Zulhijjah 1429 Visibility Report- Pakistan

  • July 2020
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b 1429 å‚ÃÏmƒ30 Y ð2008 †fÚçÞ29 äjËa Xðƒ)¬$ eƒgŶZ ~ fÁh~½ovZhizgkZ

þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ Observation report about Zul-Hijjah 1429 moon Under supervision of Astronomy department of Jamia-tur-Rasheed Ahsanabd, Karachi, Pakistan Thursday, 27 November 2008 Muhammad Sultan Alam, Karachi, Pakistan: Head of Research Committee/Astronomy Department Not Seen It was certain that the crescent would not be sighted anywhere in Pakistan tonight i.e. on Thursday, 27 November 2008, because the birth of the moon was after 4 hours of sunset in Pakistan and moonset was before 25-30 minutes of sunset. In spite of this fact, to increase the trust of common people in the Science of Moon-sighting and because the people are confused due to the 29th Zul-Qa'dah in Saudi Arab, while it was only 28th by sighting in Pakistan, I

requested many members of the moon-sighting committees of our institute "JAMIA-TUR-RASHEED" and many of my friends (most of them are Ulama and scholars) all over Pakistan to sight the moon but the moon could not be sighted, as it was expected tonight. 52 persons tried to sight the moon at the following 18 places allover Pakistan: Karachi (4 places), Tando Allahyar, , charsaddah, Hyderabad, Texila, Battal, Dera-Ismaeel-Khan, Kahror-Pakka, Multan, Aasiabad (Balochistan), Turbat, Islamabad, Swabi, Shorkot, Muzaffargarh. ………………. Friday, 28 November 2008 Muhammad Sultan Alam, Karachi, Pakistan: Not Seen Today ( Friday, November 28, 2008 = 29 Zul-Qa'dah 1429), I requested many members of the moon-sighting committees of our institute "JAMIA-TUR-RASHEED" and many of my friends (most of them are Ulama and scholars) all over Pakistan to sight the moon but the moon could not be sighted, as it was expected tonight. Nearly 449 persons tried to sight the moon at the following 27 places all over Pakistan: Karachi (10 places), Badeen, Tando Allahyar, , charsaddah, Hyderabad, Dera-Ismaeel-Khan, Kahror-Pakka, Multan, Aasiabad (Balochistan), Turbat, Islamabad, Shorkot, Sadiqabad, Alipur, Kohat, Lahore(2 places), Pishin Note1: the conditions of the moon were so defective in Pakistan that according to the all old and new criteria of moon-sighting, it was impossible to sight the moon in Pakistan. Note 2: My teachers and some other scholars also tried to sight the moon in Madinah (KSA), but the result is nil. Note 3: Chairman of central official moon-sighting committee of Pakistan "Mufti Munee-bur-Rahman" told me on my mobile phone that because he did not receive any positive report of moon sighting from all over Pakistan, therefore he has officially announced that Saturday 29 November 2008 is the 30th Zul-Qa'dah and 1st Zul-Hijjah 1429 will fall on Sunday 30 November 2008, Thus Eidul-Adhha 1429 will fall on Tuesday, 9 December 2008 in Pakistan. Note 4: Captain Tahir Gul Hasan informed me that he requested the pilot of an aeroplane, 1500 feet above Lahore to sight the moon but he also could not sight the moon. The End

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