093009 Classis Meeting Information

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THE CLASSIS OF NEW BRUNSWICK, RCA St. Paul’s Reformed Church, Perth Amboy, NJ – September 30, 2009 Dinner: 6:00 P.M. Worship: 7:00 P.M. Call to Order Roll Call: Guests: Introduction of Guests Minutes

Of the Stated Session, May 30, Monocacy Valley, Ijamsville, MD Of the Special Session, September 20, Pinelands Reformed Church

VanBunschooten Bequest Reception of Linda Lachnesnez Report of the Administrative Council Meetings of July 7 and September 14, 2009 Recognition of Joy Kulvicki’s ministry R1 That the Budget for 2010, as prepared by the Administrative Council, be adopted. Report of the Treasurer Candidate Care Pastoral Care and Congregational Care: Justice/Mercy New ministries Overtures and Judicial Business Presentation of Salary Guidelines Nominations (election of General Synod Delegates) Classis Minister Report Miscellaneous Adjournment

MINUTES THE CLASSIS OF NEW BRUNSWICK, RCA Monocacy Valley Church, Ijamsville, MD, May 30, 2009 The Classis of New Brunswick met for its Stated Session on Saturday May 30, 2009 at the Monocacy Valley Church in Ijamsville, MD starting at 12:00 P.M. with lunch after having been welcomed by the members of the congregation and their pastor, Mark Vander Meer. Worship: After lunch, the Worship Team of the congregation led the Classis in worship with Mark Vander Meer preaching, and conducting the communion service. Call to Order: The Stated Session was called to order by the President, Christopher Vande Bunte. Roll Call: Monocacy Valley Brielle Colts Neck Grace, Edison Franklin Park Six Mile Run Freehold Hazlet, Faith Highland Park Keyport Linden Long Branch Manahawkin, Ocean Marlboro, Old Brink Metuchen Middlebush Middletown 1st New Brunswick 2nd New Brunswick New Brunswick, Suydam North Brunswick North Plainfield, Trinity Perth Amboy, St. Paul’s South River Spotswood Tinton Falls Toms River, Pinelands Whiting Community Willingboro

Rev. Mark Vander Meer Rev. Keith Schmitt Rev. Scott Brown Rev. Chris Vande Bunte Elder Alan Slaight Rev. Christopher Jacobsen

Elder Nancy Ruiter Elder Sylvia Engel Elder Robin Suydam Elder William Barth Elder Frances Schell

Rev. E.J. Emerson Rev. David Groeneveld Rev. Jane Price Rev. John Sanders Rev. Richard Ruch Rev. George Montanari

Elder Ken Gibson Elder Mary Brotherton

Rev. Hartmut Kramer-Mills Rev. Susan Kramer-Mills

Elder James Beil

Elder Joel Kenderline

Elder Jennifer Mullen-Somer Rev David De Forest Elder Carol Babinsky Rev. Susan Klimstra

Other Members of Classis Present: Page 1 of 3

Elder Martin Mulhern

Elder Muriel Maat Elder Tony Thorne

Rev. Frederick Mold Jr. Rev. Frederick Mold

Rev. Eltje Brunemeyer Rev. Samir Youssef

Rev. Renee House

Students Present: Rev. Ursula Gargill Excused Absences: VOTED (’09-66) that the following persons be excused Rev. Ben Alicia Rev. Philip Bakelaar Rev. Richard Blake Rev. Shari Brink Rev. Seth Kaper-Dale Rev. Ben Lin Rev. Osy Nuesch Rev. Jim Ribbons Rev. David Taylor Rev. Doug Shepler Rev. Ron Vande Bunte Rev. Rich Weir Elder Jack Conover Elder Stephen Dedinsky Elder Stephen DiPaolo Elder Shirley Harrison Elder Carol Konscol Elder Fred Longenecker Elder Waldo Roa Elder Iris Truex Elder Donna Wagenheim Eugene Foley Rev. Linda Laschesnez Rev.Ben Rivera

Rev. Peter Berry Rev. Stephanie Kaper-Dale Rev.Timothy Lowe Rev. Wilfredo Rodriguez Rev. Don Stager Elder Alice Abner Elder Robert Dey Elder George Henn Elder John Post Rev. David Waanders Robert Dey

Guests: VOTED (’09-67) to grant the privilege of the floor to guests present including: Rev.Ursula Cargill David Martin Rev. Keith Schmitt VanBunschoten Bequest: The Rev. George Montanari read the VanBunschoten Bequest Minutes: VOTED (’09-68) to approve the minutes of the January 31, 2009 Stated Session. VOTED (‘09-69 to approve the minutes of the April 20, 2009 Special Session. VOTED (‘09-70 to approve the minutes of the May 27, 2009 Special Session. Report of the Administrative Council: The Clerk presented the Report of the Administrative Council. Pastoral Care and Congregational Care: Nancy Ruiter, Chair, presented the report of the Pastoral and Congregational Care Committee. VOTED (’09-71) To approve the call of the Pinelands Reformed Church upon the Reverend Allan Conover of the Classis of Passaic Valley. Candidate Care: Richard Ruch, the chair of the committee, presented the report. VOTED (’09-72) To grant to Dawn Seaman a Provision License to Preach. Justice/Mercy: A report was presented by the Chair,Rev. Seth Kaper-Dale. New ministries: Rev. Jane Price presented the report of the New Ministries Committee. Page 2 of 3

Overtures and Judicial Business: The Clerk reported that the overtures approved at the previous session of the Classis have been sent to the General Synod. Nominations: The Chair was not able to be present for the meeting. The Classis was asked to continue prayers for her complete healing after surgery. Classis Minister’s Report: The Susan Kramer-Mills presented a report of her activities, her prayers, her hopes, and concerns. Miscellaneous: Rev. George Montanari expressed questions about using Classis resources as appropriate to assist congregations with various legal matters related to privacy lawn and their impact on local church print materials and websites. The Administrative Council will seek proper referral of this concern. Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer, Frederick Mold, presented the Audit Report. VOTED (’09-73) To receive the Audit as presented by the Treasurer. Resolutions: VOTED (’09-74) The following resolution. Be it resolved that we express thanks to God for the vital ministry of the Monocacy Valley Church, for its intentional outreach and expression of faithfulness provided by the congregation for the time of worship, the service of praise offered through music, the teaching by our esteemed colleague, Mark Vander Meer, for the sacrament shared that strengthens us from singing to service – service to all others in the name of God to whom be all praise and thanksgiving. Adjournment: VOTED (’09-75) to adjourn the meeting at 3:45 P.M. A closing prayer was offered by the President. Respectfully Submitted, Eltje Brunemeyer, Stated Clerk

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Classis of New Brunswick Reformed Church in America MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Purpose: The Classis of New Brunswick was called into session on September 20, 2009 at the Pinelands Reformed Church of Toms River to install Allan Conover as the Minister of Word and Sacrament of that church. Call to Order and Prayer: Vice- President, Philip Bakelaar called the meeting to order and opened with prayer. Roll Call:

Rev. Eltje Brunemeyer Rev. EJ Emerson Rev. Philip Bakelaar Rev. Susan Kramer-Mills Rev. Steve Hanson Elder Nancy Ruiter Elder John Meyer Elder Muriel Maat Elder Tony Thorne

MOVED (’09-77) to excuse the following: Chris Jacobson Robert Dey John Sanders David Groeneveld Ben Lin Richard Blake Richard Ruch Chris Vande Bunte Hartmut Kramer-Mills Shari Brink

Rev. Osy Nuesch Jane Price Rev. George Montanari Rev. Peter Berry Rev. Ronald Vande Bunte Elder Iris Truex Elder Shirley Harrison Elder Carol Babinsky

Scott Brown Jim Ribbans Renee House Bill Barth

VOTED (’09-78) Grant privileges of the floor to our guests: the Rev. Mr. Pete Mitchell and the Rev. Bruce Brown. VOTED (’09-79) to receive the Rev. Mr. Allan Conover from the Classis of Passaic-Valley. VOTED (’09-80) to approve the order of worship as presented. VOTED (’09-81) that this meeting of the Classis will be adjourned with the benediction at the

conclusion of the Service of Installation. Respectfully Submitted, Eltje Brunemeyer, Stated Clerk

REPORT OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL  CLASSIS OF NEW BRUNSWICK  St. Paul’s Reformed Church, Perth Amboy, September30, 2009    The following actions were taken at the Administrative Council meeting on July 7, 2009    VOTED (’09-61) that the Minutes of 05-04-09 be accepted. VOTED (’09-61) That Classis should continue to pay medical insurance for Rev. Vicente Martinez until he is covered by COBRA or finds benefit-yielding employment, whichever comes first, for a possible total of $2,346.00. APPROVED. MOVED (’09-62) That Classis offer a loan to Vicente Martinez for $3,500.00 to pay for his and his wife’s rent. DEFEATED. VOTED (’09-63) That Classis request that the Pastoral Care Committee set up a Pastoral Transition Committee. APPROVED. The PTC will be headed for the time being by Phil Bakelaar, who has experience in some of the goals stated during conversation including, but not limited to: transition counseling, job search, personal counseling, and interim medical and insurance benefits. MOVED (’09-64) That Classis pay an additional three months severance for Rev. Susan Klimstra for a total of $15,647.73. AMENDED – Only to extend to Susan Klimstra payment of one-half the amount of basic insurance for a single person through RCA for 12 months. The other one-half to be paid for by BOBS or Rev. Klimstra. VOTED AS AMENDED. VOTED (’09-65) That Classis authorize First Church, New Brunswick, to pursue a line of credit up to $200,000.00. APPROVED. VOTED (’09-66) To approve Willingboro pursuing a lease agreement between Willingboro Reformed Church and Destiny Family Worship Center for ministry purposes contingent on review of agreement by Classis. APPROVED. VOTED (’09-67) to adjourn at 10 p.m. APPROVED. Seth Kaper-Dale offered the closing prayer. The following actions were taken at the Administrative Council meeting on September 15, 2009  MOVED (’09-68) to approve the Administrative Council’s minutes of July 7, 2009, with thanks to Nancy Ruiter for writing them. MOVED (’09-69) to approve the call of Grace Church of Edison to David Martin. His ordination and installation will be on Sunday, October 18. MOVED (’09-70) to approve the call of the Church in Brielle to the Rev. Louis Lafazia. Louis Lafazia, Karen Rhies, and Chris Vande Bunte were appointed to serve as the committee to plan the installation service. …….


MOVED (’09-71) to recommend the changes in the Salary Guide to the Classis for approval at the next Stated Meeting. MOVED (’09-72) to refer the proposal of the New Ministries Committee back to the Committee for further study and clarification. MOVED (’09-73) to recommend the budget as amended to the Classis at its next Stated Session. MOVED (’09-74) to affirm the e-mail vote regarding the rental agreement between the Reformed Church of Willingboro and the Destiny Family Worship Center. MOVED (’09-75) to grant the request of change of status for Joy Kulvicki from “Specialized Minister” to “retired”. The Clerk was instructed to inform Joy Kulvicki and the RCA offices of this change, and to invite Joy to be present at the next Stated Session of the Classis so that me might recognize her ministry. MOVED (’09-76) to adjourn at 10:10. Stephanie Kapper-Dale offered the closing prayer.






Classis Minister Classis Minister Benefits Insurance (Martinez/Klimstra) Consultant/re supervision groups Stipend, Stated Clerk Stipend, Treasurer Bookkeeping/secretarial Supplies Postage Telephone Travel Fees, Audit/ banking/legal Administrative Council Classis Dinners Stated Clerk’s Meeting Missionary support Miscellaneous

40,407 4,403

42.635 4,403 2,542 5,400 8,000 4,000 600 1,400 200 50 1,400 1,000 250 600 1,000 3,000 1,000 $ 77,480

5,400 8,000 4,000 500 1,200 800 100 1.300 950 450 1,200 750 3,000 1,000 $ 73,460

**The Regional Synod gives a grant of $10,000 to offset the cost of the Classis Minister, therefore that reduces the budget to $67,480 that divided by the number of members(3,232) leaves an assessment of $20.88 for Classis Operations. ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2010 2009 General Synod Theological Education MFCA Board of Benefit Service Disability Assessment Synod Initiatives Regional Synod Classis Operations Classis Mission Share

33.47 3.14 1.57 1.50 .23 0 32.36 15.55 .88 $ 88.70

2010 33.47 3.14 1.57 1.50 .23 1.55 32.68 20.88 .93 $ 95.95 OVER

Membership is the Classis has steadily declined since 1999 about 900 members.


1908 $ 8,550.00






RECEIPTS 2009 Balance 12/31/08 Gifts 1st NB

3,973.63 300.00






3,077.13 9/15/09


115,191.29 109,073.35 104,759.20 101,508.54

Classis of New Brunswick Report of the New Ministries Committee September 30, 2009 y Meetings held: June 17, July 15, August 19, and September 16, 2009. y Next meetings scheduled: October 21, November 18, December 16, 2009 (7:30 PM at The Reformed Church, Freehold on the third Wednesday of the month) y Committee members: Elder Carol Babinsky; Rev. Robert Bender; Rev. Peter Berry; Rev. Ursula Cargill Rev. Chris Jacobsen; Elder Beth Kenderdine; Elder Joel Kenderdine; Rev. Susan Kramer-Mills; Rev. Jane Price; Rev. John Sanders. Advisors: Rev. Heidi Butterworth, Rev. Luis Perez. Note: addition of Rev. Cargill. Progress y Rev. Brigido Cabrera, RCA Coordinator for Hispanic Ministries, met with Bishop Jordean deOliveira (Bride of the Lamb Church, Long Branch, NJ) and Rev. Jane Price to explore possibilities for the Bride of the Lamb becoming an RCA church. No further progress to date. y The Resource Team for the Trinity Reformed Church (North Plainfield) new church start met six times since June 8, 2009. A vision for the new church start has been cast and a preliminary budget has been formulated (see attachments and the recommendation below). The Team is in the process of reviewing church planter profiles with the goal of hiring a full-time planter by the end of 2009. y The committee has continued to meet with Rev. Hak Kim as he pursues his personal calling to start a new church in central NJ. It encouraged his completion of the RCA’s church planter assessments and now is evaluating the results. Recommendation for Classis action: The New Ministries Committee of the Classis New Brunswick requests that $10,000 per year for 3 years (totaling $30,000) be budgeted for the North Plainfield church plant from the Classis ‘Trustee Account.’ This money will be one part of a funding package for the North Plainfield church plant, which will go toward the planter’s salary and the plant’s ministry. This money will demonstrate New Brunswick Classis’ support and commitment, in partnership* with North Plainfield Trinity Reformed Church, the Regional Synod of the Mid-Atlantics, and the General Synod.” *Without classis funding, Regional Synod and General Synod funding is not guaranteed.

Submitted by Rev. Jane L. Price New Ministries Chairperson

Timeline for North Plainfield Church Plant  March 2009 – The task force met with Heidi Butterworth (Church Planting Coordinator for the  RSMAt and church planter for Lighthouses of Oxford Valley).  1)  A percept demographic study  and planter on site demographic study was completed.  2)  The task force looked at the possible  options for North Plainfield.  April 2009 – The task force took their proposal of the best option – planting a new church in the  area‐ to the Admin Council for approval.  May 2009 – The New Ministries Committee set out to form a resource team to identify the  community needs, the finances, the prayer base, create a profile of the church plant, and  interview potential planters.  The team included 4 classis people from the New Ministries  Committee, 4 members of the North Plainfield Ref. Church, and Heidi Butterworth  June 2009 – The Resource team met twice and began to work through building a prayer team  that would pray specifically for this process and the church plant as well as create a strategy for  communicating this vision with North Plainfield Ref. Church.  NPRC had a congregational  meeting and vision was communicated through a variety of methods such as through  newsletters, bulletin boards, personal letters to members, moments during the worship for  prayer, specific written requests handed out at worship to pray for, and much more throughout  the summer months.  July 2009 – The resource team continued to meet looking at the trends in the demographics  and identifying the most urgent unmet need in the community.  They spent time interviewing  people in the community finding out why they did not go to church, what kind of church would  they go to, and how they viewed spirituality.  They also investigated whether other new  churches had been started in the area and what their success was.  The team began to form a  vision of what were possibilities for a new church in their community.  August 2009 – The resource team met with the NPRC consistory to talk through anxieties, fears,  vision, and celebration of this step of faith.  The consistory has been praying and following and  was extremely excited about seeing this take off.  The team also met again to prepare a budget  and prepare funding for the church plant.  September 2009 – Having put together the profile (see attached) the team began to review  profiles of planters and move with phone interviews for two planters.  They are currently still in  this process.  The NPRC consistory approved funding the church plant with $200,000 over 4  years.  The proposed funding from classis will be presented at the September meeting. 

October 2009 ‐ The team will continue to interview planters as well as talk to other churches  about supporting this church plant with a mission share.  November 2009 – Continue to interview and hopefully select a planter which will be presented  to the New Ministries Committee.  The Planter and new ministries committee will together  begin to write a New Congregation Plan which lays out the vision, the tangible benchmarks, and  financial and funding pieces for the church plant.  December 2009 – The New Church Plan will be present to the New Ministries Committee for  approval and then taken to Admin Council for Support.  At this time the planter is being  extended a call which upon approval by the classis in January, the call is approved.  The planter  will begin moving into the area, getting to know people, and begin building their relationship  with North Plainfield Ref. Church.  January 2010 – The New Congregation Plan will be presented in full to the classis for approval  and then sent to the Multiplication Committee of the RSMAt for funding and approval, and  onto the Denomination for funding and approval.   Upon approval of the New Brunswick Classis,  the time clock of the plant officially begins and the call has been accepted.  February ’10 thru February ‘11 – the Planter will meet monthly with the New Ministries  Committee for oversight, prayer, and encouragement.  The Planter will begin building  relationships and a core launch team of at least 30 people.  The planter will be identifying the  worship space and the needs for the worship space as well as building the esl program in the  community.  The planter will be coached on a regular basis by another church planter and also  be part of a regular network with other planters.  Fall 2010 – The planter will begin building teams for the launch such as the follow‐up team, the  worship team, the education team, the hospitality team, the small groups team, etc.  The  evangelism and outreach continue possibly with some events in the community.  Spring 2010 – the plant will launch its first worship services and the planter continues to meet  with the committee for evaluation of its goals, prayer, and encouragement.    January 2014 – The church is self‐sufficient and the classis holds a service to organize and  celebrate the birth of a new church.  February of 2014 – The church plant of NPRC begins planting their new church plant!   


The Profile of North Plainfield Reformed Church’s Plant    Where:  This is in Plainfield NJ.  The mother church is North Plainfield Reformed Church  401 Greenbrook rd.  07063   What type of plant?    The community is clearly divided with wealthier Caucasian people living on the outskirts and a  poorer multiracial community in the center.  The town has seen a rise in gangs and crime in the  center of the city and with a study has found that unless the children are reached at a 3‐6th  grade level they will drop out after that because they cannot understand English enough in the  school system to continue and do well.  This has been the major contributor to the rise gangs  and crime in those areas.   The major need in the community is for a program that does ESL with kids in the 3‐6th age  range and works with the parents and school systems.  We have done a demographic study of  the area through percept and one on one interviews in the area.  The demographics show the  area would support a congregation that could be multiracial, Caucasian, African‐American, or  Hispanic.  The particular feel for this church plant is that it would become a multiracial  congregation.  This percept is available for viewing upon request.   The church plant looks like it will be a combination of both filling the spiritual need of the  community and the educational need as well.  We are looking for someone that can lead a  multicultural plant and has the ability to set up a program with strong community ties/roots.  Who:  We are looking for a full time person experienced with multicultural worship and  community.  They will obviously have the program and the plant so it's somewhat a part time  built in there.  We do have funding and a package put together at this time and would be  welcome to a single, married, or married with family planter.  The planter is expected to live in  the community.  This person should be called, extremely highly motivated, and ready to  experience very hard ground and tough circumstance.   

TRC Church Plant Preliminary Budget - 4 Yrs

Estimated End of Year Attendance Receipts 01. Trinity Church Endowment 02. Trinity Church Operations Budget 03. New Brunswick Classis 04. RCA Regional Synod 05. RCA General Synod 06. Church Plant Offerings 07. Partners In Mission Shares 08. Grants/ Individual Donations 09. Misc. Income

Version 3


2010 Budget

2011 Budget

2012 Budget

2013 Budget





40,000 25,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 15,000 16,000 5,000 0

30,000 25,000 10,000 10,000 6,000 25,000 24,000 5,000 0

20,000 25,000 10,000 5,000 6,000 55,000 24,000 5,000 0

10,000 25,000 0 0 0 95,000 24,000 5,000 0





Disbursements Plant Salary/ Support: 11. : Salary 12. : Housing Allowance 13. : Car Allowance 14. : FICA (Social Security) 15. : Medical Insurances 16. : Pension 17. : Planter Cont. Ed. 18. : Plant Expense Allow. 19. : Moving Expenses TOTAL

40,500 16,200 4,860 4,697 17,124 6,237 779 1,200 8,000 99,597

42,500 17,000 5,100 4,929 17,124 6,545 817 1,200 0 95,215

44,100 17,640 5,292 5,114 17,124 6,791 848 1,200 0 98,109

45,700 18,280 5,484 5,300 17,124 7,038 879 1,200 0 101,005

Other Operations Expenses : Technology Support : Office Supplies : Other equipment : Accounting/Bank Exp : Secretarial Support : Miscellaneous TOTAL

5,000 500 3,000 200 1,000 200 9,900

1,000 500 1,000 200 1,000 200 3,900

1,000 500 1,000 200 1,000 200 3,900

1,000 500 1,000 200 1,000 200 3,900

Total Receipts

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.


$100,000 commitment Additional $100,000 from Trinity Pending approval. Pending approval. Guaranteed upon support from Classis and R Projections estimated based on church plant Projections estimated from churches through Funds raised by the church planter Change found in chairs, etc.

Full-time, 5 Yrs Exp. w/family, 2% annual inc 40% Salary 12% Salary+Housing .082837*(Salary+Housing) Based on family rates, med+dent 11% Salary+Housing 1/52 of Salary $100 per month for misc. business expenses

Comp.Eq., Internet, Web, Projector, Screen Envelopes, letterhead, misc. ofc supplies Phones, fax, copier, etc. Support from parent church. Some support from parent church.

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TRC Church Plant Preliminary Budget - 4 Yrs

Version 3

Estimated End of Year Attendance

31. 32. 33.

41. 42. 43. 44.

Marketing Expenses : Direct Media Expense : Marketing Materials : Postage/ Mailing TOTAL Facilities Expenses : Facility Rental : Furniture : Maintenance : Utilities TOTAL


Other Miscellaneous Expense Total Disbursement Budget Surplus/ (Deficit)


2010 Budget

2011 Budget

2012 Budget

2013 Budget





4,000 2,000 2,000 8,000

2,000 2,000 1,000 5,000

2,000 2,000 1,000 5,000

2,000 2,000 1,000 5,000

8,000 5,000 2,000 200 15,200

24,000 1,000 4,000 500 29,500

24,000 1,000 4,000 500 29,500

24,000 1,000 4,000 500 29,500














Mailings, ads, progam exp. Brochures, religious materials Estimate only

For planning only - not confirmed. Est. purchase - rental would be less Labor & materials Phone, water, electric, security, trash, gas

At least 10% of offerings must be given to mi

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