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being helped, they are currently being healed! (2) By the way, the number of diseases currently being aided by embryonic stem cells? Zero! (3) Why all this rush to use embryonic stem cells? Why would the President say he “deeply respects” the views of those who oppose this research then take our money to pay for it? (4) Embryonic stem cell research is yet another attempt to take God out of everything. If He is not in the womb, then we are free to do as we please with the life of that little one inside his mother. As our nation continues to assault life in the womb, Christians must stand up. Every life is precious. Even the unborn are significant, and they are the most innocent. If we fail to stand up for them, what group will be next? Will the elderly be

deemed unimportant? Will those with terrible mental illness be killed? Will those with life-threatening cancers and other diseases be considered plagues on society, only to be discarded? God loves the unborn, and He expects us to protect those precious little ones. Speak up in behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves. Write a politician. Lovingly tell him/her that you wish to see this way of thinking overturned. If we fail to speak up for the innocent, we are guilty, too. One writer stated: “The vulnerable human embryo is now at greater risk than ever before. And this, inevitably, means that every single human life is devalued by this decision.” (5)

concerned about Wall Street and our 401(k)’s, and far more concerned for the innocent who have no way to “fight back.” ————–———————-— Notes (1)http://www.foxnews.com/politics/ first100days/2009/03/09/obama-liftrestrictions-stem-cell-researchfunding/ (2)http://www.stemcellresearch.org/ facts/treatments.htm (3)ibid. (4)http://albertmohler.com/ blog_print.php?id=3393 (5)ibid.

As I write this, a current headline reminds me that the Dow Jones is trying to “fight back.” Let’s be less

LEBANON ROAD CHURCH OF CHRIST 2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214

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Lebanon Road

Church of Christ 2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918 www.lebanonroadchurchofchrist.org

Volume 57, No.11

March 15, 2009 Elders

A Sad Day

Johny Baker 758-7654

Adam Faughn Monday, many Americans mourned the loss of more money on Wall Street, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed below 6600. For many weeks, that indicator of our economy has been watched closely as other concerns weigh on our economy. However, something else happened Monday that should have caused far more concern. After a long battle, President Barak Obama signed “an order to lift restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.”(1) The order has the backing of members of both major political parties, and was praised in many media outlets as a step toward great progress in our scientific

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

endeavors to eradicate many serious diseases. Sadly, in our rush to cure terrible diseases, we have overlooked the Bible and its stand on the importance of the life of children. Yes, I’m not calling them embryos; I’m calling them children. Have we forgotten that God hates “hands that shed innocent blood” (Proverbs 6:17)? Have we failed to remember that God told the prophet Jeremiah that He formed that tiny one in the womb (1:5)? Have we ceased to put in our minds that the “baby” within Elizabeth “leaped” upon meeting his cousin, Jesus (Luke 1:41)? Sadly, as a society, we have.

mine, are now going to be used to fund the destruction of human life. Besides the most important moral implications, we have also been fed a lie over and over that this is the only way to conduct research on debilitating and life-threatening diseases. Such is completely untrue. In fact, while we are told that embryonic stems cells are the “wave of the future,” and hold “potential” for possible cures, has it gone completely unnoticed that over 70 diseases are currently being treated using adult stem cells? Diseases such as brain cancer, breast cancer, juvenile diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, cirrhosis, and other diseases aren’t “potentially”

Your tax dollars, along with

Sunday Sermon Preview AM: What Older Women Should Teach PM: “I Give Up!!!”

Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Ted Fox 754-7607 Charles Myers 883-6837 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

Pulpit Minister Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister Harry Middleton 292-3164

(continued on page 4…)

Youth Minister JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

The Sick

Worship Leaders

Home Missionaries by Harry

JD’s Column

Linda Brewer had another shoulder surgery on March 10th. Ailene Crowell fell and broke her hip. She is at Imperial Manor room 223B. Hilda Thomas has moved to McKendree Manor room 283N for rehab.

Sunday Morning (Contact: Carlos 889-3185) Opening Prayer: Gene Duke Closing Prayer: Billy Hutchens Read Scripture: Steve Ledbetter Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Lynn Wright Serving Lord’s Supper: Joseph Barefoot 1 Don Morris 2 Jay Baker 3 4 Ralph Brewer Paul Tramel 5 Tracy Fitzgerald 6 Richard Roberson 7 Bob Petty 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Marion 883-5038) Opening Prayer: Philip Denny Closing Prayer: Lee Power Read Scripture: Joe Adams Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Lynn Wright Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) Harry Middleton 1 Earl Flynn 2

We often think of missionaries as those folks teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a foreign land or somewhere in the United States away from home. But we have several missionaries right here in the Lebanon Road church. In the last month we have had over six hundred request from students interested in studying the Bible. Well let me share with you the names of our own brethren who are involved as local missionaries: Samantha Denny, Cary Clay, Marie Myers, Gene Thomas, Betty Thomas, Kitty Boyd, Jennifer Clay, Philip Denny, Paul Smith, Jennifer Carmack, Scotty Studer, Loretta Smith, Chris Johnson, Inez Jackson, Joe Adams, Don Morris, Ted Fox, Clara May Benedict, Lindon Stanley, Ruth Kennedy, Joanna Tuck, Geraldine Middleton, Joyce Davidson, Audree Keele, Dez Richards, Geraldine Stanley, Allison Studer, Frankie Fox, Sam Bradley, Betty Wilson, Rich Deppisch, Debbie Windsor, Mike Windsor, and Linda Brewer. Continue to lift these brothers and sisters up to God in your prayers for the great work they are doing. Other brethren who are interested in the souls of the lost are those who are anxious to begin a door knocking campaign. We will label them “The Lebanon Road Soul Seekers”. These are Ted and Frankie Fox, Billy Hutchens, John Smith, Thomas Brown, Gene Duke, Gene and Margie Mullins, Clyde Mullins, Curt Hickey, Bill Wolfe, Sam Richards, Judy Purkey, Adam and Leah Faughn, Libby Wood, and Wes Carnahan. These are brothers and sisters with courage and merit the prayers of the church. There may be others who would wish to join either of these groups. Just let me know and I will be glad to include you. If I have omitted anyone from either list inform me of my mistake and I will immediately take steps to make correction.

I am very proud of our young men who participated in the Winter Youth Series! Austin Nichols and John Thomas Baker both did a good job presenting messages. Blake Biggs, Zach Mullican, Jakobe Reed, and Jarrod Barefoot all read Scripture well. Joseph Barefoot led an excellent prayer as we closed. I told David Smith of all the times he has led singing, this was the best so far! Shane Williams did a superb job with the PowerPoint. Keep up the good work, fellows!

Thank You... Thank you for the beautiful flowers, and to everyone who visited with us at the funeral home. Jason and Sherrie Price (family of Bessie Price) Dear Christian Friends, Paul and I would like to thank each one for the many cards, visits and calls during my stay in the rehab center. In Christian Love, Madge Tramel Thanks so much to everyone who helped make the WYS dinner possible and to all the ones who helped with clean up afterwards, especially taking down the table and chairs!

Camp Meeting Sunday, March 15th 4:30PM If you are interested in helping with camp in any way please, attend this meeting. Bring your theme ideas! Camp Dates are July 5-10

Pictorial Pictures You may begin scheduling your appointments for pictorial pictures beginning this Sunday, March 15th . There will be a couple of ladies in the foyer prior to services to help you.

Wednesday, March 18th (Contact: Keith 889-7366) Read Scripture: Zachary Mullican Opening Prayer: Tim Mullican Speaker: Billy Hutchens Song Leader: Philip Autry Announcements: Harry Middleton & Earl Flynn

Congregational Potluck

The Record

Sunday, March 22nd Immediately following Bible Class Bring your favorite dishes.

Visitation Team #1 meets Sunday Night

It’s Bible Camp time! We have our first meeting Sunday afternoon at 4:30. We hope everyone is able to be a part of our great Bible camp and attend this meeting! Please remember our Spring retreat coming up March 27-29. If you can come and help us work around Short Mtn. Bible Camp on Saturday, March 28, please plan on doing so! We are also very excited to have our summer intern, Chris LaFever, coming up for our retreat and staying to preach on Sunday evening! Please also remember I will be out of town Thursday to Saturday attending the annual youth minister’s retreat in Columbia, TN. Thank you very much! --JD :)

Mark Your Calendar...

Nursery Attendants: Joyce Davidson & Courtney Roberts

Picture taking dates are April 8-11

I would like to thank all the families who helped by bringing food and especially those who helped in preparing food and getting the fellowship hall ready. The whole night went smoothly and it is because of the families who made it go so well. Thank you!

March 15: Heartland Services at 4:00 by Joe Adams, Philip Autry, Tom Brown and Jack Steele Summer Camp Meeting at 4:30 March 22: Congregational Potluck following Bible class March 25: VBS Committee Meeting at 6:15

Sunday Morning Worship:

315 + 4 at Bordeaux

March 27-29: Spring Retreat—Chaperones and Saturday Adult workers are needed. See JD.

Sunday Evening Worship:


April 8-11: Pictorial Directory Pictures taken

Sunday Bible Study:


May 8-9: Ladies Retreat at Cedars of Lebanon

Wednesday Night:


June 14-17: VBS 2009



July 5-10: Summer Camp at Valley View

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