_01 Math Syllabus 09-10

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  • Words: 697
  • Pages: 2
Bethune Junior High School 2009-2010 Teacher E-mail Phone Website

Ms. Clashman [email protected] 602-452-6853 www.bethunemath.wordpress.com

Materials Needed:

Ms. Clashman is available before school, at lunch, or after school in room 205 by appointment.

2 pencils (mechanical preferred) eraser pencil sharpner 2 red correcting pens 2 dry erase markers zipper pouch 4 spiral notebooks (1 Math, 1 LA, 1 Science, 1 S.S.) 3 pocket folders (1 Math, 1 LA, 1 S.S.) 1.5” three-ring binder (needed for all your classes, 1 section dedicated to math)

Class Description: Trimes ter 1: August 5 – Nov ember 6 (62 days) August

Rational Number Operations Factors and Fractions September Ratio, Proportion & Percent October Integer Operations Variables and Equations

Trimes ter 2: N ovember 9 – March 5 (67 days) November December January February

Solving equations and Inequalities Multi-step equations and Inequalities Linear Equations and Graphs Polygons and Transformations Measurement, area, and volume

Trimes ter 3: Ma rch 15 - M ay 26 (51 days) March April May

Data Analysis and Probability Data Analysis and Probability Capstone Project

AIMS: April 13-19

Grading Summary

Students will be allowed to demonstrate how well they are making sense of the mathematics in many ways. Below is a grading summary. Participation (5 points weekly) Participating in discussions and activities is important in helping students make sense of math. Students rate themselves at the end of each week on how well they participated throughout the week. The rubric for grading participation is available on the website.

Journals/Reflections (5 points each) It is very important to be able to communicate math in writing. Therefore, journals also figure into the grade. Journals are used for problem solving, communicating and understanding, and summarizing concepts learned. Journals will be collected periodically. The rubric for grading participation is available on the website.

Homework (5 points possible for each homework assignment) Students will be given assignments on a regular basis for reinforcement of the math topics being discussed. Work mu st be sh ow n and h ome work is t o be done i n pe ncil. . Homework that is not completed will result in loss of d res s dow n privileges. The rubric for grading homework is available on the website.

Extra Credit (2 points possible per w eek) New extra credit will be provided on Monday and is to be turned in by the end of the student’s hour on Friday, in the homework box.

Vocabulary (1 point for each word listed and correctly defined) Understanding mathematical terminology is necessary for developing mathematical understanding. Students will periodically be given vocabulary words to list and define.

Partner Quizzes (Points vary) All quizzes are done with a partner. Students are assessed on “putting their heads together” since a lot of what we do in class is explored with others. Points will be assigned based on the individual questions.

Assessments/Projects (Points vary) At the end of each unit an individual assessment is given. This serves as an opportunity for students to show what they, as individuals, have learned from the whole unit. Points will be assigned based on the amount of work asked for to solve each problem. Not all problems are awarded the same number of points. F ailing tes ts mu st be si gne d by p are nt s. Students may also be assigned a project at the end of the unit, which will be graded based on the amount of work asked for each project.

Grading Sca le:

4= 3= 2= 1=

Exceeding Standards Meeting Standards Approaching Standards Area of Concern

= = = =

100 – 90% 89 – 80% 79 – 65% <65%

If a s tu de nt is not satis fie d wi th thei r as se s sme nt sc ore, the y m ay app roach th e te ache r and requ est a re take of the asse ssm ent. Th e re t ak e will occ ur on th e s tu dent’ s tim e be fore or af te r sch ool. The re t ak e p eri od will be 1 month f rom the origi nal ass es sme nt date.

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