Botanical Illustration in Pencil I – Course #09WBI100‐2 Instructor: Constance Sayas sayasdesign@earthlinknet, 720-941-5774 Note: A $5.00 accessory materials fee will be requested at first class. MATERIALS LIST:
DRAWING PENCILS: leads 2B, B, H or HB, 2H, 4H in brand of preference (ie. Turquoise, Staedtler, Berol) SHARPENER for pencils KNEADED ERASER TRACING PAPER: 9" x 12" pad or larger SKETCH PAD: 9" x 12" or larger (for class exercises) BRISTOL DRAWING PAPER: bristol pad (“plate”/smooth finish) 11" x 14", OR large single sheet cut into four pieces. The term "bristol" is a type of drawing paper NOT a brand name. We will discuss paper in the first class. You will not need this paper for class #3. FLORAL OASIS FOAM BLOCK: Get the type capable of holding water. This block will hold a cut plant specimen. Also because it will absorb water, bring a plastic saucer to place it in. You will need this for class #2. LOCAL ART SUPPLY STORES: Kozo Fine Art materials (10 E. Ellsworth Ave, Denver) has a 20% discount for Botanical Illustration Program participants with proof of registration. Bring your registration confirmation letter from the Botanic Gardens. Call ahead to see which supplies they carry. 303-733-2730 Meininger’s (499 Broadway, Denver) 303-698-3838 Guiry’s (several metro locations) Jerry's Artarama (3473 S. Broadway, Englewood) 303-789-2781 ONLINE ART SUPPLIERS: Michael Wilcox 1-919-774-8723 Italian Art Store 1-800-643-6440 Daniel Smith 1-800-426-6740 Cheap Joes Art Stuff 1-800-227-2788 CBS
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