Yesterday I Gave Birth To A Million Senators

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  • August 2019
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  • Pages: 5
Yesterday I Gave Birth To A Million Senators

Opening credits: Telltale Pictures presents / Yesterday I Gave Birth To Millions Of Senators / Chris S / Owen D / Music by Chris S and Tony K / Written by Tony K and Chris S / Produced and Directed by Tony K -----------------------------------(I) HC to a blur of color, PAN thru out-of-focus color, slowly during some credits (from "Music By" credits). after "directed by" credit, reach ECU of skin and mouth, which slowly starts speaking and we slowly start zooming out: "This woman looks like a bunch of donuts (large, big donuts) stacked atop one another with cloth draped over them. She's got this smile. I dont' know. Like it got there without her knowing it. I'm kind of afraid you might be thinking about the Michelin Man now. No. He was made of white tires, and he was naked, and his smile was drawn by some sort of drawer. A guy who draws. He has a smile that sells tires. This woman is made of donuts. And they are all of varying sizes. Otherwise I would have said something like, uh, I don't know. Something about a cylindrical thing. Oh. The Leaning Tower of Pisa straightened out. Made of donuts.

I keep coming back to donuts. Okay. I will explain. I was there and this lady was walking away from me, and her back reminded me of big donuts stacked atop one another. Yes, I suppose if I were not wearing glasses and she were farther away and I didn't know that no one would make donuts that big and that if someone did make a donut that big it would not be wlaking around a laundromat in Omaha, Nebraska at 9:30 pm on a Saturday in October, I might think, "Yes. There is a donut. I will eat it." To hell with you. during the slow zoom out, we start to see more of the man's body, the neck and hair, the chest, keep zooming until we notice a prop in his hand that doesn't fit in at all. he stares for a few seconds. ----------------------(II) HC to outdoor scenes, elegantly photographed accompanied by music and possibly the sound of birds. about 30-60 seconds of various scenes, then, ---------------------(III) HC to still tripod shot of flourescent light in office, huimming. HC to an MS. SAYLES, an office assistant walking down hallway with a portfolio in hand, opens a door,

HC to two men sitting at opposite ends of a desk, possibly engaged in quiet small talk, both look up, INTERVIEWER stands up and takes papers, DON awkwardly almost stands up out of politeness, but sits back down quickly at the edge of his chair. assistant leaves, door slams and HC to interviewer's face, CU profile shot, zoom out until you see both upper torsos at either end of the desk. During this slow pan out this interview ensues: INTERVIEWER: So, Don, where do you see yourself in 5 years? DON: digital water, smacks grass flat. the razor poofs of roughage blocks stack like drops of juice. i am a telephone. yesterday i gave birth to millions of senators. i am Rachmaninov. HC to INTERVIEWER: (nods thoughtfully) Do you have any other technical skills besides what you have here (sifts through paper) "IBM literate, moderate knowledge of photocopying equipment..." HC to DON: "Oh, um, Penut Butter, Heavy Ladies, Eggs, Juicy Dick, uhh... Loud Shouts at Streetcorners, Holy Tomatoes, The Everignoring Present, Jiggle Poodle,... hmm... Oh! Santa Muffins, Bodies of Water, Chocolate Cola, Golden Urine, and Pickled Ocra" HC to INTERVIEWER: (slightly disappointed) 'K, I see. OK, um, says here you worked for the Gazette--were you in copy writing, or what was it they had you doing there? HC to DON: Mister sock-pants died in my arms.

HC to INTERVIEWER: Oh, Ok, great. (makes some notes for a few seconds) HC to Don, looking a little uneasy. HC to HH MS of Interviewer: OK, we have some standard tests for you to take, if you'll follow Miss Sayles into the examination room, She'll set you up, it shouldn't take longer than an hour. We'll let you know by mail in a day or two if you got the job or not. DON: My nice tits in the jungle. (they shake hands) INTERVIEWER: Good luck. DISSOLVE to establishing shot of an apartment building in Omaha. MS of Don sitting in messy apartment, having just plopped down on his couch after getting his mail, a little out of breath because he just woke up too. Pulls out a letter, opens it: HC to ECU of letter, the camera sees "We were very impressed by you during our interview, but, unfortunately, we have chosen a more experienced applicant. Thank you for your interest in Jameson Printing, INC." MS of Don standing up, looking at the letter, looking up, looking back at the letter and throwing it on the ground. Don proceeds to stomp repeatedly on the crumpled letter. Camera follows him over to the window, he stares for a couple seconds, HC to the exterior of a donut shop from

the window. Hold the shot for a few seconds, maybe someone leaves with a sack of pastries. HC to end credits: Cast (in order of appearance): Laundromat Guy: Chris S Office Assistant: Mary S Interviewer: Jessica G Don: Owen D (music credits) Produced with the help of the DVTV Television studio on the Dana College Campus in Blair, NE in December 2001. THE END

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