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SUNSWEPT NEWS Volume 16, Issue 12

PASTOR’S PRAISE The Thanksgiving holiday was a great occasion, but the giving of thanks should be a lifestyle for all of us who have been blessed so richly. Ministry opportunities are always present but this time of year needs seem to escalate. I praise God for those of you that give so much of yourself and your resources to minister to others. The Christmas Prison Ministry will be December 4th. The food and gifts is just one way to say that God loves you but the hands on ministry of serving, singing, and preaching God’s word will result in Christ being lifted up and souls saved. Thank you church for your support of this witness. Praise God for the Harvest Day offering of $4,630 in offerings and pledges. This sure served a great purpose

to catch up the short fall in our budget. Our God truly does supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. Please pray for the finance committee as they begin planning the budget for 2008. A budget should first of all reflect the will of God for His Church as well as the heart and vision of God’s people to obey and make strong H i s p u r p o s e a nd ministry. Remember when our Lord said “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Gal 6:2) Our Lord knew that some would be burdened and heavy laden and need someone to care. Praise God for those who care! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Your Pastor, J.A.K. James Arvin Kinsey

My father’s middle name Several have asked

December 2007

Reaching Out “2007, help prepare others for Heaven.”

I’m excited about the coming season. I believe God is going to do something great in the Outreach Ministry. As we near this year end, I want to thank everyone for their prayers and involvement in this ministry.

If you know of lost or out of Larry Hitesman c h u r c h Outreach Min. people, please give us their names and addresses.

We had 17 members and 2 visitors present at our November meeting. Danny Jones brought a w o n d e r f u l devotion, and the fellowship was heaven-sent.

decided instead of exchanging gifts to buy a $5 gift for the Child Care Christmas Toy Drive. Bring t h e g i f t unwrapped and have it at the church before December 9th.

For December, we will meet on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1ST AT 10:30 at the Church to go to the Catfish Restaurant in Martin for a meal. Everyone try to come. We

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year I love you all Larry

Be sure to help support the Prison Ministry. Blessed Merry Christmas to everyone and Have a Happy New Year. Till Next Time, B.G.P.

Sunswept Baptist Church PERMIT NO. 83 Sunswept Baptist Church PERMIT NO. 83 205 Sunswept Drive NON-PROFIT ORG 205 Sunswept Drive NON-PROFIT ORG Union City TN 38261 UNION CITY TN 38261 Union City TN 38261 UNION CITY TN 38261 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

We need items for gift bags. Toothbrushes, Trial Size Toothpaste, Combs, Soap, White Washclothes, Hard Candy, Multi-Packs of Men’s socks (White Only) There is a box in the foyer to place gifts in. Monetary donations for items will be accepted. Give the money to Mrs. Cindy Pugh before December 3rd. We will also need a complete home-cooked meal (chicken, ham, turkey, side dishes, desserts, rolls, sweet and unsweetened tea, etc.) Have the food at Sunswept by 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 4th.

The Care Committee is collecting toys to help needy families at Christmas. Gifts, toys, or monetary donations to purchase items may be given to Mrs. Cindy Pugh or Mrs. Jodie Wisdom.

Hey Everybody! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. My family & I certainly did. Let me get you up to speed on a couple things that have been going on and fill you in on a few things that we have planned for the coming month. I don’t usually plan a ton of stuff in December as it’s hard to plan around all the parties and holiday things. *We are just about to get started with the Way of the Master this Sunday at 5 PM. At least, I hope we are only just getting started. We have spent the last 7 weeks doing the easy part. Now we need to individually put some feet on the message and things we have learned. We will meet at 5 PM on Dec. 2nd here at the church to go out for the sole purpose of sharing the gospel with people in our church neighborhood. *This Friday (Nov.30) at 5 PM, 25 of us will leave to go to the Third Day / Jars of Cla y concert in Murray, KY. This will be a concert of a lifetime!

Got Questions? Call Brandon 885-8525

*On December 9th after the Sunday Night Service we want to invite youth and youth workers over to our house (Brandon & Kell y’s) for a fellowship. I know there’s school & work on the following Monday so we’ll just eat and hang out for a little while. *On December 21 we are going to have the youth & youth worker Christmas Party. Details of the party will come out soon, so in the meantime don’t let that night get away from you. We will have a lot of fun. It will start at the church, but who knows where it will end up. Please continue to pray for and encourage our teenagers. We pray God’s best for you and your families over the holidays. Your friend & youth pastor, Brandon

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