2nd December 2009 Dear Parent/Carer Year 11 GCSE Trial Examinations January 2010 I write to confirm the arrangements for the Year 11 trial examinations, which will be held between Tuesday, 5th January 2010 and Tuesday, 12th January 2010. These exams provide an essential opportunity for students to familiarise themselves with the format and content of GCSE papers. A timetable is enclosed with this letter. Mock results will be made available at the Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010. There is no Study Leave for the trial examinations. Students are expected to attend school as normal throughout the period. They should attend morning registration each day and then go to line up ready for their exam, or go to their normal morning lesson if they don’t have an exam scheduled at that time. Students should wear full school uniform. Whenever they do not have an exam scheduled, they should attend lessons at the specified time on the exam timetable. Mobile phones, i-pods, MP3/4 players etc are NOT allowed in examinations under any circumstances. Students must be silent in the exam room, face the front when seated and not communicate with other students in any way. They should supply all their own equipment for the exams (black pens, pencils, calculators etc.) and bring it to the exam in a clear plastic bag or pencil case. In the run up to the exams we would ask that you monitor your son/daughter’s revision and provide a quiet area away from distractions for them to study. The results of these examinations will affect your son/daughter’s entry and predicted grades for the GCSE examinations. The results are used by the school to further identify those who require additional help and support and are the basis for offers of places in our sixth form. Finally, I would like to wish your son/daughter success in this series of examinations. This is the time of year when they should start to see their hard work paying off. Yours sincerely
A Marikar Assistant Principal Enc: Y11 GCSE Trial Examinations Timetable