Zelda Ph - Temple Clear Time Faq

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______________________________________ The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass ______________________________________ ========== Temple Clear Time ========= ---------------- FAQ ----------------3.0 - The Temple of the Ocean King ______________________________________ /\ \


/ \ /______\ �`�. /\ /\ >O< / \ / \ / \ / \ /______\/______\ ______________________________________ I. What? II. Why? III. When? (Prerequisites) IV. How? (General Strategies) .a Golden Pots .b Wizzrobes .c Safe Zones .d Shortcuts .e Hammer Baiting .f Boomerang Tricks .g Hurricane Spin Attack .h Roll .i Don't get hit by Phantoms or Wizzrobes V. Come again? (Detailed Plan) Floor 1F Floor B1 Floor B2 Floor B3 Floor B4 Floor B5 Floor B6 Floor B7 Floor B8 Floor B9 Floor B10 Floor B11 Floor B12 Floor B13 VI. Where? Extra Sand of Hours Golden Pots Red Pots VII. Version History


Copyright Info

______________________________________ I. What? ========= The Temple of the Ocean King is the main dungeon of this game that needs to be revisited several times. A much criticized specialty of this temple is the time limit. You need the Phantom Hourglass and its limited supply of Sand of Time to survive. This FAQ explains how to get through this dungeon with a completely full Phantom Hourglass (25 minutes 00 seconds). ______________________________________ II. Why? ========= Completing the Temple of the Ocean King with 25 minutes 00 seconds time left is not as strange and useless as it first may sound. While it's not strictly needed, there are two possibly quite big reasons why you'd want to do this: 1. You receive two of the much sought after and rare golden ship parts. 2. The collection screen shows your best "temple clear time". Having a perfect collection screen is (at least to me) a rather important part of playing a Zelda game. It's also not very difficult, once you know a few things. This FAQ tells you what these things are. ______________________________________ III. When? (Prerequisites) =========================== You need the phantom sword to complete the temple, so you probably have everything else anyway. You also most certainly need the Boomerang, Hookshot, Hammer & some Bombchus. ______________________________________ IV. How? (General Strategies) ============================== ______________________________________ .a Golden Pots ============== The golden pots (or yellow jars, yellow pots, golden jars...) are they key to this undertaking. You can find some of them on most floors. They refill the phantom hourglass (but only up to the original level.) Some give 30 extra seconds, some only 15. Not all of them are easily accessible so it's sometimes not worth the trouble to get them, but you definitely should get those that are on your way anyway.

Since they only give back time, you sometimes want to wait using them (or pick one up and take it with you) until you can actually fully exploit them. ______________________________________ .b Wizzrobes ============ The invisible wizzrobe enemies are like evil mobile versions of the golden pots. When killed (using the boomerang, sword or simply by throwing a jewel or pot at them) they also release some time of sand. Everything said about golden pots above also applies to the wizzrobes. But you need to be careful! Try to kill them in the middle of a larger room, or the released time might be lost. ______________________________________ .c Safe Zones ============= Time stops in these zones. This implies that you should do almost everything while remaining in these zones: * Kill phantoms (see Hammer Baiting) * Collect things (see Boomerang Tricks) * Send Bombchus * Switch to the item you will need next Breaking red pots creates small safe zones. Use this to your advantage by throwing them to useful places. ______________________________________ .d Shortcuts ============ Using your advanced equipment makes some serious shortcuts available. The hookshot is the main tool here: * on Floor B3: use two torches to slingshot yourself to an alternative exit this saves us a key * on Floor B7: skip from the northern safe zone to the other side the key from B3 allows skipping a lot here * on Floor B10: skip from the bottom safe zone directly to the door The hammer has it's use, too: * on Floor B12: enter from B11 using the east door and jump over the wall Bombchus open up some other possibilities: * on Floor B1: The northern dividing wall (Leads to a key) * on Floor B2: The wall exactly southwards of the entry (Leads to a key) * on Floor B2: The enclosed room to the west of the exit (Hides a golden pot) * on Floor B3: The enclosed room in the northeast (Hides a golden pot) ______________________________________ .e Hammer Baiting =================

You can use the hammer to draw all phantoms towards you while standing in a safe zone! Simply hammer on the floor. If the phantom hears or sees this it will try to run to that position. Kill it when it turns around. This can be used on almost all phantoms for good effect. ______________________________________ .f Boomerang Tricks =================== Use the boomerang to collect keys and golden pots whitout leaving a safe zone. A nice trick is to draw a long path for the boomerang, and while it follows this path, run to the next safe zone. This can reduce wasting of golden pots if you already have an (almost) full hourglass. If you are not in a safe zone and use the boomerang to collect anything, don't wait for it to return. You can tap the screen and run where you need to go next and the boomerang will follow you there. ______________________________________ .g Hurricane Spin Attack ======================== The triple spin attack (from the swordman's scroll) can sometimes be a little faster than plain running. For example the first floor 1F can be completed in zero seconds with this trick. This is not really required and more of a gimmick. ______________________________________ h. Roll ======= This is hard to do, I know, but try to do it where you can. But be careful, rolling three times makes you dizzy, which will cost you valuable time. ______________________________________ i. Don't get hit by Phantoms or Wizzrobes ========================================= Pretty much self-explanatory. Every hit by a Phantom or a Wizzrobe will cost you valuable time, so this is not acceptable. However, you can reduce the time damage you take from Phantoms to five seconds by equipping the Lvl 2 Spirit of Wisdom. But the time damage from Wizzrobes won't be affected by that, it's always 15 seconds. ______________________________________ V. Come again? (Detailed Plan) =============================== Reference Time:

It's possible to complete the floor with that time. If you can get close (within 5 to 10 seconds) to it or do even better, you should have no problem. In the first ten floors it's not really important to be quite as fast. You can still regain even 30 seconds or so on later floors. The last few floors are much more important and require a bit more precision. N: S: E: W:

north / up south / down east / right west / left

* Indicates things to do from a safe zone -> Run to / Do while not in a safe zone Some steps are optional, some additional things or alternative ways probably work just as well or better. If you can get a good time on a floor with a different approach feel free to use that instead. If you have previously reached the mid-point in a good time (0 seconds used is possible), it's possible to start from there, although you then can't use the shortcut on B7. ______________________________________ Floor 1F ======== Reference Time: 25:00 -> N (Optionally use the Great Spin Attack) ______________________________________ Floor B1 ======== Reference Time: 24:45 * Send a bombchu up to destroy the wall * Optionally kill phantom -> E, N, W, activate the floor plate, get the key -> back E to the door ______________________________________ Floor B2 ======== Reference Time: 25:00 * Kill the blue phantom (remember hammer baiting!) * Send a bombchu staight S to destroy the wall * Send a bombchu W to activate the timer * Send a bombchu S to complete the timer (or use the boomerang) -> W to the lever and pull the lever -> S on the floor plate, boomerang the key, run to the door * Send a bombchu W, boomerang golden pot

______________________________________ Floor B3 ======== Reference Time: 24:59 * Kill both phantoms * Pick up key (This key is used for a shortcut on Floor B7 -> W, N, E to the torches -> Break golden pot -> Hookshot both torches and catapult yourself to the exit * Don't take the golden pot just yet! (You should still have an almost full hourglass without it) ______________________________________ Floor B4 ======== Reference Time: 24:57 * Send a bombchu to the switch * Optionally send a bombchu to kill the N/E phantom eye -> E, fire an arrow in the eye -> S, W, get key * Kill phantom -> N, back to door to B3 * Pick up and carry golden pot to B4 -> W, N, W, break golden and red pot * Send bombchu north -> Door ______________________________________ Floor B5 ======== Reference Time: 24:53 -> E to door ______________________________________ Floor B6 ======== Reference Time: 25:00 -> S to red door * Draw hourglass * Get golden pot * Draw triforce * (Don't return to the entrance if you want to keep the key from B3 in B7!) ______________________________________

Floor B7 ======== Reference Time: 24:59 -> S Moving platform -> N Moving platform -> W Moving platform -> E Hookshot to chest -> E take round jewel to door, open door (using key from B3) -> W Back to safe zone * Boomerang golden pot -> Door (don't forget round jewel) Alternate route if you don't have the key fom B3 (or want the ship part chests): -> S Moving platform -> N Moving platform -> W Moving platform -> W, S to safe zone / door * Optionally kill phantom * On B8 kill the phantom N kill the phantom E cross the invisible bridge S safe zone, kill the phantoms back to B7 -> Optionally get the ship part chest * Back on B7 kill the phantoms -> Optionally go back to get the ship part chest -> Hit the switch, cross the platform, take the round jewel and the golden pot -> E, S back to B8 Send bombchu N to activate switch and open door N to door (skip the following description of floor B8 in this case) ______________________________________ Floor B8 ======== Reference Time: 24:55 * Throw round jewel down * Pick up golden pot and jump down * Throw pot to red pot -> Take time and break red pot * Send bombchu S, W, N, E to switch * Optionally kill phantom -> Door (don't forget round jewel) ______________________________________ Floor B9 ======== Reference Time: 25:00 -> Bring round jewel to safe zone -> Optionally kill some wizzrobes while doing that

and collect their time (don't waste it!) -> Kill phantom and bring square jewel to NW -> Optionally get the ship part chest -> Optionally go back up to B8 to collect two golden pots (step on floor plate, walk up stairs, jump down, take first golden pot, run to activated geyser, jump on wall, take second golden pot, run to door, jump down, continue on floor B9) -> Get triangle jewel to safe zone -> Get square jewel to safe zone -> Kill wizzrobes and get their time (don't get hit!) * Put square, round and then triangle jewel in sockets and enter the door * Take golden pot with you ______________________________________ Floor B10 ========= Reference Time: 24:56 -> E to pole, consume pot, hookshot to safe zone * Push boulder S on phantom -> S * Boomerang trick golden pot (long boomerang path can help here) -> W * Wait for phantom and hit it with arrow, get key with boomerang * Stand on pole -> Hookshot to chest, drop to door ______________________________________ Floor B11 ========= Reference Time: 24:54 * Optionally kill phantoms * Optionally get two golden pots in N (not really worth it) -> E to door ______________________________________ Floor B12 ========= Reference Time: 24:53 * Hammer-jump wall -> Kill phantom (don't get it's force gem yet) -> S, E, N * Optionally kill phantom eye -> N, get force gem * Kill phantom -> Hammer floor plate, bring force gem to socket (releases a wizzrobe) -> W, N, get force gem * Kill phantom -> Bring force gem to middle, kill wizzrobe and get it's time -> Bring force gem to socket (releases another wizzrobe) -> Get force gem (from first phantom in middle arena)

-> kill wizzrobe and get it's time -> Bring force gem to socket ______________________________________ Floor B13 ========= Reference Time: 25:00 -> E, get red pot, W jump down and throw red pot S * Kill all 9 phantoms -> N, pick up golden pot, jump down and throw golden pot to door -> get time and enter door almost at the same time Important: Carrying the pot into the hall with the bridge and break it there won't count. Only the time you have while entering the door will count. ______________________________________ VI. Where? =========== ______________________________________ Extra Sand of Hours =================== It doesn't make any sense to start with a best time run, unless you got all five extra minutes for the Phantom Hourglass. Defeating all boss enemies in the game gives you a total of 20 minutes, the remaining five minutes have to be salvaged. (Thanks to HomiWan @ GameFAQs and his awesome sea chart 3.0 for some of this information.) A. Go to Molida Island and dig in front of the palm tree northeast to the house in the center to upon the Wayfarer's second hideaway. There is a chest at the botton of this hole, open it. The treasure is located in the northeast to Mercay. ----------------------B. On Mercay Island, talk to the guy dressed in green. He'll ask you, if you have a Salvage Arm. Answer with "yes" and he'll give you the treasure map, pointing to a treasure in the west of Cannon Island. ----------------------C. On the Isle of Ember talk to Kayo after helping Astrid, he'll mark a spot on your map. It's a patch of green east of the Temple of Fire, dig a treasure map up there. The treasure lies behind Bannan Island, so you'll only be able to salvage it after getting the fourth sea chart. ----------------------D. Temple of the Ocean King, B6: There is an eye in the west of the entrance, shoot it to make a large treasure chest in the northeast appear. The treasure is sunken in the north of the Isle of Gust.

----------------------E. Temple of the Ocean King, B5: Use the shortcut on B4 (see Walkthrough section for details) and dig up the geyser to activate the crystal switch on the upper level. This will deactivate the gust valve and grant you access to a large treasure chest here. Salvage it in the northwest of the Isle of Frost. ______________________________________ Golden Pots =========== Here is a complete list of all the Golden Pots inside the temple. You won't need all of them and some will even cost you more time to get than they will give you, but it's good to know them all. If I missed one, please let me know. ----------------------B2 - northwest area, inside a safe zone behind a bombable wall (+30 seconds) ----------------------B3 - northeast corner, behind a bombable wall (+30 seconds) B3 - northwest area, by the two torches (+30 seconds) B3 - in the room with the sea chart, near the southwest exit (+30 seconds) B3 - at the very south of left trap door. "The only Attack, get the Phantom's (+30 seconds) - submitted

the room, just below the switch that controls the way you can get to it in time is with the Great Spin attention and make sure he doesn't destroy it." by SkyAvengah

----------------------B4 - on a wall in the center west area. Use the geyser in the south, to reach the upper level with the crystal switch and then get the pot from there with the Boomerang. (+30 seconds) B4 - southeast corner, use the Boomerang or the Grappling Hook to get it (+30 seconds) B4 - below the spikes leading to the key, but it will be destroyed by a Phantom after some seconds, so you have to be very fast (+30 seconds) - thanks to SkyAvengah for this one ----------------------B5 - use the bow to activate the eye near the south entrance, the pot is in the center of the south east room (+30 seconds) B5 - kill all Bubbles in the first center room (+15 seconds) B5 - kill all Moldorms in the second center room (+15 seconds) -----------------------

B6 - killing all Phantom Eyes will lower the spikes in the west, defending a Golden Pot. But you can also use the Hammer to get it. (+30 seconds) B6 - inside the Sun Crest room, draw the Hourglass Crest on the red door for access (+30 seconds) B6 - go west then south straight away or the Phantom will destroy it. (+30 seconds) - again thanks to SkyAvengah for this one ----------------------B7 - on the pathway southwest of the entrance. Break it with the Boomerang while moving on the floating platform, before the Phantom can destroy it. (+30 seconds) B7 - by the chest with the round crystal (+30 seconds) ----------------------B8 - by the shortcut in the northeast. Use the key from B3 on the northeast door in B7 to get access to it. (+30 seconds) B8 - on the upper level by the round pedestal. Use the stairs or the geyser to get on it and do the rest with the Boomerang. (+30 seconds) B8 - in the northwest corner (+30 seconds) ----------------------B9 - no Golden Pots on this floor, but 4 Wizzrobes (+30 seconds each) B9 - in the sea chart room (+30 seconds) ----------------------B10 - southeast corner, use Boomerang or Grappling Hook (+15 seconds) B10 - inside the southern area with the sound floors, protected by a Phantom Eye (+30 seconds) B10 - northwest area, dig up the geyser and use it to get on the upper level, then destroy the Pot with your Boomerang (+15 seconds) ----------------------B11 - instantly kill the Phantom to the west, before he can break the pot on the floor (+30 seconds) B11 - in the northwest corner (+15 seconds) B11 - in the center north, east of the pit (+15 seconds) ----------------------B12 - next to the western entrance, but you'll have to activate all four switches on B11 to get there (+30 seconds)

B12 - two Wizzrobes triggered by delivering the two Force Gems to the pedestals (+30 seconds each) ----------------------B13 - in the northwestern corner, smash it in front of the last door before entering it (+30 seconds) ______________________________________ Red Pots ======== This is a list of all the locations of the red pots. It might come in handy. Note: Like Golden Pots you can carry red pots to other floors and use them there. Unlike Golden Pots they will reset every time, you come back to a floor. This way you can also duplicate red pots by leaving a floor with the pot and returning with it to its original position. ----------------------B1 - in the northern hallway next to a fallen adventurer B1 - in the northern hallway next to the pot above ----------------------B2 - in an alcove in the northwest area next to the bombable wall ----------------------B3 - in the alcove west of the entrance B3 - on the upper level of the southeast area with the switches for the trapdoors ----------------------B4 - northwestern part, where the spikes defending the shortcut are ----------------------B6 - located in an alcove in the northwest corner ----------------------B7 - located in an alcove in the center of the east wall ----------------------B8 - located in an alcove next to the northeast shortcut B8 - located in an alcove in the center of the west wall ----------------------B9 - in an alcove south of the northwest square pedestal

----------------------B10 - in an alcove in the southwest corner, where the Phantom with the key is patrolling B10 - in the southeast part of the maze, in a corner north of the bombable wall ----------------------B11 - located in an alcove next to the stationary Phantom Eye in the east B11 - located in an alcove next to the stationary Phantom Eye in the west ----------------------B12 - in the northwest corner B12 - in the northeast corner ----------------------B13 - in the northeast, smash it in the lower level to defeat the Phantoms ______________________________________ VI. Version History ==================== 1.0 2.0 2.1 2.2

2007 2007 2007 2007

November November November November

3 6 7 8


2007 November 9

Initial document Major rewrite Minor additions Rewrite introduction Added alternate routes and ship chests Merged with FierceMasters FAQ

______________________________________ VII. Copyright Info ==================== Copyright (c) 2007 RupeeMan, FierceMaster Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this document, to deal in the document without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the document, and to permit persons to whom the document is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the document. THE DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY,

WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE DOCUMENT OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE DOCUMENT. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Acknowledgements: MoogleNo9 theycallhimjim SkyAvengah HomiWan Various other forum posters ______________________________________

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