09-10 Handbook

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  • Words: 10,305
  • Pages: 45
BEAR LAKE HIGH SCHOOL 330 Boise St. Montpelier, ID 83254 Phone: 847-0294 Fax: 847-0144

STUDENT HANDBOOK 2009/2010 Mission Statement To enable and encourage students to acquire the skills, knowledge and self confidence to become productive, well-adjusted, and contributing members of an increasingly complex society. School Song We=re on our way today We love our blue and white; And come what may, We=ll always fight, fight, fight. To victory you=ll see Our courage never die, So let=s make our colors fly and give our all to BEAR LAKE HIGH Property of:_____________________________ Address: _____________________________ Phone#: _____________________________ In case of emergency, please notify: Name__________________________ Phone #____________________ 


ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2009/2010 Monday & Wednesday - A Days Tuesday & Thursday - B Days

M 6 13 20 27

2009 JULY T W TH 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30

AUGUST M T 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 31


W 5 12 19 26

TH 6 13 20 27


SEPTEMBER M T W 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30

TH 3 10 17 24


TH 1 8 15 22 29


OCTOBER M T 5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

W 7 14 21 28

NOVEMBER M T W 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 DECEMBER M T W 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 M 4 11 18 25

TH 5 12 19 26


TH 3 10 17 24 31



2010 - JANUARY T W TH F 5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28



1 8 15 22

4 11 18 25

2 9 16 23

1st Day of School - Tuesday, Sept 1st Last Day of School - Friday, May 28th

3 10 17 24


MARCH M T W 1 2 3 8 9 10 16 17 18 22 23 24 29 30 31 APRIL M T 5 12 19 26 M 3 10 17 24 31




6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

TH 1 8 15 22 29

MAY T 4 11 18 25

W 5 12 19 26

TH 6 13 20 27





9 16 23

10 17 24

JUNE T 1 2 7 8 14 15 21 22 29 30


TH 4 11 19 25



1st Semester Ends -Jan 14 - 70 days 2nd Semester Ends - May 28 -74 days

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Holidays High School - November 4th Labor Day - Monday, September 7th Thanksgiving Break November 25th & 26th Christmas Break December 22nd Shortened Day December 23 - January 3rd 144 Secondary Instructional Days President=s Day February 15th Spring Break - April 1-5






8:00 9:40 Nutrition 9:40 2A/2B 9:50 - 11:30 Announcements/Channel One 11:30 - 11:40 Advisory 11:40 12:05 Lunch 12:05 12:35 3A/3B 12:40 2:20 4/A/4B 2:25 4:05

ASSEMBLY SCHEDULE 1A/1B Nutrition Pick Up 2A/2B -

8:00 - 9:40 9:40 9:50 - 11:30 3

Lunch 3A/3B 4A/4B Assembly


11:30 - 12:00 12:05 - 1:45 1:50 - 3:00 3:05


Academics Academic Calendar........................................................2 Bell Schedule...........................................................3 College VisitsYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.....7 CoursesYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY..7 Early GraduationYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. 9EligibilityYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY9 Grade ScaleYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY..9 Graduation RequirementsYYYYYYYYYYY..10 Homework..................................................................11 National Honor SocietyYYYYYYYYYYYYY11 Release TimeYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY12 School-to-Work ProgramYYYYYYYYYYYY13 Study SkillsYYYYYYYYYYYY.YYYYY..13 Teacher Aide & Office Aide Guidelines....................14 Withdrawal from a ClassYYYYYYYYYYYY14 Withdrawal from SchoolYYYYYYYYYYY.....14

Attendance Attendance PolicyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY15 4

Bogus Note PolicyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY17 In-School ActivitiesYYYYYYYYY.YYYYY.17 Perfect AttendanceYYYYYYYYYYYYYY..18 Student Check-In ProcedureYYYYYY.YYYY.18 Student Check-Out ProcedureYYYYYYYYYY18 Tardy PolicyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY18 Truancy.......................................................................18

Code of Conduct AffectionYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.19 Alcohol, Tobacco, and DrugsYYYYY.YYYY...19 AssembliesYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.20 Automobiles and ParkingYYYYYYYYYYYY.20 Bus RulesYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY21 ClassroomYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY...21 Class InterruptionsYYYYYYYYYYYYYY...21 CheatingYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.22 Collection of FeesYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.22 Dance PolicyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.22 Electronic DevicesYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY23 Financial PolicyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.23 Food and Drink...........................................................23 Fund RaisingYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY..23 GamblingYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY24 Gym AreaYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY..24 LibraryYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.24 LockersYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY...24 School PropertyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.24 SpeechYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY25 StealingYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY....25 Student ValuablesYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY...25 Substitute TeachersYYYYYYYYYYYYYY26 TelephonesYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.26 TextbooksYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY26 Visitor PolicyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY26

Discipline Policy and Procedure


Discipline PolicyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY27 Drug PolicyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY29 ExclusionYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY..30 Safe School EnvironmentYYYYYYYYYYYY..30 A. ArsonYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY...30 B. Assault of a Staff MemberYYYYYY..30 C. Assault on a StudentYYYYYYYY...30 D. Controlled SubstanceYYYYYYYY..30 E. Possession of a WeaponYYY.YYY..30 F. RobberyYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.30 Suspension and ExpulsionYYYYYYYYYYY..31 A. Assault/Hazing. Harassment....................31 B. Extortion ..................................................31 C. Fighting....................................................31 D. Graffiti and/or Vandalism ........................31 E. Possession and or consumption of tobacco or alcohol ...........................................31 F. Theft .........................................................31

General Information

Administration& FacultyYYYYYYYYYYYY..32 Classroom Procedure and General ConductYYYY.33 Clubs and ActivitiesYYYYY.YYYYYYYYY..33 Computer PolicyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.34 CounselingYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY...34 Dress CodeYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY..35 Drivers EducationYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY36 Emergency and Evacuation ProceduresYYYYYY.36 Family Education Rights & Privacy Act.........................37 FinesYYYYY.YYYYYYYYYYYYY.YYY37 Hall PassesYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.37 Locker SearchesYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY..37 LunchroomYYYYYY.YYYYYYYYYYYY..38 Media CenterYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY38 Mission Statement/Beliefs/ObjectivesYYYYYYY.39 Pop and Juice MachinesYYYYYYYYYYYYY41 Private SalesYYYYYYYYYYY.YYYYY...Y41 Qualifications for Specific SportsYY.....................Y.41 SportsmanshipYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Sunday PracticesYYYYYYYY.YYYYYYYY42 6

Student Body OfficersYYYYYY.YYYYYYY.43

Summary of Constitution Constitution of Bear Lake High SchoolYYYYYYY.44



Senior students are encouraged to visit colleges of interest but, must be pre-approved by counselor and teachers.


Pre-Calculus Calculus

ENGLISH Freshman English Sophomore English Junior English Senior English Honors English I Honors English II A.P. English Speech

SCIENCE Physical Science Biology Human Physiology Chemistry Physics SOCIAL STUDIES

MATHEMATICS Sophomore History Junior U.S. History A.P. U.S. History American Government

Pre-Algebra Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Trigonometry Probability & Stats


Economics Keyboarding Computer Applications Computer Graphics Computer Production Honors Adv. Computers Web Construction

Shop Technology Drafting I Drafting II Woods I Woods II Auto I Auto II Auto III



Survey of Civilization Spanish I Spanish II Spanish III French Band Choir Show Choir Art I Art II Art III Drama Play Production

Health P.E. P.E. (Fitness)

MISCELLANEOUS ELECTIVES Acadeca Yearbook A.J. Winters Aide Middle School Aide Careers in Education Media Aide H.S. Leadership Medical Careers CNA - Nursing Class School to Work Strength & Cond. Lakettes/Drill Team Cheerleading

AG SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Intro to Ag Mechanics Intro to Livestock Ag Welding (oxy) Ag Welding (arc) Ag Fabrication Greenhouse Management Floral & Landscape Design FFA Leadership Advanced Livestock Welding Tech. Certif. VoAg - Elective


Concurrent enrollment classes may be offered in several areas for eligible students. Check with teachers/counselors for updated courses.



The State Department of Education and the Bear Lake County Board of Trustees provide for high school students to graduate early providing the students meet all Requirements for Early Graduation as outlined in board policy. It is the student=s responsibility to notify one of the counselors if planning on graduating early and completing/submitting early graduation forms. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR OUT-OF-CLASS ACTIVITIES All students participating in IHSAA sanctioned out-of-class activities must meet a minimum standard of: 1. Passing 6 of 8 classes in the previous semester of school. 2. Maintaining a passing grade in ALL classes. 3. Must be currently enrolled as a full time student. System of checks: High School: A list of students participating in any extracurricular activity will be given to each teacher and if a student has academic difficulty and is currently failing in that class, the teacher will notify the office immediately.


4.0 3.7 3.4 3.0 2.7

92.5 89.5 86.5 82.5 79.5 9


2.4 2.0 1.7 1.4 1.0 .07 0 0 0


76.5 72.5 69.5 66.5 62.5 59.5


Subject Credits Grade Humanities 4 Fr, Soph, Jr, Sr. Sciences 4 Fr, Soph, Jr, Sr. Math 4 Fr, Soph, Jr, Sr. P. E. 1 Soph, Jr, Sr. P.E. Fitness 1 Soph, Jr, Sr. U.S. History 2 Jr. American Government 2 Sr. English 8 Fr, Soph, Jr, Sr. Economics 1 Sr. Health 1 Speech 1 Soph. Computer Applications 1 Fr TOTAL REQUIRED 30 PLUS ELECTIVES 18 Total for GRADUATION 48 Credits (Class of 2010) 52 Credits will be required beginning with the Class of 2011 Class of 2013 will be required to have: -6 math credits (2 their senior year) -6 science credits -Senior Project All Bear Lake High School underclassmen are expected to maintain a full schedule of classes. All Students must pass the Idaho Standardized Achievement Test requirement.


Idaho Colleges require: A. 6 Math B. 6 Science C. 4 Humanities (Two (2) of which can be Voc/Ed)

If a class is repeated, students have the following two options: A. Keep the new grade and delete the former grade and credit or B. Keep both the new and the former grade In order to receive credit for both classes, both grades will be factored into the GPA. HOMEWORK Homework will be assigned by teachers with three (3) purposes in mind. 1. 2. 3.

To practice a skill not yet mastered in the classroom. To establish information to be used when return to that class. As an extension of the classroom.

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I - NAME AND PURPOSE Section I The name of this organization shall be the National Honor Society of Bear Lake High School. Section II The object of this organization shall be to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to


promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character in all students of Bear Lake High School. Section III The Bear Lake High School Honor Society is charged with the responsibility of upholding the highest standards of academic excellence and expecting members of the Honor Society to ensure that this excellence is achieved with honesty and integrity. Members of the Honor Society will not cheat or be part of any activity that could or would be considered cheating. Members will be beyond reproach in their responsibilities to achieve academic excellence honestly. If an Honor Society member is guilty of cheating, that member will lose his/her membership in the Honor Society and the privileges and rights that accompany membership in the Honor Society of Bear Lake High School.

ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP Section I Membership in this organization is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors having a 3.0 GPA and currently enrolled in at least two honors classes. The honors classes are: Chemistry, Physics, Human Physiology, Honors English I, II, (AP English), AP U.S. History, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Statistics, Welding Tech Certification, Livestock III, Accounting II, WEB Master, Advanced Business Computer Applications Spanish II, German II. HONOR STUDENTS Section I Honor students, recognized as such at commencement exercises, must have cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher, successfully completed at least (14) fourteen credits or more of honors classes, and must be a member of National Honor Society. With four credits during their senior year. Section II Honor students receiving special recognition, such as valedictorian, salutatorian, etc. will be determined at mid-term of


the second semester. Criteria used to determine honor students is available in the counseling office.



Bear Lake High School students may be allowed one period per semester for religious classes. No high school credit will be given for these classes nor may Release Time credit be used for extra-curricular eligibility. While enrolled in Release Time students are not to be on school grounds or they may be suspended. SCHOOL-TO-WORK PROGRAM A student who wishes to participate in a work release program must meet the following criteria: 1. Must be a senior who is on line for graduation. 2. The work release program must not interfere with classes that are required for graduation. 3. Student must have a 2.5 GPA the preceding year, or administrative approval.

STUDY SKILLS 1. A Student Who Studies Well: (A) Brings notebook, paper, pen or pencil, and other materials necessary to class. (B) Is an active participant in the classroom; listens well; takes part in discussions. (C) Asks questions if he/she doesn=t understand the discussion or if he/she has a problem. (D) Plans his/her work and schedules time for homework each day; makes sure he/she understands the assignment before he/she leaves the class. (E) Uses what he/she learns; sees how each subject applies to the others. (F) Strives to do his/her best, not just get by.

2. How To Study: (A) Attitude is important - think positively; work


independently. Seek help only when you have exhausted your own resources; then ask questions use library resources. (B) Learning requires concentration - keep your mind on what you are doing. It will take less time. (C) At home, have a definite, well-lighted, quiet place to study. (D) Read the entire assignment rapidly to grasp the basic content. Re-read slowly to understand content, details, explanations directions. If the assignment is not written, make notes of your own; outline what you have learned. (E) If the assignment is a long-term project, do a little of it each day; don=t let it go until the last minute. It will be easier and you will do a better job. 3. How To Take A Test: (A) Relax and forget other people. (B) Read the directions carefully, and then follow them. (C) Read the whole test first to see what=s asked for and how to apportion your time. (D) Read each question twice before answering. (E) Think before you write. (F) Answer questions fully with information asked for- not what isn=t asked for. (G) Check your paper for spelling and grammar before turning it in.

TEACHER AIDE & OFFICE AIDE GUIDELINES - GPA 2.5 OR HIGHER - No F in previous semester - Only Seniors - Must have approval of the administration and teacher - Only one aide class per semester will be allowed.

WITHDRAWAL FROM A CLASS Students cannot withdraw from a class after two (2) actual class periods from the beginning of the semester. Students that withdraw after the two (2) class periods will receive an F on their transcript.


WITHDRAWAL FROM SCHOOL In order to ensure proper handling of school records and to facilitate entrance into another school, a student wishing to withdraw from school will: 1. Obtain a withdrawal form from the counseling office. 2. Return all text books to the proper teacher 3. Have the withdrawal form signed by the student=s teachers, the librarian, and the main office. If a student owes a fine or has lost books, records will be held in the office until such charges have been cleared.



As well as fostering thinking skills and academic knowledge, school attempts to teach social responsibility. In an effort to achieve this, the following policy will be enforced at Bear Lake High School. Student attendance is the responsibility of the parent or guardian and the student however, the school will attempt to keep parents informed of student absences. Students will have 24 hours to have an absence(s) cleared once they have returned to school, or it automatically becomes an un-excused absence. The responsibility will be on the student and parent to clear the absence. This will generally be done by a phone call or note from the students legal guardian. Failure to do so will result in a 30 minute detention.

Attendance Policy at Bear Lake High School POLICY NUMBER: 400.7 EFFECTIVE DATE: June 14, 2000 Revised October 11, 2005 Revised March 5, 2007 Purpose: This attendance policy has been established for the following reasons: 1. It is the responsibility of the parent to insure their student attends school (Idaho Code 33-202) 15

2. It is the responsibility of the administration of the school to encourage our students to attend regularly, and to contact parents when a referred=s absences become excessive. 3. A student=s attendance is directly related to his or her academic success and the quality of his or her school experience. 4. Schools are measured by their students= scores on the ISAT tests. There is a positive correlation between attendance and student scores on this achievement test. 5. Schools have a responsibility, along with parents, to help students prepare to successfully enter the work force after graduation. Attendance at school will prepare for attendance at work. Policy: 1. Students who are absent more than six (6) periods in any class per semester may lose credit for that class. 2.

Students who lose credit because they failed to meet the attendance policy may appeal to the high school attendance committee. The committee will determine if extenuating circumstances exist. Appeals must be made in writing within seven days after the semester ends. Upon receiving the appeal, the committee will meet with the student and parent/guardian. It is the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian to provide documentation from a doctor or court official to explain extenuating circumstances. This documentation must be provided at the time of the attendance appeal meeting. 3. For this policy, no distinction will be made between excused absences, un-excused absences or truancies. *SCHOOL EXCUSED ABSENCES DO NOT APPLY TO THE ATTENDANCE POLICY. 4. A tardy of more than ten minutes is considered an absence. 5. After three tardies a student will be referred to the office, where the principal or vice-principal will assign detention. 6. All decisions by the attendance committee may be appealed to Superintendent and/or the School Board.


7. If after meeting with the school attendance committee, a student=s absences continue to be excessive, under Idaho Code 33-206, and if the school attendance committee deems that the student and parent have violated the attendance regulations established by the board, the school attendance committee will notify the superintendent, who may then refer the student to the school board. If the school board determines that the parents or guardians have failed or refused to cause such child to be instructed as provided in Idaho Code 33-202, the child shall come under the purview of the juvenile corrections act if he or she is within the age of compulsory attendance. At that point a representative of the school board may notify the Bear Lake prosecuting attorney and recommend that a petition be filed against that student and parent in the Bear Lake District Court, as per Idaho Code 33-206. Criteria to be used by the attendance committee when determining a student=s loss of credit due to excessive absences: 1. Pre-arranged absences - this includes a family vacation or other special event. 2. Medical problems - this includes unforeseen family or personal medical emergencies. 3. Family crisis - death in immediate or extended family qualifies for a family crisis. 4. Academics in each class - this involves the teacher=s assessment of the student=s commitment and participation in his or her class. 5. Past attendance history. 6. Disciplinary action on file - student=s log of truancies and suspensions will be reviewed.




Writing of bogus notes is wrong and illegal. When a bogus note is written, the writer of the note will receive 1-5 days of suspension, and will receive the appropriate punishment, which will be assigned by the Principal or Vice-Principal. 17

IN SCHOOL ACTIVITIES SCHOOL ATTENDANCE FOR PARTICIPATION In order to protect the health and well being of the students who participate in school activities, the following policy will be followed: Students who are not in school the 2 day of any Bear Lake High School sponsored activity shall not be permitted to participate in the activity that day or evening. This includes both practices and games. Students who have pre-excused absences will not be subject to this ruling. PERFECT ATTENDANCE Perfect Attendance will be rewarded at the end of each semester.

STUDENT CHECK-IN PROCEDURE If it is an cleared absence, a day for each day absent will be granted for makeup. If the student was aware of an assignment or test before the absence, he/she is responsible to complete the assignment or test the day he/she returns to class.

STUDENT CHECK-OUT PROCEDURE After a student once arrives at school and has to leave, other than for a school function, the student must report to the office and check out. Permission from a parent or guardian must be granted whether by phone call or a written note before the school will release the student. The student must report to the office when returning to school.



Three tardies will result in 30 minutes of detention. For every reoccurring tardy thereafter the student will also serve 30 minutes of detention. The principal or vice-principal will assign detention. 18


1. 2.



Absence from school without permission and knowledge of parents, guardian, or school. The cutting of individual class or classes or leaving school without permission after once reporting. In an emergency situation, a student should report to the office before leaving school. Leaving class without proper permission or authorization from a parent or guardian. Proper check out includes a phone call or parental note and signing out at the office to verify the excuse for leaving. Obtaining a pass to go to a certain area and not reporting there. A hall pass or request for a student to be in a certain area should be signed by both teachers involved.

Consequences of Truancy 1st Truancy - Parents will be contacted and a warning will be given to the truant student. Notification of truancy will be given to the teacher or teachers involved and no make-up work will be granted. Student will serve detention time as determined by administration. 2nd Truancy - Parents will be contacted and the student will be suspended, either out-of school or in-school, for up to five (5) days. There may be no make-up work granted.


3rd Truancy - Parents will be contacted, the student will be suspended for up to five (5) days with no make-up work granted, and a parental conference with the administration and student will be held before the student will be re-admitted. The student may be recommended to the Board of Trustees for expulsion.

CODE OF CONDUCT AFFECTION Public display of affection will not be tolerated within the building, by, or on campus. Holding hands is the limit! Respect each other as young men and young ladies should.

ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, AND DRUGS Possession or use of any illegal drug is prohibited by students on any school property or any building owned or operated by the Board of Education District Drug Policy.

ASSEMBLIES Assemblies are a regularly scheduled part of the curriculum and as such are designed to be educational as well as entertaining experiences. They provide one of the few opportunities in school to learn formal audience behavior. Regardless of the type of program, courtesy demands that the Student Body be respectful and appreciative. Talking, whispering, whistling, stamping of feet, and booing are discourteous. Those who violate this will be subject to dismissal from the assembly and possible denial of further participation or viewing of all assemblies


Attendance at assemblies is mandatory for all students and faculty members.

AUTOMOBILES AND PARKING Students who drive a motor vehicle to school must obey the following rules: A. Each student must park in the student parking area. Even though a student=s parents work for the school district, the student cannot park in a non-student parking area. B. If a student violates the parking rules he/she will be fined and/or forbidden from parking on campus.


1st parking violation will be fined $ 5.00 2nd parking violation $10.00 $ 25.00, and you will not 3rd violation be allowed to park on campus for the remainder of the semester. You will not be allowed 4th violation to park on campus for the remainder of the school year If ticket is not paid within one week the fine will double. If not pain within 2 weeks no parking on campus for the remained of the semester. D. The school is not responsible for damage or vandalism to a vehicle If a student parks on campus they are responsible for their own vehicle and its contents.

BUS RULES All buses to games or field trips are scheduled by the school and each bus under the direction of a faculty member. All students are required to return to the school on their assigned bus. Parents who pick up students from an activity must notify 21

advisor in charge. Reasonable dress and conduct appropriate to the situation are expected. Students will be released to parent/guardian only.

CLASSROOM A student is expected to comply with all requests of teachers regarding classroom control and discipline as well as academic work. No student is permitted to leave the classroom without permission of the teacher. Teachers who request a student to leave the room as disciplinary action must notify the office through the intercom system and direct the pupil to the principal=s office immediately. Only one student at a time is allowed to leave the classroom and must have an official hall pass.

CLASS INTERRUPTIONS Class interruptions are not permitted. Students are not permitted to interrupt a classroom for another student without written permission from the office. Students will not be taken out of the classroom for a phone call unless it pertains to a family emergency.

CHEATING Whether a student gives or receive information during an examination or on certain assignments, this is cheating. Minimum punishment will be zero for that work. The teacher may have a more severe punishment.

COLLECTION OF FEES No student or teacher will collect or assess fees without prior permission from the office.


(A) Dances are restricted to those with Bear Lake High School student body cards. Students with student body cards who have dates who are not members of Bear Lake High School must complete a Dance Guest Form prior to the day of the dance. (B) Students suspected to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will be turned away and referred immediately to the local police department. Students in possession of alcohol, tobacco or drugs will be reported if they are anywhere on the school grounds. (C) Disruptive or disrespectful behavior at the dance may mean denial of this privilege. (D) Students who once enter the dance will not be allowed re-entry unless approved by the chaperones. (E) Lighting, music, and dress will be appropriate and non-offensive. (F) Dances will be approved by the student council at least two weeks in advance and will have at least two members of the staff as chaperones. (G) Dance age is 9th grade or older.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES (including, but not limited to: pagers, cell phones, ipods, MP3 players, electronic games, and personal disc or tape players) are not allowed in the school during school hours 7:30am-4:00pm First offence - electronic device will be taken and Penalty: turned in to the office, the student may get it back at the end of the school day. Second Offence - the electronic device will be taken and turned in to the office, a parent must come to the school to get the electronic device. Third Offense - the electronic device will be kept until the end of the school year.

FINANCIAL POLICY Financial policies will include the following: 23

(A) No purchases without a purchase order! Confirmation orders will not be accepted. (B) All school money or money handled by a school organization must be checked through the financial secretary. (C) All money collected by a school official or a student serving in the capacity as a school representative must be issued a school receipt. (D) No school money is to be left in the school overnight, i.e., desks, lockers, etc. (E) Money must be turned in to the financial secretary.

FOOD AND DRINK Absolutely NO food or open drinks in halls

FUND RAISING All fund raising and advertising (selling of ads) must be approved by the principal before advisors and/or students commit the school. All money received will be accounted for in the office. GAMBLING Playing cards, flipping or matching coins, rolling dice for money, or any other form of gambling will not be permitted. Teachers will confiscate any money or material and refer students involved to the office.

GYM AREA Students are not permitted within the gym, weight room, or physical education area without approved adult supervision. Food and beverages must also be avoided. Appropriate guidelines for clothing and footwear will be established by the physical education and athletic departments. Absolutely no street shoes on the gym floor. 24

LIBRARY Students are expected to use the library as a study area. Continued noise, rowdy behavior, and nonproductive work habits will not be tolerated. Eating is also prohibited in the library area. GO THERE TO LEARN AND GIVE OTHERS THAT SAME OPPORTUNITY.

LOCKERS Take care of the locker assigned to you. Don=t keep money and other valuables in lockers. Don=t give out your combination or block the doors open. Remember lockers will need to be cleaned out at the end if the school year.

SCHOOL PROPERTY WHO OWNS THIS SCHOOL? Surprisingly, YOU do! Parents and all taxpayers are legally required to pay taxes that build and maintain the Public School System. Everyone pays taxes in one form or another. Therefore, any damage done to this building, equipment, buses or books must be paid for with your own family=s money! It is not enough that you should refrain from doing anything to increase this cost to your parents, neighbors and yourself, but you must help protect the school by discouraging or reporting such activity by any others. REMEMBER, most trouble starts as fun! Students should not mark school furniture, walls ceiling, floor or equipment with pen, pencil, paint or any other instrument. Do not tamper with the fire alarms, fire extinguishers or any electrical systems. Anyone who willfully destroys school property through vandalism, arson, or larceny, or who creates a hazard to the safety of our students will be referred to the proper law enforcement agency. It=s everyone=s responsibility to stop vandalism.



Lewd, vulgar, defamatory, or otherwise disruptive language is not acceptable on the school property. The use of profanity or obscene language at the school shall not be tolerated. Any behavior demonstrated by speech or action that is detrimental to the education process in the high school system shall be grounds for suspension.

STEALING any student who commits or attempts to commit a theft or breaking and entering at school will be put on probation, suspended, and/or referred to the authorities. Theft includes stealing school property from faculty, school employees, or other students. Breaking and entering includes the school building, lockers, locked rooms, or other areas prohibited to students because of time or specific reason. Stolen or lost property should be reported to the office promptly.

STUDENT VALUABLES Students are cautioned not to bring large amounts of money, radios, or cameras to school, and if they wear glasses or watches, to keep track of them at all times. Students, not the school, are responsible for their personal property. If it is necessary to bring more money than needed to pay for lunch, leave it at the office for safe keeping. Do not leave it in your locker.

SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS The school is fortunate in having capable people to help whenever our regular teachers are ill. A substitute teacher is an important visitor whose impressions of the school will be carried into the community. Be certain that these are good impressions by being polite, helpful, and considerate. Class rules do not change when substitutes are there.



Phones will be available for student use before school, during lunch and after school. Messages and deliveries from home should be left in the office. Students will be called out of class only in an emergency. Don=t come to the office during class time to use the telephone. Always ask permission to use the phone. TEXTBOOKS All basic texts are loaned to students for their use during the school year. Workbooks and other supplies are paid for by the student. Textbooks are to be kept clean and handled carefully. If a textbook is not returned to the appropriate teacher, the student will be required to pay replacement cost of the book.

VISITOR POLICY Student visitors are not permitted. Non-student and non-staff members are to check in the office when conducting business or desiring to visit students during the school day. Violations may be viewed as trespassing.



DISCIPLINE One of the most important lessons education should teach is discipline. While it does not appear as a subject, it underlies the whole educational structure. It is the training that develops self-control, character, orderliness, and efficiency. It is the key to good conduct and proper consideration for other people. With an understanding of the purposes of discipline in a school, you may form a correct attitude toward it. You may also do your part in making your school an effective place of learning and develop the habit of self-restraint which will make you a better person. It is impossible for teaching or learning to take place in a classroom unless good order is maintained. Students are 27

reminded that they must adhere to a code of good behavior not only for their own benefit, but also for the benefit of others as well. Dismissal From Class: The following procedure will be followed when students are requested by teachers to remove themselves from the classroom or other areas: W The faculty member will ensure that the student is escorted to the office or will inform the office on the intercom that the student is on his or her way. W The student will then be given the opportunity to respond to allegations. W Following an evaluation of the referral information and discussion of the problem, the administrator will determine the course of action to be taken. Possible consequences of Unacceptable Behavior: Any one of the following actions may be taken to ensure that the behavior is not repeated: W Referral to law enforcement agencies. W Denial of privileges and/or probation. W Suspension from school for a period not to exceed five days. W Assignment to the time-out room. W Parent conference. W Work details or restitution. W Before or After-school detention. W Counseling. W Other consequences as deemed appropriate by the school administration. Time-Out Room - In-school Suspension: Students will be placed in a time-out room suspended from all classes and 28

activities for a period of time not to exceed three days. Students in the ATime-Out@ area will be denied visitors and involvement with other students including having lunch at the same time as other students. Students in the ATime-Out@ area will be allowed to complete assignments or approved reading by faculty members. Aides will be sent around to teachers to see if there are assignments teachers would like students to complete while in detention. Suspension: Continued and willful refusal to accomplish school tasks even though able to do so; insubordination; disorderly, vicious, illegal or immoral conduct and persistent violation of school regulations are causes for suspension from school. This includes violation of narcotics laws, use of alcoholic beverages, hazardous or unauthorized use of automobiles, use of weapons or fireworks, or violation of any local, state, or federal law. Length of suspension will be determined by school authorities and will reflect the offense committed. Parents or guardian, will be notified in writing of the action taken and will have complete custody and jurisdiction of their student during the suspension. A suspended student may not loiter or appear on school property or at any school-sponsored activity at or away from the school. A student will be readmitted to school after a satisfactory solution to his/her conduct is agreed upon by parents, student, and administration. Continued behavior that results in suspension will lead to expulsion (dismissal from school). Expulsion Recommendation: Students who cannot abide by the school policies and regulations or whose behavior is detrimental to the education and welfare of students and who will not respond to discipline or counseling will be recommended to the Superintendent of Schools and Board of Trustees for expulsion from school. When a student commits an act that is so offensive to the school, its staff members, or a student, even though it is a first or second offense, he/she may be suspended immediately from school and recommended to the Superintendent and Board of Trustees for expulsion from school.

DRUG POLICY Students attending school in this district will not use, possess, sell, buy, or distribute drugs, including alcohol, tobacco, 29

controlled substances, or related paraphernalia, on school premises. Any student will violate the district=s drug, alcohol, and tobacco use policy when: 1. He or she is on school premises, evidencing behavior that creates a reasonable suspicion that he or she may be illegally under the influence of drugs, including alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substances; 2. He or she admits to using, possessing, selling, buying, or distributing drugs, including alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substance on school premises; 3. He or she is found to use, possess, sell, buy, or distribute drugs, including alcohol, tobacco, controlled substances, or related paraphernalia, on school premises; 4. He or she is found to possess drugs, including alcohol, tobacco, controlled substances, or related paraphernalia, or to have such substances on his or her person, or in his or her locker, vehicle, or other property on school premises.

EXCLUSION OF STUDENTS SEEKING ADMISSION WHEN UNDER EXPULSION Students who are currently under an expulsion from another school district or another school within the Bear Lake School District will not be permitted to be enrolled in a school within the Bear Lake School District until they can provide documentation from the previous school district confirming that the provisions of the original expulsion have been met. The necessary documentation must include a statement that the time period identified in the original expulsion has expired. Depending on circumstances, this can be waived by Administration.



The Bear Lake School District and Bear Lake High School are committed to the development and maintenance of a safe school environment that provides individual students and staff with an opportunity to learn and work in a setting where their personal safety is protected. In order to adopt this philosophy, the following guidelines are implemented in all buildings:

IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION AND RECOMMENDATION FOR EXPULSION Students who are involved in the following activities on the school grounds or while at a school activity in which they are representing the school shall face immediate suspension and then be referred to the Board of Trustees for expulsion: A. ARSON - The willful burning of property: student, staff, or School District. B. ASSAULT OF A STAFF MEMBER - Striking of a District employee or volunteer. C. ASSAULT ON A STUDENT - Use of a foreign object that can be considered a weapon in a fight. Multiple fights in the same school year. The use of an inflammable or caustic material to cause bodily injury or physical harm. D. CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - selling of, or possession of, an illegal drug, or the unauthorized distribution of prescription drugs. E. POSSESSION OF A WEAPON - Possession, use, transmittal, or concealment of a firearm or an explosive that may cause bodily injury or death.

F. ROBBERY - Taking anything of value from another through the use of physical force. SUSPENSION AND POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATION FOR EXPULSION Students who are involved in the following activities on the school grounds or while at a school activity in which they are representing the school shall be suspended for minimum of one day (in-school and/or out-of-school) and shall be responsible for the payment of any damages done to School District property. Depending upon the severity of the incident, the individual building principal has the authority to recommend students committing these offenses to the Board for possible expulsion:


A. ASSAULT/HAZING/HARASSMENT - Physical aggression including fighting, intimidation, or excessive initiation of a student. B. EXTORTION use of a threat.

Taking anything of value from another by

C. FIGHTING: Fighting is a dangerous practice that cannot be tolerated in the building, on the school grounds, or at school activities. Students involved in fights will be immediately, for up to five (5) days, suspended from school. Those encouraging students to fight could also be suspended. D. GRAFFITI AND/OR VANDALISM - The willful defacing or destruction of student, staff, or school district property, including student lockers and desks. E. POSSESSION AND/OR CONSUMPTION OF TOBACCO OR ALCOHOL - Having in their possession or being under the influence of any intoxicant such as alcohol. Being in possession of or using any tobacco product while on school property or while representing the school. F. THEFT - Taking the property of a student or staff member or taking property owned by the District. Nothing in this policy supersedes the student=s right to due process of law. ALL student activities that warrant criminal charges SHALL BE referred to the appropriate law enforcement officials for punishment BEYOND that which is administered by the School District or any of its agents. In cases where civil litigation is possible, those who have suffered a loss will be encouraged to seek relief through the courts if a mutual settlement cannot be reached. Administrators may suspend students for a maximum of five (5) days. The Board may give permission for an additional five (5) days of suspension. The Board has the exclusive authority to expel students.

General Information Bear Lake High Administration & Faculty Cliff Walters - Superintendent District Office 945-2891 P.O. Box 300 39 Fielding Street Paris, Idaho 83261 Alan Schwab - Principal High School 847-0294 330 Boise Street Montpelier, Idaho 83254 32



Polly Dahlke Gary Wertz Jon Homer Brian Roberts Joleen Alexander Debra Rich


Vice Principal, Athletic Director, Government, P.E. Counselor Counselor Technology Technician Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant

Bear Lake School District #33 Board of Trustees Paul Alleman Kirk Pugmire Beth Tafoya Todd Transtrum Glen Wallentine

Faculty Annette Barnson DeAnn Bartschi Beverly Resource Aide Ann Crane Craig Culver Danielle Culver Cherryl Golding Sheralyn Goodworth Greg Goodworth Dana Harris Byron Heath Jennifer Hendricks Jared Hillier History Lee Hollingsworth, Franci Homer Angie English/Spanish Math Lorraine Kimball Nathan McLemore Sheila Matthews Colette Oxborrow

Food Service Lead Custodian Bobbitt Resource Aide Art Science Food Service Band Choir English English Aide Government, Ag Science Math Sheri

Librarian Industrial Technology Resource Coordinator Resource Aide Auto Science & Health

Randy Robbins Rick Saunders Von Saxton Tammy Stephens Linda Thomas Travis Thurston

Hunter Hutchinson

Science, P.E. English Business History & P.E.


Ruth Wells Business Calvin Winward

Economics, Math

CLASSROOM PROCEDURE & GENERAL CONDUCT: Students are expected to behave at all times in a manner that will bring credit to themselves, school, family, and community. It is important for students to recognize that they are responsible for their behavior on the way to and from school, during school hours, on the bus, and at all school events. Bear Lake staff and adult volunteers help monitor student behavior and provide a safe and productive learning environment. We want students to develop habits of mind that reinforce the three R=s - Respect, Responsibility, and Ready to Learn.

CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES Academic Decathlon Danielle Culver Athletics Football Jon Homer Volleyball Laura Cammack Cross Country Don Golding Girls Basketball Von Saxton Boys Basketball Brandon Carlson Wrestling Curt Radcliff Golf Softball Doug Stephens Baseball Craig Culver Track Polly Dahlke BLAC Curt Radciff & Craig Culver Cheerleading Paul Etcheverry Competition Drama Dana Harris FFA Lee Hollingsworth Honor Society Sheri Hutchinson IDFY Danielle Culver Lakettes April Wuthrich Pep Band Sheralyn Goodworth Play Production Dana Harris Rodeo Lee Hollingsworth Show Choir Greg Goodworth Spanish Club Angie Hunter Student Council Tammy Stephens TV Station Jared Hillier Yearbook Dana Harris Youth Legislature Jared Hillier COMPUTER AND INTERNET USE POLICY Students are expected to follow established policies and procedures in respect to computer use. Any unauthorized sue will result in a loss of privileges. 34

COUNSELING Students may seek the service offered by the counselors at their own discretion or may be referred to the guidance service by members of the faculty. A collection of information on different occupations and training institutions is on file in the counseling office. This information, plus records and tests, may be used by the students to help them understand themselves so that they can better select an appropriate career choice. Counseling hours will be from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00P.M. The guidance services at Bear Lake High School are designed to help students find answers to the following: (1) Registration for high school subjects. (2) Planning the student=s high school program to better utilize the student=s interests, abilities, and future plans. (3) Through testing and consultation, evaluate a student=s interests and aptitudes along with a comparison of his/her progress in high school work as compared to other students. (4) To acquaint students with the opportunities of future training, expenses involved, and scholarships available to those who qualify. (5) Discussion of personal items the student feels are important and would like to discuss with a counselor. All interviews are confidential. Appointments are to be made before seeing the counselor. These appointments are to be made before school, after school, and during class breaks. A student is not to be excused from a class unless he/she has an appointment slip from the counselor. Students are encouraged to use the facilities of the guidance department.

DRESS CODE The District and/or the administrators of each individual building have the right to establish a dress code policy that is designed to


assure a safe school environment. The provision of these policies shall include but are not limited to the following: A. Clothing cannot be worn that displays anything obscene or suggestive, or pictures that may affect the safe school environment. B. Clothing shall not be worn which advertises any substance which a student cannot legally possess or use. C. Clothing shall not be worn which is so extreme that it may disrupt or interfere with school functions. D. The wearing of paraphernalia or apparel that identifies a student as a gang member is prohibited. E. Students may be required to wear certain types of clothing for health or safety reasons in connection with certain specialized school sponsored activities. Examples may be shop classes, driver=s education, physical education, home economics, etc. F. School officials prohibit the wearing of headgear, hats, bandanas, or sunglasses inside the building. During school hours 7:30-4:00. G. Half, partial, loose, mesh, net, see-through shirts, tank tops, mid-riff, halter tops, shirts, or blouses that do not cover the mid-section. or unclean clothing will not be worn in school. H. Modest shorts may be worn, but must have pockets and be of finger tip length. No Ragged cut-offs or shorts are acceptable. No extreme holes in shorts or pants will be allowed. I. Clothing that reveals underwear is prohibited. Pants must be worn above the waist. J. Body Piercing or Tattoos - Any piercing or tattoo that detracts from or does not allow students to receive or participate in education activities are not allowed. An Administrator will make the final decision and the student will be required to remove such piercing before returning to class K. Due to extreme weather conditions in this area, we recommend proper footwear (no slippers, flip-flops, etc) in case of evacuation. L. Any extreme or distracting clothing that is not conducive to learning will be addressed. The student may be asked to change. DRIVERS



This course is designed to teach basic driving skills and correct attitude. Students are required to pass all three areas of grading - driving, classroom work, and attitude. A failure in any one of the three will be a failure for the entire course. Driving is serious business!! Students are allowed to sign up just prior to their 15th birthday they must turn 15 before this 6-8 week course completes. The student must sign up in the office as announcements are made of a new course starting. Students will be selected according to their birth dates - oldest to youngest. *Prerequisite: Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and not have an AF@ on the previous report card or be receiving an AF@ in the current semester.



At the sound of the alarm, all students are to stand and leave the room in a single file. Do not run or push, but walk rapidly. Persons in the building are not to rush for coats or books or any other personal articles, but are to leave the building immediately. Teachers will be the last ones out of the room, close the doors, windows, and take the roll book. Students pulling alarms as a joke will be suspended. ROOMS Music, Fine Arts, Lunch Room Commons Area, Computer Lab, Office, Earth Science Biology, Chemistry Business, Resource, FACS, Library,

EXIT West Door Main Door Lab Door (North)

106,107,108,10 9 Art, Auto, VoAg Industrial Arts, Electronics Athletic Area, Gym, 100,101,102,103


South East Door

East Door East Shop Door North Door


In the event of a school lockdown, we will be under the direction of local law enforcement. Students and Teachers will be expected to stay in the classroom until the lockdown is cleared by the local law enforcement or the Principal. Parents should tune in to KVSI 1450 for further information



In the event that an emergency school closure is required, please tune in to KVSI radio 1450 at 6:00am for further information. 37

FAMILY EDUCATION RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children=s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.While students are minors and in secondary education, FERPA rights are held by the parent or guardian. Therefore, information about the student and his/her progress and attendance in classes can be released to the parent/guardian. This includes parent-teacher conferences and phone contact as well as direct mailing to the parents. Dual credit and dual enrollment classes are college classes and, as such, are considered school beyond the high school level.Therefore, FERPA rights are held by the student, not the parent. This means that instructors may not talk to parents about student progress or class attendance without the prior written consent of the student (even if the student is still a minor and the parent is paying for the class!) The exception is if the parent or guardian submits a declaration of dependence form to the educational institution in question. FINES All fines owed by students from previous school years must be paid in full before they will be allowed to register for current school year.

HALL PASSES Any student who is in the hall during class time must have a hall pass. As a general rule, students will not be in the halls once class has started or is in session. However, emergencies do arise and therefore, each classroom is provided with a teacher signed hall pass. Only one student at a time will be allowed use of a hall pass. Students who are in violation of this policy will be handled in the same manner as if he/she were tardy. LOCKER SEARCHES Students are responsible for keeping their locker combination to themselves. The school reserves the right to search any and all students lockers as a part of the routine school inspection. In the event information has been given school authorities that lead them to believe a locker may contain dangerous or prohibited items, those lockers can and will be searched. Regular locker inspections will be held several times during the school year. LUNCHROOM 38

Students are not allowed to leave the lunchroom with food. All food must be eaten in the lunchroom so that excess food, containers, and wrappers will not be scattered throughout the school building or on the school grounds. Students are expected to use good table manners and to clean up their eating area before leaving the lunchroom. Students who do not conduct themselves in an appropriate manner will be denied the privilege of eating in the lunchroom. Students will be allowed to charge one (1) lunch on their account.



The media center is for reading, studying, and research. Books, magazines, computers, and other reference materials, plus assistance from the media center staff, are available for use by students and staff. Use the media center often, but do not abuse the privileges by talking and disturbing other students. The media center is open Monday & Tuesday from 7:50 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Pupils will be admitted to the media center during class time with an admit from the classroom teacher. Those students who do not have admits will be returned to the teacher=s classroom and denied admittance to the media center. Books may be checked out for a period of time not to exceed two weeks. Magazines may be checked out for a period not to exceed three days. Reserved books may not be checked out by students unless they have a written teacher=s request. Fines will be assessed against any borrower who does not return media materials on, or before, their due date. The fine will be five cents per day per item not checked in. All fines must be cleared before the end of the semester. Materials that are lost or damaged will be paid for at replacement cost. The cost for magazines will generally be five dollars and the cost for a vertical file is ten dollars. Computers shall be used in compliance with posted instructions and school-wide rules. There will be no food, drink, etc. allowed in the media center. The media center will be closed the last two weeks of the school year.


MISSION STATEMENT To enable and encourage students to acquire the skills, knowledge and self-confidence to become productive, well-adjusted, and contributing members of an increasingly complex society.

BELIEFS: The mission statement is based on the following beliefs: Each student is an individual with unique intellectual, physical, social, and emotional needs. All students must be actively engaged in their own education. All students can learn and succeed, given appropriate learning activities. All students will be offered a variety of curricula aimed at making them well-rounded individuals. Clear goals and high expectations for student achievement will guide the development of curriculum and the design of instructional strategies and learning activities. Assessments of students will provide a variety of opportunities for demonstrating learning and the application of that learning. All students are entitled to safe and comfortable surroundings in which to learn.

OBJECTIVES: 1. The student will develop a concept of democracy as it relates to laws and ordinances of the free society in which he lives. 2. The student will develop personal values and morals where judgment involving personal decisions reflect a philosophy of life which is beneficial to his welfare and to the community in which he lives. 3. The student will be provided an extra- curricular program to provide and encourage opportunity for growth and development of his talents, sportsmanship, and leadership ability should he wish to participate. 4. The student will develop the ability to think constructively and to evaluate critically. 5. The student will be able to individualize his studies so that he may achieve one or more of the following:


A. The student will gain experience in a vocational trade or occupation which will serve as an advantage to the student upon entering the work force. B. The student seeking higher academic levels will complete advanced courses offered in his areas of interest. C. The student will complete the requirement for high school graduation as prescribed by the Idaho State Board of Education. 6. The student will be given the opportunity to learn an appreciation for the aesthetic values of life through the study of art, music, and/or drama. 7. The student will be encouraged to achieve good attendance, which is necessary for school success. 8. The student will acquire a desire to live wholesomely, to understand and apply ethical principles, and to cultivate consideration for the welfare of others. 9. The student will develop alertness to changing economic, political, and social conditions and will be able to analyze intelligently the processes and problems of government. 10. The student will develop the ability to use mathematics at a proficient level necessary to solve personal finances and problems related to his personal welfare. 11. The student will be able to read, speak, and write fluent English. 12. The student will acquire a basic knowledge and understanding of the natural and physical sciences. 13. The student will be given the opportunity for vocational, academic, social, and personal counseling to develop an understanding of himself and his environment. 14. The student will learn sound principles and practices of good health. 15.The student will develop a positive attitude toward learning to enable him to acquire and maintain a desire to learn. In summary, the goal of this school is to facilitate the mental, emotional, social, and physical growth and development of each individual student. Bear Lake School District #33 schools do not discriminate in admission of students or student access to the schools= programs and activities.


POP AND JUICE MACHINES The various vending machines are placed in the school for the convenience of the students. The machines will be kept filled and in good working order as long as students refrain from leaving cans and bottles lying around the school. If the litter reaches the point where it becomes intolerable, the machines will be turned off with possible removal from the school.



No student or faculty will be allowed to sell anything for private gain.

QUALIFICATIONS FOR SPECIFIC SPORTS All fees MUST be paid and the following conditions must be met. Football: A person may earn a varsity letter in football if (1) they play in one more than half the total number of quarters for the season or play in the state tournament and (2) if they are a student in good standing as a member of the associated student body. Wrestling: Qualify for the state tournament, and wrestle as a varsity wrestler for one-third of the team matches and score 18 team points. Basketball (Boys & Girls): A person may earn a varsity letter in basketball if they play in more than half the total quarters for the season or play in the district tournament. Track & Field: A person must average a point per meet in the regular season or place in the district meet. Golf: A person must be on the varsity team for one more than half of the regular season matches and/or participate in the district and/or state meet. Volleyball: A person must participate in one more than half of the varsity matches or play in the district and/or state volleyball tournament. Baseball & Softball: A person must participate in one more than half the regular season games or participate in the district tournament or the state tournament if the team qualifies. Cross Country: Finish in the top five from Bear Lake in at least half of the meets (OR) qualify for State Competition.


Manager: A manager will receive a letter if they complete a managership in a sport. SPORTSMANSHIP Fifth District Sportsmanship Rules The following sportsmanship rules will be in effect for all IHSAA district games. 1.



4. 5. 6.

Face Painting - Full of half face painting is not permitted. Partial face painting is permitted such as small markings on the cheeks, nose, or forehead. Posters/Banners/Signs - All signs must show only positive support. Those which direct negative comments towards opponents or are unsportsmanlike or vulgar are not permitted. Artificial Noisemakers - Artificial noisemakers shall not be used. Exception: Cheerleaders only may use megaphones at football games that are held outside. Artificial noisemakers are items such as (but not limited to) megaphones, air horns, bells, whistles, clickers. Balloons - Balloons are not permitted at any IHSAA games or state play off or championship events. Attire - Bare chests are not permitted. Shirts must be worn. Inappropriate Behavior The following are not permitted: A. Throwing objects onto the playing area before, during, or after a contest. B. Entering the playing area before, during, or after a contest. C. Verbal harassment or derogatory remarks directed toward an opponent or official.



Sunday is a day in which the school, staff, faculty, and Student Body will be free from any school obligations. With this in mind, there will be no school-sponsored activities or meetings held on Sunday.


Bear Lake High School 2009-2010 Student Council STUDENT BODY OFFICERS Co-PresidentsB SecretaryB HistorianB ParliamentarianB

SENIOR CLASS 2010 PresidentB Vice-PresidentB SecretaryB RepresentativesB

JUNIOR CLASS 2011 Co-PresidentsB Vice-PresidentB SecretaryB RepresentativesB

TJ Thomas, Daniel Wallentine Alysha Larsen Tanner Jensen Trenidy Thomas

Arnica Phillips Taylor Eynon Jordan Rasmusson Katrina Burgoyne, Alex Carr, Annie Madsen

Amelia Crane, Kait Lyn Harris Erica Hayes Addison Ochsenbein Paige Bunderson, Kristy Parker Jed Price, Seth Roberts,

SOPHOMORE CLASS 2012 PresidentB Vice-PresidentB SecretaryB RepresentativesB

Johnny B. Wells Shayna Cochran Kyle Bartschi Tyler Hammond, Casey Woolstenhulme

FRESHMAN CLASS 2013 Azdyn Bartschi, Brooke Bergholm, Nathan Crane, Kade Humphreys, Andee Marlowe, Cassie Sharp

National Honor Society Officers 2009-2010 President


Shaelyn Passey 44

Vice President Secretary Historian


Shayna Singleton Trenidy Thomas Michael Hammond

Summary of the CONSTITUTION OF BEAR LAKE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY (full Constitution available from high school) Preamble We, the Associated Studentbody of Bear Lake High School, to promote school spirit and leadership among the students, to develop faculty-student relationships, and to promote the general welfare of all concerned, do hereby establish this constitution. ARTICLE I This organization shall be known as the Associated Studentbody of Bear Lake High School ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Association shall be extended to all regularly enrolled students who have purchased an Association Activity Card for the current year and who are in good standing. ARTICLE III - STUDENTBODY EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Section I The executive officers of this association shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Historian/Reporter of the Studentbody. ARTICLE VI - CLASSES Section I - Officers Each of the four classes shall constitute an organization with a President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, boys representative, and girls representative.


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