Yoga For Slipped Disc

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 5

The vertebral column (spine), together with sternum and ribs, constitutes the skeleton of the trunk of the body. The vertebral column makes up about two-fifths of the total height of the body and is composed of a series of bones called vertebrae. The adult vertebral column typically contains 26 vertebrae. 7 cervical vertebrae -12 thoracic vertebrae -5 lumbar vertebrae


in the neck region chest region supporting the lower back

5 sacral vertebrae (fused together into one bone called sacrum); 4 coccygeal vertebrae (fused into one or two bones called coccyx). Prior to the fusion of the sacral and coccygeal vertebrae, the total number of vertebrae is 33.

Between adjacent vertebrae from the first vertebra to the sacrum are fibrocartilaginous intervertebral discs. Each disc is composed of an outer fibrous ring consisting of fibrocartilage, called the annulus fibrosus and an inner soft, pulpy, highly elastic structure, called nucleus pulposus. The discs form strong joints, permit various movements of the vertebra column and absorb vertebral shock. The intervertebral discs are subject to compressional forces while performing the function of shock absorbers, the discs between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae and between the fifth lumbar vertebra and sacrum usually are subject to more forces than other discs. If the anterior and posterior ligaments of the discs become injured or weakened, the pressure developed in the nucleus pulposus may be great enough to rupture the surrounding fibro-cartilage.

If this happens, the nucleus pulposus may

protrude posteriorly or into one of the adjacent vertebral bodies.

This state is

called slipped disc. Most often the nucleus pulposus slips posteriorly towards the spinal cord and spinal nerve. This movement exerts pressure on the spinal nerves, causing considerable, sometimes very acute, pain. When intra-abdominal pressure is increased by coughing, sneezing or other movement, symptoms are aggravated, and cervical muscle spasm may often occur. Neurologic abnormalities may include decreased reflexes of the deep tendons of the biceps and triceps and decreased sensation and muscle atrophy or weakness in the forearm or hand. Yoga Treatment: Complete bed rest is necessary for a few days for fast recovery and healing. Complete immobilization of spine is the safest and quickest route of healing and recovery. The duration of immobilization required depends upon the degree of injury. In the later stage yoga therapy should be applied, which promotes the recovery.

Asanas in the initial stage (Mostly backward bending asanas) Makara Asana Asanas later stage – Utthan Pada Asana Pavanamukta Asana Salabha Asana Bhujanga Asana


Supta-Vajra Asana Pranayama Anulom-Vilom and Nadi shodhan

Beside the above mentioned asana and pranayama practice of yoga nidra, concentration and meditation gives the best result. Asanas- Asana removes rigidity and brings flexibility to joints and help correct bad posture Pranayama -Breathing patterns can affect the spine in various ways, such as movement of the ribs and changes in pressure within the chest and abdomen. Exhaling can help relax muscles. Relaxation and Meditation- Relaxation provides a physiologic antidote to stress. Imaging techniques may also be used. For example, imagining a movement before it is actually performed makes it easier to move the muscles that are being used. By exercising carefully, and by practicing a simple routine of exercise, breathing, and meditation every day, you can help your back and neck become as strong and healthy as possible


The inflammation of the vertebral joints is called spondylitis, which is one of the causes of backache, neck ache. The onset of pain is usually gradual, and is differentiated by severe pain and contraction in the back of cervical region of neck, shoulders and lower spinal region, which further spread downwards. Movement of neck, shoulders and back becomes very difficult and painful. Neck pain affecting the cervical spin is called as cervical spondylitis. This pain could be spread over to both sides of shoulder, the back side of the neck, the collar bones and the shoulder joints. In the later stages movement of neck becomes restricted and arms become almost motionless because of muscular weakness. Pain in lumber region is called as lumber spondylitis. (Back pain, slip disc an sponylitis are related to spin so kindly refer Slipped disc and Back pain) As symptoms progress, normal lumber curve flattens and thoracic curvature gets exaggerated. Back motion and Chest expansion become limited. Deterioration of the vertebral column both in neck region and downward area of the spine narrows the intervertebral disc space, so that the area appears worn away and unusual elongated bony projections appear. These are called osteophytes. The space through which blood vessels run becomes narrowed, which causes extra pressure on the vessels, reducing the blood supply to the cranial region including brain, and leading to pain. Spondylitis deformans In this disease, sacro iliac joints, vertebral column, shoulder and hip joints are affected. In this condition, the spine becomes quite rigid. This is due to abnormal osseous union of bones (synostosis) and intervertibral ligaments. A similar change at the hips and shoulders may produce fixation - partial or complete - of these joints also. Kyphosis of the upper part of the spine is marked. The pain is felt in the abdomen or around the

chest. The X-ray appearances and increased E.S.R. rate at a very early, stage, helps in diagnosing the case.

Causes for Spondylitis Regular use of high pillow under the head while sleeping. Wrong posture. It is also associated with mental tension.

Yoga Treatment for Spondylitis Pavanamukta Asana Vriksha Asana Vajra Asana Shashanka Asana Bhujanga Asana Makara Asana Dhanura Asana Ardha Matsyendrasana Jallundhar Bandha Nadi shodhan pranayama Neti kriya Beside the above mentioned asana and pranayama practice of yoga nidra, concentration and meditation gives the best result.

Asanas- Asana removes rigidity and brings flexibility to joints and help correct bad posture Pranayama -Breathing patterns can affect the spine in various ways, such as movement of the ribs and changes in pressure within the chest and abdomen. Exhaling can help relax muscles. Relaxation and Meditation- Relaxation provides a physiologic antidote to stress. Imaging techniques may also be used. For example, imagining a movement before it is actually performed makes it easier to move the muscles that are being used. Diet: It is recommended to stop taking bananas, and curd. Smokers should stop smoking. Stop taking tea or water upon rising in the morning. Reduce the number of cups of coffee tea or stop it completely. You simply don’t need any external stimulants. Include fruits (except banana), green vegetables (salad), and pulses (except arhar and kesari) in meals. Consume plenty of protein. The non-vegetarians can eat fish and liver with least amount of spices. Avoid eating fatty, spicy and fried stuffs. Drink a lot of water.

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