The Revelation to John: God Wins! Session 2
Review, 1:1-3
The Big Picture God, 1:4-5a “And God said, ‘Let there be…” Genesis 1:3 The Seven Churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. “grace” = God’s _______________ on the recipients of this letter. “peace” = Hebrew concept of “shalom” _____________ - _____________
on the recipients of this letter. Trinitarian Source of grace and peace. 1) From God the _______________ a. The one who ______________. Exodus 3:14 b. The one who ______________. c. The one who is _______________. 2) From God the _______________ _______________. a. Are these seven _______________ of Jewish Tradition? 1 Enoch 19:1—
20:8 b. Are these seven _______________ over the seven churches? Rev. 2—3. c. Are these seven representative of the _______________
______________? Best answer “spirits” vs. “angels” & “seven.”
3) From God the _______________ a. He is the _______________ _______________. (His Life) b. He is the _______________ from the dead. (His Passion) c. He is the _______________ of the earth. (His Exaltation) The Personal God, 1:5b-6a “…then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground…” Genesis 2:7 Our God _______________ us. Present Active Participle… “It never ends” Our God _______________ us. Aorist Active Participle… “It is finished” Doxology, 1:6b God is to receive all “glory” and “power” because he is the ______________
picture God. God is to receive all “glory” and “power” because he is the ______________
God. The Lord’s Return, 1:7-8 Clouds equal Jesus coming in _______________ to the world. Daniel 7:13-14
“Every ______________ will see” Jesus, Philippians 2:10-11 “Even those who _______________ him.” Zechariah 12:10; John 19:37 “all…will ______________.” Zechariah 12:10
God speaks about his nature 1) He is the _______________ and the _______________. Isaiah 43:10;
Revelation 22:12-13 2) He is the one who ______________, who _______________ and who is _______________.
3) He is the _______________. For Discussion How does Rev. 1:4-8 lead you to… 1) …repentance 2) …faith, and 3) …worship?