Please Pray For One Another
First United Methodist Church Rosenberg, Texas
Concerns: (6-7) Eric White, Tommy and Dawn Jordan
(6-28) Bill Munos, Linda Seay, Ginny Tielke
Larry Bolton Scott Cayton Jason Johnson Jeremiah Judkin Rachel Miller Dannielle Pope Needler
CD player
Our Sunday school classrooms need to have a for their room to play both music and classroom curriculum. If you have a spare or would care to buy one for one of our classrooms, we just need players that will work with regular CDs and have speakers enough to be heard throughout the classroom. Call Kris if you have questions. Thank you for any help you can give us!
June is our month to collect for Helping Hands
Food donations this month will go to Helping Hands. Helping Hands will accept all non-perishable food items as well as personal hygiene items, such as soap, shampoo and deodorant. Please drop your donations in our regular food pantry boxes when you are at church or bring the items to the church office during regular business hours.
Check us out in color!
Christopher Bailey
First United Methodist Church
Phone: 281-342-3333 or 281-232-3246 Fax: 281-342-3333
(6-21) Ann Vyvial, Berlene Boehnemann, Sally Verrett, Melanie
Web site:
Mary Ann Williams, Loraine Berry, Nita Crow’s father
Sanctuary: 1127 Third Street Mailing address: 1106 Fourth Street Rosenberg, Texas 77471
(6-14) Terrie Bradley, Wayne Morris, Linda Moody, Elaine Bergman,
June 30, 2009 y Volume 24, Issue 25
Ramblings: A lot of hot air Have you noticed how hot it is lately? I guess that with the official start of summer it’s about time for things to heat up a little around here. When it gets hot there is a big temptation to want to crawl under a shade tree where there is a breeze and sleep (actually nowadays we want to be inside where the air is “conditioned” to our liking). We don’t want to do anything except fan ourselves and complain about the heat. Fortunately for us a majority of our summer activities are behind us already. We had a fantastic Vacation Bible School. (Once again a big “Thank You” to all the volunteers who made it such a big success.) Some of our youth spent the last week at summer camp (both with the scouts and the church youth groups). And while the sun beats down on us we have the Summer Fun Camp ahead of us in July. Now would seem the perfect time for us to lay low and try to stay cool. And that is just what the Devil is hoping we will do. He is hoping that we will feel the heat and stop working for God. He is hoping that with the high temperatures he can bring high TEMPER-tures. He’s hoping that the little things that annoy us can be made to big things and that the tendency we may have to not do the hard things will be increased by the increase in heat. A lot of the church folks I know take the summer off (vacation, “only family time,” busy with activities, etc.). They say, “We’ll kick it back off in the fall.” The only problem with that thought is that we are called to the harvest. What I mean by that is that you and I are called to plant
seeds in people’s lives that can then be nurtured and grown so that those people will come to faith in Jesus Christ. When they have become mature Christians they are the harvest (we are all in the process of being made ready for the harvest). Taking this analogy (which I admit I may be stretching a bit) one step further, think about the plants in the fields right now. Last week Misty and I spent a day driving through the country (all the kids were at camp, we weren’t, it was wonderful). We passed huge fields of corn. More honestly we passed huge fields of corn stalks. To be really honest they were huge fields of scraggly, burned up, useless corn stalks. We had passed these same fields a month ago and they looked great. The plants were coming up and you could see the great harvest that was about to come. What happened? The heat. No rain. People didn’t do anything. The potential harvest was destroyed because nothing was done during the hot, hard part of summer. Now there are fields that are only good for plowing under and hoping we can “kick it back off next year.” My hope and prayer is that you won’t take the summer off from what we are called to do. Our food pantry at the office is critically low on practically everything. Make a donation, sow a seed in the heat. Our friends and neighbors still need the transforming power of Jesus Christ in their lives. Invite someone to church (we have air conditioning), sow a seed. Don’t let a little hot air stop the harvest. IGS, John
Opportunities To Serve Wednesday, July 1: 2:00-4:00 p.m. - Youth Room Open 6:15 p.m. - Handbells rehearsal 7:00 p.m. - High School Bible Study NO Sanctuary Choir rehearsal Thursday, July 2: 7:00 p.m. - Ignited Worship Team (extra rehearsal) 7:00 p.m. - United Methodist Men’s executive board meeting Friday, July 3: CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 10:00 a.m. - 49ers games & lunch Sunday, July 5: 8:30 a.m. - Blended Worship Service 9:40 a.m. - Sunday School classes for all ages 10:50 a.m. - Traditional Worship Service 4:00 p.m. - Financial Peace University 5:00-7:00 p.m. - Combined Youth (grades 6-12) Monday, July 6: 9:00 a.m. - MOMS 2:00-4:00 p.m. - Youth Room open 7:00 p.m. - Boy Scouts 7:00 p.m. - Trustees meeting Tuesday, July 7: 7:00 p.m. - Women’s Prayer Group 7:00 p.m. - Ignited Worship Team rehearsal (New Schedule!) Wednesday, July 8: 2:00-4:00 p.m. - Youth Room open 6:30 p.m. - Special Handbells Session 7:00 p.m. - High School Bible Study 7:30 p.m. - Sanctuary Choir rehearsal
FIRST CHURCH STAFF JOHN R. BLACK………………………………………….…...Pastor ADRIANE GRAY…………………………….....Nursery Coordinator DEBRA RADOWICK……………..…....…. Administrative Assistant KRIS WOLDY……………..………….…..………..…Music Director JOSE LUNA ……………………….……..………...Church Custodian GAYNELL PSENCIK………………….…..……...Financial Secretary JESSICA MYERS………………….…………………..……...Organist REBEKAH ANDERSON…………….………………..Youth Director
Kids at Crocodile Dock VBS were given the opportunity to shine their “little light” and share God’s love through Operation Kid-to-Kid. During a craft rotation they created “comfort critters,” little fleece stuffed turtles with the words “God cares” woven into the material. The Fort Bend Herald Photo VBS kids also wrote Emma Fairfield, Lilly Taylor and Molly Spano work on creating “comfort a note or drew a picture on a special critters” during Vacation Bible School. God Cares card and tucked the note or picture into a be given to children who’ve been the pouch in the comfort critter. On the victims of natural disasters such as last day of VBS, during Firefly floods, fires or tornadoes to offer Finale, the kids brought their them hope and comfort. This comfort critters to the front of the mission project has an impact on the fellowship hall and presented them kids that made them and presented enmass in a powerful, moving them and the kids that will receive ceremony. The comfort critters will them! Help kids start off the school year on the right FOOT! Celebration Women’s Ministry is collecting new socks in all sizes and colors for Common Threads, LCISD’s program committed to providing families with clothing for their school-aged children.
Place your contribution in the labeled boxes found throughout the church. Contact Cheryl Davis at 281.342.8299 for more info! The Sock Drive will be July 1st-Aug. 9th.
Lost & Found Does anyone know what happened to the yellow, 20-cup coffee pot that used to be in the kitchen? It was last seen in the choir room but now is nowhere to be found. Please return the coffee pot to the kitchen if you know where it is. There are two pairs of reading glasses in the church office that were left in the sanctuary. If you have lost a pair of glasses, please call the office and talk to Debra.
Summer Fun Camp
obedience to God. They will learn how to be kind, how to runs July 20-24 from 9 a.m. be an example, how to work to noon each day. Children, together, how to live in starting at age 4 and up to peace and how to be loyal. those who recently Weather permitting, the completed the 5th grade, will week will end with a Water enjoy stories, games, crafts, Day Celebration. snacks, friends, songs and For more information, lots of fun. Summer Fun please call the church office Camp is free but or Elizabeth Fairfield. Volunteers will be pre-registration is required. Registration needed to help make this another successful forms are available now. The children will spend the week learning outreach of our Children’s Ministry. Please decide today that you want to be a part of what it means to make choices every day this and let Elizabeth know. that show love and If you shop at Kroger, please pick up a Customer Letter and take it with you the next time you buy groceries. The new letter includes the bar code needed to link your Kroger Plus Card to First United Methodist Church in Rosenberg. This is something you will need to do once a year before the start of July to participate in this program. The letter can be found in the Sunday School office and in the
narthex of the Sanctuary Building. Our church will receive a donation once a year based on what you spend at Kroger. You only need to scan the bar code one time. After that, your Plus Card is set!
Save the date! Aug. 15 is the date for our annual Back to School Bash. We’ll be at Noah’s Ark swimming pool from 6:30-8:30 p.m. That first day of school (Aug. 24) will be here before you know it.
Everyone is invited & it’s free!