08 16 08 Heritage Bulletin

  • October 2019
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b This week Mon, Aug 18: Tue, Aug 19: Thu, Aug 21:

MEN’S (M-Life) Grief Share - 7pm Men’s Open Basketball - 7:45pm Mom’s Morning Out - 9:15am Celebrate Recovery - 7pm Weekly Healing Prayer - 7pm Fall Choir Rehearsal - 7pm

b Ministry highlights… Stop by these booths in the Atrium for information & registration on all classes, events & activity details. Visit our website for full calendar & online registration. *Denotes online registration is available. CONNECTION & VOLUNTEER Discovering Heritage Luncheon*, Sun, Oct 19, 1-3:00pm - come meet the pastors & ministry leaders and learn about the history, beliefs & values that make up Heritage. Discovering Membership Class* begins Sun, Oct 26, 10:15am in Room 101 . This 8-week class presents an overview of Heritage, defines membership and begins the process of discovering your place in the body of Christ. SHAPE Assessment - discover your personal, unique, Goddesigned gifts & add meaning to your life. Call x215 for more information & an assessment to complete.

CARE GriefShare* - a faith-based support group for those who have experienced the death of a family member or friend begins Mon Aug 18, 7-9pm, Room 112 - 13 weeks. Crown Ministry Financial Classes* - Mondays or Tuesdays, 7-9pm, begins week of Sept 8 - 10 weeks. To help those in need, the Care Ministry provides assistance with minor home repairs and transportation. Call x341 for more information.

WOMEN’S (W-Life) Women of all ages, backgrounds and life situations are invited to attend W-Life! Come to the W-life ‘08-‘09 Informational Meeting*, Thu, Aug 21, 7–8:30pm and hear about programming or volunteer to help! No child care. Small Group Studies* begin the first week in Sept. Child care is available for Thursday morning Small Groups and Wednesday evening participants can provide for their children through children’s programming. Plan to join our W-Life’s Big Fall Event*, Tue, Oct 21, for a wonderful evening with our W-Life Worship Band and special guest ,Barb Hardin, presenting a memorable Biblical overview of worship you won’t want to miss.

Men’s Basketball , Mondays, 7:45pm. Small Groups available.

MUSIC & ARTS Mass choir* - rehearsals for Fall choir begin Thu, Aug 21. Dance, drama, visual arts, mass choir & orchestra open to all.


AWANA* - Wednesdays, beginning Sep 3, 6:30-8pm - ages 3 years-5th grade participate in memorizing Bible verses, enjoying fun-filled Bible lessons, playing games, winning awards, & seeing God use them in mighty ways!

STUDENTS Grace Based Parenting*, small group DVD-based study and discussion group for parents. First Sunday of each month beginning Sep 7, 7-8:30pm. Cost $10/ book. Fuel* (High School Sunday School) begins Sep 7 during the 10:15 service in Room 210. NO CT/Encounter @ the Park Aug 20 or 27. All middle school and high school parents please plan to attend an informational All Parents Meeting, Sun, Sep. 7, 8:45am, Room 210.

FAMILY LIFE & COUNSELING Fully Engaged*, begins Sep 10, 6:30pm - an 8-week class for engaged couples of all ages and life stages. An intake appt is necessary before attending the class; call x331. Begin Again*, Sep 13/14 plus 11 weekly follow-ups - a ministry led by couples who have been in a marital crisis, and by the grace of God, they can now say, “God has restored hope where there was none.” Application and intake required.

MISSIONS W.A.R.M. (Westerville Area Resource Ministry) Food Drive, Aug 24-Sept 12. Central Asia Presentation Luncheon* - join Andy & Lynn on Sun, Aug 17, 1pm, Room 210. Focus on Turkey Gathering* - join Bob & Nancy on Wed, Aug 20, 7:30-9pm, Room 210. Please keep Jeremy and Marlene in your prayers as they head back to Chicago on Aug 18.

Please include your name(s) and contact info on the front (See Joy of Volunteering section for details)

b Mark your calendars W-Life Small Group Studies begin: Sep 2 Encounter Kick-off: Sep 3 Student Ministry Parent Meeting: Sep 7 CT Kick-off: Sep 7 Crown Ministry Financial Class: Sep 8 & 9

ALPHA Class: Sep 23 All Church Picnic: Sep 28 Discovering Heritage Luncheon: Oct 19 W-Life Fall Big Event: Oct 21

b The joy of volunteering Please indicate your interest on the STEPS CARD and drop in the offering basket. Equipping Ministry - help with administrative support during the week for two plus hours with a willingness to learn Microsoft Excel and Word.

GROUP LIFE Interested in Doing Life Together and being involved in a safe authentic group of Christian believers? Join a Life Group and experience true community!

Personal Response to Message:

Group Life: Sermon Notes Writer needed to take thorough notes during one of the weekend services for a once a month rotation - training provided. Connection Specialist needed to follow up with people who have expressed interest in joining a Life Group.


Music & Arts Ministry: Orchestra Director Needed – looking for someone to lead our orchestra for the upcoming Advent and Easter seasons.



____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Better Way - volunteers needed to prepare and serve meals the 2 Fri of each month.


Middle School Weekend Opportunities: Classroom Teachers and Assistants monthly rotation, curriculum & training provided. Weekend Supervisor - welcome, oversee teachers & check-in. Welcome/Check-In - help students learn to check in (training provided).

Connection Note

Children’s Ministry: Volunteers needed for check-in kiosks and security doors.


Weekend Welcome Team: Ushers - be a guide & assist attenders - great first serve! Communion Prep – help needed in weekend communion prep once/month. Greeters – come greet at the 10:15am or 11:45am services. Welcome Desk - answer questions and give direction to those seeking help. Parking Lot Attendants – help needed to direct traffic each Sunday 9:45-10:25am or 11:15-11:45am. W-Life: Hospitality for Small Group Studies. Greeters and hospitality for Oct 21 Big Event. Food Service Team volunteers for W-Life Big Events. Musicians and singers for W-Life worship team.

EQUIPPING New Fall Equipping Classes begin Sep 7. Gospel of Isaiah* - Sun, 8:45am, Room 102 - an in-depth study of Isaiah. Gospel of John*- Sun, 11:45am, Room 102 - study the book of John through the lens of Jesus’ relationships. The Alpha Course Kick-off Introductory Dinner*, Tue, Sep 16, 6:30-9pm, Room 228 - come for dinner, DVD and open discussion. Alpha Class* runs Tuesdays, Sep 23-Nov 25, 6:30-9pm, Room 228.

Equipping Ministry Admin Support Sermon Notes Writer Group Life Connection Specialist Music & Arts Orchestra Director Better Way Food Prep & Serve Middle School Ministry ______________________ Children’s Ministry ______________________ Weekend Welcome Team ____________________ W-Life _______________________________ Want to serve but not sure where

b Connection notes Recent Birth: Weddings:

Caden Thomas Johnson to Rich & Shalla Johnson Grandparents: John & Karen Thomas Michael & Kelly Rhodes Terry & Cynthia Ford 

Whether you’re new to Heritage or have been around a long time, we want to stay connected and share the details of your life! Please use the Connection Note section of the Steps Card to let us know what is going on and the How Can I Get Connected section for ways to get involved!

(Recent birth, wedding, hospitalization, death, milestone, or achievement) ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

How can I get connected? ♦Bulletin...read! ♦Steps Card...use! ♦Ministry Booths...see! ♦Classes...take!

♦Volunteer...serve! ♦Event...come! ♦Small Group...join! ♦Website...visit!

How can we help? I have a:

question suggestion

concern comment

___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Special prayer request cards available in seatbacks

fSTEPS CARD About You:

Aug 16-17, 2008

0 Please update my info

Name: Address: City/St/Zip:

d stop by the welcome desk & ministry booths in the atrium d visit our website at www.heritagecc.org d contact our church offices, open weekdays, 9am–5pm

Heritage Ministry Departments


614.898.9412 + extension

Email: Children’s Names/Birthdates:

0 1st visit 0 2nd visit 0 3rd visit 0 Regular 0 Glad I found Heritage—I’ll be back! 0 In the process of finding a church home 0 Just passing through 0 Recently relocated to this area 0 Invited by: Age/Stage: 015-18 011-14 30-39 0 040-54 Single 0 0Engaged Single-parent 0

b For more info:

Equipping: x102 Connection: x201 Children’s: x432 Middle School: x437 High School : x437 College: x450 Women’s : x311 Men’s : x331 Life Groups: x321 Local & Global Missions: x107

Music & Arts: x111 Care | Benevolence: x341 Family Life: x331 Counseling: x301 Membership: x230 Evangelism & Prayer: x201 Administration: x600 Volunteering: x215 Finance: x510 Confidential Safeline: x338

Heritage Pastoral Staff 019-22


055+ 0Married 0Single-again 0Widowed

Connection Steps: I would like to know more about these ministry areas: 0 Middle School 0 Children’s Ministry

0 College Life 0 High School 0 Men’s Ministry 0 Women’s Ministry 0 Singles (30+) 0 Life Groups 0 Family Life 0 Prayer 0 Discovering Heritage Luncheon 0 Membership 0 Local & Global Missions 0 Counseling 0 Care/Benevolence/Practical Needs 0 Other ____________________________ See other side for Volunteer opportunities.

Spiritual Steps: Please contact me… 0 I have questions about what it means to follow Jesus

0 I have decided to follow Jesus for the first time 0 I am interested in baptism

Jim Zippay, Senior Pastor Pavi Thomas, Teaching Pastor Brian Johnson, Associate Pastor John Thomas, Group Life Pastor Richard Johnson, Children’s Pastor Terry Bartley, Student Pastor

Bob Buchan, Family Life Pastor Joel Hardin, Associate Pastor John Buckles, Connection Pastor Tom Fletcher, Care Pastor Barb Tornatzky, Women’s Pastor Brian Brooks, Marysville Pastor

614.818.4099 + extension Joel Wharton, PPC: x2 Eric Wharton, PPC: x4 Debbi Scott, Admin: x0

ASL signing and Spanish translation during the 10:15am service. (ofrecemos traducción al español durante el servicio de 10:15am de los domingos. Favor de pedir un recibidor en el Escritorio de Bienvenida). Large Print and Spanish Bibles available upon request.

Aug 16-17, 2008 Saturday 6pm Sunday 8:45, 10:15 and 11:45am

Welcome & Announcements Opening Music Message Jim Zippay, Senior Pastor Communion* Response Time Giving Back to God Closing Music *gluten free crackers

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