Young Beth Jacob!

  • June 2020
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Young Beth Jacob! Morning


Groups Begin @ 10:30am, Parents please attend to your children beforehand. Youth Morning Groups Tots: Below 1st Grade with Morahs Faye & Shayna Group 2: Active and Educational Programs with our High School Helpers Junior Cong: The Classic— Reborn with Mr. Weiser

Sunday Mornin g Nov. 22 ages 7-14 10:00am-2:30p m

Groups with the Weisers begin @ 3:15pm. Look forward to seeing you! Teen Morning Groups Pre-Teen Girls: Torah Learning w/ Mrs. Reitman Teen Girls: Tefillah Workshop with Chava Simon Teens: Parsha, Chulent! With Rabbi Simon Don’t Forget Mussaf!

rant NCSY Restau er Fundrais ember 29th

Nov Next Sunday, m 5:00pm-8:00p

Get Excited! Latte and Learning is Back! - Tuesday Night Nights Salad Homework and Learning - Wednesday Nights Teen Oneg - Friday Night 9:00pm Regional Sign Up - Deadline this Sunday Contact [email protected] for details on Teens Girls and Boys Mishmar - Wednesday at 6:45-8:00pm This Week Girls Blumberry Pancakes - Sunday at 9:00am Contact Mr. Weiser for details on Youth 619.933.6740

Shabbos Toldot November 21, 2009 •[g“a, ukxfc ’s ,usku,‘,arp[[[ Torah Reading: Page 124, Haftorah Page 1137 Note: The Shabbos Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go up] since for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.

1st Aliya: Yitzchak is 40 years old (2088) when he marries Rivkah. After 20 years, Esav and Yakov are born. The Parsha jumps from their birth to Yakov’s purchase of the 1st born rights from Esav at the age of 15. (2123 - the day Avraham died) 2nd Aliya: The Parsha returns to the story of Yitzchak and Rivkah and the famine which forces them to settle among the Plishtim. Yitzchak, like his father before him, has a moral confrontation with Avimelech, after which his fields are uniquely prolific and financially successful. 3rd Aliya: Yitzchak’s financial success leads to jealousy with his Plishtim neighbors. He re-digs Avraham’s wells, resulting in a confrontation with the Plishtim over water rights. He moves back to Beer Sheva. 4th Aliya: Hashem (G-d), in a dream, confirms for Yitzchak the future of his children. Avimelech, the King of the Plishtim, and his General, Phicol, approach Yitzchak to make a peace treaty. 5th Aliya: The treaty between

Yitzchak and the Plishtim is celebrated. The Parsha returns to the story of Yakov and Esav. Esav’s marriage to two Canaanite women at the age of 40 (2148) brings disappointment to Yitzchak and Rivkah. In 2171, when Yakov and Esav are 63 and Yitzchak is 123, Yitzchak blesses Yakov and Esav. The Parsha details the duplicity of Yakov and Rivkah in fooling Yitzchak. 6th Aliya: Yitzchak blesses Yakov with spiritual and material gain, after which Esav returns to discover Yakov’s plot. He receives his own blessing for material gain, and is determined to kill Yakov. Rivkah, fearful for Yakov’s life, convinces Yitzchak to send Yakov to her brother Lavan in search of a shiduch - a wife. Yitzchak confirms on Yakov the future of the Jewish nation before his departure to Lavan. 7th Aliya: Yakov departs for Padan Aram, and Esav marries the daughter of Yishmael. (his 1/2 1st cousin)

Haftorah Toldos This weeks Haftorah is from Malachi (1:1-2:7) The Navi declared Hashem’s love for the Bnai Yisroel by reminding them that they, the children of Yakov, had been chosen over Esav to be His “holy nation.” The Navi continued by reprimanding the children of Yakov for their lack of appreciation in having been selected as the Chosen People. The nation acted as if they were true servants of Hashem, but in truth they were only acting.

Thank You! To the shul members for sponsoring Kiddush and Shalosh Seudos

Mazal Tov! Susan & Irving Bernhardt on the birth of a granddaughter to Josh & Tamar. Dovid & Elisheva Weinberger our “Seed” couple on the birth of a boy. Happy 90th Birthday to Josek Zajd

Condolences Margarit Bitton on the passing of her mother in Switzerland.

Welcome! To all our guests and visitors here for Shabbos, please feel free to ask us if you need anything

This Week! Thanksgiving: Thursday, November 26, Thanksgiving Day Sunday Schedule. Stay after davening for learning and breakfast.

Coming Soon!

Taking a closer look at the quality of the service in the Bais Hamikdash revealed a disgracing lack of deference on the part of Kllal Yisroel’s for their singular intimacy with the Creator. The Navi concluded by stating that the consequences of true devotion to Hashem and His Torah should be Truth, Peace, Uprightness and Life. These must be the values we teach our children and the world through our own life style. Only then can we claim to truly speak in the name of G-d. NCSY BBQ Restaurant Fundraiser: Next Sunday, November 29th. 5:00pm-8:00pm Now with Faster Service! Annual Chanuka Dinner: Sunday December 13th. Save the date for an amazing evening filled with light! RSVP to the Shul office. Shalom Bayis Class: SCY High presents: “The Missing Piece To A Fuller Connection In Marriage” Sun, November 22, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Hosted by Hilda Cohen 8415 La Jolla Scenic Dr. North for women only Parent/Child Learning: Nov.21st This Motzie Shabbas. Learning, Raffle, Snack. 6:45 – 7:45pm Sat Night in the Bais Midrash. Singles Shabbaton: Friday, December 18, 6:00PM FMI Call: Rachel Nissim 619 229-1080 Cost: $40 per person

Refuah Shleimah Irving  Bernhardt  | Rose  Kraft  | Goldie  Masliah  | Doni  Lepor  | Ralph Carson | Rob Adatto

Shabbos Schedule

Candle Lighting.....…………...…4:26pm Mincha.....………………… 4:30pm Shachris………………………..…7:45am Daf Yomi………………………….…7:45am Shachris………………………....…8:45am Latest Shema………………………8:59am Youth Groups……………………3:15pm Rabbi’s Class .................…3:30pm Women only class..................3:30pm

Mincha................................... 4:15pm Shabbos ends……………………5:26pm Candles next week………………4:24pm

Weekday Schedule

Sun, Thu Shachris…………8:00am Mon, Tue Shachris…6:20 & 7:15am Wed, Fri Shachris 6:20 & 7:15am Sun-Thu Mincha…………………4:25pm Sun-Thu Maariv…………………9:15pm

Learning In Your Community...

Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities, from Classes, to One-on-One Learning, to Guided Learning. Every night from 8:15pm-9:15pm there are programs followed by Maariv.


Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am




6:30pm-7:30pm Prophets w/ Rabbi Marks

7:30pm-8:15pm Hebrew Reading

8:00pm-9:00pm Ladies Class

8:30pm-9:15pm Talmud w/ The Rabbi



7:30pm-8:15pm 8:00pm-9:00pm Parsha Tastes of Talmud 8:15pm-9:15pm w/ Rabbi Adatto Talmud w/The Rabbi


Mr. Weiser What’s on Weiser’s mind? call him to find out: 619.550.5954 Open Beis Midrash Sundays after Shachris, Monday-Thursday 8:15pm-9:15pm

“The Missing Piece To A Fuller Connection In Marriage”

Beth Jacob House for Rent contact

4920 Rockford. Propact Management details. 619 917-0592


Shalom Bayis class for women only, Shabbos afternoon @ 3:30pm in the Bais Midrash with Racheli Miller

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