chuyeån giao kyõ naêng Made- to- request training programs in line with internal and external training, theory and pratice, focusing on hand-over of skills

Phaân coâng coâng vieäc phuø hôïp vôùi öu ñieåm cuûa töøng caù nhaân, chính saùch ñeà baït döïa treân ñaøo taïo vaø huy ñoäng nhaân löïc noäi boä (60% caùc caùn boä Big C coù thaâm nieân treân 4 naêm) Reasonable assignments based on individual strengths, appointment policy based on training and internal manpower mobilization (60% of Big C officers works 4 years over)

Chính saùch tuyeån duïng ngöôøi khuyeát taät Recruitment policy for handicapped people

Xaây döïng vaên hoùa doanh nghieäp xung quanh 5 giaù trò cuûa Big C Building corporate culture revolving around Big C’ s 5 core values

Vì söï haøi loøng khaùch haøng

All for customer satisfaction

Anh Leâ Hoaøng Anh – 34 tuoåi - Giaùm ñoác Big C Hoaøng Vaên Thuï

“10 naêm laøm vieäc taïi Big C, toâi ñaõ traûi qua nhieàu vò trí coâng taùc khaùc nhau tröôùc khi ñöôïc ñeà baït laøm Giaùm ñoác Big C Hoaøng Vaên Thuï. Ngoaøi coâng vieäc chuyeân moân cuûa moät giaùm ñoác cöûa haøng, toâi luoân ñaët chuù troïng vaøo vieäc taïo ra moät khoâng khí laøm vieäc haêng say, ñoaøn keát, chuyeân nghieäp. Toâi raát töï haøo vaø gaén boù vôùi caùn boä vaø nhaân vieân cuûa mình.” Mr. Le Hoang Anh – aged 34 – Store Manager of Big C Hoang Van Thu “I have been working with Big C for ten years in different positions prior to being appointed to Store manager of Big C Hoang Van Thu. Besides handling duties of a store director, I find that it is specially important to make a professional working environment in which everyone can work enthusiastically and close-knitly. I am very proud of what we have today and will be a good partner with my officers and staffs.”

Anh Nguyeãn Troïng Tuaán – 28 tuoåi Giaùm ñoác Thu mua taïi Mieàn Baéc vaø Mieàn Trung Vôùi thôøi gian gaàn 4 naêm gaén boù cuøng Big C, toâi caûm nhaän Big C laø moät moâi tröôøng laøm vieäc chuyeân nghieäp, coâng baèng vaø nhieàu trieån voïng phaùt trieån. Ban giaùm ñoác luoân bieát laéng nghe, chuù troïng vieäc ñaøo taïo vaø ñaûm baûo lôïi ích cuûa moãi thaønh vieân trong taäp ñoaøn. Chuùng toâi laøm vieäc treân tinh thaàn 5 giaù trò cuûa Big C : Söï haøi loøng cuûa Khaùch haøng, Traùch nhieäm, Töông trôï, Minh baïch vaø Ñoåi môùi. Mr. Nguyeãn Troïng Tuaán, age 28, Purchasing Director - North and centre Working with Big C for nearly 4 years, I find Big C a fair, professional and prospective working environment. The Management is willing to listen to others, paying special importance to training and ensuring benefits of the members. We work for Big C’s 5 core values: Customer satisfaction, Responsibility, Mutual support, Transparency and Innovation.

5 giaù trò cuûa Big C - Big C’s 5 core values

Chò Traàn Thò Phöôïng Loan, 26 tuoåi, Tröôûng quaày Gia duïng, Big C Ñaø Naüng “Chính saùch an sinh xaõ hoäi cuûa Big C raát toát. ÔÛ vò trí cuûa mình toâi ñöôïc höôûng cheá ñoä baûo hieåm y teá Vietnam Care laø baûo hieåm tö nhaân cho pheùp nhieàu öu ñaõi nhö khaùm taïi caùc beänh vieän lôùn vaø uy tín, khoâng phaûi ñoùng phí hoaëc ñöôïc hoaøn tieàn khaùm chöõa beänh. Ngoaøi ra, baûo hieåm Vietnam Care baûo veä cho taát caû caùc thaønh vieân gia ñình nhö vôï, choàng vaø con caùi. Toâi caûm thaáy thaät an taâm khi laøm vieäc tai Big C!” Ms Tran Thi Phuong Loan, aged 26, Housewares Manager “Big C has a very good social welfare policy. In my capacity, I am entriely eligible for health insurance by Vietnam Care, a private insurance that offers many benefits like free check-up at prestigious hospitals or refundable consultation and treatment fees. What’s more, all the members of my family are also insured by Vietnam Care. I feel secure to work at Big C!”

Chò Vuõ Thò Tuyeát Nhung, 34 tuoåi, Nhaân vieân quaày Ñieän maùy – Big C Haûi Phoøng “Big C luoân coù nhöõng chöông trình thieát thöïc nhaèm caûi thieän ñôøi soáng cuûa caùn boä nhaân vieân, trong ñoù ñieån hình laø vieäc phaùt phieáu aên töø thaùng 1/2008. Giaù trò phieáu vöøa ñuû cho moät böõa aên nhöng ñieàu ñoù theå hieän söï quan taâm cuûa Big C ñeán söùc khoûe cuûa nhaân vieân. Vöøa qua toâi ñoïc thoâng baùo, bieát Ban laõnh ñaïo quyeát ñònh taêng giaù trò phieáu aên theâm 50% keå töø ngaøy 1/8/2008, toâi cuõng nhö caùc ñoàng nghieäp khaùc raát phaán khôûi vôùi thoâng tin naøy !” Ms Vu Thi Tuyet Nhung, aged 34, Home Appliances & Consumer Electronics Employee “Big C always implements practical programs to improve living standard of the staffs, delivering meal vouchers since January 2008, for instance. The voucher is worth only one meal but it shows Big C’s attention to staff health. I’ve recently been noticed that the Management decided to raise voucher value up to 50% as of August 01, 2008. My colleagues and I are very motivated! “


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