Combiner You are obviously some kind of combination. . a winning forest & a closing door . a prince with a mullet, a number 4 . a film spooled backwards + the chance to hold more . the tasting of wine, perhaps, a seraphim’s chore… . cold calls connected, . tortured breakfastbreakfastbreakfast
You are truly the culmination of doubts. . a space to hide theory, a good school to drop out of . the mixture of whispers & shouts . o, however and ever, we pout . is a line drawn betwixt and throughout ? . i’m the air changing shape in your mouth
. instants affected, . collecting hot blood in a basketbasketbasket CAN THE MYSTERY TONSILED TAKE SHAPE ? ARE THE BAPTISTRY WALLS SEWN TO BREAK ?? DID THE FINICKY MISTER LAY WASTE ? are the cells of your tongue made of hate Con-Sue-Ming proudly, a jump to the finish proportioned or lotioned, stars most meet unhinged . skittish . possibly three, . morelikely 2, A combination of confusion (& luck) AH, uh, anyone want the rest of my taco johns?