Young Eagle Is Influenced Person Of The Area

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5 42.2 Celsius [ alley Chayangkkul road Chayangkkul ]s the district in a city , district [ teacher city ] , Ubonratchathanee provinces 34000 August 2552 about, present the original for consider to publish and sell , arrive at the faculty does the meditation chooses the original, I , RACHANIKORN, ( SUYYADHA ) , KIRDSIRI , get write view point story and referable eagle vision , at fly stay in the sky pass by in the world and all land which , be related to the life , for internal area life rhyme relates always , neither will a human or , eagle , might meet the land at least , 11 the land , and the view point will of that eagle might very attractive yes , , especially when , eagle fly the sky , for to get see living kind this things feelly that , there is the joyfulness , cheerfulness , The in high spirits , and living happy things , the original about [ story ] this is land staring of the life changes until eagle touch each the area can is alive with the happiness , and want to know with eagle young the influenced person of the area with oneself , hope that , might a chance eagle fly to change see [ praise ] and build the impression to you ? yes , , if , you will take an interest to lead the original about [ story ] this publishes and sell , please contact with me electronic mail way , [email protected] , or , . 0823759423,0816699232, you will choose the original about [ story ] other at me can write by choose to see in , and use the word searches with the word that , suyyadha , will get read both of line philosophy original , will , humor , way of life , the happiness and the inspiration such as , happy ? be distressful ? since , be born , an egg and the life , an organ makes trouble , clock life time , a house is livable very like [ model ] , Whose , white flower with the vase that fits , breath is travel , every about [ story ] fully publish and sell yes , , , with the respect , , SUYYADHA

young eagle is influenced person of the area 1. the native land , 2. money gold land 3. hometown 4. locality 5. influenced person of the area 6. strange to the place 7. the land stays 8. the land travels 9. the area seeks for 10 .the land earns a living. 11. far land and near

native land at the beginning base accident in that life calls that , , bingborn , although , come true such , but , anyhow , often assume the appearance for the first time build [ wasp ] the world , that , that the occurrence is the one life , TRUE , originating that , base befitting individual , or , there is fate ground is of , eagle , be , eagle , native especial land of , eagle , may don't go to that other unless , , eagle , be the founder , eagle , ++ , the life has the land is of each the life at least , 11 the land , first land every the life has basically the base or , fate life that ground is , native land , I use the word that , , native land , no use the family , because of , the everything is noing limit but , bing living things please , still have other thing unless , the living things very again , and exist in all condition go to , then use the word that , , native land , which , entirely bear the property at the beginning individual come to properly with the native land of the self , if , acquainted with fate patrol , as a result , will ever hear the word that , , fate ground , that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it first land of the everything , I use the word that , native land , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , there is the area concerns in the life at least 11 the land also , at first at the native land everything , eagle , be attractive bird very much , it has the native land in , eagle , certainly , fate its ground is , happiness , be the living things that see happy most , cheerfulness , The in high spirits , and don't torn the quickness , The accurate , endure especially durable abstinence waits the thing that can is the aim good quality , I believe in in fate ground because , everything must have the starting point for is born are an anything depend upon , and it is trusting in the be thing one or , be us there , satisfied in the be we , the native land is first land of , eagle , since , get originate the living things , and touch the native land with the instinct , because , it must know that , oneself What's the matter? first of all , from that time then study the way holds with the life that is number one the life , neither eat , lie down , use every the part that have in succeed , it can fly very much attractivelies are regarded as is the success , which , here I don't be

regarded as to am the success that me has to have , but , if , can , topmost , as a result , fate ground of , eagle , be like that to be , be born come to be , as for me , there is fate ground like [ model ] , I , that unknow that , ? will must want to be such , which , the native land between me and , eagle , or , fate ground , indicate , bird memory can separate skillful (stay) [doing that action] , although , will might not separate the favor that me has to build [ wasp ] , eagle , get no matter , arrive at will have the native land is of individual , but , travel come to meet and impress can , when , I have seen , eagle , as a result , touch the be , eagle , get moderately , and can feel that , , eagle , there is the land in the life also , at first I , touch the native land , ancient that , see the elephant sees at the tail sees Mrs. see at mother isn't it , but , no think will seek ? extremely , because , everything can happen , must have individual suitability will have been the one life , only must live the native land is starting occurrence point please , native land , eagle , happen the Earth's surface north , eagle , then have fate ground drifts lower level north in the ground , although , will don't be free from evil from the world can go to no matter , in addition still seek a chance passes to get down nip a victim intermittently , which , as a result , often don't miss , with fate ground that is fraught in the quickness , The accurate , I feel to admire with fate ground , eagle , very that generally look good , have prestige attractive forly take the precedence , cause part passes to get down is that occasionally , get back to not want to take with ? , because , from fate ground that me touches earth until surface is unexpected that , , it is attractive for seek a chance lands low little , and may have who have the idea will want to from the ground in the future , because , see get from a spacecraft , space station , that develop go to continually , for I , there is the trend will that think should can more , eagle , please , be fate that ground is just the native land , or , the starting point in the life only , certainly that , must everything area has to are first land in the life , neither will or not is the living things ? is alive no matter , I am so , think if , good initial , may can go to pretty , but , yes that , the native land will have not to encourage then is driven to the wall this the farm , as same as , the native land is good , TRUE but , no good , might be possible , such as , the lotus in the water , still high class the height from the ground has under the water rough , since , lean out upward skin water north , remain pleased the water , remain under the water (stay) [doing that action] , and bogged down in mud goes to , have , the native

land then is the area is influential build [ wasp ] life owner has in the land such callly that , be eyes dot , eagle , there are native that make land go out north ground eyes indeed , be sympathized , eagle , straight at , be industrious initial ground north has already , but , must whirl get down the lower level is a chance goes to , I am that , it , Never mind , because , the native land is not one land of both of the life , it still have the area relates in the life again at least 10 the land , now , it must have the native land then will have associated with with other land next , I , that , first that must touch that , may not other land except , be the native land , from the touch , eagle , then get feel that , , it must is born because , be necessary time when , arrive at the native land has already please , such as at it appears to depart the eggshell when , must initial fate its ground please , it does will not be like that , may no , if , fate ground is , eagle , it , must be , eagle , fate ground has the background , certainly that , happen from the past , since , the time the last until time come to is born , how is I am am binglike stare the sperm swims to come to have an accident with an egg for occurs something of born ? like that when , touch the background of fate ground , because , it is like that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , as if , ? the sperm just not how many at s pass to are born , the part that is eliminated , no be born , it , because , the property of one by one still rough , ? will born it , must be born , TRUE , and origin handle upward , must carry fate ground comes to , at , the native land such , fate ground that it has to the origin happens when , arrive at native just enough land are accurate , eagle , then must be , eagle , because , native its land yes please , the native land is especial land of the one life , if , be not , no happen come to , it will straight with fate ground of owner native land life exactly , a kind has passed last and a position are born , already fate ground like [ model ] , at pass ? then just enough with the native land , I touch , eagle , already can tell only that , , because , basically the fate that die then , be born the occurrence can go up please , owner fate all that praise U like [ model ] , still don't die , must be eliminated go to circle swim before , still can't happen , such as the sperm that have not enough property will have been born please , I touch , eagle , get approximately in the origin such , individual I have already , eagle , as a result , there is the native land where can indicate the background that , , the origin

comes to with clever vision , The widespread , ground north , that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it at basically the fate which , can be time to be born of , eagle , the fate that an owner still not fully , be eliminated go to before , might because , past ring , fall stay in the sphere pulls to pull hold back of until slow past not in time is born , run for but , be eliminated please , the vision fights fate ground exactly in the native land can't is accurate , eagle , give I have touched fate ground or , native land , until feel that , be important level life area , because , it is the right place must maintain the self can follow the bearings comes to with fate especial ground of , be pass and get be born come to , as a result , must stay in fate ground or , native that land that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , that , must happen and hold ? , be like contest run for , who get a position , there is the rule will to must maintain the self goes to area the rule has of the bearings is , fate ground or , native land , be rules at the beginning in the occurrence is the one life , eagle , must be , eagle , then get a position , eagle , one the life , in order that , that , can choose , can't choose , it , not completely , as , touch , eagle , I , that , it that the background , fate ground , native land , that just enough be accurate , be in line with occurrence factor , which , must die then , occur yes , and will choose like other at it not just enough is accurate with the background , fate ground , be the origin , as a result , be born don't succeed , be like give , eagle , bear fruit a toad , I am unexpected that , the nature will abnormal can go to thereby , from native land touch , eagle , make know , building suits particularities has borne fruit in hand go to every time meet one's death then is born , can tell that , there is how is the property ? , by fate ground or , the native land of but , I persistently stay just touch one land is the native land or , fate ground only , because , it does will not be stable , natural that law is the thing that tells to keep that , everything happens with factor cause , because , there is like this it then is born like this go up , fate ground , be from the time the last time , then basically the fate or , native this land , enough [ when ] initial with fate ground or , native this land , as a result , certainly that , it must is in line with that route , at the same time , life , modify the property has continually , call that , , collect the reaction in property summary finally continously comes to , which , will become fate ground is late during die the next time , although , while , live , touch the property that modify can go to also , by must not wait for die then

realize , such as , , fat thin already get , quit eat animal meat , ever use a weapon and abandon a weapon have gone to already , other a lot of again , and the native land doesn't have to as with formerly , sometimes , repeated sometimes , change , fate ground can build not difficult by not in time is aware , while , live this it will collect the property to will summarize fate ground is late when , die next , as same as , touch the change that happen while , can live also , be like my [ or hair] dyeing , change color I [ hair ] , which , originally have color ground is which color , the property is like that , but , something dye change color new , as a result , must erode a color originally go out , dye overlay conceal may not last , like [ model ] to rub suddenly get new color at awhile once , return a color originally , and observe that , if , will change color [hair] me while , I [ hair ] has white already it difficult in the hair , because , a color will have to bring can give new color its island not already , that only I [ hair ] , for fate that ground concedes [hair] me white then , can collect the property can go to until , stop collect go to , the native land once for the one life , always perhaps that , will old land , it is under fate ground finally while , too…to , die , eagle , there is the native land is , eagle , already it has will native one land goes to continually or , how , I see , eagle , not come to associate with how much is other some thing ? , especial necessary time will only then pass to get down ground area below , such as hunt a victim , if , be not the lure swoop down low , remain on crow sky , if , it was induced get down at the ground often it may collect downstairs closeness more and more , already the fate will to finally basically the fate will in die to learn the news just enough with the native land like [ model ] , old ? , as a result , may depend upon the mind will grab wildly , have , eagle , a little to liberate a victim who induce to give must pass low down , might have sometimes at it feels to are full and can was have the lure , call that , it not so as , miss until torment the body , but , not greedy see a victim can't is , I am that , , eagle , be , eagle , concede have where are a lot of victims only ? , it , do not get down settle down stay among a victim on lower level ground , when is the stomach full ? , fly up to crow sky that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , as a result , the native land is or , fate its ground happens such , it will may feel that , yes instinctively , opposite with walking on the earth or , the water stays with the fish , which , may induce it can get down occasionally , but , its instinct may tell

to is not the land is not fate ground automatically , already how is pertaining to ground fate instinct and the native land ? , see , eagle , then see that , hook certainly , as a result , ( hold,seize ) the native land more than a victim who induces , or , fate ground is influential thing north that is attract such as a victim , eagle , then stay on crow neck sky roasts to deserve one's dignity , suit with fate ground , eagle , suit with the native land where is , eagle , fate that my ground is regarded as are the native land of the life , be eyes dot , if , go out eyes well , require less labor can go to , eagle , there is fate good ground , at least , there is brilliance touch [ cheap ] the power pulls to adhere to with the a little world more than the thing at must stay to follow the ground , eagle , can fly , moreover , still stare with clever sight , there is the quickness , The accurate , be regarded as begin priest eyes has grably the happiness get not far exceed reaches , the thing will to harm to build [ wasp ] , eagle , The that , if , stay ground north no , must exert very be diligent if , have a malicious intention oval , TRUE , thus , fate ground or , the native land of , eagle , may don't be like other thing in the ground , as if , , on what is that ground ? , go to there get , but , ground leg north has done not touch the earth already , be not ? , can go to be finished , the native land of , eagle , be fate especial ground , eagle , I , no hope that , be , eagle , ++ , only touch , eagle , get ? , feel according to get touch that , eagle , attraction , be attractive , as a result , do not deny , since , fate ground , eagle , the native land of , eagle , as a result , be attractive for the pine tree has already yes , this only initial a story of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , still have the area about the life , eagle , young again , I only touch , eagle , and relay the thing has that to touch as much as , will the blessing can is the word , if , choose the word has done not pull sharply the temper , might because , the word is that , , eagle , replace the living things as call that , , eagle , get not exceed the lecture , I , try appreciate , eagle , get as much as , can this , it basically person fate vacates the land but , try can understand , because , perhaps that , ground fate future or , or not is the native land will just enough with the original owner ? , might have new owner who is fitting more , fate ground and the native land are eyes dot of the one thing in that life after , background blessing , behind of fate ground has and the native land already , eagle , young the influenced person of the area might fly to go to follow in front

fate ground and the native land next , and can know instinctively , eagle , since , the wax gourd comes out to move a leg , move the mouth , move a wing , that , will maintain how is the self ? , or , be , eagle , young where is the influenced person of the area has only ? , suit with fate ground or , ? is the native land ? is empty , I see , eagle , then , feel that , that please a bird that not not strange confused from the native land , be , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , especially the native land really , both of the living , things staring , suit with the living things will that should happy most , follow fate ground or , native land , stare in the corner of , eagle , should the corner that can lose one's way difficult more than the corner on the downstairs , thus a victim will who think to induce , eagle , it may just possibly a victim , I am that , , eagle , how , fly pass depend on good , native its land make the instinct , eagle , use pillar route in the life , eagle , ++ , I , feel that , the time stares , eagle , then understand that , fate ground makes can't choose the native land , and unknow that , , eagle , want to be such as ? am I ? ? empty , for I the time stare , eagle , as a result , think ? only the one time follows fate ground that has the native land such , as a result , should alive Let's go. because , be born already , take keep die ? , softly depend upon the mind will grab wildly to seek the native land takes by oneself with fate ground that builds to then until summarize last with oneself comes to please , this/these be in front of , eagle , young to fly go to follow the fate , from the native land , eagle , might stay type , eagle , but , the future might don't limit as much as , be only , eagle , please , fate human ground , have alike , stare , eagle , already turn back watch oneself all right think , if , fate same ground , the world lacks to are in a hurry hard resource , that , ++ , because , nothing is a victim , as a result , might turn to use same thing replaces a victim , I understand that , fate ground merely eyes dot , sometimes the hunter , sometimes a victim was hunted , alternate go to continually , when the hunter is such particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , enough [ when ] become a victim , may don't differ from at ever hunt a victim keeps like that , the native land and fate ground are first thing that begin the life , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , certainly that , one background will not That will do. appreciate to impress stop collect fate ground , because , only enough please , although , will first land in the life , eagle , but , I am that , every life life is the change and

can have the conclusion 3 type , for example , , remain as ever , deteriorate , improve , only , eagle , fly come to give know the native land , as a result , must follow see that , will fly go to in the land again any ? , then will must not born a question such as , that , , ? then have the native land or , there is the occurrence is that thing this thing , because , ask can not help anthing such , it is born come to this already , will how is the background ? it , must down lock just enough then come out as be , basically the fate that fix the native land automatically , eagle , young the influenced person of the area opens see the native land or , fate ground , and may induce see other land have again also , must follow see , eagle , young the influenced person of the area flies next

money gold land when , , eagle , flap that assets , it uses the credit can escape like [ model ] , do not limit the financial amount , use pass pass close by go to extreme everywhere , wing , eagle , be money gold land where have in the life , eagle , ++ , as for that me if , stretch the arms may no use the credit like [ model ] , , eagle , ever hear but , the word is that , , long young hand have young to take please , when , compare with money gold land with , eagle , already , might regarded as go out eyes with fate ground is opposite , might have money gold land also are distress , eagle , how is young the influenced person of the area flat a wing is assets ? that , as a result , must touch , eagle , while , fly which , can see that , it doesn't miss sure , ? at , eagle , spread the wings equal to it is visitting money gold land , as a result , should get the thing that want in land this visit , be like we buy things with money according to wants , but , we have no fate ground in the sky type , eagle , land money gold our character then different and don't call a wing , but , be the finance , assets , luck , when , visit the area has these thing makes our life doesn't miss , for , eagle , young the influenced person of the area has already , money gold land stay only a wing moves , be move a wing , do not miss already , I think or , must not exchange come to manily the step like [ model ] , at we must make money very , in addition get money comes to , still eat money no , must take that money goes to exchange is the food or , the thing that want again the step , it many complicated step more , eagle , use a wing at the credit uprightly , I am not sure that , the way visits money gold type our land like [ model ] , at use or not yet is this money has been best way already ? , but , everybody land its land are opposite in each the land , money gold land for , eagle , be permanent land of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , like [ model ] , at , eagle , there is a wing fully move to fly every time , watch already resemble it hides money in a wing , make like to see , eagle , while , fly , because , it makes to feel that , assets , gold money , luck , no exceed far reach , see

already that , only , eagle , spread the wings be lucky , come in and tail with delicious luck , but , , eagle , may not interested in gold money in money gold land , because , it has no the step at must use gold money , it may take an interest to carry wing abounds to are assets in more than , this thing that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it that make it doesn't miss and survive , and induce seek the luck with this wing by oneself , I then understand that , ? the time see , eagle , spread the wings fly then feel that , it is dignified very much , as a result , it is assets wing truly , see then know that , it doesn't miss , wing , eagle , be assets in hand come to since , be born , when , watch oneself , think carry a wing , have only no the credit , then must withdraw go out smooth until , in addition arm favor like [ model ] , that human is not abound with carry but , like like [ model ] , smooth more than , it may differ with , eagle , since , fate ground has already , money gold land of a person differs with , eagle , which , might visit this land follow different suitability , but , at certainly must visit money gold alike land because , everybody life may don't agree to starve to death , wing , eagle , be assets that don't wear away , see then suit with be , eagle , young influenced person of the good area that have assets in , although , must practice using wing stays no matter but , it , must can sure because , it is , eagle , young influenced person of the this area , that myself doesn't hide assets that a wing like [ model ] , , eagle , it is the area at doesn't give the credit , but , skillful in the intellectual property , be like while , see , eagle , fly already resemble see assets moves to come to see please , the Automatic Teller Machine moves still is not comparable with , eagle , spread the wings fly , because , it shows off assets see obviously that , exist how much is cleanly pure ? , be dignified only ? , must not check card ATM password that , yes person have a proprietary right in assets , never think , eagle , wealthy young unusual with , and many rich down go to originally more , but , big extremely attractive extremely , be attractive , be smart suit influenced person of the money gold area escapes this assets , the luck is center thing is in money gold land , but , the majority only have assets , that , rich already , or , if , do not be assets , have keep , must not buy must seek , be comfortable , for I have already , the power is will in and might not different from , eagle , ? extremely , eagle , must have the power in the aviation also ,

may differently ? straight at the time adds its power not resembles , eagle , do not ( hold,seize ) breakfast , daytime , cold strictly , not so as , be 3 the time builds [ wasp ] day , make me observes that , if , be dignified like [ model ] , , eagle , as a result , might know that just enough , a exceed few until be pot-bellied , eat like [ model ] , , eagle , as a result , may be smart like [ model ] , , eagle , ++ , and , feel quietly with the windfall , but , like to visit money gold land dignifiedly like [ model ] , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area more than , although , not so as , deny the luck , just must establish oneself administrate assets gives it is dignified imitate , eagle , young the influenced person of the area please , think the state , eagle , hang disheveled until assets has flown to is distress already may not attractive equal , eagle , have only , both oval of adverb used to emphasize the word which comes in f , must visit money gold land in the life for doesn't starve to death , TRUE , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , may owner of assets wing like [ model ] , at , eagle , be and differ from the human , assets wing is money gold place makes the life , eagle , do not be unlucky , human , may don't want to agree go to reach a dead end more the ground again , as a result , it is on fate ground has on the earth already this please , if , agree go to this more , more , eagle , be unlucky , that , ++ , already money gold our place where differ with , eagle , come to since , where is fate its ground that ? , I am that , it may not repeated with , eagle , ++ , person that life has the finance that seeks to take in the social , or come to like [ model ] , windfall , which , often stagger especial forest someone , the windfall is the thing that has in money gold land but , be not get like [ model ] , regular customer , be the irregular customer more than , if , visit money gold land like [ model ] , the regular customer is or , make money that usual , while , be a child , there are money gold land where parents please , enough [ when big ] then , enter visit in the social takes by oneself , what kind is follow attitude manner of the self will ? , the precedence is individual , might don't be like , eagle , spread the wings fly dignifiedly , because , a person vacates the land , might have like [ model ] to bend lift , turn something inside out get back to the back , turn turn left right , point go to point come to , then , get gold income , I think although , its picture will come out to differ with , eagle , accordingly , supporting life has done not miss , befitting already , must not fly , have can eat don't

miss please , money gold its person land vacate the land differently since , fate this ground , and nonlocal merit with , eagle , make don't be worried about [ story ] rob overlay the property with , eagle , that , ++ , as a result , as the time sees , eagle , fly , may nobody hot eyes , like , at it , may don't widen at we make money strenuously , eagle , young the influenced person of the area is owner of assets dignifiedly suits with fate ground obviously seen when , spread the wings fly , as for me that fate ground must not fly , then have money gold land , at lucky the luck , gold money , fame , get not difficult too…to , must fly , it will difficult when , be unexpected seek please , unless , the wealth will have to get from money gold land already , eagle , young the influenced person of the area still look good the time flies with , be the feeling that , spreading the wings assets of , eagle , that supporting life is liking to please , it spreads the wings to fly honestly , should make look good , TRUE , fly get noly a blemish , have no the mistake , picture , eagle , fly then impress I very in money gold land of , eagle , The young , and make appreciate the wealth that last long that , might rich the goodness , mean its goodness is full inside is not pass to pass close by strike the eyes , if , inside good , nothing (s lose/go dead ) , enough [ when ] nothing will ( lose/go dead ) it , rich last long , not poor , because , nothing will to ( lose/go dead ) to is depleted go to , like , like the word insinuates that , the no disease is superb luck likewise please , it nothing is damaged with the disease , life , endure , rich goodness life in , its feeling or , although , fly like [ model ] , , eagle , no , happy get not exhausted too…to , fly then happily , without the malice tight in the mind , it is like are a millionaire please , in addition must not fear seized rob seize with , must not conceal goodness wealth , nobody can abduct , if , rich the goodness , be regarded as the life has put on money gold land suits with is owner of the fate , like , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area that put on assets wing dignifiedly is attractive , now feel that , be full divine ? , might resemble rich until goodness has no the eagerness wants , which , may not obviously seen in , eagle , ? extremely , because , it must hold over the hungriness with assets wing like , the human (stay) [doing that action] , but , I , enough [ when ] get know , support oneself one's family with hoard in that its rough life , eagle , young the influenced person of the area is dignified a guard uses a wing only supports oneself one's family suitable for

one's rank or standingly the position , eagle , see already don't meet unusual wealth even once , individual I by oneself , visit money gold normal land , because , the life should not miss , it will lose opportunity to use life power extremely , although , be influenced person of the money gold area differently with , eagle , but , I am that , as a result , there is the resemblance are , be the area must visit for abate the hungriness , will don't give born how is the hungriness then to do ? that , I may must not spread the wings , only walk only , can be full , but , no mean a leg is money gold land , it only follow the brain orders , and the brain by oneself , still not money gold land , it still make can ( lose/go dead ) assets , money gold land where should reach to are , the consciousness knows with the sense and the intellect , if , reach this land will follow the mind everytime no , must have the hold over will restrain oneself already with not poor , and money gold land for type my person , eagle , young and I then don't conflict of interest , no wonder , when , see , eagle , spread the wings then unknow be worn be afraid that , will touch [ cheap ] seize assets , but , see [ praise ] with the favor more than , think about something ( well ) that , if , requirement , eagle , young with me same , unknow that , will Whose are land money gold credit ? better , such as , fish , etc. , as if , that everyone fish knows to have many worth nutrient , thus the vision , eagle , should don't look over certainly , believe in that , fish rough price depends on a kind of the fish , that make see obviously that , type credit , eagle , very sure , because , it no take the effect with fish price , only move a wing all right the fish has come to by don't miss already about [ story ] the price must not refer to , as for me that its money has made must think then think again that , will buy will what kind is the fish ? then is reasonable , be inexpensive too until , must value temple of money and the fish again please , in that life avoids to don't visit money gold land may no , if , give choose use the way visits like [ model ] , , eagle , with must use money is a refuge , I think it , can bilateral type , ? at money can't buy , may have , thus have no Whose is the way ? like always , the finance might bring about contented being , power , influence , if , money is finished , will see the difference between us with , eagle , because , it doesn't be finished assets wing such as gold money that can is finished , it must not use money only uses a wing , do not miss , see that , the finance in that life , seem important poor

should think the right place has money is money gold land of the life , poor can do everything for , get money please , but , I am that , if , get the credit like [ model ] , , eagle , young influenced person of the money gold that area will might better , will want the fish all right like [ model ] , price which fish , do not miss , be influenced person of the money gold area not until really , because , there is assets wing never is finished , as for that me , ( hold,seize ) the consciousness knows with the sense and the intellect are money gold land , hope that , not until also , and want the credit like [ model ] , , eagle , ? , all right see the way only grow the vegetables , the fruit takes in individual area , want ? also the credit doesn't miss , some part , grow herbs plant is the medicine by don't ( lose/go dead ) medicine value , the cost of medical care even one baht , only , feel that , get alike credit , when , compare with oval young credit then , dare to money gold land of oneself extremely , can use the credit like [ model ] , that must not come to pay for later complicatedly , be the credit that have no credit card please , I am that , it visits to suit with , eagle , young influenced person of the money gold area still use , see then then poor please , eagle , depend on a wing , I , might depend on the intelligence for build the credit also , the way has credit , alike please particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , be , supporting life likes , otherwise , do not call that , credit , that , ++ , since , remember something get , as a result , remember that , formerly the way of life is like [ model ] to transplant rice seedlings , the hand pours the rice-husk , pick rice keeps to eat by oneself , the food is other , seek by oneself not must buy almost everything , by pick as , live ? , the elsewhere ? , majority , enough [ when ] will have the credit doesn't differ from , eagle , young the influenced person of the area extremely , must not use credit card to that feel annoyed , in addition still touch [ cheap ] ( hold,seize ) the data about card owner is formed guarantee like , the slave in a slave , arrive at will must not rejected the slave , but , the thing that replace and imply card owner , touch [ cheap ] acquire havely the privilege like the Mr.slave occupies the slave , ? that , the world cancels slave system completely , I am that , may mutate more than , I don't like money gold land like [ model ] , slave , but , like like [ model ] , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , use who is the credit by don't stay beneath a debt ? , must not pawn the thing replaces is like replace that , be who is the slave ? , exist comfortable don't live

credit card , but , there is the credit like [ model ] , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area better , rely on oneself more than , must not who is the slave ? , TRUE , although , fate ground differently but , , eagle , as a result , make feel that , assets is canning have only don't fall in the frame possesses of the fate , or , even the way of life that is the corner in the ground , but , if , referable the way of , eagle , might not until certainly , I no mean the view point in the ground will make to then poor please , only it was have the trend that the ground blows , how , stare go to other way has difficult unless , stare in the trend , go through the trend is distresses , and might dignifiedly type , eagle , difficult shake if , do not become the cowrie follows but , the trend will blow to go to , money gold land are mighting don't have to in the trend , such as , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area that no is in the trend and not poor , but even so I , admire money gold land of , eagle , young only then not poor , which , still don't be satisfiable , I am that , must rich then call that , do not fall stay in the frame possesses effectively , especially money gold my land where differ with , eagle , straight at it is , the consciousness knows with the sense and the intellect , which , will make get free from the fall is every every age time slave , be like ancient word that , , be comfortable every every nation world , eagle , not poor young , TRUE but , only don't miss a time goes to , abate urgent hungriness please , but , , eagle , be , eagle , stay as it was , the position doesn't change , or , may change by conceal the position , unknow , human that part can change the position from the villager is a human person superb , if , rich the consciousness has known with the sense and the intellect already , and , eagle , as a result , may superb animal that conceal the position can is , I have evered to see a dog loves an owner and make good thing for until exceed owner more than fate type dog ground beat the frame come to , may change the position is superb dog rich TRUE , the position will this basically the fate next , will rich TRUE until change the position by nobody seizes can go to and don't be finished with , do not be like gold money , assets , rank luck , fame , even the merit , can be finished , be born come to rich ? , as a result , may depend upon the position in the ground erodes to follow , as if , ever but , want not enough [ when ] , as a result , still not rich , the time later , must born come to in that position , will change the position , must build take by oneself , but , if , ever meet with the adequateness comes to are ...enough

befitting , as a result , should born come to in that alike position , be born come to according to one's economic capacity of fate ground , however rich go up or everytime if , must circle be born , that , ++ , I then must vacate , decrease , quit the paramour in the life too much , for , adequate please , although , it will evaluate to standardized the finance is distresses , at least , not poor and fully rich , be like the water has in full ocean with the water although , just drop very small , the adequateness is such , the position such please TRUE rich , and may born come to rich every every nation world , although , be not sure that , ? must born come to rich again , if , enough , it , may be not about [ story ] difficult to understand , as a result , money gold land are the area helps to abate the starvation or , suffering , then the duty will at the beginning to call that , support life like , both of eradicate the suffering that is born and protect is born the suffering go up with , be befitting just enough imitation that is not then until extremely , eagle , young the influenced person of the area and money gold land of , eagle , as a result , make get see [ praise ] the land of , eagle , young go to two the land has already , which , when , turn back meet for the first time by oneself , do not lack of money gold alike land , the life has fate ground , then , have , assets , gold money , luck , be the thing that exist in the land of each the life that is the influenced person of the area , besides , still have the area , eagle , young visit regularly in the life , eagle , which , pertaining to being position , stay type , eagle , be ? must follow while , next please

hometown fly or walk ? more comfortably , if , be I , may walk fluent , and , eagle , as a result , fly up down get like acrobatics extremely , being position will then rather indicate that , , eagle , be , eagle , and have the hometown where is appropriate individual me will may is unexpected to have the being such , my hometown , there is the suitability and fate ground Amen! , if , carry its wing has rough credit , time , eagle , fly , there is the route flies its and can remember the route , then migrate come ( to ) the area originally in the season can migrate again , show that , , eagle , as a result , may don't forget the hometown is simple , that , ++ , I must not follow , eagle , at migrate to ? , because , it will fly to come to that originally by oneself , the period migrates that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , for the hometown in human life , although , will stay same area , the place is same , as a result , be opposite all , such as , lie down stay in same place but , dream the another matter , I think the hometown is the one land in the life that if , good the life , safe and happily , if , not good the life , be like wrong that please , if , be like [ model ] , , eagle , at fly go to get type freedom , may not receive the effect extremely , but , I am that , how is the hometown ? it merely the land , there is the word that , sink don't flow fall not burnt fire , that make I , do not agree flow don't agree burnt , the being of influenced person of the each life area , may individual feeling builds [ wasp ] the hometown of the self , like , , eagle , at don't agree exist otherly , might because , type being , eagle , be the hometown has where to match up with fate ground already , be , stay for stare farring , likewise the time watches , eagle , as a result , must stare the corner looks up , ++ make view wide point goes up

automatically , although , the hometown is will in the ground , stare the corner has on to like [ model ] to refect the view point , eagle , ++ , the three area in the life , eagle , young and likewise about the being of the life , for , eagle , as a result , remain for stare farring , then can see that , , eagle , miss promiscuous in the trend in the ground , neither which way is the trend will go to ? , eagle , may watch high-rise very high building that break out to go up like , the mushroom is that , dry more fertile than , I not see , eagle , be hover stay high-rise building very high area is like the human , may because , , eagle , stay trend this north , I by oneself , be not sure that , stare the corner refects , eagle , better stare in how much is the trend ? , because of , fate ground differently , the hometown of , eagle , as a result , suit , eagle , differ with the human , if , will stare the corner , eagle , may get only the small hill , because , I may don't spread the wings to fly but , walk next , the being of the life about fate ground uprightly , because , it is starting life point makes to come in have being hometown particularly specifies in fate ground such , like , eagle , there is being hometown particularly for , eagle , and I , may lucky at get touch base hometown hold not difficult , how , do not fall , thus the being then have particularities differently like [ model ] , influenced person of the base area that put on that land with the life , eagle , there is the base supports is the air lightly , hometown , eagle , then not help in making a stand and must fly to alternate seek the handle , which , must show the be influenced person of the area will be withingall one's beyond one's capability might then fly can deserve one's dignitily , I only stand to maintain one's composure , can be in already , the time sees , eagle , fly then feel that , it may have the being that waits expectantly to beat fast from fear in the aviation each time , although , it might unknow to is worn thereby because , fate ground is such , that , ++ , if , , eagle , young owner of the area must have the being with the aviation but , feel distress , I am that , be not the ordinary has already , might because of , , eagle , or , land , and I may unknow that , with regard to fly already feel distress happen from ? , because , no fly like [ model ] , , eagle , ++ , as much as , stare the corner on , suppose if , , eagle , withstand the wind , sky , the air no , as a result , fly distress , because , be influenced person of the base area that must stay thereby , if , feel distress , as a result , may unusual at the influenced person of the area or the land please , such as a wing

can't fly , eyes fails to see , the visibility is bad , I think may get into trouble not common , then have an affect on get arrive at north ground hometown , enough [ when ] watch oneself ? , as a result , think the hometown of the human , there is the thing that affect also , because , there is the being don't pass from bily all requirement , sometimes , not convenient , there is an obstacle , might have the a gain through suffering , depend upon the hometown has will fertile anything , someone have full land barrier , someone have rose petal sprinkles throughout the land , likewise to ( hold,seize ) the moral sinks to don't flow fall not burnt fire , think how is the being is liking this to in the hometown ? , survive , although , the being is or , the hometown will connect to is from fate ground but , do not have to wait for give it fixes the possibility of the life , eagle , still migrate when , arrive at the season migrates , be , do not agree have the being follows the state enforces of the hometown always , eagle , be , eagle , like this by oneself , eagle , there is free being , stop fly or , fly go to , no stay beneath tabular time type human condition , that must awake in the early morning for ready oneself travel to earn a living , must reach a place earns a living within while , fix , more get get back to , must reach the time that fix , human life then have the being likes [ model ] to ( hold,seize ) the time is way of life signal , too…to , set an alarm clock awake for punctually that fix , the hometown of the human then is the area performs the observance of precepts , there is the goal for directly live , goal part indirectly , might change the fate from fate initial ground inspires according to want , varied that do then hope that , thrive go up , and have the word that , the change to the good goes up to are persuade perform the observance of precepts of the self areas the hometown where is the influenced person of the area , part , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , must fly then will have befitting being to fate ground of , eagle , be , how , must fly , if , do not fly , have no the way will to is appropriate in the living , the time sees , eagle , fly dignifiedly feel that , , it has the being at might not can change the fate , ++ must happen as , eagle , the generation that never to see a skyscraper like doesn't be different to are separated extremely , I , that , it may the be identity of , eagle , keep good parsimonious , which , I unknow that , the being that remain as ever with the being that modifies to like [ model ] to conclude to for the good goes up , ? it is the hometown completely sure , I by oneself , there is being modernity hometown , when , there is the

electricity uses , not candle dot , except the fire switches off then feel that , the candle still can give the light as before although , do not use no matter , which , make enough [ when ] understand that , , eagle , young satisfied to influenced person of the base area has type being , eagle , do not change to ? , fly ? , fly thereby always unexpected will use an airplane , I am that , it , safe better , must not likely for a motor has trouble , fuel is finished or , leak , do not consume much gasoline with , can fly by oneself , must not consumed other good resource , type being , eagle , how , indicate the be , eagle , get distinct always every every time age , the hometown is every life area is the influenced person of the area of the self , call that , the being of each person follow fate ground , neither will Whose is the being ? how , as a result , there is the right can modify , but , as I have touched , eagle , young influenced person of the base area , which , depend on the contentment in the being or , the hometown is how , may want to modify new or , satisfied like already this , as a result , depend upon who is the life ? person that life which , be influenced person of the base area , if , be , eagle , young at I have seen and touch , as a result , may satisfied very much in being hometown like [ model ] , that be , eagle , please , I by oneself still feel satisfied that , a leg touches safe ground more also , my hometown may give different contentment from the hometown , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , it , differently with fate ground has come to already , by I still feel that , can change to from when , initial with fate ground with , be not only stay for stare farring only , but , reach still new fate with oneself , I with , eagle , or not is young influenced person of the base area of the self depend upon will allow one to go to follow fate ground ? how much , likewise to person have the hometown likes [ model ] to beg for choose , neither will change which time , like to alive in the hometown sinkly don't flow to fall not burnt fire , be born ? time , will stay in the hometown like this , it has been the being most the top already for bing living things , every the life must have the hometown and will might are not every the life to will change the being or , the hometown as can want , fate ground participates in easy difficulty of hometown change , being , but , no close the way is finished , only if , it modifies to whirl in a basin , it , flee where is fate ground doesn't arrive at ? , such as , ever go up an escalator then to change come to use chip , being , may don't open up from originally , test with kicking bucket may similar loud , no change the standpoint ,

that being is will a chance to will change fate ground of every the life , stay ? thereby , stay leisurely lack of what is the limitation is ? comfortable , not difficult possibly ) eagle , young the influenced person of the area nevers to seek the convenience , comfortable increase , then be , eagle , do not changely be crazy go to , use a wing extremely a wing , may doughty extremely strong , likewise the time walks very stand very a calf , not tiny , refect the being has that , do not abandon the hometown froms fate ground on the earth , but , important its factor has that something see the land , eagle , young come to already since , native land , money gold land , how is then know the treasure trove of the self is will the thing to will help to give the life can hold ? , eagle , use a wing which , be assets , for likewise it will that the sense and the intellect to will change the being or , the hometown is mustingnot fall beneath fate ground , such as , stay happy peacefully , as a result , must live the sense and the intellect for eliminate a problem an obstacle , might change life fate , the being will that have that hold life fate that calls that , hometown , be the land is the base of the life , stay ? thereby , eagle , with I have the being that indicates life fate differently , the human each person , there is way of different life , make use location part in the life is opposite , both of a body , statement , mind , that used not same like , the being is or , the hometown then is formed indicate life fate such , with , body , statement , mind , only the being this , at can turn the fate , because , be the hometown of the life , even born come to with how much are money gold land where still a few ? , as a result , reverse a millionaire has by the being that oneself does something oneself please , I think to turn the fate with oneself trusts done to a last turn , because , turn by oneself , can see by oneself , and feel that , will Whose is the being ? that person might modify by oneself then can turn the fate , as if , modify the hometown , must the influenced person of the area that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it change , as a result , a few ? , only a body , statement , the mind only that change , image , change already , eagle , young influenced person of the base that area has strong-hold image will may difficult see to is crazy from , eagle , but , I , no stare all the time , ++ be not sure that , , eagle , will change or not is the fate ? how , as much as , get see and touch , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , remain type , eagle , everytime , stay starely far already

fly go to with the accuracy , fastness , I am that , , eagle , maintain one's composure , attractive , because , do not come in associate with on the ground are in disorder in the life , ++ don't be finished the dignity , like [ model ] , at the thing that have fate ground on both of ground runs to reach bump against , rush , flee prevent give busy powder smells , eagle , young still influenced person of the base area that have the being doesn't agitate and is calm more , I see type being , eagle , that unless , fly by oneself , aim kind objective doesn't have to use a tool helps , still satisfied in the being or , the hometown by oneself , by must not follow the trend , such as , , eagle , do not fly like [ model ] , poultry , do not walk run like [ model ] , I , and might be unexpected fly like [ model ] , an airplane with , the being begs for oval make oval is oval don't resemble other thing at can fly , it then can maintain the lineage type may the be , eagle , because , it may type being , eagle , get crowdedly sticky , the being of the thing that has fate ground differs with , eagle , be ? that , when , I see an airplane then , feel that , , it , fly different strange with , eagle , ++ , the part that is a wing uses to fly , unknow avoid like year oval , the part that is the dancer , unknow avoid such as , eagle , and that see obviously , who fly that , sit , its picture very differently , as if , pair one wing but , take fly go to stand many the life , by nobody is owner of a wing really , be not influenced person of the base life-size area , do not be like , eagle , young the influenced person of the area that use a wing of oneself flies with oneself , then have the being that is the influenced person of the area really , while , see an airplane in the sky , I , feel that , , eagle , young dignified suit influenced person of the base that area more stay good , the being as is the influenced person of the area by oneself that , be dignified most already , thus I then think pretty on the earth , as a result , fate ground doesn't have to use this wing please , ++ pretty don't depend on a wing , the being that me is owner of the land , see airplane wing is the paramour , that must not wait for push forward , wait for sit fly , be the responsibility of an airplane that has a wing stays only one pair please , may because , I no want to change the fate becomes such , only admire , eagle , but , not so as , be like [ model ] , one with , eagle , please , because , I am owner of the hometown persistently only stays for stare farring equals , eagle , only , be , see , eagle , be , eagle , do not change , truth , but , be not sure that , get ? from far staring , I think to stare not last the eyes but , stare

oneself then to turn the being , change fate ground , get the hometown where build to give oneself , it can touch more than stare far just that please , see other thing like [ model ] , at , eagle , see , equal , eagle , be please , eagle , be , eagle , thereby , which , I think that hometown still is unsteady , like [ model ] , , eagle , still fly up land , in addition fly ? the something that is eye catching that stares to go up with , I then think good hometown will should safe , firmness , be calm , be assured , which , may certainly happily , and be unexpected that , must fly or , stay ground north will then call that , improve from fate ground , but , think when , fate ground must meet location thing in the ground , as a result , must see soundly , might obviously more seen , eagle , must not fly away but , stay sinkly don't flow fall not burnt fire may better , like [ model ] , at fix being good hometown with oneself , because , if , know for what , should know in fate oneself ground has already , should win the fate has finally , be like know the cause should see the advantage , and choose to have life fate , there is the being or , the hometown has how , the being gets into trouble the location in the hometown of the life , which , majority , no set both of alone , eagle , adverb used to emphasize the word which comes in f we , the hometown is so , be related to with the area calls that , locality , eagle , young the influenced person of the area has will the land next at is the locality in the life , eagle , how , should follow next please ,

locality , the lineage is first land has of the life that visits , call that , native land , meanwhile , be relation way family center at , eagle , young , must have the relative please , the locality is pertaining to area about [ story ] the relative in the life , eagle , and we , eagle , young or not is locality god is person have plentiful relative ? , I , never see , eagle , young claim the relative please , as if , fly by oneself , be responsible oneself , will fly pass already pass close by ? , do not appear that , must see the kinship where , see then feel that , social , eagle , do not stare how much is the be locality closely oneself the some ? , and , eagle , young live oneself wing will more than referable the relative , ++ don't have to cite the locality or , cite the relative in witness , the land of , eagle , to must visit in the life of , eagle , this young call that , locality , be pertaining to area about [ story ] the relative , friend , although , oval will fly with oneself wing is a principle , but , there is the crowd , the time will migrate to see , eagle , fly the crowd , then get touch that , life , eagle , young locality god that don't torn the warmth , eagle , that fly with a wing of but , fly go to together , have no help someone up certainly , crowd , eagle , then attractive in the sight person no fly type I , which , as a result , be pregnant the land in the life of the self , be the area must not travel to is the crowd , warm with cough [ I letter ] the earth , sunlight smell , surround the water , gain fresh air all right , the locality in my life , have , eagle , be friendly in how is the sight here ? , no the relative but , be friendly , because , I see , eagle , like [ model ] , at it , may see me walks , like [ model ] , who is the way ? the way is it , eagle , young locality god

not different in the locality or , relative , eagle , ++ , if , do not observe may see don't go out that , , eagle , young differ with the relative , eagle , where , it is , eagle , of the same kind , as for that me tell immediately [ Ok ] that , have no twin be like , might resemble , eagle , at fly with oneself wing , but , do not be like straight at , eagle , seek the be great in difficult , the locality is life area almost every the life has must to visit while , be alive and owner of the locality , this land are the area has the thing that calls that , relative , friend , that affect or , the influence builds [ wasp ] the life , eagle , want alike relationship , especially when still can't fly , it may like to have plentiful relative , but , when , fly with oneself wing has already , I am that , it will may want to have the world of oneself more than , which , I , think , eagle , young fly pass pass close by often alone , I by oneself , feel that , it gets into trouble not strange , and think the locality gets into trouble that connect to is from karma relationship involves come to , then come to relate the relative , be friendly , but , may don't involve size next , eagle , young locality god then fly often alone , there is the time and individual world please , I like free life like [ model ] , , eagle , young locality god very privately , because , at least I all right see it man to man must not wait for to is inquisitive stare , eagle , at avoid hide in the crowd please , what am I like to see ? like [ model ] , must not come to give see the crowd , only see obviously one , touch the be , eagle , get clearly , but , may apply to the touch , eagle , especially , do not include other thing that don't be like , eagle , straight at , eagle , both of the crowd has the be , eagle , not different , thus see , eagle , young influenced person of the one area , know the crowd , eagle , get , if , be other thing , perhaps that , will touch where is the be that thing has only clearly ? , such as the thing that have fate ground in the ground , might must see then see again , see go to see come to , still might be not sure that , be faction which relative , be friendly sure ? empty , For me , , eagle , young locality god may don't want the friend keeps for offer the convenience , support , support , because , , eagle , every have a wing of oneself can is a principle , by must not use the friend for wealthy wealth , thus I then take an interest to desire observe , eagle , young locality god that , be friendly with , eagle , prevent ? , which , enough [ when ] can touch that , , eagle , for the sake of karma relationship involves , both of in fate ground , being , the treasure trove in , that

conform , it then satisfied in fact that is , eagle , also , as if , must not extra-ingredient act the friend can , do not use a mask because , be , eagle , as be satisfiable already , the friendship in , eagle , young locality god with , eagle , other then the contentment only that is , eagle , only particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , which , I never realize to equal , as a result , fate ground is opposite this the farm , thing all that have fate ground on that ground , as much as , I touch can am the friend trustfully ? , be friendly already like meet a ghost is deceive , have , be the locality that might is baffled all right , eagle , unless , there is fate ground , being , the friendship has differed with the human already , at see obviously it flies in north ground level , our part , walk on the ground , friendship level of , eagle , so , must not have ? help , as a result , nothing hides sure , the friend is the friend , human part which , stay on the ground , there is both of the thing that hide , distort , the friendship of the human , may born from the contentment that is not only , eagle , see , eagle , be the friend can with the be , eagle , please , and have the speech arrives at the friend like [ model ] , the human is that , , there is the true friend , the friend shares but , The happy , true friend , the friend is fake , depend on an element that beyond from to have fate ground is a person also , such as , money please have , the attitude is alike , if , a pig goes to a chicken will come to , and varied again , which , I , never do the impression , because , be owner of the locality like [ model ] , do not hope from the locality please , besides , the friendship still pertaining to life fate with , be , console stay in fate ground that is that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , like [ model ] , at , eagle , satisfied and be friendly with , eagle , as a result , should stay with fate ground such as , eagle , ++ , what kind is involve karma relationship that no turn the fate is ? , for likewise , a dog is the friend , cat , yes the friend , my locality then total up the friend , as if , coexist the world is same locality , thus I then satisfied with fate moderately ground , the rhythm has the movie that can regard the friend please , eagle , young locality god is free life , make friends as much as necessary , resemble love be calm alike , I , think have good friend one just , be valuable more many gangs then to tug go to , I like the be , eagle , young locality god like [ model ] , at must not live many gangs , fly go to get type , eagle , do not differ from the crowd , eagle , ++ , wing , eagle , only one , can fly far as same as , wing , eagle , the crowd is that , because , it no help

someone up , thus fly alone or , fly with the crowd , can fly not different far , must not live many gangs for tug to go to , like [ model ] , that if , know specially , have offer the convenience more strange than please , eagle , young locality god is in the locality that no lives the friend in the character such , it then is influential in , only , eagle , spread the wings fly its power , compare with get don't differ from stay in the crowd , I feel that , it no referable the power from the crowd , but , there is the power in , for a person walks with one's own effort on the earth , there is the word that , , alone the head is lost , couple might be friendly or , become an enemy later , may friendless better , because , abound more one the sound , be influential bargain in the way of life more and more , which , will bring about to the convenience , misfire polish , solve a problem an obstacle , barrier , that abound measure , but , not control straight relation that if , be not the gang has already might can exploit please , so , there is the group , there is the gang , on the ground this/these , and referable the group and the gang please , here I think to don't have to follow the trend all right , especially bing pioneer , do not have to if , low-lying seek the gang comes to referable , yes , but , if , be the follower , it , might necessary very much , the locality for me differs with the locality , eagle , young ? , resemble ? , in the kinship , friend , I , rather stay alone more than stay among the relative closely , then see , eagle , man to man please , the life that is among the relative closely can make to meet with the be like the relative in the locality please , as if , no have way family relation but , minister type relative has done not differ to go to , I have then rather give precedence with the concernment with the touch both of a body , statement , mind , many go to more relate with the family , the locality in my life then has no the border limits , from something get touch like relative practice although , no begin from relate family way , make I notice the density in the locality , that , give the warmth has by must not count the relative , but , warm with bing like has relative , as a result , as , eagle , young locality god that no have the amount , eagle , in witness , do not have to have many gangs keep to tug go to , when , watch the locality of the human , do not have to the relative but , minister each other like the relative , at the feeling please , that , will stay under the condition that fix in life fate or , stay condition north , because , the practice has built [ wasp ] others like the relative , equal to depart relation frame only karma relationship

involves especial the family follows fate ground only , be no related stay only the relatives , might can build life fate with the relationship that establishes this new all right , it then get into trouble to is simple of holding fate the life again the one way , I am that , the locality that have no limits better classifies a wellinformed will , person strange , I never to see other thing at is canning fly to enter with the crowd , eagle , young locality god , then not sure that , it loves to are calm then don't associate with a lot of extremely , or , it has tying relative standard makes friends tall go to please , on that locality ground in the life has frame ground fate different tearing comes in to are friendly or , too…to , be the relative , have , only its something , polish the feeling also , such as , zoo , I , be not sure that , be friendly prevent ? , if , give trust the friend that minister each such other , I may feel at the beginning clear that , there is the don't equal , indicate that , be askew word meaning that , friend , don't as for the relative , I not tour a zoo because , be born different feeling from see , eagle , young locality god flies type freedom exceedingly , for I think the locality is supposed to the equality , The equal , then count the friendship effectively please , like [ model ] , , eagle , there is what is a few friend measures ? but , if , be friendly , eagle , as a result , be believable that , there is the equality , equal , suppress go to , no different please , which , I like extremely , because , it feels that , better stay in the locality likes [ model ] to call that , fully the friend but , prominent then be harmful , might happen from the envy , envy the cause , make change be well-intentioned be have a malicious intention , friendship , can become , I then can touch that , the locality in our life can expand ( boundaries ) as same as , ( lose/ go dead ) the boundary all right , but , , eagle , young locality god must not is doubt about [ story ] this , may have no the friend loves to break an angle in the crowd in the locality ,

the locality in the life might important for each different life , there is the thing that like solitude , and have the thing that like to cull meet among the kindred , then have the liveliness and rough peaceful , there is the loneliness , lonesome get , there is the confused agitates alike , although , fate ground , stay on the ground also but , locality atmosphere is opposite , eagle , differ with location thing in the ground , such as the human tries to take anyone come to is a memr of of the self for helps to give oneself feels that , be influential , eagle , that use only a wing of oneself only particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , I then admire , eagle , in this issue more than , arrive at I am will a person , ++ , because , the attempt makes the other comes to take sides with it is like indicate distinct that , , even oneself still feel that , must beg for divide the power from the other then will can (stay) [doing that action] , already like this ? will stare us equally with him , he should see to differ from , eagle , stare , eagle , ++ , I

feel that , view point , eagle , in about [ story ] that kindred , have prestige always , do not be grabbing wildly seeks the gang for has a voice very is a memr of very plentiful relative , then , be influential , power , prestige , then , come in force reach mob , suppress , seem get where is the victory that seek ? has compared with fake , so long as , many relative plentiful friend gangs flood the locality , as a result , seize power in a hand has please , if , give me watches to alternate with stare , eagle , The young , as a result , feel see the power that don't be under the relation in , eagle , young more than , locality , eagle , young might not wide like human locality , but , if , compare with the strength in the relationship between the locality , eagle , with the relation has on the ground already , locality , eagle , there is the friendship likes [ model ] to are iron fiber , but , for its human can modify , the friendship is ambiguous , I am that , , eagle , may must not cock one's ears , keep an eye on , in about [ story ] crooked analysis betrays , before the persimmon behind one's back the fire , make waste time go to attractive forly remember that , fate ground such , later should not be hurried be born come to meet , eagle , young don't be such because of , important role in its life has a wing of oneself is a principle , eagle , stay among the kindred as is , eagle , equal , be equal to , the property is similar , it then don't have to seek the be , eagle , too much more at exist type must have the gang very much , then , use source reed amount that , exploit other that be dissatisfied , like [ model ] to start at don't count the relative depend upon the skill please , the practice like this , eagle , do not do , eagle , that may have no any a tool , eagle , ? with , locality , eagle , young then not have instigating , incite , instigate , as on that ground urges to enter give the other shows off can don't to retreat , eagle , may use the kindred differs with us a person vacates the line , eagle , there is the kindred for the be , eagle , have no the intention hides , but , that human might too…to , ask oneself the at heart that , why is the other associates with us ? , why , why , get ? from association association ? , and I feel that , locality , eagle , young , be appropriate , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , if , , eagle , go for a walk with I may don't be dignified to equal to , eagle , fly with , eagle , be the crowd , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , and I think the human walks in rows can is a parade beautiful if , walk be like by must not use , eagle , share a parade ,

life area will don't lonely lonely , The lonesome , be the locality this/these , there is the friend better have an enemy , there is the relative , do not be like lack of the relative , thus will pregnant how is the land of oneself ? , as a result , think karma relationship involves to come to since , fate ground all right , may understand that , will give ? with the locality or , hope ? from the locality ? , suppose that , buy the fish comes to one with amount of money , as a result , no mean we save one's life a fish vender is giving can only , but , be supportingoneself one's family we that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it before , the relation is like [ model ] , location kindred in the locality of each the life , be the feeling that happen to like [ model ] to specify , intentionally , more than no intend to minister each other , thus which locality will feel encouraged , or , be soundless the mind , may no depend on the density , accessory amount , surround in the life , although , there is the friend only equal the movie , as a result , valuable more have a person hates to stand equal a reed mat , it that sincerity quality , if , there is a person greets to ask about various people but , seek the interest listens the answer really not has , as a result , may fight have a person talks alone with but , intend to listen to always , however the locality for which life , make that not dispirited life , I am that , at least all right learn the possibility of the surroundings , which , important do a pyramid of acrobat by oneself to involve build [ wasp ] or not is until relationship is in fate new ground next ? how , ? every the life the influenced person of the area in the life of the self , be influential manage the life by oneself , and if , no set alone in the world , may pertaining to the way of life that affect who young more that call that , slave , the land next at the life will have visited to call that , , the influenced person of the area fully , beg for can don't miss please ,

influenced person of the area

life , eagle , young the influenced person of the area has the area visits to come to many already the land , the area fits with the be , eagle , most might its area is the influenced person of the area fully , as a result , when the life grows up with full speed this ahead by oneself , intermittently at have the strength , strong both mentally and physically , then influenced person of the life self area fully , when , the life has the strength , strength , as a result , can know that , still have young thing more , may young more every a side , or , a side no matter any , if , young thing more don't deny or , resist the strength , morally strong , may regard the slave of morally strong life , strong more please , which , certainly that , the slave will receive continue from the strength with , be like the world receives the light from the sun because , be the slave in the sun , the be influenced person of the area of , eagle , young obviously seen when , it can fly with oneself wing , be can responsible oneself life has liked [ model ] to fit is , eagle , likewise to be unexpected that , other life will different from this very moment extremely , because , every the life should have the condition grows up with full speed ahead like [ model ] to thrive a body is pleased during the one time makes to suit with that is born come to is that thing , can call that , be influenced person of the life self area , can occupy owner of life fate was interfered both of body both of mind life , eagle , young might take time more will the influenced person of the area will moderately fully then can fly by oneself , as for me that touch [ cheap ] interfere the self-confident then until now , still exist , because , there is the tradition , culture , that delicate more , eagle , young influenced person of the plentiful area , moreover , popularity , social trend ,

environment , I then am the influenced person of the area fully by must still ( lose/go dead ) gold gourd , do not be like , eagle , young at spread the wings fly pass pass close by show the be influenced person of the area makes me the gem has satisfied that see [ praise ] , as a result , be industrious born come to have fate ground is , eagle , once in a while , as a result , must be , eagle , fitly see obviously please touched [ cheap ] already , as for me it has both of locality difference , retrospect arrive at the hometown , money gold land , native land , which , there is meticulousness [powdery] absorbs to overlap , be ambiguous take , there is the change through , neither the social or , individual by oneself , show the be influenced person of the area that may the identity as , eagle , show may be opposite , such as at I exemplify the being that , , when , there is the electricity uses , not candle dot , if , next change from use the electricity is the solar energy , as a result , may have the be I that don't be like formerly , as if , be the influenced person of the area that the life visits the land anything like [ model ] , not still don't remain as ever please , the difference in the be influenced person of the area between , eagle , young with likewise , as a result , may from the peace in the life , think , eagle , young the influenced person of the area may the be , eagle , remain as everly , and alike every almost , it may did not touch [ cheap ] any interfere extremely , as for me and location thing on that ground , when , there is both of popularity change , interest , requirement , culture , tradition , and social trend , environment , as a result , should have the before back of appreciating that change , might call that , there is the discoverer , pioneer , follower , there is the be influenced person of the area and is the slave please , discoverer , pioneer appreciate the change before should have the strength , strong in the be that thing more than the follower comes to or , who still young more , then , there is the slave finally , this pertaining to the be influenced person of the area land and the slave , I think every the life may have the slave only will know the slave or , take an interest , how much , no mean this life is great tight sky tight land man , only which life can hold , show that , oneself can cope with with fate ground and occupy the land have in the life bely the influenced person of the area fully , like [ model ] , at don't liberate give the life exhausts to go to please , thus then naturally understand thoroughly in the life of the self , know who is oneself better ? , already appear the slave where yes , as a

result , straight at should have who may still strange our good enough [ when ] always us , who are and the responsibility that us by oneself might must is responsible in TRUE ignorance unknow straight of ? please , I then mean , knowwing which thing clearly , must not the slave because of , know not always that thing , but , if , still know not clearly or , young build [ wasp ] an anything , should possibly just the slave of that thing , seek the equity still no , when , be the influenced person of the area has fully then , will have the slave , the rhythm is same , if , deny an anything , may know in that thing has difficult , might make have to have the slave , because , the influenced person of the area may don't want to become thing other slave please , then must know and see through someone's trick please , now or not is the slave appears in the be influenced person of the area ? ? may can touch by oneself sure , at will take an interest ? take an interest the slave with , if , feel that , do not have to know other thing clearly , may not interested in will have the slave , but , might make a slip become the slave A , eagle , young the influenced person of the area that me sees that , it endures to wait the aim for the accuracy , I then don't think it will make a slip to is the slave , and may thing other slave has difficult , by fate ground , eagle , then , be on be not below with , I still must look up , eagle , everytime , have no any time that must bend down stare , eagle , ++ , but , no its slave because , I am in the ground , because of , no fly follow it this the farm , eagle , young the influenced person of the area may have the slave that flies can follow , like [ model ] , do not fly confront until born the tragedy , might because , , eagle , might know enough [ when ] good , when , stare on the ground ? , Wow! , both of intention accident and not in time is alert it are a chance that can happen always , if , I can fly , may don't risk meet with an accident in the ground , which , I am the influenced person of the area that has sought a wellinformed will really difficult , then have who know I good adequate equal the movie this/these , ++ might risk build [ wasp ] saw like [ model ] to blur and might think a rabbit shoot , but , if , think not a rabbit , still shoot , may person strange to the place for I have already , unless , strange I already clearly still can not possibly although , slave , I am that , the life has that to grow up with full speed until ahead is influenced person of the life self area already , unless , will appear the slave has already , still appear person strange to the place with , thus the influenced person of the area is who fit most for life possession ,

neither how is the life will have visited the land ? , live get suitly with that thing , have no the character that call that , haunted certainly , as if , , eagle , may don't touch [ cheap ] haunt give walk snoop stare on rhythm that ground , thing location part in the ground sure , do not be attractive for ( lose/go dead ) the be influenced person of the area self life because , touch [ cheap ] the influence , or , power , trend , possess , because , it will lose contact with of the subconscious at should is that thing goes to , or , call that , the life was interfered in the subconscious , might appear the symptoms such as , ever fly type , eagle , as a result , be born the scare doesn't dare to fly , the subconscious discontinued to cease like [ model ] to interfered , I think it affects in the certainly future , especially the time will be changing fate ground when , pass away , to the no life , now for at must confront with the condition unconcious , which , will must not use the touch , recall know with the commonsense , remain just the subconscious will conduct next , the subconscious that interfered , will mind go to along the way at it has to interfere please , thus the importance that influenced person of the life which area should not negligent is , burying conscious deep down reach the subconscious put only the be influenced person of the area this lifetime completely , why is the future life ? don't have to upside down a bowl , do not meet the thing that don't want to meet , the influenced person of the area is or , fate life owner has how all right exist already , be since , be born , the be influenced person of the area composes many part part , both of the idea person , The temperamental , heart god or , mind king , intonation god , body owner , fateful , host at a reception , footpath life owner , death god , puzzle owner , answer owner , treasure trove god , various the part that the influenced person of the area s must are responsible , when , this like already , do ? , which , I , never see , eagle , young abandon the land goes to , it will might is , eagle , be worthwhile , I see it will have flown should is worthwhile already , extremely fly , extremely hard wing , likewise each a part as for him the integration , if , which part was interfered , affect arrive at other part with , thus then believe in in doctrines about [ story ] doingnot exploit , which , might go to heavy at the responsibility in fateful part , believe in ? that , , where is a boat that compose great mechanism only ? , but , if , an anchor is frying to pull , as a result , go to don't arrive at the river bank , the part that is the fateful , like , an anchor fries to pull a boat takes to keep , already will have ? want to come to the end or ,

++ , it may not warm , unknow will meet when is the storm puts the blame on each other ? , if , put the blame on each other reach the river bank , may have the state not safe , the influenced person of the area that stare farring type , eagle , young then aim then aim before again pass once , so , not heavy in responsibility part of the fateful , then have fate ground is thatting fly on crow sky , the part is thatting walk to run in the ground , if , heavy go to in fateful part , as a result , don't too…to , down go to under the water , I am that , although , the ground will 1 only in 3 skin earth crust top , it is the distance heal the be influenced person of the area of life fate with long way so as , the asthma has arrested already , do not have to down to the water like , kind three sport sport , it resembles to go backwards down to the water , I think the life has fate ground , and must the influenced person of the area follows fate ground first , part fateful part that is the part that has a role is first part since , originate , when , understand life fate and travel to in the sense of that should , may change the be influenced person of the area that call that , , be born come to with karma until can pass the misery from bad deeds with the don't adhere to is in fateful part such , which , as a result , may not easy like move move change a position , resemble change fate ground walks in the ground is fly like [ model ] , , eagle , as a result , might use the change since , part idea person part , invent invent the thing that help to give can fly such as an airplane , and part other part , until can fly , although , its picture will don't be like , eagle , fly be ordinary , change the be influenced person of the area not easy like this , influenced person of the area character might call that , the self-confident character , which , may familiar this word more than , from time immemorial already everything , wish self-confident automatically sure or , instinct , I , think the proper thing , because , be the influenced person of the area should deserve one's dignity most for the life anything , must not have ? Mr. , oneself should is Mr.oneself , not different from , eagle , young the influenced person of the area extremely , nowadays the social in the ground realizes the be influenced person of the area of each the life , and have the word that , the human rights is guarantee the be influenced person of the area of the life in the ground , should not transfer who is this right has old ? , I then feel that , on the earth with on crow sky has can to is the influenced person of the area fitly already , although , in , eagle , will progress come to before the social in the ground because , , eagle , suit be ,

eagle , every similar , while , on the ground still have animal business , trade a human , trade the labor , don't as for will left the be influenced person of the area in the life , all part part in the life should interfered , even body possession is thatting see obviously , as a result , still use arm leg , temper , the feeling follows the right of the self no bely the influenced person of the area fully , must listen the order or , permit from others who oppress , I , feel that , on crow sky develops and respect the be influenced person of the area , stay prestigely more on the ground , eagle , then be , eagle , every alike , for that ground although , be like share united , but , still illustrate a person walks to lead stake neck dog rope goes to together , this the size will love please tell , the slave greatly really in the ground , there is the character such , see already lovely picture for who acquainted with association association like [ model ] , common on the earth , which , do not be like , eagle , young how much is influenced person of the some area ? , eagle , young when , spread the wings fly by oneself of oneself likes [ model ] to are influenced person of the life this area fully , but , type that human although , then until run , jump by oneself already , still must immigrate eyes squints , close one eye follow , every social side trend is a compass live accordingly , especially when , be a child must learn technical and the way are in the social , until preach location life shares the social , a child has the right doesn't be equal an adult although , right future , grow up upward by oneself , but , I am that , only walk , run , jump get the influenced person of the area has fully already , such as , , a child who emphasize or , have to learn the way lives more than technical in a classroom , then must go out pick the vegetables , fish , shellfish , insect , as much as , will have give catch come to the food supports oneself one's family oneself and a family , besides , still must work type adult in a garden , farm , farm , or , work for , all day , have no a chance attends class to know technical please , this a child who is influenced person of the life area of type self fully , must not wait for take feeding subject for follow knowledge owner goes to in the sense that of , can survive , I unknow that , the intellect has to have relayying then will can happen , or , can happen by oneself get , but , I know to am that make thing can is the influenced person of the area deserve one's dignitily , a child has been the influenced person of the area fully , might resemble , eagle , young the influenced person of the area (stay) [doing that action] ,

when , watch , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , I feel that , it may become one's legal age since , think fly A , because , have no the regulation about [ story ] age in , eagle , this the farm , the rule of , eagle , may admit it when , it can fly by oneself , about [ story ] this me that , it adopts for a chance in the living bely the influenced person of the area fully very , likewise , stay on the ground which , hold on the maturity is will chance channel to is will person become one's legal age , there is the

right has a voice regarded asly can is right user with full speed ahead , more will admit bing influenced person of the that area not free type , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , about [ story ] this , do not be important because , already naturally , eagle , that can fly then , should can fly every time , like , the human is if , be the influenced person of the area , self-confident fully then , touch [ cheap ] interfere the life has difficult , do not have to under a chance helps can is the influenced person of the area deserves one's dignity , the human has the way is the influenced person of the area doesn't resemble , eagle , ( lose/go dead ) be finished , might in opposite directions with , eagle , with , be , eagle , fly get with the imitation , eagle , big until can fly not different , eagle , young the influenced person of the area then is , eagle , do not differ from other , human that self-confident part or , the influenced person of the area in opposite directions with the copying is liking [ model ] to , then have the pioneer , discover , thinker , extremely create , and extremely imitate , as a result , might regard influenced person of the area slave has such , because , although , know don't equal , might in time the influenced person of the area but , know follow influenced person of the good area , the be influenced person of the area no help pass fate ground originally since , begin in the native land , might can deliver a speech that , when , be the influenced person of the area fully , because , this like since , be born , only with , eagle , young the influenced person of the area is , eagle , since , be born , will change fate ground , must promote by live the treasure trove in money gold land , and the being in the hometown please , for the human also the sense and the intellect add with self maintenance while , be alive , for modify life fate , like [ model ] , a worm becomes the chrysalis and a butterfly , which , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area not other like unless , , eagle , but , can't summarize , as same as , I , think the change might can know with oneself , know by others , must touch intentionally don't tend go to before that , might that like like this , as a result , might know have the change , such as while , be a child if , threatened that , the police will come to catch , may cry loudly or , be motionless not naughtily , but , now threaten go to , only , because , there is the change happens in the self-confident , besides , still have the change in the doer that cancels animal meat , if , see already superficially may unknow if , do not sit see the time eats ,

but , turning being over which , it comes out from the drive will push that within can touch or is not about [ story ] superficial , something will know Whose is the formed self ? that , ever hear come to that , not easy extremely , but , I am that , something will touch the change likes [ model ] to turn life its fate stays deep down go to inside more bing influenced person of the area or , self-confident only , then can guess not straight , that , ? will can turn oneself fate how or not , how much , if , see like [ model ] , superficially , must think of the word that , , know infront unknow the mind takes to keep before , because , will make the life must visit the land next avoidly no is simple , which , call that , , The strange to the place , be , meet an obstacle , enemy , a problem in the life , eagle , young the influenced person of the area has must to have ? at the life visits strange to the place thing , may like I have who to meet an obstacle , problem , an enemy stays ? alike , follow , eagle , young the influenced person of the area that , will ? in next please

The strange to the place , when , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area feels strange to the place , be possible that , -ing meet with a problem , obstacle , enemy , although , be , eagle , get clearly , as a result , be likely visit in strange to the place , such as , there is the thing that aim gazingly , eagle , stay because , be , eagle , that by oneself , I think of who want to catch , eagle , with , zoo , might inappropriate with , eagle , but , , eagle , may likely meet land this abnormality , although , , eagle , will have being hometown on crow sky , might meet with land abnormality have both of in the ground , on the air , about [ story ] this I think everything , be likely meet land abnormality have many infront , seize can talk that , change a problem , cull , an enemy comes to ? then , yes , but , if , have no about [ story ] strange to the place talk , I , that , do not be attractive for seek for extremely , because , doingnot run away problem , obstacle , that enemy , although , get into trouble must intend to cope with , truth , but , will give rush a problem , obstacle , enemy , it resembles to make trouble , try touch strange to the place feeling will have seen then know , ? should not search a problem , obstacle , enemy , it makes to are not sure in the stability of the land stays that , sit stick at , sleep close only ? , stand alone or , there is a person stands shoulder to shoulder ? , and might have the unstability in the feeling of who stay around jigsaw our puzzle with , which , be the ordinary that everything will know to is treated survive , like [ model ] , at ? meet a problem , obstacle , enemy , as a result , will likely hear the word that , , beg off before please , from who stay around just this , which , as a result , may not the thing will to include in the land can stay next , it is the area about a person loves ,

now visit strange to the place before may Never mind , concede don't like , may avoid alike difficult , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , may have land abnormality ? in the life , eagle , also , problem , obstacle , at , eagle , might don't want to meet most may a problem , an obstacle that is born with a wing , who is I think it doesn't agree to ( lose/go dead ) a wing gives ? although , will take how much is the gold comes to exchange ? accordingly , as a result , problem , an obstacle that is born with a wing , eagle , affect severely extremely build [ wasp ] the life , eagle , please , land that abnormality bear fruit such particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , be the area gets into trouble , obstacle , enemy , likewise , meet many land level abnormality , may only a problem , an obstacle a little just such as , , speak a person vacates the language , or , same language listens to understand but , not understand , until land level abnormality separate the fish separates the water divides safe area , have , although , will make the life has been in the level critical because , visit strange to the place , but , will don't visit in the life , may don't change chapter test the be influenced person of the area , an obstacle has many the format , for , eagle , young influenced person of the that area , although , will live on crow sky , do not pass meet an obstacle also , and I think about something ( well ) that , if , , eagle , make a slip on crow sky , it is mayying painful more make a slip in the ground , ++ feel that , although , I will meet which obstacle no matter , may fine get that , not painful equal , eagle , , as if , a leg touches its firm safe ground more , even so , as a result , do not want to visit how much are this some land ? , strange to the place not the area yearns , but , if , avoid no I think must try to retort like [ model ] , do not be problem slave , obstacle , or , enemy , be , see through and in time with a problem , obstacle , an enemy always , already might get prove the be influenced person of the area that , deserve one's dignity ? , might make an enemy comes to are friendly , hold life fate is not lift the be influenced person of the area to an anything , resemble , eagle , do not spread the wings fly until , be permitted please , when , meet with strangingto the place , eagle , young how is the influenced person of the area does ? that , I , no fly be like , eagle , so , difficult judge that , must ? will then best , but , believe in that , everything has saving oneself instinct , eagle , young the influenced person of the area differs from straight that person at , it escapes really , as if , differ differ do single-handed , escape seize one ,

how is human that part will arrive at to do ? , must pertaining to who stay around , then have the way that call that , , take assure , such as , hostage , guaranty , put up collateral security , insurance , guarantee an accident , insurance policy , guarantee the health , and other , be ? ( lose/go dead ) if , do single-handed might survive but , The , the part who stay around , confront go to , or , may visit strange to the place area in like [ model ] , other a lot of again , such as , maintain one's composure land abnormality , come in visit be doomed to die , like this , unknow that , how , there is many times at born the natural disaster and affect can build [ wasp ] the life equal , although , will maintain one's composure all right meet land abnormality come in to visit , I think to get into trouble that don't be attractive for bring expect , because , it is will like the hallucination if , only for think of coming to visits of land abnormality in this format , but , to about [ story ] at ? that person , hold life fate by oneself better , when , be the influenced person of the area fully , should know firm safety , that any , may don't risk careless poor the life must have the fate accordingly with a danger anything , eagle , young the influenced person of the area is formed type nottingunwarilly visits to arrive at strange to the good place , already ? , eagle , young the influenced person of the area has then still meet strange to the place , I am that , fate ground of , eagle , may no be born come to maintain one's composure , at least , must have the requirement lives survive with the way like [ model ] , , eagle , please , thus the life , eagle , young the influenced person of the area then give a chance for every land alike visit and strange to the place with , such as , there is fish gourmet more and more because of , discover that , , the fish has the advantage builds [ wasp ] the body , as a result , may affect build [ wasp ] the fishing of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , eagle , young might must solve , an obstacle in fishing by oneself when , land abnormality come in to visit , it may don't reach to exchange with fish gourmet is like location thing in the ground does wrestling with follows skillful trend of the thing that sticks milk , but , it will look for the fertility with sharp sight , as if , if , fish gourmet takes the fish goes to eat smooth until it , may don't wait for poor the fish is born new , I think it may do certainly thereby , and I , hope that , will can type , eagle , also , be not will take good of the fishry but , do not be driven to the limit although , strange to the place accordingly , eagle , young the

influenced person of the area knows a problem , obstacle , an enemy then can manage with a problem , obstacle , an enemy , at see obviously it keeps an eye on the movement of the thing that is land both of problem abnormality , obstacle , an enemy with the tolerance always , eagle , young the influenced person of the area this like by oneself , I never to see it flies to come to snatch , hasten seize use force againstly reach retort extremely often , but , it keeps an eye on the thing that is a problem , obstacle , type enemy indeed still , seem give those thing retreats to go to by oneself , may with a lot of causes such as , be overwhelmed by go to by oneself , as if , eat poor broken stomach , or , eat already unable , be ruined become powerless the power of a problem , obstacle , an enemy goes to etc. , eagle , young the influenced person of the area then often change a problem , obstacle , how much is an enemy noly some blemish ? , thing part is thatting is familiar with on that ground , I think if , do not flee far all right take a blemish with powder spray that is born from wrestling with in problem circle , obstacle , an enemy will avoidly no to sully every time almost , at least breathe all right cough [ I letter ] of full problem , then have the way maintains the self when , strange to the place differ from oval young the influenced person of the area , the trick of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area has that to change strange to the place dignifiedly have no that blemish , I feel that , may the solitude basically the base , certainly that , it doesn't accuse to feel satisfy , be fully satisfied , get enjoy share , be , fish gourmet or , how is other thing will have franticed at the fish satisfies ? , it , do not attend divide K take the share , beg for reach be a member of , befriend , that rhythm , who is it may unexpected an island ? , but , it will use the sight assesses the state of resource place endurely and solitude , which , will make know pale loosen of a problem , obstacle , an enemy has that , when , it doesn't pay attention to involve with other thing which , may not the aim in the life , eagle , ++ , eagle , young the influenced person of the area may use the way separates the fish departs the polluted water please , as if , wait for catch the fish by must not sully , be sully , in problem circle , obstacle , an enemy that is like the polluted water stays around the fish please , which , the way separates the fish from the polluted water like [ model ] , , eagle , young influenced person of the this area , the something in the ground also , such as , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , human that part has doctrines that , don't retreat when , meet a

problem , an obstacle is or , even an enemy , but , then until escape pass by can go to , I am that , but [ T letter ] , about [ story ] this we not follow the trend in the ground please , as a result , may the source of the word that , , group dog , be must attend in order to , have a chance is the faction wins to go to with , be the way as an example at the human uses , which , do not be like , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , while , be born the world war , see already that , use this way the whole bunch , it , risk take please that , will attend with which faction will have then to share win accompany him with , thus for about [ story ] strange to the place which , there is both of a problem , obstacle , an enemy of the human then has the word that , be defeated , win , every time , but , for , eagle , young influenced person of the that area doesn't meet that , be defeated , fish gourmet might meet a crocodile , shark , if , do not be defeated all right the fish in addition a shark and a crocodile , but , if , be defeated , stay on the world next like [ model ] , fate life loser , be take one's life don't survive , it is the way follows to like of each the life that will choose to do when , strange to the place please , must not visit strange to the place will do ? ? , I never to see that , the living things will don't meet a problem , obstacle , enemy , because , when , be alive should have the requirement , the thing this is problem , obstacle , and built an enemy with , if , do not suit the requirement , call that , problem , obstacle , be regarded as be the enemy , if , suit the requirement will then don't be a problem , obstacle , and an enemy , yes ? not , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , there is the requirement also , at least , want to survive can as be , eagle , please , such as , fly get freely , have eat don't miss , do not be soundless lonely , safety , I then see , eagle , young the influenced person of the area changes a problem , obstacle , an enemy goes to knowly is treated survive like [ model ] , , eagle , good , if , fly go to the elsewhere better already , fly go to , ++ see , eagle , migrate when , reach the time be appropriate , it , there is the way that solve , obstacle , an enemy as an example , eagle , alike , type I that no fly to go to fly come to , as a result , must have my way when , strange to the place differ with , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , such as preceding that I hold to one's principles water fall doesn't flow to fall not burnt fire that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , because , no have the hometown on crow sky like [ model ] , , eagle , this , already will go to ? how , then must adjust area area meets

to give a problem , obstacle , an enemy is turning over fate life index goes to , as if , do not wait for strange to the placely pass by as , eagle , wait for , because , it passes by then , change can come to again , if , use the way turns life fate , problem , do not be a problem , obstacle , be not an obstacle , an enemy is will the enemy or surely is unrelated with karma relationship involves with us , resemble sink don't flow fall not burnt fire , I am that , be the way has been thatting don't fall beneath fate life ground , e.g. , , the world is born world hot condition , as a result , must stay on this world next , but , know the cause , factor , that make born world hot condition , then get rid the cause , that factor for is in world condition is free from evil , it , flee don't pass change the being yes , if , will turn life fate , must change the being , and use this way when , strange to the place get also individual likewise a problem , obstacle , be that make time thing is valuable , which time that have no a problem , obstacle , the time in the meantime , almost don't deplore at pass by noly record in the memory is like sit a boat crosses , which , differ from swim cross very clear , but , bear fruit in hand go to through bilateral the way is , if , sit a boat through when , cross , swim don't be or , the water is not excellent , how many is grumble water part will cross to make can swim again the some ? s round , arrive at river fast bank goes up , thus a problem , obstacle , include an enemy then is a tool builds the victory in the time now and are the ability in hand next , if , will use the way , eagle , as a result , may like oval don't become other thing , do not be bored with ? be over , eagle , young the god and I may have the liking differently ? , problem , obstacle , an enemy doesn't make me can change one's mind to equal make , eagle , change one's mind , it then have the emigration ? , wait for the rhythm , accurate chance as an example , eagle , conclude strange to the place no have only the disappointment always , but , there is the fulfillment all also right , if , wait for give a problem , obstacle , an enemy passes by to go to by oneself , must meet with the disappointment has certainly first then wait the fulfillment underly a problem , obstacle , an enemy only , like [ model ] , that if , a boat crosses can't use , as a result , wait for until , a boat will can use which , as a result , must meet with the disappointment has in at the beginning go to already , and unknow that , ? will pale take can cross , be ambiguous that , have one's hopes fulfilled , but , the water crosses to go to , there is the fulfillment closes continually

since , defend , eagle , young the influenced person of the area uses the way waits for often endurely alike , it is individual skill , if , push a mortar goes up a mountain still has a mortar takes something long with someone when , arrive at the peak may better walk bare-handed , problem , obstacle , an enemy that repaired a little just , it , there is the opening gives a problem , obstacle , frail enemy down , then should not wait quietly give these thing passes by to follow but , will think arrive at befitting occasion , if , this nothing world lasts long permanent certainly , problem , obstacle , an enemy is the thing that modifies , can correct I then not surprised in land abnormality when , get visit in the life extremely , such as , meet a person who is like is the enemy come to but , previous life , it is can go to that , , short memory molds the water crystallizes all right , as if , turn back recall against a stream gets back the previous life , disremember , but , do the water crystallizes , ++ be like be the enemy come to but , previous life , be the cause , its factor happens to like [ model ] to do the water fluently hard this/these , as a result , make problem , obstacle , can make enemies , about [ story ] like this , exist in strange to the place often , eagle , young the influenced person of the area may fear the water will capture alive milk , then use the way doesn't take involve , be a blemish , as if , may love be calm with , for likewise strange to the place ? accordingly , only sink don't flow fall not burnt fire , enough [ when ] will cope with get both of the life , about [ story ] a problem , obstacle , who is that enemy not have ? will wish to visit , but , that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , it , come to visit arrive at the land , as the person denies to are distress , except will person have the excellence in every a side , may stay problem north , obstacle , an enemy has please , be stare get clearly in a problem , obstacle , enemy , before , it is will born as well , person part or , likewise , ? meet it when , that get know a problem , obstacle , enemy , I still stare through arrive at a problem , obstacle , an enemy that still can don't happen not clear , ++ visit strange to the place occasionally , the thing that want can when , the life visits strange to the place come to then , be , excellenting north a problem , obstacle , enemy , like [ model ] , at understand thoroughly clearly in a problem , obstacle , an enemy that although , still don't be born , can know , might can know that , where is the world staied long ago again only ? with , and think when , know ? will born , it , be not a problem , obstacle , an

enemy has already , it has been of upside down that turn up already , see through know what the other is up to it has already , neither will a problem , obstacle , enemy , it , no extremely go to more we about [ story ] strange to the place , there is the thing that call that , problem , obstacle , enemy , bethe part that have a role very much in this land , but , if , the life no visit in strange to the place ( lose/go dead ) once , might unknow that , how is the victory is ? , how is the mightiness in fact ? , and the influenced person of the area in which life at gains a victory can come to when , visit strange to the place always , I am that , might thing location north problem symbol , obstacle , an enemy immediately [ Ok ] , might conduct solve a problem world hot condition has with , that , ++ , eagle , young the influenced person of the area when , strange to the place , can escape like [ model ] , , eagle , ++ , I am that , the life is when , get visit strange to the place already might exhausted ? , may want to rest for a while , there is -ing inner strength strength increases , eagle , what kind is young the influenced person of the area has will the land stays ? , as a result , might don't differ from the human too extremely much , such as , in the land stays should have the thing that relates with about [ story ] of a person loves , if , do not love , stay in the land stays to are like strange to the place , the life that must meet a problem , obstacle , enemy , may not dry love , there is an enemy , there is a person can love , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , there is both of strange to the place and have the land stays , will sweet joyful only ? , or , , low sugar , , be attractive for follow see [ praise ] while , next please

the land stays eagle , young the influenced person of the area has the land stays like [ model ] , not magnificent but , stay don't lack ofly love , I no intrude to insert the sight peeps it , only see , eagle , there is descedants increases , know already that , it has the land stays to don't lack of love , I feel that , the living things anything no matter should yearn the land stays similar , because , this land have to love , I am that , a person loves that must not abound to measure many but , only have love be pure really , full the heart has already , person quantity loves with love its worth doesn't change always accordingly , I know to love few just with love overflow its mind , love please , only must prove a temple straight that love sincere that , be sincere only ? , love excessively , might have factor cause that is blemish can is , such as , commit adultery with the mental , The physical , statement way , as a result , depend upon , as a result , may love very but , factor its cause doesn't be clear , I then feel that , if , because , reason , may only love few just all right , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , may have love at don't induce the confusion in love , I not see it wages war to hasten Mrs. hasten him please , and suppose , eagle , may get married don't split up , do not be born , eagle , a little at get into trouble how much is the some ? , certainly is , eagle , a little have , eagle , a guardian who is responsible teach fly always , when , see , eagle , young the influenced person of the area then , feel that , suit with have fate ground is , eagle , at have hometown being on crow sky really , as if , stay ground north deserve one's dignitily because , do not build the disharmony in the land stays , in a family who have a person loves , have no wife mistress , there is a house of the self is the land stays to don't lack of love like [ model ] to is love is pure with ,

the land stays of , eagle , young , suit with the land in the life that at , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , because , be the area has to love like [ model ] to have no a trick sorrowfully , land part stay of the thing that has fate ground on this ground , majority , want the real love the whole bunch , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , there is the land stays like [ model ] , at I feel that , , if , how much is want poor boyscout must double tiger its seam doesn't be attract the some ? , because , vegetarian food [ J letter horn milk ] rather is mixed up cross to go to cross come to , do not resemble , eagle , at have the land stays not is promiscuous please , may differently straight at the favor eats young grass which , there is on the ground , air top is not right grass young place grows up and is popular is like in the ground , I then like the land stays like [ model ] , , eagle , ++ , vegetarian food [ J letter horn ] doesn't mix good , and make , eagle , differ with the thing that have fate ground in the ground with , likewise to feel that , , eagle , there is meat rapidity trusts can very , because , be , eagle , this/these , it may must not think over about [ story ] unfaithful the spouse , I am that , if , give guarantee the honesty builds [ wasp ] the spouse gives with , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , do not be disreputable person guarantee , because , , eagle , young suit the influenced person of the area stays certainly , which , get into trouble that can instinctively , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , but , location thing on that ground might feel difficult ? , not difficult ? , be because , fate ground differs with , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , in addition if , allow one to go follow fate ground has already it , extremely the land stays that different go to a person vacates the world , as if , a chance will have met to love like [ model ] , , eagle , may difficult every every nation world , I , do not hope will have what kind is a person loves ? because , the land stays can have the love more than loves like [ model ] , The adulterous , but , seek the love has on the ground ? alike , I , there is the land stays that many infront , eagle , young the influenced person of the area eagle , young change land visit in the life comes to many the land dignifiedly , until arrive ( in/at ) the land stays , eagle , as a result , put on love get deserve one's dignitily the be , eagle , young the influenced person of the area stays , I am that , if , will the influenced person of the area stays like [ model ] , , eagle , as a result , enhance a reputation sure , which , way Buddhism doctrines , give hold minister basically living

base in about [ story ] , doingnot be promiscuous in way sexual desire this affection with , only mental adulterer , should not originate , although , who is will the influenced person of the area in oneself life then not about [ story ] that ? will come to meddle the land stays about love , truth , but , for this its land relate to arrive at other land with since , the native land goes to every until the area changes to come to , may have the living things is thatting love to is calm very and the calmness , be supposed to stay in the land stays this/these , if , the love appears immaculately , do not overlap hide love have the knot has the knot , may calm more love at have only the quantity , spouse problem in , eagle , young the influenced person of the area will almost don't see , as for me that lack of curl put on then have no a problem also , thus I with , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , there is the land stays that fit by don't be tricked that have fate ground that oneself is the influenced person of the area , I think , eagle , may satisfied in the land stays such as , eagle , ++ , because , never see , eagle , unconventional have wife mistress once , it may feel that , how is the land stays ? befitting a pair and the prestige of , eagle , ++ , likewise , see already that , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area can put on the area changes can come to suitly with is , eagle , until arrive ( in/at ) the land stays , still see already have the be , eagle , deserve one's extremely dignitily the life on this world not stays lonely , but , there is the spouse , thus , eagle , and other thing in the world then inherits the fate come to until now , with regard to , eagle , there is the spouse , for may the be , eagle , ++ , as if , where , there is fate type ground , eagle , then , must a pair with , eagle , which , may like other thing that put on a pair and same thing at have fate same ground , I don't see the spouse differs both of species in , eagle , and location thing in the ground extremely , when , come to see the land stays of the human ? , have no one precedence , but , various like [ model ] , in putting on pair , both one , close , separate a pair , gender same pair , a pair many again a pair , differ from , eagle , at have the spouse like [ model ] , one , I am that , the land stays like [ model ] , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area will that , sweet , sweet as its nature may be , must not add ? because , put on a pair with the be , eagle , deserve one's dignitily , enough already , do not be like the human , more will get put on a pair , must have firm evidence , if , homeless , difficult seek a mate come to put

on , it is ordinary because , a person not equally as , eagle , be equal , eagle , if , be be like , eagle , as a result , may strange again that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , the land stays to are pertaining to area about [ story ] the spouse , a person loves , I then think this land may have no which thing is unexpected visit mostly , be each thing area establishes with oneself , thus must willing build then will the land stays , the cause bullies mind that body is not the ordinary of building land stays in life fate , I have evered to see a drama that proceeds to then until have the land stays that begin from enforcing bullies mind body , life fate such don't tell , know heavy go to in fateful part , part , eagle , young influenced person of the that area doesn't appear to build [ wasp ] my sight that , there is putting on pair character like this , it frankly , if , deny , understand that , refuse will the spouse , do not see forcing for put on a pair extremely please , wrong from the human who have both of the fact and a drama , ++ be not sure that , the land stays like [ model ] , , eagle , at sweet as its nature may be it still not best or , how , but , enough [ when ] will understand in the difference since , fate ground makes the land stays may have the difference goes to with , although , the land stays like [ model ] , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area will not striking , The magnificent , but , stay a pair go to don't decreasely the sweetness down until tastelesses although , the time passes by , human that part when , first meet , sweet go to finished every a side , but , if , the time passes by might must add to enhance the sweetness can't forget , follow but , each trick is pair , may modify oneself goes to fully , or , share take an interest new anything together , I am not interested in which trick specially , but , take an interest that , if , decide build the land has staied of oneself already , something will turn life fate goes to again that side , it doesn't be free from obligation that must is responsible , because , it is born karma relationship has involved already , be like the deep-fried doughstick is beforing make the royal bed a person vacates beside , but , the time fries , come to pair off down fry a pair , when fry cooked then , become one deep-fried pair doughstick , if , rupture separate all right , but , appear a trace see obviously that , it has straight stain at pairs come to that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , life fate will to change to from the land stays originally or , the spouse has that to ever put on a pair comes to that , be karma trace in hand go to with such , I might am old-fashioned go to

all right , but , be not sure that , where is the reason of the happiness in putting on pair that human has to change only ? , because , as much as , see , eagle , young the influenced person of the area stays , it not get into trouble , be in line with the nature commonly , as a result , succeed in the land stays again dignifiedly as usual , eagle , young must not learn prevention when , not fully because , it has will the spouse when , it fully , if , , eagle , be , eagle , deserve one's dignitily it will can admit denying , it feels like this is , eagle , dignifiedly , and have the land stays at me thinks sweet as its nature may be please if , will how is the land stays to are the area has missed to visit with oneself already ? , as a result , must only a lodger through please , as if , be born come to in the land stays of parents , but , no build the land stays of oneself , if , single put on , be not the harm , I will think better turn the fate changes karma trace later it difficult , something will retrace for erase that karma difficult please , not easy like write manually minus foot , but , anyhow the life that have a pair is born karma trace can is happiness trace , be like a trace ploughs , when , farm ground is crumpled , for , there is full farm rice , be the happiness for a body is full or , be full physical , be full in the level that can stop , if , be full too , be colic crowded be bloated , yes , thus although , put on a pair is born karma trace involves to are the relationship like [ model ] , a trace plows on farm ground , to one trace this , type plow the farm is crumpled plow to go to in the sense one of don't retrospect oblique come to move is promiscuous go to , will how is already rice in the farm ? , that the responsibility builds [ wasp ] karma trace of trace owner please , don't god oval penalty with full speed ahead because , it walks behind the direction that us fixes , fate new ground of an anything when , must vacate the be living things that already , as a result , will in line with at we establish this/these , may have karma relationship involves that confuse tangly follow to go to , suppose where is which world the nation ? , must divisible like [ model ] , originally , as a result , it happens with karma relationship involves to come to please , be the misery from bad deeds , eagle , young have life fate in the land stays that don't change good , there is one pair doesn't be misled a pair , unknow that , what is it holds to one's principles ? then is all such , ground this my top thinks to have both of way religion doctrine , morality pillar , the principle is a householder , but , still incorrect putting on pair one go up in the end ,

show that , a pillar of , eagle , that ( hold,seize ) minister in , eagle , young the influenced person of the area stays that , unusually a fist more a pillar that has in the ground certainly , tie the mind with the be , eagle , young the influenced person of the area stays alike interesting please , because , what is it has the land stays that must not add ? , sweet as its nature may not tasteless be down go to , not wrong a pair with , I feel that , it has no individual trick , neither , eagle , which pair , succeed in the love , thus the thing that it uses to tie lover mind may is like , think over and see already , what is it no do ? special is beyonding from and like , eagle , deserve one's dignity only particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , it will may unknow to stare , eagle , other at not why is its pair goes to ? because , similar , be , eagle , equally , which , view its point has might to use in the ground is opposite , what am I think on that ground ? flat same location has the right haded attracted associate with to pull meet don't forget , but , , eagle , why is it will have may to think not different then take an interest go to ? , be , eagle , there is the rank , and the right is equal then , alike distinguished , be , eagle , also , it then must not use to mark assure spouse position , or , marriage license , but , it holds to one's principles of rank maintenance , maintain the right , maintain the fame , that alike , similarity , do not modify , guarantee the not out of the topic , it then visit the land stays with type happiness , eagle , ++ , must not have wife mistress but , one very , praiseworthy the land stays of , eagle , young many go to more other land preceding please , see already the land stays of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area is the area has visited then is dignified although , be inexpensive exorbitant , see perfect , make realize that , rank , right , fame , assess with the price no , do not be under suspicion that , the engagement money has , as for me at have fate ground in the ground please , as a result , think fate ground this/these at the human has will the engagement money for the sweetness , because , oval young have a wing , rich enough this the farm , but , the human carries its wing can't use if , will have the dowry , may not wrong where , better bite salt piece , about [ story ] of a person loves , the spouse in young oval the influenced person of the area , sweet like [ model ] , , eagle , particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , the feeling is when , touch the land stays , eagle , young

then , better liberate the life goes to follow the fate and karma trace , I suppose if , having pair many a pair in the one life , already vow give meet a pair in new nation will many confuseds , especially genuine pair that fit , may should not try like try on the clothe the cloth , shoes , before buy , I not stare the corner differs with , eagle , in about [ story ] the land stays , as if , hold to one's principles , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , individual already feel admire in the dignified of the land stays like [ model ] , , eagle , this , and think everything may hope to give the land stays of happy self , have one's hopes fulfilled , but , may not always to have one's hopes fulfilled everything , eagle , that single , may have , and location thing on that ground will must not mention about [ story ] to don't meet the don't one's hopes fulfilled , who is for I singling put on to am doingnot involve in karma relationship with ? , it , listen look good isn't it , that certainly , without who is karma trace cooperates ? , if , vow for have a pair in new nation , be possible that , will meet equal pair is clear similar , as a result , be industrious vacate putting on pair can come to stand one the nation that is alive , fate new ground should is pure because , cease from karma relationship involves but , Buddha posture which nation has down ? already , might must not meet the previous page when , previous life , but , may get meet a pair that can fit , every the land in the life , eagle , young , what is about the misery from bad deeds every almost the land depend upon the land such will about about [ story ] ? , when , visit the land stays , about about [ story ] a person loves , spouse , which , be the misery from bad deeds that land owner builds by oneself is life oneself fate , and can change life fate in about [ story ] a person loves , the spouse has like , area visit superficially come to , which , as a result , do not pass by from being change or , the hometown again please , something will change the possibility about a person loves , spouse , if , extremely involve , extremely confuse , should leave a space be effective become visible very better , as I think if , the one nation in single life puts on , the nation next , have a proprietary right to fit with the thing that should a pair more than the previous life that , TRUE , resemble with when suffer from diarrhea then stop have a meal that make suffer from diarrhea , it , may transfer then until be finished by oneself , then , begin have a meal new get by don't have a stomachache again , but , if , miss have a meal that might make can't suffer from

diarrhea , the symptoms may don't improve originally more , change the fate about [ story ] this must take turns by oneself , be like change the fate in other land please , eagle , young the influenced person of the area visits the land can stay to is attractive like [ model ] , , eagle , again , but , neither the life will visit which land , nothing certainly , that , ++ , what , to fully circulate change continously , even fate life owner , change both of incant a body , mind , the soul , then pertaining to about [ story ] of the change that happen with the life , or , , health , get into trouble at have the change stays continually then call the area will visit this that , , the land travels , be every life area has visited certainly , after , get visit the land stays to visit a person loves , the spouse has already , if , get touch the land travels might can restraint one's mind to go to again like [ model ] , ++ , eagle , young how is the influenced person of the area will restraint one's mind ? , and have how is the land travels ? , may attractive for follow many go to more the area changes to come to , I suppose , eagle , might have the view point that is attractive in the land travels many go to more other land s in the life , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , which , might stare that corner ?

the land travels when , painful a body , eagle , may do nothing too more much rest get well , I not see it flies wrong the harbour , eagle , not indicate clearly that , painful (stay) [doing that action] , pain show for , eagle , young the influenced person of the area may not good , and I , never see it helps someone up with , which , about [ story ] this differ with a person only pretend to annoy small painful painful all right please take supporting takes care to feed rice feeds the water still has , I am that , it may give a result to is opposite , eagle , young influenced person of the that area will get well a body , do not have to beg for consoling only don't to interfere , take the opportunity injure , might enough [ when ] , it may get well a body effectively , eagle , young influenced person of the serious area with every the land , and serious to get well a body when , visit the land travels as same as , visit the area changes to come to suitly is , eagle , ++ , the life has the change happens with the body , mind , and affect the health every time , eagle , young the influenced person of the area travels , painful a body has also , but , , eagle , that the land travels its doesn't affect to do a pyramid of acrobat very other extremely because , it differs , fly with oneself wing , as if , , eagle , that painful , no pull , eagle , any live not fluent or , the work doesn't walk please , if , be a person in this age that the life depends on the work , , when , painful a body upwards , be likely considered that , should sort out because , have no the time waits for until , get well , I , that , fate its ground differently please , like [ model ] , that both of , eagle , adverb used to emphasize the word which comes in f , visit the land travels in the format that fate very ground comes to , such as scribbly a bird , this time separate a person separates

animal has followed fate ground ambiguously already , I am that , if , the life must visit the land at least 11 the land also , a person is or , animal , have a proprietary right change the fate can , I am unexpected that , fate ground will certainly , be a person or , be animal , no haggle that , will relate involve prevent with life fate in the one nation , be not the area can't appreciate , be not life fate that is unrelated with an anything , be not alike nothing , because , differ , no stay the north from this world , at see stay a person eats both of both of animal plant is the food , already swallow take fate all ground enters full , it will alike nothing immediately [ Ok ] or , ++ , the belief has that to ever separate a person separates animal for likewise to get into trouble too superficial , because , every the life has visited the land travels also , the land travels to are not the area has a monopoly , the health appears to have down , change , tell clear sure that , be not about [ story ] certainly , thus land visit travel of , eagle , young how is the influenced person of the area will restraint one's mind ? will have may enough [ when ] can touch already , it may don't drink a clump , do not tour late at night until be unable to sleep at all , arrive at can fly , do not tour risk by not necessary , but , live unambitiously know endure , know enough to eat , The just enough , The just right , I never to see , eagle , young the influenced person of the area is the disease fat , blocked fat in a blood vessel , a clump chips , the contagious disease sexual is related to , diabetes , cancer , and the disease which is born from the change in the body in its life , the land travels of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area has the change also with other thing but , feel that , it has the trend can recover , eagle , when , meet what kind is the change swoops down to reach add ? , endure until the time flies for can fly dignifiedly stay good , I think fate ground , eagle , rather doughty , hard very much , as a result , it is musting fly on this air , if , have no fate doughty ground , enough [ when ] hard , befitting be , eagle , that must fly dignifiedly get or , , I don't suspect that , ? it has no the hospital keeps for , eagle , painful type human , may because , fate ground , eagle , differ with we , as if , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area travels to have fate doughty ground , hard very much , as a result , maintain one's health type , eagle , get A , I believe in that , it can and think other thing , may take care oneself alike health , see but , the human this/these sometimes , destroy the health of the self please ,

the issue of the health , be the change that have 2 the direction , if , strong go up , be alive vigorous , if , deteriorate down the life , day by depressed day , eagle , with I will should have the view point conforms , I guess to take by oneself that , it stares health corner don't destroily the health certainly , conclude , eagle , young the influenced person of the area may love its type health really greatly , as , eagle , know use sharp sight for the safety before will fly to pass , it not careless in the uncertainty at might affect the body and the life , eagle , ++ , with regard to see , eagle , fly stay on the air makes to feel that , it uses the air worthwhilely more the human again , its health will should good strong reasonably , as a result , the living things should want the air every time is necessary anyway , it has abundant air indeed is putting in to trail , do not be strange to the place it has will fate strong ground , doughty extremely , fly immediately [ Ok ] , suit with fate ground , eagle , ++ , likewise to walk on the ground , be not sure that , where is will enhance the doughty gives the power goes up to proportionate ? , as much as , see location thing in the ground shows the doughty comes out that , such as , clashing , force open the muscle , force open ivory nail fang , which , see ? , might not fly up go to get type , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , as if , can force open , stay on the ground as before , see that , fate ground , eagle , fix the doughty that suit with is , eagle , young how is the influenced person of the area travels ? , make me does will not hope morally strong , strong only force open win on the ground , because , it still not TRUE doughty this the farm , eagle , young the influenced person of the area has traveled to make think still doughty again more forcing open wins in the ground , about [ story ] this health if , keep an eye on , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , it may don't conduct to go to in the sense of deteriorate , because , it must fly this dignifiedly eagle , young the influenced person of the area only fly with oneself all right uses every the part has of the body extremely already , both of the brain , both of the sight , both of a wing and every the part must work not slack extremely go to or , stuffy go to , can't miss because , can't fall , do not use which part one ( part ) too much or , participate that don't use , thus it then become fit every fitly the part , neither will the internal organs or , outside , fly go to fly come to both of get both of air uses the air , must strong health , doughty , likewise don't hope will do only it may don't be worthwhile

if , miss fall , only think will lead the trend , eagle , in using every the part of oneself don't desertly and take care every the part please , fate ground although , differently but , there is the change can happen similar , thus the trend when , visit the land travels of , eagle , may not particularly for , eagle , only , I am that , type my person , there is the land travels that can visit with the strength every time alike , the detail in the be influenced person of the area travels might different ? such as , body , mind , soul , the center in the health that is the land travels of each the life , if , which part different it , with fate ground comes to particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , and and holding fate is oneselfing who proceed with , the health is the thing at might have the some part is a problem comes to congenially or , just get into trouble all right , the influenced person of the area travels that put on fate that ground is person hold oneself fate and modify it , health , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , if , it is flying , do not have to check the health , for I , do not rush measuring health instrument although , no fly , know go to , help get don't equal stay type not careless like [ model ] , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area travels living with not careless is the way in the land travels of , eagle , The young , at I , stare that corner that , be attractive very much , with regard to , eagle , young have the land travels that can have the change as same as , the thing is other , make , eagle , young must put on the land travels type , eagle , like this , if , call that , restraint one's mind , might don't be restraintingone's mind is distresses , eagle , ? , eagle , stay good , must fly , must doughty , must vigorous , restraint one's mind distress where , that , ++ , if , I walk sure a leg floats , may strange , but , , eagle , fly that good build [ wasp ] its health , bing trend , eagle , help give , eagle , visit the land can travel go through easilily and is dignified also again , be , eagle , as , eagle , must be , that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it then live , eagle , although , visit the land has traveled that have the change every time go through easilily beautiful , if , give it comes to walk pretty must not spread the wings , its symptoms , do not be 32 like [ model ] , the villager uses 32 symptomses , because , , eagle , be , eagle , it must is , eagle , befittingly will then call that , there is strong health and doughty follow fate ground , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , I do will not want to tell an escalator , chip , make the health totteringly , because , its leg doesn't walk by oneself separately ,

the human uses the some part desertly , the some part uses too much , the some part will use a little more that should is , have , when , visit the land travels might see to is battered , or , , go through easily , as a result , depend upon fate owner will hold the fate in life self land , the trend at , eagle , use take care the health , be , be , eagle , as , eagle , be , both doughty of , and strong become fit fitly every the part that the nature come to , it may is proud of every the part that is , eagle , and use suitly with the influenced person of the area travels , thing location part on that ground , I think to use this alike trend , unless , the human will who is like is dissatisfied use the some part that very nature comes to follow fate ground , the majority might think it drags the feet , The out-of-date , depend upon will hold life fate and visit the land travel of the self , because , every the life has visited certainly , likewise to think fate ground that have a body like this , be proud every the part , thus the trend of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area like at oneself is will then should best , the health will morally strong when , every the part in the life was deserted , if , neglect just which part one ( part ) the strength , can be depleted , I stare the corner that at , eagle , young the influenced person of the area visits the land travels that , suit with fate ground is , eagle , most , because , be for what , oneself is then , heal the be that thing hold please , call that , good health makes can is influenced person of the fate life area endures , eagle , be , eagle , deserve one's dignity , the health stays with oneself , might not buy as , The other , eagle , young the influenced person of the area may know with the instinct , eagle , then administrate every the part by not deficient , it then visit the land can travel to go through easily and is dignified , other thing in the ground , also , may have only the human who the convenience makes to want convenient continually increasingly , add with the amusement , The delicious , The strange , be appetizing , and touch , then have the way of life that modify to go to continually , extremely long ago day extremely far from the nature more and more originally , such as , step a leg less arrive at least , use the sight stares to go to far only computer screen or , television , enough , dip stay in a room fines that the mountain not but , air property no fine , make relax more than alert and acknowledge the change really , like to motionless more than move oneself for meet the demand to like [ model ] to can order , the size has a meal still have the food separates

and must not chew , 32 symptomses that are jealous much fear that , exist be defective that already really , the development happens for , it remains 32 fully is the same , or , for decrease its role less go to , unknow please , I am that , the thing that develop to come to continually , as a result , for decrease using organ many the part down go to , stay type , eagle , differ with stay type human like this by oneself , I am not sure that , how are way material development will affect 32 symptomses s of the human ? next finally , I am that , body character that is such it is canning use , may should not participate ? modify to go to , but , -ing appear the illness which is born with the human makes to see obviously that , be born with holding fate self life , from the way of life that neglect , desert , deficient in body care , mind , soul , of the self , use every the part in type life falsely with full speed ahead , eagle , young the influenced person of the area uses , iron size that doughty , hard much , still rusty immediately [ Ok ] , thus movie blood meat and the water in , may fully born the change is like , iron rusty reaction , I am that , the disease which lose contact with many the disease s are born from the change ourselves s hold the fate s inspire , might aware ? aware only , the food is poisonous , as a result , be not because , the food that it stays its quietly , but , mouth , hand , eyes , nose , accompany with select filter , but , do not change the meditation in the intestines , stomach , both of the quantity and the quality , eagle , young the influenced person of the area might puzzling that , how is the food can poisonous ? , but , a person knows not puzzling poor , it straight differently , eagle , choose before eat , what is human part can eat varied ? is poisonous awhile , can know by oneself , I am that , health trend , eagle , when , visit the land travels to are believable that , do not make deteriorate and deserve one's dignity although , I will know fate ground is individual thing , but , for the land has traveled already it has the change , be ambiguous equal prevent in living every kind things , there is the born , old , The painful , die , which , be the change basically the base all the time , the land travels of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , there is the change that call that , the health is like [ model ] , must not lose one's money in the travel , because , health , eagle , good get with oneself , I am that , everything is also , might have the something that built the change is offside by oneself in the body , such as the human has the slitting cuts to correct modify the some part of , depend

upon will hold life fate when , visit the land travels , this land have the change that is born with the body , mind , soul , call that , health , will travel go to with how is the fate ? , must fix by oneself , trend , eagle , young the influenced person of the area has also and is attractive very , I am unexpected that , human that morally strong health , strong most , only see , eagle , young the influenced person of the area flies , feel already that , still have strong thing , doughty again more a lot of , and enough [ when ] stare go to around on the ground , there is the thing that have various strength like [ model ] , different individual , and living every kind things loves don't injure oneself , which , strength , that strong must build by oneself , like [ model ] , one with hardhearted please , at everybody transfers can't give , nature both of oval way and a tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , use maintain take care the health is , use every the part in the life suitly with at is that thing , a too few , a too little , body , mind , the soul is will born the change that conforms just enough , not heavy go to ? will have one until difficult way to pick borrow return resuscitate with oneself please , type eating if , eat get everything that block the way too is the right of the influenced person of the area and life fate that travel , the way of life of the human modifies to go to continually , the land travels or , health , may have new change goes up continually , I no mean not good always , it will may modify to go to in the sense of that strong go up , doughty go up , type person the iron all right , or , if , can follow the blessing has often bless may live long ten thousands year , which , as a result , might modify until reach trend that way can give , by at the same time , might maintain take care residence world endure to go to at the same time please , it will then is the land travels that visit effectively , I observe around on this world , think , the thing that can is durable for a long time arrive at most , that can touch superficial just , feel already , be a diamond , but , that not the living things , ++ don't understand how much is the some ? that , , the nature gives the endurance , endure old one living bad period of time life things , for come to build the change periodically on this world or , how , already if , be born have living location things had long more ago many times originallies , how is the nature will admit ? , mean or not is saturation worldly point and the nature ? , fate ground that have the native land like [ model ] , a diamond will full the world , as if , be durable , endure don't deteriorate fast and stay halt extremely be invulnerable , I am that , catch the trend will go to continually may meet the route late a diamond in some

day , but , unknow that , ? is the feeling willlike a diamond ? empty , because , it rather clear , not turbid please , if , meet turbid diamond had may to was deceive already , if , be such already will give suppose stay endurely like a diamond for already happy overflow the sky may is not , if , happy ? , turbid then , more will a diamond , change the land travels , the native land and every alike land particularly the area change difficult very much strange to the placely , must durable build [ wasp ] the condition forces to become to don't force this more again then is a diamond , if , it will swell before arrive at the be diamond , may only a stone , endurance , differently go to , the health can build like [ model ] , a diamond is or , stone , depend upon land owner will satisfied , body , mind , the soul melts altogether (stay) [doing that action] , if , reach diamond way , strength , The doughty , and enduring , be the brightness that is durable , and might location mind thing hopes of the living things all right , thus , may get visit the land next that happy have one's hopes fulfilled in that land , call that , , the area seeks for , the life may hope can make the life visits the area seeks for , entireness , eagle , young the influenced person of the area and location thing in the ground all right visit if , hope , the area is attractive for visit such me may see , eagle , young the influenced person of the area closely the sight ,

the area seeks for the thing at , eagle , young where is the influenced person of the area hopes that ? , the area seeks for of , eagle , young , stay that , it will may don't hope to walk on my ground then sees it still flies to go to fly come to , at most , pass get down catch a victim occasionally , or , the thing at , eagle , young the influenced person of the area intends to hope that is not the thing certainly , the symptoms flies up to land type , eagle , then make itself may unknow to is worn strange or , The confused , but , a person stares type I will must find a cause in order to , understand the thing at , eagle , young the influenced person of the area hopes to intend to please , when , see for a long time then think it doesn't stare other thing that , superb perfect , until try grab wildly will will stay ? unless , be , eagle , as before , the area seeks for or , location mind thing hopes of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area is are , eagle , dignifiedly , no contest show off race with an anything will in order to , get feel improve that , prominent better more , its size is flying in the air please it still not the flight goes to compare with go to compare with race with which thing although , it will fly to go to , may easy more walk , if , it does thereby location everything in the ground , may don't be under suspicion its time has flown already that , fly make trouble or , fly seek the be , eagle , which , it , make see already that , it nevers to fly come to compare with a tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , and location thing in the ground for races or , boastfully seek the excellence , it nevers to express that , different from ground level , like [ model ] , at , eagle , fly ground north then to differ with common level please , it is mayying know that , must land come ( to ) the ground occasionally , the air has no the food , must live the ground

this/these , thus it then understand to say is the excellence , when , it doesn't travel privately to compare with with other its thing , not confused in the self-confident and is , eagle , that deserve one's dignity , if , it is not sure in its prestige , may the flight goes to compare with with a tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , and other thing is through , for , feel improve that , ? excellent in the earth , and it has may must not fly already the area seeks for of , eagle , young differ with I , likewise to feel that , want to turn the fate stays please , because , everything that see around entirely is ambiguous , will hope ? , know that , have no which thing lasts long type some , unknow that , , eagle , young ? is the influenced person of the area feels like this ? empty , it satisfied that is , eagle , only , as for that me hope a few , only know what the other is up to sorrow happiness , have one's hopes fulfilled , the area seeks for my stays not too far extremely , do not look for long ago too all right visit arrive at this land , might no fly be like , eagle , but , get visit the area seeks for easily , eagle , young the influenced person of the area flies havely certain its direction then doesn't live disorderly , the thing at , eagle , young intend to hope may exist type , eagle , all the time this/these , I am that , it succeeds since , can fly already , if , hope ? again it may is the thing that if , do not come off go abroad the world , through the world , which , be not about [ story ] at it will push with year , eagle , young the influenced person of the area will be shoulding know of good wing then has the area seeks for type will have That will do. to have one's hopes fulfilled in the life type , eagle , ++ , I am that , location mind thing hopes of location thing in the ground , may also , will think have the difference ? , in the human again particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , location mind thing hopes for the human someone or , hope accordingly come to , there is both of free from evil go out the space , and through the world with , make I have known fate ground is not an obstacle for the human , although , will have fate ground is in the ground but , fly tall indeed , go to appear atmosphere world north and turn fate ground on the earth , eagle , young the influenced person of the area although , may see or not are we do such ? , but , I , never see , eagle , young the influenced person of the area struggles to flap compare with aviation level and we , it may don't see the necessity of aviation level that , must compare with with , sight , eagle , may sharp That will do. will maintain the self happily have one's hopes fulfilled by induced to the dissatisfaction in the have the be ,

eagle , ++ , as much as , I touch , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , think the area seeks for its , be the area seeks for of worldwide everything , that worldly this fertility , entireness , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , both of location thing in the ground , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , differ , hope the fertility has on this world , I am that , fate ground is the thing at might not stay alone , it then make everything neither , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , and other thing , want and hope the fertility is like , and the human which , might want very as well much the area seeks for to are the area has location mind thing hopes please , if , stay on same world , will have location mind thing hopes to are like or , differently ? , I am that , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area hopes for what , deserve one's dignity , eagle , ++ , with sharp type sight , eagle , may think this scarce world , human size goes out far space more stares with the naked eye will can see then , still seek the right place is like the world doesn't meet please , I think fate ground participates , fate ground will to go to far the world that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , may alike scarce , might must hope to free from evil from the world gain and lose before then go out to look for someone new remote world that , like [ model ] , at don't adhere to in an anything , liberate , vacate , lay , light until , likewise may weigh moderately , about [ story ] hope how much is this line doesn't seek for ? , think if , will don't pass by from life fate , may get visit by oneself , the area seeks for of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area is the view point that me thinks to are attractive for visit , and I , there is the area seeks for to resemble because , there is the view point also that , this scarce world , location mind thing hopes , no stay far more the world , as if , everything on nothing worthless world , I may no stare to differ the corner froms , eagle , young the influenced person of the area extremely , arrive at it can fly , do not see enhance aviation until level goes abroad the world , as a result , where is may for the existence on this world doesn't gradually disappear to go to ? , as if , modify stay on the world , be likely appreciate everything , since , be born an anything in the world or , even will go out the space , begin with the change is in the world this , because , the world is the right place has the change , thus then the right place is likely for the thing that hopes can happen everything , like , the occurrence comes to on fate which ground

then , turn the fate has with oneself please , eagle , young the influenced person of the area is likely wear the soul is an anything all right when , remain on the world , even will go out the space , can turn until fate can reach , the beginning at give a chance for the change only then has will the meaning and should better go to initial at which , do not give a chance , and the change that have the meaning , should the change that is alive , be like the world and other star at lack of the living things , as a result , there is different change , the existence in the world with on the star that lacks of the living things , may meet location mind thing hopes to are opposite , the world then is a place of the change and bring about location mind thing can hope please , when , touch arrive ( in/at ) now , feel that , the change anything that have no the life , although , will stay on the world , not special as same as , the change on the star that lacks of the living things , e.g. , , name change , rank , rank , position , property , the thing that have no the all life please , change then , be like the change on the star that lacks of the living things , see already have where is the change only ? , as a result , can see that , differ with many worlds , that world has the meaning that is alive this/these , only the one period is thatting is alive in the world , can modify since , the fate until the thing that can hope , eagle , young the influenced person of the area will hope to is a diamond or , , eagle , as a result , about [ story ] its , if , I guess to don't learn by heart , eagle , may don't like to collect a diamond entire nation this and which nation , how much am I unskillful mind some view ? , then might not sure that , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area has the heart is a diamond or , there is how is a diamond is in the heart ? , as much as , I see it flies that a diamond , no pertaining to the aviation please , location mind thing hopes of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area may is the fertility don't modifily , I am that , the living things in the world might no difficult but , if , be on other star not that the vegetarian food [ J letter ] , but , living things , remain type stability like [ model ] , a diamond differently , feel that , in opposite directions strangely , may because , the world is the right place has the change havely the meaning , the thing that modify then in opposite directions normal in the world , I hope that , the world will don't be to is like other star at has the change that lacks of the life torns the meaning please , but , be the area seeks for that endure from now on

the area seeks for of each the thing is power power in that thing , location mind thing hopes to have the connection is from fate ground certainly , at the beginning of location mind thing hopes , may from karma relationship involves , if , torn the relationship then , may hope intend to the innovation , but , if , do not torn from karma relationship involves , be hover hope how many is the thing will originally stay as it was neither ? the world how many the nation , already , eagle , young the influenced person of the area will have What's the matter? ? , as much as , I see it superficially , feel that , it is , eagle , greatly really deserve one's dignity , might can fly again , as for that me believe in that , guess oneself mind still difficult , feel that , the one nation for one this life , should be worthwhile , as if , be bored with be alike , be bored with just this that make its relationship can torn , if , be bored with everything has been finished already although , which star , not differently , may have fate ground has appropriately with the star very and will be shoulding reach , I guess that , fate ground such can happen , eagle , young , may don't lose an opportunity when , remain on the world that can modify , with regard to it serious with bing , eagle , very may have in some to day be bored with , which , I by oneself , unknow that , how much is it long ago ? , as much as , see , eagle , young influenced person of the superficially area , think it not chit is bored with , be bored with difficult with , differ with I extremely for this case , may because , fate ground differently , oh! , it flies this the farm , if , it is the thing that can fly but , still be bored with , this world may have the thing that wants to are free from evil full the ground , individual likewise no hope only fly because , arrive at will fly type , eagle , get but , in some day may be bored with , I hope that , will turn the fate has suitly with that is born come to in the world fully for the change always , I , do not hope too more to much be possible please , when , the world is the change and nothing certainly , if , do not be bored with ? , do not pass born the melancholy deplores , be sad , do not have one's hopes fulfilled , be defeated , location mind thing has hoped might meet quickly or , must wait for , be about [ story ] at life owner will can meet by oneself , the life has location mind thing hopes , should don't maintain one's composure , but , will try go to visit in the area seeks for or , the right place has the thing hopes yes , sometimes also the time only one life period sometimes circles to are born then , still no for what , intend to hope , such as , the world

has the human comes to many the generation depend upon still nobody s meet new this world , and I am unexpected that , location mind thing hopes of each the thing will exceed the fact for that thing , because , fate ground is not lonely thing , may don't be wind drought thing , it must involve with the something surely , location mind thing hopes to make the life moves and is the life , be not the life that lack of the meaning , make have different similarity in each the life , straight differently hope this/these which , there is a role in turning fate over , hold the fate differently , life some , allow one to go follow fate ground such as , stay type tiger , like Leo , get type bison , there is type rhinoceros , even fly type , eagle , as same as , the human who do everything like [ model ] , person , I then see innocent virginity of fate ground and location mind thing hope at various differents , become the world not repetitiously , but , be ambiguous , besides , still have bingwell-intentioned has a malicious intention to make the area seeks for not clean , such as , hope will go to visit the star that hope , must have the right place will climb to depart the world , the area where use to climb to that may hot down reach earthworms , as , hope for what , intend to but , purpose spurn really there , living very small things must receive the effect , fate its ground involves is not is unrelated with an anything , location mind thing hopes of which thing , must pertaining to other thing surely , who is claim expectancy thing of the self unrelated with ? doesn't go up , fate that ground indicates that , everything that is alive it pertaining to the thing around the number standing on the top line but , be born always , location mind thing hopes to cause the involve and cut the relationship involve all right , hope the calmness , differ with hope the old-fashioned K the gamboge is vigorous because , the inspiration differently , if , give me chooses that , will visit the area is calm or , jolly be vigorous , I think to am the defense in the land is vigorous and is the faction meet the land are will calm might can visit that land owner ofly the fate that hold oneself fate stay good , how is depend upon living which things will satisfied enter to visit the area seeks for of oneself ? , it depends on location mind thing hopes individual , I am that , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , hope an anything good openly , do not be like climb to to the star that hope please , I may feel to don't differ from a tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , oval , at see climbing to has to new star already doesn't applaud please , and be unexpected that , will object Whose is the focusing to which

star ? , because , be not who is influenced person of the fate life area ? , only see influenced person of the life very small area was spurned then , do not want to applaud give please , Whose is location mind thing hopes ? is the inspiration that the life should not torn but , should not exceed , be not because , fear ? step to go to far more than the world , but , if , hope too much both of in the tangibles , intangibility , it will forget to turn back meet for the first time please , forget fate ground as is the living things in the world , here by oneself that both of , eagle , both of a tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , never forget oneself , and be aware by oneself all the time , may because , no intend to hope ? too much , it then is , eagle , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , deserve one's certainly dignitily , the world doesn't be finished location mind thing hopes , life , no still stay certainly , circle swim die born next again ? world nation , may don't be finished the thing hopes to intend to , I think this world may nothing is bored with the world is simple , I by oneself , think this beautiful world when , be alive at have the meaning , thus then not interrupt , polish anything temper , awhile it will make the meaning of the thing such wrong is crazy from thing life such please , meet a tiger indulges to pass by , meet Leo , do not race flat the mane , meet a bison , give it has thing that likes , meet a rhinoceros , stare , eagle , and stare , eagle , then , watch oneself , as a result , feel that , must visit the land earns a living more often , it about the work , occupation , at different everything , if , will jubilantly stay in the area seeks for may earn one's living to don't be worthwhile the mouth , must see , eagle , young the influenced person of the area that , there is the land earns a living where else , as much as , change come to it takes can visit all land attractively every this land , then attractive for follow visit the land earns a living its , may interesting , eagle , earn a living stay type , eagle , how

the land earns a living eagle , young the influenced person of the area doesn't be inert because , it uses a wing , must not hire it , fly because , the work of , eagle , be not money , and money is not the work , as for me that the work comes to a person vacates time with money , Never mind , because , work learn the news happy , what is money not that make a job and not give ? too much more than a bag bulge , but , I , differ with , eagle , about [ story ] straight work at , eagle , young the influenced person of the area works by don't be under which thing unless , oneself , which , I still must have person take an interest the work or , person get the work goes to pleasely , so , must pertaining to far land with near , be the area is famous , rank luck , praise , like [ model ] , at these thing will that , all right near or , far , may get , the work of who , might pertaining to far land also near , I am that , the life must visit at least , 11 the land in the one life , the land earns a living to are life area doesn't visit may no also , be , eagle , young the influenced person of the area must fly , be a tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , must arrogant ford fight in the nature , be me must see both of , eagle , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , and meet for the first time by oneself for earn a living also , the work and an occupation , conform please , only , eagle , young the influenced person of the area works with the aviation but , no a pilot , it , fly since , a wing can stretch out strongly , an occupation then is not work condition of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , although , do not be within the scope of something its pilot , fly naturally and dignified with the rank and the be right , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , and at important it has flown then survive , I am that , want to work like [ model ] , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area most , because , get both of the work has both

of the rank , right , fame , the glory is smart , total up already must not set about good anywhere is old with type trend , eagle , I admire and follow someone with one's eyes the corner in the land earn a living type , eagle , young the influenced person of the area like [ model ] , gazingly eyes individual likewise , try work the location can survive type , eagle , but , still must have the income stays please , the credit carries a wing doesn't be like , eagle , this , as a result , must have the income for earn one's living to go to fully with that do come to , the work is not different work from , eagle , young a lot of influenced person of the areas , only work already have other thing acknowledges and please only with , but , , eagle , fly earn one's living may don't want to give ? acknowledge or , please is it , it , be full comfortable , which , I am that , it like this or it may diligent certainly properly , I , want to have the work like [ model ] , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area very much , as much as , see the way , may as do be here particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , work for the work but , do not close the door give money reaches with , stay type , eagle , young how is the influenced person of the area in the air ? that , may see already that , must not use money all both of right both of life work survives , but , on this ground please , fate ground happens , must relate involve with location thing in the fate , if , use money buys the food has on the ground already doesn't be defeated life fate , as a result , should not close the door get money , but , money and the work , no be influential each other , be like , eagle , young the influenced person of the area flies type , eagle , as a result , be not because , much moneys are or , a little money is or , ? hire fly what kind , but , fly as be , eagle , young the influenced person of the area with oneself , I am so , believe in in this trend that , do not trip over in the land earns a living as same as , sight , eagle , young the influenced person of the area that use to stare when it earns a living eagle , young the influenced person of the area flies only still don't be regarded as the work succeeds to suit loud intend to hope , if , fly gain nothing , be attractive for sympathize the diligent person , that , ++ , but , if , fly already meet that make thing will can survive may is the fish , or , fruit , it , should work plentiful please , I , can touch that , the land earns a living that sometimes , meet be like at , eagle , fly gain nothing , sometimes , meet be like at , eagle , fly visit plastic fish or , FALSE fruit please , I am that

, sight , eagle , young the influenced person of the area may don't fly to go to meet like often this , so , must see it flies please , for that , will get aim the way has accurate thereby ? , it is living way that deserves one's dignity because , I see , eagle , young the influenced person of the area has earned a living already , it has holy completely and have the glory are smart then can survive as may call that , be supporting life that like and do the work that like , scrub shin part crosses someone's leg , betray , saw chair leg , step on the head or , the shoulder goes up , make one's way up ? , separate the morning star , at exist on that ground , I will think should not yes one way with , eagle , young the influenced person of the area earns a living , earn a living type , eagle , both of stay don't sullily , both of be relieved , light the condition is related good , I think in rows the way visits the land earns a living deserve one's dignitily fate ground that can is the native land earn a living ? then don't miss , I might see type , eagle , young the influenced person of the area please particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , because , it sharp sight , it may don't take to miss , before fly it will use the sight will stare the way to will fly , I am that , it may don't be clumsy , be awkward , disorderly , slantingly , already get meet the thing will be toing make to live can is it , and , eagle , young the influenced person of the area will might on the alert for the aviation both mentally and physically , stare intentionally not stare superficially , its trend will to can apply may get into trouble body devotion and the mind , which work that touch superficially has may the work differs with source work from touches deeply , and the land earns a living that different in each the life go to , I admire land trend earns a living of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , although , it might pay no attention with me but , it , come to visit I the location in far land near its because , fame , eagle , that at know for I have already , it , there is the land earns a living from closely me extremely me then can see it , like [ model ] , at I , want to succeed type , eagle , young the influenced person of the area ? , but , it flies as for me walk , may earn a living with the skill of fate oneself best ground , eagle , fly with oneself , different with the human often accompany with to earn a living , there is the word that , an occupation is limits of the work , if , enter stay in which occupation , work in like [ model ] , at that occupation fixes , not get design , produce make a job as how much is oneself fixes fully the some ?

, because , stick at limits of an occupation is formed stand please , be like an occupation is the thing that possesses the one who earns his/her living stays automatically , the land earns a living the human then has the difference in the format , depend upon will prefer follow which one is occupation frame ? , like [ model ] , at behave oneself follow occupation style such , do not be like , eagle , young influenced person of the workplace area likes [ model ] to have the style , eagle , by oneself , occupation style of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area has seen already that , there is the be , eagle , extremely fully , if , , eagle , do not want to fly , may don't spread the wings , I am that , the work in the land earns a living of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area is not of an anything , but , be the work of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area by oneself , and make me feels that , it receives to assign of , eagle , come to since , be born , which , not unemployed certainly , it may understand the life and the land earn a living proficient inly , then earn a living follow the suitability can escape to is dignified with , likewise to understand that , the living things has the land earns a living that is appropriate follow fate ground of each the thing , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , as a result , there is the land earns a living its like [ model ] , at the nature assigns to come to since , be born alike , and if , watch a tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , in the land earns a living , may see the style differs from , eagle , ++ , fate ground participates to build [ wasp ] occupation style , such as , tiger , Leo , do not eat fruit vegetables , eagle , meet the fruit all right the work succeeds , but , if , be milk , eagle , might fly next because , the work doesn't be able to achieve one's aim , tiger part , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , eat milk , thus fate type tiger ground , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , must not be hurried earn a living be like , eagle , young the influenced person of the area because , there is milk supported life during the period of time long ago moderately , but , , eagle , young must be hurried fly by oneself please , if , a wing begins hard must spread to reach keep , I am that , fate doughty ground , make must visit the land earns a living fast type , eagle , this/these , and think the land earns a living to are the area fixes to are from fate ground with , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , there is the time has to take care , give the cowrie waits for to feed please , part , eagle , must be hurried go out fly by oneself for earn a living , although , still a child , must fly earn a living by oneself fast

more a tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , if , give me chooses that , earn a living ? attractive more , I , may choose the land earns a living that have the work appropriate likes , support life that appropriate like , fate its ground can modify , but , will change ? , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , as a result , do not fly see please , and like to stay type tiger , like Leo , get type bison , there is type rhinoceros stays good , thus I then must see , eagle , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , when , earn a living also , the land earns a living if , densely , seize , if , decreasingly , not enthusiastic , I not see , eagle , do single-handed one , it , there is the crowd is in the land earns a living like , , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , the thing is other , may also , not have forbidden individual border , entireness , eagle , both of a tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , do not prohibit other do like it , human that part if , do not stay in which occupation , will work of that occupation no freely , awhile will become the mistake , call that , be jealous the land is earning a living many please , only dress like [ model ] , at occupation which style , might bump against the charge dresses can copy , don't as for earn one's living take reach the mouth , I am so , feel that , subject earns a living , with the way earns a living , it differently (stay) [doing that action] , I think not rich subject but , not poor the way , visit the land can earn a living deserve one's dignitily , because , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area is like this particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , do not see it must wealthy subject then will can fly but , it not poor the way earn one's living and visit the land can earn a living to are dignified as are , eagle , ++ , and I feel clearly for this case that , , the work TRUE actually it gushes to come out from using way , the way does this/these , which , there is both mentally and physically at exert the power accompanies with , neither will builting , be born the though , discoverring , building culls , intellect , it lives the way , which , exist in of everything , eagle , young the influenced person of the area discovers that , it can fly with oneself , human , discover varied with oneself has alike , thus not poor the way , visit the land earns a living to deserve one's dignity , individual I have already rather depend on the way very much , because , it is the way of the power that causes the work , be like know bunch robber sky has the properties repairs fever but , never touch bunch robber sky , it may is a medicine that as before please , but , there is who strange the name of bunch robber sky , but , use it comes to detoxify fever always , if , go to ask that , use ? repair

fever , may tell strange but , be rid of the fever then , or , previously the belief that , flat world is the belief at doesn't be attractive for to blame but , the belief is that , the world is round , appear in the end , penetrate , I then think the land earns a living to don't limit subject , because , can use the way or , discoverring with oneself , and the important factor more , might discover beyond one's authority more subject that fix all right , although , listen see strangely that , the land has earned a living it free such or , , previously the world , have only the work has no this occupation , work , there is in hand follow fate ground comes to since , be born already , enough [ when ] born an occupation fashionably that develop then , be born the land earns a living that limit limits goes to by oneself automatically , try go to stick an island concedes to have no fishry occupation , must catch the fish by oneself , I feel that , an occupation has aid to give can earn a living fast go up , but , at the same time , as a result , destroy various ways down by itself , I no hate an occupation or , how , but , do not think it will important equal the work , and the work that a person can that me that , fate ground of a person may is not fixed until too thing , like [ model ] , at ever do ? keep the other , do thereby get , fate ground changes when , be born new ? , can alike then, except , feel that , can not first , another thing is will is unexpected do , or , have the will in that work few only , may think can not really that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , then have the word that , , be born come to for be , in the land earns a living of the human please , really then , be a person this/these , the land earns a living to are the area works , unless , for seek can eat and be alive can already , still get the thing that is the consequence , both of the fame , rank luck , praise , which , may get visit in the life again the one land , but , might go to visit fast slow differently ? , call that , far land near , because , it may near for someone the something , and may far in the life and the feeling of someone the something , how is type windfall ? , a person who is fortunate , that , the luck stays not far , which , both of the fame , rank luck , praise , although , do not want , do not hope , be the consequence is from the land earns a living , make good thing well , can do evil bad , see , eagle , how is already feel with the work that it does ? , and see a tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , already feel with how is the work of them ? , be the consequence in the land earns a living , be famous that , , eagle , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , may know already

that , earn a living really greatly ? , it is the work that receives to assign follow fate ground strictly , I admire the work although , will the work of , eagle , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , ++ , because , it is not discouraged its fate , although , will no turn the fate , ++ , be , be a tiger , earn a living type tiger , Leo , there is the land earns a living to like [ model ] to is Leo , a bison earns a living like a bison , a rhinoceros fights to earn one's living like [ model ] , rhinoceros , eagle , fly like [ model ] , , eagle , have no which thing gives up although , the fate will point to is undiscouragedly , it differs , there is the land earns a living that throw both of both of mind body as it is that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , then appear both of fame eagle , tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , at I hear to come to since , listen the language understands , and the temptation discover the way visits the land earn a living with oneself , for , deserve one's dignity fate ground of the self ? also , as much as , follow see , eagle , young the influenced person of the area visits all land in the life of , eagle , come to 10 the land has already , feel that , it lives in every the land undiscouragedly builds [ wasp ] the fate , must admire at most life area has must to visit , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , visit come to fully almost at least already , remain far land near this/these at me must see , eagle , young the influenced person of the area that , how is it visits this land ? , if , it doesn't suppress me has may the trend in land far visit near of oneself ? , which , I might try to touch , eagle , young the influenced person of the area next , for follow see [ praise ] far land near in the life , eagle , ++ , about [ story ] this see , eagle , before still must not turn back meet for the first time , because , it gets into trouble the fame , praise , rank luck , of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area please , should visit every the area , eagle , young the influenced person of the area for follow someone with one's eyes the corner , eagle , get the corner is equal a little like , hope that , I have may to visit far land near follows , eagle , young go to closely miss , it may don't suppress because , I audible am fame , eagle , long ago since , be born , now , want to touch , eagle , more and only more ,

far land near eagle , young influenced person of the far area near may never to feel is inglorious when , meet an anything , thus its fame then exist to suit with is , eagle , young the influenced person of the area every time , I , think may have no which chance that the fame of , eagle , will ( lose/go dead ) go to stay with other thing , make it unknows to are worn is inglorious please , both of the honor , fame , of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area is the thing that it unknows to are worn , but , I acknowledge to come to since , remember something get , although , what is it doesn't try to do ? for heals the fame , honor , it , never be inglorious , far land near of , eagle , be its area visits unintentionally , do not stay in the hope intends to in the life , eagle , , but , it intends to are , eagle , young the influenced person of the area certainly , I , intend to follow fate my ground will have and may visit far land near such as like , eagle , visit this land in the one life , although , , eagle , young the influenced person of the area has will the land in different life from other thing , but , it , no pass by from the world , if , the world admits the trend of , eagle , young the influenced person of the area , world , should admit land far visit from near me or , anything , thus I feel that , fame , rank luck , praise , be not the thing will to grab wildly , because , it is not the thing that can happen by oneself , but , it must have factor cause comes to since , , eagle , intend to be , eagle , young the influenced person of the area greatly really please , if , do not be , eagle , deserve one's dignitily already may no visit far land near , eagle , young the influenced person of the area is , eagle , deserve one's dignity like [ model ] , at change every the land in the life comes to follow fate ground , eagle , with the magnificent , and it all right arrive ( in/at ) far land near unintentionally ,

oval young influenced person of the far area near may never to feel is inglorious when , meet an anything , thus its fame then exist to suit with is young oval the influenced person of the area every time , I , think may have no which chance that the fame will be begging for oval ( lose/go dead ) to go to with other thing , make it unknows to are worn is inglorious please , both of the honor , fame , beg for oval young the influenced person of the area is the thing that it unknows to are worn , but , I acknowledge to come to since , remember something get , although , what is it doesn't try to do ? for heals the fame , honor , it , never be inglorious , far land near beg for oval are its area visits unintentionally , do not stay in the hope intends to in oval life , but , it intends to are young oval the influenced person of the area certainly , I , intend to follow fate my ground will have and may visit far land near such as like oval visit this land in the one life , although , oval young the influenced person of the area has will the land in different life from other thing , but , it , no pass by from the world , if , the world admits the trend begs for young oval the influenced person of the area , world , should admit land far visit from near me or , anything , thus I feel that , fame , rank luck , praise , be not the thing will to grab wildly , because , it is not the thing that can happen by oneself , but , it must have factor cause comes to since , oval intend to oval young the influenced person of the area greatly really please , if , do not be oval deserve one's dignitily already may no visit far land near , oval young the influenced person of the area is oval deserve one's dignity like [ model ] , at change every the land in the life comes to follow fate oval ground with the magnificent , and it all right arrive ( in/at ) far land near unintentionally , when , touch oval young the influenced person of the area has already , the feeling has wanted to see the trend something visits far land near for the fame , rank luck , praise , as a result , the some has oh can acknowledge already that , , make good thing well , can do evil bad , must not hope all sure right certainly , this land have might to visit since , be born all right , or , visit when , change the fate goes to then , get , and the area is behind of fate ground next , when , hear oval name , know immediately [ Ok ] that , be dignified although , it will have flown to pass by already , neither be born What's the matter? no matter but , if , ever be oval , illustrate once at drain in a sieve beautiful and have prestige every time at think of that picture , I then

think far land near when , come in visit arrive at the land has already it is the area can't correct , because , it is born follow factor cause in other land , make good thing well , can do evil bad , far land near are the land inscribes the be oval young the influenced person of the area that , be ? , like [ model ] , at might not ( minus,erase ) correct by an anything immediately [ Ok ] , it is a program protects the editing , fame , rank luck , praise , then in line with the cause , factor , at build with oneself , I think if , Whose is far land near are the area will have marked to visit ? already , it , may the area will have marked to destroy of person don't be well-intentioned and have a malicious intention also with , because , this its land ( minus,erase ) can't correct and it have the might in itself , both of good corner and bad [ evil ] corner that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , far land near give a result all right immediately visit by not in time are aware that , arrive ( in/at ) already , but , if , far land near still have not strong power , be like it stays exceedingly far , both of the fame , rank luck , praise , or , even the power resists , curse with , I think it remains not far not from near the life , majority , get visit by not in time be aware that , arrive ( in/at ) already , then think must not grab wildly visit this land feel stiff , if , maintain one's composure the goodness has no the malignance doesn't appear , as a result , may difficult will near arrive at this land fame , rank luck , praise , be oval young influenced person of the area thing doesn't express that , be the important factor , the thing that it expresses give always precedencely is the be oval at deserves one's dignity , far land near beg for young oval the influenced person of the area then stays not far it , and follow it is like closely , oval young the influenced person of the area flies to pass by where it then appears the shade that nevers to change in the ground see always , I see oval shade appears in the ground as is such originally as , only its shade that appear , make think how is it dignified ? , which , I no follow its shade , because , know oval young the influenced person of the area no take an interest its shade even a little , it takes an interest to fly don't oval is dignified more than , I then must meet for the first time it , be not see its shade , also with at I see a tiger , Leo , bison , rhinoceros , as a result , do not see at the fame that spread a rumor closely its , make see a tiger smiles , Leo closes one eye , a bison walks , a rhinoceros stares to go to far , because , the world is the right place fully for the uncertainty completely , I then don't believe in in the shade too much more s believe in

in of an anything , that shade (s minus,erase ) can't correct , but , the body is as far as , be alive that , can can modify , far land near of an anything is thing other area touches or , do ? can not , there is just the influenced person of the area will to only manage in fame honor land , praise by oneself , thus the focusing hopes to malign , praise of other thing is playying with the shade , I feel that , be not funny with , oval young the influenced person of the area nevers to play with the shade , it flies by is not interested in the shade as well , far land near my then might stared oval from , but , always perhaps because , oval sharp sight , I might from closely its sight all right alike , the name (s lose/go dead ) oval in the ground is that is familiar , but , where is location thing in the ground is will in the interest begs for young oval the influenced person of the area only ? , I feel that , it sees similar everything , as a result , it doesn't show the zeal for something openly builds [ wasp ] which thing this , if , it passes to meet an anything , that thing is only a victim begs for young oval the influenced person of the area by oneself , I think the thing at doesn't be the goal gives young oval the influenced person of the area or sure , the rhythm is famous , be not that , will have the safety always , because , for oval young influenced person of the thing area that is famous is a victim begs for oval , I am that , it sight sharp technician suit to is oval extremely , because , it doesn't be misled to pass take the shade of that thing but , pass be specific , ++ get a victim by don't miss the goal always , for on that ground , I have evered to hear come to that , if , write a tiger gives a cow sees a cow , fear , the shade has a role on this ground , thus don't be strange to the place the thing that have fate ground in the ground will fear the shade , be misled the shade , play with the shade , likewise to unknow be worn that , the shade will interesting extremely , because , believe in in the trend begs for young oval the influenced person of the area which , there is sharp sight that , do not lose one's way certainly , it nevers to pass the shade see , I then think the joke in the ground will may don't laugh That will do. oval take an interest , as for that me when , appear oval young influenced person of the area shade in the ground , look up see it by is not interested in its shade , because , the shade has been the habitat near , go to far get ? appear all right if , oval don't fly come to please , fame , rank luck , praise that I think everything that is alive want , be like call out names during a roll call loud please , because , fate

ground is the thing at must involve with many the thing , will involve succeed follow fate easy ground enters again , call out names during a roll call loud keep be deaf better , a flower still for , an insect sees [ praise ] , location thing in the ground , there is fate ground doesn't pass from involving , although , do not hope ? , must get as do that particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , assure that , not far shade is too , but , grab the shade then , be like not extremely near , for I have already something visit all land in the life , intermittently while , the life has the meaning , mean the life that have the fate , life fate begs for young oval the influenced person of the area , fly with oval fate like this particle used at the end of a statement to emphasize it , have no the fate seek as , ? , because , it is in a hand will of everything to will build it ,

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