07-28-2009 Newsletter

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Please Pray For One Another

First United Methodist Church Rosenberg, Texas www.fumcrosenberg.net

Concerns: (7-05) Mason Nelson, Tory Teykl

Mike Malchar, Terri Kieth Quinn, Jeanne Rozbora Mathis’ friend Denise, Lucylle and Gene Allen’s daughter and family moving to California, Jake and Hellen Bellais, Cindy McGuire, Mary Bean’s granddaughter and niece, Vangie Alanis, Kath Derry’s father, Kath Derry’s friend Liz, Connie McNutt Stone, the Davis and Bryan families on vacation in Alabama

Christopher Bailey Larry Bolton Scott Cayton Jason Johnson Jeremiah Judkin Rachel Miller Dannielle Pope Needler

Check us out in color!

(7-26) Larry Dobrava, Marguerite LaBruzzo (Betty Perricone’s mother), Teri

First United Methodist Church

(7-19) Selma Danklefs, Rodne Rosenbaum, Margaret Stuart, Mike Miller,

Sanctuary: 1127 Third Street Mailing address: 1106 Fourth Street Rosenberg, Texas 77471

Tommy Sue Foerster

Web site: www.fumcrosenberg.net

Morris, Linda Moody, Elaine Bergman, Loraine Berry, Mary Malone,

Phone: 281-342-3333 or 281-232-3246 Fax: 281-342-3333

(7-12) Allan Albrecht, Pamela Berdou, Margaret Richardson, Wayne

July 28, 2009 y Volume 24, Issue 29

Ramblings: Communication cards and name tags work! As the end of summer comes screaming up on us I want us to think about a couple of things. First, the importance of name tags. We are really pushing people to wear name tags. It is tempting to think, “I’ve been coming here for years. Everyone knows me.” That may be true for all the other people who have been here for years, but it’s not true for the new people. So far this year, we have had over 100 new people join us in worship and most of them don’t know you. Name tags are a great way for us to make sure our guests feel welcome when they come into our family’s house (the church). Please make the extra effort to get a name tag each Sunday. To help with this we are ordering a name tag printer so that we will be able to have permanent name tags for the members and regular attenders. This will help cut down on the jam by the doors as people are trying to fill out the current name tags. Second is the communication card. The communication card is

another big way for us to help make people feel welcome. If it was just about collecting attendance information and keeping current on addresses it would be a great success. In the last two weeks we have had much better participation from regular church members about having the information we need to update our records and know who has worshipped with us. But the big increase has been in the ability to gather information on visitors. Before the communication cards started our ability to gather information about the visitors was spotty at best. In the last two weeks we have received information on over half a dozen first time families and many other families that have been here multiple times and we had no information on them. Because of these cards we were able to send personal greetings to these people and I have heard back from several already. We need to keep it up. IGS, John

Above & Beyond Allocations

Food pantry items for July are peanut butter and pasta/ sauce. The pantry is looking better but still needs help! Please buy smaller jars of peanut butter or the individual cups. Jars or cans of spaghetti sauce and small packages of pasta are needed, too.

Last week, at the regular monthly meeting, the Finance Committee reviewed the results through June of the Above & Beyond Campaign. Contributions totaled $41,996.31 and this will be matched by a like amount. The Committee allocated the funds as follows: Carpet - $12,266.31 (already done) 2009 Budget Obligation - $6,000 Sidewalk Repair - $6,000 Debt Service – Balance of the Above & Beyond Fund ($43,988.32 plus any other contributions on hand when the match is received). As more money is contributed toward the $15,738 in outstanding pledges, this will be applied to the Debt Service. That will leave a loan balance of approximately $6,300 by year end, a balance which will be paid off next year with our current monthly payments. The Committee thanks the members of the congregation who were generous in their giving to this campaign. We are also thankful for those who pledged to match the funds given. Because of this, we are in a much improved financial condition and will have an improved church property.

Sunday Dinner for Everyone

Opportunities To Serve Wednesday, July 29: 9 a.m. to noon - Mothers’ Morning Out 7:00 p.m. - High School Bible Study NO Sanctuary Choir rehearsal Sunday, Aug. 2: 8:30 a.m. - Blended Worship Service 9:40 a.m. - Sunday School classes for all ages 10:50 a.m. - Traditional Worship Service 4:00 p.m. - Financial Peace University

August 9 is the big day. We aren't selling tickets but will need an idea how many are coming so call the office and reserve your place for a big old-fashioned country dinner right after church. There will be a basket for your donation to cover costs of the meal and profits will go to the "Above and Beyond" campaign to make improvements to the church property. The suggested donation is $5 per person. Take-out plates will be $5 each. Chicken - biscuits - country gravy - peas okra - red potatoes - tomatoes - squash and cobbler for dessert. YUM!

5:00-7:00 p.m. - Combined Youth (grades 6-12)

Celebration’s sock drive benefits LCISD families; donate by Aug. 9

Monday, Aug. 3: 9:00 a.m. - MOMS 7:00 p.m. - Boy Scouts 7:00 p.m. - Trustees meeting Tuesday, Aug. 4: 5:30 p.m. - Young Families 7:00 p.m. - Women’s Prayer Group 7:00 p.m. - Ignited Worship Team rehearsal Wednesday, Aug. 5: 7:00 p.m. - High School Bible Study 7:30 p.m. - Sanctuary Choir rehearsal Jim Baker is asking for financial

Help kids start off the school year on the right FOOT! Celebration Women’s Ministry is collecting new socks in all sizes and colors for Common Threads, LCISD’s program committed to providing families with clothing for their school-aged children.

Place your contribution in the labeled boxes found throughout the church. Contact Cheryl Davis at 281.342.8299 for more info! The Sock Drive will be July 1st-Aug. 9th.

FIRST CHURCH STAFF JOHN R. BLACK………………………………………….…...Pastor ADRIANE GRAY…………………………….....Nursery Coordinator DEBRA RADOWICK……………..…....…. Administrative Assistant KRIS WOLDY……………..………….…..………..…Music Director JOSE LUNA ……………………….……..………...Church Custodian GAYNELL PSENCIK………………….…..……...Financial Secretary JESSICA MYERS………………….…………………..……...Organist REBEKAH ANDERSON…………….………………..Youth Director

United Methodist Men are sponsoring a Family Day at the Astros Saturday, Sept. 12, with game time at 6:05 p.m. Tickets are $18 each. The church van will be going and has room for 12-14 people. See or call Johnnie Cooper for tickets and/or to reserve your space in the van. Join us as we watch the Astros take on the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Be here on Aug. 8 for a Church Work Day. Each Sunday School class and work area is asked to make sure some-

assistance for a co-worker

whose daughter was killed in a car crash. Pablo Rios and family need our prayers and monetary help after the death of daughter Guadalupe, 8. Please send a check to the office this week, or drop your donation in the offering plate on Sunday. Please make sure the gift is earmarked for the Rios family. Jim and Pablo have worked together in Baytown at Automated Machines for 20 years.

August 8 United Methodist Men’s quarterly breakfast, 8 a.m. Church Work Day, 9 a.m. August 9 Above and Beyond Luncheon, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. August 11 Pumpkin Patch Planning meeting, 7 p.m. August 13 Celebration board meeting, 6:30 p.m. August 15 Anahuac Work Day Back to School Bash, 6:30 p.m. August 22 Family Fun Day, 4 p.m. August 29 Agape Shop, 8 a.m. to noon August 30 5th Sunday Brunch, 9:40 a.m.

one is around then to clean up your space. All departments (men, women, children, Young Families, choir, etc) who have a closet or are

Ask and You Will Receive We’ve been “advertising” for two CD players for Sunday school classes, and our request has been fulfilled. Many thanks to Lee Mathis and to Rhonwyn Baker!

A Job Well Done A very special thanks to Clint Cumings, Robbie Hausler and Tracy Gallimore for moving pews, painting, and patching carpet and tile on Saturday morning. We wouldn't have had our new Welcome Center ready for Sunday without your help. The Trustees send a big THANK YOU to the three of you for a job well done!

using storage space are asked to be here to clean up your specific area.

Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive. Colossians 3:13

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