Zaha Hadid-bmw Central Building

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 852
  • Pages: 4





2002-2004 [under construction] PROGRAM:

Offices and technical spaces for car manufacturing plant


BMW AG Triebstraße 14 80993 München Germany



Zaha Hadid with Patrik Schumacher

Project Architect

Jim Heverin/Lars Teichmann [Zaha Hadid]

Landscape Acrhitects:

Gross. Max [Edinburgh, UK]

Structural Engineering

IFB Dr. Braschel AG [Stuttgart, Germany] Anthony Hunt Associates [London, UK]


IFB Dr. Braschel AG [Stuttgart, Germany]

Lighting Design

Equation Lighting [London, UK]


25,000 m2



© Helene Binet

The Central Building is the active nerve- centre or brain of the whole factory complex. All threads of the building's activities gather together and branch out again from here.This planning strategy applies to the cycles and trajectories of people - workers (arriving in the morning and returning for lunch) and visitors - as well as for the cycle and progress of the production line which traverses this central point - departing and returning again. This dynamic focal point of the enterprise is made visually evident in the proposed dynamic spatial system that encompasses the whole northern front of the factory and articulates the central building as the point of confluence and culmination of the various converging flows. It seems as if the whole expanse of this side of the factory is oriented and animated by a force field emanating from the central building. All movement converging on the site is funnelled through this compression chamber squeezed inbetween the three main segments of production: Body in White, Paint Shop and Assembly. The organisation of the building exploits the obvious sequence of front to back for the phasing of public/busy to more withdrawn/quiet activities. The façade envelope is pulled in under a large diagonally projecting top floor. Here the car drop off swoops underneath letting off visitors into the glazed public lobby. The generous lobby allows views deep into the building. The depth of the building is opened by means of the insertion of courtyards that admit daylight and visibility to the building's heart. This is exemplified by the Canteen location adjacent to such a courtyard, offering a point of communication within the inner zone. The primary organising strategy is the scissor-section that connects groundfloor and first floor into a continuous field. Two sequences of terraced plates - like giant staircases - step up from north to south and from south to north. One commences close to the public lobby passing by/overlooking the forum to reach the first floor in the middle of the building. The other cascade starts with the cafeteria at the south end moving up to meet the first cascade then moving all the way up to the space projecting over the entrance. The two cascading sequences capture a long connective void between them. At the bottom of this void is the auditing area as a central focus of everybody's attention. Above the void the half-finished cars are moving along their tracks between the various surrounding production units open to view. The cascading floor plates are large enough to allow for flexible occupation patterns. The advantage lies in the articulation of recognisable domains within an overall field. Also the global field is opened up to visual communication much more than would be possible on a single flat floorplate. A huge flat playing field for various configurations of the administrative and engineering is offered above the forum. This field is again overlooked by the top end of the south-north cascade. The close integration of all workers is facilitated by the overall transparency of the internal organisation. The mixing of functions avoids the traditional segregation into status groups that is no longer conducive for a modern workplace. A whole series of engineering and administrative functions is located within the trajectory of the manual workforce coming in to work or moving in and out of their lunch break. White collar functions are located both on ground and first floor. Equally some of the Blue Collar spaces (lockers and social spaces) are located on the first floor. Especially those internal reserve spaces that are waiting for full use in Phase 2 are allocated as social communication spaces to mix blue and white collar workers. This way the establishment of exclusive domain is prevented. ACar Park as Landscape feature: The potential problem of placing a large car- park in front of the building had to be turned into an integral architectural feature that carries the scheme by turning it into a dynamic spectacle in its own right. The inherent dynamism of vehicle movement and the 'lively' field of the car bodies is revealed by giving the arrangement of parking lots a twist that lets the whole field move, colour and sparkle. The swooping trajectories across the field culminate within the building. BMW CENTRAL BUILDING [LEIPZIG, GERMANY]



2002-2004 [under construction]

© Zaha Hadid Office

© Zaha Hadid Office

© Zaha Hadid Office





© Steve Double

© Steve Double



Studio 9, 10 Bowling green lane EC1ROBQ London [email protected]

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