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Four Flying Catalyst stars' 144 Theorems & 576 Trends 【命宮四化在十二宮論法】 [Theorem of Life palace's catalyst stars flying to 12 palaces] 一、命宮四化: 1. Life palace’s catalyst stars: > 四化(忌):坎坷不順,固執己見,心煩,易犯小人,少運不佳四十歲前守財不牢,災厄多。 (宜上班) > Hua Ji: Hard life, full of difficulties, stubbornly opinionated, frustrated, offended vile people, poor luck during youth, unable to retain wealth before 40 years old, many calamities. Prone to work at young age. > 生年化忌入本命或自化忌:想不開, 跟自已過意不去,有悲觀的思想。 > Birth Hua Ji in Life palace or Life palace's Hua Ji fly back to itself: Depressed, unable to sort matters out, has pessimistic thoughts. > 四化(祿、科):聰明、清秀、人緣佳,衣食不缺,樂天命,好客,好學藝.助人為樂,解厄之功。 > Hua Lu or Ke: Intelligent, refined, good human relations, well-provided, optimistic, friendly, good at learning, helpful, resolves calamities. > 四化(權):自視高、任性、霸權、機智,能力才幹型,不易接受別人意見,主觀強,愛出風頭,做事有責任。 > Hua Quan: Thinks highly of himself, willful, domineering, witty, capable, not easily accept others' opinions, strongly opinionated, likes to show off, responsibly. > 逢自化:心情不穩定。自化(祿、科)較樂天,自化(權)主觀強不認輸。 > Self Huas: Unstable emotions. (Self Lu/Ke): optimistic. (Self Quan): Opinionated, doesn't accept defeat. 二、命宮四化入兄弟宮: 2. Life palace's catalyst stars flying to Siblings palace > 四化(忌):入兄弟或交友衝兄弟,主較無緣,不易溝通。欠債忌,宜精神來往,不利金錢物質來往.若來往 易損財。 > Hua Ji: Fly to Siblings/Friends palace clash Siblings, person has no affinity with siblings, unable to communicate. Owning Ji, only benefits non-material relations, inauspicious for wealth-related relations. If related to wealth, will have wealth loss . > 四化(祿、科):相處不錯,好客喜廣交朋友,四海之內皆兄弟與姐妹。 > Hua Lu/Ke: Person gets along quite well with siblings, friendly and has wide circle of friends from all kinds of background. Hua Quan : Lots of conflicts, like to control siblings. Meet Self Hua (Lu, Quan, Ke, Ji) : Easy to have revolts with, or has ungrateful siblings. Siblings easy to suffer loss or disaster. Birth Year Ji, Hua Ji in Self/Destiny/Ming or Fortune/Happiness/Karma Hua Ji to Siblings or Friends line is known as Debt Ji. 3. Life Palace 4 Hua to Spouse Palace : Hua Ji : Indebted to Spouse, unnecessary concern. Cherish wife, does not emphasize career but emphasize spouse, easy to have quarrels. Hua Lu/Ke : Get along well, respect each other. Lu is to give the other party, Ke

is more towards cherish love, cherish the other party. Hua Quan : Disputes, like to control the other party, causes stress to the other party. Spouse meets Self Hua (Lu, Quan, Ke, Ji) : The other party is ungrateful, does not pay attention to, does not accept (the native), not easy to get married from first relationship. Self Hua Quan : Very subjective, will not accept defeat, like to control spouse. Self Hua Lu/Ke : Likes shopping. *** Need someone who knows Chinese to verify Self Hua Ji : The other party takes thing too hard, making life difficult for him/herself. 4. Life Palace 4 Hua to Children / Offspring Palace : Hua Ji : Concern about Children, indebted to Children (clash Wealth Storage [Property], harm Wealth Storage yourself). Indebted to peach blossom (search for peach blossom yourself). Not suitable to be shareholder (investor), not easy to communicate with children (especially the first child). Spouse Ji : Native gets entangled like a magnet. Spouse's Karma Ji : Offend (bad) peach blossom, easy to encounter gossip, same applies to Birth Year Ji. Children Palace incoming Hua means peach blossom is initiated by others, peach blossom from external. Life Palace 4 Hua into Children Palace means the native needs to search for peach blossom. Hua Lu/Ke : Good relationship with children, respect each other, same applies to Birth Year 4 Hua. Emphasize socializing, good in public relations, suitable for Public Relations industry. For example, music and movie industries, restaurant. Hua Quan : Control children, not easy to communicate, likely to abuse children. Native should advocate "use softness to control hardness/strong". Quan : Native has strong desires, meeting people not close (to native), can be easily harmed by ferocious force. Huan Quan/Ji : Not favorable for children, also not suitable to be shareholder (investment), easy to get into power and benefit struggle, PR easily succumb to power struggle, higher probability if meet Qing Yang. (Quan : Power struggle from shareholders, Ji : Shareholders hurts wealth). Easy to encounter accidents, native should pay attention to bloodshed from surgery. The same applies to Birth Year Quan Ji, same for Karma Ji. Meet Self Hua (Lu, Quan, Ke, Ji) : Rebellious children; females should pay attention to miscarriage, gynaecological diseases. Male should pay attention to venereal diseases (STD), surgery at bottom half of the body. Higher probability if meet Qing Yang. 5. Life Palace 4 Hua to Wealth Palace : Hua Ji : Difficult to make money, no enjoyment, cannot make money. Hua Lu/Quan/Ke : Emphasis to make money, comparatively lucky, can make money. Meet Self Hua (Lu, Quan, Ke, Ji) : Unable to keep the money made.

Self Hua Quan : Large financial loss. Self Hua Ji : Smaller financial loss. Self Hua Lu/Ke : Average financial loss. Wealth Self Hua brings out Birth Year (Lu, Quan, Ke, Ji), differentiate internal/external auspicious/inauspicious. For example, Wealth Self Hua Ke, Birth Year Ke at Siblings Palace, means outflow to siblings. (Without Birth Year 4 Hua, Self Hua causes bigger outflow; with Birth Year 4 Hua, Self Hua causes less outflow) 6. Life Palace 4 Hua to Health Palace : Hua Ji : Love ownself type, unable to open up entangled heart, indebted to ownself (pity life), narcissism, very subjective, very lonesome. Meet Quan : becomes stronger, heavy responsibility with no leisure time. Self Hua (Lu, Quan, Ke, Ji) : Capable person have more work, no leisure time. (Meet Self Hua : Unstable mood [mood swings]) Life Palace, Fortune/Happiness Palace, Health Palace meet Self Hua : Unstable mood (mood swings), related to the native. Self Hua Lu/Ke : Comparatively better, happy go lucky. Self Hua Quan : Unstable mood (mood swings), relatively violent or scold people. Self Hua Ji : Take things too hard, not happy with own self. 7. Life Palace 4 Hua to Travel Palace : Hua Quan/Ji : Not smooth when travelling, easy to have gossips, pay attention to accidents. Hua Lu/Ke : Like to travel, easy to travel, easy to get along with people (benefactors), peach blossom, have luck with food. *** Need someone good with Chinese to see if 有食祿 means plenty to eat Ke easy to encounter old friends, Hua Ke easy to meet benefactors when travelling. Hua Lu enhances luck for food. *** Same here Meet Self Hua (Lu, Quan, Ke, Ji) : Travelling does not last long, thoughts of returning home after going out, stay with in-laws. Self Hua Quan/Ji : Higher tendency to travel, pay attention to travel accidents. Self Hua Lu/Ke : Happy go luck, good relation with others. Self Hua Quan : Conflicts with others, opinionated. Self Hua Ji : Not in a good mood, pay attention to malefactors. Travel Palace is also the Doom Palace, when Annual Year, Annual Month enters the palace clashed by Travel Palace's Hua Ji, high possibilities for fatal accidents. Higher possibilities if that Palace meets Quan/Ji, Ke/Ji, Lu/Ji, or Karma Ji. 8. Life Palace 4 Hua to Friends (aka Servant) Palace : Enjoys going out and chat with friends, emphasizes socializing, emphasizes relations. Hua Quan/Ji : A lot of gossips, disputes, like to control friends. Hua Lu/Ke : Generally good. Meet Self Hua (Lu, Quan, Ke, Ji) : Ungrateful friends, does not care. Self Hua Lu/Ke : Friends are generally optimistic, easy to get along, courteous. Self Hua Quan : Friends are ferocious, easy for power struggle. Self Hua Ji : Friends are not in a good mood, upset, not good in communication. Accompanied by Tian Yao, Ju Men, friends love smoking. 9. Life Palace 4 Hua to Career Palace : Hua Ji : Clash Spouse, seldom together and separated most of the time with Spouse, emphasizes career and little emphasis with spouse. Wants to exert career but plenty of obstacles. Not smooth, not easy to get promotion. Hua Lu/Ke : Smoother, easier for career development. Same applies to Birth Year

Lu/Ke. Hua Quan : Heavier responsibility at work, or have promotion. Same applies to Birth Year Quan. Hua Lu/Quan/Ke/Ji : Emphasizes career. Self Hua Lu/Ke : Not bad if wants to change job, relatively easy. Self Hua Ji : Not good to change job, not good to keep on changing jobs. Should keep (the existing job). Self Hua Quan : The more career change, more responsibilities and busy, easy for promotion. Meet Self Hua (Lu/Quan/Ke/Ji) : Unable to keep the outer edge. If have mistress, will lose her after a period of time. 10. Life Palace 4 Hua to Property Palace : Hua Ji : A lot of housechores, usually have gossips. Feeling troubled at home. Hua Lu/Ke : Generally free and easy at home, emphasizes food, like to be home, matches Tai Xing personality. *** Need help to translate 配台星性 Hua Quan : Same applies to Birth Year Quan. Unable to idle at home, toiling contribution. Use fists as leader, controls the home, easy to have disputes with family members. Hua Lu/Quan/Ke/Ji : Emphasizes family, emphasizes purchase of property. Meet Self Hua Lu/Quan/Ke/Ji : Family luck unstable, likes movement, shift house. But generally better for Self Hua Lu/Ke. Self Hua Quan : Will keep buying property, and will buy bigger and bigger. Self Hua Ji : Fluctuation or shift house, family luck not smooth. Double Self Hua (Heart moves away from center, heart moves toward center) : Family, ancestors fight over fixed assets, same applies to this generation. 配台星性 : complements/enhances the accompanying major star's characteristics 食祿 : material wealth 11. Life Palace 4 Hua to Fortune/Happiness/Karma Palace : Hua Ji : Unable to enjoy, loss of wealth, laborous/painstaking. Includes Birth Year Hua Ji in Fortune. Birth Year Ji, Karma Ji, Fortune has Birth Year Ji and Self Hua Ji, easy to take things too hard and commit suicide, higher possibility when Decade Palace enters it. Hua Lu/Ke : Able to enjoy life (emphasizes vitality/vigor), abundance of wealth, emphasizes reputation. Hua Quan : Opinioned, generally toiled, capable person have more work, superior enjoyment. Meet Self Hua Lu/Quan/Ke/Ji : Moody Self Hua Lu/Ke : Optimistic Self Hua Quan : Moody or scold people, opinionated, ferocious, rebellious. Self Hua Quan at Fortune Palace, shares good fortune with others. The same applies to Life or Health Palace Self Hua Quan. Self Hua Ji : Indebted to ownself, take things too hard, unable to enjoy. The same

applies to Life or Health Palace Self Hua Ji. 12. Life Palace 4 Hua to Parents Palace : Hua Lu/Ke : Filial/High respect to parents and elderlies, good treatment to parents, respect superiors. Hua Lu means a lot of respect. Decade, Annual, or Month enters Hua Ke native fickle/irresponsible. *** Need help with 化科主撒嬌 Hua Quan : Control parents, disrespect to parents, gives pressure to parents and superiors. Hua Ji : Care about parents, rely on parents, not easy to get along, indebted to parents. 撒嬌 = act like a spoiled child Birth Year Heaven Stem, Lai Yin Palace at each Palace's rule/law : Lai Yin Palace at the 12 Palaces : Life Palace : Rely on ownself, good or bad luck determined by own self. Higher tendency in Life Palace, Fortune Palace, Health Palace. Siblings Palace : Rely on siblings or other beings, must borrow from others' power/strength. Spouse Palace : Rely on Spouse. If unmarried, borrow from others' popularity. Peach blossom. Form of popularity depends on the referenced star. Easy to have external fate's interference, check if 4 Hua enter internal palaces. Children/Offspring Palace : Borrow from Public Relations popularity, easy to have PB interference from external parties, a lot of socializing (if Children 4 Hua to Property or Wealth), travelling (at internal, having children will bring wealth) *** Need help to translate 生產以後有財庫 Wealth Palace : Independent category, good for 4 Hua to fly to internal palaces, bad for external palaces. Health Palace : Independent category. Fate is determined by ownself. Travel : When going outside, rely on public relations. Birth Year Lai Yin : At Children Palace, Travel Palace, good luck going abroad for the entire life, belongs to travelling afar category. Friends/Servant Palace : Borrow fate from other beings, borrow strength from others, dependent on others category, need to look at others face/mood, must know how to make good relation from others. Career Palace : Own strength category. Prefers to fly to internal palaces. Easy to encounter interference from external parties. Properties : Rely on ownself including ancestors, flies to internal is good (has help from ancestors), external is no good (no help from ancestors). Fortune/Happiness/Mental/Karma Palace : Rely on ownself including ancestors. Parents : Rely on superiors, seniors, or parents for basic help. Must form good relation with superiors and seniors (flies to internal palace means getting help from parents, no good if flies to external) Important when doing fate analysis : Analyze 3 charts [Life, Decade, Annual], go back to Life Chart at the end.

1. First look at Birth Year 4 Hua's Lai Yin Palace. 2. Then look at Decade 4 Hua. 3. Lastly, look at Annual 4 Hua. How to look at Life Palace's 4 Hua : 1. Whether has Early Heaven (Birth Year), hoping there is a way to change to bad/good in Later Heaven (Life Palace). If there exists Early Heaven and Later Heaven that overlaps, it becomes more powerful, good times become better, bad times become worse. 2. To look at Annual luck, look at that year's Liu Nian, usually set at that year's chart. For example, this year's Annual Life sits on Siblings-Friends line, next year's Liu Nian [Annual Life] sits on Life-Travel, human related matters is usually unstable. 3. Still need to look at Dou Jun, every year's Dou Jun on which palace, represents the Qi of that palace. For example, at Property : Either conflict at the farm land or factory has problem and unstable. (Property represents problem with the family's luck). Tai Yang Hua Quan/Lu at Life Palace is a boss [of own business] chart, at 6 internal increases capabilities. Wu Qu Hua Lu : Unyielding personality, good at making money (Life Palace), at 6 internal palace increases capabilities. Wu Qu Hua Quan : Wu Qu is a Wealth Star, favors Wealth. Tai Yang as the lord of Career. Wen Qu, Ju Men Hua Ji : At Life Palace, Fortune/Happiness Palace, Health Palaces, fussy at food and does not eat much, no good appetite, easy to offend people with their words, straightforward. Ju Men Hua Lu : Emphasizes taste, food, likes snacks [junk food]. Increases tendencies if at Life Palace, Fortune Palace, Health Palace, Property Palace, at Children/Offspring Palace native [likes to] eat outside. Po Jun meeting Weu Qu Hua Ji : Avoid swimming, easy to encounter water related disasters. Tian Ji meeting Wen Qu Hua Ji : Avoid swimming, easy to get cramps. Life Palace sits at Water squares (Hai, Zi, Chou) : Avoid swimming. Water related disasters : Same applies to Tian Yao, Po Jun, Wen Qu, Tian Ji not necessarily Hua Ji combined together. Life Palace, Travel Palace, Parents Palace, Health Palace (on Life Palace) Hua Ji avoid swimming, same applies to Decade. Wen Qu Hua Ji on Life Palace : At young age, does not like eating rice or like to cry, soft/weak hearted. Ju Men Hua Ji to Health Palace : Regardless of any star Hua Ji at Life Palace, Health Palace, native feels sorry for ownself. Soft/weak hearted, like to cry. Tai Yang, Tai Yin meeting Hua Ji : When Annual Life enters it, easy to have relationship failure. Because Tai Yang, Tai Yin represents male-female relationship.

Life Palace Zi Wei, Po Jun : With Qi Sha, Tan Lang (Sha-Po-Lang configuration) impatient, daring, like to boss around, does not like common work, like to quick career progress regardless of good or bad, does not think of the consequences, do first talk later. These 4 stars only need to (triangulate / San He), or if not present in Life Chart the same applies if Decade Life enters Sha-Po-Lang configuration : (Zi Wei, Po Jun), (Zi Wei, Qi Sha), (Zi Wei, Tan Lang) residing in the same palace will meet Sha-Po-Lang at San Fang. There an argument that meeting Birth Year Quan will increase the effects. Life Palace, Fortune Palace, Health Palace and Body Palace having Sha-Po-Lang configuration will be impatient, including meeting at San Fang, extrovert and does not stay quiet for long. Life Palace, Travel Palace has Tian Ji or Tai Yin Hua Lu : Likes to swim, get close to nature, same applies to Decade. Tai Yin, Tian Ji residing on the same palace or shining [opposite of] each other is also counted. (Tai Yin : Sea, Tian Ji : Trees and Woods, mountains and rivers) Tai Yang, Tai Yin : At Life Palace, Health Palace, Fortune Palace native has dual personalities. Life Palace 4 Hua to Travel Palace : Always on the move (Need help to verify 驛馬), going abroad, outgoing. Life Palace 4 Hua to Children Palace : Entire life on the move (Life Palace, Fortune Palace, Health Palace) Heart moving away. Meeting Self Hua : making life difficult for ownself, emotional, having second thoughts, indecisive. Self Hua Lu : Take things easy, optimistic Self Hua Quan : Opinionated, does not admit defeat, rebellious Self Hua Ke : Emphasizes reputation, emphasizes vitality/vigor, take things easy Self Hua Ji : Take things too hard, make life difficult for ownself, easy to offend malefactor people. Lu Cun star : Belongs to frugal, need to study which Palace it is at, then explain which person is frugal. At (Life Palace, Fortune Palace, Health Palace), the native is more frugal. At Spouse Palace, explains Spouse is more frugal. At Parents Palace, explains Parents more frugal. Lu Cun as the king of wealth (not indirect wealth), is more frugal, miserly, toil to be frugal, toil in order to save money, always thinking of frugal. At 6 internal palace can also explain being frugal for the native. Birth Year Lu, Ji decides the entire life's configuration. Lu, Ji residing on the same palace : counted as double Ji, not good, not favorable, not favored in any palace. Look for Decade. Birth Year : Lu at internal, Ji at external : emptiness.

Birth Year : Lu at external, Ji at internal : Definitely has rich configuration. For example, meat as Lu, Dog as Ji. Lu, Ji both at external is also not good, because the rule of Lu follows Ji away. Lu, Ji residing at the same palace becomes double Ji. Lu, Ji residing at internal but different palaces, is insignificant [no impact]. Siblings, Friends 4 Hua at 12 Palaces Siblings/Friends Palace : Siblings-Friends line can be used to see friendship grade, high or low structure. If Siblings Palace, Friends Palace has too many stars, or has Wen Chang, Wen Qu, Zuo Fu, You Bi entering, and Birth Year 4 Hua pair facing internal, represents making low grade friends (Life Chart does not examine Decade Siblings-Friends line). First look at Life Friends Palace, Siblings Palace, then look at Decade Friends Palace, Siblings Palace. Examine behaviors of the stars. Friends Palace 4 Hua to : Property, Career, Wealth, belongs to material help. But Hua Ji will clash, therefore no material help. 6 relationship palace can also be analyzed similarly. Friends Palace 4 Hua to : Life Palace, Health Palace, Fortune Palace, means mental support. But Hua Ji will clash, therefore no fate and cannot get along. 6 relationship palace can also be analyzed similarly. In the above 4 Hua or Ji flying in, and meet Self Hua, the native will exclude, reject [Friends]. Friends Palace Hua Ji clash Property Palace : Easy to lose wealth, not helpful to family. Clash Career Palace : No help for career, cannot do business together. Clash Wealth Palace : Easy to lose wealth. Friends Palace is also Spouse Palace's Health Palace. Use Friends Palace Hua Ji and clash : Health Palace : Be wary of Parents Palace. Clash Life Palace : Be wary of Travel Palace. Clash Wealth Palace : Be wary of Fortune Palace. Spouse Palace means no fate, seldom close and separated most of the time, inclined towards late marriage configuration. If the native is a boss, Friends Palace is the employee and subordinate's palace. If Friends Palace meets Self Hua, high turnover of employees, rebellious in nature. Joint venture with friends does not last long, no help. (use Birth Year or Decade or Annual to analyze) Quan, Ji generally no good, has dispute or disaster (same applies to Self Hua Quan, Self Hua Ji), indicates unstable employees emotion. Siblings-Friends line is the Parents' Spouse Palace. If there is Birth Year 4 Hua : (Double image, 3 image two stars as Ke, Lu) Parents have affairs, 2 wives. 3 image means external [Peach Blossom?] fate. (If there are 3 stars 3 image, 4 Hua : pay attention to [love] feelings. Birth Year Ke at Siblings Palace, Friends Palace : Emphasizes relationship with friends, hospitable, cherish relations.

Siblings-Friends line has Birth Year Ke, Lu : Should work in Service Industry. Siblings-Friends line has 4 Hua clashing each other : Quan-Ji represents disaster. Ke-Ji more tendency for gossips. Siblings-Friends : Stops disaster from outside. Parents-Health : Stops disaster belonging to Early Heaven. Decade Parents-Health : Stops disasters belonging to Later Heaven. Siblings Palace : Parents' Spouse Palace. Friends Palace 4 Hua to Life Palace, Property, Wealth generally has wealth luck, has help (Later Heaven). (Lu, Quan, Ke : Greater help. Ji : Lesser help, limited help, small amount becoming more). Life Palace, Health Palace : Look at fate with friends. Hua (Lu/Quan/Ke/Ji depends on the Zodiac) look at Later Heaven for this life's karma, Birth Year Heaven Stem Hua Lu-Quan-Ke-Ji previous life's karma. For example : Birth Year Tan Lang Hua Ji at Life Palace, Lai Yin Palace at (Gui, Quan) : Rat and Pig people as karma from previous life, Rooster/You has Ke : as past life's karma. Ren Xu at Life Palace : Dog (has Ji) as past life's karma. Wu Wu at Wealth : Horse (has Lu) as past life's karma. Birth Year 4 Hua location, zodiac belongs to past life's karma. Birth Year Heaven Stem Lai Yin Palace location, zodiac belongs to past life's karma. Karma Ji's location, zodiac as past life's karma. Karma Ji's location, opposite palace's zodiac is also past life's karma. Life Palace has Tan Lang Hua Ji : For itself Hua Quan : At Si has Goat zodiac as this life's karma. Hua Lu : At Wu has Horse zodiac as this life's karma, also has past life's karma. Health Palace has Tai Yang Hua Lu (Geng stem) Monkey as this life's karma. Xin stem Tai Yang Hua Quan : Rooster has Birth Year 4 Hua, past life's karma. Jia stem Tai Yang Hua Ji : Rat is this life's karma. Jia stem Hua into Tiger is also consider having karma. Determine Life and Death : Friends Palace (from external), Health Palace (ownself). Friends Palace 4 Hua has Quan/Ji into Health Palace or Life Palace : Will hurt ownself. Including Friends Palace has Quan/Ji : Pay attention to Friends, because friends has disasters. Including Birth Year or Quan/Ji exchange, Siblings-Friends line will affect our

life. Spouse Palace 4 Hua to 12 Palaces Spouse Palace, Career Palace has Di Kong, Di Jie, marriage easy to face obstacles, the other half sought by the native is for the eldest son or daughter, and religious. Spouse Palace Heaven Stem 4 Hua : Know Spouse's career nature. Spouse Palace 4 Hua to Parents Palace : Work in the public sector. Spouse Palace 4 Hua to Health Palace : Private sector or self employed. Spouse Palace 4 Hua to Children Palace : Belongs to the Public Relations sector, Education sector, field work. Spouse Palace 4 Hua to Property Palace : Shop/Store sector, back office work. Spouse Palace 4 Hua to Spouse Palace's 3 He location : Easier to be own boss, work structure type of person easy to be supervisor or manager. Spouse Palace sitting on Jia and Yi Heaven Stem : Not easy to get married from first love. Sitting on Geng stem : Tends to have [someone] married before or [going through] marriage counselling, or divorcee. After marriage, there is affair and peach blossom or marrying old people. Female Career Palace, as to a female's Career Palace sitting on Geng Stem : Same explanation to Spouse Palace. Stronger effect if all 3 palaces meet Self Hua at the same time. To determine marriage : Spouse Palace, Wealth Palace, Friends Palace has Self Hua, easy to have life and death separation or divorce. Not able to share feelings, strange bedfellows. Solution : Native should marry late or reduce intimacy and increase separation (live separately). Same reading for Decade and Annual, implies that the target is easy to get emotional, mood swings.

Spouse Palace : [If] Hong Luan [is present] will have more daughters, Tian Xi will have more sons. For reference. Spouse Palace 4 Hua to Parents Palace : Marriage is introduced/arranged by elders, marriage by agreement from parents. Spouse Palace 4 Hua to Health Palace : Have [sexual] relationship first before marriage, [literally means] go up the car first and buy ticket later. Not definite if meets Self Hua. Spouse Palace 4 Hua to Property Palace : The opposite sex pursues me automatically,

automatically gives [himself/herself] freely to me, the partner brings wealth over. Tian Liang, Ju Men, Tai Yang, Birth Year Quan sits on Spouse Palace : Bigger age difference between husband and wife. (Career Palace has Hua Quan also the same) Yue Ma or Yi Ma sitting on Spouse Palace : Spouse always on the move or someone from afar, foreigner, gain wealth because of husband or wife. Spouse Palace Birth Year Hua Lu : Early marriage fate, but not necessarily early marriage. (If too early will have affair with the opposite sex). Spouse Palace meets Self Hua, difficult to get married from first relationship. Spouse Palace has Ju Men or Po Jun Hua Lu : Excellent fate (luck) with the opposite sex, little fate with spouse. Spouse Palace : Analyze spousal marriage treatment (Looking at Life Spouse Palace, Decade Spouse Palace, and Year Spouse Palace). Look at Life Spouse Palace : Natal fate. Look at Decade Spouse Palace : Decade 10 years good and bad, representing treatment [to each other]. Look at Annual Spouse Palace : Represents 1 year good and bad. Spouse Palace 4 Hua to Property : The other party pays to buy house, helps in bringing in wealth, the other party has a laborous life. Birth Year 4 Hua at Property : Likely to stay in the bottom (ground floor) room. Property Palace 4 Hua to Spouse Palace : Buy house for wife or husband, use the other party's name to 置產. (Meeting Self Hua is not counted, will reject and not accepted). Male native righteous : At Life Palace, Health Palace, Property Palace, Career Palace, Wealth Palace, Fortune Palace has Tai Yang Hua Quan, Tian Ji Hua Quan, Tian Tong Hua Quan, Zi Wei Hua Quan, Tian Liang Hua Quan, Wu Qu Hua Quan, Tan Lang Hua Quan, opinionated, does not admit defeat, do things responsibly. Female independent (career) woman : At Life Palace, Health Palace, Property Palace, Career Palace, Wealth Palace, Fortune Palace has Tai Yin Hua Quan, Ju Men Hua Quan, Po Jun Hua Quan, Tan Lang Hua Quan, Wu Qu Hua Quan, capable people doing more work, no leisure time, opinionated, does not admit defeat, do things responsibly. Self Hua at 6 internal palaces : Manipulate ownself, tendency to act as the heart wants. Self Hua in different stars, should be the star's original [not making sense to me]

Spouse Palace has Birth Year Quan : Regardless of which star Hua Quan, age gap of spouse is big. Remarry (renew marriage vow) after a long time. Hong Luan or Tian Xi enters Life/Body Palace : Early marriage luck, not necessarily marry early. Annual Life reaches [these stars], easy to have relationship fate with the opposite sex to appear but not necessarily getting married. Female destiny (Life Palace) with Ju Men Hua Lu, and Wen Chang or Wen Qu in Life : Water poplar (Lecherous), not loyal in relationship. Children Palace, Spouse Palace 4 Hua to external (Siblings, Friends, Spouse, Children, Travel) : Cohabitation (live together without marriage). The same applies to Spouse-Friends and Spouse-Children flying hua to Children Palace. Stronger with Friends Palace. Female destiny : Xin year Stem, especially Xin-Mao (as dead door), easy (likely) to cohabitate, total husband fate, strong likelihood of divorce. Male needs to pay attention, especially Xin-Mao, easy to suffer financial loss. Birth Year Hua Quan/Ke at Career-Spouse line : Easy to be own boss, easy for promotion, good education luck. Need to analyze Birth Year Heaven Stem Lai Yin Palace, 6 internal palace strong, 6 external palace weak. Life Palace, Wealth Palace, Career Palace has Birth Year Lu, Quan, Ke meeting : Two or three mouth (San He of Life Palace) will meet Lu, Quan, Ke (at San Fang) as San Qi meeting. Birth Year 4 Hua cannot meet Self Hua, Self Hua means a defect in perfection (small visible defect that damages the overall perfection). Birth Year Ji in Fortune Palace clash Wealth Palace : Easier for lack of intimacy and increased separation, more towards late marriage, need to study other 4 Hua. Spouse Palace Hua Ji to Parent Palace clash Health Palace : Easier for lack of intimacy and increased separation, more towards late marriage, need to study other 4 Hua. Spouse Palace Hua Ji to Travel and clash Life Palace : Easier for lack of intimacy and increased separation, more towards late marriage, need to study other 4 Hua. Spouse Palace Hua Ji to Fortune Palace clash Wealth Palace : Easier for lack of intimacy and increased separation, more towards late marriage, need to study other 4 Hua. Spouse Palace Hua Ji to Career Palace itself : Poor luck, wife needs to work (back in the good old days, only the husband works), not good for career. Spouse Palace 4 Hua to Career : Possibility of divorce or running away, likely for spouse to run away during argument. Lu, Quan, Ke ([if] Spouse is not a housewife, inclined to working wife) lesser strength, Ji more strength.

Spouse Palace Hua Ji to Friends Palace : Has altercations, impossible to communicate with siblings, indebted to siblings and friends. Spouse Palace 4 Hua to Property Palace : Spouse does storefront (retail) business, study the industry, homely, take care of family. Spouse Palace 4 Hua to Children Palace : Public Relations industry, human relations business, service industry. (Lu, Ke strengthens), like to go out, does not like to stay home. Can also use Spouse Palace as Life Palace (Palace Interchange/Rotation/Taiji) to analyze : Female's husband, Male's wife. Examine if Decade Spouse Palace 4 Hua to Life Palace's San He (Life, Wealth, Career) - Female boss' configuration, meet Self Hua reduces the strength. Life Palace, Wealth Palace, Career Palace is a person's second and third mouth. Fortune Palace, Spouse Palace, Travel Palace is the Spouse's second and third mouth. Same San He (triangle) method is used to analyze Siblings, Children, or Parents. Children/Offspring 4 Hua to 12 Palaces Annual (When enters Life Palace again (after a 12-year cycle)) Children-Property line Self Hua : Signs of moving house or unstable family fortune. Outstation, going abroad, start work experiences internal transfer (unstable fluctuation). Property has Self Hua indicates this will happen. Children Palace has Self Hua : Indicates children has fluctuations, also indicates native will be stationed away this year. Property has Self Hua, but Children no Self Hua also considered similar. The same applies to Annual Life entering Life Children-Property line. A lot or little children : Examine how the palace stem flies. (Use Birth Year Heaven Stem to see), Birth Year 4 Hua at Children Palace, easy to get children. For a Life Chart, Hua Ji arching Property Palace clash Children Palace : Gets son at an older age, lesser fate with daughter. Tian Fu meets Lu Cun, Wu Qu at opposite palace or same palace : A lot of wealth, stingy and miserly (Lu Cun is the King of Wealth, Wu Qu is also a Wealth Star). Wen Qu Hua Ji : Brings ligation. Wen Qu at Children, Property, Parents, Health will also bring ligation, moreover will make it stronger for females. Male natives lower body ligation, meets Karma Ji will make it stronger. Children Palace with Tian Ji Hua Lu, Lian Zhen Hua Lu, Po Jun Hua Lu : Native's Peach Blossom target will be younger person. Children Palace (to analyze having son or daughters) : Use Life Children to analyze Decade Children Palace, male natives should also look at Spouse's Children Palace,

which is the Life Health Palace. If the Opposite Palace where Life Health 4 Hua to has Self Hua, beware of miscarriage. Analyze Annual Year to determine having son/daughter : Analyze year of pregnancy, if born at the beginning of Geng Wu year (79), pregnancy year is Ji Yi year (78)'s Children Palace. If born at the end of Geng Wu year, pregnancy year is Geng Wu year's Children Palace. Use the Yin and Yang characteristics of the stars to analyze, look at the Stem and Branch's Yin/Yang. Use 4 Hua to internal palaces (Life, Health, Property) first. More Yang will get son, more Yin will get daughter. If meets Self Hua, easy to suffer miscarriage or requires surgery (caesarean). Failure to save the child is when Yang Ren (Qing Yang) residing at Children Palace. Annual Children meeting Self Hua : Pay attention to miscarriage or actions that could affect the fetal's health. Females generally determines son or daughter by using Children Palace and Spouse Palace's Children Palace and Decade Children Palace. If Children Palace has no major star, borrow the characteristics of the stars from Property Palace to analyze. The Qi of the pregnancy year is very important. Children Palace 4 Hua to Property Palace : Others will look for partnership. Property Palace 4 Hua to Children Palace : Ownself will seek others for partnership. Birth Year 4 Hua (Ju Men, Tian Liang, Tai Yin) at Children Palace or Property Palace : Family worships God, Buddha, more towards Buddhism. Determining Peach Blossom : Use Children Palace as main palace (Tai Ji). Example : Children Palace Hua Quan into Life Palace indicates elements from external, others will initiate efforts to pursue [for relationship]. Life Palace Hua Quan to Children Palace indicates the question lies with the native, ownself takes intiative to pursue others [for relationship]. Children Palace on Geng Stem : Likely to give birth via surgery (Caesarean), male natives pay attention to lower body surgery, stronger effect meeting Qing Yang or Karma Ji. Wealth Palace 4 Hua to 12 Palaces The Native's Life chart, use Wealth Palace 4 Hua to see capability to earn money, native's Decade 10 years good/bad wealth luck, native's Annual wealth luck (to 6

internal is good, 6 external no good, then use Lu, Quan, Ke, Ji to determine the amount is big or small). Wealth Palace 4 Hua to Property Palace : Use money to buy house, spend for family : Good. Use Lu, Quan, Ke, Ji to determine the amount is big or small. Lu, Quan spend more, Ke normal, Ji little. Wealth Palace 4 Hua to Career Palace : Invest money into career. Lu, Quan, Ke has capital, Ji no capital, lack of funds. Wealth Palace 4 Hua to Travel Palace : Spend money outside, more towards socializing, likely to earn money from outside. Lu, Quan, Ke earn more from outside, Ji cannot earn money from outside, toiling to earn money. Wealth Palace 4 Hua to Children Palace : Use money to buy peach blossom, or socializing, or give children to spend, or become shareholder with others. Lu, Quan, Ke generous in spending, Ji more thrifty. Wealth Palace 4 Hua to Fortune Palace : Waste money on ownself, self enjoyment, or give grandparents to spend. Wealth Palace 4 Hua to Parents Palace : Give money to parents or deposit into bank, post office or 跟會, respect superior. Lu, Quan, Ke more, Ji less. Wealth Palace 4 Hua to Life Palace : Good in earning money, spend on ownself. Lu, Quan, Ke more, Ji less. Wealth Palace 4 Hua to Siblings Palace, Friends Palace : Emphasize friendship, take money to treat others, money goes down [the drain]. Wealth Palace 4 Hua to Spouse Palace : Give money to wife/Husband. Lu, Quan, Ke more, Ji less. Wealth Palace 4 Hua to Health Palace, Children Palace : Human relations is the wealth of Peach Blossom, mentally exhaustive to earn money. Entertainment for public relations or give children to spend. Wealth Palace Hua Ji to Health Palace : Little income, big spending, or turnover, borrowing. Wealth Palace Hua Ji to Career Palace : Should work for others, should not do business, lack of funds. Wealth Palace Hua Ji to Travel Palace : Cannot earn money, more laborous. Best for Wealth Palace 4 Hua to Property Palace : Indicates storing, buying house, spend on family. Wealth Palace Self Hua Lu (leaving the heart) : Dare to earn, dare to waste, cannot keep [money]. Wealth Palace Self Hua Quan (leaving the heart) : Carefully planned expenditures Wealth Palace Self Hua Ke (leaving the heart) : Dare to earn, wants to own, and done in a nice look. Wealth Palace Self Hua Ji (leaving the heart) : Unable to grasp, busy with working capital, not satisfied when money is loss.

Finally, return to Birth Year 4 Hua to differentiate internal and external. Internal is good, external is no good. For example : Wealth has Self Hua Ke, while Birth Year 4 Hua Ke at Siblings Palace : Means earn money to give to Siblings or Friends, and not able to spend everything on ownself (treat others due to pride), but also because of this to borrow their strength to help ownself. If does not meet Self Hua, then cannot assess this way. Life Parents, Life Health; Decade Parents, Decade Health, Annual Parents, Annual Health, Month Parents, Month Health has Hua Ji : Short of funds, easy to turnover. Annual, Month enters Birth Year Hua Ji : Likely to be short of funds, for businessmen, business will be worse that normal. Wealth Palace Hua Quan to Fortune Palace : Generous in enjoyment, generous to spend, high class enjoyment. Wealth Palace Hua Ji to Fortune Palace : Thrifty, unwilling to use, unable to enjoy, likely to buy things from the streets. Wealth Palace Hua Ji to Travel Palace : Laborous to earn money outside, unable to earn money. Female Birth Year Ji at Fortune, Wealth, Property : Thrifty, unwilling to use. If want to look at this year's Annual Wealth good or otherwise, can use Annual Wealth Palace to see whether this year's wealth luck is good or bad (Overlap Birth Chart, if it enters 6 internal palace then it's good, 6 external palace no good. Also includes where is the current year's money spent) Parents, Health 4 Hua to 12 Palaces Parents Palace has Birth Year Ji : Poor affinity with parents, poor relation with superiors, but good relations outside. Indebted to parents, superiors, but could not get along well [with them], including financial cashflow, pay attention to document problems and bank borrowings, problems with loan. Unfavorable 民間標會 [I think living standards] follows. Likely to go downhill, easy to have problem related to documents. More likelihood when Annual and Monthly Life enters [this palace]. Karma Ji enters Parents Palace : Early Heaven has leadership structure, enjoys power as the big brother. Life, Travel, Parents, Health : Has bidirection (bilateral) 4 hua (centrifugal and centripetal) or Self Hua, dies disembodied [horrible death]. Same applies to Decade. Self Hua at both sides [I think double Self Hua], cremation, surgery, accidental disaster, disembodiment. More likelihood if meets Karma Ji. Assessing Self Hua at both sides of palaces [presumed as Double Self Hua in 1 palace]

Fortune Palace : Grandparents, problems with ancestral property. Lack of sources for wealth, family fighting over estate. easy to have problems with authorities if meet [Tian] Xing, Lian [Zhen], [Hua] Ji. Property Palace : Dispute in wealth and property. Family gloomy fighting over estates. Siblings Palace : Siblings encounter accident. Children Palace : Children encounter accident, miscarriage or abortion with daughters. Spouse Palace : Not easy to get married from first love, same bed with different dreams [strange bedfellows]. Career Palace : Highly competitive industry, regular change of jobs, unstable career. Not able to maintain good external relations. Wealth Palace : Unable to retain wealth, easy to be washed away. Friends Palace : Strong mobility with friends, unstable emotions. Life Palace : Extrovert (beauty on the outside) Health Palace : Introvert (beauty on the inside) Parents Palace has Birth Year Ji : filial piety, but not easy to communicate (deep fate type). Hua Ji natives lack of mental fitness, Hua Lu natives lack of physical fitness [stamina]. Annual Dou Jun sits on Parents-Health line; Annual Life enters Karma Ji; Annual Life enters Life Parents-Health line; Decade Life enters Life Parents/Health line has Quan-Ji, Lu-Ji, Ke Ji or with Karma Ji needs to pay attention to : adversities with ailments, or poor luck and not smooth. ative should rest and relax more. Birth Year Hua Quan star residing in internal structure (6 internal palaces) : Good fate structure, those who are capable have to work laborously, heavy responsibility, opinionated, does not admit defeat. Birth Year Lu, Quan at internal structure (6 internal palaces) : become own boss (Life, Travel, Parents, Health, Wealth, Property, has Birth Year Lu, Quan, like to be big brother, grab power, heavy responsibility) Female Birth Year Quan at Parents regarded as Health Palace, because Parents-Health line is assessed the same way. Birth Year Quan or Lu, Quan at Siblings, Friends, Spouse, Career : Need to consider Spouse gaining power.

Siblings Palace and Parents Palace is Spouse's family (Property Palace) : The final stage of love and bread, is also the luck of the family after marriage. Family luck after marriage : Look at Siblings-Friends and Parents-Health. Presence of more auspicious [configuration/stars?] means fortunate, more ominous [configuration/stars?] means ominous/unfortunate. Lu-Ji and Karma Ji natives not smooth, a lot of house work, a lot of disagreements, belongs to past life's karmic problem, native should rid the sea of sins with good deeds. Parents-Health line has Birth Year Quan, Ke, Ji (Palace Stem has 4 hua exchanges) : Quan-Ji meeting likely to suffer injuries, native should have adoptive parents or pray to God as adoptive son, or go through the process of adoption. Also can 販依 from a Master/Sinsei. Birth Year 4 Hua on Health Palace : study in the evening, private school, private institution, self employed. Birth Year 4 Hua on Parents Palace : study in the morning, public school, public institution. (Not counted if meets Self Hua) Health Palace 4 Hua to Friends Palace : Lu, Ke good communication, good socializing skill, get along well with friends, good human relations, place importance in siblings and friends relationship. Easy to revolt if meets Self Hua. Quan, Ji : easy to have dispute with friends, fightings that can lead to injuries, like to control friends, easy to suffer injury from punishment. Health Palace 4 Hua to Career Palace : Lu, Ke good, can excel. Quan heavy responsibility, easy for promotion, laborous. Ji health luck not good, poor career luck, not easy for promotion. Health Palace 4 Hua to Spouse Palace : Ji - easy to have altercation.

Health Palace 4 Hua to Children Palace : Lu, Ke emphasizes public relations, likes to go out, does not like to stay home. Quan strict in parenting children, likes going out, does not like to stay home. Emphasizes public relations, likes to create trouble, easy to have dispute. Ji bad public relations, easy to offend people, quarrelsome. Health Palace 4 Hua to Property Palace : Like to stay home, does not enjoy going out, place importance for home, can consider storefront business. Lu, Quan, Ke is ok, Ji not favorable.

Health Palace 4 Hua to Fortune Palace : Lu, Ke self pity, emphasizes mental essence, emphasizes food, enjoyment, not impulsive. Quan no time to idle, toiling life. Ji not good. Will feel sorry for ownself, financial flow not smooth, easy to suffer loss of wealth. Parents, Health Birth Year 4 Hua at Health Palace : "Leave falls back to root" (Returns home eventually), easy to follow the religion path, self cultivation (cultivate at home) Parents, Health Birth Year 4 Hua at Parents Palace : Same assessment, stronger with religious stars, stronger at Zi-Wu (Rat-Horse) line. Stronger with Life, Travel, Parents, Health at Zi-Wu line, strong affinity with religion at Early Heaven. Zi-Wu line is the location of Heaven-Earth line. Birth Year Ke+Ji at Health Palace : Easy to catch flu, long dragging ailments, emphasizes feeling and emotion, cherish love/feeling. Parents, Health Birth Year 4 Hua to Children Palace, Spouse Palace, Career Palace : Encounters external affection (affair?), cannot be easily broken. Spouse Ke, Ji : Assess Peach Blossom. 藉斷絲連,不易散 [Even if it is broken, it is not easy to disperse/lose it]. Health Palace 4 Hua to Life Palace : Self centered, opinionated, heavy responsibility. (Same goes for Life Palace Hua to Health Palace) Hua Ji not smooth, offend malefactors, weak health Hua Quan strong personality, not easy to accept other people's opinion, those who are capable have to work laborously, pay attention to external injuries. Hua Lu, Hua Ke : able to accept things that happen (usually bad) without feeling bad, happy life, emphasizes reputation, emphasizes mental essence, emphasizes food. Life Palace, Health Palace 1-6 common origins principle has the same assessment. Life-Travel, Parents-Health has Quan, Ji (centrifugal and centripetal Quan, Ji) : Thinking too much, self-inflicted agony, no peace of mind. Health Palace 4 Hua to Siblings Palace : Lu, Ke is good. Good relation with Siblings, Mother. Good relation with the opposite sex. Quan, Ji easy to have conflicts with Siblings, Mother, punitive injury, accidental injury, resort to weaponry, fight. Meet Self Hua and Karma Ji, native has no affinity, not easy to get along [with Siblings and/or Mother]. Health Palace 4 Hua to Spouse Palace : Lu, Ke : Husband and wife gets along very well, native is the type with conjugal love. Quan, Ji natives have conflicts, resort to weaponry; punitive injury, fight.

Health Palace 4 Hua to Children Palace : Lu, Ke : Good relationship with Children, easy to get Peach Blossom (carnal Peach Blossom), likes to go out and socialize, likes to go out, does not like to stay home. Quan, Ji : Not good socializing outside, easy to cause trouble, has conflicts with children. Female Life Quan, Ji to Children Palace : Pay attention to surgery, weak health due to giving birth. Health Palace 4 Hua to Wealth Palace : Lu, Ke, better treatment, relaxed to earn money (human relations wealth, peach blossom wealth). Quan, Ji : Toilsome to earn money (profession's skill), those who are capable have to work laborously, not well treated, easy to have conflicts, resorts to weaponry, fight. Health Palace 4 Hua to Parents Palace : Lu, Ke natives filial piety, well treated, gentle type. Lu : Buy gifts. Ke : Spreads love/tenderness. Quan native opposes and have conflicts with superiors, does not treat parents well Ji native unsophisticated talks, indebted to parents, easy to have dispute, offend malefactor favored by elderlies and superiors, like to rely on others, rely on elderlies and superiors. easy to have disputes with parents. Lu, Ji : easy to have moodswings. Health Palace 4 Hua to Travel Palace : Lu, Ke, likes going out, meet benefactors when going out, good human relationship outside, abundant wealth. Quan, Ji : Have conflicts when going out, disputes, not good, pay attention to unexpected traffic accidents, pay attention to offending malefactors (to the native's body). Stronger if meet Karma Ji, same applies to meeting centrifugal and centripetal Quan, Ji. Health Palace Self Hua : Uncertain mood, indecisive, do things half-heartedly, multiple changes. Self Hua Quan : Pay attention to signs of accidents, unexpected calamities. Same assessment at Decade Life, Travel, Parents, Health. Birth Year or Decade Quan+Ji at Life, Travel, Parents, Health : Opinionated, does not admit defeat. Birth Year or Decade Ke+Ji at Life, Travel, Parents, Health : Emphasizes feeling and nostalgic, emphasizes feeling. Assessing health luck, long dragging and not easy to recover [from illness], easy to have sudden misfortune with health. Birth Year Ji at Parents-Health line : Pay attention to document problems, tends to have financial turnover, bank borrowings. Stronger when Decade, Annual, Monthly

enters [this line] (when Monthly enters, tightening of funds, short of cash). Impact of Lu+Ji at 6 relationship palaces on the native : "On a sunny day, it is mostly cloudy with some occasional rains", easy to be influenced by mood changes 6 Relationship Palaces have Siblings, Spouse, Children, Servants (Friends), Parents, Fortune. At Life, Travel, Parents, Health, indicates the native is emotional. The same applies to Birth Zodiac having Lu+Ji. Travel Palace 4 Hua to 12 Palaces Tendency to travel or go to another country. Look at Travel Palace and Children Palace for development in foreign land. 1. Birth Year 4 Hua at Travel Palace or Children Palace. 2. Life Palace 4 Hua to Travel Palace or Children Palace. 3. Property Palace 4 Hua to Travel Palace or Children Palace. 4. Travel Palace 4 Hua to Children Palace or Children Palace 4 Hua to Travel Palace. 5. Travel Palace being the Birth Year stem's Lai Yin Palace. 6. Children Palace being the Birth Year stem's Lai Yin Palace. (Relies on peach blossom fate to earn money, earn wealth from peach blossom human relations, emphasizes socializing, suitable for Public Relations industry, including music and movie industry).

Travel Palace has Self Hua : Physically outside but heart at home, feels like returning after going out. Dou Jun at Children, Property, Life, Travel meets centrifugal or centripetal Self Hua : native shifts house. Birth Year Ji at Travel Palace, Children Palace, Hua Ji to Travel Palace, Children Palace : Tendency to have dispute and altercations, easy to offend malefactor or has little benefactors. Birth Year 4 Hua at Chen, Xu, Chou, Wei : Can go to the mainland (China) for development, because Chen, Xu, Chou, Wei represents the central soil. Assess if 4 Hua is auspicious or ominous. Travel Palace has Birth Year Quan/Ji or Self Hua Quan/Ji : Die as a visitor/guest at foreign land. Includes Qi Men Dun Jia (Ye Zhang/Karma Ji) at Travel Palace same assessment (Chou, Mao palaces Yuan Men (Garden Gate/Door)), luck is not good at younger age, likely to meet disaster/adversity. Same explanation for Life Palace, Travel Palace has Li Xin (centrifugal) or Xiang Xin (centripetal) Quan/Ji : Tendency to have bloodshed disasters.

Career Palace 4 Hua to 12 Palaces Birth Year Ji at Career Palace : Should work for others or do business related to cash, emphasizes career, does not emphasize spouse (Ji clash Spouse Palace), exam luck not good, education luck not good. Birth Year Ke, Lu at Career Palace : Easy work life, good exam luck, good education luck (check Decade Spouse, Career Palace) Birth Year Quan at Career Palace : Specialization skill, heavy responsibility, hardworking, easy for promotion. Career Palace 4 Hua to Life Palace : Have career, has a job. Career Palace Hua Ji to Parent Palace : Clash Health Palace, no permanent job, jobless, cashflow problem investing in business. Career Palace Hua Ji to Travel Palace : Clash Life Palace, idling about doing nothing, free and easy job, loss of job. Career Palace Hua Ji to Health Palace : Same explanation as Parents Palace. Career Palace Self Hua : Unstable career, a lot of changes, free and easy job. Career Palace has Birth Year Quan or Self Hua Quan : Easy for promotion. Career Palace Hua Quan to Life Palace, Parents Palace, Health Palace : Heavy responsibility, easy for promotion. Career Palace Hua Lu/Quan/Ke to Property Palace : Can do storefront business, production business. Assess the stars' personality to determine industry. Career Palace Hua Ji to Property Palace : Better to work for others. If meet Self Hua at Property Palace does not last long, a lot of changes with property or house shifting. Career Palace 4 Hua to Parents Palace : Public sector. If meet Self Hua, does not last long. Career Palace 4 Hua to Health Palace : Private sector. Free and easy industry. Career Palace 4 Hua to Fortune Palace : Also free and easy industry.

Career Palace 4 Hua to Spouse Palace, Property Palace, Life Palace, Health Palace : Tendency to have affairs, interference by third party. Stronger if meet Peach Blossom stars. Hua Lu : Dew peach blossom, get together (start relationship) at the clap of a hand, separate at the clap of a hand, will not get hurt. Hua Quan : Overbearing, more possessive (Female likely to get hurt meeting strangers). Should assess Decade. Hua Ke : native is graceful, emphasizes feelings, will not hurt.

Hua Ji : Native is entangled, likely to have disagreements, 藉斷絲連不易斷 (I think : not easy to break intertwined wires). Children and Career Palace is also the Husband and Wife Treatment Palace after marriage. Look at Career Palace to determine whether there is third party.

Career Palace 4 Hua to Children Palace : Tendency to have mistress (金屋藏嬌 = Golden House Hides/Keeps the pampered/lovable), dare not disclose publicly, does not emphasize status. Can work in the Entertainment Industry, investing shareholder, engage in Public Relations industry. If meet Self Hua, a lot of changes, does not last long. Career Palace 4 Hua to Property Palace, Health Palace : The third party opposite sex in the affair will publicly disclose [the affair] to obtain status [in the relationship]. Career Palace 4 Hua to Wealth Palace : Tends to have financial turnover (active cashflow, active spending). Career Palace 4 Hua to Travel Palace : Career at the outside, job at the outside. Likely to travel for work. Career Palace Hua Ji to Travel Palace : Clash Life Palace, poor luck, easy to lose job. (Same applies to Decade and Annual). Career Palace 4 Hua to Friends Palace : Joint venture with friends to start business, or being own boss and hire employees. Meet Self Hua, high turnaround in employees hired, partnership with friends does not last long, employees are rebellious and of not much help. Career Palace 4 Hua to Wealth Palace or Wealth Palace 4 Hua to Career Palace : Like to invest when there is money, but need to look at Decade to see auspicious or ominous before investing. Career Palace 4 Hua to Fortune Palace : Career relies on what the heart wants, more towards free and easy career. Career Palace Hua Ji to Fortune Palace : Clash Wealth Palace, toilsome to earn money, easy for money loss. Career Palace Hua Ji to Parent Palace, Health Palace : Tendency for business to close down, cashflow problems. If Spouse Palace, Career Palace has Hua Quan facing each other [I think Hua Quan to each other] : First and Second wife has conflicts and quarrels. Same explanation for Hua Quan and Hua Ji. At a bigger picture for Life assessment, still need to look for Birth Year Life Palace 4 Hua, Lai Yin Palace. For example : Life Palace has Tan Lang Hua Ji. Yi stem Children Palace flies Hua Quan to Tan Lang : Children will control you in the future. Wu stem flies Hua Lu to Tan Lang : Money comes and goes. Spends free spare cash,

does not retain idle money. Female Birth Year Parents Palace represents the bank, Health Palace represents underground banks (probably refers to money kept under the pillows/bed). Tai Yin Hua Lu at Life Palace, Career Palace : Female natives has structure/luck to be own boss, good human relations. Male natives easy to get help from females, but also easy to offend peach blossom. Property Palace 4 Hua to 12 Palaces Property Palace 4 Hua to Life Palace or Health Palace : Use own name to buy house, same applies to entering (4 hua to) 6 internal [palaces]. Female use Life Property to 4 Hua (because Early Heaven is stronger), or assess Decade, can or cannot buy house, or use whose name to buy. The palaces that Property Palace 4 Hua to, will have possibility to use that person's name to buy house. Example : 4 Hua to Spouse Palace, use the spouse (Female : Husband. Male : Wife) name to buy house, does not include meeting Self Hua. Likely has signs of buying property when Annual, Month enter the palaces that Life Property 4 Hua to. Stronger likelihood if enter 6 internal palaces. Cannot afford to buy if meets Self Hua. Meet Self Hua regardless at which palace : Four seas as home (Everywhere as home), four locations is home (everywhere is home), family luck always change, always shift house. Tai Yin as the lord of Property, also represents position of the bed. Tai Yin Self Hua : Easy to have changes in bed position or shift house (because centrifugal is stronger) Tai Yin enters internal palaces : Better, like to buy property, emphasizes property. Tai Yin enters external palaces : Does not like to buy property, does not place importance in buying property. Property Palace Self Hua : Likely to stay at an endless lane (dead end lane). Signs of moving house (centrifugal). Property Palace has Birth Year 4 Hua or Self Hua : Likely to live in single storey house, ground floor. Although Birth Year 4 Hua or Self Hua, not necessarily live at an endless lane the entire life. Still need to assess Decade Property Palace, if Decade does not have Birth Year 4 Hua or Self Hua, strength is reduced. Property Palace 4 Hua to Wealth Palace : Easy to convert house to cash (by selling), easy to convert inherited property to cash (by selling). Children Palace Self Hua : Likely a dead end lane at the opposite of the house. Birth Year Lai Yin Palace at Property Palace : Has inherited property. (4 Hua to internal palace has [property inherited from ancestors], 4 Hua to external palaces

does not have [property inherited from ancestors]) Children, Property Palace Self Hua at both sides : Ancestors fight for properties, fixed assets. Punished by officials because of fixed assets. Same applies to Children, Property having Tian Xing Hua Ji. Children Palace 4 Hua to Property Palace or Wealth Palace : Relies on daughter to bring money and food home. Birth Year Hua Ji at Property Palace or Children Palace : Not suited to be shareholder, stronger if Decade enters. Birth Year Hua Ji at Children Palace clash Property Palace : Unable to hold on to storage position (same applies to Decade), unfavorable to be shareholder. Birth Year Hua Ji at Children Palace : Pay attention to losing wealth due to bad peach blossom, same applies to Karma Ji. Should rid the sea of sins with good deeds. Property Palace has Birth Year Quan (more towards rich structure) : Has more than 1 property. Meet Self Hua indicates changes. If no Birth Year Quan but Self Hua Quan : House will change bigger and bigger. Stronger if Tai Yin at Property Palace. Annual at Children-Property line (has Self Hua) : Tendency to shift house or signs of interior decoration, change of family luck. Those who work for others should pay attention to internal reorganization. Same applies to [Annual entering] 4 Horse palaces. Same applies to Decade entering Children-Property line. Birth Year 4 Hua at Property Palace : Likely to do storefront business. Evaluate behavior of the stars. Stronger when Decade enters. (What does not make sense is you'll be over 100 years old when Decade Life enters Property) If work for others, engaged in back office work. Property Palace has Birth Year Hua Lu : Big family spending, emphasizes food for family. Birth Year Hua Quan : Has more than 1 property. Conflicts between family members. Because Hua Quan, everyone likes to fight for power. Birth Year Hua Ke : Family members respect each other, likes to decorate the home, emphasizes style, more towards mental essence. Birth Year Hua Ji : Storefront cash business, does not like to decorate the home, does not emphasize food. Native is thrifty, easy to have altercation. Stronger if meet Karma Ji. Birth Year Hua Ji resides on Property Palace : Selfish, care for family, thrifty, storing [of wealth], care about own thoughts. Hua Ji : Does not place importance in home furnishings, more towards caring about ownself, native stores [wealth]. If Birth Year 4 Hua does not fly to Property Palace, assess Decade and Annual or assess Fortune Palace and Body Palace structure. Birth Year 4 Hua at Property Palace : Native will open storefront or production business. Assess star's characteristics for appropriate industry. Stronger when

Decade enters. Birth Year 4 Hua at Property Palace : Pay attention to family, place emphasis on family, less likely to relocate. Birth Year 4 Hua at Children Palace : Outgoing, tendency to relocate, Public Relations industry, good in communication, a lot of socializing. Those working for others likely do field work. Stronger when Annual, Month enters. Property Palace 4 Hua to Parents Palace, Health Palace : Buy house via installments or take loan to buy public housing. Property Palace Hua Ji clash : Direction/location of house bought not good. Location [of the house] Ji clash, seat and bed location not good. (Clashing of location of Birth Year Hua Ji, Karma Ji are also not good). Property Hua Ji to Life Palace, Health Palace, Career Palace, Wealth Palace, Fortune Palace : Likely to inherit property (land, premises). Ancient [days] Lian Zhen, Po Jun at hillside and Tian Fu at farmland meet Self Hua, ownself does not want [property] or unable to retain [property] Property Palace 4 Hua to Wealth Palace : Use cash to buy house. Lu, Quan, Ke stronger, Ji not good. Property Palace Ji clash Life Palace, Health Palace, Career Palace, Wealth Palace, Fortune Palace : No shelters, property inherited from ancesetors. Property Palace 4 Hua to Travel Palace, Career Palace, or Children Palace : Go abroad (relocation), another country, prefers buying properties abroad. Property Palace 4 Hua to Children Palace : Prefers investment business. Lu, Quan, Ke can invest. Meet Self Hua not lasting. Should not invest if Hua Ji star. Property Palace 4 Hua to 4 Horse locations (Hai, Yin, Si, Shen) : Likes to buy corner unit type of house, suburban or villa. Not counted if meet Self Hua. Property Palace 4 Hua to Peach Blossom locations (Zi, Wu, Mao, You) : Buy lively (bustling with people) or intermediate house, weaponry shop, places with high mobility (places with a lot of people going about). Unable to buy or not counted if meet Self Hua. Property Palace 4 Hua to 4 Storage locations (Chen, Xu, Chou, Wei) : Belongs to calmer, unlively places. More towards manufacturing industries or factories. Property Palace 4 Hua : To look for the house's floor/level [flats, apartments, condominiums] (not counted if meet Self Hua), look at the floor/level you live and set a point with Property. Example : Property Palace (Yi Chou) with Tian Ji at Children Palace, counting forward, counting backward also at 7th floor. Tian liang at Property Self Hua also has a house at first floor. Birth Year 4 Hua at Property Palace or Self Hua at Property Palace : Likely to stay at first floor house. Hua Ji : Live at dead end lane.

Children Palace Self Hua : Dead end lane at the opposite of house, proceed to evaluate the star's characteristics. Property meets Yang stem : Lives in even numbered property. Meets Yin stem : Lives in odd numbered (meet Self Hua not counted, easy to change). Yang stem Self Hua, change from even numbered to odd numbered; Yin stem Self Hua, change from odd numbered to even numbered. House with the native's name more likely, assess Decade Property. Tian Yao resides on Property Palace : Good structure, usually chat with people at home (Natives with Tian Yao on birth zodiac enjoys chatting with students). Tian Yao natives are romantic/elegant, cannot tolerate loneliness. Tian Yao at Life Palace, Property Palace, Travel Palace, Parents Palace : Pay attention to ownself and family's water related misfortune, easy to meet water related accidents. Tian Yao at Spouse Palace, Career Palace : Native's partner easy to meet water related accidents. Native is romantic, always happy. Tian Yao meets Ju Men or Tian Xiang : Will take drugs, smoke, take amphetamine, smuggling industry. Assess falling into which Palace. At Life Palace, Fortune Palace, Health Palace : Tian Yao, Wen Chang, Wen Qu are similar. Tian Yao enters Life Palace, Fortune Palace, Health Palace : Likes to be pretty/handsome, charming, attractive, likes to sing. Tian Yao meets Ju Men Hua Quan : High pitched voice Tian Yao meets Self Hua : Tendency to sing the wrong tone Tian Yao meets Hua Ke : Enchanting singing voice, clear and crisp. Tian Yao meets Hua Ji : Not good in singing. Tian Yao meets Hua Quan : High pitched voice, with unsteady singing. Tian Yao meets Hua Lu : Nice to hear, optimist. Tian Yao meets Ke, Ji : Likes to sing sad sorrow songs Corrections : 藉斷絲連不易斷 = two lovers may be forced to part, but their love remains 金屋藏嬌 = keep a mistress in a love nest Fortune/Mental/Happiness Palace 4 Hua to 12 Palaces Fortune Palace : Enjoyment Palace, Luck Palace.

Fortune Palace Birth Year Hua Quan : Superficial, overbearing, high-class enjoyment Life Palace Hua Quan : Talented, opinionated, capable but have to work laborously, have responsibility, desire to perform. Fortune Palace Hua Lu : Have affinity with grandparents, emphasizes enjoyment of material wealth, has fate to enjoy. Fortune Palace has Lu, Ke : More emphasis in mental essence. Ke more towards reputation. Fortune Palace Hua Lu, Ke to Parents Palace : Filial piety to parents. Lu is more towards material, Ke is more towards mental pride. Life Palace Hua Lu, Ke : Has affinity to superiors and elders, filial piety native. Birth Year Lai Yin Palace at 6 internal palaces : Belongs to independence structure. Life Palace, Health Palace, Fortune Palace has Self Hua : Own self controls the good and bad of destiny, but can easily feel disgruntled. Fortune Palace sits on Birth Year Ji, Karma Ji : Unable to enjoy, feel sorry for ownself, signs of financial loss occasionally, lack of intimacy and more separation in marriage. Fortune Palace 4 Hua to Life Palace, Health Palace : More towards emphasizing thoughts and mental enjoyment. Fortune Palace 4 Hua to 6 internal palaces (Property Palace, Career Palace, Life Palace, Health Palace) : Likely to inherit property from ancestors/grandparents. Fortune Palace Hua Ji to Children clash Property, Spouse clash Career : Less likely to inherit property from ancestors/grandparents, little ancestry property. Fortune Palace Hua Ji to Children clash Property : Hurts wealth storage by own doing. Unfavorable to be shareholder (invest in shares). Fortune Palace Hua Ji to Spouse clash Career : Hurts luck by own doing. Not favorable for husband and wife to work together. Fortune Palace Hua Ji to Fortune (Self Hua Ji?) clash Wealth : Hurts wealth luck by own doing. Likely to suffer wealth loss. Fortune Palace Hua Ji clash Life, Health : No affinity with grandparents. Fortune Palace 4 Hua to Life, Health : Self-loving type, self-loving maniac, unfortunate life, emphasizes mental activity, more towards isolation, proud, will not submit to others. Stronger with Hua Quan star. Fortune Palace 4 Hua to Life, Health, Property, Career, Wealth : Emphasizes both mental and material. Birth Year Ji, Karma Ji at 6 external as Debt Ji, beyond own's control. Unwillingly indebt. Fortune Palace 4 Hua to Property Palace : Emphasizes family, places mind at home, likes to be home, does not like to go out. Can assess doing storefront business.

Fortune Palace 4 Hua to Children Palace : Mind enjoys outgoing, emphasizes social activities, self initiates peach blossom/romance, does not emphasize family, likes going out, does not like to stay home (places Hua Ji star as emphasis). Fortune Palace Hua Ji to Children Palace : Communication problems with children (Grandparents loves grandchildren). Unfavorable to be shareholder (invest in shares). Fortune Palace 4 Hua to Sibings, Friends : Place importance in friendship, hospitable. Lu, Ke good. Ji not good, easy to have disputes. Fortune Palace Hua Ji to Siblings, Friends : Easy to have disputes. Fortune Palace Hua Quan to Siblings, Friends : Easy to have conflicts, likes to wield power among friends, like to control others. Fortune Palace Hua Lu, Ke to Siblings, Friends : Good feelings. Lu, Ke emphasizes reputation, easy to spend money to treat guests. Wealth Palace 4 Hua to Siblings, Friends also spend money to treat guests. Fortune Palace 4 hua to Career Palace : Emphasizes career, thoughts/mind are placed in career, dedicated with career. Difficult to materialize wishes if meet Self Hua. Fortune Palace 4 Hua to Travel Palace : Outgoing, does not like to stay home. Fortune Palace 4 Hua Lu, Ke to Travel Palace : Good human relation when going outside, good fortune, easy to get benefactors. Fortune Palace 4 Hua Quan to Travel Palace : Easy to have conflicts when going outside. Like to wield power. Fortune Palace 4 Hua Ji to Travel Palace : Easy to have disputes when going outside. Beware of malefactors. Fortune Palace 4 Hua to Wealth Palace : Emphasizes making money, wholehearted wanting to make money. Lu, Quan, Ke will be able to make money. Ji toiling to make money, unable to earn money. Fortune Palace Birth Year Heaven Stem Hua Ji at 6 internal [palaces] is auspicious, 6 external [palaces] are ominous/inauspicious. (Not necessarily at Fortune Palace). Fortune Palace Lu, Ke to Travel Palace : Good when going outside, easy to get benefactors, likes going out. Fortune Palace Quan, Ji to Travel Palace : Has conflicts and disputes when going outside. (Hua Quan - traffic accidents. Hua Ji - car robbery. Should not drive fast). Fortune Palace has Birth Year Ji is a stingy person, unable to enjoy.

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