$'fafr of ~rfu ~amps4ir~ OFFICE OF ECONOMIC STIMULUS 107 North Main Street, State House - Rm 208 Concord, New Hampshire 03301
His Excellency Governor John H. Lynch And the Honorable Executive Council American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Progress Report - Data through September 30, 2009 (Report Issued October 20, 2009)
Federal Jobs Statistic: 3007 FTEs/Reporting Period
3,872,686 Hours
Through September 30, 2009, we estimate that 3,872,686 work hours have been paid for with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ("ARRA") funds by programs subject to Section 1512 reporting. The federal government calculates a Job Full-Time Equivalent ("FTE") for ARRA purposes as the total hours worked during the reporting period divided by the total hours one full-time employee would have worked had he or she worked for the entire reporting period. For this reporting period the federal Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") has directed states to calculate job statistics by assuming that a full-time employee with a 40- hour work week working from February 17,2009 (the day ARRA became law) through September 30, 2009 would have worked 1288 hours. 3,872,68611288 = 3007 FTEs. This time period is longer than the actual time period of most ARRA-funded projects in New Hampshire. There are other ways to assess these job statistics. For example, one might consider ajob FTE as full-time work for one person for one year. Using this approach to calculate the "FTE Full-Time Job for a Year" statistic one would divide the total hours, 3,872,686 by 2080, the number of hours worked in a full year by a person working 40 hours per week. This "FTE Full-Time Job for a Year" statistic for this reporting period would be 1862. In other words, if the estimated hours paid for, so far, by ARRA had been paid out only to people working full-time at 40 hours per week and had been paid out to them over the course of one full year, 1862 full-time, full-year jobs would have been paid for by ARRA. This reporting period covers more than two quarters. Although ARRA took effect federally on February 1i h, much of the funding was not available to the State for several months. Most programs did not have access to funds or authority to spend funds until summer. In contrast, the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund - Government Services grant was mostly paid out by June 30, 2009 and paid out very little in the final quarter of the reporting period. The remaining
- - - - - - - - - - Telephone 603-271-2121 • Fax 603-271-7680 • TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-835-2964 - - - - - - - - -_ _
ARRA, Progress Report - Data through September 30, 2009 October 20, 2009 Page 2 of3 money from the Fiscal Stabilization Grant will be used to fllnd the Office of Economic Stimulus over the next two years. Legitimate rationales exist for USillg several different values, including the number mandated by OMB, in tIle denominator of an FTE formula. Eacll would provide a differellt FTE statistic describing the jobs created and retained by ARRA from a different perspective. TIle total hours estimate of 3,872,686 work hours funded by ARRA is provided to allow users of this report to calculate jobs using the statistical model of their choice. The State Fiscal Stabilization Fund - Education grant paid for the largest number of
hOllrs. The ARRA federal law required New Hampshire to use these dollars to fully fund the
State's statutory obligation to pay for an adequate education. These funds were paid to local
school districts as part of the State's adequacy payments. Local school districts paid teachers,
support staff, and other personnel. The districts provided the State data on their payroll
expenses. From that data, we estimated the number of hours that were paid for from tIle State
Fiscal Stabilization Fund - Education ARRA dollars. We attributed forty hours per week to
salaried individuals, like teachers, to obtain the estinlated total hours paid for by ARRA.
The State Fiscal Stabilization Fund - Government Services grant paid for the second largest number of hours. Tllese funds paid for hours worked by certain State employees between February 17,2009 and June 30, 2009, primarily employees of the Department of Corrections and tIle Judicial Branch. For ARRAjob statistic purposes these are jobs retained due to ARRA funds. OMB requires all states to follow the OMB formula for estinlating jobs attributable to ARRA. This Federal Jobs FTE statistic will decrease in future quarterly reports for some programs. The total jobs numbers will be less for programs, such as the State Fiscal Stabilization . Fund - Goverlunent Services Grant, that spend significant portions of their funds early in the ARRA recovery period, but do not spend all funds and submit a final report until the end of the recovery period. The OMB formula continues to add a full time work schedule, in most cases 540 hours for each quarter, to the denominator when calculating the Federal Jobs FTEs statistic. This is done even when no funds are expended for jobs during a quarter. Transportation projects, for example, may employ most of their workers in the fall, spring and summer mOllths. But the winter hours will be coullted in the denominator until all work is completed. The Federal Jobs FTE statistic is a cumulative statistic. At each quarter it reports job creatioll and retention since February 17, 2009. This continues until the last dollar is spent and reported. For example, the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund - Government Services grant has expended over 90% of its funds. The remaining funds will be expended over the recovery period. We, therefore, expect the number ofFTEs attributed to that program by the Federal Jobs FTE statistic to decrease in each future quarterly report. There are many differellt statistics used to describe ajob or FTE. We report the Federal Jobs FTE because it is the statistic that is reqllired and reported by the federal government.
ARRA, Progress Report - Data through September 30, 2009 October 20, 2009 Page 3 of3 ARRA Contracts/Grants Approved: $407,297,839.37 Through October 7,2009, the Governor and Executive Council have approved $407,297,839.37 in ARRA-funded contracts or grants. As of September 30, 2009, an additional $19,549,721 has been received by unemployed people in New Hampshire through an additional $25 per week benefit paid for with ARRA funds. As of October 14,2009, the federal Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board ("RATB") reports that a total of $965,468,052 in contracts, grants, loans and entitlement payments have been made available to the State, municipalities, universities, colleges, nonprofits, businesses, and individuals in New Hampshire. This statistic includes the amount reported above as approved for expenditure by the Governor and Executive Council. According to the RATB, the $965,468,052 includes $22,249,485 in contracts, $759,449,938 in grants, and $183,768,630 in loans. As of October 13,2009, the RATB reported that federal agencies had announced a total of$1,385,840,000 in funds will become available overall to recipients in New Hampshire. This amount includes funds committed in direct contracts between the federal government and New Hampshire businesses, support for tuition for students attending New Hampshire universities, colleges, and trade schools, entitlement payments to residents of New Hampshire, direct federal research grants to New Hampshire universities and colleges, direct federal grants to municipalities, non-profits, and businesses, as well as the funds that will be managed directly or as pass-through grants by the State. For further information visit: www.recovery.gov. Please find attached a report showing a breakdown of the programs identified as being subject to the ARRA Section 1512 reporting process which reported data for the Federal Jobs Statistic as of September 30,2009. Additional information on New Hampshire's implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is available at: http://www.nh.gov/recovery/ tfully~itt ,
Orville B. Fitch II Director, Office of Economic Stimulus CC:
Honorable Sylvia Larsen, President of the Senate Honorable Terie Norelli, Speaker of the House of Representatives Honorable Marjorie Smith, Chair, Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Progress Report - Data through September 30,2009
Addendum· Program Breakdown
# of Hours # of NH Administering Agency Wor_ke~"0"",.!'TE Jobs State Fiscal Stabilization Fund - Education Governor's Office 2,62~,?Q~ 2,041 Sta!~"~i.~~.(IL~ta~~i~at!5?~£und~Qovernment Servic~~ ...Qc)ve_rnor's Of~~~ ,.. _._ ..._''_... ~ ,~.?_~?,~?~_ _ 745 ,Hi~~~(IL!~fE(lstructure Inve~!~~~t" ..._, Dep(lrtment of Transe.0rtation 150cOO~ 116 \VIA (3 p'rogr(lIl1 s) Workforce OpportunityC:()uncil 69,663 54 29,~48 23 Weatherization Office of Ener~Y(lnd PI(ll1nin~ Airport Improvement Pr()gram Department of Transportation 9,102 7 Prog~~~,,~~me
,.C=lean. Water State.Re~()}~il1~X~l1d V_A_WA__.,.,.. ~ ~~ __ ~_. Transit C(lpi!~}I1~~s_tmen~s -,~_()E !:!rb_ani~~<:\ SCSEP JAG WaterQuality tv{(Inagement Planning VOCA - Victim Assistance .S~(It~.§I1~~.&I~E5?~:~rn""__ ._____._~,,,___ Diesel Emissions Reduction Act LUST Community Services Block Grant
,,,_,w. __
~~P(l_r:t:~~!:It.()f?nvJE()~rn~l1t!11Se!Y~~~5_"_M'_ 2,285
__.,... ,_., .~,c?98 ~I2ep(l~m~E.!()fTr(lnsportati,<:J.n_ .... 3,398 Workforce Opportu l1 ity Coun~iI}~072 3,004,7 Department of Justice 2,525 Depar:t:ment of Environmental Ser\,i~e5 ____,__.~"' __,,_. Department of Justice _Qf.~~~e of Energy and Planning 1,832 . . . ])epartment of Environmental Service5!~398 1,??? . Department of Environmental Service5 722 Department of Health and Human Sen Dril1~illgwater Department of Environmental Service5 133 C:;0rn.rn,uEJty '?,ev,e}?Prnent Block Grant ", __ ._.~Cornrn~~ity D":y'~Iopment Finance Aut ",.• ,.,!Q.6 EE~~g. ~_.~,,_,. __, __ , _..Q!~~~"oLEI1~Eg,L(I.I1_d Elanning 0 The Emerg~flcyFeedillg}\ssistanceJ>rogram (!:'EFAP) Department of Administrative ~erviw 0 Depa~ment of Education 0 Education TechnologY State Grants 0 IDEA Part B .... [)~partment of Education IDEAY:~~~~()()I,~ .,_.____ Department of Education 0 Indep~Il<:\,~l1t Living.,~~L~ices
!?~~~rn.~1l!ofEd~_~1I!i<:J.I1. __ .._..
Ill~~p~l1<:\en~~i.:'.in_g§.ervices - Older / Blind
Department ()L~<:\~cation_~__~ __ ._~ __, Dep(lrtment of Education Dep(lrtment of Education [)epartment of Education D~P.1l~rneIl!_()f Education
MCl(i11l1eyVento School Lunc~?qIJiPrn~nt Title I Grants to Local Education}\gencies Vocational Rehabilitation Browl1!i.~!<:\~~~::()Iy'ing~()an Fund Prog:.1I~ __
2 .. _~~_~_ 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 . __ 2,~ 0 0 0 O__ ~ ._..._.__
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Child Care and Development Block Grant Department of Health and H~man Sen C=0l1gregate Nutrition ServicesI:>ep(l~mentof Health and Human Sen Dep(l~ment of Health and Human Sen Healthcare Associated Infections Home-Delivered Nutrition Services Department of Health and Human Sen .!2~p(I~I11ent of Health and Human Sen Homeless Prevel1!~o~and ~a2id Rehousin~., Immunization and Vaccines for Children Grants Department ofI:!~.(II.t,~.Cl.':~ HU~(II1Ser.:.._~,__ .,_~O_,_ Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities [)epartlnent()fIIealth(l~~IIuI11anS~r\.. 0 Depa~ment of Justice 0 VOCA - Victim Compensation 0 National Guard Military Operations and Maintenance I Department oftheA.djut(l~t General
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fo~~t Big~\VaY_E~<:J,~rarn,_ ....,,_I:>~P(l,r:t:T_~,1'!tof Transportation - Urbanized Department of Transportation Art~ and the Arne~!E~fl~~~,<:J.~ery at.I.~,~~nvestment Ac New Hampshire State Council on the St(lte~nergy EfficieIltA.ppli(lnce Rebate Pr()~r(lmgf.f1ceof?l1ergY(lndPlannin~ Office of Energy and Plaflning Energy Assur(lIlc~~Ian~ing NEG: WIA Dislocated Workers .. Workforce ()pportunityCouncil
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
w, •
Footnotes: I. Includes WIA Dislocated Workers (Formula Grants), WIA Adult, and WIA Youth.