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4:7 5{7*398P w-4 5{>8_ y4: 47 9-*2_ a}9:{11>N 4:7 5{7*398 1.0* 94 97> 94 }439741 :8 {3~ 9-{9E8 97:* {}7488 }:19:7*8 944P b:9 <-{9 ~4 >4: 9-.30 .8 9-* :3~*71>.3, 574|1*2 +47 h43, k43,_ LSLA t-* 7*{1 574|1*2 <.9- h43, k43, .8 <-{9 i }{11 .3897:2*39{1.82P w* -{;* { }:19:7* 4+ .3897:2*39{1.82P e~:}{9.43 .8 .3897:2*39{1N {1<{>8 ,*{7*~ 94<{7~8 ~4.3, 9-* 7.,-9 ~*,7**N ,*99.3, 9-* 7.,-9 /4|P i9 2*{38 9-{9 5{7*398E 5*7}*59.43 4+ 7*{1.9> .8 ~.89479*~P S^[ h[Wb fheXb[c m_j^ t-*> 9-.30 9-*> 8** }1*{71> 9-* Ied] Ked] _i m^Wj J YWbb 574|1*28 +{}*~ |> 9-*.7 0.~8 {3~ 97> 94 841;* 9-*2P _dijhkc[djWb_ic5 U[ ^Wl[ W d4 >4: 9-.30 9-{9 h43, k43, .8 Ykbjkh[ e\ _dijhkc[djWb_ic5 :3.6:* .3 9-.8_ FZkYWj_ed _i _dijhkc[djWb3 LSLA n4N h43, k43, .8 349 WbmWoi ][Wh[Z jemWhZi Ze_d] :3.6:* {19-4:,- .9 -{8 .98 4<3 85*}.{1 <{> 4+ ~*{1.3, <.9- .98 j^[ h_]^j Z[]h[[3 ][jj_d] j^[ 574|1*28P t-* -{78-3*88 4+ 9-* h_]^j `eX5 Jj c[Wdi j^Wj 7*{1 <471~ +**18 }148*7 *;*3 94 fWh[dji0 f[hY[fj_ed e\ h[Wb_jo 94~{>E8 2.~~1*O}1{88 h43, k43, _i Z_ijehj[Z5 S^[o j^_da j^[o 5{7*398 9-{3 94 2{3> 5{7*398 .3 49-*7 ~*;*145*~ 84}.*9.*8P s4 i[[ Yb[Whbo j^[ fheXb[ci .9 3**~8 .98 4<3 85*}.{1 841:9.438P \WY[Z Xo j^[_h a_Zi WdZ jho je 4:7 5{7*398P w-4 5{>8_ y4: 47 9-*2_ a}9:{11>N 4:7 5{7*398 1.0* 94 97> 94 }439741 :8 {3~ 9-{9E8 97:* {}7488 }:19:7*8 944P b:9 <-{9 ~4 >4: 9-.30 .8 9-* :3~*71>.3, 574|1*2 +47 h43, k43,_ LSLA t-* 7*{1 574|1*2 <.9- h43, k43, .8 <-{9 i }{11 .3897:2*39{1.82P w* -{;* { }:19:7* 4+ .3897:2*39{1.82P e~:}{9.43 .8 .3897:2*39{1N {1<{>8 ,*{7*~ 94<{7~8 ~4.3, 9-* 7.,-9 ~*,7**N ,*99.3, 9-* 7.,-9 /4|P i9 2*{38 9-{9 5{7*398E 5*7}*59.43 4+ 7*{1.9> .8 ~.89479*~P S^[ h[Wb fheXb[c m_j^ t-*> 9-.30 9-*> 8** }1*{71> 9-* Ied] Ked] _i m^Wj J YWbb 574|1*28 +{}*~ |> 9-*.7 0.~8 {3~ 97> 94 841;* 9-*2P _dijhkc[djWb_ic5 U[ ^Wl[ W d4 >4: 9-.30 9-{9 h43, k43, .8 Ykbjkh[ e\ _dijhkc[djWb_ic5 :3.6:* .3 9-.8_ FZkYWj_ed _i _dijhkc[djWb3 LSLA n4N h43, k43, .8 349 WbmWoi ][Wh[Z jemWhZi Ze_d] :3.6:* {19-4:,- .9 -{8 .98 4<3 85*}.{1 <{> 4+ ~*{1.3, <.9- .98 j^[ h_]^j Z[]h[[3 ][jj_d] j^[ 574|1*28P t-* -{78-3*88 4+ 9-* h_]^j `eX5 Jj c[Wdi j^Wj 7*{1 <471~ +**18 }148*7 *;*3 94 fWh[dji0 f[hY[fj_ed e\ h[Wb_jo 94~{>E8 2.~~1*O}1{88 h43, k43, _i Z_ijehj[Z5 S^[o j^_da j^[o 5{7*398 9-{3 94 2{3> 5{7*398 .3 49-*7 ~*;*145*~ 84}.*9.*8P s4 i[[ Yb[Whbo j^[ fheXb[ci .9 3**~8 .98 4<3 85*}.{1 841:9.438P \WY[Z Xo j^[_h a_Zi WdZ jho je 8 {3~ -*15*~ 2* 94 89{> 43P h478*8 :3~*789{3~ <-*3 >4: {7* .3 3**~P t-*> {7* 2:}- 8.251*7 9-{3 5*451*IE m{70 7*{~8 -478*8 9-74:,- 9-*.7 24;*2*398 |:9 -* 7*{~8 5*451* |> 9-* 1440 .3 9-*.7 *>*8N 8**.3, 8>25{9->N 7*/*}9.43 47 5*7-{58 +*{7 43 -.8 |*-{1+P t-.8 7*{}9.43 |7.3,8 4:9 -.8 .33*7 7*8.1.*3}* {3~ 2{0*8 -.2 <{39 94 8-4< <-{9 -*E8 }{5{|1* 4+P h* 8{.~ 4+ -.8 57*O}425*9.9.43 ~{>8P Di 85*39 >*{78 |*.3, 1*~ {74:3~ 9-* 7.3, |:9 <-{9 i 7*{11> <{39*~ <{8 94 }439741 { -478* 2>8*1+P t-{9E8 <-{9 ~74;* 2*PE 8 {3~ -*15*~ 2* 94 89{> 43P h478*8 :3~*789{3~ <-*3 >4: {7* .3 3**~P t-*> {7* 2:}- 8.251*7 9-{3 5*451*IE m{70 7*{~8 -478*8 9-74:,- 9-*.7 24;*2*398 |:9 -* 7*{~8 5*451* |> 9-* 1440 .3 9-*.7 *>*8N 8**.3, 8>25{9->N 7*/*}9.43 47 5*7-{58 +*{7 43 -.8 |*-{1+P t-.8 7*{}9.43 |7.3,8 4:9 -.8 .33*7 7*8.1.*3}* {3~ 2{0*8 -.2 <{39 94 8-4< <-{9 -*E8 }{5{|1* 4+P h* 8{.~ 4+ -.8 57*O}425*9.9.43 ~{>8P Di 85*39 >*{78 |*.3, 1*~ {74:3~ 9-* 7.3, |:9 <-{9 i 7*{11> <{39*~ <{8 94 }439741 { -478* 2>8*1+P t-{9E8 <-{9 ~74;* 2*PE
iebl[ j^[c5s
b:9 <-{9 }4:1~ 9-* 841:9.438 |*_ LSLA w* 3**~ 94 ,4 |{}0 94 |{8.}8\ *3}4:7{,* }7*{9.;.9> {3~ {79.89.} {|.1.9>P w* 3**~ 94 2{0* { |7*{0 <.9- 9-* }425*9.9.;*N .3897:2*39{1.89 }:19:7* 4+ h43, k43,P i9 .8 2{0.3, >4:3, 5*451* 944 3{774< {3~ .8 }4:39*7O574~:}9.;*P
parents. wants for their children i<+8? 6|8+4: =|4: :.+ }+9: ,58 :.+/8 ~./2*W m: /9 542? 4|:;8|2W w5 :.|: +4*U 45:./4- /9 96|8+*b +>:8| ~2|99+9 /4 3;9/~U |8:U *|4~+U 9658:9U 2|4-;|-+9 58 3|:.+3|:/~9W w.+ ~./2*U 45 3|::+8 =.|: ./9 58 .+8 :+36+8|3+4: 58 :|2+4:U =/22 -+: :.+ }+9: B|*<|4:|-+9C :.+ 6|8+4: ~|4 |,,58* |4* :.+ +|82/+8 +>:8| ~2|99+9 9:|8:U :.+ }+::+8W f;: |: =.|: ~59:c h4< ~4 <* {}-.*;* 9-{9_ LSLA a~:198 3**~ 94 ~*;*145 { 3*< {3~ <.~*7 8*38* 4+ 9.2*P t-*3 9-*> }4:1~ *3}4:7{,* >4:3, 5*451* 94 ~{11> {3~ D<{89*E 9.2*N 1*{73.3, |> 9-* 574}*88 4+ 2{0.3, 2.89{0*8N ,74<.3, :5 {8 |{1{3}*~ >4:3, {~:198 <-4 {7*3E9 8}{7*~ 94 5:9 { +449 <743,P n49 |*1.*;.3, 9-{9 9-*7* .8 431> 43* 7.,-9 74{~ 94 9{0*P i389*{~N 9-{9 9-*7* .8 { 143, {3~ <.3~.3, 74{~ {3~ <* {11 +4114< .9P i+ >4:3, 5*451* <*7* *3}4:7{,*~ 94 +4114< 9-{9 74{~ 9-*> <4:1~ -{;* }-{7{}9*7O|:.1~.3, *=5*7.*3}*8 {143, 9-* <{>P t-*.7 -47.?438 <4:1~ |74{~*3 {8 9-*> <*39P a3~ 9-* 0.~8 <4:1~3E9 3**~ 47,{3.?*~ -41.~{>8 {|74{~ .3 47~*7 94 {}6:.7* ,14|{1 5*785*}9.;* {3> 247*P i9 <4:1~ }42* 3{9:7{11>P
Jducators3 youth workers and parents have long considered this question3 although it is sometimes left unarticulated5 Rothers and fathers cannot be criticized for wanting the best for their children5 Mowever3 perhaps now is the time to draw attention to the problems that can be caused by trying to fulfil adult ambitions by placing expectations that are too great on the younger generation5 Yhis is an increasingly common phenomenon and caution is urged5 8 TWKIT VM_[XIXMZ5 ZMXWZ\ML WV IV ]VKWUNWZ\IJTa KWUUWV XPMVWUMVWV _PQKP Q[ KMZ\IQVTa VW\ ]VQY]M \W \PM KQ\a3 BZ[ AW /VW\ PMZ ZMIT VIUM0 X]\ PMZ 572UWV\P2 WTL LI]OP\MZc[ VIUM LW_V NWZ \_W XWX]TIZ XZQUIZa [KPWWT[ [WWV IN\MZ [PM _I[ JWZV3 EPM _WZZQML [PM UQOP\ ITZMILa JM \WW TI\M3 EPM PIL ITZMILa [MV\ PMZ [WV \W \_W XZM2[KPWWT[ I\ \PM IOM WN \_W1 IV`QW][ PM [PW]TL PI^M I JQTQVO]IT ML]KI\QWV3 >M PIL UWZVQVO[ QV :IV\WVM[M1 IN\MZVWWV[ QV ;VOTQ[P3 9]\ [PM IT[W _IV\ML PQU \W TMIZV D]\WVOP]I1 [W \PMV PM _MV\ \W I LQNNMZMV\ XZM2[KPWWT _Q\P D]\WVOP]I QV \PM UWZVQVO IVL ;VOTQ[P QV \PM IN\MZVWWV3 EWUM\QUM[ PM NMTT I[TMMX QV KTI[[1 J]\ [PM [\QTT JMTQM^ML [PM _I[ PMTXQVO PQU WV TQNM.[ RW]ZVMa3
i8 9-*7* {3>9-.3, <* }{3 ~4 34< 94 -*15 9-{9 574}*88_ LSLA i 9-.30 <* 8-4:1~ 7*.3974~:}* .389.9:9.43{1 897:}9:7*8 <-.}*3}4:7{,* ~.;*78.9> {3~ 8*1+O8:++.}.*3}>] 9-{9 {114< 89:~*398 94 ,4 4++ 43 9-*.7 4<3 43 143, ;{}{9.43N 1*{73.3, 94 |* .3~*5*3~*39 1.;.3, 43 { 1.2.9*~ |:~,*9 .3 { +47*.,3 }4:397>N 9{0.3, 9-*.7 9.2*N 2{0.3, 9-*.7 4<3 <{> {3~ 9-*.7 4<3 2.89{0*8P t-.8 <4:1~ -*15 ~.8841;* 9-* +*{7 4+ +7**~42 9-{9 |49- 5{7*398 {3~ >4:9- +**1P c:7.48.9> <4:1~ ,74
\anting your child to succeed is only natural5 Yhe best possible foundation will ensure the youngster.s curriculum vitae is impressive enough for a place at a school of good standing5 Gut when do normal expectations become what might be called -Lreat JxpectationsD. Yhe expectations that cause unnecessary pressure3 that value paper achievements over broadened horizons3 accumulation of information over diversity of knowledge3 consumption over leisure3 and winning over participationD
WenoirA Zowrx gy ynk vogtu
\hile some might baulk at inflicting such schooling as Rrs Qo did 1see box above23 there are educators aware of the issue who see nothing wrong with it5 Kor example3 a teacher at one of the international schools in Mong Pong admitted to sending her three4year4old not only for Jnglish and Hhinese classes3 but also for piano3 painting and swimming lessons every day5 -Tne reason is so that my daughter makes good use of ^her_ time5 Fnother3 of course3 is to make ^her_ more competitive5 Nt0s tough3 but that is the way society is5.
c422*398 43 9-.8 {79.}1* {3~ 6:*89.438 {|4:9 9-* ~.++.}:19.*8 +{}*~ |> 94~{>K8 5{7*398 {7* <{721> <*1}42*~P p1*{8* <7.9* 94 :8 {9 >4:9--43,043,`-0+>,P47,P-0
IegasA Vgrrky jgtikwx ut ynk xygmk
continued on next page555
k8+|: i>6+~:|:/549b m{>|* .9E8 -{7~*7 94 |* {3 .3~*5*3~*39 .3~.;.~:{1 34
iebl[ j^[c5s
b:9 <-{9 }4:1~ 9-* 841:9.438 |*_ LSLA w* 3**~ 94 ,4 |{}0 94 |{8.}8\ *3}4:7{,* }7*{9.;.9> {3~ {79.89.} {|.1.9>P w* 3**~ 94 2{0* { |7*{0 <.9- 9-* }425*9.9.;*N .3897:2*39{1.89 }:19:7* 4+ h43, k43,P i9 .8 2{0.3, >4:3, 5*451* 944 3{774< {3~ .8 }4:39*7O574~:}9.;*P
parents. wants for their children i<+8? 6|8+4: =|4: :.+ }+9: ,58 :.+/8 ~./2*W m: /9 542? 4|:;8|2W w5 :.|: +4*U 45:./4- /9 96|8+*b +>:8| ~2|99+9 /4 3;9/~U |8:U *|4~+U 9658:9U 2|4-;|-+9 58 3|:.+3|:/~9W w.+ ~./2*U 45 3|::+8 =.|: ./9 58 .+8 :+36+8|3+4: 58 :|2+4:U =/22 -+: :.+ }+9: B|*<|4:|-+9C :.+ 6|8+4: ~|4 |,,58* |4* :.+ +|82/+8 +>:8| ~2|99+9 9:|8:U :.+ }+::+8W f;: |: =.|: ~59:c h4< ~4 <* {}-.*;* 9-{9_ LSLA a~:198 3**~ 94 ~*;*145 { 3*< {3~ <.~*7 8*38* 4+ 9.2*P t-*3 9-*> }4:1~ *3}4:7{,* >4:3, 5*451* 94 ~{11> {3~ D<{89*E 9.2*N 1*{73.3, |> 9-* 574}*88 4+ 2{0.3, 2.89{0*8N ,74<.3, :5 {8 |{1{3}*~ >4:3, {~:198 <-4 {7*3E9 8}{7*~ 94 5:9 { +449 <743,P n49 |*1.*;.3, 9-{9 9-*7* .8 431> 43* 7.,-9 74{~ 94 9{0*P i389*{~N 9-{9 9-*7* .8 { 143, {3~ <.3~.3, 74{~ {3~ <* {11 +4114< .9P i+ >4:3, 5*451* <*7* *3}4:7{,*~ 94 +4114< 9-{9 74{~ 9-*> <4:1~ -{;* }-{7{}9*7O|:.1~.3, *=5*7.*3}*8 {143, 9-* <{>P t-*.7 -47.?438 <4:1~ |74{~*3 {8 9-*> <*39P a3~ 9-* 0.~8 <4:1~3E9 3**~ 47,{3.?*~ -41.~{>8 {|74{~ .3 47~*7 94 {}6:.7* ,14|{1 5*785*}9.;* {3> 247*P i9 <4:1~ }42* 3{9:7{11>P
Jducators3 youth workers and parents have long considered this question3 although it is sometimes left unarticulated5 Rothers and fathers cannot be criticized for wanting the best for their children5 Mowever3 perhaps now is the time to draw attention to the problems that can be caused by trying to fulfil adult ambitions by placing expectations that are too great on the younger generation5 Yhis is an increasingly common phenomenon and caution is urged5 8 TWKIT VM_[XIXMZ5 ZMXWZ\ML WV IV ]VKWUNWZ\IJTa KWUUWV XPMVWUMVWV _PQKP Q[ KMZ\IQVTa VW\ ]VQY]M \W \PM KQ\a3 BZ[ AW /VW\ PMZ ZMIT VIUM0 X]\ PMZ 572UWV\P2 WTL LI]OP\MZc[ VIUM LW_V NWZ \_W XWX]TIZ XZQUIZa [KPWWT[ [WWV IN\MZ [PM _I[ JWZV3 EPM _WZZQML [PM UQOP\ ITZMILa JM \WW TI\M3 EPM PIL ITZMILa [MV\ PMZ [WV \W \_W XZM2[KPWWT[ I\ \PM IOM WN \_W1 IV`QW][ PM [PW]TL PI^M I JQTQVO]IT ML]KI\QWV3 >M PIL UWZVQVO[ QV :IV\WVM[M1 IN\MZVWWV[ QV ;VOTQ[P3 9]\ [PM IT[W _IV\ML PQU \W TMIZV D]\WVOP]I1 [W \PMV PM _MV\ \W I LQNNMZMV\ XZM2[KPWWT _Q\P D]\WVOP]I QV \PM UWZVQVO IVL ;VOTQ[P QV \PM IN\MZVWWV3 EWUM\QUM[ PM NMTT I[TMMX QV KTI[[1 J]\ [PM [\QTT JMTQM^ML [PM _I[ PMTXQVO PQU WV TQNM.[ RW]ZVMa3
i8 9-*7* {3>9-.3, <* }{3 ~4 34< 94 -*15 9-{9 574}*88_ LSLA i 9-.30 <* 8-4:1~ 7*.3974~:}* .389.9:9.43{1 897:}9:7*8 <-.}*3}4:7{,* ~.;*78.9> {3~ 8*1+O8:++.}.*3}>] 9-{9 {114< 89:~*398 94 ,4 4++ 43 9-*.7 4<3 43 143, ;{}{9.43N 1*{73.3, 94 |* .3~*5*3~*39 1.;.3, 43 { 1.2.9*~ |:~,*9 .3 { +47*.,3 }4:397>N 9{0.3, 9-*.7 9.2*N 2{0.3, 9-*.7 4<3 <{> {3~ 9-*.7 4<3 2.89{0*8P t-.8 <4:1~ -*15 ~.8841;* 9-* +*{7 4+ +7**~42 9-{9 |49- 5{7*398 {3~ >4:9- +**1P c:7.48.9> <4:1~ ,74
\anting your child to succeed is only natural5 Yhe best possible foundation will ensure the youngster.s curriculum vitae is impressive enough for a place at a school of good standing5 Gut when do normal expectations become what might be called -Lreat JxpectationsD. Yhe expectations that cause unnecessary pressure3 that value paper achievements over broadened horizons3 accumulation of information over diversity of knowledge3 consumption over leisure3 and winning over participationD
WenoirA Zowrx gy ynk vogtu
\hile some might baulk at inflicting such schooling as Rrs Qo did 1see box above23 there are educators aware of the issue who see nothing wrong with it5 Kor example3 a teacher at one of the international schools in Mong Pong admitted to sending her three4year4old not only for Jnglish and Hhinese classes3 but also for piano3 painting and swimming lessons every day5 -Tne reason is so that my daughter makes good use of ^her_ time5 Fnother3 of course3 is to make ^her_ more competitive5 Nt0s tough3 but that is the way society is5.
c422*398 43 9-.8 {79.}1* {3~ 6:*89.438 {|4:9 9-* ~.++.}:19.*8 +{}*~ |> 94~{>K8 5{7*398 {7* <{721> <*1}42*~P p1*{8* <7.9* 94 :8 {9 >4:9--43,043,`-0+>,P47,P-0
IegasA Vgrrky jgtikwx ut ynk xygmk
continued on next page555
6@=LMJ@ Mow do we distinguish normal parental expectations from Lreat JxpectationsD Yhe former involve a loving3 nurturing relationship3 taking into account the capabilities of the child5 Yhe latter focus on achievement3 rather than all4round development5 Yhis is not a recent phenomenon5 Fmerican child psychologist Iavid Jlkind3 in cnk [zwwokj Wnorj93 points the finger at parents5 Me says they -accelerate their children.s acquisition of early skills and abilities3. forcing them into summer camps or competitive sports3 -where routine is rigorous5. Gut he does not excuse the school system or society at large either5 Yhe implication is a childhood that is no longer enjoyable5 Yhere is no pleasure in learning new things or experiencing new adventures5 Jverything is about good results5 Xport is no more an activity aimed at teaching physical coordination3 a way to burn up energy and learn about teamwork5 Nnstead it becomes a platform where winning is always preferred5
Maving fun
r i|~. ~./2* 9.5;2* }+ -/<+4 96|~+ |4* ,8++*53 :5 }+ /445<|:/<+U
~8+|:/<+ |4*U |}5<+ |22U :5 3|1+ 3/9:|1+9 |4* .|<+ ,;4W z.+:.+8 2+|84/4- | 4+= -|3+U 62|?/4- | 3;9/~|2 /49:8;3+4: 58 +<+4 *5/4- | 9~/+4:/,/~ +>6+8/3+4:U ~./2*8+4 9.5;2* }+ |}2+ :5 +405? :.+39+2<+9Ws
Gut how did we reach this point3 where childhood has lost its innocence and where room for personal growth3 development3 creativity and play have become raritiesD Mong Pong teenager loaded up for a weekend of flute3 tennis and ballet lessons
r e :+|~.+8 |: 54+ 5, l54- o54- /4:+84|:/54|2 9~.5529 |*3/::+* :5 9+4*/4.+8 :.8++V?+|8V52* 45: 542? ,58 i4-2/9. |4* g./4+9+ ~2|99+9U };: |295 ,58 *|/2? 6/|45U 6|/4:/4- |4* 9=/33/4- 2+99549W Bq? *|;-.:+8 3|1+9 -55* ;9+ 5, .+8 :/3+ |4* /: 3|1+9 .+8 358+ ~536+:/:/<+W w5;-.U };: :.|: /9 :.+ =|? 95~/+:? /9WC s Flvin Wosenfeld3 former head of Hhild Usychiatry at Xtanford Redical Xchool3 argues that -adult anxiety and competitiveness.: have resulted in Lreat Jxpectations being placed on young people without due consideration of their interests3 needs and development5 Qearning and behaviour specialist3 Soel Oanis4Sorton; claims that it is parents3 rather than children who suffer from -peer pressure5. Fnd it is this which results in the over scheduling of the child5
Xo where is the balanceD Uarents can learn to understand their children.s aptitudes and abilities instead of indiscriminately foisting their own wishes and desires on them5 Nt is said that problems with children who have been over scheduled do not manifest themselves until secondary school5 \hile primary students might be full of enthusiasm3 both for the activity3 as well as to please their parents3 resentment really starts to build up in adolescence5 Fnd this can often result in a child giving up the activity altogether in conflict with his or her parents5 Hhildren should be given room to be innovative and creative5 Yhey should be given the freedom to make mistakes and not always feel the need to be -first.3 instead developing a healthy attitude towards winning and losing5
Hhildren should be allowed to have fun5 \hether playing a game3 a musical instrument or even conducting a scientific experiment3 children should enjoy their activities5 Nf not3 they become a burden5 Hhildren also need encouragement5 F constant barrage of criticism and comparisons leads to low self4esteem which erodes confidence5 Jach child needs to feel that they have something to contribute5 Yhey need to feel comfortable in order to be well4balanced5 Kor that they need an atmosphere without Lreat Jxpectations and pressure5 \e live in a world that is competitive3 and competition is healthy5 \e live in a world that judges success very much on achievements3 and achievements are to be applauded5 \hat is not healthy3 and not laudable3 are the over4expectations that threaten a child.s all4round development5 Yhey lead to imbalance3 stress3 and3 ultimately to resentment5
t/~:;8+ |~145=2+*-+3+4:9 Uage 88 1upper2 Lirls at the piano5 Uierre4Fuguste Wenoir5 Wetrieved Sovember 9;3 977?3 from httpA66upload5wikimedia5org6wikipedia6commons6thumb6e6ed6Wenoir9:5jpg6:<7px4Wenoir9:5jpg 1lower2 Gallet dancers on the stage5 Jdgar Iegas5 Wetrieved Sovember 9;3 977?3 from
Yhe affect on the child is unsurprising5 Xociologists have argued that childhood has now become a -luxury. because of the quest to speed up the transition from childhood to adulthood through so many extra4curricular activities5 F family therapist argues3 furthermore3 that children are responding in increasingly negative ways to this forced pressure5 Yhe following points are made in evidence5< 1 1 1 1
teens killing themselves and each other at triple the rate they were 97 years ago girls in ;th grade who are -dieting. 97. of children -failing. kindergarten more children than ever before being medicated to make them more -manageable. and -educable.
httpA66upload5wikimedia5org6wikipedia6commons6thumb6a6a>6Jdgar`Lermain`Milaire`Iegas555 Uage 8: by Qakshmi Oacot~a 1977=25
v5;8~+9 8
Uushed to the limit5 1Futumn6\inter3 977<25 Xunday Rorning Uost Hhild Hare3 Xpecial Xupplement5
Iavid Jlkind5 18@?825 Yhe hurried childA Lrowing up too fast too soon5 Weading3 Rass5A Fddison4\esley5
Xtressed out + Jxperts recommendation for students who face intense parental pressure to excel5 1Ray ?3 977<25 Xan Krancisco Hhronicle5 Wetrieved Sovember 9;3 977?3 from httpA66www5sfgate5com6cgi4bin6article5cgiDfileC6c6a6977<67<67?6RSL;;HQ[8[85IYQ/typeCp555
Melena Uozniak5 Yhe after4school activity merry4go4round5 1Sovember 993 977?25 Yhe Yimes5 Wetrieved Sovember 9>3 977?3 from httpA66women5timesonline5co5uk6tol6life`and`style6women6body`and`soul6article<97;?@;5ece
Harleton Pendrick5 1n5d525 Yhe Murried Hhild in Kamily Jducation5 Wetrieved Sovember 9?3 977?3 from httpA66life5familyeducation5com6stress6extracurricular4activities6:=8?>5htmlDemail
6@=LMJ@ Mow do we distinguish normal parental expectations from Lreat JxpectationsD Yhe former involve a loving3 nurturing relationship3 taking into account the capabilities of the child5 Yhe latter focus on achievement3 rather than all4round development5 Yhis is not a recent phenomenon5 Fmerican child psychologist Iavid Jlkind3 in cnk [zwwokj Wnorj93 points the finger at parents5 Me says they -accelerate their children.s acquisition of early skills and abilities3. forcing them into summer camps or competitive sports3 -where routine is rigorous5. Gut he does not excuse the school system or society at large either5 Yhe implication is a childhood that is no longer enjoyable5 Yhere is no pleasure in learning new things or experiencing new adventures5 Jverything is about good results5 Xport is no more an activity aimed at teaching physical coordination3 a way to burn up energy and learn about teamwork5 Nnstead it becomes a platform where winning is always preferred5
Maving fun
r i|~. ~./2* 9.5;2* }+ -/<+4 96|~+ |4* ,8++*53 :5 }+ /445<|:/<+U
~8+|:/<+ |4*U |}5<+ |22U :5 3|1+ 3/9:|1+9 |4* .|<+ ,;4W z.+:.+8 2+|84/4- | 4+= -|3+U 62|?/4- | 3;9/~|2 /49:8;3+4: 58 +<+4 *5/4- | 9~/+4:/,/~ +>6+8/3+4:U ~./2*8+4 9.5;2* }+ |}2+ :5 +405? :.+39+2<+9Ws
Gut how did we reach this point3 where childhood has lost its innocence and where room for personal growth3 development3 creativity and play have become raritiesD Mong Pong teenager loaded up for a weekend of flute3 tennis and ballet lessons
r e :+|~.+8 |: 54+ 5, l54- o54- /4:+84|:/54|2 9~.5529 |*3/::+* :5 9+4*/4.+8 :.8++V?+|8V52* 45: 542? ,58 i4-2/9. |4* g./4+9+ ~2|99+9U };: |295 ,58 *|/2? 6/|45U 6|/4:/4- |4* 9=/33/4- 2+99549W Bq? *|;-.:+8 3|1+9 -55* ;9+ 5, .+8 :/3+ |4* /: 3|1+9 .+8 358+ ~536+:/:/<+W w5;-.U };: :.|: /9 :.+ =|? 95~/+:? /9WC s Flvin Wosenfeld3 former head of Hhild Usychiatry at Xtanford Redical Xchool3 argues that -adult anxiety and competitiveness.: have resulted in Lreat Jxpectations being placed on young people without due consideration of their interests3 needs and development5 Qearning and behaviour specialist3 Soel Oanis4Sorton; claims that it is parents3 rather than children who suffer from -peer pressure5. Fnd it is this which results in the over scheduling of the child5
Xo where is the balanceD Uarents can learn to understand their children.s aptitudes and abilities instead of indiscriminately foisting their own wishes and desires on them5 Nt is said that problems with children who have been over scheduled do not manifest themselves until secondary school5 \hile primary students might be full of enthusiasm3 both for the activity3 as well as to please their parents3 resentment really starts to build up in adolescence5 Fnd this can often result in a child giving up the activity altogether in conflict with his or her parents5 Hhildren should be given room to be innovative and creative5 Yhey should be given the freedom to make mistakes and not always feel the need to be -first.3 instead developing a healthy attitude towards winning and losing5
Hhildren should be allowed to have fun5 \hether playing a game3 a musical instrument or even conducting a scientific experiment3 children should enjoy their activities5 Nf not3 they become a burden5 Hhildren also need encouragement5 F constant barrage of criticism and comparisons leads to low self4esteem which erodes confidence5 Jach child needs to feel that they have something to contribute5 Yhey need to feel comfortable in order to be well4balanced5 Kor that they need an atmosphere without Lreat Jxpectations and pressure5 \e live in a world that is competitive3 and competition is healthy5 \e live in a world that judges success very much on achievements3 and achievements are to be applauded5 \hat is not healthy3 and not laudable3 are the over4expectations that threaten a child.s all4round development5 Yhey lead to imbalance3 stress3 and3 ultimately to resentment5
t/~:;8+ |~145=2+*-+3+4:9 Uage 88 1upper2 Lirls at the piano5 Uierre4Fuguste Wenoir5 Wetrieved Sovember 9;3 977?3 from httpA66upload5wikimedia5org6wikipedia6commons6thumb6e6ed6Wenoir9:5jpg6:<7px4Wenoir9:5jpg 1lower2 Gallet dancers on the stage5 Jdgar Iegas5 Wetrieved Sovember 9;3 977?3 from
Yhe affect on the child is unsurprising5 Xociologists have argued that childhood has now become a -luxury. because of the quest to speed up the transition from childhood to adulthood through so many extra4curricular activities5 F family therapist argues3 furthermore3 that children are responding in increasingly negative ways to this forced pressure5 Yhe following points are made in evidence5< 1 1 1 1
teens killing themselves and each other at triple the rate they were 97 years ago girls in ;th grade who are -dieting. 97. of children -failing. kindergarten more children than ever before being medicated to make them more -manageable. and -educable.
httpA66upload5wikimedia5org6wikipedia6commons6thumb6a6a>6Jdgar`Lermain`Milaire`Iegas555 Uage 8: by Qakshmi Oacot~a 1977=25
v5;8~+9 8
Uushed to the limit5 1Futumn6\inter3 977<25 Xunday Rorning Uost Hhild Hare3 Xpecial Xupplement5
Iavid Jlkind5 18@?825 Yhe hurried childA Lrowing up too fast too soon5 Weading3 Rass5A Fddison4\esley5
Xtressed out + Jxperts recommendation for students who face intense parental pressure to excel5 1Ray ?3 977<25 Xan Krancisco Hhronicle5 Wetrieved Sovember 9;3 977?3 from httpA66www5sfgate5com6cgi4bin6article5cgiDfileC6c6a6977<67<67?6RSL;;HQ[8[85IYQ/typeCp555
Melena Uozniak5 Yhe after4school activity merry4go4round5 1Sovember 993 977?25 Yhe Yimes5 Wetrieved Sovember 9>3 977?3 from httpA66women5timesonline5co5uk6tol6life`and`style6women6body`and`soul6article<97;?@;5ece
Harleton Pendrick5 1n5d525 Yhe Murried Hhild in Kamily Jducation5 Wetrieved Sovember 9?3 977?3 from httpA66life5familyeducation5com6stress6extracurricular4activities6:=8?>5htmlDemail
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PWij fWjj[hdi i3 9-* 5{89 9-*7* <*7* 2{88.;* <{;*8 4+ .22.,7{9.43 +742 c-.3{ 94 h43, k43, <-.}-{;* 8-{5*~ 4:7 ~*24,7{5-.}8P g4;*732*39 8}-*2*8 34< *=.89 94 }439741 8:}- +14
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9{1*39 +742 4;*78*{8 {3~ 9-* 2{.31{3~P t-* 6:49{ -{8 3*;*7 |**3 +.11*~ {3~ 9-* }7.9*7.{ <*7* 7*1{=*~ .3 TRRZP o9-*7 8}-*2*8 +47 343O14}{11> |473 89:~*398 97> 94 {997{}9 +7*8- ,7{~:{9*8 94 89{> 43 {3~ <470 -*7*P d*85.9* 9-*8* {99*2598N h43, k43, .8 +{.1.3, 94 ~7{< {3~ 0**5 9{1*39*~ >4:9-P t-* 14< +*79.1.9> 7{9* 2*{38 9-{9 9-* 82{11N 14}{11> |473 5441 .8 89{,3{9.3,P a9 9-* 8{2* 9.2*N *~:}{9.43 1*;*18 .3 h43, k43, -{;* 89{79*~ 94 1{, 9-48* 4+ 2{/47N +{89O,74<.3, }.9.*8P u31*88 9-*7* {7* }-{3,*8 .3 541.}>N |> TRUS 9-* |*89 *~:}{9*~ 5*451* <.11 {184 |* {243, 9-* 41~*89N {8 9-* +.,:7*8 .3 t{|1* S 43 5{,* SX {184 8-4
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Peii_Xb[ iebkj_edi w470 ~43* |> p74+*8847 h*1*3 s.: {3~ -*7 }411*{,:*8 *={2.3*8 -4< { }.7}:1{9.3, 545:1{9.43 +14< 9-74:,- 9-* }.9> }4:1~ 2{.39{.3 .98 ~>3{2.82P t-*> *=5147* <{>8 .3 <-.}- 9-{9 +14< }4:1~ |* *3}4:7{,*~ {}7488 { 84+9 |47~*7 <.9- 49-*7 }4:397.*8 {8 <*11 {8 9-* 2{.31{3~P e3}4:7{,.3, 9-* 7*9:73 4+ 9-48* <-4 1*+9 .3 9-* [R8 +47 }4:397.*8 8:}- {8 c{3{~{ {3~ a:897{1.{ .8 {184 .25479{39P t-*> 1440 {9 -4< 9-.8 <4:1~ 574;.~* { }4389{39 .3O{3~O4:9 +14< 4+ >4:9-N 9{1*39N 89:~*398N 9-* 574+*88.43{11> 6:{1.+.*~ {3~ 9-* *397*57*3*:7.{1 {8 <*11 {8 9-* 5->8.}{11> 89743, {3~ {|1*N .+ 1*88 <*11O*~:}{9*~P
m{3> .22.,7{398 +742 9-* 2{.31{3~ <4:1~ }42* +742 /4|8 {3~ -42*8 .3 :7|{3N .3~:897.{1 {7*{8 4+ 9-* p*{71 r.;*7 d*19{P t-* 574548{1 .3;41;*8 8**.3, 9-*2 {8 { 54<*7+:1 {88*9 .389*{~ 4+ { 549*39.{1 |:7~*3P
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PWij fWjj[hdi i3 9-* 5{89 9-*7* <*7* 2{88.;* <{;*8 4+ .22.,7{9.43 +742 c-.3{ 94 h43, k43, <-.}-{;* 8-{5*~ 4:7 ~*24,7{5-.}8P g4;*732*39 8}-*2*8 34< *=.89 94 }439741 8:}- +14
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Peii_Xb[ iebkj_edi w470 ~43* |> p74+*8847 h*1*3 s.: {3~ -*7 }411*{,:*8 *={2.3*8 -4< { }.7}:1{9.3, 545:1{9.43 +14< 9-74:,- 9-* }.9> }4:1~ 2{.39{.3 .98 ~>3{2.82P t-*> *=5147* <{>8 .3 <-.}- 9-{9 +14< }4:1~ |* *3}4:7{,*~ {}7488 { 84+9 |47~*7 <.9- 49-*7 }4:397.*8 {8 <*11 {8 9-* 2{.31{3~P e3}4:7{,.3, 9-* 7*9:73 4+ 9-48* <-4 1*+9 .3 9-* [R8 +47 }4:397.*8 8:}- {8 c{3{~{ {3~ a:897{1.{ .8 {184 .25479{39P t-*> 1440 {9 -4< 9-.8 <4:1~ 574;.~* { }4389{39 .3O{3~O4:9 +14< 4+ >4:9-N 9{1*39N 89:~*398N 9-* 574+*88.43{11> 6:{1.+.*~ {3~ 9-* *397*57*3*:7.{1 {8 <*11 {8 9-* 5->8.}{11> 89743, {3~ {|1*N .+ 1*88 <*11O*~:}{9*~P
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Rj[f^[d WdZ S^ecWi Wh[ Xej^ fhe\[ii_edWbi _d j^[_h [Whbo i[hl_Y[i m^_b[ j^[ ej^[h ^Wi X[[d [Whd_d] W l[ho ]eeZ iWbWho \eh Rj[f^[d je cWa[ W cW`eh YWh[[h Y^Wd][ m^[h[Wi S^ecWi meha_d] b_\[ YWd Xh_d] h[mWhZi j^Wj ekjm[_]^ \_dWdY_Wb _dY[dj_l[i Ied] Ked] oekj^ jeZWo5
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s/4{2/x4*0/xvx2x-8.1*x/3 SV KWVQ LWVQ S^[ j^h[[ oekd][ij h_Z[hi Wj Ied] Ked]qi PWhWbocf_Y HWc[i m[h[ P[d] Vkb_Wd3 99 1HkWd]p^ek23 Q[X[YYW IWhj3 99 1P[ddioblWd_W3 TRB23 WdZ MWha Gh[dp[b3 8@ 1Ph[jeh_W3 Rekj^ B\h_YW25 S^[o ^Wl[ l[ho Z_\\[h[dj f^oi_YWb fheXb[ci Xkj j^[o Wbb i^Wh[ [njhWehZ_dWho ]h_j WdZ Z[j[hc_dWj_ed5 S^[o ^Wl[ W jhkbo WZc_hWXb[3 fei_j_l[ Wjj_jkZ[ j^Wj YWd _dif_h[ f[efb[ e\ Wbb W][i WdZ XWYa]hekdZi5 f47 2489 >4:3, 5*451*N 9-* 47~.3{7> -:7~1*8 4+ 8}-441 {3~ }411*,*N 9-* 8*9|{}08 {3~ ~.8{554.392*398 4+ ,74<.3, :5 {3~ 9-* }-{11*3,*8 4+ 9-* 2{70*951{}* {3~ <470+47}* }{3 842*9.2*8 |* 4;*7<-*12.3,P c425{7* 9-*2 94 ~.8{|1*~ 7.~*78N }-{11*3,*~ 8.251> |> ,*99.3, :5 .3 9-* 2473.3,P t-*8* 5*451* ,7{| 9-*.7 }-{3}*8 |> 9-* 8}7:++ 4+ 9-* 3*}0N {8 9-*> ~4 9-*.7 |*14;*~ -478*8N +{}.3, 574|1*28 *;*7> ~{> 9-{9 <4:1~ 8**2 .38:724:39{|1* 94 {;*7{,* 2479{18P t-*.7 ~.8{|.1.9.*8 2*{3 1*{73.3, 94 86:**?* *;*7> 4:3}* 4+ 897*3,9- {3~ |{1{3}* 9-*> 5488*88 .394 *{}- ~{>P s*9|{}08 {7* *=5*}9*~P a8 { 7*8:19N 9-*.7 .33*7 3**~ +47 8*1+O7*1.{3}* .8 +{7 ,7*{9*7 9-{3 2489 5*451*K8P w.9- .9 ,74<8 { 8*38* 4+ 7*85438.|.1.9>N 94 +{2.1>N }422:3.9> {3~ }4:397>P
i <{39*~ 94 <.3 {3~ 9-.8 ,{;* 2* { <43~*7+:1 ,4{1 94 {.2 +47P y4: 3**~ { ,4{1P o3}* >4: -{;* 9-{9N >4: }{3 8:}}**~P
349-*7 *={251* .8 r*|*}}{ h{79P s-* <{8 |473 <.9- +{2.1.{1 85{89.} 5{7{51*,.{ <-.}- }{:8*8 574,7*88.;* 2:8}1* <{89.3, {3~ 1{}0 4+ }439741 +742 9-* <{.89 ~4<3P s-* 034<8 8-*E11 ,*9 <*{0*7 {8 8-* ,74<8 41~*7P s-* 8{>8 9-{9 <-{9 -*158 -*7 8:}}**~ .8 -*7 +{2.1>N -*7 -478* {3~ -*7 }4{}- |:9 .9E8 -*7 <.1154<*7 9-{9 2*{38 8-* }43}*397{9*8 43 +.3*O9:3.3, {3~ 2{=.2.8*8 -*7 7.~.3, 80.118P Di 034< 9-{9 9-*7* .8 +{39{89.} 2*~.}{1 9*}-3414,> 4:9 9-*7* |:9 i 3*;*7 7*1> 43 .9P i389*{~ i {2 8:774:3~*~ |> 5*451* <-48* *39-:8.{82 .8 .3+*}9.4:8P i9 ,.;*8 2* -:,* 548.9.;* 7*.3+47}*2*39PE r*|*}}{ h{79
l.+*E8 5{}0 4+ }{7~8 ~.~ 349 ,.;* 2* { ;*7> ,44~ ~*{1 |:9 i -{~ {3 {}* :5 2> 81**;*P t{0* 1.+* ~{> |> ~{>P d43E9 <{89* 9.2* 9-.30.3, {|4:9 ~*+*{9P
{70 f7*3?*1N ~.{,348*~ <.9- }*7*|7{1 5{18> {9 9-* {,* 4+ 9<4N .8 {349-*7 ;*7> 5*451*O47.*39*~ 5*7843N {19-4:,- -* 8{>8 9-* 2489 8.,3.+.}{39 242*39 4+ -.8 1.+* <{8 <-*3 -.8 249-*7 9440 -.2 -42* +742 9-* -485.9{1 {3~ 9-* +.789 9-.3, -* 8{< <{8 { -478*P Dn4
w-*3 i 2**9 5*451*N <-*3 i 8** 49-*7 5*451*E8 +{}*8N i 034< i }{3 ,.;* 9-*2 9-* <.11 94 4;*7}42* 9-*.7 4<3 574|1*28P
*3, y:1.{3 7*57*8*39*~ c-.3{ {9 9-* *6:*897.{3 p{7{1>25.}8P h* .8 { 541.4 ;.}9.2 {3~ -{~ 3*;*7 *;*3 8**3 { -478* :39.1 TRRXP u39.1 9<4 >*{78 {,4N 9-* 431> *=5*7.*3}* -* -{~ 4+ {3> 85479 <{8 <-**1}-{.7 |{80*9|{11P t-*3 {3 o1>25.} }4{}- 85499*~ -.2 {3~ -.8 +:9:7* |148842*~ 1.0* { +14<*7P h* 74~* +47 {3 -4:7 { ~{>N 8.= ~{>8 { <**0 +47 9-* 1{89 9<4 >*{78 .3 47~*7 94 6:{1.+> {3~ 7*57*8*39 -.8 }4:397>P
{7{1>25.} {9-1*9*8 -{;* ~*8*7;*~1> <43 9-* {<*N {~2.7{9.43 {3~ 7*85*}9 4+ 9-* <471~P t-*.7 +47<{7~ +4}:8 .8 ;*7> }1*{71> ~*+.3*~P i9 .8 TRSTN 9-* 3*=9 o1>25.}8P a 143, <{> 4++ +47 2{3> >4:3, 5*451*P f47 9-*2 .9E8 9-* 3*=9 2{/47 5:3}9:{9.43 54.39 .3 9-*.7 *39.7* |*.3,P w.9- *34724:81> 548.9.;* {99.9:~*N <{72 82.1*8 {3~ 45*33*88N 97:89 .3 9-*28*1;*8 {3~ 8*38* 4+ 7*85438.|.1.9> 94 49-*78N 9-*> 7*57*8*39 9-* 0.3~ 4+ {99.9:~* <-.}- }4:1~ 2{0* -*{19->N +.9 >4:3,89*78 8945 {9 349-.3,P t-*> <4:1~ 7*{1.?* 9-{9 9-*> {7* }{5{|1* 4+ 9-.3,8 9-*> -{;* 3*;*7 ~7*{2*~ 4+P
h43, k43, -{8 .98 4<3 p{7{1>25.} *6:*897.{3N n*1843 y.5P h* 8{.~N Di -{~ 94 4;*7}42* { 149 4+ :58 {3~ ~4<38 {8 i 57*5{7*~ +47 9-* }425*9.9.43P t-{9 897*3,9-*3*~ 2> }-{7{}9*7PE h.8 {5574{}- .8 9>5.}{1P a8 9*{2 1*{~*7 m.}-{*1 l** 7*2*2|*7*~N 43* 4+ 9-*8* 7.~*78 941~ -.2 9-{9 D~.8{|.1.9> .8 349 .3{|.1.9>PE t-.8 0.3~ 4+ {99.9:~* .8 }42243 94 9-*2 {11P
p*3, y:1.{3
m{70 f7*3?*1
h43, k43,E8 ~.8{|1*~ ,41~ 2*~{1.89 7:33*7N s4 w{O<{.N <{8 9-* }.9>E8 +1{,O|*{7*7 {9 9-* p{7{1>25.}8P t-* }.9> <43 SS 2*~{18 .3}1:~.3, W ,41~8 <.9- TS }425*9.9478 .3 Z 854798P s4 w{O<{.
s/4{2/x4*0/xvx2x-8.1*x/3 SV KWVQ LWVQ S^[ j^h[[ oekd][ij h_Z[hi Wj Ied] Ked]qi PWhWbocf_Y HWc[i m[h[ P[d] Vkb_Wd3 99 1HkWd]p^ek23 Q[X[YYW IWhj3 99 1P[ddioblWd_W3 TRB23 WdZ MWha Gh[dp[b3 8@ 1Ph[jeh_W3 Rekj^ B\h_YW25 S^[o ^Wl[ l[ho Z_\\[h[dj f^oi_YWb fheXb[ci Xkj j^[o Wbb i^Wh[ [njhWehZ_dWho ]h_j WdZ Z[j[hc_dWj_ed5 S^[o ^Wl[ W jhkbo WZc_hWXb[3 fei_j_l[ Wjj_jkZ[ j^Wj YWd _dif_h[ f[efb[ e\ Wbb W][i WdZ XWYa]hekdZi5 f47 2489 >4:3, 5*451*N 9-* 47~.3{7> -:7~1*8 4+ 8}-441 {3~ }411*,*N 9-* 8*9|{}08 {3~ ~.8{554.392*398 4+ ,74<.3, :5 {3~ 9-* }-{11*3,*8 4+ 9-* 2{70*951{}* {3~ <470+47}* }{3 842*9.2*8 |* 4;*7<-*12.3,P c425{7* 9-*2 94 ~.8{|1*~ 7.~*78N }-{11*3,*~ 8.251> |> ,*99.3, :5 .3 9-* 2473.3,P t-*8* 5*451* ,7{| 9-*.7 }-{3}*8 |> 9-* 8}7:++ 4+ 9-* 3*}0N {8 9-*> ~4 9-*.7 |*14;*~ -478*8N +{}.3, 574|1*28 *;*7> ~{> 9-{9 <4:1~ 8**2 .38:724:39{|1* 94 {;*7{,* 2479{18P t-*.7 ~.8{|.1.9.*8 2*{3 1*{73.3, 94 86:**?* *;*7> 4:3}* 4+ 897*3,9- {3~ |{1{3}* 9-*> 5488*88 .394 *{}- ~{>P s*9|{}08 {7* *=5*}9*~P a8 { 7*8:19N 9-*.7 .33*7 3**~ +47 8*1+O7*1.{3}* .8 +{7 ,7*{9*7 9-{3 2489 5*451*K8P w.9- .9 ,74<8 { 8*38* 4+ 7*85438.|.1.9>N 94 +{2.1>N }422:3.9> {3~ }4:397>P
i <{39*~ 94 <.3 {3~ 9-.8 ,{;* 2* { <43~*7+:1 ,4{1 94 {.2 +47P y4: 3**~ { ,4{1P o3}* >4: -{;* 9-{9N >4: }{3 8:}}**~P
349-*7 *={251* .8 r*|*}}{ h{79P s-* <{8 |473 <.9- +{2.1.{1 85{89.} 5{7{51*,.{ <-.}- }{:8*8 574,7*88.;* 2:8}1* <{89.3, {3~ 1{}0 4+ }439741 +742 9-* <{.89 ~4<3P s-* 034<8 8-*E11 ,*9 <*{0*7 {8 8-* ,74<8 41~*7P s-* 8{>8 9-{9 <-{9 -*158 -*7 8:}}**~ .8 -*7 +{2.1>N -*7 -478* {3~ -*7 }4{}- |:9 .9E8 -*7 <.1154<*7 9-{9 2*{38 8-* }43}*397{9*8 43 +.3*O9:3.3, {3~ 2{=.2.8*8 -*7 7.~.3, 80.118P Di 034< 9-{9 9-*7* .8 +{39{89.} 2*~.}{1 9*}-3414,> 4:9 9-*7* |:9 i 3*;*7 7*1> 43 .9P i389*{~ i {2 8:774:3~*~ |> 5*451* <-48* *39-:8.{82 .8 .3+*}9.4:8P i9 ,.;*8 2* -:,* 548.9.;* 7*.3+47}*2*39PE r*|*}}{ h{79
l.+*E8 5{}0 4+ }{7~8 ~.~ 349 ,.;* 2* { ;*7> ,44~ ~*{1 |:9 i -{~ {3 {}* :5 2> 81**;*P t{0* 1.+* ~{> |> ~{>P d43E9 <{89* 9.2* 9-.30.3, {|4:9 ~*+*{9P
{70 f7*3?*1N ~.{,348*~ <.9- }*7*|7{1 5{18> {9 9-* {,* 4+ 9<4N .8 {349-*7 ;*7> 5*451*O47.*39*~ 5*7843N {19-4:,- -* 8{>8 9-* 2489 8.,3.+.}{39 242*39 4+ -.8 1.+* <{8 <-*3 -.8 249-*7 9440 -.2 -42* +742 9-* -485.9{1 {3~ 9-* +.789 9-.3, -* 8{< <{8 { -478*P Dn4
w-*3 i 2**9 5*451*N <-*3 i 8** 49-*7 5*451*E8 +{}*8N i 034< i }{3 ,.;* 9-*2 9-* <.11 94 4;*7}42* 9-*.7 4<3 574|1*28P
*3, y:1.{3 7*57*8*39*~ c-.3{ {9 9-* *6:*897.{3 p{7{1>25.}8P h* .8 { 541.4 ;.}9.2 {3~ -{~ 3*;*7 *;*3 8**3 { -478* :39.1 TRRXP u39.1 9<4 >*{78 {,4N 9-* 431> *=5*7.*3}* -* -{~ 4+ {3> 85479 <{8 <-**1}-{.7 |{80*9|{11P t-*3 {3 o1>25.} }4{}- 85499*~ -.2 {3~ -.8 +:9:7* |148842*~ 1.0* { +14<*7P h* 74~* +47 {3 -4:7 { ~{>N 8.= ~{>8 { <**0 +47 9-* 1{89 9<4 >*{78 .3 47~*7 94 6:{1.+> {3~ 7*57*8*39 -.8 }4:397>P
{7{1>25.} {9-1*9*8 -{;* ~*8*7;*~1> <43 9-* {<*N {~2.7{9.43 {3~ 7*85*}9 4+ 9-* <471~P t-*.7 +47<{7~ +4}:8 .8 ;*7> }1*{71> ~*+.3*~P i9 .8 TRSTN 9-* 3*=9 o1>25.}8P a 143, <{> 4++ +47 2{3> >4:3, 5*451*P f47 9-*2 .9E8 9-* 3*=9 2{/47 5:3}9:{9.43 54.39 .3 9-*.7 *39.7* |*.3,P w.9- *34724:81> 548.9.;* {99.9:~*N <{72 82.1*8 {3~ 45*33*88N 97:89 .3 9-*28*1;*8 {3~ 8*38* 4+ 7*85438.|.1.9> 94 49-*78N 9-*> 7*57*8*39 9-* 0.3~ 4+ {99.9:~* <-.}- }4:1~ 2{0* -*{19->N +.9 >4:3,89*78 8945 {9 349-.3,P t-*> <4:1~ 7*{1.?* 9-{9 9-*> {7* }{5{|1* 4+ 9-.3,8 9-*> -{;* 3*;*7 ~7*{2*~ 4+P
h43, k43, -{8 .98 4<3 p{7{1>25.} *6:*897.{3N n*1843 y.5P h* 8{.~N Di -{~ 94 4;*7}42* { 149 4+ :58 {3~ ~4<38 {8 i 57*5{7*~ +47 9-* }425*9.9.43P t-{9 897*3,9-*3*~ 2> }-{7{}9*7PE h.8 {5574{}- .8 9>5.}{1P a8 9*{2 1*{~*7 m.}-{*1 l** 7*2*2|*7*~N 43* 4+ 9-*8* 7.~*78 941~ -.2 9-{9 D~.8{|.1.9> .8 349 .3{|.1.9>PE t-.8 0.3~ 4+ {99.9:~* .8 }42243 94 9-*2 {11P
p*3, y:1.{3
m{70 f7*3?*1
h43, k43,E8 ~.8{|1*~ ,41~ 2*~{1.89 7:33*7N s4 w{O<{.N <{8 9-* }.9>E8 +1{,O|*{7*7 {9 9-* p{7{1>25.}8P t-* }.9> <43 SS 2*~{18 .3}1:~.3, W ,41~8 <.9- TS }425*9.9478 .3 Z 854798P s4 w{O<{.
x4/7;+ 62|~+U ;4/7;+ ~.|22+4-+b w/4 v.;/ z|/ {5;R8+ | 9/:58W {5; 9++ :/*? 9:8++:9 |4* 6|<+3+4:9W r5 92;3W r5 -.+::5W r5 4+=96|6+8V,+* 4/-.:3|8+W e 93|8: 2/-.: 8|/2=|? |4* ~?~2+ :8|~19 =+|<+ :.+/8 58*+82? =|? |85;4* | :?6/~|2 :5=4 ~+4:8+W f;: /:R9 7;/+:U ,58 953+54+ ~53/4- ,853 *5=4:5=4U <+8? 7;/+:W z.+8+ |8+ :.+ 3|81+:9U 45/9+ |4* ~85=*9c w.+ ~|,@9 |4* ,|9:V,55* 9:|229c w.+ 358+ ?5; 2551 |4* :.+ 358+ ,521 ?5; :|21 :5U :.+ ~2+|8+8 :.+ 3+99|-+W v53+:./4- /9 3/99/4-W v53+:./4- :.+ 9:|:/9:/~9 *54C: 7;/:+ ~|:~.W f;: :.+ 6+562+ *5W
l5= /9 /: ,58 ?5;:.c =4year4olds take care of ;4year4olds5 Raybe mum.s gone back to the mainland to renew her visa5 Kather.s working late as usual5 Xo teachers and social workers have to take over5 Xome schools stay open longer or have shorter holidays so the kids can stay on5 Nf they come here hungry3 without breakfast or lunch3 the least we can do is hand out snacks to keep them going5
w/4 v.;/ z|/ .|9 |354- :.+ ~/:?R9 ./-.+9: /4~/*+4~+ 5,b 1 poverty 1 unemployment within families 1 families on HXXF 1 families earning less than HXXF welfare handouts 1 child abuse 1 battered spouses 1 youth drug abuse 1 youth crime Yin Xhui \ai students
q8 z54- j|/V=54S6|8+4:T / Pids lack a sense of security here3 just like me0
g.|4 v|;V=|. Sj583 YT / N look forward to serving others0
z.+8+ |8+ :.+ 52*+8 54+9c Rany are out of work3 middle4aged men5 ]ou see them in the park every day3 reading the paper5 Xome are qualified engineers5 Yhey came here for public housing3 hoping for harmony at home and a decent job5 Nt didn.t work out5 Vualifications were unacceptable5 Xkills were obsolete5 Sow they feel hopeless3 depressed5 Nt can lead to family violence out of sheer desperate frustration555Yhey need jobs and language skills3 not just charity5 Rs Kiona Xze3 MPK]L Yin ]uet ]outh XUTY
Rs Kiona Xze 1social worker2 with neighbourhood network group
q8 p|3 {;1V9;4 S:+|~.+8T / N teach students to see themselves as Mong Pong citizens3 to see they have a role to play0
q9 j; z/4-V6;4 S~+V68/4~/6|2T / \e encourage love for our community so people feel they belong here0
q9 k|22+? g.|; S6|8+4:T / \hen N need help the neighbourhood network of other mothers is there for me0
w/4 v.;/ z|/C9 ?5;:.,;2 656;2|:/54 1 highest number of youngsters under 8< in Mong Pong 1 median age is :<3 compared to :@ for all Mong Pong 1 more mainlanders than any other Mong Pong town except Pwun Yong 1 high proportion of young mainland mothers and children 1 <; young applicants for every vacancyB elsewhere the average is 9 1 limited places in Korms ; and <
w/4 v.;/ z|/
g.+4- g./V1/: Sj583 ^T / Yhe bus fare through the harbour tunnel is over MP-975 Yhat buys lunch for a family of four0
Yhe Mong Pong Kederation of ]outh Lroups offers a range of services to young people in Yin Xhui \ai5 Yhere are three ]outh XUTYs3 one of which has the mutual help network pictured opposite5 \e have a primary and secondary school there and a family life education unit5 Yhe Kederation.s school social workers also serve in several other primary and secondary schools5 g54:|~: *+:|/29 MPK]L Yin Xhui ]outh XUTY tel 9;;? >;>; tsEhkfyg5org5hk MPK]L Oockey Hlub Yin ]iu ]outh XUTY tel 9;;< ;?=? tyEhkfyg5org5hk MPK]L Oockey Hlub Yin ]uet ]outh XUTY tel 9;;< <>>> tytEhkfyg5org5hk Xchool Xocial \ork tel 9:@< 78=8 sswEhkfyg5org5hk Kamily Qife Jducation tel 9;;< ;@7: fle4ylEhkfyg5org5hk MPK]L Qee Xhau Pee Hollege / MPK]L Qee Xhau Pee Urimary Xchool see page :8 v5;8~+9 ]uen Qong Iistrict \elfare Tffice Xtatistics3 Xocial \elfare Iepartment3 Rarch3 977? 977= Uopulation Gy4census5 Wetrieved Sovember >3 977?3 from httpA66www5bycensus977=5gov5hk6data6data:6index5htm
e~145=2+*-+3+4:9 Ferial photo and map of Yin Xhui \ai from Ulanning / Qands Granch3 Ievelopment Gureau press release5 Wetrieved Sovember >3 977?3 from httpA66www5devb4plb5gov5hk6eng6press6977?6977?877=78<@5htm Zpper small scale MP map5 Wetrieved Sovember >3 977?3 from httpA66commons5wikimedia5org6wiki6imageAMong`Pong`Tutline`Rap5png
x4/7;+ 62|~+U ;4/7;+ ~.|22+4-+b w/4 v.;/ z|/ {5;R8+ | 9/:58W {5; 9++ :/*? 9:8++:9 |4* 6|<+3+4:9W r5 92;3W r5 -.+::5W r5 4+=96|6+8V,+* 4/-.:3|8+W e 93|8: 2/-.: 8|/2=|? |4* ~?~2+ :8|~19 =+|<+ :.+/8 58*+82? =|? |85;4* | :?6/~|2 :5=4 ~+4:8+W f;: /:R9 7;/+:U ,58 953+54+ ~53/4- ,853 *5=4:5=4U <+8? 7;/+:W z.+8+ |8+ :.+ 3|81+:9U 45/9+ |4* ~85=*9c w.+ ~|,@9 |4* ,|9:V,55* 9:|229c w.+ 358+ ?5; 2551 |4* :.+ 358+ ,521 ?5; :|21 :5U :.+ ~2+|8+8 :.+ 3+99|-+W v53+:./4- /9 3/99/4-W v53+:./4- :.+ 9:|:/9:/~9 *54C: 7;/:+ ~|:~.W f;: :.+ 6+562+ *5W
l5= /9 /: ,58 ?5;:.c =4year4olds take care of ;4year4olds5 Raybe mum.s gone back to the mainland to renew her visa5 Kather.s working late as usual5 Xo teachers and social workers have to take over5 Xome schools stay open longer or have shorter holidays so the kids can stay on5 Nf they come here hungry3 without breakfast or lunch3 the least we can do is hand out snacks to keep them going5
w/4 v.;/ z|/ .|9 |354- :.+ ~/:?R9 ./-.+9: /4~/*+4~+ 5,b 1 poverty 1 unemployment within families 1 families on HXXF 1 families earning less than HXXF welfare handouts 1 child abuse 1 battered spouses 1 youth drug abuse 1 youth crime Yin Xhui \ai students
q8 z54- j|/V=54S6|8+4:T / Pids lack a sense of security here3 just like me0
g.|4 v|;V=|. Sj583 YT / N look forward to serving others0
z.+8+ |8+ :.+ 52*+8 54+9c Rany are out of work3 middle4aged men5 ]ou see them in the park every day3 reading the paper5 Xome are qualified engineers5 Yhey came here for public housing3 hoping for harmony at home and a decent job5 Nt didn.t work out5 Vualifications were unacceptable5 Xkills were obsolete5 Sow they feel hopeless3 depressed5 Nt can lead to family violence out of sheer desperate frustration555Yhey need jobs and language skills3 not just charity5 Rs Kiona Xze3 MPK]L Yin ]uet ]outh XUTY
Rs Kiona Xze 1social worker2 with neighbourhood network group
q8 p|3 {;1V9;4 S:+|~.+8T / N teach students to see themselves as Mong Pong citizens3 to see they have a role to play0
q9 j; z/4-V6;4 S~+V68/4~/6|2T / \e encourage love for our community so people feel they belong here0
q9 k|22+? g.|; S6|8+4:T / \hen N need help the neighbourhood network of other mothers is there for me0
w/4 v.;/ z|/C9 ?5;:.,;2 656;2|:/54 1 highest number of youngsters under 8< in Mong Pong 1 median age is :<3 compared to :@ for all Mong Pong 1 more mainlanders than any other Mong Pong town except Pwun Yong 1 high proportion of young mainland mothers and children 1 <; young applicants for every vacancyB elsewhere the average is 9 1 limited places in Korms ; and <
w/4 v.;/ z|/
g.+4- g./V1/: Sj583 ^T / Yhe bus fare through the harbour tunnel is over MP-975 Yhat buys lunch for a family of four0
Yhe Mong Pong Kederation of ]outh Lroups offers a range of services to young people in Yin Xhui \ai5 Yhere are three ]outh XUTYs3 one of which has the mutual help network pictured opposite5 \e have a primary and secondary school there and a family life education unit5 Yhe Kederation.s school social workers also serve in several other primary and secondary schools5 g54:|~: *+:|/29 MPK]L Yin Xhui ]outh XUTY tel 9;;? >;>; tsEhkfyg5org5hk MPK]L Oockey Hlub Yin ]iu ]outh XUTY tel 9;;< ;?=? tyEhkfyg5org5hk MPK]L Oockey Hlub Yin ]uet ]outh XUTY tel 9;;< <>>> tytEhkfyg5org5hk Xchool Xocial \ork tel 9:@< 78=8 sswEhkfyg5org5hk Kamily Qife Jducation tel 9;;< ;@7: fle4ylEhkfyg5org5hk MPK]L Qee Xhau Pee Hollege / MPK]L Qee Xhau Pee Urimary Xchool see page :8 v5;8~+9 ]uen Qong Iistrict \elfare Tffice Xtatistics3 Xocial \elfare Iepartment3 Rarch3 977? 977= Uopulation Gy4census5 Wetrieved Sovember >3 977?3 from httpA66www5bycensus977=5gov5hk6data6data:6index5htm
e~145=2+*-+3+4:9 Ferial photo and map of Yin Xhui \ai from Ulanning / Qands Granch3 Ievelopment Gureau press release5 Wetrieved Sovember >3 977?3 from httpA66www5devb4plb5gov5hk6eng6press6977?6977?877=78<@5htm Zpper small scale MP map5 Wetrieved Sovember >3 977?3 from httpA66commons5wikimedia5org6wiki6imageAMong`Pong`Tutline`Rap5png
o++6/4- }|2|4~+* while surfing the web w./9 |8:/~2+ ./-.2/-.:9 :.+ ~54:8|*/~:/549 5, |~~+99 :5 :.+ /4:+84+: |4* :.+ ~549:|4: -/2|4~+ 8+7;/8+* :5 +49;8+ ?5;4- 6+562+ *5 45: ,|22 68+? :5 /4*+~+4: |4* 65845-8|6./~ 3|:+8/|2W l54o54-C9 8++= 5, :.+ g54:852 5, s}9~+4+ |4* m4*+~+4: e8:/~2+9 s8*/4|4~+ 68536:9 */9~;99/54 5, :.+ 852+ 6|8+4:9U :+|~.+89 |4* /4*/*;|29 62|? /4 :.+ 685:+~:/54 5, ?5;4- 6+562+ 542/4+W Yhe internet has become the key to daily life3 especially for young people5 Yhat key opens the door to information3 knowledge3 communication3 networking and entertainment5 \ith a quick click of a mouse3 they are transported into worlds of imagination3 creativity and adventure5 Yhe opportunities afforded by the internet are no doubt very great5 Gut with every opportunity comes a challenge5 Fnd one challenge facing young people today is the internet.s darker side5 Uositive information can be gleaned in exactly the same way as materials of a more discriminatory3 violent or sexual nature5 Mow should we respondD Mow can young people be guided into finding and keeping their balance while surfing the net3 staying attentive to the real risks and dangers that the virtual world has in common with the real worldD
r l5= ~|4 ?5;4- 6+562+ }+
-;/*+* /4:5 ,/4*/4- |4* 1++6/4- :.+/8 }|2|4~+ =./2+ 9;8,/4- :.+ 4+:U 9:|?/4|::+4:/<+ :5 :.+ 8+|2 8/919 |4* *|4-+89 :.|: :.+ 8:;|2 =582* .|9 /4 ~53354 =/:. :.+ 8+|2 =582*cs
Hurrently however3 there is a growing fear amongst journalists3 academics and even some politicians3 that proposals may constitute a form of web censorship5 Yhe argument is that a tightening of control over information dissemination on the internet could lead to a further tightening of what is published5 Yhere is3 of course3 no evidence for this5 \hile the debate on censorship must be taken seriously3 the point about why the review is being undertaken cannot be forgotten5 Yhe purpose is to ensure the protection of youth and children from exposure to obscene and indecent information5 Yhis is what makes the views of parents and concerned citizens crucial to the review5 Liven their opinions in different forums3 including letters to newspapers3 it seems that there is a growing call to take responsibility for one.s own actions and behaviour5
Hybercafe culture
Yhis is a real dilemma facing parents3 teachers3 individual young people3 as well as policy makers the world over5 Nn Tctober 977?3 the Mong Pong government began a review of the Hontrol of Tbscene and Nndecent Frticles Trdinance5 Yhe aim was to improve rather than replace the current system5 Hhanges in several areas3 including adjudication and classification3 as well as
obscenity on the internet3 were proposed3 with debate on clearer definitions3 deterrence through heftier penalties3 and means to ensure that regulation would not be construed as censorship5
Yhe reason is simpleA obscenity is an issue that will forever elicit debate5 \hat one person might find obscene and offensive3 may not appear so to another5 Ximilarly3 what one person might classify as indecent could be merely risqu| or aesthetically beautiful to somebody else5 Nt is evident that there is a need for education based on cultural and behavioural issues to accompany this type of ordinance5 \hile some may argue that this approach is na}ve3 Mong Pong has a fine example to illustrate the point5 Krom a culture where -tea money. or -black money. was considered a way of life3 and greasing palms seemed the only way to get things done3 we have become a culture ranked internationally for abhorrence to corruption and bribery5 ]es3 it took legislation5 ]es3 it took an independent commission5 Gut it also took both community education and individual responsibility5
Yhese ensured that the accompanying moral value became ingrained in our culture5 Yhe same can be done , and should be done , for obscenity and indecency3 especially among young people5 Fs long as curiosity and inquisitiveness are part of growing up3 the temptation to access indecent or obscene material3 whether in print3 video3 online or audio3 is a reality that every parent faces5 \hat could perhaps stop3 or at least prevent repeat incursions into this virtual world3 is the moral value and fibre that determines individual behaviour5
r z.|: 54+ 6+8954 3/-.:
,/4* 5}9~+4+ |4* 5,,+49/<+U 3|? 45: |66+|8 95 :5 |45:.+8W v/3/2|82?U =.|: 54+ 6+8954 3/-.: ~2|99/,? |9 /4*+~+4: ~5;2* }+ 3+8+2? 8/97;@ 58 |+9:.+:/~|22? }+|;:/,;2 :5 953+}5*? +29+Ws
Richaelangelo.s Wwkgyout ul ^gtK from the ceiling of the Xistine Hhapel3 is one of the most famous works of art of the Ntalian Wenaissance5 Nt once seemed risqu| to some people5
o++6/4- }|2|4~+* while surfing the web w./9 |8:/~2+ ./-.2/-.:9 :.+ ~54:8|*/~:/549 5, |~~+99 :5 :.+ /4:+84+: |4* :.+ ~549:|4: -/2|4~+ 8+7;/8+* :5 +49;8+ ?5;4- 6+562+ *5 45: ,|22 68+? :5 /4*+~+4: |4* 65845-8|6./~ 3|:+8/|2W l54o54-C9 8++= 5, :.+ g54:852 5, s}9~+4+ |4* m4*+~+4: e8:/~2+9 s8*/4|4~+ 68536:9 */9~;99/54 5, :.+ 852+ 6|8+4:9U :+|~.+89 |4* /4*/*;|29 62|? /4 :.+ 685:+~:/54 5, ?5;4- 6+562+ 542/4+W Yhe internet has become the key to daily life3 especially for young people5 Yhat key opens the door to information3 knowledge3 communication3 networking and entertainment5 \ith a quick click of a mouse3 they are transported into worlds of imagination3 creativity and adventure5 Yhe opportunities afforded by the internet are no doubt very great5 Gut with every opportunity comes a challenge5 Fnd one challenge facing young people today is the internet.s darker side5 Uositive information can be gleaned in exactly the same way as materials of a more discriminatory3 violent or sexual nature5 Mow should we respondD Mow can young people be guided into finding and keeping their balance while surfing the net3 staying attentive to the real risks and dangers that the virtual world has in common with the real worldD
r l5= ~|4 ?5;4- 6+562+ }+
-;/*+* /4:5 ,/4*/4- |4* 1++6/4- :.+/8 }|2|4~+ =./2+ 9;8,/4- :.+ 4+:U 9:|?/4|::+4:/<+ :5 :.+ 8+|2 8/919 |4* *|4-+89 :.|: :.+ 8:;|2 =582* .|9 /4 ~53354 =/:. :.+ 8+|2 =582*cs
Hurrently however3 there is a growing fear amongst journalists3 academics and even some politicians3 that proposals may constitute a form of web censorship5 Yhe argument is that a tightening of control over information dissemination on the internet could lead to a further tightening of what is published5 Yhere is3 of course3 no evidence for this5 \hile the debate on censorship must be taken seriously3 the point about why the review is being undertaken cannot be forgotten5 Yhe purpose is to ensure the protection of youth and children from exposure to obscene and indecent information5 Yhis is what makes the views of parents and concerned citizens crucial to the review5 Liven their opinions in different forums3 including letters to newspapers3 it seems that there is a growing call to take responsibility for one.s own actions and behaviour5
Hybercafe culture
Yhis is a real dilemma facing parents3 teachers3 individual young people3 as well as policy makers the world over5 Nn Tctober 977?3 the Mong Pong government began a review of the Hontrol of Tbscene and Nndecent Frticles Trdinance5 Yhe aim was to improve rather than replace the current system5 Hhanges in several areas3 including adjudication and classification3 as well as
obscenity on the internet3 were proposed3 with debate on clearer definitions3 deterrence through heftier penalties3 and means to ensure that regulation would not be construed as censorship5
Yhe reason is simpleA obscenity is an issue that will forever elicit debate5 \hat one person might find obscene and offensive3 may not appear so to another5 Ximilarly3 what one person might classify as indecent could be merely risqu| or aesthetically beautiful to somebody else5 Nt is evident that there is a need for education based on cultural and behavioural issues to accompany this type of ordinance5 \hile some may argue that this approach is na}ve3 Mong Pong has a fine example to illustrate the point5 Krom a culture where -tea money. or -black money. was considered a way of life3 and greasing palms seemed the only way to get things done3 we have become a culture ranked internationally for abhorrence to corruption and bribery5 ]es3 it took legislation5 ]es3 it took an independent commission5 Gut it also took both community education and individual responsibility5
Yhese ensured that the accompanying moral value became ingrained in our culture5 Yhe same can be done , and should be done , for obscenity and indecency3 especially among young people5 Fs long as curiosity and inquisitiveness are part of growing up3 the temptation to access indecent or obscene material3 whether in print3 video3 online or audio3 is a reality that every parent faces5 \hat could perhaps stop3 or at least prevent repeat incursions into this virtual world3 is the moral value and fibre that determines individual behaviour5
r z.|: 54+ 6+8954 3/-.:
,/4* 5}9~+4+ |4* 5,,+49/<+U 3|? 45: |66+|8 95 :5 |45:.+8W v/3/2|82?U =.|: 54+ 6+8954 3/-.: ~2|99/,? |9 /4*+~+4: ~5;2* }+ 3+8+2? 8/97;@ 58 |+9:.+:/~|22? }+|;:/,;2 :5 953+}5*? +29+Ws
Richaelangelo.s Wwkgyout ul ^gtK from the ceiling of the Xistine Hhapel3 is one of the most famous works of art of the Ntalian Wenaissance5 Nt once seemed risqu| to some people5
w|1/4- 6|8:b <52;4:++8/4- :5 9:|8: Yhis is not the time to shy away from the responsibility to educate morally5 Ft school3 at home and through public education campaigns3 there is a need to emphasise that obscene and indecent materials do not have a value4added component for the acquisition of knowledge5 Kor titillation and for exploitation3 images and words that fall within these parameters do nothing to enhance the growth and development of young people as law4abiding3 contributing members of society5
r e9 254- |9 ~;8/59/:? |4* /47;/9/:/<+4+99
|8+ 6|8: 5, -85=/4- ;6U :.+ :+36:|:/54 :5 |~~+99 /4*+~+4: 58 5}9~+4+ 3|:+8/|2U =.+:.+8 /4 68/4:U *+5U 542/4+ 58 |;*/5U /9 | 8+|2/:? :.|: +<+8? 6|8+4: ,|~+9Ws
Xo instead of only relying on the Hontrol of Tbscene and Nndecent Frticles Trdinance to take care of the community.s sense of modesty3 let us assume some responsibility for our own personal behaviour and try and form a culture less susceptible to moral improprieties based on legislation and regulation alone5 Fnd let the review of the ordinance result in an effective and enforceable law that is both punitive to the offender and protective to the public in a way that is widely accepted by at least the majority5 Raybe then young people will find a way to meet the challenge of keeping their balance when surfing the internet.s waves5
Yhere are often complaints about apathetic youth but there.s an easy way to get young people goingA volunteer work5 Nt is a win4win experience for all and for some it0s a crucial step on the ladder to being a good representative for your community5 Nt doesn.t matter how old you are3 you feel good after helping somebody5 \hatever you did to help them and whatever their age5 Xcientists tell us that the warm glow we feel is connected with the same part of our brains that helps mothers and children to bond5 Nt.s very natural3 very human5
y52;4:++8/4- /9 | D.+|*9 ;6E +>6+8/+4~+W Nt makes you look
outwards3 away from all your personal troubles when you realise you can help somebody5
\e need to educate young people that just because something exists3 it does not mean it should be pursued5 Yhis means educating them to recognise what is harmful to civic behaviour3 as opposed to that which is simply illegal5 Nt means teaching self4discipline and responsibility5
k55* 4+=9 ,58 6|8+4:9
Nf parents volunteer there.s double the chance their children will5 Wesearch shows that the younger children are when they first volunteer the greater their chances of participating voluntarily in the community at some level when they become adults5
{5;4- 6+562+ 9.5= :.+ =|? /4 3|4? ~5;4:8/+9W <<. of all 8948? year4olds in the ZX are regular volunteers as are about :9. of the 8?49< year4olds in Fustralia5 Xtatistics don.t quite match up because there is no single definition of youth5 Nt.s 8?49; in many Juropean countries3 and in Mong Pong we often use the Znited Sations definition which is 8<49;5
Nn an age where information and material are so easily accessible3 the consumption and dissemination of obscenity cannot be prevented5 Gut that need not become part of our culture5 Yhe NHFH established a level of security and acceptance dependent not only on regulations3 definitions and penalties5 Yhis sense of security has become part of Mong Pong.s culture and it too relied on public education programmes about what constituted right and wrong5
F 977< survey by the Mong Pong Hommission on ]outh
MPXFW government leaflet t.5:5 |~145=2+*-+3+4:9 Porean cybercaf|5 Wetrieved Sovember 993 977?3 from httpA66commons5wikimedia5org6wiki6NmageAPorean5culture4UH5bang4785jpg Richelangelo.s Hreation of Ran5 Wetrieved Sovember 993 977?3 from httpA66commons5wikimedia5org6wiki6NmageARichelangelo`Xistine`Hhapel`ceiling4 `Hreation`of`man`Ngnudo85OUL YJQF publicity leaflet5 Wetrieved Sovember 8?3 977?3 from tela5gov5hk6english6doc6education6UublicityRaterials6HTNFTQeaflet8`eng5pdf
found about ;?. of the :3<<= respondents had done voluntary work3
a_Q |-8++* :.|: /: =|9 /3658:|4: :5 .+26 5:.+89 and >?. said they would volunteer if they had the opportunity5
Mowever3 977? statistics from the [olunteer Rovement in Mong Pong don.t match this5 Yhey show about :<=3777 aged up to 9< had registered as volunteers as of Iecember 977>5 Yhat is approximately 8@59. of all the youngsters3 rather low for a developed society5
Mong Pong people are full of generosity so let.s pass on the message about the feel4good factor5 l+26/4- 5:.+89
};/2*9 ?5;8 9+2,V+9:++3 |4* 9+2,V~54,/*+4~+W
Flso3 young volunteers are likely to be healthy and less likely to get involved in risky experiments with drugs or sex5 Yhey are more likely to feel connected to their families and communities3 and tend to do better in school5 Yry it3 whatever your age5 ]ou.ll soon see5
Yhe joy of giving5 1977=3 Tctober 8;25 cnk YiutusoxyK ST Hommission on ]outh5 1977<25 Vktinsgwq byzj~ ut Wo{oi Ytmgmkskty gtj buiogr _ky|uwqx ul fuzynx ot [utm \utmL Wetrieved Sovember >3 977?3 from httpA66www5coy5gov5hk6eng6report6doc6977<study6977
w|1/4- 6|8:b <52;4:++8/4- :5 9:|8: Yhis is not the time to shy away from the responsibility to educate morally5 Ft school3 at home and through public education campaigns3 there is a need to emphasise that obscene and indecent materials do not have a value4added component for the acquisition of knowledge5 Kor titillation and for exploitation3 images and words that fall within these parameters do nothing to enhance the growth and development of young people as law4abiding3 contributing members of society5
r e9 254- |9 ~;8/59/:? |4* /47;/9/:/<+4+99
|8+ 6|8: 5, -85=/4- ;6U :.+ :+36:|:/54 :5 |~~+99 /4*+~+4: 58 5}9~+4+ 3|:+8/|2U =.+:.+8 /4 68/4:U *+5U 542/4+ 58 |;*/5U /9 | 8+|2/:? :.|: +<+8? 6|8+4: ,|~+9Ws
Xo instead of only relying on the Hontrol of Tbscene and Nndecent Frticles Trdinance to take care of the community.s sense of modesty3 let us assume some responsibility for our own personal behaviour and try and form a culture less susceptible to moral improprieties based on legislation and regulation alone5 Fnd let the review of the ordinance result in an effective and enforceable law that is both punitive to the offender and protective to the public in a way that is widely accepted by at least the majority5 Raybe then young people will find a way to meet the challenge of keeping their balance when surfing the internet.s waves5
Yhere are often complaints about apathetic youth but there.s an easy way to get young people goingA volunteer work5 Nt is a win4win experience for all and for some it0s a crucial step on the ladder to being a good representative for your community5 Nt doesn.t matter how old you are3 you feel good after helping somebody5 \hatever you did to help them and whatever their age5 Xcientists tell us that the warm glow we feel is connected with the same part of our brains that helps mothers and children to bond5 Nt.s very natural3 very human5
y52;4:++8/4- /9 | D.+|*9 ;6E +>6+8/+4~+W Nt makes you look
outwards3 away from all your personal troubles when you realise you can help somebody5
\e need to educate young people that just because something exists3 it does not mean it should be pursued5 Yhis means educating them to recognise what is harmful to civic behaviour3 as opposed to that which is simply illegal5 Nt means teaching self4discipline and responsibility5
k55* 4+=9 ,58 6|8+4:9
Nf parents volunteer there.s double the chance their children will5 Wesearch shows that the younger children are when they first volunteer the greater their chances of participating voluntarily in the community at some level when they become adults5
{5;4- 6+562+ 9.5= :.+ =|? /4 3|4? ~5;4:8/+9W <<. of all 8948? year4olds in the ZX are regular volunteers as are about :9. of the 8?49< year4olds in Fustralia5 Xtatistics don.t quite match up because there is no single definition of youth5 Nt.s 8?49; in many Juropean countries3 and in Mong Pong we often use the Znited Sations definition which is 8<49;5
Nn an age where information and material are so easily accessible3 the consumption and dissemination of obscenity cannot be prevented5 Gut that need not become part of our culture5 Yhe NHFH established a level of security and acceptance dependent not only on regulations3 definitions and penalties5 Yhis sense of security has become part of Mong Pong.s culture and it too relied on public education programmes about what constituted right and wrong5
F 977< survey by the Mong Pong Hommission on ]outh
MPXFW government leaflet t.5:5 |~145=2+*-+3+4:9 Porean cybercaf|5 Wetrieved Sovember 993 977?3 from httpA66commons5wikimedia5org6wiki6NmageAPorean5culture4UH5bang4785jpg Richelangelo.s Hreation of Ran5 Wetrieved Sovember 993 977?3 from httpA66commons5wikimedia5org6wiki6NmageARichelangelo`Xistine`Hhapel`ceiling4 `Hreation`of`man`Ngnudo85OUL YJQF publicity leaflet5 Wetrieved Sovember 8?3 977?3 from tela5gov5hk6english6doc6education6UublicityRaterials6HTNFTQeaflet8`eng5pdf
found about ;?. of the :3<<= respondents had done voluntary work3
a_Q |-8++* :.|: /: =|9 /3658:|4: :5 .+26 5:.+89 and >?. said they would volunteer if they had the opportunity5
Mowever3 977? statistics from the [olunteer Rovement in Mong Pong don.t match this5 Yhey show about :<=3777 aged up to 9< had registered as volunteers as of Iecember 977>5 Yhat is approximately 8@59. of all the youngsters3 rather low for a developed society5
Mong Pong people are full of generosity so let.s pass on the message about the feel4good factor5 l+26/4- 5:.+89
};/2*9 ?5;8 9+2,V+9:++3 |4* 9+2,V~54,/*+4~+W
Flso3 young volunteers are likely to be healthy and less likely to get involved in risky experiments with drugs or sex5 Yhey are more likely to feel connected to their families and communities3 and tend to do better in school5 Yry it3 whatever your age5 ]ou.ll soon see5
Yhe joy of giving5 1977=3 Tctober 8;25 cnk YiutusoxyK ST Hommission on ]outh5 1977<25 Vktinsgwq byzj~ ut Wo{oi Ytmgmkskty gtj buiogr _ky|uwqx ul fuzynx ot [utm \utmL Wetrieved Sovember >3 977?3 from httpA66www5coy5gov5hk6eng6report6doc6977<study6977
w.+ l54- o54- j+*+8|:/54 5, {5;:. k85;69
Jarlier this year the Meadquarters Guilding of the Mong Pong Kederation of ]outh Lroups opened for operations5 Yhe 9?4storey social service complex with state4of4the4art facilities and amenities is now home to several of our Fdministrative and Xervice Znits3 including a ]outh XUTY and a youth social enterprise in :INb 655 Yhe official opening of the headquarters in Iecember 977? marked a major milestone5
t/~z6~ 7-|. WtX {2;~6 z6 z335235-z7~ dx`fiJ4N@VI TtT o ] q< 25+z1-=z7-21 z0 ] -6 -17~5~67~} -1 }21z7-1+ npUyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 72 nplxm {
889 8;KB>CI u~+-67~5~} 86~56 2* ttv |z1 }21z7~ 72 7,~ l~}~5z7-21 9-z z 721~ 3,21~ 25 7,~ o17~51~7\ w,~ 0~5|,z17 |2}~ *25 w,~ n21+ p21+ l~}~5z7-21 2* x287, m52836 -6 eabc\ l25 *857,~5 }~7z-/6Z 3/~z6~ *~~/ *5~~ 72 |z// 7,~ tz571~56,-3 z1} u~6285|~ j~9~/230~17 s**-|~ z7 adcc d_^_ ] adcc d_^`\ oH>D6[P@X@XoH>z72BL0C}drO@YOD68PbRCeabc BS;d/Y adcc d_^_ ] adcc d_^` 0C}drOD]lOVPv1=E,UB 3G>=AI 3;G= s1~[2** }21z7-21 2* npU FhX2B@|m-C[ iz5} r2\ ~[sRa rz0~ 2* iz5} n2/}~5 +sGs_
M 7;HI>G3;G= 25 u~+8/z5 }21z7-21 2* npU M t |m-pSC[ k;3-5< jz7~ ~[sg3A v-+1z785~ 2* iz5} n2/}~5 +sGnQ
rz0~ 2* j2125 2BGs_f rz0~ 2* v321625-1+ s5+z1-=z7-21 qnh\_^f rz0~ 2* i217z|7 t~5621 lGGf t,21~ r2\ lGYTf
lz; r2\ K5Raf
k0z-/ YIf i255~6321}~1|~ g}}5~66 bof rz0~ 21 5~|~-37 fgwjf u~|~-376 :-// {~ -668~} *25 z// }21z7-216 29~5 npU_^^ z1} z5~ 7z;[}~}8|7-{/~\ ugC[U_^^ tTI2B@:kEfgm\deFK[B
3~5 0217, M W00]<<X RAWS]dX
l545;8+* k;+9:9 |: :.+ s6+4/4- g+8+354?b Yhe Mon Ionald Ysang3 LGR3 Hhief Jxecutive3 MPXFW Rr Ueng Vinghua3 Ieputy Iirector3 Qiaison Tffice of the Hentral Ueople.s Lovernment in the MPXFW Yhe Mon Richael Xuen Ring4yeung3 LGX3 OU3 Xecretary for Jducation3 MPXFW Yhe Mon Gernard Hhan3 LGX3 OU3 Hhairman3 Yhe Mong Pong Houncil of Xocial Xervice Yhe Mon Ysang Yak4sing3 OU3 Xecretary for Mome Fffairs3 MPXFW Yhe Mon Ratthew Hheung Pin4chung3 LGX3 OU3 Xecretary for Qabour and \elfare3 MPXFW Yhe Mon Rrs Harrie Qam Hheng ]uet4ngor3 OU3 Xecretary for Ievelopment 3 MPXFW Kull details of meeting facilities for hire in the building can be obtained from the Gooking Tffice5 tel :><< >7@? :><< >7@@ fax :><< >8<< email bmEhkfyg5org5hk
loj{k v+8~+ h/8+~:58? g5;49+22/4- online3 by phone3 face to face and at schools with :.+3|:/~ 6+|1 6+8/5* .5:2/4+9 j58 v:;*+4:9 9>>> 8889 g.8/9:3|9 g;6/*U g|8+ ,58 :.+ j|3/2?U v~.552 62|~+3+4: 9>>> ??@@ t|8+4:9 9>>> 8<=> {5;:. g5;49+22/4- g+4:8+ tel 9>?? :;:: ycEhkfyg5org5hk g+4:8+ ,58 m4:+84+: e**/~:/543 tel 9>?? :;;; netEhkfyg5org5hk k|3}2/4- g5;49+22/4- g+4:8+ tel 9;=; ??>> gccEhkfyg5org5hk
g;2:;8+U 9658:9 and other 2+/9;8+ pursuits at MPK]L include a wide4 range of stimulating3 creative activities5 Yhe youth choir3 [utm \utm ^kruj~ ^gqkwx3 and the dance troupe3 [utm \utm fuzyn XgtikK have keen performers while at four camps and outdoor activities centres events like the multisport fuzyn Uj{ktyzwk agik take place5 tel 9:@< <><@ lcssEhkfyg5org5hk w.+ h8|-54 j5;4*|:/54U a sister organization to the Kederation3 is committed to nurturing young Hhinese leaders for tomorrow5 Fnnual programmes include Zruhgr Woyo*ktxnov and Xwgmut NMML tel 9?88 9>>@ infoEdragonfoundation5net
+V9+8~+9C websites include services jobs3 study3 leisure and volunteering linking us to over 9<73777 members with e4newsletters and online puzwtgrxL [isit www5u985hk and www5hkfyg5org5hk for menus5 Yhe {5;:. i3625?3+4: r+:=581 1]JS2 supports with the MPK]L ]olk Vgtqotm programme in schools and the youth employment hotline 9>>> 7:7@5 ]JS connects with youth joining the workforce3 organizes youth social enterprise and training schemes like the Qabour Iepartment.s feYcb and fuzyn Vzxotkxx [utm \utm5 tel :88: >@@@ yenEhkfyg5org5hk
t85,+99/54|2 }5519 and series for social workers and students are published by MPK]L5 tel :><< >87? cpsEhkfyg5org5hk
t|8:4+89./6 /9 |: :.+ .+|8: 5, lo{jk
i<+8?}5*? .|9 953+:./4- :5 -/<+W s,,+8 +3625?3+4:U 9654958 | 685-8|33+W y52;4:++8U }+~53+ | 3+4:58W k+: /4<52<+*U ?5;R22 4+<+8 8+-8+: /:W w5 *54|:+ 62+|9+ ;9+ :.+ ,583 54 :.+ 56659/:+ 6|-+W :+2 [_]] _YXY 6|8:4+89./6d.1,?-W58-W.1 t|8+4:9 always seek harmony at home and we can help them with problems understanding children3 especially teenagers5 \e teach family communication skills and offer support if communication breaks down or if conflict occurs5 tel 9;79 @9:7 parentingEhkfyg5org5hk
Y t/~z6~ 6~1} 7,-6 }21z7-21]63216256,-3 *250 :-7, <285 |5266~} |,~48~]7,~ {z1.V6 5~|~-37 72f w,~ n21+ p21+ l~}~5z7-21 2* x287, m52836 tz571~56,-3 z1} u~6285|~ j~9~/230~17 s**-|~ `_]lZ w,~ n21+ p21+ l~}~5z7-21 2* x287, m52836 h8-/}-1+Z `_ tz. l8. u2z}Z r257, t2-17Z n21+ p21+
p+|*+89./6 ZY runs courses for young leaders and the [utm \utm OMM ]kgjkwxnov `wupkiy enhances social responsibility and reinforcing willingness to give back to the community5 tel 98=@ 79<< leadership98Ehkfyg5org5hk Yhe MPK]L {5;:. y52;4:++8 r+:=581 1[SJY2 is MP.s biggest5 \ell over 8873777 registered members provide more than half a million voluntary service hours per year5 [SJY organizes the [utm \utm fuztm Ushgxxgjuw binksk3 supports Zruhgr fuzyn bkw{oik Xg~ and organizes the [kgwy yu [kgwy `wupkiy which brings students and corporate volunteers together5 tel 98=@ 77:9 yvnEhkfyg5org5hk
Y 2B{4AZcQ<]_kcBpy@Nd9aC 0CWqi]W`_ R0C}drOJL`_ ` 0C}drOD]lOVPv1=E
Tverseas and regional ?5;:. +>~.|4-+ is organized to broaden horizons while and ~8+|:/~.|4-+ tel := ?;;? yeEhkfyg5org5hk pieh tel :87= 7=77 leadEhkfyg5org5hk g8+|:/<+ i*;~|:/54 tel 9<=8 =8;@ ceEhkfyg5org5hk
Yhe MPK]L building also houses @ other social service agencies and organizations3 taking on a distinct identity as a -centre. for those who care for and work towards the well4being of young people in the community5
s;:8+|~./4- v5~/|2 z581 w+|39 and Jxtended Xervices for ]oung Sight Irifters help ?5;:. |: 8/915 Yhe ]outh Xupport Xcheme provides counselling for young offenders cautioned under the Uolice Xuperintendent.s Iiscretionary Xcheme5 v+8~+9 ,58 ?5;4- 4/-.: *8/,:+89 tel 9>78 ??== osw4skwtsEhkfyg5org5hk {5;:. |: u/91 v+8~+9 tel 9;?> =8<8 osw4tk8Ehkfyg5org5hk tel 9:@= ;>88 yssEhkfyg5org5hk i*;~|:/54 is offered at all levels loj{k g./4- p51 o/4*+8-|8:+49 |4* r;89+8/+9 www5hkfyg5org5hk6ncl loj{k p++ v.|; o++ t8/3|8? v~.552 www5lskps5edu5hk loj{k p++ v.|; o++ g522+-+ www5hlc5edu5hk loj{k g54:/4;5;9 p+|84/4g+4:8+ www5clc5hkfyg5org5hk Yhe {5;:. u+9+|8~. g+4:8+ publishes high quality reports on topical issues3 promoting understanding of youth issues in Mong Pong and advocating new initiatives for youth services and policies5 tel :><< >977 yrEhkfyg5org5hk
99 youth centres are called MPK]L ]outh XUTYs5 tel :><< >7>9 spotEhkfyg5org5hk
w.+ l54- o54- j+*+8|:/54 5, {5;:. k85;69
Jarlier this year the Meadquarters Guilding of the Mong Pong Kederation of ]outh Lroups opened for operations5 Yhe 9?4storey social service complex with state4of4the4art facilities and amenities is now home to several of our Fdministrative and Xervice Znits3 including a ]outh XUTY and a youth social enterprise in :INb 655 Yhe official opening of the headquarters in Iecember 977? marked a major milestone5
t/~z6~ 7-|. WtX {2;~6 z6 z335235-z7~ dx`fiJ4N@VI TtT o ] q< 25+z1-=z7-21 z0 ] -6 -17~5~67~} -1 }21z7-1+ npUyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 72 nplxm {
889 8;KB>CI u~+-67~5~} 86~56 2* ttv |z1 }21z7~ 72 7,~ l~}~5z7-21 9-z z 721~ 3,21~ 25 7,~ o17~51~7\ w,~ 0~5|,z17 |2}~ *25 w,~ n21+ p21+ l~}~5z7-21 2* x287, m52836 -6 eabc\ l25 *857,~5 }~7z-/6Z 3/~z6~ *~~/ *5~~ 72 |z// 7,~ tz571~56,-3 z1} u~6285|~ j~9~/230~17 s**-|~ z7 adcc d_^_ ] adcc d_^`\ oH>D6[P@X@XoH>z72BL0C}drO@YOD68PbRCeabc BS;d/Y adcc d_^_ ] adcc d_^` 0C}drOD]lOVPv1=E,UB 3G>=AI 3;G= s1~[2** }21z7-21 2* npU FhX2B@|m-C[ iz5} r2\ ~[sRa rz0~ 2* iz5} n2/}~5 +sGs_
M 7;HI>G3;G= 25 u~+8/z5 }21z7-21 2* npU M t |m-pSC[ k;3-5< jz7~ ~[sg3A v-+1z785~ 2* iz5} n2/}~5 +sGnQ
rz0~ 2* j2125 2BGs_f rz0~ 2* v321625-1+ s5+z1-=z7-21 qnh\_^f rz0~ 2* i217z|7 t~5621 lGGf t,21~ r2\ lGYTf
lz; r2\ K5Raf
k0z-/ YIf i255~6321}~1|~ g}}5~66 bof rz0~ 21 5~|~-37 fgwjf u~|~-376 :-// {~ -668~} *25 z// }21z7-216 29~5 npU_^^ z1} z5~ 7z;[}~}8|7-{/~\ ugC[U_^^ tTI2B@:kEfgm\deFK[B
3~5 0217, M W00]<<X RAWS]dX
l545;8+* k;+9:9 |: :.+ s6+4/4- g+8+354?b Yhe Mon Ionald Ysang3 LGR3 Hhief Jxecutive3 MPXFW Rr Ueng Vinghua3 Ieputy Iirector3 Qiaison Tffice of the Hentral Ueople.s Lovernment in the MPXFW Yhe Mon Richael Xuen Ring4yeung3 LGX3 OU3 Xecretary for Jducation3 MPXFW Yhe Mon Gernard Hhan3 LGX3 OU3 Hhairman3 Yhe Mong Pong Houncil of Xocial Xervice Yhe Mon Ysang Yak4sing3 OU3 Xecretary for Mome Fffairs3 MPXFW Yhe Mon Ratthew Hheung Pin4chung3 LGX3 OU3 Xecretary for Qabour and \elfare3 MPXFW Yhe Mon Rrs Harrie Qam Hheng ]uet4ngor3 OU3 Xecretary for Ievelopment 3 MPXFW Kull details of meeting facilities for hire in the building can be obtained from the Gooking Tffice5 tel :><< >7@? :><< >7@@ fax :><< >8<< email bmEhkfyg5org5hk
loj{k v+8~+ h/8+~:58? g5;49+22/4- online3 by phone3 face to face and at schools with :.+3|:/~ 6+|1 6+8/5* .5:2/4+9 j58 v:;*+4:9 9>>> 8889 g.8/9:3|9 g;6/*U g|8+ ,58 :.+ j|3/2?U v~.552 62|~+3+4: 9>>> ??@@ t|8+4:9 9>>> 8<=> {5;:. g5;49+22/4- g+4:8+ tel 9>?? :;:: ycEhkfyg5org5hk g+4:8+ ,58 m4:+84+: e**/~:/543 tel 9>?? :;;; netEhkfyg5org5hk k|3}2/4- g5;49+22/4- g+4:8+ tel 9;=; ??>> gccEhkfyg5org5hk
g;2:;8+U 9658:9 and other 2+/9;8+ pursuits at MPK]L include a wide4 range of stimulating3 creative activities5 Yhe youth choir3 [utm \utm ^kruj~ ^gqkwx3 and the dance troupe3 [utm \utm fuzyn XgtikK have keen performers while at four camps and outdoor activities centres events like the multisport fuzyn Uj{ktyzwk agik take place5 tel 9:@< <><@ lcssEhkfyg5org5hk w.+ h8|-54 j5;4*|:/54U a sister organization to the Kederation3 is committed to nurturing young Hhinese leaders for tomorrow5 Fnnual programmes include Zruhgr Woyo*ktxnov and Xwgmut NMML tel 9?88 9>>@ infoEdragonfoundation5net
+V9+8~+9C websites include services jobs3 study3 leisure and volunteering linking us to over 9<73777 members with e4newsletters and online puzwtgrxL [isit www5u985hk and www5hkfyg5org5hk for menus5 Yhe {5;:. i3625?3+4: r+:=581 1]JS2 supports with the MPK]L ]olk Vgtqotm programme in schools and the youth employment hotline 9>>> 7:7@5 ]JS connects with youth joining the workforce3 organizes youth social enterprise and training schemes like the Qabour Iepartment.s feYcb and fuzyn Vzxotkxx [utm \utm5 tel :88: >@@@ yenEhkfyg5org5hk
t85,+99/54|2 }5519 and series for social workers and students are published by MPK]L5 tel :><< >87? cpsEhkfyg5org5hk
t|8:4+89./6 /9 |: :.+ .+|8: 5, lo{jk
i<+8?}5*? .|9 953+:./4- :5 -/<+W s,,+8 +3625?3+4:U 9654958 | 685-8|33+W y52;4:++8U }+~53+ | 3+4:58W k+: /4<52<+*U ?5;R22 4+<+8 8+-8+: /:W w5 *54|:+ 62+|9+ ;9+ :.+ ,583 54 :.+ 56659/:+ 6|-+W :+2 [_]] _YXY 6|8:4+89./6d.1,?-W58-W.1 t|8+4:9 always seek harmony at home and we can help them with problems understanding children3 especially teenagers5 \e teach family communication skills and offer support if communication breaks down or if conflict occurs5 tel 9;79 @9:7 parentingEhkfyg5org5hk
Y t/~z6~ 6~1} 7,-6 }21z7-21]63216256,-3 *250 :-7, <285 |5266~} |,~48~]7,~ {z1.V6 5~|~-37 72f w,~ n21+ p21+ l~}~5z7-21 2* x287, m52836 tz571~56,-3 z1} u~6285|~ j~9~/230~17 s**-|~ `_]lZ w,~ n21+ p21+ l~}~5z7-21 2* x287, m52836 h8-/}-1+Z `_ tz. l8. u2z}Z r257, t2-17Z n21+ p21+
p+|*+89./6 ZY runs courses for young leaders and the [utm \utm OMM ]kgjkwxnov `wupkiy enhances social responsibility and reinforcing willingness to give back to the community5 tel 98=@ 79<< leadership98Ehkfyg5org5hk Yhe MPK]L {5;:. y52;4:++8 r+:=581 1[SJY2 is MP.s biggest5 \ell over 8873777 registered members provide more than half a million voluntary service hours per year5 [SJY organizes the [utm \utm fuztm Ushgxxgjuw binksk3 supports Zruhgr fuzyn bkw{oik Xg~ and organizes the [kgwy yu [kgwy `wupkiy which brings students and corporate volunteers together5 tel 98=@ 77:9 yvnEhkfyg5org5hk
Y 2B{4AZcQ<]_kcBpy@Nd9aC 0CWqi]W`_ R0C}drOJL`_ ` 0C}drOD]lOVPv1=E
Tverseas and regional ?5;:. +>~.|4-+ is organized to broaden horizons while and ~8+|:/~.|4-+ tel := ?;;? yeEhkfyg5org5hk pieh tel :87= 7=77 leadEhkfyg5org5hk g8+|:/<+ i*;~|:/54 tel 9<=8 =8;@ ceEhkfyg5org5hk
Yhe MPK]L building also houses @ other social service agencies and organizations3 taking on a distinct identity as a -centre. for those who care for and work towards the well4being of young people in the community5
s;:8+|~./4- v5~/|2 z581 w+|39 and Jxtended Xervices for ]oung Sight Irifters help ?5;:. |: 8/915 Yhe ]outh Xupport Xcheme provides counselling for young offenders cautioned under the Uolice Xuperintendent.s Iiscretionary Xcheme5 v+8~+9 ,58 ?5;4- 4/-.: *8/,:+89 tel 9>78 ??== osw4skwtsEhkfyg5org5hk {5;:. |: u/91 v+8~+9 tel 9;?> =8<8 osw4tk8Ehkfyg5org5hk tel 9:@= ;>88 yssEhkfyg5org5hk i*;~|:/54 is offered at all levels loj{k g./4- p51 o/4*+8-|8:+49 |4* r;89+8/+9 www5hkfyg5org5hk6ncl loj{k p++ v.|; o++ t8/3|8? v~.552 www5lskps5edu5hk loj{k p++ v.|; o++ g522+-+ www5hlc5edu5hk loj{k g54:/4;5;9 p+|84/4g+4:8+ www5clc5hkfyg5org5hk Yhe {5;:. u+9+|8~. g+4:8+ publishes high quality reports on topical issues3 promoting understanding of youth issues in Mong Pong and advocating new initiatives for youth services and policies5 tel :><< >977 yrEhkfyg5org5hk
99 youth centres are called MPK]L ]outh XUTYs5 tel :><< >7>9 spotEhkfyg5org5hk