Young Beth Jacob!

  • June 2020
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Young Beth Jacob! Morning


Groups Begin @ 10:30am, Parents please attend to your children beforehand. Youth Morning Groups Tots: Below 1st Grade with Morahs Faye & Shayna Group 2: Active and Educational Programs with our Middle School Helpers Junior Cong: The Classic— Reborn with Mr. Weiser

Children’s Museum!

Next Sunday November 8th Please see the W eisers for details

Groups with the Weisers begin @ 4:15pm. Look forward to seeing you! Teen Morning Groups Pre-Teen Girls: Torah Learning Teen Girls: Tefillah Workshop with Chava Simon Teens: Parsha, Chulent! With Rabbi Simon Don’t Forget Mussaf!

ork Salad Homew and Learning Wednesdays

Get Excited! Latte and Learning! - Tuesday Nights Salad Home Work and Learning - Wednesday Nights Girl’s Night Out - Saturday Night SOLD OUT! Teen Paintballing - Next Sunday (Nov. 8th) Contact [email protected] for details on Teens Blumberry Pancakes - Sundays at 9am Family at the Park - This Sunday (Nov. 1st) Childrens’ Museum - Next Sunday (Nov. 8th) Contact Mr. Weiser for details on Youth 619.933.6740

Shabbat Parshat Lech-Lecha • October 31st, 2009 • ‫לך • י״ג בחשון תש״ע‬-‫שבת פרשת לך‬

Parshat Lech-Lecha pg. 54 Haftorah pg. 1133

Note: The Shabbos Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go up] since for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.

1st Aliya: Avram is instructed to leave Charan and travel 400 miles to the Land of Canaan. (Charan was 600 miles from Ur Casdim) Upon arriving, they are forced to leave Canaan, due to a local famine, and travel to Mitzrayim in search of food. 2nd Aliya: Avram plans for his encounter with the amorality of Egypt. His and Sarah’s confrontation with Pharaoh is detailed. Avram and Sarah return home. 3rd Aliya: Avram separates from his nephew / brother-in-law Lot, due to Lot’s defection from the teachings of Avram. Hashem reassures Avram that he will have children, “like the dust of the earth”, who will inherit the Land and carry on his work. 4th Aliya: Avram is forced to rescue Lot from captivity. In so doing, he adjusts the balance of power in Canaan and is recognized by the other political leaders for his military and moral strength. His encounter with Malki Tzedek (Shem) is in stark contrast to his confrontation with

the King of Sodom. 5th Aliya:Hashem again reassures Avram that he will have genetic children (not just students) who would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. 6th Aliya:The monumental “Covenant Between the Halves” takes place during which the next 430 years of Jewish history is revealed. Avram is 70 years old. Sarai instructs Avram to marry Hagar. The story of her conflict with Sarai, her encounter with an angel, and the birth of Yishmael in 2034 is told. Following the birth of Yishmael Avram’s name is changed to Avraham. 7th Aliya:Avraham is presented with the Mitzvah of Circumcision. Sarai’s name is changed to Sarah, and Hashem assures Avraham he and Sarah will have a son called Yitzchak. It is the year 2047 and Avraham circumcises himself, Yishmael, and his entire household. Haftorah Lech Lecha Isaiah 40:27 - 41:16 This week’s Haftorah continues the theme of Hashem’s manifest

presence within nature and our selection as the Chosen People. The opening verses, taken from the end of Yishaya Chap. 40, directly attribute strength and success to belief in Hashem. “But those who put their hope in Hashem shall renew their vigor...they shall run and not weary....” (40:31) Hashem’s eternity in relation to all generations is established, “...I am first, and with the last ones I am He.” (41:4) and it therefore makes sense to trust Hashem. This realization mirrors Avraham’s quest for understanding. Natures inherent consistency and order revealed itself to Avraham as absolute proof of a Creator who cares for His creations. “...he says of the cement, “It is good,” and he

Thank You! Kiddush and Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by the shul members

Welcome! To all our guests and visitors here for Shabbos, please feel free to ask us if you need anything!

Mazal Tov! Happy Birthday Itzik Moyal, Judy Kelin Rose Lewis on coming in 1st Place in the Cholent Cook-off! Melvin Weiser on the birth of a great granddaughter in Israel

This Week! Hebrew Crash Course: 8 sessions

strengthened it with nails that it should not move.” (41:7) With the conviction of certainty and truth, Avraham embraces G-d as a true servant. Hashem, in return, bestows upon him the singular accolade as the one “who loved me”. In all of the Tanach, only Avraham is referred to in this manner. To love Hashem means to trust Hashem, and Avraham trusted Hashem more completely than anyone else. In merit for his devotion, Hashem promises to protect his children from the onslaught of the other nations. As all things are put into perspective, we realize that our nation’s greatness and praise is but a reflection of Hashem’s greatness. (41:16)

starting Tuesday, November 3 at 7:30pm “Fall Back”: Change your clocks on Sunday 2am

Coming Soon... Beth Jacob’s 70th Anniversary Celebration: Join us for an evening of Great Food, Fun and Intrigue... Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre; November 15th at 5:30pm Singles Shabbaton: November 1314, call Rachel Nissim at 619.229.1080

Refuah Shleimah Irving Bernhardt | Rose Kraft | Goldie Masliah | Doni Lepor | Ralph Carson | Rand Levin | Shimon Frenkel | Rob Adatto

Shabbos Schedule

Candlelighting…………………5:41pm Mincha…………………………5:45pm Early Shachris/Daf Yomi………7:45am Shachris (Main Sanctuary)…………8:45am Latest Shema……………………9:49am Youth Groups……………………4:15pm Rabbi’s Class “Klutzky or Mazal?”…4:30pm Mincha……………………………5:25pm Shalosh Seudos…………………5:45pm

Shabbos Ends…………………6:40pm Kiddush Levana……If You Haven’t Yet

Weekday Schedule

Sunday Shacharis………………8:00am Mon-Fri Shachris……6:20 & 7:15am Sun-Thu Mincha/Maariv………4:35pm Sun-Thu Second Maariv………9:15pm

Learning In Your Community...

Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities, from Classes, to One-on-One Learning, to Guided Learning. Every night from 8:00pm-9:15pm there are programs followed by Maariv.


Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am


Monday 6:45pm-7:30pm

Tuesday 7:30pm-8:15pm

Prophets W/ Rabbi Marks

Hebrew Reading W/ The Rabbi



Ladies Chumash W/ Leah Bogopulsky


Talmud w/ The Rabbi

Thursday 7:30pm-8:15pm


Tastes of Talmud w/ Rabbi Adatto

Parsha w/ The Rabbi 8:15pm-9:15pm

Talmud W/ The Rabbi


Join The Newest Craze! Every night from 8:15-9:15pm; Chevruta Time Mr. Weiser What’s on Weiser’s mind? call him to find out: 619.550.5954 Rabbi Simon is available to learn, call him to schedule 310.867.6328

Beth Jacob’s 70th Anniversary Celebration Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre; November 15th at 5:30pm RSVP online at

Beth Jacob House Rental 4920 Rockford St. Speak to Rand Levin for Details

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