06-23-2009 Newsletter

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Please Pray For One Another

First United Methodist Church Rosenberg, Texas

Concerns: (5-31) Our high school graduates: Lyndey, Kimberly,


(6-21) Ann Vyvial, Berlene Boehnemann, Sally Verrett

Larry Bolton Scott Cayton Jason Johnson Jeremiah Judkin Rachel Miller Dannielle Pope Needler

June is our month to collect for Helping Hands

We’re more than halfway through the month and our donations for Helping Hands are sorely lacking! We need your participation in this important ministry of our church. All food donations this month will go to Helping Hands, not our own Society of St. Stephen food pantry. Helping Hands will accept all non-perishable food items as well as personal hygiene items, such as soap, shampoo and deodorant. Please drop your donations in our regular food pantry boxes when you are at church or bring the items to the church office during regular business hours.

Celebration’s executive board meets Thursday, June 25, at 6:30 p.m. in the Education Building. Contact Cheryl Davis if you would like to be involved in our ministry to women.

Check us out in color!

Christopher Bailey

First United Methodist Church

Mary Ann Williams, Loraine Berry, Nita Crow’s father

Phone: 281-342-3333 or 281-232-3246 Fax: 281-342-3333

(6-14) Terrie Bradley, Wayne Morris, Linda Moody, Elaine Bergman,

Web site: www.fumcrosenberg.net

(6-7) Eric White, Tommy and Dawn Jordan

Sanctuary: 1127 Third Street Mailing address: 1106 Fourth Street Rosenberg, Texas 77471

Christopher, Patrick, Cash and Schane

June 23, 2009 Volume 24, Issue 24

Ramblings: Not really feeling it Have you ever have one of those days where you just don’t feel like doing anything? You know what I mean. One of those days when nothing sounds like fun, even the stuff that usually sounds like a great time. I’m having one of those days right now. Normally I come into the office to put my column on the newsletter (I can’t lie and say put the newsletter together, Debra does that, my only contribution is the column) and I know what to say. I look forward to getting my thoughts down and to the challenge of limiting my thoughts to the space available. But today I just don’t feel like it. The problem is that I have to do it anyway. I have been thinking that since I don’t feel like it, I should probably skip it. I am sure we could find other things to put here (pictures of VBS would be a good thought). Most people would rather see pictures of kids having fun than read this column anyway. And, since my heart isn’t really in it, I probably won’t do anything that’s worth reading. The problem is that I need to do it anyway. I’ve been reading the minor prophets lately (I’m not really sure you can be considered minor if your work makes the big book, but that’s how they are labeled). This morning I read through Micah and was brought up short by a passage in Micah 6. Mind you, I have read this passage before and even preached on this particular verse. But this time it really hit me because of the attitude I have about doing this column today.

In part of the scripture that the NRSV translation subtitles “What God Requires” is verse 8. He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? The part that really got me was the “walk humbly with your God” part. It reminded me that I wasn’t called to love everything about life. I was called to walk humbly with God. When you walk with someone you may take turns choosing the path. But when you walk humbly with someone you let them set the agenda and you simply go along for the walk. God is setting the agenda for our lives and sometimes the agenda isn’t to our liking. We can think of a thousand things we would rather do. But we need to do what God has set for us to do. When I think of this walk, I picture walking up a mountain. There are places along the mountain climb that are really challenging, but at least I can see progress being made. There are other times along the climb that it seems like I have been walking forever and I’m no closer to the top than before. It’s at these times that I need to be reminded that I’m to walk humbly with God, trusting in him that even though I can’t see the progress (and don’t really enjoy the walk) that God sees it and has something great in store for me. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see the view from the top of the mountain. So I guess I’ll keep trudging along (and writing this weeks column) humbly with God. IGS, John

Opportunities To Serve Wednesday, June 24: 9:00 a.m. to noon - Mothers’ Morning Out NO High School Bible Study 6:15 p.m. - Handbells rehearsal 6:30 p.m. - Celebration’s executive board meeting 7:30 p.m. - Sanctuary Choir rehearsal Thursday, June 25: 7:00 p.m. - Ignited Worship Team rehearsal Sunday, June 28: 8:30 a.m. - Blended Worship Service 9:40 a.m. - Sunday School classes for all ages 9:40 a.m. - Acolyte Training in the sanctuary 10:50 a.m. - Traditional Worship Service 4:00 p.m. - Financial Peace University 4:00 p.m. - Usher Training in the sanctuary NO YOUTH ACTIVITIES Monday, June 29: 9:00 a.m. - MOMS 2:00-4:00 p.m. - Youth Room open 7:00 p.m. - Boy Scouts Tuesday, June 30: 7:00 p.m. - Women’s Prayer Group 7:00 p.m. - Ignited Worship Team rehearsal (New Schedule!) Wednesday, July 1: 2:00-4:00 p.m. - Youth Room open 6:15 p.m. - Handbells rehearsal 7:00 p.m. - High School Bible Study NO Sanctuary Choir rehearsal

Training for Acolytes & Ushers set June 28 All children going into the third grade and older are invited to be acolytes during the worship services. This is a fun, exciting way for the children to serve the church. If your child is interested in becoming an acolyte, please contact Elizabeth Fairfield at [email protected] A training session will be Sunday, June 28, at 9:40 a.m. in the Sanctuary. ~~~~~ Ushers are needed for the 10:50 a.m. service. If you are interested in serving, please contact David Fairfield at [email protected] No experience is necessary. A training for all ushers will be Sunday, June 28, at 4 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

Save the date! Aug. 15 is the date for our annual Back to School Bash. We’ll be at Noah’s Ark swimming pool from 6:30-8:30 p.m. That first day of school (Aug. 24) will be here before you know it.

Everyone is invited & it’s free!

Thursday, July 2: 7:00 p.m. - Ignited Worship Team rehearsal (extra rehearsal) 7:00 p.m. - United Methodist Men executive board meeting

FIRST CHURCH STAFF JOHN R. BLACK………………………………………….…...Pastor ADRIANE GRAY…………………………….....Nursery Coordinator DEBRA RADOWICK……………..…....…. Administrative Assistant KRIS WOLDY……………..………….…..………..…Music Director JOSE LUNA ……………………….……..………...Church Custodian GAYNELL PSENCIK………………….…..……...Financial Secretary JESSICA MYERS………………….…………………..……...Organist REBEKAH ANDERSON…………….………………..Youth Director

How in the World Do You Do That Months July will be "How in the World Do You Do Handbells" Month. Special handbell sessions are set for July 8 and July 22 so anyone interested can come and check out our handbells. We’ll start at 6:15 p.m. Join us, learn something and have fun with it! August will be "How in the World Do You Do Singing (and Music Reading)" Month. Details to come.

District Camp at Lakeview June 22-26 Please pray for our students who are at Lakeview this week: Brittany Black, John Paul Black, Matthew Black, Meg Black, Von Black and Trey Thumann. Also keep our adult leaders in your prayers: Rebekah Anderson and Johnnie Cooper Jr.

Summer Fun Camp

obedience to God. They will learn how to be kind, how to runs July 20-24 from 9 a.m. be an example, how to work to noon each day. Children, together, how to live in starting at age 4 and up to peace and how to be loyal. those who recently Weather permitting, the completed the 5th grade, will week will end with a Water enjoy stories, games, crafts, Day Celebration. snacks, friends, songs and For more information, lots of fun. Summer Fun please call the church office Camp is free but or Elizabeth Fairfield. Volunteers will be pre-registration is required. Registration needed to help make this another successful forms are available now. The children will spend the week learning outreach of our Children’s Ministry. Please decide today that you want to be a part of what it means to make choices every day this and let Elizabeth know. that show love and If you shop at Kroger, please pick up a Customer Letter and take it with you the next time you buy groceries. The new letter includes the bar code needed to link your Kroger Plus Card to First United Methodist Church in Rosenberg. This is something you will need to do once a year before the start of July to participate in this program. The letter can be found in the Sunday School office and in the

x 2!

narthex of the Sanctuary Building. Our church will receive a donation once a year based on what you spend at Kroger. You only need to scan the bar code one time. After that, your Plus Card is set!

Emmett and Merrilynda Tugwell are celebrating the birth of twin grandsons Christopher Cole and Timothy Scott Hlavinka, born May 29 to Lindsey and Stephen Hlavinka. The twins were born weighing 5.3 and 5.8 pounds but are both over 6 pounds now. Big brother Aaron helped welcome the babies when they were able to come home.

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