Zeolite 4a White Powder For Detergent Det Build 150

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 777
  • Pages: 2
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Ze~lite base,d,betergents



5. DETBUlLD-150 is lighter in weight and more voluminousthan STPP.

AN EPOCH MAKING PRODUCT The introduction ofDETBUILD-150 heralds a new era for Indian detergentindustry.For the first time Indian detergentmanufacturers now have an accessto a detergentbuilderthat is: . Ecofriendly . Economic . Equivalent to international brands. . Indigenously developed . Made from locally available resources (bauxite) and . substitute of hazardous STPP Eutrophication, accumulation of excessive organic matter in stagnantwaters, is becomingmore and more of concern worldwide. Conventional detergents that carry phosphates into water streams causethis effectthat lead to growthof algae in water.Rate of growth of algae in water is directly related to availability of phosphates, a conditioncorrespondingto highnutrition (eutrophiccondition). The processof decayingalgaein water causesdepletion of oxygen levels and water based flora and fauna get asphyxiated. Excessive eutrophicationalso leads to siltation. Ingress of high percentage of phosphates from detergents drained into sewage lines has a large sharein thisphenomenonandworldwideit is being felt that it is time to eliminatephosphatesfrom detergentformulations.After a careful scrutiny of various chemicals available the scientists worldwide have cometo acceptzeolites as the most cost effectivesubstitutesfor phosphates.These products are not only ecofriendlybut are also not detrimental to the existence to micro-organisms,fish and other life bearing organismsin water. In addition, Det-build-150has a strong atImity of exchanging ions with heavy metals whereby toxicity of wateris furtherreduced. WhatisDETBUILD~150


DETBUILD-150 is Synthetic Zeolite-A, which is Sodium Aluminium silicate. As it is made from locally available raw materialssuchas silicaandbauxite, it is highly cost effective andis a fully indigenous product. DETBUlLD-150 (Zeolite) has a three dimensional frame work structure in which silicon and aluminium atoms are tetra hydrately co-ordinated in oxygen atoms. The Frame work structure enfolds cavities containing water molecules and cations that are capable of undergoing dispersion and cation exchange. The presence of aluminium in the frame work carries 1 unit of negative charge for each aluminium atom. The charges are neutralized by exchange cations that are in aquition within the Zeolitestructure. Benefits ofDETBUILD-150 in Detergent Formulations. A series of scientificexperiments conducted to study the suitability of DETBUILD-150 in detergent formulations have indicated followingresults: 1. DETBUlLD-150 can safely substitute STPP.However,the best results are obtained by replacing 50% ofSTPP by DETBUlLD150.It give more foam andimpartsbetter foam stability. 2. DETBUlLD-150 in detergent also acts as soil anti redepositing agent. 3. DETBUILD-150 in detergent cakes ensures better after use conditionson shelvesandreduces unwantedlosses. 4. DETBUlLD-150Makes the detergent free flowing.

Beneficial effects ofDETB UILD-150 on soil &environment: Zeolite of whichDETBUlLD-150 is made ofhas been found tohave followingbenefits for soil& environment. 1. DETBUlLD-150helps to improvethe health of animalsand fish, it acts as carrierforproteins andvitamins. 2. DETBUILD-150improves soil condition and ensures growth of better crops according to the Japanese researchers. Carrots showed 63%improvementinone such experiments. 3. Besides, DETBUILD-150 are used for the removal of radioactive isotopes from the effluent emanating from the atomic energyplants.


.. T\JF$DAY,13JULY,95


Synthetic Zeolitedevelopedindigenously

Zealous technocrat strikes it big P.S.Anantharaman MEHSANA


Detergent giant Procter and Gamble Orders the first Consignment of Det-build150 (Zeolite) First time developed by Dr. Patel, the

Detergent giant Procter and Gamble Orders the first Consignment of Det-build150 (Zeolite) First time developed by Dr. Patel, the pramoter of Gujarat Multi Gas base Chemicals Pvt nd. Mehsana

Detergent giant Procter and Gamble Orders the first Consignment of Det-bulld150 (Zeolite) First time developed by Dr. Patel, the pramoter of Gujarat Muni Gas base Chemicals Pvt ltd. Mehsana

l,pramoter of Gujarat Multi IGas base Chemicals Pvt .I.!d. . Mehsana


is absolutely safe to humans and environment:

Extensive safety tests conducted on DETBUILD-150 have proved beyond doubt that it is absolutely safe to humans as""well as environment. DETBUILD-150 is non-toxic to aquatic organisms and does not contribute to malnutrition oflakes analstreams. DETBUILD-150 is thermodynamically unstable in aqueous solution at environmental PH's and slowly degenerates into simple components commonly found in nature.

Main conclusionof safetytests onDETBUILD-150 are: . Essentiallynon-toxic. . No effectathigh levels inthe diet. . Projectedto presentno silicosishazard. . Non sensitizer. . No evidenceof percutaneoustoxicity..Non irritatingtothe eyes. . Non irritatingto skin. Specification: * ChemicalComposition 1. SiO2 : 32.3% 2. AIP3 : 29.0% 3. N~O : 15.6% 4. Loss on Ignition : 21.7% 5. pH of5% Slurry : 11.2 6. Molarratio SiO2/ AIP3 : 1.97 * Physico-ChemicalProperties 1.BulkDensity - 0.4Kg/lit. 2. Average particle .size - 3.5 microns. 3. CaCOj uptaking - 300 mg. CaCOjgm. of dryproduct 4. Moisture - 5% Max. 5. Whiteness - 110 Gujarat Multi Gas Base Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. (A UNIT OF MANEK-GROUP)

Opp. ONGC Nagar, Palavasna, MEHSANA: 384 003 North Gujarat - INDIA Fax No. : +91 - 2762 -252582 Email : [email protected] ~~~:



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