09-22-2009 Newsletter

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Please Pray For One Another

First United Methodist Church Rosenberg, Texas

Thursday, Friday and Saturday for our new pictorial directory. Report to the Education Building at least 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time.

First United Methodist Church

Please remember your portrait appointments

Sanctuary: 1127 Third Street Mailing address: 1106 Fourth Street Rosenberg, Texas 77471

vegetables and canned fruit. The pantry was hit hard at the end of August and is in need of almost everything! Please make a donation this week. Thanks!

Phone: 281-342-3333 or 281-232-3246 Fax: 281-342-3333

Food pantry items for September are canned

Web site: www.fumcrosenberg.net

Christopher Bailey Larry Bolton Scott Cayton Jason Johnson Jeremiah Judkin Rachel Miller Dannielle Pope Needler Cash Radowick


Check us out in color!

Concerns: (8-30) Barb Nippler (Kim Spano’s mother), Kody Spano recovering from second knee surgery (9-13) Jim Mathews, Raymond Chachere, Margaret Richardson, Wayne Morris, Linda Moody, Elaine Bergman, Mary Malone, Cynthia Balzen’s father Jerry Alford, Sophie and Ben Oldag, Hellen and Jake Bellais, Robert Hill, Kris Woldy’s father, Elizabeth Nelson, Karen Setliff, Raul & Maria Elena Aguilar (Enrique’s parents), Melanie Linder and her family (9-20) Bill Castillo (Lou & Ellie Cumings’ son-in-law), Bob Whitley, Al Liebman and family, Nova Tropeano, Joe Balzen’s mother Jan Owens

September 22, 2009  Volume 24, Issue 36

Ramblings: Remember the Sabbath Day and Keep it Holy This promises to be a particularly busy week for a lot of people. In my world I can’t seem to run fast enough. This morning I had to get four kids to the dentist, clean up a mess around the house (I caused it, I cleaned it), and fix a door for Misty at her classroom. In the next few minutes I still need to write a column for the newsletter, go to the staff meeting, pack for my trip to Lakeview (Pastor’s Retreat) and drive the 192 miles to Lakeview. I’ll be back late Wednesday and leaving again Thursday afternoon to go on The Walk to Emmaus which will last until Sunday evening. (I’ll be driving back Sunday morning for the worship services and then back to the retreat for the conclusion.) With all that I have going on I know many of you have it just as bad or worse. But the amazing thing about all that I have going on is that I’m not stressed about it at all. I probably should be, but I’m not. Now I’m not sure why this is the case, but I think it may have something to do with keeping a promise to myself (and more importantly to my God) about having a Sabbath. For sixteen years I have been following the same routine. I call it Holy Procrastination. I have set aside Saturday night for sermon preparation. Most weekends I have waited for the kids to go to bed and then headed up to the church to work on the sermon. I usually finished and made it back home around 3 am. With the alarm ringing at 6:30 it made for some serious napping that afternoon. Many people thought I was crazy, but I have to say it worked well for me. Most of the time. But then God spoke to me two weeks ago. I was reading the passage in Exodus about the Israelites longing for food and God sending them quail and manna. He provided for them for six days and told them to rest on the seventh. He promised that the provisions he gave them would last the whole seven days. I have read that passage many times and it never spoke to me this way. I realized that I was not doing what God said to do. By being at the office everyday, I was not following God. Having a Sabbath wasn’t something God suggested, but what God commanded. I guess

it’s only natural to be stressed when you aren’t following the boss’ orders. Last week I made a conscious decision to have a Sabbath. I instituted a Thursday midnight deadline. I decided that I would have everything done for the services by midnight Thursday night. I hated it. I had to move several things around in my schedule and had to cancel some things, but I did it. Friday was my Sabbath and after the twelfth or thirteenth time I thought to myself, “I need to run by the office for…” I finally settled down and enjoyed the day with just me and God. I prayed and listened (not all day, but more than I have in any day I can remember lately). Nothing happened that day and yet something happened that day. I didn’t accomplish anything and yet I felt like I had really done something great. Saturday was busy with a meeting of my mentor group in Cleveland. It felt great to be well rested and not to have the threat of a long night hanging over my head. Sunday came and though I was nervous about not having gone over the message for the past two days, everything seemed to go well. Looking at the week ahead I see that there are quite a few things that I have to do and yet for the first time in a long time I’m not worried about getting it all done. I am setting tomorrow as my Sabbath. When other preachers are all meeting at the different seminars I will be ignoring them completely. I am setting this day aside for God. I’m still keeping my Thursday midnight deadline for the service. This way I will be ready for worship while I am helping others get closer to Christ on the Emmaus Walk. I would like to ask you for two things. Examine your life and put aside a Sabbath day for you and your family. You will be amazed at what it can do in just a short amount of time. Second, pray for me as I get used to this new way of doing things. Pray that God will speak to me in ways that help us all follow where he is leading. And pray that I would be more faithful to him so I can lead you better. IGS, John

Opportunities To Serve Tuesday, Sept. 22: 7:00 p.m. - Women’s Prayer Group Wednesday, Sept. 23: 5:00 p.m. - Children’s Choirs 6:15 p.m. - Handbells 7:30 p.m. - Sanctuary Choir rehearsal Thursday, Sept. 24: CHURCH DIRECTORY PHOTOS 7:00 p.m. - Praise Team rehearsal Friday, Sept. 25: CHURCH DIRECTORY PHOTOS Church Office Closed 8:00 a.m. - County Fair Parade Saturday, Sept. 26: CHURCH DIRECTORY PHOTOS Anahuac Work Day 8:00 a.m. - Pumpkin Patch Unloading Day Sunday, Sept. 27: Pumpkin Patch Kick Off Sunday WEAR YOUR T-SHIRT! 8:30 a.m. - Blended Worship Service 9:40 a.m. - Sunday School for all ages 10:50 a.m. - Traditional Worship Service 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. - Pumpkin Patch open Noon - Meet in the Pumpkin Patch for a congregational photo 3 p.m. - Field Trip Training 4 p.m. - Sales Training 5:00-7:00 p.m. - Combined Youth (grades 6-12) 6:00 p.m. - Growth Group meeting Monday, Sept. 28: 9:00 a.m. - MOMS 10:30 a.m. - Prime Chimers 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. - Pumpkin Patch open 7:00 p.m. - Lay Leadership Committee meeting 7:00 p.m. - Boy Scouts

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. Psalm 23:1-3a

FIRST CHURCH STAFF JOHN R. BLACK………………………………………….…...Pastor ADRIANE GRAY…………………………….....Nursery Coordinator DEBRA RADOWICK……………..…....…. Administrative Assistant KRIS WOLDY……………..………….…..………..…Music Director JOSE LUNA ……………………….……..………...Church Custodian GAYNELL PSENCIK………………….…..…….Financial Secretary JESSICA MYERS………………….…………………..…….Organist BECCA HYDE………………….…………………..…Youth Director

In memory of Tommy Sue Foerster by Dixie and Wayne Moore; Johnnie and Joan Cooper; Charles and Nancy Spano; Merrie Talley; Linda Seay; Bill and Gladys Simmons; Gene and Lucylle Allen; Mr. and Mrs. Connie Black; Becky and Tracy Gallimore; Bess and John Matthys; Richard and Jan Elliott; Hurley and Ginger Johnson; Bob and Cindy Peters; Mrs. Billie Teel; Clay Panova; Gloria Wilson; Jeffrey Dyess; John and Nita Gay Rogers; Carolyn Culpepper; Cliff Terrell; Burienne and Margaret Stuart; John and Bridget Yeung; Fort Bend Financial; Esther Buls; Grace Talley-Redifer; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ives; Lydia Barker; Judy and Wayne Morris In memory of Ben Reimer by Ella and Joe Machac and family; Judy and Larry Feinstein; John and Nita Gay Rogers; Carolyn Culpepper; L.C. and Cathy Courtney; Esther Buls; William Dawson and Evelyn Dawson; Linda Seay; Thomas James McMaster; Caleb and Payton Manuel; C.J. and LaVerne Overgoner; Shirley Sellah and Al Greising; Edwin Hrncir; Charles and Cynthia Bergvall; Bruce and Jeanie Austin; Wayne Jakubik; Bill and Jeanette Brown; Mr. and Mrs. John Jakubik and family; John and Cheryl Scott and the Texas City Dinner Group; Ruth and Pat Cox; Charles and Nancy Spano; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ives; Lydia Barker In memory of Betty Wleczyk by A.J. and Ester Eleczyk; Robert Hill and Family

Hey, Youth! Any one who talks to me for more than five minutes knows that I do A LOT of stuff with my family. In fact, my entire family lives here in Rosenberg and Richmond...both sets of grandparents, my aunt, uncle, and cousins, and my parents...all of us! I’m constantly doing stuff with my family...because I love them and I love hanging out with them! We like to get together, eat, and play games. We just like spending time together. Sound familiar? It should! That’s what the youth group is all about every Sunday night! We are a family. That means we love each other, respect each, and help each other out. 1 Corinthians 12:12 says “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” We are the family of God and we are called to love and support one another like family. That means we have to spend time together and do things together! Everyone has busy schedules (me too!) but if we don’t take time for family we can’t appreciate all the other great things we are doing...cause we will have no one to share it with. Once a month the youth will be having a B.I.G. Event, where we will be doing something outside of the church and we will need help to make sure that we can do all of these activities. Our first one will be on October 4th and we are going to Sugar Land Ice for some broom ball. Can’t make that one? Don’t worry...we have one every month and there is sure to be one you can come too! So come be a part of our family...and spend some time with us Sunday night! In His Love, Becca This week we will be having a Pumpkin Patch Party! Wear something you don’t mind getting a little messy...and come have some fun with your family! Parents and Volunteers! We will be having a meeting on Sunday, October 11 at 4pm! Your presence and participation are crucial to the success of our youth group, so please plan to be there!

COUNTRY STORE AND HARVEST CAFÉ Saturday, October 17, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. In conjunction with our annual Pumpkin Patch, our church will host our 4th Country Store and Harvest Café on October 17. It will be held in our fellowship hall and, weather permitting, out on the courtyard. The church will sponsor a booth for homemade craft items (such as needlework, wooden items, canned goods, pot plants, quilts, artwork, Fall and Christmas holiday crafts, etc.) for those who do not want to rent an entire booth for themselves. The Celebration group will, again, host a bake sale table and will welcome any items for their table. If you want to donate items to these booths, all are welcome. If you would like to purchase your own table, the cost is $20 per 6’ table. The $20 serves as your contribution while profits from your sales will be yours. We have several new vendors joining us this year with some wonderful selections of jewelry, candles, baby items, hair ribbons, baskets, Homemade Gourmet, yard art and more! The Cafe will serve from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm. We will need volunteers to help with the church sponsored table as well as on the kitchen crew. If you would like to lend a hand, please see the contact information below. We will work in two hour shifts on the 17th but you are welcome to sign up for a longer time slot. If you cannot volunteer as a helper, this will be a great way to start your Christmas shopping! Invite your friends, neighbors & family as this has become a FUN event and a wonderful outreach to our community. All proceeds benefit our Children’s Ministry program. Come help us celebrate fall! Table sales: Kitchen coordinator: Store coordinator: Event coordinator:

Mandy Bryan [email protected] Pat Shirk Sue Mealus Jennifer Hartmann

713-305-6400 281-342-8248 281-734-8060 281-342-5096

Pumpkin Patch Important Dates Sept. 26 Sept. 27 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31

and individually wrapped bags of candy corn 2. Bottled water 3. 2 liter sodas - all flavors, all kinds, diet and regular Unloading Day **Candy donations needed by T-shirt portrait day Thurs., Sept. 24th **Water and soda donations Grand Opening needed throughout the months of Picnic & Pictures Sept. and Oct. Country Store Donations can be left in the Education Building under the PP & Harvest Café bulletin board or in the Church Fall Festival office. Thank you for supporting the Trunk or Treat Pumpkin Patch!!

*Unloading Day is Saturday! Be here at 8 a.m. Wear gloves and bring along a wagon or wheelbarrow if you can. *Donations needed: 1. Only the following candy: smarties, tootsie rolls, dum dums,

*Work schedule is posted in the Education Building - please sign up to work a shift. This outreach project is labor intensive and everyone is needed to work a shift. Training will be Sunday afternoon so no one can say “I don’t know what to do!”

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