04 Spiritual Transference

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Spiritual Transference Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). Spiritual transference is to accept another person’s spiritual attributes, power, glory, thoughts, emotions or status. The source can be from God, man or the devil and/or his hosts. This happens all the time in the realm of Spirit and/or in the realm of the soul. You cannot observe with your natural senses the phenomenon of spiritual transference because it happens outside of the sphere of the natural realm. It happens in the super natural realms of the spirit and the soul. Because you cannot see it with the natural eye does not mean that it is not happening. Because of sin the physical body with its senses are dead toward the realms of the spirit and the soul (Romans 8:10). For this reason that which is natural can only be observed with natural senses and that which is spirit with the senses of the spirit (Luke 16:26). Air is all the time in the atmosphere yet you cannot see it with the natural eye. You can observe the activity of the breath of air or wind by observing how nature responds toward its force. You can feel the wind on your skin or you can observe its force by witnessing how branches and leaves of trees respond or how a windmill may respond to the force of the wind. Likewise you can observe spiritual transference through the behavior of oneself and/or other people. Normally you need the gift of discernment of spirits from the Holy Spirit to discern the source. Everyone has the choice to receive or to reject things that are transferred to him or her. The problem is that you are ignorant about transferences or that you are not always

fully alert in the Spirit and often accept garbage from the enemy as your own. In the beginning God created Adam one with Him and in total harmony with Him and with all that is His. God gave him authority to rule over his domain or anointed area, which was the Garden of Eden. When Adam walked with God, He taught him all about creation and his purpose for cultivating and maintaining the garden. God taught him in the same way as a father would teach his son, for Adam was His son (Luke 3:38). He also gave him freedom to be creative as he cultivated Eden. Adam was created to bear God’s image. God never created him as a robot but gave him free will of choice to be creative. To bear the image of the Creator, one has to be creative. The knowledge that God transferred to Adam was for his own good. God never overwhelmed him with thoughts to control and manipulate his actions but gave him freedom of expression as he ruled over his domain. In this they had great fellowship. Adam and Eve were created to find joy and fulfillment in their relationship with God (Genesis 1:26-31). Because Adam was created a living soul he was created with a natural ability to love the only true God with all his heart, with all his soul and with all his strength. He was fashioned to love God perfectly in his soul because his whole person was alive to God. By being in the image and likeness of God he spontaneously and effortlessly pleased God just by being Adam. When Christ created all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible it was created in Him and one with Him. He also upholds His creation that is in Him by the word of His power. Thus God made man not to live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded from His mouth. Nothing that was created was created outside of Him. Adam and Eve was created to find joy and fulfillment

in God and being in His image fashioned to be a source of joy and fulfillment to God. God never intended for man to find joy and fulfillment outside of Him. Christ is filled with the fullness of the Godhead and all that is His. God is total fulfillment. Adam and Eve were totally fulfilled, lacking in nothing. In total fulfillment there is no need. In total fulfillment there is no hope or faith because every moment of Adam’s life was fulfillment. There were no promises to be fulfilled; every moment was fulfillment and perfection. Because Adam was created in the image and likeness of God all of his other relationships was reflected in this godly Father-son relationship. Just as God was the Fountain of Life and Source of Fulfillment of Adam, Adam was a source of joy and fulfillment to all that was in his kingdom. God appointed him head over his wife and the garden. The serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field and successfully got Adam and Eve to succumb to his lies. Adam and Eve should have never paid attention to anything outside of God. Satan transferred his rebellious thoughts to our first parents as he sold them his poisonous deception. Opening their hearts to Satan, in disobedience to God, their hearts of flesh were instantly transformed into evil unbelieving hearts of stone as they partook of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. All of a sudden they found themselves outside of God as they were expelled from the garden. Their living relationship in knowing God in His perfect love was destroyed. They were no longer lost in God but their souls were polluted with fears, doubts and lusts of the flesh. Where once they experienced dazzling light, boundless love, joy and peace in oneness with God they were now searching for fulfillment outside of God being driven by the ceaseless misdirection and selfabsorbed preferences and compelling impulses of their sinful natures (1 John 2:15-17). To find joy and fulfillment

outside of God man opened up to demonic stimuli in search for it. They found it through the unwholesome behavioral device known as transference. In search for knowledge of good and evil, independently from God, man sinned as he missed the mark to be an anointed substance to do the will of God that would bring Him joy and fulfillment. Man has chosen a foreign source of input instead of divine blessing and fellowship in Him to find joy and to be fulfilled. Transference is not always negative but it also got a positive dimension. The greatest transference that ever took place happened when Jesus died for us on the cross. All our iniquities, transgressions and sicknesses, since Adam until the end of time, were transferred to Him. All of His perfection and glory was transferred to us that we could become in Him the righteousness of God through faith. Our sins with its guilt were transferred to Him. He transferred His perfection to us in the spirit of mercy and grace. It was made possible through an eternal covenant that God made with the Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf. The Lord Jesus Christ did His part by fulfilling the Law and borne God’s wrath for our transgression of God’s law. Forever the Father will not remember our sin against Him, He will never be angry toward us again and He will not cease to bless us. The Father will forever transfer only goodness and mercy to those who are accepted in the Beloved. In the garden Adam was in God. With the transgression he caused God to cast man out of Himself. In Christ (in His body) we are transferred back into God by being born by the Spirit into the body of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The vastness and the scope of His grace toward us that believe are immeasurable. We the coheirs with Christ, who is the embodiment of the fullness of the Godhead, will share in all of His fullness. Our inheritance is far above we can ask or think. We will even receive His omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence. God is the One who established the law that everything shall bring forth after its own kind and we are His offspring. It is not my intention in anyway to blaspheme or to sow deception. It is not a picture of how important we are but of how much He loves us. Though we will be all things that the Lord Jesus is, we will not be worshipped by any of God’s creation for we will always be His servants (Revelation 19:10). As those who are forever accepted in the Beloved with the rest of creation we will sing the praises of God and the Lamb for all eternity. What a privilege! When the perfect has come we shall know the vastness of His goodness toward us that believed. For now we see as in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. When Christ ascended into heaven He send the Promise of His Father, the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49), and He gave gifts unto men (Ephesians 4:7-16). So transference of God’s promise and Christ’s gift toward us took place when Jesus ascended into heaven. The Father had transferred all authority that is in heaven and on earth to Jesus. The power of the Holy Spirit was transferred to the saints after the Holy Spirit has come upon them so that they and we today can be His witnesses even to the uttermost parts of the earth. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all. The fruit and diversity of the gifts of the Holy Spirit reveal the glory of God in us. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:14). We transfer light into darkness and darkness cannot overpower light.

There are differences of ministries, all by the same Lord. The Lord transferred gifts to men to bring us to the full stature of Christ who is the embodiment of the fullness of the Godhead. And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-13). These people impart or transfer to us spiritual gifts to equip us and to labor, on our behalf, until Christ is formed in us. Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, expressed his desire to the Roman church that he wishes to impart or transfer to them some spiritual gift so that they may be established in the faith (Romans 1:11). There are also diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all (1 Corinthians 12:6). The Greek word for activities means energies and it refers to the powerful or explosive power of the Father. So the Spirit of the Father is explosively powerful. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you (Romans 8:11). So it must have been the Spirit of the Father that raised Christ from the dead because the Holy Spirit was not yet poured out. So the Spirit of the Father is the Spirit that quickens our mortal bodies so that we will live and not die, in other words, be immortal. If you have received the Spirit of Christ, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is alive because of righteousness. When the Spirit of God lives in you, you are in the Spirit because you are alive to God, spirit, soul and body (Romans 8:9-11). So transference of life takes place

from Him who lives forever, to you who is a mortal to cloth you with His immortality. The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption (1 Corinthians 15:50). So both Enoch and Elijah were translated, like our Lord, before being taken into heaven. So they must have received the Spirit of Almighty God. It was transference from mortality into His immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory” (1 Corinthians 15:54). The corruptible body is a body of a person that has died in Christ but the body has rot in the grave. A mortal body is the body of somebody that is still alive but is not yet clothed with God’s immortality. When the Spirit of God is in you He will quicken your mortal body. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of God is not like three peas in a bottle. You cannot figure it out with the carnal mind because God is one. Whether it is one Spirit with different functions or three Spirits that are one I cannot tell you. It is futile to speak about holy matters if you do not have revelation about it. We were once in darkness, but now we are in the light of the Lord. The prince of darkness does according to his own nature by transferring darkness into the hearts of the children of disobedience. Whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them (2 Corinthians 4:4).

Because the ungodly could observe God in His works, they did not glorified Him as God, neither give thanks to Him, but became unfruitful in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened (Romans 1:21). When either good or evil, is transferred or projected to you, you can accept it or reject it. Jesus came to his own but His own did not received Him but as many as received Him He gave the right to become the children of God (John 1:11-12). When the Lord went into the wilderness he fasted for 40 days and was tempted by the devil. The devil tempted the Lord in all three areas that represent the things of this world, namely, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). Our Savior overcomes the evil one every time through the word of God. Then the devil left Him. Is not My word like a fire? Says the Lord. And like a hammer that breaks the rock in peaces (Jeremiah 23:29). The enemy is deceitful with the imaginations and thoughts that he dumps upon people. He is devious in his deceit, convincing them to believe that what they think or imagine is from their own hearts. People carry on walking under a cloud of condemnation, because they have accepted the thoughts, emotions and imaginations as products from their own minds. Those are fiery darts from the enemy. It does not imply that all thoughts are from outside sources. Some are! When you have fixed your heart on God to walk with Him and you have devoted yourself to love the Lord and emotion and attitude rise up in you that is absolutely contrary to the course that you have chosen you must know that something is terribly wrong. Most probably, it is foreign thoughts and imaginations, and you must search

the source where it originates from prior to you accepting it as a result from your own heart. When you accept a thought or imagination that is affixed with intense emotion for a time it will root in your heart and become your own until it has grown very deep into your heart. When you refuse the foreign thoughts by using the word of God you will be amazed how you will rule your own choice of thoughts. The enemy designed these evil thoughts and attitudes to destroy your walk with God. Through, the help of the Holy Spirit, you should evaluate thoughts and attitudes that come your way. The devil use your imagination to fill your heart with fear and those fears cause you to act in unbelief. Unbelief is the doorway to things like hate, bitterness and sexual fantasies, and so on. Sometimes you have to battle the imagination and suggestions of other people that are projected to you and not just our own. Because of the transference of thoughts and suggestions you need to build defenses. Defenses can be compared to the defenses of ancient fortified cities. Walls provided the primary defenses of a city or fortress, along with tower and gate complexes. Important cities normally have large walls while non-strategic cities have lighter or no fortifications. Like an important ancient city you need fortification to avert attacks from the enemy. Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls (Proverbs 25:28). Words are often used to destroy or to breakdown or to sow unbelief. When negative speech features during a conversation and I cannot walk away from it I build walls to wall out negative influence. I visualize walls around me

while I closing my hands. When I close my hands, I tense up and my spirit closes. Warfare does not only consist of being on the defense but also consists of an offensive part. The word of God is the only basis where by you see true visions in your imagination, which forms the platform of hope. Hope is a vision with an expectation of fulfillment. The word of God is the basis of your hope, which was laid in your hearts through the words of the apostles and the prophets with Jesus (the Word) the Chief Cornerstone in whom the whole building fitted together. Hope is food for faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of unseen realities. With the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Without faith you cannot please God. By faith the strongholds of bondage in your heart is conquered. By faith you build the walls of defense. Without a vision of hope you will perish. Joshua and Caleb had a vision of hope burning in their hearts and they entered the Promised Land but the rest of their generation perished in unbelief in the desert. Without a vision your murmur and test God but hope keeps you humble before the Lord and fill you with wisdom to do His will. Your offensive strategy is not like that of the world that leads to offense and strive. It is not in the will of God for you to get angry but to rule your spirit. We must as far as possible live in peace with all men. Never be overtaken by fear. Never lie. If you do it long enough it will become an evil habit. Your evil habit leaves a bad example to others, specially your children, which you transfer to their lives. When you speak, speak as an oracle of God, displacing the lie with the truth. Speak the truth in love. Be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves. A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger (Proverbs 15:1).

You may start to work in a certain environment and in little time you have been shaped, through transference, into the new environment’s thinking. However, if you determine to live by the Spirit, you will always discern the contrast. Your discernment will become sharp and you will easily discern that which is not of God. But if the spirit of this world dictates your life, your ability to perceive by the Holy Spirit will grow dim. So your ability to discern between spiritual and carnal things diminishes. You can maintain your focus on God while working in a secular environment by maintaining your dedication to the Lord through reading the Scriptures, prayer and waiting on the Lord. Through grace the wisdom of God is made manifested that we should walk in the Spirit. An example of subtler occurrence of transference will be where people follow the pastor in all his ways. If he grows a beard all the males will do so. If he drives a certain car everybody start driving that model of car, etc. Conformity to natural ways is not unity. If everybody wants to be the hand where is the body? In diversity of expression of the anointing of each member of the body of Christ unity of the Spirit is manifested. The anointing will make room for your expression in your environment. Unity is not a unity of doctrine but a unity that is expressed by faith. It is the flow of the anointing in individual lives that gives the body of Christ its expression. Let us make room for one another. In this way we serve and love one another and so fulfill the law of Christ. Towers were also part of the walls of cities and served among others as observation posts. Metaphorically it means that we need to observe in the Spirit and then pray according to the will of God. Son of man, I have made you a

watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me (Isaiah 3: 17). By knowing what is going on in the spirit world we can get rid of negative spiritual transferences all the time. Positive spiritual transference is to bless one another. Bless and curse not. By being aware of what is going on in the spirit world we can rule more effectively.

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