11 Meditating On The Word Of God

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Meditation on the Word This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success (Joshua 1:8). God who is Spirit was from the beginning. He was the Word. The letter that kills is the Law but the Spirit that quickens is God. The Word of God became flesh and dwelled among men. It was He that created all things. He is life and His life is the light of every man coming into the world. God covered Himself with the light of His Word as with a garment. His light has substance and dimension; He is the Bright and Morning Star. All majesty, all love, all goodness are contained in the light of His presence. His life is the light that unveils the very image of God. He came to His own to unveil Almighty God as Father and the light within Him revealed His relationship with the Father; the Father-son relationship. This is the relationship God has in mind for us. He came to His own brothers, the Jews, but they did not receive Him. They had eyes to see and though they looked for the Messiah who was under their nose they could not perceive Him because their eye was constantly evil. They seek eternal life in the Scriptures but the Scriptures are that which testify of Him. They would not come to Him that they may have life. As many as received Him, He gave them power of choice to be born of God, to become His own children.

When the Lord God formed Adam of the dust of the earth He created him in His own light-image and likeness of light. God clothed the first Adam with the light of His presence and he became the word of God. He was a light that enlightened all creation. His spirit, soul and body were alive to God, which means he could observe God with his spiritual, psychic and bodily senses. The number seven featured in his entire being (spirit, soul and body). Seven symbolizes spiritual perfection. Adam had the number 777 stamped on him because his entire being was divinely perfect in the image of the Word of God, his Creator. God created Adam a living soul, which means he related to God and the rest of creation predominantly with the force in his soul and not so much with his spirit. God intended for the first Adam to grow up from a living soul into a life-giving spirit, into the very image of the last Adam, the Word of God who is a life-giving Spirit. Adam’s living soul was filled with the light of God’s Word. God’s light was Adam’s life-force. The light of the Word was in him because he was one with the Word of God, created a son of God (Luke 3:38) to manifest the Word of God. He had no need to pray, meditate on the word, waiting on God or practice the presence of the Lord because the word of God was in him and he was in the Word of God. He was the word of God bodily, one with Christ, his Creator. The abiding presence of the Word of God dwelt permanently in him. The light of the Word of God was his garment and he was not found naked like fallen man. In Adam was immortal life and this life was light and truth. The light of the Word of God is Truth. When Adam preferred the tree of knowledge of good and evil above the revelation of the Lord, he sinned. The tree of knowledge of good (law and legalism) and evil (lawlessness) is not inoculated in

the Tree of Life (Christ) but in its separation from God produces fruit (works) of the flesh. In the tree of knowledge is the image of the evil one but in the tree of live (Christ, the Word of God) the image of God. God forsook Adam on account of his transgression just like He forsook Christ on account of our sin. God divorced His Spirit from the spirit of Adam and he ceased to be God’s son. The light of God’s word in him went out and he fell from truth. His mind became enmity against God and the members of his body servants of iniquity, the willing slaves of his wicked heart. His heart grew utterly deceived as he settled in the pit of death’s darkness. Man has chosen the way of tribulation to grow up into a life-giving spirit, which is the image of the Word of God. “…In the world ye shall have tribulation…” (John 16:33). As Adam’s light went out he was no longer aware of God's presence and his flesh-restricted mind could not comprehend spiritual matters. His spiritual revelation and perception senses have died. He could no longer hear the all-penetrating voice of God that use to fill his whole being with every word He uttered as he was imprisoned in a body of death. No longer could he see the brilliant light of the Word of God that eclipses the brightness of the sun seven times, the light that used to sooth his eyes with its deep and pure white luminescence. Then Adam remembered the commandment of God, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” He knew he was no longer in the light of the presence of God’s Word. The true Light of God’s Word came only 4 000 years after Adam’s transgression to give light to every man coming into the world.

In Adam, all men died to God because the flow of eternal life is inaccessible outside of Christ. There was a need for a new godly seed to perpetuate God’s dream for a harvest of sons. Only when Christ, the Seed of God, was made manifested in the flesh as the Word of God He revealed God as Father to man and demonstrated to the earth the truth about the Father-son relationship. In Him alone we can become the word of God made flesh again. In the Father-son relationship the Word of God is truly manifested in our flesh. Christ (Word of God) in us is the only hope of glory God has given us to be conformed unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. God at first established a covenant of works with His people Israel. Because the Law (Word of God) is spiritual, imperfect man could not fulfill its requirements in the flesh. The Old Covenant failed utterly to produce sons of God. The Law of the Old Covenant written on the tablets of stone could not establish the kingdom of God in the hearts of men. The kingdom of God will only come when the word of God is written in the hearts of men. The kingdom does not come with observation but it comes within us. As the Word of God manifested Himself in the flesh of men the kingdom of God has come. The Lord will be revealed in His people. Then God took away the first covenant, the ministration of condemnation that He may establish the second, which is the ministry of reconciliation of all things in His Son. Though the Law on stone came in much glory that even the skin of Moses’ face shone, the New Covenant brought the ultimate glory, the glory of God’s only begotten Son. It was only appropriate for the Creator and Maintainer of all things to become Redeemer and Restorer of His own creation. Though He was the Word of God in the flesh, the revelation of the Father, His dream is to bring forth a harvest of sons (nothing to do with

gender) with that identical glory. He redeemed us that we may hear the word of reconciliation so that the light of His Word may forever live and shine in us. You need to be born-again to perceive the word of Christ. Unless, you are born-again you cannot see God and His kingdom, which exist in the realm of spirit. Your physical body with its senses and God who is Spirit live in two different realms. That is why flesh and blood who occupies the earthly realm fails to observe Him who inhabits heaven. Because you cannot feel God with your hands, or smell Him with your nose, or hear Him with your physical ears, or see Him with your eyes of flesh, or taste Him with your tongue does not mean He is not there. The wall of separation and veil of blindness is removed in Christ. When you are born-again God place you in the body of His Son and you become one Spirit with Christ. From that moment forward the Holy Spirit reveals the Son of God to you and leads you into all truth. Since God’s written word was freely available, He intended for you to know Him in Scripture that you should not err but know and obey His voice. Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God” (Matthew 22:29). The Bible was mainly given to introduce you to God’s view so that you can live His life and have communion with Him in His realm. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction of righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 4:16-17). The degree in which you do not manifest the Lord is the degree of your rebellion and deception. As a Christian you should set your heart to walk in truth, which is to manifest Christ’s character and power. When

the Lord looks at you, He is not looking for perfection but for faith. Faith is the virtue that pleases Him. Faith is the substance of your visions of hope. Therefore, you need to express faith toward God according to the measure of His grace you have received, which is the measure of your faith. He will judge you according to the light of His grace He has given you. Faith came by hearing and hearing by the word of God. When the word of God is united with your faith it benefits you because then the Word of God is manifested in you. To read only the word of God is not good enough. You need to meditate on it until it lives in you. As we meditate on the word of God, the Holy Spirit pours more of Christ into our hearts and we change more into His image as we behold Him. The Spirit of His word works gentleness and lowliness of heart in us. We gaze with unveiled minds at the Word, which is the very image of God. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). How do you meditate on the Scriptures? I guess some of you know how to do it. Stick with that, which works for you. There is different ways that suits different people. I can only tell you how I am doing it. You can use some of my suggestion and adjust it to what suites you. I normally meditate on the word any place any time. I usually receive revelation in any area of my life from the Holy Spirit if my spirit is open to Him. It helps if my body is fresh and my mind and spirit alert. This is a very informal way of meditating on the Word or any other matter. The problem with it is that I forget those impressions easily. So I got a small little book that fits my shirt pocket and a pen to record any key words and verses of Scripture coming to my mind.

I also use a formal approach. I choose the early morning hours when my body is fresh and my mind and spirit is alert and this time of the day is distraction free for me. Early morning hours are not a hard and fast rule. You must find a time that suits you best. Firstly, I need to be physically comfortable. I will take a shower put on comfortable clothing and have a glass of cold water. I do not like any bodily distractions when I am focusing on the Lord. I will fetch my Bible my note book and a pen. I love to sit down on my big chair in my family room. I need to be comfortable and distraction free. Secondly, I also need to be spiritually comfortable. My spirit needs to be open to God. When I am focused on the Lord I get relaxed in my inner-man and silent in my spirit. When I remember You [focus on Christ] on my bed [place of rest], I meditate on You in the night watches [time of silence] (Psalm 63:6). There is more to reading and meditating on Scripture than you think. Your spirit needs to be open to the Holy Spirit when you search for a revelation of Christ in Scripture. Meditation in Scripture is only worthwhile if Christ is the beginning and end of your search. The only objective to meditate of the Word of God is to conform to His glorious image. The purpose of our lives is to be partakers of Christ sufferings, to be conformed to His death in hope to attain to His resurrection from the dead. This is to be bodily clothed with the glorious light of God’s Word to the glory of God our Father. After waking up from sleep or coming back from work I cannot just cold start my heart to focus on God unless I have practiced His presence while busy with other activities. When I am at peace I will

pray for about 20 minutes before I open the Scriptures. I will pray both with my understanding and also in the Spirit. I will ask the Lord to reveal Himself to me so that He may be manifested in me. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). It is difficult to open your spirit to God if you are not obedient to the truth and disciplined in the faith. It is a matter of willingness, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light. When the Lord looks at you He is not seeking perfection in you but faith. As long as there is a basic hunger for the truth in your heart and a willingness to do the will of God, you please Him. If you are faithful with little things He will give you charge over more. Humility, which is utter dependence on God, results in sincere obedience to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Obedience to the Truth is the basis for an open spirit toward God. It is neither legalism nor sloppiness but disciplined faith. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier (2 Timothy 2:4). Thirdly, you need to focus on the word of God, which is the object of your meditation. You need to be part of the story in Scripture. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things (Philippians 4:8). You may say you do not know which passage to choose. It is wise to stay in the flow of the word that is coming in your church and also a good habit to make notes of the sermons. Choose some of those verses of Scripture to read. Alternatively

choose a passage of Scripture that is relevant to what the Lord is speaking to your own heart. Some people may be on a course reading through the Bible. Never take to big a passage of Scripture to read. Just take a big enough passage that you can handle otherwise you may grow weary and loose interest. It is like eating too much food. If you eat too much, a great deal of the nutritional stuff does not get absorbed into your system. Normally when I have chosen the passage of Scripture I might read one time through the whole chapter to obtain the background of the passage of Scripture that I want to meditate on. Then I will read the passage of Scripture prayerfully, visualizing the story in my imagination. I will do it for a second time seeing myself as part of the mental picture. I do not say you must do it this way, I am just telling you what is working for me. It is important to look unto Jesus when you meditate or visualizing. It is like discussing the word with Him but without using words. When your meditation is filled with the Word and the Spirit then it is Spirit and Life. If it is void of the Holy Spirit it is as dead as a body without the spirit, in other words, as worthless as a corpse. The letter kills but the Spirit makes alive. Your focus on the Lord and the word shows faith in God. Fourthly, ask the Lord to explain mysteries and riddles in Scripture. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter (Proverbs 25:2). The Lord sometimes but seldom answers you immediately. Normally it takes time to find the answer. So Daniel went in and asked the king to give him, time that he might tell the king the interpretation (Daniel 2:22). It is the Lord’s way of drawing you into a relationship with Him, to teach you to trust Him and to love Him regardless of delays. The Holy Spirit normally gives

you an unfolding revelation of the will of God. So in recording your revelation you can discover after a week or longer what the Lord’s will is for your life or you may discover what the Lord is working out in your life. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little (Isaiah 28:10). Revelation and especially illumination from Scripture is often like the flow of a river; a whole sermon can come from a few scriptures. However, when waiting on the Lord He speaks very short and to the point. Because your spirit is open to God while you are meditating on the word the Lord may speak to you also concerning personal matters. Often it cannot be verified in Scripture and you may not receive conformation of it. Time alone can prove if it was a word from God or not. Fifthly, record your impressions. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it” (Habakkuk 2:2). The impressions that you have recorded should agree with the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit and the Word is one and shall never disagree. Sixthly, sift, sort and evaluate your impressions. After you have recorded the impressions that came to you, you must sift sort and evaluate it to discern between carnal input and what was from the Holy Spirit. I normally go through this exercise over and over. As these impressions are recorded, it leaves you with the opportunity to come back to it as often as you want. Do not hurry; this takes time and patience. I am using a word processing program to update my devotional journal because it makes it easy for me to chop and change. Of cause you will make mistakes. How else will you learn? You need to practice to discern if your

meditation is from the Holy Spirit or from your own heart. If you are scared to make mistakes and do nothing about it you will never learn the voice of the Lord. If you are faithful to seek the Lord in all your ways you will come to know His voice. I will give you an example of how I do it. I am writing revelation down and develop them into short articles. I change or rewrite my articles all the time as a result of new revelation and personal growth in my relationship with the Lord. Stagnancy is death but the Spirit of God is alive, vibrant and is always moving. Lastly, take responsibility for what the Holy Spirit has revealed to you. Visualize the answer over and over. Meditate on the answer and pray it through until its fulfillment. As long as you seek God’s wisdom and understanding to do His will, He will let you prosper in all areas of your life. And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God; and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper (2 Chronicles 26:5). When the Holy Spirit reveals to you the mind of the Lord visualize it, over and over and pray accordingly. Revelation is normally for prayer and ministering the word. The chief objective of the ministry whether prayer or the ministry of the word is always to see Christ formed in you. My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you (Galatians 4:19). Christ in us is the only hope of glory the Father has given us. It is a vision of glory, the hope to conform to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Why am I doing it this way? I have prayed for people using my imagination and the Lord has answered many of those prayers. Is it scriptural correct? I believe it is. For I indeed, as absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged

(as though I were present) him who has done this deed (1 Corinthians 5:3, emphasis added). If you can judge people in this way, you can also bless people in this way. Please do not judge others lest you be judged. Remember when you bless someone learn to use the force of your spirit. As the Lord is one Spirit with you, His life-force is manifested when you project your spirit. Be assured the Lord does anoint sanctified imagination. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and Redeemer (Psalm 19:14, emphasis added). Waiting on the Lord and meditating on the word techniques can also be used for problem solving and inventions. It is wise to know the Lord in all your endeavors. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths (Proverbs 3:6). Remember to stay with the current flow of the word, which creates an atmosphere for revival, prophecy, signs and wonders. God took me into the future to witness His reign on earth. When I saw these things, I asked the Lord when this would happen and He said, “When My Spirit will flow these things will come into existence. It will happen through My Spirit and through My Word.”

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