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  • Words: 1,090
  • Pages: 3
Obama has just made a statement regretting his use of certain words in his earlier comments about the arrest of his friend Henry Lous Gates. The president finally had to yield to the demands of many quarters who sided with the Cambridge police. Obama was not totally wrong in coming out with his comments on the arrest of Gates. The police in the whole of the US has always been very well known for their racial stereotyping or racial profiling practices. No other police eleswhere could ever compare with them. They are really horrible. The arrest of Gates reminded one of a case where a man was badly assaulted by a cop just because the unfortunate man locked his keys inside his car and had to break a window in order to re-enter his vehicle. In the US, the African-American minority are about 14% of the population but well over half of all people stopped and arrested by the police come from that community. It is therefore not wrong for the president to voice his worry or disappointment that the police could have overreacted when they confronted Gates. As an African-American, he was naturally a victim if indeed the US police do practise racial profiling. A president has the right to stand up for someone who is being seen as a victim. Sadly, the many nameless victims in Iraq and Afghanistan have no one to stand up for them. Obama has to speak up about the treatment dished out to his fellow citizen, as the record of bad behaviour by the US police is nothing new. US police has had a long history of atrocious and inhuman interaction with the public, especially when dealing with minorities. Talk about freedom and democracy. US police has a long record of colluding with organised crime, right-wing hate groups and corrupt politicians. Many cases of assault and murder committed in the southern parts of the US were carried out by white extremists with the full knowledge of the police. The state of Alabama, for example had many such cases. Almost all perpetrators were never caught. Only a few were brought to justice and even then only after a very long time had passed by. Even along the southern border, the police were notorious for their criminal behaviour. Many immigrants caught crossing the border illegally were subjected to harsh and inhumane treatment. Quite a number of women victims in the past spoke about how male officers thrusted their fingers into their private parts as punishment. They are very evil and very wicked. Talk about freedom and democracy. Abuse of children and the underaged was not unknown either. This evil behaviour by the US police towards minorities and non-whites in no time proliferated to the many other uniformed organisations of the US government, including the National Guard, the Coast Guard and the armed forces. Many refugees or asylum seekers were left to die when their boats sank near US waters just because of their skin colour, but European asylum seekers were given every help to cross over.

In areas where the US got into a fight with the local people, the white supremacist US serviceman treated all the locals as beneath the level of human beings. Again this is a form of racial profiling. Very, very evil. The US is really evil. The US has a very bad record of racial profiling and wicked, evil conduct in many areas around the world, from Panama to Grenada, from S.E. Asia to the Middle East. The amount of wanton killing and destruction by the white supremacist US is totally unmeasurable. Talk about freedom and democracy. George Bush junior was among the worst of his kind. When he was governor of Texas, the state had innumerable cases of injustice carried out by the Texas police as well as by local right-wing outlaws. Bush while in office in Texas was said to have uttered that there was no need for tighter anti-discriminatory laws there despite a number of high profile assault and murder cases taking place there while he was the governor. Many people said that conditions in their workplaces were bad. Confederate flags, racist graffiti and symbols were found almost everywhere. Any complaint about it was usually ignored or told to keep quiet. And when he became president he set about going on a killing and looting spree abroad. What he did as president was merely a continuation of what he had done while he was governor. It was really evil and terrible. Talk about freedom and democracy. Obama did not have to apologise to anyone about his words or comment. But he did, because although he's the president, it is still a white man's country. Obama is really fearful of them, and that includes all those in the Pentagon. No wonder he is now surrounded by people of the likes of Clinton, Gates and Geithner. These people were not his natural choices but he had to pick them because the US is after all, a white man's country. One stolen from the native Red Indian inhabitants of course. The police in the US often view minority citizens with a much jaundiced eye. A non-white person found loitering about even at his own home is either a burglar, thief, conman or would-be killer. This kind of profiling is not going to go away anytime soon. It is better now for a person like Obama to come out into the open and take the bull by the horns on this issue. Why apologise to the hung up US police ? It is most perplexing. Or do the US police think that they could now blackmail the president of the United States since he is coloured ? That could explain why a mere schoolgirl like Clinton had the temerity to issue threats and boldly attempting to blackmail foreign counties. Talk about freedom and democracy. Already there are attempts to link the Iran and North Korea problems to another party. These problems were created as a direct result of the conduct of the US in the first place. Why blame others. Hypocrites. Obama must not retreat in the face of criticisms, threats and blackmail. Otherwise the US will never emerge from its silent, unseen but greatly felt darkness. The evil US police will go on arresting people just because of their skin colour and the sadness will never end. Obama must now decide which is more

important. Pleasing the evil US police or world opinion. We are watching. The watchers are watching.

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