Xtra West Nov 19 09

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PG. 13

More “role models,” less sex

a Cover design by Andrew Tran

Ribbon Image © 2009 Jupiterimages Corporation


pg. 7

Called a faggot and surrounded on a bus Natasha Barsotti What did the bus driver do? 7

Crown seeks hate crime designation in hammer case Natasha Barsotti But judge rules insufficient evidence 7


Is it chilly in here? Darryl Warren Vancouver’s gay community needs to be more welcoming 17

Rejecting the Gold Star standard Mette Bach The complexities of sexuality can include random acts of heterosexuality 17

Diversecity PG. 21

re you gay or lesbian? Middleaged? In a long-term, committed, even monogamous relationship? Do you believe that being gay and having gay sex don’t define you?  That you’re a human being first — and gay second? Could you care less about what the straight community thinks about you having sex with the person you love? Do you think we should be satisfied with Xtra West’s columns about 20-somethings seeking love but settling for sex; articles about kept twinks, public sex, SM, prostitution, and polygamy; reviews of gay and lesbian porn; ads for escorts, bathhouses, and phone sex? What would you think if Xtra West published more columns and articles that build up our community; that present what’s positive about being gay and lesbian; that celebrate what makes us unique; that feature role models and people of substance; that represent all segments of the community, including gay and lesbian couples? Do you believe that self-hatred is one of the biggest problems in the gay community, leading to risky, destructive, and homophobic behavior? That a newspaper like Xtra West perpetuating through its content the myth that all gays are about is sex will do little to help us with our single greatest challenge — to respect and love ourselves? Then join me in hoping that we’re heard. We deserve better than this and we know Xtra West, the most influential publication in our gay and lesbian community, can provide it. R ick M odien Maple Ridge, BC

Thanks everyone! Straight but tender Samantha Sarra Demon Voices looks at many forms of intimacy 21

Picks of the Week Cameron Herdman Kelly and the Kellygirls and moisturizer 21


Naked Eye Robin Perelle 5 Global Briefs Rex Wockner 16 From Queer to Eternity Mette Bach 17 He Said She Said 17 Loose End Ivan Coyote 18 Navigating Nellie Nelson Wong 19 Picks of the Week

Cameron Herdman 21 Cocked & Loaded Sean Horlor 23

The Giveaway 34


community guide 34


Crossen The Line John Crossen 17 The Village Ken Boesem 33 The Brotherhood Tyler Dorchester 34


Small Brown Package Prod

Angry about gaybashings


t’s possible the increase of gaybashings in the West End may be a result of more of these incidents being reported to the police or perhaps the number of incidents has increased (“Is gaybashing on the rise?” Oct 22, Issue 422). Either way, I often ask how long will this continue before some gay men and women who have finally had enough decide to get even with a violent response? It’s only a matter of time before some GLBT members want some bloody revenge. I really hope that some community leaders can act now before things get really bad.  Riots involving African-Americans who were enraged after the Rodney King verdict in which LAPD officers were acquitted or even the anti-Muslim backlashes in Spain and France after terrorist bombings are a reminder of what can happen when tension reaches the boiling point for people who feel helpless in the face of fear or let down by the system that is supposed to protect them. I would look forward to seeing some more dialogue and even community events between members of the GLBT community and those who are are identified as heterosexual so that everyone can feel welcome as a part of our society. Our communities need to heal and work for change for the betterment of society. Even then, I’m sure that bashers like the man who allegedly attacked Jordan Smith and those who murdered Aaron Webster might do well to triple-lock their doors at night and spend the rest of their lives sleeping with one eye open. L eslie B enisz Vancouver, BC

Support from the Jewish community


s a human rights and antiracism organization within the Jewish community, Canadian Jewish Congress-Pacific Region (CJC-PR) has long been concerned with the proliferation of hate and

bias crimes in British Columbia. Combating hate and bias crimes requires not only an unimpeachable legal strategy, effective law enforcement and vigilance, but also a concerted and ongoing education process whereby youth are taught the principles of tolerance and respect before they are inculcated with hatred by the perpetrators of hate and bias crimes. In her article, “Where is your anger?” (Nov 5, Issue 423), Karen X Tulchinsky stresses the importance of community solidarity and the role of law enforcement to investigate hate crimes targeting the LGTBQ community. As the Jewish community is unfortunately all too familiar with incidents of hate, we recognize the importance of working together in partnership to effectively combat the proliferation of hate and bias crimes. CJC-PR offers our support and solidarity with the LGTBQ community as we view an attack on one community as an attack on all communities. We hope that our communities can unite and work together to combat hate and bias crime in our city and province. D avid S chwartz , C hair R omy R itter , R egional D irector Canadian Jewish Congress-Pacific Region


n answer to Karen X Tulchinsky’s Homo Panic column and question “Where is Your Anger?” yes, there is anger in the gay community but the so-called “community” is too diverse and fragmented to have any real clout both vocally and politically. Gay groups are polarized and unable (or unwilling) to connect with their brothers and sisters: ie. drag queens vs bears, vs twinks, vs transgendered, vs seniors, vs “straight-acting” closet gays, vs lesbians, etc. No one relates to the other group; if there is no sexual interest, then we look at each other with disdain. The gay community is disunited by our social, sexual and lifestyle diversities. You can readily see that conflict in the letters to the editor, which often criticize your sometimes provocative and controversial covers and articles. Sadly, until there is an epochal situation or event (or person) that specifically affects and unites all segments of gay society (like Martin Luther King did to Black Americans), I believe that we will never join forces in a strong, common

voice to combat violence and homophobia. R ichard R odak North Vancouver, BC

Rebels or conformists? This past June I attended my niece’s elementary school graduation and was struck by the clear and unmistakable gender divide. I felt like I was back in the 1950s. On my way home, a very young FtM transgendered person got on the bus — one of a growing number it seems — and it struck me that in five or so years, some of the children in my niece’s class could be choosing that course. I am someone who never fit into my socially ascribed gender role and was made to feel like a freak as a result. Like many others, I rebelled against the pressure to conform. However, I am disturbed to think that if there had been a trans movement then as there is now amongst GLBT people — that sees transitioning as progressive, rebellious and kind of cool — that I might have taken that route. SD Holman observes in the Closeup on “Stealing Masculinity” (Sep 10, Issue 419) that some animals naturally change sex, but humans are not one of them. Humans have to endure invasive surgery and a shit-load of hormones. There is certainly a continuum of gender and sexuality which should be embraced and celebrated, and every one of those beautiful people should be encouraged to accept themselves as they are! As a community we should encourage young people to love themselves, to wait and to choose transitioning only as a final resort. I believe that, rather than being gender rebels, many transgender people are gender conformists to the extreme. It is the so-called “masculine” women and “effeminate” men who are our true gender rebels! K athleen B arrett Vancouver, BC

Send letters to Managing Editor, Xtra West, 501-1033 Davie St, Vancouver BC, V6E 1M7 e-mail: [email protected] Please keep letters to under 250 words and include your name, address and phone number. Xtra West reserves the right to edit for length, grammar and clarity. Deadline for next issue: Thu Nov 26

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Out In The City Day-by-Day 684.Xtra Xtra West’s


wanted to take this time to once again thank Xtra West and the Vancouver GLTB community for its support of one of my shows. Art is a difficult thing to put on. It is almost impossible without a community to support it. Thank you for the cover story (“Nggrfg,” Aug 27, Issue 418). Natasha Barsotti treated the subject matter with

respect and Sarah Race’s picture was amazing! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! B erend M c K enzie

letters nov 19, 2009 xtra! west

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