Transference Of Spirits

  • June 2020
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Transference Of Spirits Transference of spirits is the transfer of spirits from one person to another. Transference of spirits is part and parcel of every mankind here on planet earth. There are two types of transference of spirits: a. Positive or Holy transference of spirits b. Negative or Unholy transference of spirits A. Positive or Holy Transference of spirits: The passage of positive or Holy transference of spirits started from God. After God created Adam, the first man on planet earth. He breathed into Adam foundation and transfered His spirit into Adam and Adam became a living being (Gen 2:7).Because, God's living spirit was transfered into him. Another example of positive transference of spirits can be seen or noted from the Holy Bible; when the ministerial works of Prophet Moses was so much for him only.God took the spirit of Moses and transfered it into 70 elders of Israel, thereby reducing the responsibility of Prophet Moses. In order for them to support Prophet Moses ministerial works as a result of Moses's very old age "positive transference of spirits"(Numbers 11:16-17, 24-25). B. Negative or Unholy Transference of spirits: Negative or unholy transference of spirits is the transfer of unholy evil spirits from any possessed subject or person to an unpossessed person (and thereby making such a person to be possessed with an evil spirits).Satan and cohorts are the originators of negative or unholy transference of spirits, they are also the distributor of it. There are many persons today who cannot explain how they came under the influence of evil spirits of reckless immorality acts, anger, pride, materialism, hatred,etc .. Ways by which spirits can be transferred easily be it positively and negatively: 1. Transference of spirits through laying of hands: There is powerful transference of spirits through laying of hands. The Holy Bible tells us in the book of (Deut.34:9), that, via positive laying of hands Prophet Moses transferred the spirit of wisdom unto Joshua in order for him to be able to lead the Israelites to the promised land ; after God had concluded to call him home in time as a result of anger problems. Via negative laying of hands, a lot of people today are going through great agony as a result of hands laid on them for one reason or the other in the past. Either through Witch doctors, occultic human persons,marine human agents, etc.. 2. Transference of spirits through word or communication: Select your friends among Christians believers only (1 Cor.15:33). In another vain anyone that is not wise enough can be corrupted with immoral acts ; if such person is having regular communication with someone that is into immoral activities and that refuses to change positively in time.

3. Transference of spirits via association: Mind the people you move or associate with. Also marriage between believers and unbelievers should be discouraged. So that, one wouldn't be contaminated / possessed. It is highly advicesable for someone to move in company of consecrated believers (2 Cor. 6:14-18; Amos 3:3; Proverb 13:20). Lastly, a lot of people today changed from good to bad and are swimming as :hire killers, grug peddlers, drunkard, smokers, cheaters, immoral, etc. because of the bad association they keeps. 4. Transference of spirits through sex: There is a powerful transference of spirits through sex, and it is the easiest way through which evil spirits are transferred from one person to another. In every 100 percent cases of negative transference of spirits; over 85 percent are traceable to rough sexual activities. The Bible tells in (1 Cor. 6:16), that if you are joined sexually with a harlot, you both become one, so if you have any sexual relationship with a highly demonised persons or occultic agents, witchcraft agents, fetish priests, marine agents, this would certainly bring transference of spirits from such a person to you. This has resulted in some men and women worldwide becoming barren, impotent, infertile, backwardness in their life endeavours ,etc. And also losing control over their sexual life to the extent that they cannot sleep one night without having sex.For the singles it can delay someone not getting married in time. Those who got involved in any form of sexual perversions such as: homosexual (lesbianism/ gay), bestiality, incest, love making during menstrual period, oral and anal sex practices, and excessive and indiscriminate sexual acts endanger their lives; also because of past evil that took placed; strong unholy transference of spirits can be established, also. (Lev. 20:13). This can also give rise to strong unholy soul-ties . 5. Transference of spirits through television: The spirit of immorality can easily been transfered through watching blue films; just as the Holy Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ can be transfered by watching dedicated men of God preaching on television. 6. Transference of Spirits through Books: Holy Spirit is transferred through reading of the Holy Bible. While, evil spirits are transferred easily through reading of occultic books/ pornographic books or materials ,like: showing of naked women and men. 7. Transference of spirits via parent: If one’s father or mother has marine evil spirits problem or any other evil spirits, definately the children may have it also. These spirits may go from one generation to another (generational Spirits) if not exercised out in time. 8. Transference of spirits through music: Music is another powerful medium of transfer of evil spirits. Just as there are good (Christian) gospel musics; so also we have very bad musics such as evil conceived songs that encourages : immorality, violence, murder, invocation of demons /worshiping of Satan, etc.. 9. Transference of spirits through food/water/drinks : There is also a powerful transference of spirits through food/water/drinks intakes . Through food/water /drinks in-takes: spirits could be transferred negatively or positively (1 Cor. 10:19-22;Rev.2:14).For example during any Holy communion service, Holy

spirits is transferred. While ,when taking items dedicated to idols/rituals that are accursed ; unholy spirits are easily transferred; thereby going a long way by making someone being poisoned or defiled (spiritually). 10. Transference of spirits through Objects and other materials: Many homes and people are under the influence of demons because of the presence of objects which they kept . Such items ranging from: shrines, contaminated ear rings/ neck laces/ artifest/ occultic symbols/pictures/ molded statute of mermaid, devil (Joshua 7:1-11, 24-26); etc... Other materials that can be easily contaminated are: candles, incense, perfume, soap, pictures, perfumes, holy water collections from false prophets/fetist priest, etc…That had nothing to offer than evil. Also watching idols festivities or participating in it; directly or indirectly can also affect someone indirectly sometimes depending on circumstances (Hosea4:6 A”lack of knowledge”, Deut.27:15”against”). 11. Transference of spirits through re-incarnation: Through re-incarnation believes, pronouncements, many people invoked evil spirits ignorantly into their children. Remember, (Hebrew 9:27) said “ it appointed unto man once to die thereafter judgment”. A death person has no link with any living person .This unholy believes/ pronouncements are very common among non - Christians especially in Africa. 12. Transference of spirits through Environment: There are demonic spirits in charge of any country, city, town, and villages’ .Just like as we have angels of God everywhere and also earthly political or military or monarchy government in placed worldwide. To the extent that these demonic spirits manipulates or controls what goes on within their respective jurisdictions (Dan. 10:13, 20, Rev. 12:17-12). Some areas may be classified or zoned as high level immoral activities; and if proper care are not taken by innocent people living in such area or city , may be affected directly or indirectly through blind iniations/ possessed espercially the ignorant ones ; whose christian life are at low level. 13. Transference of spirits through the Dead and burial ceremonies participations: Transference of spirits through the dead and burial ceremonies participation is highly possible. Demons doesn’t die when people dies, and when any person dies whom they possessed, the demons would certainly leave such bodies and for out look to another person or persons to inhibit/possesed. People that works in the mortuary or hospital are advised to learn how to conduct self deliverance exercises for themselves.So that, they would be conducting self deliverance exercises for themselves almost everyday( espercially after closing hours at their respective homes). During burial ceremonies participation also ; many people normally comes around to sympathized with the bereefed; but sometimes some persons also comes with wrong motives to attack some family members that are mourning their loved one that died. Christians shouldn't be ignorant about the devices of Satan, but to be fully alert.Because , Satan knew that this kind of period most christians prayer lives are at low state ; as a result of mourning acts that enveloped such persons shockingly. In order not fall in as victims to enemies silent attacks; like: poison, sicknesses and diseases(watch and pray).

ALERTNESS FOR ALL: Immediately after burial ceremonies, be you a minister, born again christian,etc..Please try to conduct comprehensive deliverance for yourself/ every family members (if you know what to do).If not, then go to the nearest ministry were deliverance exercises are offered.By telling the minister in there that you need comprehensive deliverance, and that you just came back from burial ceremony participitation. SHALOM TO THE BRIDE OF OUR LORD JESUS! Destroying the activities of marine kingdom ( ISAIAH 49: 24 – 26) “Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? But thus saith the lord, even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children. And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the lord am thy saviour and thy redeemer, the mighty one of Jacob”. (Job 26:5) “ Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof”. Every spirits living in the water are known as marine spirits. Marine kingdom is the greatest kingdom of all evil demonic kingdoms. Marine kingdom is the most wicked, most populous, well organized kingdom , far away from other evil kingdoms, that exits in the Air, land and outside this planet. The headquarter of marine kingdom is located within India Sea. And Queen of India sea is the head of marine kingdom. While, Queen of the coast is next in command and she resides within the Atlantic ocean(both are also among the fallen evil forces from heaven before). Marine evil spirits have greater influence over mankind on earth ; more than every other demonic evil spirits.It is because, about 70% of the world is covered by the sea(water); and that makes them to have greater influence on mankind.Also, mankind cannot do without water( water use-ages). Every country, state or region, area, city, town, village, etc., have a marine evil spirit that is leading such a place and being assisted by other marine lower spirits. Such a leader could be a male or female evil marine spirit. In every 100 cases of divorce taking place worldwide , about 96% of them are caused or being manipulated by marine kingdom evil forces. Marine kingdom are also responsible for the following problems affecting many mankind: accidents, shortage of blood in one’s body, bankruptcy/ sudden lost of business, sudden death, chronic spinsterhood / bachelorhood, sudden lost of pregnancy ( mis-carriages), barrenness, regular eating / drinking is the dream, constant swimming in the dream, demonic spiritual husband/ wife/ children problems. Also, marine human agents problems ( those they possessed) without the people knowing ;while fewer other knoweth, etc. Marine evil forces also seizes people means of livelihood by storing them spiritually in

their spiritual banks / prisons within the marine kingdom. While, the physical end result would be bad for such people as their means of livelihood would begin to fall or decline physically (bankruptcy). Marine kingdom evil forces also have the ability to cage some careless people spirits within their kingdom.Espercially ministers of God, in order for such a person not to be able to perform well in worshiping God/ rendering assistants to the children of God. Types of marine evil spirits (demons)/ upon any mankind they possessed are as follows: Celibate marine , marine Jezebel ( lust spirit of contamination), marine witchcraft, stone river marine, lake marine, tree marine, vampire marine and Dread locks marine ( leviathan spirit). I will not elaborate them separately as they are very broad and also the breakdown knowledge of them is only beneficial to deliverance ministers . As they requires the knowledge for practical deliverance ministration (casting out of demons). Observation signs of marine spirits ( symptoms) : 1. Constant swimming in the dream. 2. Playing with snakes in the dream. 3. Constant crossing of rivers with boat in the dream. 4. Excessive Pride. 5. Excessive fear of physical rivers. 6. Imagining the presence of a snakes when alone. 7. Constant disappearance one’s personal effects. 8. Excessive Stubbornness. 9. Easily irritated ( excessive angriness). 10. Thoughts of death. 11. wearing of ornaments whose sources one cannot explain how about. 12. Sadness state without any cause. Source of contacts of marine evil spirits( problems): 1. Through parental idolatry dedications / covenants. 2. Through direct worshipping of idols. 3. Transference of unholy spirits from one’s parents ; especially mothers even when in the womb ( unborn). 4. Transference of unholy spirits through sex with their agents. Also through fornication, adultery, bestiality, incest and other sex perversion acts. 5. Direct initiation from any marine human agents through food, money, sex, personal effects contacts or borrowing or sharing things together, idol worshipping, seeking help from where there is no help(fetist priest). 6. Transference of unholy spirits through satanic marine based churches/religion groups(fake churches/ working for satan in disguise).

Solutions: 1. Go for counseling / deliverance , only in a living church. 2. Worshipping regularly in a living church. 3. Search the scripture always . 4. Baptism in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. 5. Pray for Holy Ghost gifts / empowerment / protections.

JESUS IS LORD Here are some materials that can be useful for those willing to know much about forces of darkness operations methodology. War Against Spiritual Wife Husband And Children (Genesis 2:18)"And the Lord God said,it is not good that the man should be alone;I will make him an help meet for him". Texts:(Amos3:3)"Can two walks together,except they be agreed?". (Jame4:7)"Submit yourselves therefore to God.Resist the devil,and he will flee from you". (Nahum 1:3-4)"The Lord is slow to anger,and great in power,and will not at all acquit the wicked:the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm,and the clouds are the dust of his feet.He rebuketh the sea,and maketh it dry, and drieth up all the rivers:Bashan longwisheth,and carnel,and the flower of Lebanon languisheth" Spiritual demonic wife is a demonic wife from demonic marine kingdom; offered to an earthly male person(human being)here on earth. Spiritual demonic husband is a demonic husband from demonic marine kingdom;offered to an earthly female person(human being)here on earth. While,demonic spiritual child / children are child or children which demonic wife or husband from marine kingdom is harbouring or have for an earthly human being(man or woman)and being raised/used against an earthly human being(man or woman)in/from demonic marine kingdom(Gen.6:1-8). I would like to brief us briefly on how they operates. Any man who possess spiritual wife in or from the marine kingdom could come in contact with spiritual wife,while at sleep.The familiar spirit(spiritual wife)can come,pose in her real form or carry face(s)of close associates of her victim like:one's wife,proposal,or any lady around one's environment,or any female person face.To come and commit fornication or adultery with her victim.Such a fellow is manipulated to get into orgasm in the dream spiritual state.And immediately the whole process is off;such a

fellow would wet himself in the dream life state.When the victim wakes up,he would discover that he has wetted himself,without sleeping with any earthly woman.It looks strange to some people.Biologist(scientist)may call such process"noctonal discharge"wetting oneself in the dream life state.They would even back it up with theories and scientfic languages.Such doctrine claim from scientist should be rejected;it is a trick from Satan to deceive and blind fold mankind;in order that human beings might not be able to checkmate and withstand Satan devices. "While,some men that are totally entangled with such demonic spiritual romance lifestyle like it.And it would even come to a state,when their spiritual wives would start coming physically to meet such men in their houses.Some people may even enter into an unprofitable covenent with such spirits not to leak their experiences out.While,many others are ashamed to tell their pastor or deliverance ministers/counsellors and would be beating around the bush." The disadvantage such man as stated earlier would derived from spiritual wife is nothing but evil;with one main mission,to steal,to kill silently and to destroy such a fellow.The spiritual wife would drain out and collect such a fellow blood to be carried to their spiritual kingdom;for demonic usage since,they mainly feeds on human blood .Without even her victim's knowing,in most cases too,plant in sicknesses and diseases,problems into such an individual's life. The spiritual wife woud also collect semen from the man through the sex had with the man.To be ued to fertilize her ovary/ovaries.The spiritual wife would carry such a person pregnancy for him or in another vain, such a baby could be developed with the aid of demonic incubator in the marine kingdom.The end result is getting a demonic child for such a person at their kingdom. If such a man is unmarried before; and if married to his earthly wife choice.The spiritual wife would start to jealous that earthly woman,she would even try to cause marital problems,setback,quarrel between the man and the earthly wife.Also can even cause barrenness or miscarriages to the earthly wife of such a fellow.If such an earthly woman is of low spiritual development state,she could be killed by the spiritual demonic wife of her husband.Unless,such a woman is highly spiritual endowed or by the divine grace of God;she can do nothing,to overcome her problems,because the spiritual wife of her husband consider herself as the only legal wife of the earthly man and may have gotten child or children for such a fellow in demonic marine kingdom. Spiritual wife of that a fellow would not stop at that,if the earthly wife of that man happens to get child or children of her own as a result of divine intervation;she would start to fight that woman and child or children by causing all sorts of problems like:sicknesses and diseases,disappointments,poverty,inability to accomplish their desires on earth or make it to delay.Even,if the spiritual wife see's that she is losing or about to loose the battle,she would link up with other demonic evil spirits from all demonic circles and to fight that earthly man she considers as her husband.She will try to cripple the man's means of livelihood,so that,the man would not be able to carter for his earthly wife and child/children.She can even make the man to be serious addict to drugs,alcohol,a great womaniser,going into pool betting,etc.So that, all the earthly wife of such man is expected to get would not be gotten. Spiritual wife, can even try to separate the earthly man and his wife on earth or divorced them, via demonic manipulations. The same is still applicable to some women who has spiritual husbands from the marine

kingdom, either married or unmarried. Their own case is more serious and dedicate compared to that of men having spiritual wives. Spiritual wives/husbands from demonic water kingdom are the main cause of over 90% of many marriages that are being broken daily worldwide (especially in America and European continents). They are also responsible for some families today, either husband or wife dying “untimely” or both. And many barrenness, miscarriages, impotence and infertility problem taken place today. The only quicker way to solve all spiritual problem earth; is to give ones life totally to lord Jesus Christ; repent and forsake all sins and being born-again and accept Jesus Christ as the author, and finisher of our life, sanctified fully without looking backward to the world (is the only way forward). Be watchful, careful and give oneself to prayers always. Because, anything that happens in the spiritual realm must surely comes to pass in the physical realm. Whatever source it comes from, ones ability to pray effectively can make the devil to bow out, so that, the person can receive deliverance. Observational Signs of Spiritual Wife/ Husband: 1. Negative unprofitable marriage had in the dream and sometime with concurrent repetitions. 2. Appearance and disappearance of one’s material (personal effects). 3. Frequent sexual dreams and with observation of wetting oneself. 4. Marital disappointments, frequent marital problems or disagreements. 5. Activation of someone sexual systems without any visible acts or with co-human being. Observational Signs of Spiritual children: Coming in the dream life state or physical state and always proposing actions to you that would always be negatively to you.And sometime too, after appearing your child or children would begin to fall sick. Causes of spiritual husband / wife problems: 1 Through Sexual sins. 2. Through things thrown into the river (sacrifices). 3. Through wrong dedications by someone or unbehalf of someone. 4. Through sharing of personal effects with possess persons. Especially unrepented persons. E.g. practicing prostitutes, (Homosexuals: gay / lesbian), incest and bestiality practicing persons, etc. 5. Through initiations and blind initiations (1Cor.15: 32). Solutions: 1.Go for counseling. 2. Go for comprehensive deliverance. 3. Don’t go back to your former vomits.

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