02 Gap Filling For Yds And Kpds

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Dilbilgisi bölümünde öncelikle yapısal özelliklere, daha sonra da anlama dikkat edilmeli. Eğer soru “tense” ile ilgiliyse; time clause / time expression’lara ve bağlantılı diğer cümlelere ( as/so /although /because gibi bağlaçlarla tense paralelliğinin zorunlu olmadığını unutmayın) zaman ipucu yada time clause yoksa, iki cümlenin yüklemlerinin birbiriyle bağlantısına ve fiilin etken edilgenliğine, ( bazı zaman dilimleri için birden fazla tense kullanılabilir; gelecek için present continuous/ future tenses/ am is are going to veya geçmiş için simple past/ past continuous gibi) My brother ....... three years in jail when he was younger, but now he ....... to give up his life of crime. A) spent/has decided B) spends/is deciding C) has spent/has been deciding D) was spending/decides E) has been spending/decided Because we have a young baby, we ....... the opportunity to go to the cinema any more, but now and again, we ....... a video to play at home. A) didn't have/are buying C) don't have/have bought E) haven't had/have been buying

B) aren't having/were buying D) weren't having/bought

Modal ile ilgiliyse; hangi zamandan bahsedildiğine ve modal’ın anlamına, ( must have done / should have done /was supposed to do / used to do/would rather’a dikkat et) You ....... your own canoe in order to join the canoe club. They cost a lot of money. You ....... mine whenever you want to go canoeing. A) mustn't buy/had borrowed B) won't have bought/should borrow C) needn't buy/can borrow D) might not buy/would borrow E) can't buy/used to borrow A: I can't believe Jane isn't here to collect her award. B: She ......... the invitation. We definitely should have checked that she had got it. A) would rather not receive C) isn't supposed to receive E) must not have received

B) had better not receive D) needn't have received

If’le ilgiliyse; zaman belirtecine ve yapı paralelliğine (unless/providing/provided/on condition that bağlaçlarının yapısal olarak ‘if’ bağlacı ile aynı kuralı gerektirdiği unutulmamalı.) If I ....... you would be on your own all weekend, I ........ you over to our honse. A) know/have invited B) have known/was going to invite C) had known/would have invited D) knew/will have invited E) will know/must have invited

If his father ...... home in time for his birthday party, Jake .... so upset now. A) would arrive/hadn't been C) had arrived/wouldn't be E) should be arriving/won't be

B) has arrived/hasn't been D) would have arrived/isn't

Noun clause ile ilgiliyse; esas yüklemin “past” olup olmamasına ve boşluktan sonraki cümlenin anlamına, tag question, so/too / either/ neither/ nor uygulamasına dikkat edin. How you look after yourself following your operation ........ whether you recover completely or not. A) was determining B) had determined C) is determined D) has been determined E) will determine I'm not sure whether I ........ able to speak German confidently when I ......... there next month as I haven't practised for so long. A) am/will go C) will be/go E) should be /am going

B) have been/went D) was/had gone

I think 'Erin Brockovich' is showing at the cinema in Moda, .........? A) isn't it B) don't I C) do I D) wasn't it E) is it

Sıfat/zarfla ilgiliyse; comp./ superl. / enough/ too/ so ..... that/ such ........that/as ...... as/ such........ as / the+ comp. ......, the+ comp. yapılarına ve cümlenin sıfata mı yoksa zarfa mı ihtiyaç duyduğuna I've had a full day's rest now and I feel much ........; at least........ enough to be able to get out of bed. A) the worst/worse B) better/well C) best/better D) good/so well E) worse/as good There is ......... a shortage of qualified teachers in England ......... the government is paying students to train in teaching. A) such/that B) so/as C) more/than D) too/than E) as/that The better I get to know him ...... . A) the more the outcome had seemed unpredictable B) I'm afraid I really can't stand him C) I realized to what extent they had been involved. D) the less I like him E) the more reliable were the data

Relative ile ilgiliyse; nitelenen ismin türüne ve boşluktan sonraki yan cümlede nitelenen isimle ilgili hangi zamirin atıldığına fiil, sıfat olarak kullanılırsa etken edilgenliğe dikkat edin. Daytime television hosts ____ drip with insincerity make it look easy and we all think we can do better. A) whose

B) which

C) whom

D) who

E) where ____ of the dangers many times by his mother, Cameron never swam in the river. A) To warn B) Having been warned C) To have warned D) Having warned E) To be warning The man who won the 'Tour de France', ____ by crowds of Parisians, came from the United States of America. A) having watched B) watched C) to watch D) to be watching E) to have been watched

bağlaç kullanımı ile ilgili ise; boşluktan sonra isim gurubu mu yoksa cümle mi kullanıldığına ve bağlacın tense gerekliliği ve anlamına dikkat edilmelidir. Şıklarında fiilin çeşitli kullanımları yer alan bir soruda önce etken / edilgenliğe ve Daha sonra da cümlenin Türkçe anlamına dikkat edilmelidir. A new TV series ....... in our neighbourhood at the moment, but it ....... until next year. A) is being filmed/won't be shown B) has been filmed/hasn't shown C) is filmed/doesn't show D) is filming/hasn't been shown E) has filmed/isn't being shown He ....... determined to start his own business at the height of this recession even though we ....... him many times against it. A) was/are warning B) had been/warn C) is/have warned D) will be/had warned E) has been/will warn ....... appearing every four to seven years as it used to, "El Nino" has now been appearing consecutively for a number of years. A) On account of B) In view of C) Because of D) In case of E) Instead of

Yukarıda bahsedilen ipuçlarının yanı sıra, gramer bölümünde bütün yapıları göz önünde bulundurarak soruları çözmemiz gerekmektedir. Anlam verilmeden belli başlı kurallara göre hemen sorunun cevabı verilmemelidir. Aksi takdirde yapı olarak uyan fakat anlam olarak problem olan soru türleriyle karşılaşabiliriz.

•Eğer soru kelime ile alakalı ise, Sınavlardaki kelime sorularını 3 başlık altında değerlendirebiliriz.

Anlama dayalı kelime soruları: Bu sorularda boşlukta bizden istenen kelimenin ya eş anlamlısı ya da kelimenin açıklaması ya da istenen kelimeyi gerektiren durum cümle içerisinde bize verilmektedir. Bu yüzden bu sorularda cümlenin tamamına hâkim olmamız gerekmektedir. Aynı zamanda sorulan kelime türü de bizim için önemlidir. Örneğin seçeneklerde verilen zarflardan hangisi cümlede verilen hangi fiili nitelemektedir.

Örnek: More women are entering ________ male jobs and it is a clear fact that these jobs are losing their convention in that matter. A) relatively B) fortunately C) traditionally D) spectacularly E) recklessly Açıklama: Bu soruda “and” den sonra verilen kısımda bu işlerin bu anlamda geleneklerini kaybettiği ifadesi verilmektedir, bu yüzden doğru cevabımız “C” seçeneğidir.

2. Kalıba dayalı kelime soruları: Bu tür kelime sorularında, boşluk için verilen seçeneklerdeki kelimelerin hepsi anlam olarak uyabilir ancak İngilizce açısından kalıp olduğu için buraya sadece tek bir seçenek uygun olacaktır.

Örnek: There are many literary figures who went further in their educations with the _________ to study a branch of science, but they all ended up being interested in literature. A) association B) remark C) emotion D) sentiment E) intention Açıklama: Bu soruda, “with the intention to” kalıbı sorulduğundan bu sorunun cevabı “E” seçeneğidir.

3. Preposition’a dayalı kelime soruları: Bu tür kelime sorularında, bize boşluktan sonra bir preposition verilir. Anlam olarak diğer seçenekler sorulsa da bir tek seçenek sadece bu preposition’ı almaktadır.

Örnek: According to new regulations of Turkish television broadcasting, films _______ on horror and violence can only be aired after midnight. A) interested B) based C) enthusiastic D) concerned E) regarded Açıklama: Bu soruda, boşluktan sonra verilen “on” preposition’ı sadece “based” için uygundur. Bu yüzden doğru cevabımız “B” seçeneğidir.

Exercises 1. The movie was very boring and many people began to leave early. By the end, most people_____. A) had already been leaving B) have left C) were already left D) had already left E) were already leaving

2. The little boy first put on one shoe and then put on _____________. A) the other B) another C) other D) others E) each other

3. Hardly ever ______ get a good job these days without a good education and enough qualifications. A) people might B) have people C) do people D) people can E) people are able to 4. It is expected that _______ be as many as 60.000 spectators for today's air show. A) it will B) there might C) perhaps may D) will it E) they could 5. All right, folks. It's time you ______ writing and ______ your paper to me. A) stopped / return C) must stop / return E) stopped / returned

B) should stop / return D) to stop / return

6. While formerly a member of the sports club, Mr. Adams ________ tennis there regularly. A) is used to playing B) used to playing C) used to play D) got used to playing E) was playing

7. Does this package belong to ___________ or it is ___________? A) her / him B) me / you C) himself / mine D) us / his E) you / their

8. Gottfried Leibniz shares the honour of _______ the theories of calculus with Sir Isaac Newton. A) the development B) having developed C) develop D) he develops E) develops

9. Although most adopted individuals want the right to know who their natural parents are, some who have found them wish they ______ the experience of meeting them. A) hadn't B) don't have to have C) hadn't had D) wouldn't have E) couldn't have

10. The Ford Theatre where Lincoln was shot ______ because it looks cleaner and more modern now. A) could restore B) needs to be restored C) should have been restored D) must have been restored E) were supposed to be restored 11. It's _____ difficult to decide who is to blame in _____ cases as there are many factors involved. A) therefore / so B) too / much C) rather / such D) that / many E) very / a lot

12. Can I pay you back next week? I am very short ____ money _____ present. A) off / for B) of / at C) from / to D) for / by E) on / with 13. ______ the harsh climatic conditions, hardly anyone is able to live in that part of the country for very long. A) In spite of B) By means of C) Without D) Since E) Owing to 14. I reckon he'll be a great asset to the firm, _______ he really does have a good eye for business. A) although B) for C) therefore D) thus E) owing to

15. He said we were on no account _________ the meeting before he came. A) having started B) start C) to start D) being started E) started 16. We would like to talk to _____________, not to _____________ secretary. A) her / her B) him / yours C) you / yours D) theirs / them E) yourself / your

17. He should have saved more money _____________ buy a more comfortable car. A) otherwise B) so that C) in addition to D) so as to E) as well as

18. If you delay _____________your application form to the agency, you're most likely to lose the opportunity _____________the job. A) send / get B) sending / to get C) to send / getting D) to send / to be got E) sending / getting

19. She was fed up ______his incessant complaints, and she walked ______the room. A) on / into B) with / through C) of / from D) with / out of E) by / outside 20. You cannot save enough money for such an aim _____________you work harder in these economic conditions. A) because B) due to C) even if D) despite E) as though

21. ______ he'll be busy studying for his exam, he won't be able to accompany us. A) When B) So C) Therefore D) Although E) As 22. I wish my friends ___ here now and ____ you the drawbacks of working abroad. A) are/ will tell B) were / could tell C) have been / told D) will be / have told E) had been / were able to tell 23. The inhabitants of some areas _____________ are far from the city centre are complaining about the lack of infrastructure services. A) where B) whom C) -----D) when E) which

24. Both dresses are elegant, but I think _____________ one suits you better. A) the cheaper B) cheap C) the cheapest D) another cheap E) so cheap 25. The announcement of the results ______ by the time we _______ at the competition hall unless we hurry up. A) would be made / arrive B) had made / arrived C) are going to make / have arrived D) will have been made / arrive E) would make / arrived

26. She seems to be enjoying the game and __________. A) so her partner won't B) her partner doesn't C) so does her partner D) her partner isn't, either E) neither does her partner

27. He didn't want to think of the years ________he was at the boarding school. A) during which B) what C) of which D) which E) that 28. Since none of the candidates ________ eligible for the position, the headquarters _______ to appoint somebody among the staff here. A) had been / have decided B) was / decided C) can be / decides D) has been / had decided E) were / will be decided 29. After working six hours on the computer, she _____________ listless. So, she _________ her friends going for a stroll. A) feels / didn't join B) felt / won't join C) has felt / didn't join D) was feeling / hadn't join E) felt / couldn't join

30. I am afraid you cannot see the manager _____________ the beginning of the next week when he will be back from abroad. A) by B) after C) during D) as soon as E) until 31. Children _____________ the actions of their elders blindly most of the time without thinking the reason behind them. A) have imitated B) were imitating C) imitated D) imitate E) are imitating 32. From ancient times to the present day, fire ___________ many useful purposes both inside and outside of houses. A) had served B) has served C) served D) serves E) is serving

33. The taxi driver seems certain that the plane _____________ off yet by the time we _____________ at the airport. A) aren’t going to take/arrive B) hadn’t taken/have arrived C) have not taken/were arriving D) won’t take /have arrived E) won’t have taken/arrive 34. In my opinion, he ___________ anything about the plan before it was put into effect. He isn’t somebody trustworthy. A) should not have been told B) must not be told C) cannot have told D) was not supposed to tell E) didn’t have to tell

35. As she _____ the house, she ______ that there were several strange-looking men inside. A) was approaching / has witnessed B) approached / had witnessed C) is approaching / will see D) has approached / is going to witness E) approached / witnessed

36. His uncle ____ in the hospital for two weeks because of a broken hip after he _____ off a horse. A) is going to stay / fell B) has been staying / has fallen C) stayed / fell D) was staying / had fallen E) had been staying / had fallen 37. __________ that land was known as Siam, but its modern name is Thailand. A) Constantly B) Originally C) Haphazardly D) At last E) Shortly

38. A few people enjoyed the exhibition, but the majority were clearly ________. A) restrained B) admirable C) relieved D) impartial E) disappointed

39. We couldn't find any _____________ to go sightseeing during our stay in Istanbul. We were busy with our appointments. A) opportunity B) fault C) occasion D) courage E) facility 40. Some psychologists accuse parents of _____________ their children. This is the main reason for character disorders in these children. A) depriving B) neglecting C) rearing D) appreciating E) loving 41. Birth rate in rural areas is ____________ high, compared with urban areas. A) ultimately B) simply C) spontaneously D) remarkably E) thoroughly

42. I was able to recognize him _____________, because he hadn't changed much over the years. A) at first glance B) all of a sudden C) on the whole D) most of all E) at random 43. How can you make such a/an _____________ against him ? Can you prove what you have just said? A) investigation B) conclusion C) accusation D) inclination E) validity 44. Alcohol taken in large amounts can cause _____________brain damage. It is impossible to remove such damage. A) permanent B) deliberate C) hazardous D) domestic E) appropriate

45. Their financial aid _____________ us to overcome the crisis which our company was in, and thus we are grateful to them. A) expanded B) evaluated C) vanished D) included E) enabled 46. During the early stages of ___________, instincts are effective on babies’ behaviour and there is no logical thinking as to what to do. A) adulthood B) adolescence C) infancy D) offspring E) kinship

47. Pouring cold water on a burn will not cure it, but it will certainly ________ the pain. A) assist B) relieve C) defeat D) demolish E) evacuate

48. I very much like her latest book, but it is almost impossible to _____ fact from fiction in it. A) contain B) present C) describe D) distinguish E) derive 49. The use of language as a/an _____ of communication is so ancient that it’s origins are not known. A) means B) field C) target D) aim E) publicity 50. Because of lack of rain, most of the agricultural crops have been ruined and the farmers’ ____ are in danger. A) nutrients B) moods C) famines D) livelihoods E) substances

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