Zimbabwe And Its Impact On Regional Stability

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 482
  • Pages: 2
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The General Assembly, Deeply concerned about the current state of affairs in Zimbabwe where severe political crisis is characterized by state-directed violence aimed at crushing political opposition and the growing potential for internal conflict which could result in regional instability, Deploring the fact that the socio-economic and political situation in Zimbabwe under President Robert Mugabe’ rule is spiraling downwards as violence and intimidation continue to be used to shackle what remains of a free press, Alarmed that the Zimbabwean economy has halved in just seven years, that at present the inflation rate is between 7,600 per cent (government figures) and 13,000 per cent (independent estimates), unemployment rate is 80% and 4/5 of the country’s 12 million people live below the poverty line, Noting further that a quarter of Zimbabwe’s population has already fled the country mainly to neighbouring countries like South Africa, 50,000 Zimbabweans cross the country's borders every month thus depriving the country of essential service providing workforce like doctors, teachers and lawyers, Recognizing the fact that this extensive migration is adding strain on the social and welfare structures of its neighbouring states and thus causing tension within their own populations, Convinced that the UN, international aid organizations and Zimbabwe’s neighbouring countries should work together to help Zimbabwe overcome this crisis before it spins out of control, 1. Calls upon all concerned parties, member nations of UN and international aid

association to keep up the pressure and maintain the international spotlight on Robert Mugabe's regime and urge it to refrain from further worsening the situation; 2. Requests all donor nations and institutions to channel their aid to Zimbabwe through

United Nations and NGO agencies and thus directly to civilians rather than letting it pass through the hands of its corrupt authorities; 3. Urge donor nations and organizations to support civil society and other organisations

in Zimbabwe working to promote good governance and open democratic space and thus invest in the long term resolution of the problem rather than short term knee jerk remedy; 4. Recommends that the EU ban on arms sales, travel and assets freeze on 131 leading

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members of the regime remain in place and that these sanctions be adopted by other member nations to further increase the pressure on Mugabe regime and its supporters; 5. Strongly urges the countries of the Southern African Development Community

(SADC) to crisis broker a meaningful dialogue between the ruling Zanu-PF and the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and encourage the two political parties to compromise for the good of our nation; 6. Expresses its hope the members nations will consider this resolution seriously and

thereby, respond with overwhelming support to implement the suggested measure direly necessary for the welfare of suffering citizens of Zimbabwe.

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