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2009-2010 Sectional (Division II) Packet 9 -






_Natiq~~l Ai~detnJc Q~iz TOllrna!1lents, gEe - -- ---



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This anthropologist wrote "The Vision in Plains Culture," while another work begins "The world is inking." She wrote about shame and guilt cultures in a third, while her most famous work outlines a great arc of human potentialities" and divides mankind into (*) "Apollonian" and "Dionysian" cultures. For 10 points-name this author of Zuni Mythology, The Chrysanthemum [krih-SAN-thuh-mumJ and the Sword, and Patterns of Culture. answer: Ruth (Fulton) Benedict II


For a function y(x) [" y of x"], this quantity equals y double prime over the quantity 1 plus y prime squared to the three-halves power. The Riemann [REE-mahn] tensor represents this quantity for spacetime where it re ts from (*) matter and energy and manifests as gravity. For a spherical mirror, the focal length is one-half the "radius of" this quantity. For 10 points-name this measure of how much a surface bends. wer: curvature (accept radius of curvature)





This man's younger brother Dan was a first-round NFL pick at quarterback for Seattle in 1991. He himself was the tenth pick in the 1984 baseball draft, the same year he played first base for the U.S. Olympic team. He was the AL Rookie of the Year in (*) 1987 when he led the league with 49 home runs. For 10 points-name this slugger who hit 70 homers in 1998 with St. Louis and recently admitted steroid use. answer: Mark (David) McGwire <238794>


The title character of Rolf Hochhuth's The Deputy works for the holder of this position, and in Shakespeare's King John, Pandolf is his messenger. Doctor Faustus sets his prisoner Bruno free. In One Hundred Years of Solitude, (*) Ursula decides her great-great-grandson is destined for it. Its election is the focus of Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. For 10 points-name this position first held by Saint Peter. . swer: Pope (or ~ or the Supreme Pontiff; accept Pope Innocent III until "Faustus")



In 1962 this firm founded in Shanghai was taken over by Maurice R. Greenberg, whose tenure ended in an \. . accounting scandal. Robert B. Willumstad was its CEO when a Fall 2008 liquidity crisis caused it to issue a warrant for 79.9% of its stock to the (*) Federal Reserve. More controversy greeted its 165-miUion-dollar bonus plan made public in March 2009. For 10 points-name this "insurance group" bailed out by taxpayers. answer: AIG or American Insurance Group :


2009-2010 Sectional (Division II) 6.

In 1784 the State of Franklin was founded in the eastern part of this current state, where free blacks could vote as early as 1796. This state, however,later became the last to join the Confederacy and the first to rejoin the Union. The Manhattan Project's (*) Oak Ridge station was here, and the Scopes Trial took place in 1925 in . Dayton. In 1960 Vanderbilt students led sit-ins in Nashville in-for 10 points-what state? swe. Tennessee

CJ fl .





ery's constant is related to one value of this function that, for n = 2, generates the series in the Basel roblem. For n = I, it is the harmonic series. It is most famous for the belief that the line with real part (*) one-half contains all of its non-trivial zeroes. It has the same namesake as infinite sums that converge to integrals. For 10 points-identify this function named for the Greek letter after epsilon. er: Riemann zeta function



Packet 9



. ' The Alexander polynomial is an invariant in the mathematical theory of these structures that include the double sheet bend and the bowline. They are used to encode information on a quipu [KEE-poo], and the Lydian king (*) Gordias left a complicated one that was bypassed by Alexander the Great. As a unit, it equals one nautical mile per hour. For 10 points-name these entities often placed by sailors in their ropes. ns er: knots (accept knot theory)

d) 9.



This Searchlight native served as lieutenant governor under Michael O'Callaghan and will face Sue Lowden or Danny Tarkanian in 2010 elections. In 2007 he succeeded Bill Frist in a job at which he has drawn controversy for comments ostensibly praising (*) Barack Obama for being able to avoid "Negro dialect." For 10 points-name this former gaming commissioner from Nevada, the current Senate Majority Leader. er: Harry (Mason) Reid <253836>

10. A recent novel by this man features a European visitor to the court of Akbar the Great; another features the creator of the doll Little Brain. In addition to The Enchantress of Florence and Fllr1J, he wrote about Oskar ubin, William Methwold, and the birthmarked (*) Saleem Sinai in a novel about people born on August 15, 1 47, the day of India's independence. For 10 points-name this author of Midnight's Children. (Ahmed) Salman Rushdie <25063]>

Mter dropping out of Columbia in 2004, this man changed his image with roles in Mysterious Skin and The Lookout, and, as Brendan, the detective in the neo-noir [nwahr] film Brick. In 2009 he played the disfigured MARS scientist (*) Rex Lewis, who becomes Cobra Commander in the G.I. Joe film. For 10 points-name this actor who played the alien-in-a-teen-body Tommy Solomon on 3rd Rock from the Sun and starred in (500) Days of Summer. er: Joseph Gordon-Levitt (do not prompt on JJGordon'~ or "Levitt") <255086>

Andre Rigaud threatened to blow up Cavaillon rather than submit to this man, who expelled the commissioner Leger Felicite Sonthonax. Along with his officers Henry Christophe and Jean-Jacques (*) Dessalines [day-sah-Ieen], he switched sides in 1794 to join Etienne Laveaux, the governor of Saint-Domingue. For 10 points-name this freed slave, a leader of the Haitian independence movement. ~Toussaint L'Ouverture (or Franc;ois Dominique Toussaint) <255924>

13. Pauli matrices can be used to describe this property, and the Stern-Gerlach experiment demonstrated its existence. The hyperfine structure of spectroscopic lines can be explained by coupling between nuclear angular momentum and this property of (*) electrons. Bosons have integral values of it, while fermions have lf_integer values. For 10 points -name this quantum mechanical property of particles analogous to rotation. answ : spin (prompt on angular momentum" until" existence") .'





14. lone of this man's stories, Ginnie meets Franklin while waiting for her friend Selena to pay her money. hat story, "Just Before the War with the Eskimos," appears with "Down at the Dinghy" and "For (*) Esme with Love and Squalor" in his collection Nine Stories. His best known creations are Phoebe Caulfield and her protective brother Holden. For 10 points-name this author of The Catcher in the Rye. answer: J(erome) D(avid) Salinger <248889>

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2009-2010 Sectional (Division II)

Packet 9


Gilbert Ryle's last major book described this man's lIprogress," while Eric Havelock wrote a lIpreface" to his work. This man wrote about inspiration in his shortest work, which describes a rhapsode named Ion. Cephalus and (*) Thrasymachus appear in a work by this Greek thinker about the ideal city and its philosopherkings. For 10 points-name this author of such dialogues as Meno and Phaedo [FYE-doh] who wrote TIle Republic. answer: Plato (or Platon or Aristoc1es; accept Plato's Progress) <254934>

16. This man depicted a Byzantine general reduced to begging alms from a woman in 1781's Belisarius. He also depicted scenes from antiquity in such works as The Lictors Bringing to Bnttus the Bodies of His Sons and a 1784 painting in which three (*) brothers stretch out their arms on the left while their father holds swords aloft in the center. For 10 points-name this French painter of TI1e Oath of the Horatii [hoh-RAY-shee-"eye"]. er: Jacques-Louis David [zhahk-Ioo-wee dah-veed] <198224>

.. All enterprises with more than 50 employees were nationalized in this no-longer-existing country by its Ninth of May Constitution; that legislation also caused Klement Gottwald to succeed to its presidency after Edvard (*) Benes [BEN-esh] resigned. A later movement here espoused the ideas of Ota Sik and was led by Alexander Dubcek [DOOB-chek]. For 10 points-name this communist nation home to the Prague Spring uprising. er: Czechoslovakia (do not prompt on partial answers)

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18. In one story, 16,100 of this man's wives are captured by Narakasura. In another, he uses the rasa-lila [RAHsah-LEE-Iah] to make a night last four billion years while he flirts with the gopi [GOH-pee], Radha. His counsel is essential to the defeat of the (*) Kauravas during the Kurukshetra War, where he was Arjuna's charioteer. For 10 points-name this blue-skinned eighth avatar of Vishnu from the Bhagavad Gita [BAH-guhVUdGEE_tUh]'Whosenameisusedinthe"Hare" [HAH-ray] mantra. ans er: Krishna (prompt on " Vishnu")

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19. This man's earliest work was the piano suite lIButterflies," completed shortly before he founded the New " Journal for Music. Though his opera Genoveva was a failure, he achieved success with his other piano works, such as Scenes from Childhood and (*) Kreisleriana [KRYSS-Iur-ee-AH-nah]. He completed his Rhenish [REEnish] Symphony before he went insane in 1854. For 10 points-name this German Romantic who loved Clara Wieck [veek]. Robert Schumann [SHOO-mahn]



Brancus provided supplies for the army of this leader, who sent Hanno to conduct an assault crossing of the Rhone before linking up with the Boii [BOH-ee-lIeye"]. His Gaulish and Spanish infantry beat Aemilius Paulus and Terentius (*) Varro with a double envelopment at the Battle of Cannae [KAN-ee]. For 10 points- the crossing of the Alps with elephants was achieved by what Carthaginian general? er: Hannibal <256109>

A crystal is placed in contact with the sample in the relatively new attenuated total reflection" form of this analytic technique. Most current systems use Fourier [FOOR-ee-ey] transforms that indicate rotational and (*) vibrational modes of molecules, like the strong absorption around 1700 inverse centimeters for carbonyl compounds. For 10 points-name this form of spectroscopy that uses wavelengths longer than those of visible range. an wer: infrared spectroscopy or IR spectroscopy (accept FTIR spectroscopy) 11

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Originally named for the Marquis de Lafayette, this national park features lIRockefeller's teeth." It extends from the Schoodic [skoo-dik] Peninsula in the northeast to Isle au Haut ["eye" lah hoh] in the southwest, and in between lie Somes Sound and (*) Cadillac Mountain, the highest coastal mountain of the eastern U.s. Bar Harbor, on Mount Desert Island, is the gateway to-for 10 points-what national park of Maine? answer: Acadia National Park <238663>

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Sectional (Division II)

Packet 9

(~In 1552 Thomas Stukley warned of French plans to capture this city. Six years later, it was captured by the Duke of Guise after the fall of Fort Nieulay [nyoo-lay]. Two centuries earlier, Edward Ill's capture of this city prompted six of its leading citizens to (*) offer their lives in exchange for sparing its people; that event was sculpted by Auguste Rodin (oh-goost roh-dan]. For 10 points-name this French city across the English Channel from Dover. answer: Calais <235582>

24. This man's book Crow was dedicated to the memory of his mistress, Assia Wevill, who killed herself and their daughter by laying down on a mattress in front of a gas stove in a sealed room. His last book (*) Birthday Letters reviewed his relationship with his wife who committed suicide by placing her head in a gas ov.en. For 10 points-name this British poet laureate, the husband of Sylvia Plath. answer: (Edward James) Ted Hughes <176816>

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2009-2010 Sectional (Division II) Packet 9 -





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. The Philippines was an American possession when the Japanese invaded in 1941. For 10 points each-

U.s. forces were commanded by this general who promised to return after he left for Australia in early 1942. answer: Douglas MacArthur



The fall of the Abucay-Mauban Line brought about the April 1942 surrender of 75,000 soldiers who had been holding this peninsula near Manila. answer: Bataan [buh-TAN] After the fall of Bataan, American forces defended this rocky island in Manila Bay, the site of Fort Mills, until May 1942~. answer: Corregidor [kuh-REG-uh-dor] C.



In October 2009 Angela Merkel [AHN-guh-Iah MAIR-kul] was sworn in as chancellor of Germany for the second time. For 10 points each -:

Merkel is the leader this conservative-leaning political party once headed by Konrad Adenauer. answer: Christian Democratic Union or CDU (accept Christian Democrats)



In the general election, Merkel's main rival was this head of the Social Democrats who had served the previous two years as vice chancellor as part of Germany's "Grand Coalition." answer: Frank-Walter Steinmeier The strong performance of this libertarian, pro-business party allowed Merkel to end the Grand Coalition and form a right-of-center government. . answer: Free Democratic Party or FDP (accept Free Democrats) C.



By definition, this term is only applied to natural objects that reach Earth's surface. For 10 points each-

Name these remnants of so-called "shooting stars." answer: meteorites


B. This six-letter term refers to meteorites, or the debris thereof, that explode after entering Earth's atmosphere. answer: bolides C.

(J 4..

The International Astronomical Union uses this eight-letter compound' word to denote any meteor that achieves a magnitude greater than -4, making it brighter than any planet in the sky. swer: fireball <223431>

The ninth labor of Hercules was to capture a girdle. For 10 points each-

Name the Amazon queen whose girdle Hercules was to seek. answer: Hippolyta

B. Name the Athenian hero who kidnapped Hippolyta to be his wife. answer: Theseus C. Theseus later left Hippolyta for this woman who hung herself after lusting after Theseus and Hippolyta's son. answer: Phaedra <122748>

2009-2010 Sectional (Division II) 5.

Packet 9

For 10 points each-answer these questions about failed Presidential assassinations.


Puerto Rican nationalists Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola attempted to kill this man while he was living at Blair House. answer: Harry S. Truman B.

Sara Jane Moore attempted to kill this President just seventeen days after Charles Manson follower Lynette Fromme pointed a gun at him. answer: Gerald (Rudolph) Ford (Jr.) (or Leslie Lynch King Jr.) C.

This 19th-century President faced assassination when Richard Lawrence pulled two pistols on him, but they both misfired. nnswer: Andrew Iackson <154576>


For 10 points each-answer the following about the literary career of David Halbetstam:


This best-selling 1972 work by Halberstam was his account of the architects of the Vietnam War during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. answer: The Best and the Brightest


Halberstam's final released work during his lifetime was on the education of this head coach of the New England Patriots. answer: Bill Belichick Before his'2007 death, Halberstam had completed The Coldest Winter, a book about this military conflict. ans er: Korean Conflict or Korean War

GJ, 7.


The introduction to this work quotes from the Book of John, Chapter 11, which is the origin of the work's title. For 10 points each-

A Name this philosophical work written in the persona of" Anti-Climacus." answer: The Sickness unto Death (or Sygdommen til D0den)

B. This Danish philosopher actually wrote TIle Sickness unto Death. answer: S0ren (Aabye) Kierkegaard [KEER-keh-gard] C. n

The first part of the work notes that the "sickness unto death" is this condition; in "Ozymandias," the "mighty" are told to "look upon" the pharaoh's works and do this. er: despair

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T ey can be minimum-boiling or maximum-boiling; an example is a mixture of approximately 95 percent et anol and 5 percent water. For 10 points each.,

A Name these mixtures that have the same composition in both the liquid and the vapor phases. answer: azeotropes


When two liquids form an azeotropic mixture, that mixture cannot be completely separated by any variant of this technique based on differences in boiling points. answer: distillation (accept word forms) C.

That water-ethanol mixture can be separated, however, by adding a third component such as this non-aromatic hydrocarbon with twist, boat, and chair conformations. answer: cycIohexane

~ . 9.


. or 10 points each-name these individuals listed on Channel4's "100 Worst Britons We Love To Hate":

. Although technically ineligible, this student at Hogwarts School was ranked #35. answer: Harry James Potter

B. At #33 is this harshly critical executive who works for BMG Records. answer: Simon (Phillip) Cowell [of American Idol] C. At #7 is this Scot, the long-time manager of Manchester United. answer: Sir Alex(ander Chapman) Ferguson <146567>

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2009-2010 Sectional (Division II)

Packet 9

10. For 10 points each-name these apocryphal leaders: A.

An amalgamation of three Assyrian rulers, this sybaritic king made a pyre of all his treasures, on which he burned himself and his servants. The scene was painted in 1827 by Eugene Delacroix. answer: Sardanapalus (accept Death of Sardanapalus)


A letter this Christian ruler of the east supposedly wrote to several European monarchs in 1165 raised hopes that he would be an ally during the Crusades. answer: Prester John (or Presbyter John or 10hn the Elder; prompt on partial name)


She is said to have reigned between Leo IV and Benedict III. She supposedly gave birth during the procession to the Lateran, and was subsequently stoned to death. /' ans er: Pope 10an



A Czech-born author wrote the screenplay for Shakespeare in Love. For 10 points each-


A. Name that playwright whose works include Jumpers and Travesties. answer: Tom Stoppard (or Tomas Straussler)


In this Stoppard play, the two title characters interact both offstage and during a performance of the Shakespeare play in which they originally appeared. answer: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern originally appeared in this play; they are presumably killed by the King of England. answer: (The Tragedy of) Hamlet(, Prince of Denmark) <190568>


For 10 points each-which former Soviet republic ...

A. Is the largest landlocked nation in the world? answer: Republic of Kazakhstan

B. Lies east of the Caspian Sea and is dominated by the Karakum Desert? answer: Turkmenistan


Is the site of the breakaway region of Transnistria? swer: Republic of Moldova



. . . He collaborated with Robert Shiller on a recent book explaining how "human psychology drives the economy." For 10 points eachName this co-author of Animal Spirits, whose other books include Explorations in Pragmatic Economics and An Economic Theorist's Book of Tales. answer: George Akerlof


Akerlof's best known paper, 1970's The Market for Lemons, studied" quality uncertainty and the market mechanism" for these objects. answer: used cars or used automobiles (prompt on "car(s)" or "automobile(s),,) B.


That paper explored this phenomenon in which one party to a transaction has access to better data than the other. It can lead to moral hazard or adverse selection. ~er: information asymmetry (prompt on "asymmetry") <255761>

~ For 10 points each-name these Cherokee Indians: A. George Gist was the English name of this creator of the Cherokee syllabary. answer: Sequoyah


Both Larry McMurtry and Robert Conley wrote novels about this blacksmith who was falsely accused of murder. answer: Ned Christie [Zeke and Ned and Ned Christie's War]


This part-Cherokee humorist represents Oklahoma in the U.s. Capitol's Statuary Hall. He began a weekly newspaper column 13 years before dying in a plane crash. answer: Will (iam-Penn Adair) Rogers <239311>

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2009-2010 Sectional (Division II)

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15. For 10 points each-which poem's first lines are ... A.

"This is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and hemlocks, / Bearded with moss, and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight, / Stand like Druids of eld" answer: Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie [by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow]


"Ay, tear her tattered ensign down! / Long has it waved on high, / And many an eye has danced to see / That banner in the sky" answer: Old Ironsides [by Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.] C. "Had we but world enough, and time, / This coyness, lady, were no crime." ns er: To His Coy Mistress [by Andrew Marvell]

8 6.


Antiseptic techniques have saved millions of lives. For 10 points each-


Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch's isolation of the anthrax bacillus strongly supported this theory that certain diseases are caused by microorganisms. answer: germ theory (accept pathogenic theory)


In the 1860s this British surgeon introduced the use of carbolic [kar-BAH-lik] acid in the operating room to reduce mortality from operations. answer: (Sir) Joseph Lister, Baron(et) Lister


Prior to germ theory, this German-Hungarian physician proved death rates from puerperal [PUR-puh-rul] fever could be drastically reduced by having physicians wash their hands before seeing patients. answer: Ignaz (Philipp) Semmelweis (or Semmelweis Ignac FulOp) [Sadly, his findings were largely ignored for some time.]



. For 10 points each-name these percussion instruments:

Also known as the tam-tam, it opens the "0 Fortuna" movements from Carmina Burana. answer: (orchestral) gong



This instrument used in flamenco dancing consists of two hollowed-out pieces of wood or ivory held together by a cord. They are snapped using the fingers. answer: castanets C.

A beIIlyre is a portable form of this high-pitched percussion instrument featured in The Magic Flute that consists of metal bars arranged in a piano-like layout. r: glockenspiel [GLAH-kin-shpeel]

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18. I one scene of a play, Teach attacks Bobby for his inability to carry out a robbery. For 10 points each. arne that play that opens with a coin collector ripping off the owner of a junk shop. answer: American Buffalo

American Buffalo was written by this playwright, who also described the illicit tactics of Chicago real estate agents in Glengarry Glen Ross. answer: David (Alan) Mamet B.


The" American Buffalo" of the title is this kind of object used from 1913 to 1938 that also featured an Indian head. answer: Indian Head nickel or buffalo nickel (prompt on "coin") <243037>

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2009-2010 Sectional (Division II) 19.

Packet 9

The War of the League of Cambrai, which lasted from 1508 to 1516, was part cifthe Italian Wars. For 10 points each-

A. The League of Cambrai united to fight what "most serene" republic in northeastern Italy? answer: Most Serene Republic of Venice (or Venezia) B.

The League of Cambrai was organized by what pope, who also commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? answer: Pope Julius II (or Giuliano della Rovere; prompt on "Julius")


Though much of the war's fighting took place in southern Europe, what English monarch was forced to send the Earl of Surrey to defeat invading Scots at the Battle of Flodden Field? answer: Henry VIII of England (or Henry VIII Tudor; prompt on "Henry") <240774:>


For 10 points each-name these physics entities related to inverse lengths:

A. In spectroscopy this reciprocal of wavelength is often expressed as inverse centimeters. answer: wavenumber B. This unit of focusing power, the reciprocal of focal length, is equivalent to an inverse meter. answer: diopter


This constant named for a Swedish physicist and related to the spectral lines of a hydro genic atom has a value of approximately 1.1 x 107 [" one point one times ten to the seventh"] inverse meters. answer: (Johannes Robert) Rydberg constant <255747>


One work takes its name from the seventh month of the French Revolutionary Calendar. For 10 points each-


N arne that novel that opens with Etienne Lantier [ay-tee-en lahnt-yay] arriving in the town of Montsou [mohnsao]. answer: Germinal [zhair-mee-nahl]

B. This French naturalist wrote Genninal as part of his 20-volume Les Rougon-Macquart [lay roo-gon muh-kar] series. answer: Emile (Franc;ois) Zola

C. Genninal is set against a backdrop of dissatisfaction by workers mining this commodity. answer: coal (accept coalmining) <241908>


For 10 points each-name these shows on Bravo:

A. Padma Lakshmi is on this show whose winners include Harold Dieterle and Hosea Rosenberg. answer: Top Chef B. Jaclyn Smith hosted the first two seasons of this show about hair styling. answer: Shear Genius

C. Dan and Dean Caten host this show, whose other judges have included Stefani Greenfield. answer: Launch My Line <243212>

23. Salvador, on the Bay of Todos as Santos and the Atlantic Ocean, is this nation's third-most populous city. For 10 points eachA. Name this South American nation. answer: Federative Republic of Brazil B. What city is Brazil's second-most populous? answer: Rio de Janeiro

C. Latin America's largest seaport is in this city near Sao Paulo [zhawn paw-loa]. answer: Santos <255224>

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2009-2010 Sectional (Division II) 24.

Packet 9

A 2009 article in the Journal of Biogeography suggests a different evolutionary relationship between humans and other members of its order. For 10 points each-

A. Name that order of mammals. answer: primates or Primates [pry-MAY-teez] (do not accept "Primata") Using DNA evidence, the most widely accepted "family tree" claims this primate, Pan troglodytes [trahg-luhDYE-teez], is the closest living relative to humans. answer: chimpanzees or chimps B.

That 2009 article claims these largest arboreal animals, now found only in Indonesia, are closer to humans than are chimps; they are the only other great apes that build shelters and beds. answer: orangutans or fongo pygmaeus [That article used behavior and morphology, claiming that molecular evidence can be skewed.] C.


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