08 Multimedia Tools Lesson Idea Template

  • June 2020
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Multimedia Tools Lesson Idea Name:​ Scientific Notation Content Area:​ Math Grade Level(s):​ 8​th​ Grade Content Standard Addressed:​ Standard: MGSE8.EE.3 ​Use numbers expressed in scientific notation to estimate very large or very small quantities​, and to express how many times as much one is than the other. Technology Standard Addressed: 6 - Creative Communicator a. choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication b. create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations d. publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences Selected Technology Tool: ☒​​Movie (list application): iMovie URL(s) to support the lesson:​ ​https://youtu.be/ka8O-Ifig5A Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s): ☐​Remembering






Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level): ☐​Level 1: Awareness

​☐​Level 2: Exploration

☐​Level 5: Expansion

​☐​Level 6: Refinement

​☐​Level 3: Infusion

​☐​Level 4: Integration

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Engagement: ​Compose in multiple media such as text, speech, drawing, illustration. The video will be posted on the class website for students to refer back to if needed. Representation: ​Material is presented in text on the video and through audio. A transcript of the video could be typed up. Practice problems will be provided on a printed worksheet as well as on the video screen. Action and Expression: ​Provide tasks that allow for active participation, exploration, and experimentation Lesson idea implementation Students will watch the instruction video made by me introducing scientific notation. There are places in the video for the teacher to pause to let students work on practice problems before answers are shown. In future lessons, students will learn how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers in scientific notation. Once they have learned these skills, students will be put into groups and be given a word problem to solve using scientific notation and operations. Students will then create a video showing how to solve this problem. Students will have a class iPad to film on and can use iMovie (on iPad), Adobe SPARK, or Windows Movie Maker (on class laptops) to edit their video. Students can video either a skit, the student group working out the problem on a whiteboard, playing a game with the problem, writing a song/rap, etc. Students will have choices about how to show the solving of the problem on video with teacher approval. While the video is be shown, I will grade the video based on a rubric that will be printed off and given to each student before the project begins. The main thing I will be looking for is that the problem was correctly solved mathematically, presents the concepts we have covered in the lesson, and that the video is easy to follow. Students will also turn in a self-assessment and group-member assessment on how much everyone Spring 2018_SJB

Multimedia Tools participated, this is to help in assuring that not just one person did all the work and that everyone was contributing positively. Importance of technology: The multimedia tool of recording a video is imperative to this project. While this project could be done without technology with students just showing the class how to work out the problem in font of the class, that takes some of the creativity out of the experience. While creating the video, students also can learn to edit and incorporate music and other effects into the video, giving this project a more authentic and real-world experience. Students will also have to work together to assign roles or parts in the video-making process. Students could just “shoot” the video in one take using the camera on the ipads, however video software like imovie allows students to add text, music, titles, credits, transitions, and other elements to the video. Students can also edit out mistakes so that one single taping does not have to be perfect. In addition, when all student videos are finished, the students can watch each other’s videos and have a “movie” day/time while still learning how to solve word problems using scientific notation as well as seeing other students’ creativity and ideas. Inspiration (optional): ​ I used ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf-HlVqZPHY​ as inspiration for a video on scientific notation. I also used inspiration from a teacher i was observing this semester who makes instructional videos, and her students create them as well. One of her students made a video on scientific notation and it is included below. Internet Safety and Student Privacy: I would make sure the parents of my students understood that their child will be creating a video in class, it is not mandatory students been seen in the video. There is normally a form that is sent out at the beginning of the school year in which parents give permission for students to be in pictures or videos, I will need to check which students have permission, if there is not a form, I will create my own in addition to informing parents their child will be making an instructional video in class. The video will not be published anywhere on the internet, it will be just shown in that students class period and to other class periods that day. The students will be using the class laptops and ipads for all filming and editing of this project. No personal devices can be used. This will ensure no inappropriate websites are visited in accordance with the schools safety rules blocking certain websites. If students need images or sound, they will need to chose these from a list of pre-approved safe and copyright free (fair use) websites provided by the teacher. The teacher would need to make sure no material in the video was copyrighted. Students would need to be educated on what copyrighted material is and then helped to find sites that have high-quality, royalty-free, copyright-compliant images, sound and video. Students can find fair use images and sound on the sites, ccmixter.org, jamendo.com, free play. Students can avoid copyright issues by creating their own images, sound and video files. For example, students can also create their own music on incredibox. All internet policy and student information as well as my expectations about using technology would be discussed with students as well as sent home in print to parents and would be kept in each student’s binder. Reflective Practice: ​This project is a much more engaging way of having students work out scientific notation word problems with multiple operations. Instead of just having students do a worksheet for homework or classroom work, students get to create their own video explaining how to do the problem. This will teach other students how to do the problem. In addition, this is allowing students to learn to work together, be creative, and learn to use multi-technology tools to create a product that will be viewed by classmates both in their own class and in other math class periods.

Spring 2018_SJB

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