2001 flll1R 21 IWl 1 36
Steve Waugh Sheriff
March 1 2007
Ms. Julie Myers Assistant Secretary US Immigration and Customs Enforcement 425 1St. N.W. Room 7100 Washington, DC
Dear Assistant
I am writing to participation in the Delegation of Authority Program pursuant to Immigration Naturalizalion Act. Given our relationship witb ICE, this "'". ...,.... ...."'" us to better serve meet the needs of Yavapai Arizona.
I have been in communication with your office in ... ,."r,p
Assistant Field accordance with
of the enable
Jon Gurule I would like to
training of eight (8) Detention who meet the set forth by ICE, and background check. Our Detention Officers would perform investigations on already in our custody as a result of a valid arrest on state and local charges. to train future, if we feel it would be
In addition, we have training
Officers, as well as
at OUf location, or
Deputies in the
joint training
in the Northern Arizona, or This would allow us to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement participate with ICE in identifying criminal allens who pose a risk to County. I forward to your speedy endorsement of this request and program benefit of alL
enable us to of Yavapai forward with this
255 East Gurley Street, Prescott, Arizona 86301. (928) 771-3260 •
(928) 771-3294
~APrilllt 2001
SheriffStevo Waugh Yavapai County Sherif'rs Office 255 East Gurley St. Prescott. AZ 86301 Dear Sheriff Waugh: Thank you for your interest in the 281(8~ Pel~gation of Authority p.,,~. This letter is to notify you that theOffiee of tile A,sSi_ Secretary for U.S~ Immi_tio~and Customs
Enfo~t(ICE) ~.~ec;I ~~uest for 281(8) DlftegatWil:/ofAu\hority training for the Yavapai County stmiffs Ofti¢e~ On AprilS, 2007, the PrQamtn Mamt~r for 287(g) Delega~ of Authority at ICE Headctuarters f~ded your Ml~ for participation in the "'(g) pro~ to the Special Agent in Charge (SAC), and the Yteld Oftiee Director (FOD) for the PkdeDix AZ area of responsibility (AOR). The (SAC) and (FOO). along with a member of your staffwill need to conduct a feasibility aSsessment study. After completion, the assessment will be reviewed at ICE ~l'Sand· adetennination will be made to either ac~pt or deny your request to , participate in the program. require inf()l1m,l~ coneeming the status ofY9ur request to participate in the 870Irjjtogr'~ your loealtCB point of contaet'isOepUly ~pee.ial . ," in CI1aIJe who wi~. . . 287(g) progmm for the SAC Chicago office. DSAC can be reached _ _ you for your interest in the ICE 281(8) Dele,' ,..·~(7 Program.. (kJ ~
Unit Chief Detlenti<)n and Removal Headquarters
l T and Rtlm(fVQ1 OffICII U...,. . ...rtme:nl or Homd. .d Security 425 I Sind, NW Washington. OC' 20$36
• •
"'""'" (b_
U.S. Immigration ; and Customs ~M..o.~e'" Enforcement
April 11,2007
Sheriff Steve Waugh Yavapai County Sheriff's Office 255 East Gurley SI. Prescon, AZ 86301 Dear Sheriff Waugh:
Thank you for your interest in the 287(g) Delegation of Authority program. This letter is to notify you that the Office of the Assistant Secretary for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has received your request for 287(g) Delegation of Authority training for the Yavapai County Sheriffs Office. On April 5,2007, the Program Manager for 287(g) Delegation of Authority at ICE Headquarters forwarded yoUI' request for participation in the 287(g) program to the Special Agent in Charge (SAC), and the Field Office Director (FOD) for the Phoenix AZ area of responsibilily (AOR). The (SAC) and (FOD), along with a member of your staff will need to conduct a feasibility assessment study. After completion, the assessment will be reviewed at ICE Headquarters and a determination will be made to either accept or deny your request to participate in the program.
Should you require infonnation concerning the status of your request to participate in the 287(g) program, your local ICE point of contact isDepuly Special Agent in Charge who will oversee the 287(g) program for the SAC Chicago office. DSAC Henely can be reached at 602514-7392. Thank you for your interest in the ICE 287(g) Delegation of Authority Program.
tlf.S. ~I tUH. .~
Mt'.i5teve Waugb Sh~rlff
y tVapal County ShClift'fS' 25'5 East Gurley Street P:rescott~ AZ 863m
OCT 182007 i'Jear Mr. Waugh, This ie1ier is to notify you that JuUe L. Myers~ Assistant Secretary tor tile U.s. lle,artment of HQ~lInd Seeurity (DRS}, Immijrattoaand Customs Enfo.reement (ICE) ~roveathe r~l~ i'cu';!11f€) Delegation of Auth0tt!f.yTratt'ti~jfQrthe Yavapai CQW1ty ~Uf's ~m~. TMs ~tter alst) ~es as a l10tice of intent ~ negtJtiate a Memorandum of Agree:t:l'mnt (MDA) between me DHSflt:'E and the Yavapai Coua!y S1reviffs; Offioo. DIJS/lCE is looking torward to the partnership and the success ofthis jpittt V@1}ttIl,~. Tne 2~7tg) program has produced some very good suceesses in other lo~ti{)ns and I ~ve no doubt it wm continue to be ::.'UCcessful in Arizona. '.
The local ICE point
Asst~nt Director ~v~~~~~~
Depm1meJtj ~f f'kl~ Securit}!:
m_igration and (;hslO~ Em(}~lem and Custoxns Enforcement