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Tahun pelajaran 2018/2019

1. Snow White and 7 Dwarfs Once upon a time, in a great castle, a Prince’s daughter grew up happy and contented, in spite of a jealous stepmother. She was very pretty, with blue eyes and long black hair. Her skin was delicate and fair, and so she was called Snow White. Everyone was quite sure she was become very beautiful. Though her stepmother was a wicked woman, she was very beautiful too, and the magic mirror told her this everyday, whenever she asked it. “Mirror, mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the loveliest lady in the land?”. “You are, your Majesty”. Until the dreadful day, when she heard it say, “The loveliest in the land is Snow White”. “What? Snow White?”. The stepmother was furious and wild with jealousy. She called one of her trusty servants and said. “Oh... oh my servants. Come on! Hurry up! This night, you take Snow White into the forest, far away from the castle. I want you to bring back her heart!”. He respons “Sure, my excellency”. However, when they came to the fatal spot, the man’s courage failed him and leaving Snow White sitting beside a tree, he mumbled an excuse and ran off. Snow white was all alone in the forest. At last, overcome by tiredness, she fell asleep curled under a tree. Dawn woke the forest to the song of the birds, and Snow White awoke too. She tried to find out where she was, she came upon a path. She walked it along, hopefully. On she walked till she came to a clearing. “What is the place? It’s very strange, the door, windows and a chimney pot are tiny. What tiny plates! And spoons! There must be seven on them, the table’s laid for seven people. Ah...! I’ll make them something to eat. When they come home, they”ll be glad to find a meal ready.” Towards dusk, seven tiny men marched homewards singing. “La...la...la... it’s time to rest. Who are make this? It is a bowl of soup.’’ Upstairs was Snow White, fast asllep on one of the beds. The chief dwarfs prodded her gently. “Who are you? Why you are in here? Oh... I know, you are enchanter!”. She respons, “Oh... I am not enchanter, my name is Snow White. I’m abduct from my castle. I don’t know why I’m abduct and throw in this forest and this morning I see your home. I make food to you and cleaning all.” Then one of them said, “You can live here and tend to the house while we’re down the mine. Don’t worry about your stepmother leaving you in the forest. We love you and we’ll take care of you! But, if you see strangers you will not to open the door. So many bad people in here.” Meanwhile, the servants had returned to the castle, with the heart of a roe deer, and gave it to the cruel stepmother. She turned again to the magic mirror. “Mirror, mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the loveliest lady in the land?”.

“The loveliest in the land is still Snow White, who lives in the seven dwarfs cottage, down in the forest.” “What? Snow White? She must die! She must die!” she screamed. Disguising her self as an old peasent woman, she put a poisoned apple with the others in her basket. Then taking quickest way into the forest, she crossed the swamp. Snow White was in the kitchen when she heard the sound at the door. “Who’s there?”. “I’m an old peasent woman selling aplles”. “I don’t need any apples, thanks.”. “But they are beautiful apples and ever so juicy!”. “I’m not supposed to open the door to anyone.”. “You are a good girl indeed. Good girl! And as a reward for being good, I’m going to make you a gift of one of my apples!”. Without a further thought, Snow White opened the door, just a tiny crack, to take the apple. “There! Now, isn’t that a nice apple?” Snow White bit into the fruit, and as she did, fell to the ground in a faint. “It’s delicious. But, wait! Wait!” “Ha...ha...ha... Good bye, Snow White! Hahaha”. But as she ran back across the swamp, she tripped and fell into the quicksand. “Help me! Help me! Auughh...” Meanwhile, the dwarfs came out of the mine to find the sky had grown dark and stormy. Worried about Snow White they ran as quickly as they could down the mountain to the cottage. There they found Snow White, lying still and lifeless, the poisoned apple by her side. They wept and wept for along time. “Hiiiks, Snow White... Hikkss”. Then they laid her on a bed of rose petals, carried her into the forest and put her in a crystal coffin. Then one evening, they discovered a Prince admiring Snow White’s lovely face trough the glass. After listening the story, the Prince made a suggestion. “If you allow me to take her to the Castle, I’ll call in famous doctors to waken her from this peculiar sleep. She’s so lovely, I’d love to kiss her.” He did, and as though by magic, the Prince’s kiss broke the spell. Snow white opened her eyes, she had amazingly come back to life! Now in love, the Prince ask Snow White to marry him. “Will you marry me?”. “Yes,” she responed. From that day on, Snow White lived happily in a great castle.

2. Pinocchio Once upon a time, Gepetto, an old woodsman, living in the great Italian pine forest, was lonely. He always dreamed about having a son. Each day, he went cutting woods for the town’s people. One day, an idea illuminated his mind, the idea of crafting a puppet, which he will call it Pinocchio. He crafted that puppet and during the night, the puppet becomes alive!

One year of happiness and thriller passed, on a Sunday morning, Gepetto told Pinocchio: ‘’It’s my birthday soon, my little son! I hope you didn’t forget it!’’ ‘’Euh, sure, I didn’t!’’ Pinocchio felt awkward. He didn’t thought about that. Gepetto’s birthday was coming in only three days, and he hadn’t even a present. After a long night of reflecting, Pinocchio finally decided to offer a homemade chocolate cake to him as a present. When the sun rose, Pinocchio was already ready to go outside find the ingredients. The main problem was he didn’t even known the in and the recipe. So after school, he decided to go ask someone for the ingredients to bake a cake. During his walk, Pinocchio, the wooden puppet, met the town’s sorcerer. ‘’Hey, little boy, do you need some help for your chocolate cake?’’ ‘’Hum…You can help me?’’, asked Pinocchio. ‘’Sure, I can. Follow me!’’ After walking few minutes so, Pinocchio saw a big, big, big candy house. They entered together and Pinocchio got caught by a big cage. ‘’Mouahahaha!!! I finally caught you! You’ll be mine, you’re gonna work for me!’’, said the evil sorcerer. Pinocchio was so scared. When the guards came and took him out of the cage, he immediately ran away very fast and he succeeded to escape. At the same time, the evil sorcerer, calling all his troops with him, ran after him and he took out his magic wand. The evil devil changed the little wooden puppet into a chocolate cake! When he came back home, he told the entire story to his father and they went to find the god fairy. After a long trip, they finally find the god fairy and they got the magical potion for Pinocchio.

3. Cinderella Once upon a time there lived a girl called Cinderella. she was happy live with her father and mother. until her mother died dead and her father had married a widow with two daughters. Her stepmother didn’t like her one little bit. But, for the poor unhappy girl, there was nothing at all. Her stepmother has two daughters and they were very bossy. No rest and no comfort. She had to work hard all day. Only when evening came was she allowed to sit for a while by the fire, near the cinders. That’s why everybody called her Cinderella. Cinderella used to spend long hours all alone talking to the cat. The cat always said, “Miaow“, which really meant, “Cheer up! You have something neither of your stepsisters has and that is beauty.” It was quite true. Cinderella, even dressed in old rags, was a lovely girl. While her stepsisters, no matter how splendid and elegant their clothes, were still clumsy, lumpy and ugly and always would be. One day, beautiful new dresses arrived at the house. A ball was to be held at the palace and the stepsisters were getting ready to go. Cinderella didn’t even dare ask if she could go too. She

knew very well what the answer would be: “You? You’re staying at home to wash the dishes, scrub the floors and turn down the beds for your stepsisters.” They will come home tired and very sleepy. Cinderella sighed, “Oh dear, I’m so unhappy!” and the cat murmured “Miaow.” Suddenly something amazing happened. As Cinderella was sitting all alone, there was a burst of light and a fairy appeared. “Don’t be alarmed, Cinderella,” said the fairy. “I know you would love to go to the ball. And so you shall!” “How can I, dressed in rags?” Cinderella replied. The fairy smiled. With a flick of her magic wand Cinderella found herself wearing the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. “Now for your coach,” said the fairy; “A real lady would never go to a ball on foot! Quick! Get me a pumpkin!” “Oh of course,” said Cinderella, rushing away. Then the fairy turned to the cat. “You, bring me seven mice, and, remember they must be alive!” Cinderella soon returned with the pumpkin and the cat with seven mice he had caught in the cellar. With a flick of the magic wand the pumpkin turned into a sparkling coach and the mice became six white horses, while the seventh mouse turned into a coachman in a smart uniform and carrying a whip. Cinderella could hardly believe her eyes. “You shall go to the ball Cinderella. But remember! You must leave at midnight. That is when my spell ends. Your coach will turn back into a pumpkin and the horses will become mice again. You will be dressed in rags and wearing clogs instead of these glass slippers! Do you understand?” Cinderella smiled and said, “Yes, I understand!” Cinderella had a wonderful time at the ball until she heard the first stroke of midnight! She remembered what the fairy had said, and without a word of goodbye she slipped from the Prince’s arms and ran down the steps. As she ran she lost one of her slippers, but not for a moment did she dream of stopping to pick it up! If the last stroke of midnight were to sound… oh… what a disaster that would be! Out she fled and vanished into the night. The Prince, who was now madly in love with her, picked up the slipper and said to his ministers, “Go and search everywhere for the girl whose foot this slipper fits. I will never be content until I find her!” So the ministers tried the slipper on the foot of every girl in the land until only Cinderella was left. Suddenly the fairy appeared and waved her magic wand. In a flash, Cinderella appeared in a splendid dress, shining with youth and beauty. Her stepmother and stepsisters gaped at her in amazement, and the ministers said, “Come with us Cinderella! The Prince is waiting for you.“ So Cinderella married the Prince and lived happily ever.

4. Sleeping Beauty Along Time Ago, There Are King And The Queen Lived In The Castle. They Had A Problem That They Had Not Have A Child Which Makes King And The Queen Felt So Sad. In One Day, When The Queen Walk To The River, There Was A Small Fish On The River And Said. “What Makes You Sad?” “I Don’t Have A Child.” Queen Answered. “Okay, You Will Have A Child Soon, Don’t Worry.” Fished Continued.

Day By Day Had Gone, And What Fish Predicted To Her Before Came True; The Queen Had A Little Girl. She Was Beautiful That Made King So So Happy After That Moment And Planned To Make A Big Big Party Ever. He Invited All His Family Members, Friends, And All The Villagers In His Kingdom. Also Didn’t Forget To Invite Fairy To Come To The Biggest Party Ever. In His Kingdom He Had 13 Fairy But The Gold Plate Was Only 12. It Made Him To Invite Only 12 From 13 Fairy. Every Invited Guest Had Come Including All 12 Fairies. They Give All The Best Gift To The Princess. Goodness, Beauty, Rich. And Everything. When A Eleventh Fairy Finished Giving Her Mercy, The Thirteenth Fairy Came With All Angrily Face She Had Because She Did Not Get An Invitation. She Was In Cruel. She Said , “When Your Daughter Would In The Age Of Fifteen She Will Get Impaled By Sewing Needles And Died. “Then The Twelve Fairy Came And Said Through Giving Mercy To The Princess “I Will Give Advanced The Fore That A Curse Was Said By The Thirteenth Fairy Going To Happen , But She Only Could Extenuate The Curse Is , Princess Will Not Die , But Only Just Fall Asleep During A Hundred Years”. King Was So Worried About That Then He Saved The Daughter From Any Of The Threat Of Sewing Needles Curse . Then All The Sewing Needles Took Out And Destroyed . Meanwhile , All Blessing Given By The Fairy Was Consummated , Like The Princess Being Very Beautiful , Kind, Friendly And Everybody Loved Her. But In Some Day, On The Door Hung A Golden Key , And When She Opened The Door , She Saw An Old Woman Sewed With Sewing Needles And Looked Very Busy .”Hi A Good Mother” , ‘ Said The Princess , “What Are You Doing Here ?” “Sewing And Embroidery.” Old Woman Answered. Nodding Her Head. “How Beautiful Yours” Said The Princess. When She Took Sewing Needles And Began To Embroider The Accident Came Unexpectedly. She Skewered By The Needle And After That The Princess Fall To The Ground Lifeless As If Not Longer. As Foreseen, The Princess Will Be Impaled By Sewing Needles, The Princess Will Not Die , But Would Only Asleep; Then The King And Queen Who Had Just Returned To The Palace , And All The Ministers Also Fall Asleep, Horses At Home Too, A Dog In The Yard, Pigeons On The Roof And The Flies That Are In The Wall, Everything Fell Asleep. Even Fire Be Stopped, Of Meat Roasted Became Stiff, A Cook , Everything Was Sleeping And Silent. Year By Year Prickly Wild Plants Were Growing Fastly And Fence Around The Palace. The Palace Were Surrounded By A Thick Prickly Wild Plant And It Increased Every Year Until All Had Been Made The Place Can’t Be Seen Again. In Addition, A Roof And Chimneys Had Not Be Seen Because It. The News About Beautiful Princess Who Was Fell Asleep Spread Throughout The Mainland, So Many Prince Try To Come And Try To Enter Into The Palace. But They Never Be A Success Because Thorns And Plants That Are Outspread Interweave And Entrap Them As They Were Held By Some Hands To Not Let Them Came In, And Finally They Were Not Able To Forward Again. Through The Years, People Who Had Grown Old Told The Story About A Princess Very Beautiful. Then A Prince Who Hear It Said, “All Those Stories Will Not Scary Me, I Will Go And See Sleeping Beauty.” Although His Parents Who Told Him Prevented To Go, Prince Was Still In Force To Go Away.

That Was 100 Years After Princess Fell A Sleep, And When The Prince Were Coming To Scrub The Palace, Enclose With A Fence He Was Seeing Is Just The Beautiful Plants That Can Go Easily. The Trees Are Close Again With A Meeting When The Prince Has Been Through. When The Prince Were Eventually Arrived At The Palace , He Saw A Dog That There Is In The Yard Was Dozing, So Does A Horse That There Are At Home The Palace, And On The Roof He Saw Pigeons Are Also Fell Asleep With The Head Under Its Wings; And When He Came To The Palace , He Saw Flies Fell Asleep On The Walls Of The Palace. When He Came More Into, Everything Seemed So Quiet That He Only Could Hear His Own Breathe; Until He Arrived At The Old Tower And Opened The Door Where Sleeping Beauty Was. Then He Look That Sleeping Beauty Was So Pretty. The Prince Knel Down And Kissed The Princess. So Surprisingly Sleeping Beauty Opened Her Eyes And Woke Up, Smiling To The Prince Because Of A Curse Of The Fairies The Thirteenth Had Broken. They Both Went Out Of The Tower And In That Moment The King And Queen Also Had Awakened Including All His Ministers Who Looked At Each Other With Astonishment.The Horses The Palace Also Woke Up, The Dogs Also Jump Woke Up And Barking, The Birds Pigeon In A Roof Issued His Head From Under Her Wings, Looked Around And Then Fly To The Heavens, Flied That Directly Fluttering Back. Finally The King And Queen Was Lived Happily, After That They Made The Wedding Party To The Princess And Prince As The Best Happy Ending.

5. The Little Mermaid Long time ago there lived a sea king in a coral palace that was very deep at the bottom of the sea. He had six daughters. While the five of his daughters were happy, the youngest of them was unhappy. The little mermaid love the world above the sea. She often swam to the surface of the sea and looked the beautiful blue sky, sun and the green trees of the distant land. She used to feel sad when the time to get back home, came. In the middle of a night, The little mermaid left her home and came to the surface, secretly. She sat on a rock and sang a song. She had very beautiful voice. In the dark and stormy night, the high waves crashed a ship and the ship rolling and pitching on the sea. Beside the ship a young man was signalling for help. The little mermaid immediately rescued him. She brought him to the shore and rested him against a rock. She fell in love with this young man, the most handsome she had ever seen. A few minutes later, a young girl came and looked them. The little mermaid immediately left the surface and reached her home. The little mermaid always thought of the young man. she met a sea witch and told her that she want to be a human. So that she could walk and dance on the land to meet the prince who she love. The witch agreed to consent the wish on two condition. First, the witch will take the beautiful voice of the little mermaid, so the little mermaid can’t talk and sing. Second, if the young man

marries someone else, the little mermaid will die and become foam of the sea. The little mermaid agreed and was soon transformed into a beautiful girl wearing splendid clothes. The little Mermaid reached the young man palace and feeling that the young man would recognize her as the rescuer. Not knowing anything about the girl, the palace guards did not allow her inside. Because she can’t speak anything. Listen to the music coming from the palace, she start to dance beautifully. The young man come suddenly and see a beautiful girl with long hair and beautiful dance. He like her and allow her to join with him in the palace. The young man said that the little mermaid remembered him with someone who saved his life. The young man asked her to dance at his party. The little mermaid dance beautifully and charm everyone. Day after day, they are to be close. The prince who is the young man said that He fell in love with a beautiful girl who had beautiful voice who saved his life, but he has never been seeing her until now. He think that He will never meet her anymore, so He’ll marry a beautiful young girl who found him at the edge of the sea. The little mermaid felt very sad to hear that. The little mermaid wanted to tell him that She was the girl. But she can’t spoke. The wedding has come. The little mermaid came to the palace and saw the prince with the princess. She ran out of the palace and reached the edge of the sea. Sad about what happened to her, she entered the sea, died and became foam of the sea.

6. Beauty and the Beast In a village in France, There lived an old scientist named Maurice. He lived with his daughter named Belle. Belle was the most beautiful girl in the village so that every man in village loved her very much. Including Gaston, he was a much feared men in the village. Belle was very happy to sing and read. She always spends his time in the library to read books. Her favorite book was one of the fairytale about a prince who is cursed. One day Maurice went out of the city along with his horse named Philip. However, in the middle of the trip, they got lost and were attacked by a wolf pack. Philip felt scared so he jumped very high. Maurice who is in his shoulder was falling while Philip escaped. Maurice was fear. He ran aimlessly. Then he arrived at a very old castle. It looked very creepy but he still entered the old castle. The castle was occupied by a monster named Beast and residents who were strange objects which were alive. Then Maurice was arrested and put in prison. Philip who managed to escape from the wolf returned to the house. Belle was worried because Maurice was not come back with Philip. She immediately looked for his father in the woods alone. Belle searched in the woods until she arrived at an old castle. She entered the castle and found her father held there. When Belle entered the castle, all the inhabitants of the castle were very happy. They drove Belle to her father. The Beast knew it and became angry. With braveness Belle was offered herself to replace her father, who was arrested if he released her father. Finally Beast released Maurice but Belle Stayed in the castle. At first Belle disliked Beast who was rude and grumpy. Even Belle tried to escape from the castle because Beast scolded her. Belle who escaped from the castle was attacked by wolves in the

jungle but she was saved by Beast that went up with her. Beast got injured in a fight with the wolves then he brought Belle back to the palace. After arriving at the palace, Belle treated the wounded beast. Day after day passed, relationship between Beast and Belle were better. They became a friend and eventually fell love each other. However, Beast was afraid to express his love. He was afraid of Belle will reject him because he was a monster. At the time when Beast wanted to confess his feelings, Belle saw her father was sick through the magic mirror. She asked the Beast to meet his father. With unwillingness, Beast let her go. Once Bell returned to the village, Belle was forced to marry Gaston. But Belle rejected it. Gaston knew that Belle had fallen in love with a monster in the castle in the woods. Belle and her father were imprisoned in the basement at Belle’s home. Gaston incited all the villagers to attack the castle and kill the occupants. He said that they were very dangerous and the castle should be destroyed. The residents who had instigated by Gaston agreed. They went to the castle to hunt Beast but Belle and Maurice managed to escape from the basement. They immediately went to the castle. Gaston and the villagers had managed to enter the castle. They attacked all of inhabitants of the castle. Beast who was angry attacked Gaston. But when he would kill Gaston, the Beast did not continue its actions and released him. However, Gaston stabbed the beast from the back. At that time Belle came and saw the Beast who was severely injured. Seeing Belle came, Beast became excited back. Gaston tried to attack him back. However Beast deftly dodged Gaston then Gaston fell from the top of the castle and died. Beast was seriously injured and no longer able to survive. Just as the last strands of magic rose fell, Beast stopped breathing. Belle was crying hysterically. She shouted and said she loved the Beast. Suddenly a miracle occurred. The curse on the castle disappeared. The Scary castle was transformed into a beautiful palace, all its inhabitants turned into humans and the Beast turned back into a handsome and dashing prince. The curse was gone because of Belle’s sincere love to Beast. Finally, Beast and Belle married and lived happily ever after.

7. Aladdin Once upon a time, there was a mother living with a son named Aladin in Persia. One day, a man approached Aladin who were playing. Then, the man admitted Aladin as his nephew. That man asked Aladin to go out of town with her mother permission to help him. It was a very long trip. Aladin was overworked and complained to his uncle but instead he was barked and sent to search for firewood. If Aladin did not want to do it, he would kill Aladin. Aladin finally realized that the man was not his uncle but a witch. The male witch then turned on fire with wood and began to utter some words “braaaakkk” suddenly the land became perforated like a cave. In that cave, there were stairs to reach the basement. The witch asked Aladin to go into the cave to take the beautiful lamp there but Aladin did not want because he was afraid. Then, the witch gave him a ring to protect him. Finally, Aladin went into the cave with fear. After he reached the basement, he found some trees which the fruit was diamond. After he took the diamond and the beautiful lamp, he went up the stairs. But, the door was closed because the witch was impatient.

The door was closed by the witch and he left Aladin alone in the cave. Aladin was sad and sat pensively. Aladin set both his hands and rubbed his fingers. Suddenly, around him turned scarlet and smoke soared. At once, a giant appeared. Aladin was so afraid. “I beg your pardon Aladin because I make you shocked. I am the fairy that is in your ring that given by the witch.” The giant said. “Okay, Please bring me home now.” Aladin said. In a very short time, Aladin had arrived in front of his house. “If you need me, please call me by rubbing your ring.” The giant said. Aladin told all the stories to his mother. Meanwhile, his mother was cleaning the backyard. Suddenly, the smoke came out and a giant appeared. The giant asked Aladin to say his request. Then, he asked the giant to give them food because they were hungry. In a very short time, the giant served many delicious foods. Year by year, Aladin lived happily with his mother. Aladin became a rich young man. One day, there was a princess went in front of his house. He was amazed and fell in love with that beautiful princess. Then, Aladin told to his mother about his willingness to get married with that princess. After that, his mother went to the palace and brought all of the diamonds that he had as a present for the princess. The king was so happy and said that he would come to Aladin’s house with his daughter. When she came to her house, she rubbed the magic lamp and asked the giant to make her house become a palace. The next day, the king came with her daughter to Aladin’s palace. Then the king asked if Aladin wanted to be husband of her daughter. Aladin agree with that request, and then they held the wedding party. Far away, the witch saw what happened through his crystal ball. Then, he went to Aladin’s house and pretended as a seller of lamp in front of Aladin’s palace. He said that everyone could exchange their old lamp with the new one. His wife who saw that immediately exchanged the magic lamp of Aladin with the new lamp. Soon the witch rubbed the lamp and asked the giant to bring Aladin’s palace with his wife to the witch’s house. When Aladin came home, he went around and felt shocked. He called the giant of his ring and asked what happened. After knowing the problem, Aladin beg the giant to bring back all of his belongings. But, the giant refused because his power was not great as the giant of the lamp. Then Aladin wanted the giant of the ring to bring him there to take all what he had. Aladin tiptoed into the palace and searched the room of his wife. After he met his wife, she told that the witch was asleep because he was drunk. Carefully he took the magic lamp. Aladin asked the giant of the lamp to get rid of the witch. Unfortunately, the witch woke up and attacked Aladin. However, the giant of the lamp attacked the witch until he was dead. “Thank you, the giant of the lamp. Bring us to our palace in Persia.” Aladin asked.

“My pleasure, Aladin.’ The giant answered. When they arrived in Persia, Aladin lived happily. He used the magic of the lamp to help poor people.

8. Rapunzel Once Upon A Time, There Were A Couples Who Are Eager To Have A Child. They Were Feeling Sad And Lonely Which Covered All The Time They Have. But Someday, Surprisingly, The Wife Had A Sign Which Indicated Her Was In Pregnant. They Were So Very Happy About It. They Jump And Say Yes. But The Pleasure They Have Did Not Run Long. The Wife Fell Ill. The Husband Also Confused Because There Was No Cure Or Heal That Can Help Her. But Suddenly There Was An Old Woman Who Suggested Taking Rampion Flower That Only Grew In The Hills. The Husband Also Went To Take Rampion Flowers To Be Used To Cure His Wife. Turns Out Of The Place Where The Flowers Grew Was A Region Of An Evil Wizard Stayed. The Husband Had Not Have Another Option, If He Did Not Get It, His Wife Would Die. He Finally Ventured To Take The Rampion Flower. But Unfortunately His Efforts Failed, The Evil Which Kept The Rampion Flower Caught Him Stealing Flowers In The Garden. “How Dare You Are Stealing Flowers In The Garden!!!” Said The Wizard’s Wrath. “Please Forgive Me. My Wife Is Pregnant And Now She Is Ill. The Only Medicine That Can Help Curing Her Is Only Rampion Flower.” The Husband Pleaded “Hahahahahha … Hahahahah … Hahahahah …” Suddenly The Witch Laugh. “You May Bring Rampion Flowers From My Garden As Much As You Need. And I Also Forgive Your Acts On This. But On One Condition. You Have To Give The Child That Would Be Born To Me. And Do Not Worry, I Will Treat The Child As A Child As My Own “Said The Wizard. The Husband Also Confused. Eventually He Chose To Approve The Requirement For Safety’s Wife, Herself And The Children Were Later Born. And When The Baby Is Born, The Witch Appeared And Gave The Baby’s Name Was Rapunzel And Pick It Up From The Arms Of Their Parents. Rapunzel Grew Into A Very Beautiful Girl. When She Was 12 Years Old, The Wizard Locked In A High Tower In The Middle Of The Forest. The Tower Did Not Have Stairs Or Doors, Only A Small Window At The Top Of The Tower. And When The Witch Came To Visit, She Ordered Rapunzel To Lose Her Hair. Yup, Rapunzel Was Blessed With A Very Beautiful Hair, Long And Shiny As Gold. Rapunzel Must Derive The Hair Through The Window Down And With Rapunzel’s Hair Was The Wizard Can Climb To The Top Of The Tower.

After Several Years Of Living In The Tower, A Handsome Prince Who Was Hunting In The Woods Accidentally Heard Beautiful Singing Coming From The Tower. He Tried To Found Out And Wanted To Get Into The Tower But Did Not Find The Door Or Stairs To Climb To The Top. The Prince Was Desperate And Decided To Go Home. But He Heard Singing Which Touched His Heart. Therefore, Every Day He Went Into The Woods And Heard. One Time He Saw A Magician Came To The Tower And Said: “Rapunzel, Rapunzel ,, Extend Your Hair Down For Me.” As Always Rapunzel Lowered The Hair To The Witch Went Upward. To The Next Day, The Prince Came And Tried The Same Way As The Magician Was Doing. He Said “Rapunzel, Rapunzel ,, Extend Your Hair Down For Me.” Successfully! Rapunzel’s Hair Fell Down And The Prince Climbed To The Top. Rapuzel Was Shocked And Scared When It Turns Out A Handsome Prince, Who Rise To The Top. Rapunzel Had Never Met Anyone Other Than The Witch. But The Prince’s Speech Smoothly And Friendly Making Sure Rapunzel. The Prince Told Why He Venture Into The Tower. They Talked So Happily. And They Was Falling In Love Each Other In The First Impression. Rapunzel Was Very Surprised When Later The Prince Asked Her To Marry Him. And Rapunzel Told Yes. “I Will Go With You, But I Do Not Know How To Get Out Of Here.” Said Rapunzel. “Bring Me A Roll Of Silk Every Time You Come In. And I’m Going To Weave The Silk Rope. When The Rope Was Ready, I Will Come Down And Take You To The Palace.” Said Prince. They Also Agreed And Asked The Prince To Come At Night Because The Wizard Would Come During The Day. But One Day, When The Wizard Wanted To Climb To The Top, Rapunzel Thought It Was The Prince Whom She Loved. “My Dear Prince, Why Are You So Heavy Today?” Rapunzel Said. “Prince ???” Witch Surprised. “I Think, I Have Separated You From The Outside World. I Was Wrong.” Wizard Said Angrily. By The Wrath Of The Witch Took The Scissors And Cut Rapuzel’s Long Hair And Throw Into The Desert. Then The Wizard Would Find Out Who The People That Visit Rapunzel Every Day By Having Hair Like Rapunzel. Sure, The Prince Was Coming, The Wizard Also Lowered Rapunzel’s Hair Which Had Been Cut. When The Prince Climbed To The Top, He Was Surprised, It Was Not Rapunzel, It Was The Evil Witch. “Hahhha..Rapunzel Has Gone. You’ll Never Seen Her Forever.” Said Wizard. The Prince Was Sad And Desperate. Finally He Jumped From The Tower To Escape From The Witch. But Unfortunately, The Thorns Pierced Into Two Eyes When Falling. The Prince Became Blind. He Felt Hurt And Walked Aimlessly Lament His Fate Whose Lost The Woman He Loved. So Long Running Aimlessly; Up To Take Him To The Desert Where Rapunzel In The Exhaust. That’s Where The

Prince Heard Beautiful Singing That Will Never Be Forgotten. Yes, It Belongs To His Girlfriend Was Singing Well, Rapunzel. They Both Finally Reunited. Rapunzel Cease To Cry, Conditions Whom She Loved Was Scarred And Blind. The Miracle Happened, Rapunzel’s Tears Dripped Into The Eyes Of The Prince, And The Magic To The Two Eyes Of The Prince Opened And He Could See Again. The Prince Was Brought Rapunzel Returned To The Palace, And They Both Lived Happily Forever.

9. Jack and the Beanstalk In The Past, There Ware A Mother And A Young Child Who Lived In A Village. The Young Boy Named Jack. Their Lives Were Poor. Their Property That There Was Only One Cow, Which Over Time Has Been Reduced Milk Production. Realizing This, The Mother Was Planning To Sell Their Cattle, Then The Money Would Be Used To Buy Grain. The Plan, The Wheat Would Be Planted In A Field Near Their Home. The Next Day, Jack Brought His Cattle To Market. On The Way To The Market, Jack Met A Grandfather. Grandfather Admonished Him, “Hi Jack, Would You Swap Your Herds With These Magic Beans?”. “What, Swap Pea With My Cow?” Said Jack Surprised. “Do Not Insult! This Is The Magic Beans. If You Plant It And Let It Overnight, Then The Next Morning This Bean Will Grow Up To The Sky,” Said The Old Man Explained. “Ok, I Will See,” Replied Jack. At Home, Mother’s Jack Was Shocked And Angry. “How Stupid You Are! How Could We Live Only With A Grain Of Beans? “I Was So Angry,” The Mother Throws The Beans Out The Window. But What Happened The Next Day? Apparently There Was A Giant Tree That Grew To Reach The Sky. “Well, It Is True What The Old Man, He Muttered”. Then Carefully He Immediately Climbed The Giant Tree. “Oh, Why I Can’t See Well Into The End Of The Tree, ?” Said Jack In His Mind. Not Long Ago, Jack Looked Down. He Saw The Houses To Be Very Small. Jack Finally Get To The Cloud. There He Could See A Strange Giant Palace. “I’m Thirsty And Hungry, Perhaps In The Palace I Found The Food,” He Muttered. Arriving At The Palace Door, He Knocked Loudly. “Kriek …” Great Door Was Opened. When He Looked Up, There Is A Great Woman. “What Is It, Son?”, She Said. “Good Morning, I Was Thirsty And Hungry, May I Ask For A Little Food?” Well, You’re Very Polite Boy. Come On! Eating! “Said The Woman Friendly. While Eating, Suddenly Heard Loud Footsteps, Duk Duk! It Turned Out That The Woman’s Husband Who Came. He Was A Giant Man-Eaters. Quickly She Said To Jack. “Son, Quickly Hide! My Husband Is Coming. “” Huaaa …. I Am Home. Quickly Prepare A Meal! “Cried The Giant. Jack Held His Breath In The Furnace. The Giant Suddenly Smell Human. Then He Peered Into The Furnace. Quickly She Said, “It Stinks That We Burn Yesterday’s Man. Come Relax. This Food Is Ready. “ After Eating, Giant Issued A Purse Containing Gold Coins Stolen, While Drinking. Then He Started Counting Soon He Was Drunk And Fell Asleep. Seeing This, He Immediately Came Out Of Hiding. Before Leaving, He Took The Gold Coins Stolen The Giant As He Crept.

He Continued Down The Beanstalk And Finally Got Home. “Mom … Look At This Gold. From Now On We Are So Rich. “” You Can Not Get This Money Easily. What Are You Doing? “Then Jack Told The Events Of His Mother. “How Dare You Are, Jack! What If A Giant Had Come To Take It Back, “She Said Anxiously. Since Getting Gold Coins, Each Day Jack Just Relax Alone With Stolen Money. Not Long Ago, The Money Ran Out Loot. Jack Back To Climbed The Tree, To Go To The Palace. “You Come Again. What Is It? “Said The Giant’s Wife. “Good Afternoon Ma’am. Since I Have Not Eaten From The Morning, My Stomach Was So Hungry.” A Good Mother Was Silent, But He Still Gave Jack Lunch. Suddenly …. Duk Duk Duk! Sound Of Footsteps Of Giants. As Before, Jack Retreated Furnace. Upon Entry Into The House, The Giant Eating Greedily. After That He Put His Cock Loot On The Table And Said, “Chicken, Give Your Golden Eggs.” Then The Cock Crowed, “Kukuruyuuk ….,” The Cock Gave A Golden Egg. Giant Satisfied, He Drank Sake Until He Finally Fell Asleep. “The Golden Egg? Well Great! ” Thought Jack. Secretly He Caught The Chicken And Quickly Ran Back To The House. By Laying Cock Gold, Jack Returned To Back Alone. “Than You Steal It, Had Better To Work In The Fields”, Said Mother. Because Every Day Chicken Eggs Issued More Than It Should, Chicken And Even Then Die. He Returned Again To The Giant Palace. Again He Was Hiding In The Furnace, When The Giant Male Home While Carrying A Harp. While Drinking Sake, The Giant Said, “O Harp, Played A Beautiful Melody.” Even Miracles Happen, Harp That Plays Itself A Beautiful Melody. The Song Was Made The Sleeping Giant. Jack Had The Intent To Steal The Harp. He Also Extended His Hand, But … “Sir, There Is A Thief …” Suddenly Shouted Harp. The Giant Awoke. He Soon Chasing Jack The Running While Carrying A Giant Harp It. Giants Continue To Pursue, Down The Beanstalk. When They Came Down, He Shouted To Mother. “Mom …. Bring Me The Axe From The Shed! Fast! Fast! How Shocked Mother Saw A Giant Figure Who Comes Chasing Jack, He Trembled With Very Afraid. Once Down From The Tree, Jack Immediately Cut Down The Nut Tree With His Axe. With A Loud Voice, Tree Nuts Collapsed. The Giant Fell To The Ground, And Die. Mother Was Very Relieved To See Jack Survived. While Crying She Said: “Jack, Do Not Do It Anymore… You Do Creepy Things Like This. No Matter How Poor We Work With Earnest. With Gratitude To God, Surely We Both Shall Live Well.” ” I’m Sorry Mom, From Now On I Am Going To Work In Earnest, Said Jack To His Mother. “ Since Then, Jack Worked Diligently Every Day. Beside Him, Harp Played Beautiful Melodies That Add To The Spirit Of Jack. The Story Of The Magic Harp Had Spread Throughout The Country. One Day, A Beautiful Daughter Came To Visit Him. Unusually, The Harp Played A Beautiful Melody That Made The Princess Enchanted. Then Harp Was Singing: “If Princess And Jack Were Married, Will Be Happy.” Hearing That Song, The Princess Flushed Cheeks. Jack Eventually Married The Beautiful Princess With The Help Of His Harp. Since Then Jack Became A King Who Loves To Help People In Distress. The End

10. Peterpan In an area called Edwardian in London lived Wendy Darling with her two younger brothers. Their parent Left them in a house care belonging to the lady Nana. On a night when Mrs. Nana was away, Wendy Darling awakened by a strange sound. Then she ran toward the sound. She saw a boy named Peter Pan. Wendy was surprised and asked him, “What are you doing here?” “I’m looking for my shadow” Peter replied. Finally Wendy helped peter to look for his shadow. After finding the shadow, Wendy was sewing Peter’s shadow to stick on as before. Finally Peter Pan got its shadow back. He thanked to Wendy and promised to visit her again. After a few days, Peter Pan returned to visit Wendy. He was accompanied by a jealous little fairy named Tinker Bell. Wendy was very happy; she introduced them both to her younger brother. Peter Pan told them all about Neverland, a world full of wonders. He also would like to invite them to go and stay at Neverland. Wendy and her brother were happy about that invitation. They also agreed to go. “Before you go you have to learn to fly first” asked Peter Pan. Wendy Darling and her brother were confused because they did not know how to fly. Then Tinker bell was helping them. She sprinkled magic dust toward Wendy and her brother. Finally, the three of them can fly. With the help of Peter pan, they came out of the window of the house to Neverland. Wendy and her brothers stayed for a few weeks at Neverland. They lived with a bunch of missing children. They were children who were lost and never found again. There Wendy and her brothers played happily with them. The Lost Children asked Wendy to be their mother. Wendy could not refuse the request. Afterward, she became their caregivers. Wendy always tells a story to them before going to bed. An evil pirate named captain hook looking for the presence of Peter Pan and the lost children. Captain hook is their enemy in Neverland. He was revenge against Peter Pan because he already cut his hand and gave it to crocodiles. The crocodile ate that hand and a clock belonging to captain hook. The clock kept ringing in the belly of the crocodile. That crocodile continued to follow him hook it continues wherever he went. For months, captain hooks looked for their hiding place. After a long time, he finally discovered the hiding place. Then he began to make plans to catch them. After so long cared by Wendy Darling, the lost children began to feel nostalgic with a real family. Wendy also invited them all to stay with her in real world. They were very happy and wanted to go with Wendy. Eventually they all asked Peter Pan to let them go into the real world. At first Peter Pan refused, but after they forced he allowed them. He asked Tinker Bell to make way to real world. Wendy also invited Peter Pan to go, “Come with us!” “No I will not ever go out of this world and become adult” said Peter Pan. He was going to leave them. When Wendy and the lost children were about to go to the real world, captain hook was coming. He kidnapped them to his ship. Tinker Bell who survived told Peter Pan, “Peter, Wendy and the others have been kidnapped by Captain Hook!” Tinker Bell said. Peter Pan was shocked, “I have to save them!” said Peter Pan.

Peter Pan flew very quickly into a pirate ship to save them. Above the ships, Peter Pan saw they were tied. With its intelligence, Peter Pan made a sound like a clock rang. The sound made the whole crew frightened. They thought that it was crocodile who wanted to attack them anymore. One by one, the crew went to jump into the water. Then Peter pan jumped on board to attack remain crew. Finally Peter Pan managed to release Wendy and the lost children. Realizing he had been duped, captain hooks out and attacked Peter Pan. Then fierce battle happened between them. They were clashing their swords on board. Peter Pan pushed captain hook fell into the sea and then captain hook eaten by a crocodile that was waiting for him in the sea. Finally they all survived from captain hook. The missing children changed their minds. They wanted to stay in Neverland with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell. Then Peter Pan was escorted Wendy and her brothers returned to the real world. Once safely home, Wendy asked Peter Pan to stay with them. But Peter Pan still rejected it. He promised to visit Wendy again someday.

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