Young Talk, March 2006

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Vol. 9 No.2 March 2006

Sex education for primary schools

Put your time to good use Wake up! A new day has started. You have many things to do. Housework, get ready for school, attend classes, meet friends, play, revise your books. To do these things you need to use your time well. Some young people do not plan their time. This exposes them to risky behaviour.

•Know your rights •Stay in school •Read your books •Be creative •Wait to have sex My holiday plans I'm Robert Kaboyo. I'm in P6 at Nsonkya PS, Lyamabwa village, Kabarole. During holidays it is my duty to graze and milk the cows. In the morning I graze the cows near home, before milking them. I collect 10 cups of milk each day. After milking the cows I go to graze the cattle away from home until lunch time. When the cows rest, I play football with my friends while watching the cows.

Make a plan for the day to help you do your tasks well and at the right time.

I make sure the cows do not go to people’s gardens. If they eat people’s crops, my parents would have to pay a lot of money to the crop owners.

While making your plan ask yourself what you want to achieve before the day ends. Start with first and important things in your plan. If it is time to be in class, do not play. Go to class.

During holidays you have alot of time. If you do not plan your time well, you can be idle. Like Robert, find something useful to do.

What you do today can help you achieve your future goals. Before doing something think about it. How is it going to be of use to you? Is it allowed at home, school? Do you have to do it in hiding or you can do it openly?

Robert Kaboyo

Avoid being idle. This may expose you to bad peer groups. Put your time to good use. Avoid doing things that can affect your health, studies and future goals.

Make planning for everyday a habit Make a plan for each day. Write down your plans. It helps you to divide your time well between work and play. Start today. Before long it will be a habit. Share your plan with someone who can encourage you.

Read page 2 and find out how young talkers spend their time.

•Get into the habit of planning your day to avoid idleness.

•Idleness can make you join bad groups.

•It can lead you into early sex, smoking and taking alcohol.

D i c t i o n a ryoyurself e

Journalist for the day at work - Lillian Mulungi and Lillian Mpanja, Kamengo PS

Young Talk traveled to Kabarole and worked with Young talkers as journalist for unprotected es do e on at th g the day. They collected Habit- A thin out thinking ith w t stories on friendships that os m al d often an aste time were used in the Feb issue of w or g in th no Idle - To do Young Talk.

Expose - To leav


2 Young Talk, March 2006

Do first things first House work

“When I wake up in the morning, I help my parents to wash plates, sweep the compound then I go to fetch water. After fetching water, I have breakfast then I wash clothes. Then I help my mother to baby sit as she prepares lunch for the family. After lunch I rest a bit before going to play football or read books. I also watch films. I always make sure that I do not get idle. If you are idle, you can end up doing bad things like abusing people who are passing by the road. Okello Joseph, 11, Kichinjaji PS, P6, Kumi

Time to read: Okello Joseph, 11, Kichinjaji PS, P6, Kumi

Time to wash dishes. Abulo Mary Immaculate, 10, P4, Stella Maris Nsuube, Mukono “I always swee p wash toilets, w the compound, as water, wash clo h plates, fetch young sisters anthes and bath my a while I cook d brothers. Once in when my mum at home. is not When I finish h o films, play footb use work, I watch walks.” Isaac all and take evening Moru Apesu Opolot, 12, r PS, P7, K umi

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breakfast, I “I wake up and sa and wash dishes. After do. But in e us ho e th an cle I st breakfa me to rk that they might give help with any other wo young brothers Camillus and Linus. most cases I play with my neighbourhood th my friends from the be wi y pla lly ua us I ch lun to After ther says she wants me or I watch a film. My mo sure I do all that she tells me to do.” s responsible so she make ate, 10, Stella Maris Nsuube, ul ac m Im Abulo Mary P4, Mukono

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teachers. They will give your parents/guardians or d your time well. At en you advice on how to sp at your day's plan. Tick k loo y, da ch ea the end of off the things you did. w eyes. Think abteoutot ho Close yourtod od go ay can contribu the things you did th wi ips sh on ati h and rel class performance, healt chers and friends. tea your parents/guardians,

For teachers the year Dear teachers, make your 2006 more productive for to pupils. Encourage them a is is Th y. da ir the plan for ed ne good habit that they even for the future. their Encourage them to share u. yo th wi s itie planned activ

dangers of idleness. Educate them about the of the people they s Ask them to share storie due to idleness. le ub know who got in tro

Love your changing body

Time to play- Isaac Opolot, 12, Moru Apesur PS, P7, Kumi

Pubic hair

I was at home. My mother had bought nice clothes for my birthday. As I was putting on the clothes, my sister shouted at me saying that I had hair under the armpits. I felt bad. I told her not to tell anybody. I was confused and did not understand why that hair had come. On Monday in class, our alk teacher brought Young TTalk for us to read. When my turn came to read, I saw a letter from a girl who asked if having hair in the armpits was bad. The answer was it was not bad... It is normal. After reading it I felt better. Thank you for teaching me. Kisakye Eva, P6, White Angels PS, Kampala

Time to fetch firewood for these children in Kabarole

Dangers of putting last things first

I have a friend who used to deceive her parents that she was going for prep lessons. But she would go for discos with a man who used to give her gifts (vaseline, necklace, shoes, bread). She was proud of her man. She advised me to get a man. I said no thank you. I have to complete my studies first. I advised her to stop going with that man. She abused me. My friend later got pregnant, stopped learning and also got HIV. Irene Nahirya, P7, 14. YOUNG TALK IS FOR TEACHERS AND PUPILS IN P5, P6 AND P7

4 Young Talk, March 2006 different ages for everyone. Some start as early as 11 and others at 14, 15 or 16.


I live with my sister who is married. Her husband always requests me to play sex with him. But I always refuse. What can I do? Girl, 12, P7, Wakataayi PS, Zirobwe-Luwero Get help from an adult you can trust and talk to them about what is happening. Maybe you could talk to your sister. Keep refusing.

la P.O. B0X 22366 Kampa

If your mother and father died of HIV/AIDS can you die of it? C. Ndayishimiye, P5, KCC PS, Kamwokya You can only die of HIV/AIDS if you have HIV. Not everyone whose parents died of HIV has HIV. But some babies are born with HIV. If the mother has HIV, she may infect the baby during pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding. But this doesn’t happen to all babies. Today there are medicines called ARVs, which can help people living with HIV including children, live a healthier life for many years. The best way for someone to know if have HIV is by taking an HIV test.

My friends told me that girls with big breasts are used to playing sex. Is it true? P Katusiime, 14, P7, Bujaga School, Mbarara No! The size of girls’ breast has nothing at all to do with having sex. Each girl is created differently, and breasts come in all sizes whether one has had sex or not. Don’t feel bad if people laugh. You know you are not having sex, and that is all that matters.

Say no to sex: Pupils of Kamudindi PS, Kiboga

Can a girl get HIV when she kisses an infected person? L. Basemera, 12, P6, Hamukungu PS, Kasese Saliva may not contain enough HIV virus to infect someone. But sometime people living with HIV have wounds in their mouth that may bleed. If you kiss this person, you could easily get infected. If someone is infected, their blood usually has high concentrations of HIV.

During menstruation where does blood come from? G. Kembabazi, P5, KCC PS, Kamwokya Menstrual blood comes from the uterus. During puberty, your ovaries begin to release eggs (ova) to prepare for fertilisation and baby growth. A thick layer of tissue and blood cells build up in your uterus in preparation for a baby. If an egg is fertilised by a sperm during sex, it will grow inside your uterus and develop into a baby thus a pregnancy. But since you are young and not having sex, the egg will be no fertilisation and no baby. Now the tissue and blood cells that had formed in preparation for the baby are not needed by the body. These turn into a blood-like fluid and flow out of the vagina as the menstrual blood. Menstruation usually happens once a month. Can a girl of 11 years produce a baby? H. Kimuli, 13, Nabingora Parents School, Mubende Yes, a girl of 11 years can produce a baby if she has sex. Having a baby is not always determined by how old one is, but by the fact that one is having sex. Wait to have sex to protect yourself from the dangers of early pregnancy, HIV/STDs.

Some people say that if you put on trousers, you become a prostitute. Is it true? M Nabukalu, 11, P6, Bright Star PS, EntebbeWakiso Putting on trousers doesn’t make you a prostitute. However, avoid wearing trousers that expose your body parts like belly button or your buttocks. This could attract sex demands from males. Counselors: Dr. Edrine Namayanja, Patricia Nansamba Wamala Through Young Talk we share ideas with young talkers countrywide. Pupils of Sky Standard PS, Mayuge

lk about Write to Young Tath gs the story of the froin m t rn you have lea d your brothers anha ppy sisters. Are you ve ha u yo at wh with How learnt from them? he lped gs in th e es th have u? yo or not helped

If a girl is a virgin and she has sex with a boy does she get pregnant? E. Namukose, 13, P6, Busia Border PS Yes. It doesn’t matter, whether one is a virgin or not. Once you have sex, you can get pregnant. Besides pregnancy you could also get infected with HIV/STDs. Can a boy of 13 grow down hairs (pubic hair)? A. Barugahare, P6, Kengwe PS, Masaka Yes, a boy of 13 can grow pubic hair. Growing pubic hair is a normal change that occurs to both boys and girls during adolescence. It starts at



Young Talk is our favourite paper. Pupils of Budariri Girls Boarding PS, Sironko

Publisher: Plot 45 Bukoto St., Kamwokya, P. O. Box 22366, Tel: (0312) 262030/1, 041 530008 Kampala (U), Fax: 534858, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Communications Director: C. Watson,, Programme Director: A. A. Fiedler, Editors: T. Agutu, B. Kagoro, E. Kimuli, G. Awekofua, Designers: M. eB. Kalanzi, Gb. Mukasa Printer: The New Vision, Young Talk is funded by DANIDA, DFID, Ireland Aid & SIDA.

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