Yf Project Coordinators

  • November 2019
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YOUTH FUTURES Meet the Local Coordinators

January 2007 Israel Department Youth Futures Division

Patrick Chekroun - Local Coordinator Dimona I was born in France in 1968. My family decided to make Aliyah in 1972 and chose Dimona as our home. After graduation, I served in the IDF fighting engineer forces, where I completed a company command course. After completing my military services, I studied for my B.A. in Political Science and International Relations at the Hebrew University, and was active in the students' rights struggle. I was also active in the Knesset as Assistant for Social Affairs to MK Shlomo Buhbut, now Mayor of Maalot. I then completed my M.A. in Public Administration at the Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva. During the past years I have served as a young delegate to the 34th Zionist Congress and was involved in Zionist work for the Jewish Agency - but I felt the need to return to Dimona and give back to the community in which I was raised. That is why I left everything and applied for the Youth Futures Program Coordinator position in the city. I hope that through Youth Futures and the Jewish Agency's support, I can help children in my hometown to empower themselves, and give them tools needed to grow in the local society today - a true challenge and a wonderful opportunity.

Adi Ramati - Local Coordinator Ofakim I was born 27 years ago and was raised in Ofakim. I went to a local high school to major in Biology, and went on to the Ben Gurion University to study behavioral sciences. At the same time, I've joined the Partnership 2000 program for student leadership in Ofakim. The young leadership program has opened my mind to my city's real image and its community. Before joining the program I knew Ofakim as it was portrayed convincingly in the media - poor, high unemployment rate, violence and mediocre youth. But through the program I discovered the real Ofakim - the exciting, young and open city, in which school violence levels are of the lowest in Israel, and where the wonderful young people are thirsty for opportunities to improve their image through enriching activities. I decided to volunteer and work in every community activity I found, and to meet with the younger generation up close, to see the sparkle in their eyes and strengthen them - and be strengthened by them. I joined the Alon group as a Trustee Coordinator for Youth Futures in 2005. I found that just a little good will and a smile can do so much for children in Ofakim, and this knowledge pushed me to do all I can. Today, I am the Youth Futures Ofakim Coordinator. Beyond working to help children develop their strong points and become significant others in their own peer group - I want to introduce them to the Ofakim I know and love, to bond with their city and create a commitment to their community. The wonderful Trustees chosen to lead the Youth Futures program is also a group we are targeting, and I hope to bond them into a strong group of motivated ambassadors for their hometown over the next few months. The feeling of having a home and roots can be strengthened from birth - we will meet 200 children this year, who will get to know another Ofakim.

Yonit Siboni-Meir - Local Coordinator Nazareth Ilit My name is Yonit, I am 30 years old, married and mother of two gorgeous children. I was recently discharged from the army after 11 years of service at the rank of Major - I served in the Golan Heights and Lebanon as an armored corps instructor and as liaison officer with Lebanon and the South Lebanon Army (SLA), and afterwards as an officer in the reserve unit stationed on the Lebanese border. After serving for so long in the army, and watching friends and commanders fall in the line of duty, I felt that it was time to make a change and give back to my country in a different way - to my community. I've just completed a B.A. degree in Behavioral Sciences, majoring in Psychology at the Emek Yizrael College - this is a new path for me to follow, and I feel that being the Youth Futures program coordinator in Nazareth Ilit will give a different and satisfying meaning to my life. It has certainly already made me a better mom!

Reut Bendrihem - Local Coordinator Migdal HaEmek and Emek Yizrael Regional Council I am 33 years old, married and mother of one. I was born and raised in Migdal HaEmek. After working as a youth counselor in the commune Givat Ella, I moved to Jerusalem to study for a B.A. in Education and an M.A. in Anthropology at the Hebrew University, while working as a counselor in Amutat Etgarim ("Challenges") with disabled children. I then moved to Yerucham, to complete my research in Anthropology on the subject of Women's Identity through Motherhood. It was through my research that I started longing to return home, and see how everything I've learned and studied can be perceived in the familiar faces I've grew up with. I went back, and started working with children in day X. My work, in connection with my research thesis, made me realize my vision - I want to develop in my community the power to help ourselves. I want us to understand together that we have the ability to move ourselves forward - and this understanding has to start with our children. Youth Futures is a wonderful starting point for this vision. The program aims to empower children and teenagers, or rather to teach them how to empower themselves. I believe that Youth Futures can create an internal process in my community to make children take better control of their lives, and I can not be prouder to be a part of this process.

Oshrit Setbon - Local Coordinator Beit Shean and Beit Shean Valley Regional Council I am 35 years old and I was born and raised in Bnei-Brak. I recently moved to Kibbutz Shluchot with my husband, who became the kibbutz's rabbi. I have always directed my path towards giving back to my community and to my people - I founded and chaired for two years the "Amutat Dror", the non profit student organization for the release of the Israeli soldiers captured or missing in action, I worked as national coordinator for Religious Noar Oved and Lomed garins and then as marketing and events coordinator for the "MiBeresheet" social movement, headed by Rabbi Mordechai Alon. I was also a member of "Active for the Public", that does social activities and volunteers in our community - I worked mostly with young olim in youth villages. I then went on to study for a B.A. in Jewish History and an M.A. in Eretz Israel studies from the Bar Ilan University, and during my studies I worked as an advisor to MK Saul Yahalom, then Minister of Transportation, and as an advisor to MK Zvulun Orlev, then Minister of Welfare. I learned a great deal during these years, especially through the Ministry of Welfare - where I worked closely with almost all of the local municipalities. But I feel that most importantly, I've learned much about how the municipal and national welfare systems treat children and teenagers at-risk, and about their point of view and work methods. The Youth Futures program completes me, because it allows me to see the other viewpoint in this equation - the child's. I believe in putting the child in the center, and focusing on his/her specific good points and treating each child personally.

Limor Hevroni-Sabbah - Local Coordinator Eilat Limor is 35 years old and she and her husband have just now celebrated the birth of their first child. She was born and raised in Kiryat Ono, but fell in love with Eilat and decided to move south to make a home there. She's studying for her B.A. in Economics and Management at the Eilat College. My Place I searched everywhere for a place that has a soul, a place where my heart can be shared. I looked for a place to make the most of myself, to find integrity, values and giving to others. I tried to find somewhere to employ my parents' education, that taught me to believe I can achieve any goal, overcome any challenge. And I have found that place: Youth Futures The right name for the place where a new world opens up to a better future for our children and for us. I am privileged to lead the program in Eilat, that has so much hope so much ambition so much to do so many futures

Dikla Nachmias - Local Coordinator Merom HaGalil (Confrontation Line) Dikla was born 39 years ago in Dimona and grew up in Hadera - this was the beginning of her climb up north… Ever since she was a girl, she has worked and volunteered in her community, and she grew up with a strong social and Zionist ideological background. Dikla has a B.A. in Psychology and Political Science, which gives her a good basic knowledge of working with local authorities and municipalities. She has also studied management of community projects and events' production, and has worked extensively with Branco-Weiss and as a community coordinator in various settlements in the north - Dovev, Dalton and Bar-Yohai. The position of Program Coordinator in the Youth Futures program in Merom HaGalil - situated on the very border with Lebanon - offered Dikla the opportunity to return to her preferred work with children and people of her community. She feels that this program will allow her to find self-fulfillment and believes that it will make waves throughout the region: "The Youth Futures program can be so meaningful for these children and can make a significant long-term change for the entire community. But it can also be so much more - it is bringing young adults to the area, committed to developing the confrontation line region. These two goals are what I'm working to achieve, through Youth Futures."

Einat Outmazgin – Local Coordinator Safed I am 30 years old, married and the mother of 2 boys, Hod and Merom. When I turned 20 I started on my first degree in Sociology and Criminology at the Bar-Ilan College in Safed, and at the same time started my own independent business for creating unique activities for children. My business strengthened my self confidence and my sense of responsibility, while getting to know different people and working with private businesses and community centers. Fortunately, my business was successful enough to finance my B.A., as well as my M.A. degree in Public Administration at the Haifa University. 3 years after starting my business, I cooperated with the Safed regional college in establishing the Unit for External Students, which offers a wide variety of courses for adults, children and teens in computer science, languages, art and personal empowerment. When I learned that the Youth Futures program is opening a new position in Safed, I just knew that this will be my next mission! I have heard so many heartrending and exciting stories about children at-risk, that the Youth Futures program has done much to turn their lives around in their homes and schools - just by being in touch with our wonderful Trustees. I feel that this is a special shlichut, and, as a mother, it touches my heart to know that we can reach the children that are denied a warm hug, a good word and attention… I feel proud to be a part of a success in Safed, in helping children open the door to a better world.

Orit Lin – Local Coordinator Yokneam-Megiddo My name is Orit, I'm married to Ram and together we're raising 5 wonderful children. I was born and raised in Jerusalem in a large family that put into practice "Kol Israel Haverim", and one of my first memories is helping my grandmother distribute food and clothes to Olim from Yemen. These experiences showed me the way to a lifetime of helping others – my fellow soldiers as a social services NCO, volunteering with the elderly and Olim in my city, and – after moving to Kibbutz Mishmar HaEmek – adopting young families in the new kibbutz of Natur in the Golan Heights. My next stop was St. Louis, Missouri, where I taught Hebrew and tried to convey the Israeli experience to the warm community there. I fell in love with education, and returned to my kibbutz as manager of "Neurim" company – informal education given by a staff of 30 to 250 high school teenagers – while studying for an M.A. in Behavioral Science and Criminology. After hearing of the Youth Futures program, I knew that I found the way to giving children of all kinds the opportunity to learn how to live better and be stronger. I believe that in order to achieve our goals, we need to give these children support and the means to improve their individual skills. I know that they will do the rest. We are now in the painstaking process of recruiting devoted and committed Trustees to the program, who will view their "job" as we do – a shlichut. I will do everything in my power to make sure that my Trustees will have all the help and every possible chance they need to show their children the door to a better future – their success is our success.

Orly Osadon - Local Coordinator Tiberias Orly Osadon was born and raised in Tiberias, and immediately after completing her B.A. in Education from the Tel Aviv University (specializing in informal education), returned to her hometown. She began working as a group facilitator for youth villages and as an advisor to the staff (managers and counselors) of youth villages, which also included writing workbooks for these children who come from underprivileged backgrounds. After hearing about the Youth Futures program and the position as Program Coordinator, she felt that this was the perfect opportunity to give back to her community in Tiberias, by forming a group of young motivated adults dedicated to building a better society. "I chose the Youth Futures program because it is a wonderful opportunity for my young community, as well as for myself, to make the first pioneer step towards shaping a society based more on values, vision and quality of life. This is my shlichut, a mission from deep within my heart to opening the door to a new future."

Adi Bitton – Local Coordinator Hatzor and Rosh Pina My name is Adi, and I'm 32 years old, married and mother of 2 gorgeous children. I grew up in Hazor HaGlilit and lived there up until my military service, and my subsequent studies for my B.A. in Criminology and Communication. During my years away from Hazor, I missed my home, because no matter where I lived I felt that Hazor is in my soul. I want to share with you my motive for joining Youth Futures in Hazor – Soon after the birth of my first child, I visited my father at his drugstore in town. I met at the counter an amazingly handsome young man, just 19 years old, named Sharon. He seemed weak and very thin, and just by looking at him I realized that he was a drug addict. My father kindly waved away his money when he tried to pay, but he refused to take his prescription without paying. I kept thinking about him for the next two days, wondering how he could have gotten to where he was, and how can he be helped. I found out that I thought too much, and done too little. He was found dead in his parents' house the next day. Sharon ‫ ז"ל‬has been the force that drives me forward to do what I can for children in Hazor and Rosh Pina, so that they will never reach the state he was in, and Youth Futures is giving me the opportunity I've waited for . If Youth Futures had found Sharon ten years ago, he might be alive and well today. After 8 months experience in the Youth Futures program, I can see the amazing change in my community – we've managed to connect all the departments and schools in the area to cooperate together for the first time – not a mean feat! – for the good of the children. I am constantly contacted by parents who want their children to participate in the program, which proves to me that we've succeeded in avoiding the negative "at-risk" image such a program may have for the children and their families. I have heard "complaints" from teachers, claiming that a formerly shy and closed child has become talkative and open, to the point of having to silence him/her in class.

Limor Palasius – Local Coordinator Ma'ale Yosef (Confrontation Line) I was born in Yaffo (Jaffa) 32 years ago, where I grew up with my Arab and Jewish friends in harmony. This became the basis for my belief, that we – as a people – should do our outmost to become true neighbors with all of Israel's minority groups – Arabs, Bedouins, Druze and Circassian (Caucasian). I joined the Noar Oved and Lomed at an early age, and it became my second home. It was there that I soaked up the values that lead me today: love of Israel, respect and tolerance for fellow humans and equality for all. After serving in the army, I was part of the founding garin of Kibbutz Ravid, where I learned that education is the best tool for making a real change in our society. I decided to move northward to the extreme periphery of Israel, where I felt my contribution to the community would be so much more significant. The Ma'ale Yosef region borders with Lebanon, and over the past decades – has been continually bombarded and suffered missile attacks. The children in the area live a life unlike any other, and have to work harder to achieve the small successes that are taken for granted in other regions in Israel. The Youth Futures program, and the position of Program Coordinator it offered became a wonderful opportunity to create new alternatives for children and teenagers in Ma'ale Yosef that have lost their faith in themselves and in Israel. The Trustees have also won the opportunity to develop themselves, as well as their children – and I feel privileged to be able to lead them on their way. We know, all of us, that it is up to us to make a difference. It is our home, our responsibility and no-one else will do it for us. Thank you for creating the platform that has set us on our way and for supporting us in our mission.

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