0906 Ceos Marketing Team

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Chairman’s Series on Growth Asia Pacific Edition The CEO’s Marketing Team: Spearheading Profitable Growth

June, 2009

Today’s Presenters Craig Baty Global VP, IT Practice Frost & Sullivan

Michael Buchholz VP Marketing, Asia Pacific Frost & Sullivan

Today’s Moderator: Hwee Har Tan Marketing Manager, Asia Pacific Frost & Sullivan


1. Poll Results from Last Months AP CSG 2. Overview: Where We Are in the Series 3. Challenges to the Marketing Career 4. Marketing’s Role on the Growth Team™ 5. Case History: Marketing Best Practices 6. Marketing Best Practices Thought Leadership Model 7. Serious About Growth: Next Steps

Polling Responses from April APAC CSG Does your company currently have a culture focused on Growth, Innovation and Leadership? Yes 66.6% No 33.3%

What challenge(s) does your CEO and/or management team face in developing and creating a culture of Growth, Innovation and Leadership? The CEO doesn’t have the required leadership skills 66.6% Getting the entire team on the same page 33.3% Eliminating the ‘not invented here’ or the challenge of evolving silos 66.6% Lack of visionary skills to develop a powerful growth strategy 33.3% Lack of time to engage in the required growth workshops 66.6% Lack of budget to travel to GIL and or invest in long term growth 33.3%

The Growth Acceleration System

CEO's Growth Team Building Teamwork and A Culture of Growth Innovation & Leadership

Internal Challenges for the Marketing Function Marketing’s insular focus and reactive behavior relegate it to a highly operational role that provides minimal value to the CEO’s Growth Team. Situation Operational issues dominate the agenda

Resulting Challenge -

Soft ROI – budget constraints; undervalued by CEO and executive team

Lack of goal alignment between marketing and


sales Lack of integration with R&D

Combative relationship – weak integration with sales goals


Higher risk product strategy – miss market demand

Lack of input to growth pipeline


Growth pipeline is overly dependent on new product development for growth

External Challenges for the Marketing Function Without a 360 Degree Perspective, Marketing can provide minimal value to the CEO’s Growth Team.™ Situation

Resulting Challenge

Technology of marketing is accelerating


Increased pressure on marketing to leverage Best Practices for growth

Changing economic and political landscape


Increasingly competitive markets


Assess future growth pipeline Puts your current growth strategy at risk Offer comprehensive picture of competitive landscape

Smarter customers with shorter attention spans


Prepare company to address competition


Build accurate audience profiles with effective messaging

Marketing: Relationship with Leaders CEO

CEO/Leadership Marketing Role •

Responsible for generating growth opportunities

CEO’s Role •

and ideas •

Instrumental in communicating growth strategy and vision to internal team

Facilitates strategic communication within

True collaboration with marketing

Supports GIL (Growth, Innovation and Leadership) Culture, open forum

Clearly communicates objectives and vision

Provides time and budget for long-term strategy

Inspires, nurtures and unifies Growth Team™

Growth Team™ •

Supports growth implementation

Open-minded, willing to explore, nurturing of innovation

Communicates to Growth Team™ on progress of vision


to create and achieve vision

Marketing: Relationship with Competitive Intelligence CI

Competitive Intelligence (CI) Marketing Role •

Drives Competitive Intelligence programs to ensure successful growth opportunities

Ensures CI is aligned with Growth Team™ on competitive landscape for growth

Expands CI to all roles on Growth Team ™ and all projects

CI’s Role •

Best Practices within CI function

Proactive not reactive

Supports diversification opportunities


Marketing: Relationship with Market Research Market Research Marketing Role •

Identify key customer/consumer and

Collaborate with Market Research to embed customer insight into new product development, marketing communications and strategies

Develop research agenda focused on growth opportunities

Prioritise key growth customer segments for evaluation


Market Research Role

marketplace information gaps needed to drive growth strategies

Market Research

Synthesize disparate sources of information to evaluate opportunities

Generate “voice of the customer” insights

Support decision making by Marketing with data and insights

Marketing: Relationship with Corporate Strategy/Development Strategic Business Development

Corporate Strategy/ Development Marketing Role

Responsible for increasing Corporate

Corporate Strategy/Development Role

Strategy/Development activities •

Creates communication system to optimise


Generate and evaluate growth options for the company


Collaborates on ideas, opportunities, visions and strategies

Aligns short-and long-term ideas

Connects short- and long-term visions

Provide long-term growth ideas for Corporate

Be measurable

Provides strong feedback

Clear role and objectives, building together with

Strategy/Development •

Provides feedback on ideas generated by Corporate Strategy/Development


Marketing: Relationship with Research & Development R&D

Research & Development (R&D) Marketing Role

Supports open collaboration between

Research & Development’s Role

business units and R&D •

Identifies market opportunities for R&D – Customer Perspective, Competitor Communicates internally and externally the

Open communications with other business units

Capabilities of development, what's possible

Communicates through all phases of product

Perspective •


development cycle •

growth potential of various R&D activities

Proactive probe for marketing-driven new ideas

Focus on relationship and teamwork

Marketing: Relationship with Sales Management Sales Management Marketing Role

Sales Management

Sales’ Role

Building strategies to respond to competition

Captures measurable customer feedback

Creates marketing communications based on

Key 360 Degree Perspective - feedback to

CEO’s Vision, Growth Team™ collaboration, customers voice, brand promise and

Growth Team™ and marketing •

Feedback on message effectiveness

Open communication and collaboration with

communication channels •

Responsible for partnering with Market Research to create customer profiles that aid the segmented selling approach

Drives competitive benchmarking to enhance Sales effectiveness


other business units

Marketing: Relationship with Investor/Finance Investors

Investor/Finance Marketing Role •

Collaborates to identify and generate ways to


Investor’s Role •

Collaboration and communication with

leverage 10 Growth Processes

marketing and Growth Team™ on costs and

Provide unbiased and unhyped data from

investment criteria

various sources including CRM system and

customer surveys

Feedback on financial analysis on Growth Pipeline

Help prioritise growth pipeline

Sharing ROI and IRR calculations with team

Creates financial model of growth opportunities

Conducts sensitivity analysis of growth models

Marketing: Current vs. Growth Team MembershipTM (GTM) Marketing Needs to Evolve to Optimise Impact Today’s Marketing Role

Empowerment Through GTM

Consumed with Operations

Big Picture Marketing Strategy

One-way Communication w/ CEO

2-way Communication w/ CEO

No Budget or Time for long term

Fights for Budget & Time

Little Insight into R&D Pipeline

Drives Growth Strategy

Adversarial Role with Sales

100% Integration with R&D

Marketing not on Pipeline

Marketing thinks Dept is at Best Practice

Partnership with Sales on Implementation

Source of 50% of Growth Pipeline

Marketing has Market Perspective

Team Exposed to Best Practices

Not Concerned with Culture

Learning 360 Degree Perspective

Drives Growth Innovation and Leadership Culture Internally

Marketing’s Impact on the Growth Pipeline Marketing could fuel 50% of Growth Pipeline opportunity •

Distribution Channel

Geographic Expansion

New Applications for Existing Technology

Customer Segmentation Strategies

Customer Strategies

Sales Strategies

Pricing Strategies

Merger & Acquisition

Growth Sourcing

New Product Enhancements Driven by Customers

Michael Buchholz, VP Marketing, Asia Pacific Frost & Sullivan

The Financial Opportunity Sustainable Profitable Revenue Growth Sustainable Profitable Revenue Growth Profit Profit

Time Time

Reduce ReduceImpact ImpactOf OfIndustry IndustryCycle Cycle

New Strategic Capabilities Growth Strategy Strategic Operational







• •

Brand Development

“Helping Customers Complete Their Important Construction Projects”

Growth Team … a collaborative approach to growth

Market Assessment

Market Research & Analysis

New Product Development


Operational Integration and

Commercial Strategy and Planning

Pricing Sales Strategy and Account Management


Case In Point: Making The Old New Again… Old Markets… New Value •

• •


Concrete Homes

30-50% ↓ Energy Costs

• •


Recycled Pavements 66%↓Material to Landfill

Increase Use of Cement and Concrete vs. Other Materials

Repositioning Brand to Support Growth Brand Development

Internal Focus

Customer Focus


Rational + Emotional


Customer Projects

Innovative Solutions Provider

Ingredients of Success Making It Happen AND Making It Stick

Change “Commodity” Thinking

Develop Compelling Business Case

Measure and Communicate Results

Make It a “Big” Team Effort

Definition: What is Best Practice?

Specific activities performed to solve a tough business challenge that 9 out of 10 companies are NOT performing but SHOULD, with measurable results proving effectiveness

Marketing: Best Practices Thought Leadership Models Future Research Topics 

Building and Training the Growth Team™

Developing the Growth Pipeline from Marketing Perspective

The Marketing Function: Top 6 Growth Thought Leaders (GTLs)

Which Companies, Departments and Leaders are at Best Practice Level?

Strategic Actions for Key Challenges in Marketing

Creating a Customer and Competitor Landscape for Growth Evaluation

Customer-driven Marketing Strategy

Competitive-driven Marketing Strategy

Brand Leadership & Change

Strategic Partnering

Lead Generation and Management Systems

Customer Relationship Management

Marketing-driven Product Development Process



A global community focused on Growth, Innovation and Leadership

September 2009 Phoenix, Arizona

October 2009 Kuala Lumpur October 2009

October 2009



October 2009

December 2009


Sao Paulo May 2010 London

Next Steps 

Request a proposal for Growth Partnership Services to support you and your team to accelerate the growth of your company.

Attend Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange best practice networking events (http://www.frost.com/cal) to share and address strategic challenges

Consider Conducting a 360 Degree Growth Workshop to support your long-term growth strategy

Join us at a Growth, Innovation and Leadership 2009: A Frost & Sullivan Global Congress on Corporate Growth (www.frost.com/gilglobal)

Register for the next Chairman’s Series on Growth: (http://www.frost.com/growthapac)

Schedule a Recession Strategy Session with a Frost & Sullivan Industry consultant (email us: [email protected])

Schedule a One-on-One Growth Strategy Dialogue with a Frost & Sullivan Growth Consultant (email us: [email protected])

Register for Frost & Sullivan’s Growth Opportunity Newsletter and Growth Team Membership e Bulletin to keep abreast of growth opportunities in your industry and best practices in your career track. (www.frost.com)

Contact Us If you have questions or would like further information about anything we discussed, please send your query to the email provided below and we will get back to you shortly.

Alvin Chua Account Manager Automotive, Transportation & Logistics DID: +65 6890 0997 Mob: +65 9199 4566 eMail: [email protected]

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